HP Latex 110 Printer
Easy, aordable access to indoor and outdoor large-format printing
Start strong with amazing image quality
• Outstanding HP Latex Technology print quality for unlimited indoor
and outdoor applications
• See sharp image quality on prints that come out completely dry for
same-day delivery—no degassing required
• Impress—with six colors of HP Latex Inks, you can produce amazing,
vivid colors and smooth transitions
• Produce professional, high-resolution prints up to 1200 x 1200
native dpi with leading HP Latex Technology
Say yes to any job up to 54 inches
• Help gain business—produce multiple applications like vinyl,
stickers, posters, canvases, and POPs—on one printer
• Deliver with condence—outdoor prints last up to 5 years laminated,
3 years unlaminated
• Help gain savings by producing quality results even on low-cost
uncoated substrates
• Access free professional solutions like HP WallArt software
Media Certication Program
For more information, please visit
Join the community, nd tools, and talk to experts.
Visit the HP Latex Knowledge Center at
and the
Easy and intuitive operation
• Experience easy operation with the support of online tools and
printing software assistance
• Simplify printer operation and save time and space with automatic
maintenance and front-loading capabilities
• Replace HP Latex Ink cartridges and printheads yourself; unplug the
printer without risk of printhead damage
• Monitor your printer—and print with condence while you’re away—
with the free HP Latex Mobile app
The HP L atex 110 Printer p roduces a n extreme ly broad ran ge of both ou tdoor and in door
appl ication s from a sing le device, w hich surp asses th e number of di erent ap plicati ons that
traditional eco-solvent printers or water-based printers can produce.
Esti mates by HP I mage Perm anence La b on a range of m edia. Scr atch-re sistance c omparis on based
on test ing HP Late x Inks and r epresent ative har d-solve nt inks. O utdoor dis play perm anence te sted
accor ding to SAE J 2527 using HP L atex Inks o n a range of me dia, incl uding HP m edia; in a ver tical
disp lay orien tation in si mulated n ominal ou tdoor disp lay condi tions for s elect hig h and low cli mates,
incl uding exp osure to di rect sunl ight and wa ter; perf ormance m ay vary as e nvironm ental cond itions
chan ge. Lamin ated displ ay perma nence usin g HP Clear Gl oss Cast Ov erlami nate. Resu lts may var y
base d on speci c media per formanc e.
Requ ires an HP Wal lArt ac count, Int ernet con nection , and conne cted Inte rnet-cap able devi ce. For
more information, see hpwallart.com.
With t he help of th e Media Cer ticati on Progra m, you can ea sily nd me dia certi ed as comp atible
with H P Latex Ink s from a wide r ange of reco gnized me dia suppl iers worl dwide. Ex plore all t he new
appl ication p ossibil ities wit h new prot po tential fo r your busi ness using c ertie d media— and
redu ce the ramp -up time as sociate d with testi ng media yo urself. Fi nd a compre hensive l ist of
all la tex compat ible medi a along with nished co lor prole s and print er settin gs at hp.com/go/
HP Lat ex Mobile i s compati ble with An droid™ 4.1.2 or l ater and iP hone mobi le digita l device s running
iOS 6 or l ater, and req uires the p rinter an d the smar t phone to be c onnecte d to the Inter net. Sup port for
HP Late x 3000 Prin ter series a nd tablet de vices ava ilable as of Se ptember, 2015.
HP Late x 110 Printer
Take advantage of third-generation HP Latex Printing Technologies
Water-based HP Latex Inks combine the best characteristics of solvent inks and water-based inks.
With HP Latex Inks, you can obtain outdoor durability and versatility across all common media types used in graphics applications, together with
high-quality, odorless prints, low maintenance, and health advantages
—even over eco-solvent inks.
HP Latex printing with the HP Latex 110 Printer can generate higher prot than eco-solvent—gain all the advantages of HP Latex printing,
including wider application versatility with a single printer and prints that come out completely dry, allowing same-day delivery. Buy at an
aordable price, and help keep your running costs low.
The HP Latex 110 Printer features a number of signicant innovations that take you beyond the limits of eco-solvent printing, creating new
opportunities to expand your business.
HP 821 Latex Inks
Take advantage of the versatile,
durable performance of HP
Latex Inks:
• Scratch resistance—you can
consider unlaminated use for
short-term signage
and reduce
reprinting due to damage from
HP Latex Optimizer
Achieve high image quality at
high speed:
• Interacts with HP Latex Inks to
rapidly immobilize pigments on
the surface of the print
HP 831 Latex Printheads
See robust and reliable quality
print to print:
• Six HP printheads provide
12,672 nozzles
• HP printhead architecture
enables consistent ink drop size
High-eiciency curing
High-speed printing with
less energy and at lower
• Prints are completely cured
and dry inside the printer
• Prints are ready for immediate
nishing and delivery
• 400-ml HP 821 Latex Ink
Cartridges are easy to replace
Base d on a compar ison of HP La tex Ink tech nology to c ompetito rs with lea ding mark et share as of D ecember, 2013 an d analysis o f publish ed MSDS/SD Ss and/or in ternal ev aluation . Perfor mance of spe cic
attributes may vary by competitor and ink technology/formulation.
Scra tch-res istance co mpariso n based on te sting HP La tex Inks an d represe ntative ha rd-solv ent inks . Estimate s by HP Imag e Permane nce Lab on a ra nge of media .
Third-generation HP Latex Printing Technologies, including HP Latex Optimizer, reduce the temperatures and energy requirements of drying and curing HP Latex Inks.