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What is CLI? ······································································································································································1
Entering the CLI ·································································································································································1
Command conventions ·····················································································································································1
Undo form of a command················································································································································2
CLI view description··························································································································································2
Entering system view················································································································································3
Exiting the current view············································································································································3
Returning to user view··············································································································································4
Using the CLI online help ·················································································································································4
Typing commands·····························································································································································5
Redisplaying input but not submitted commands··································································································8
Checking command-line errors········································································································································8
Using command history····················································································································································8
Accessing history commands ··································································································································9
Configuring the history buffer size ·························································································································9
Controlling the CLI display············································································································································ 10
Configuring a user privilege level ·······················································································································14
Switching user privilege level······························································································································· 16
Modifying the level of a command ····················································································································· 19
Saving the current configuration ·································································································································· 20
Displaying and maintaining CLI ··································································································································· 20
Login methods································································································································································· 21
User interface overview················································································································································· 22
Users and user interfaces······································································································································ 22
Numbering user interfaces ··································································································································· 22
Overview········································································································································································· 24
Logging in through the console port ····························································································································24
Configuring none authentication for console login ··························································································· 28
Configuring password authentication for console login ··················································································· 29
Configuring scheme authentication for console login ······················································································· 31
Configuring common settings for console login (optional) ··············································································· 34
Logging in through Telnet·············································································································································· 36
Configuring none authentication for Telnet login ······························································································ 38
Configuring password authentication for Telnet login ······················································································39
Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login ·························································································· 41
Configuring common settings for VTY user interfaces (optional)······································································45
Configuring the device to log in to a Telnet server as a Telnet client······························································ 46
Logging in through SSH ················································································································································ 47
Configuring the SSH server··································································································································48
Configuring the SSH client to log in to the SSH server ····················································································· 51
Logging in through modems ········································································································································· 52
Configuring none authentication for modem login···························································································· 56
Configuring password authentication for modem login···················································································· 57
Configuring scheme authentication for modem login ······················································································· 58
Configuring common settings for modem login (optional)················································································ 62
Displaying and maintaining CLI login ·························································································································64
Web login ··································································································································································66
Web login overview ······················································································································································ 66
Configuring HTTP login ················································································································································· 66
Configuring HTTPS login ··············································································································································· 67
Displaying and maintaining web login ······················································································································· 70
Web login example······················································································································································· 70
HTTP login example ·············································································································································· 70
HTTPS login example ············································································································································ 71
User login control·······················································································································································78
User login control methods ··········································································································································· 78
Configuring login control over Telnet users················································································································· 78
Configuring source IP-based login control over Telnet users ············································································ 78
Configuring source and destination IP-based login control over Telnet users ················································ 79
Configuring source MAC-based login control over Telnet users ······································································ 79
Source MAC-based login control configuration example················································································· 80
Configuring source IP-based login control over NMS users······················································································81
Configuring source IP-based login control over NMS users ············································································· 81
Source IP-based login control over NMS users configuration example ·························································· 82
Configuring source IP-based login control over web users ······················································································· 83
Configuring source IP-based login control over web users···············································································83
Logging off online web users ······························································································································· 83
Source IP-based login control over web users configuration example ···························································· 84
Introduction to FTP ················································································································································· 85
FTP operation························································································································································· 85
Configuring the FTP client ············································································································································· 86
Establishing an FTP connection···························································································································· 86
Operating the directories on an FTP server ········································································································ 87
Operating the files on an FTP server ··················································································································· 88
Using another username to log in to an FTP server ··························································································· 89
Maintaining and debugging an FTP connection································································································ 89
Terminating an FTP connection ···························································································································· 89
FTP client configuration example ························································································································· 90
Configuring the FTP server ············································································································································ 91
Configuring FTP server operating parameters···································································································· 91
Configuring authentication and authorization on the FTP server ····································································· 92
FTP server configuration example························································································································93
Displaying and maintaining FTP··································································································································· 95
Introduction to TFTP ··············································································································································· 96
TFTP operation ······················································································································································· 96
Configuring the TFTP client············································································································································ 97
Displaying and maintaining the TFTP client ················································································································ 98
TFTP client configuration example································································································································98
Displaying directory information ·······················································································································101
Displaying the current working directory··········································································································101
Changing the current working directory···········································································································101
Creating a directory············································································································································101
Removing a directory··········································································································································101
Performing file operations ···········································································································································101
Displaying file information ·································································································································102
Displaying the contents of a file·························································································································102
Renaming a file····················································································································································102
Copying a file······················································································································································102
Moving a file························································································································································102
Deleting a file·······················································································································································102
Restoring a file from the recycle bin··················································································································103
Emptying the recycle bin ····································································································································103
Performing batch operations·······································································································································103
Performing storage medium operations·····················································································································104
Managing the space of a storage medium ······································································································ 104
Setting prompt modes··················································································································································104
Example for file operations ·········································································································································104
Types of configuration ········································································································································106
Format and content of a configuration file ·······································································································106
Coexistence of multiple configuration files ·······································································································107
Startup with the configuration file······················································································································107
Saving the running configuration ·······························································································································107
Modes in saving the configuration ····················································································································107
Configuration task list ·········································································································································109
Configuring parameters for saving the running configuration ·······································································109
Enabling automatic saving of the running configuration ················································································110
Manually saving the running configuration······································································································110
Setting configuration rollback ····························································································································111
Specifying a startup configuration file to be used at the next system startup························································ 111
Backing up the startup configuration file··················································································································· 112
Deleting a startup configuration file··························································································································· 112
Restoring a startup configuration file ························································································································· 113
Displaying and maintaining a configuration file ······································································································113
Switch software overview············································································································································115
Software upgrade methods·········································································································································115
Upgrading the Boot ROM program through a system reboot·················································································116
Upgrading system software through a system reboot ······························································································117
Software upgrade by installing hotfixes ····················································································································117
Basic concepts in hotfix ······································································································································117
Configuring the device name ·····································································································································126
Changing the system time ···········································································································································126
Introduction to banners ·······································································································································130
Scheduling a job in the non-modular approach ······························································································134
Scheduling a job in the modular approach ·····································································································134
Disabling Boot ROM access ·······································································································································134
Configuring the detection timer ··································································································································135
Configuring temperature alarm thresholds (available only on the A3100 v2 EI)·················································135
Clearing idle 16-bit interface indexes ·······················································································································136
Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules·········································································································136
Automatic configuration overview······························································································································140
Typical automatic configuration network···················································································································140
How automatic configuration works ··························································································································141
Work flow of automatic configuration ··············································································································141
Using DHCP to obtain an IP address and other configuration information ··················································142
Obtaining the configuration file from the TFTP server ····················································································· 143
Executing the configuration file··························································································································145
Support and other resources ·································································································································· 146
Contacting HP ······························································································································································146
Subscription service ············································································································································146
Related information······················································································································································146
Index ········································································································································································ 149
CLI configuration
What is CLI?
The command line interface (CLI) enables you to interact with your device by typing text commands. At
the CLI, you can instruct your device to perform a given task by typing a text command and then pressing
Enter. Compared with a graphical user interface (GUI) where you can use a mouse to perform
configuration, the CLI allows you to input more information in one command line.
Figure 1 CLI example
Entering the CLI
HP devices provide multiple methods for entering the CLI, such as through the console port, through Telnet,
or through SSH. For more information, see the chapter “Logging in to the switch configuration.”
Command conventions
Command conventions help you understand command meanings. Commands in HP product manuals
comply with the conventions listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Command conventions
Convention Description
Boldface Bold text represents commands and keywords that you enter literally as shown.
ItalicItalic text represents arguments that you replace with actual values.
Convention Description
[ ]
{ x | y | ... }
[ x | y | ... ]
{ x | y | ... } *
[ x | y | ... ] *
# A line that starts with a pound (#) sign is comments.
Square brackets enclose syntax choices (keywords or arguments) that are
Braces enclose a set of required syntax choices separated by vertical bars, from
which you select one.
Square brackets enclose a set of optional syntax choices separated by vertical
bars, from which you select one or none.
Asterisk marked braces enclose a set of required syntax choices separated by
vertical bars, from which you select at least one.
Asterisk marked square brackets enclose optional syntax choices separated by
vertical bars, from which you select one choice, multiple choices, or none.
The argument or keyword and argument combination before the ampersand (&)
sign can be entered 1 to n times.
The keywords of HP command lines are case insensitive.
Figure 2 shows how to read the clock datetime time date command by using Table 1 as a reference.
Figure 2 Read command line parameters
Following this example, you can type the following command line at the CLI of your device and press
Enter to set the device system time to 10 o’clock 30 minutes 20 seconds, February 23, 2010.
<sysname> clock datetime 10:30:20 2/23/2010
More complicated commands can be understood using Table 1 as a reference.
Undo form of a command
The undo form of a command restores the default, disables a function, or removes a configuration.
Almost all configuration commands have an undo form. For example, the info-center enable command
enables the information center, and the undo info-center enable command disables the information
CLI view description
Commands are grouped into different classes by function. To use a command, you must enter the class
view of the command.
CLI views adopt a hierarchical structure. See Figure 3.
• After logging in to the switch, you are in user view. The user view prompt is <device name>. In user
view, you can perform display, debugging, and file management operations, set the system time,
restart your device, and perform FTP and Telnet operations.
• You can enter system view from user view. In system view, you can configure parameters such as
daylight saving time, banners, and short-cut keys.
• From system view, you can enter different function views. For example, enter interface view to
configure interface parameters, create a VLAN and enter its view, enter user interface view to
configure login user attributes, create a local user and enter local user view to configure the
password and level of the local user.
Enter ? in any view to display all the commands that can be executed in this view.
Figure 3 Command line views
Entering system view
When you log in to the device, you automatically enter user view, where <Device name> is displayed.
You can perform limited operations in user view, for example, display operations, file operations, and
Telnet operations. To perform further configuration on the device, enter system view.
Follow the step below to enter system view:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view
Exiting the current view
The CLI is divided into different command views. Each view has a set of specific commands and defines
the effective scope of the commands. The commands available to you at any given time depend on the
view you are in.
Available in user view
Follow the step below to exit the current view:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Return to the parent view from the
current view
• The quit command in user view stops the current connection between the terminal and the device.
• In public key code view, use the public-key-code end
view). In public key view, use the peer-public-key end command to return to system view.
Returning to user view
This feature allows you to return to user view from any other view, without using the quit command
repeatedly. You can also press Ctrl+Z to return to user view from the current view.
Follow the step below to exit to user view:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Return to user view return
Available in any view.
command to return to the parent view (public ke
Available in any view except user
Using the CLI online help
Type a question mark (?) to obtain online help. See the following examples.
1. Type ? in any view to display all commands available in this view as well as brief descriptions of
the commands. For example:
<sysname> ?
User view commands:
archive Specify archive settings
backup Backup next startup-configuration file to TFTP server
boot-loader Set boot loader
bootrom Update/read/backup/restore bootrom
cd Change current directory
2. Type part of a command and a ? separated by a space.
If ? is at the keyword position, the CLI displays all possible keywords with a brief description for each
keyword. For example:
<sysname> terminal ?
debugging Send debug information to terminal
logging Send log information to terminal
monitor Send information output to current terminal
trapping Send trap information to terminal
If ? is at the argument position, the CLI displays a description about this argument. For example:
Left arrow key or Ctrl+BThe cursor moves one character space to the left.
Right arrow key or Ctrl+FThe cursor moves one character space to the right.
If the edit buffer is not full, pressing a common key inserts the character at the
position of the cursor and moves the cursor to the right.
Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and moves the cursor back one
If you press Tab after entering part of a keyword, the system automatically
completes the keyword:
• If there is a unique match, the system substitutes the complete keyword for
the incomplete one and displays it in the next line.
• If there is more than one match, you can press Tab repeatedly to cycle
through all the keywords starting with the character string that you typed.
• If there is no match, the system does not modify the incomplete keyword
and displays it again in the next line.
Typing incomplete keywords
You can input a command comprising incomplete keywords that uniquely identify the complete
In user view, for example, commands starting with an s include startup saved-configuration and
•To enter system view, type sy.
• To set the configuration file for next startup, type st s.
You can also press Tab to have an incomplete keyword automatically completed.
Configuring command aliases
The command alias function allows you to replace the first keyword of a command with your preferred
keyword. For example, if you configure show as the replacement for the display keyword, then to execute
the display xx command, you can input the command alias show xx.
Note the following guidelines when configuring a command alias:
• You can define and use a command alias but the command is not restored in its alias format.
• When you define a command alias, the cmdkey and alias arguments must be in their complete
• When you input an incomplete keyword that partially matches both a defined alias and the
keyword of a command, the alias takes precedence. To execute the command whose keyword
partially matches your input, input the complete keyword. When you input a character string that
partially matches multiple aliases, the system gives you prompts.
• If you press Tab after you input an alias keyword, the original format of the keyword is displayed.
• You can replace only the first keyword of a non-undo command instead of the complete command.
You can replace only the second keyword of undo commands.
Follow these steps to configure command aliases:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Enable the command alias function command-alias enable
Disabled by default, which means
you cannot configure command
Not configured by default.
The Ctrl+G, Ctrl+L and Ctrl+O
hotkeys are specified at the CLI by
Display hotkeys display hotkey
Available in any view. See Table 3
for hotkeys reserved by the system.
By default, the Ctrl+G, Ctrl+L and Ctrl+O hotkeys are associated with pre-defined commands as defined
below, the Ctrl+T and Ctrl+U hotkeys are not.
• Ctrl+G corresponds to the display current-configuration command.
• Ctrl+L corresponds to the display ip routing-table command.
• Ctrl+O corresponds to the undo debugging all command.
Table 3 Hotkeys reserved by the system
Hotkey Function
Ctrl+A Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Ctrl+B Moves the cursor one character to the left.
Ctrl+C Stops performing a command.
Ctrl+D Deletes the character at the current cursor position.
Ctrl+E Moves the cursor to the end of the current line.
Ctrl+F Moves the cursor one character to the right.
Ctrl+H Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+K Terminates an outgoing connection.
Ctrl+N Displays the next command in the history command buffer.
Ctrl+P Displays the previous command in the history command buffer.
Ctrl+R Redisplays the current line information.
Ctrl+V Pastes the content in the clipboard.
Ctrl+X Deletes all characters to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+Y Deletes all characters to the right of the cursor.
Ctrl+Z Exits to user view.
Ctrl+] Terminates an incoming connection or a redirect connection.
Deletes all the characters in a continuous string to the left of the
Moves the cursor to the leading character of the continuous string to
the left.
Deletes all the characters of the continuous string at the current
cursor position and to the right of the cursor.
Moves the cursor to the front of the next continuous string to the
Moves the cursor down by one line (available before you press
Esc+P Moves the cursor up by one line (available before you press Enter)
Esc+< Specifies the cursor as the beginning of the clipboard.
Esc+> Specifies the cursor as the ending of the clipboard.
The hotkeys in Table 3 are defined by the switch. If the
that you use to interact with the switch, the hotkeys defined by the terminal software take effect.
same hotkeys are defined by the terminal software
Redisplaying input but not submitted commands
If your command input is interrupted by output system information, you can use this feature to redisplay
the commands input previously but not submitted.
Follow these steps to enable redisplaying of commands previously input but not submitted:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Enable redisplaying of input but
not submitted commands
• If you have no input at the command line prompt and the system outputs system information such as
logs, the system will not display the command line prompt after the output.
• If the system outputs system information when you are typin
confirmation), the system does not redisplay the prompt information but a line break after the output and
then display what you have typed.
info-center synchronous
Disabled by default
interactive information (not YES/NO for
• For more information about the info-center synchronous command, see the
Monitoring Configuration Guide
Checking command-line errors
If a command contains syntax errors, the CLI reports error information.
Table 4 Common command line errors
Error information Cause
% Unrecognized command found at '^' position. The command was not found.
% Incomplete command found at '^' position. Incomplete command
% Ambiguous command found at '^' position. Ambiguous command
Too many parameters Too many parameters
% Wrong parameter found at '^' position. Wrong parameters
Using command history
Network Management an
The CLI automatically saves the commands recently used in the history command buffer. You can access
these commands and execute them again.
Accessing history commands
Follow a step below to access history commands:
To do… Use the key/command… Result
Display history commands display history-command
Display the previous history
Display the next history
Up arrow key or Ctrl+P
Down arrow key or Ctrl+NDisplays the next history command, if any
Displays valid history commands you
Displays the previous history command, if
You can use arrow keys to access history commands in Windows 200X and XP Terminal or Telnet.
However, the up and down arrow keys are invalid in Windows 9X HyperTerminal, because they are
defined differently. You can use Ctrl+P or Ctrl+N instead.
• The commands saved in the history command buffer are in the same format in which you typed the
commands. If you type an incomplete command, the command saved in the history command
buffer is also incomplete.
• If you execute the same command repeatedly, the switch saves only the earliest record. However, if
you execute the same command in different formats, the system saves them as different commands.
For example, if you execute the display cu command repeatedly, the system saves only one
command in the history command buffer. If you execute the command in the format of display cu
and display current-configuration respectively, the system saves them as two separate commands.
• By default, the CLI can save up to 10 commands for each user. To set the capacity of the history
command buffer for the current user interface, use the history-command max-size command. (For
more information about the history-command max-size command, see the chapter “Logging in to
the switch commands.”
Configuring the history buffer size
Follow these steps to configure the history buffer size:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
user-interface { first-num1
Enter user interface view
Set the maximum number of
commands that can be saved in the
history buffer
For more information about the user-interface and history-command max-size commands, see the
chapter “Logging in to the switch commands.”
By default, the history buffer can
save up to 10 commands.
Controlling the CLI display
Multi-screen display
Controlling multi-screen display
If the output information spans multiple screens, each screen pauses after it is displayed. Perform one of
the following operations to proceed.
Action Function
Press SpaceDisplays the next screen.
Press EnterDisplays the next line.
Press Ctrl+CStops the display and the command execution.
Press <PageUp> Displays the previous page.
Press <PageDown> Displays the next page.
By defau lt, each screen displays up to 24 line s. To chang e the maximum number of lines d ispl ayed on the
next screen, use the screen-length command. For more information about the screen-length command,
see the chapter “Logging in to the switch commands.”
Disabling multi-screen display
You can use the following command to disable the multi-screen display function. All of the output
information will be displayed at one time and the screen will refresh continuously until the last screen is
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Disable the multi-screen display
screen-length disable
Filtering output information
By default, a login user uses the
settings of the screen-length
command. The default settings of the
screen-length command are:
multiple-screen display is enabled
and up to 24 lines are displayed on
the next screen.
This command is executed in user
view, and takes effect for the current
user only. When the user re-logs into
the switch, the default configuration
is restored.
You can use regular expressions in display commands to filter output information.
The following methods are available for filtering output information:
•Input the begin, exclude, or include keyword plus a regular expression in the display command to
filter the output information.
• When the system displays the output information in multiple screens, use /, - or + plus a regular
expression to filter subsequent output information. / equals the keyword begin, - equals the
keyword exclude, and + equals the keyword include.
The following definitions apply to the begin, exclude, and include keywords:
• begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
• exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
• include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
A regular expression is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. It supports the following special
Character Meaning Remarks
Starting sign. string appears only at
the beginning of a line.
Ending sign. string appears only at
the end of a line.
Matches any single character, such
as a single character, a special
character, and a blank.
Matches the preceding character or
character group zero or multiple
Matches the preceding character or
character group one or multiple
Matches the preceding or
succeeding character string
If it i s at th e begi nning o r the end of a
regular expression, it equals ^ or $.
In other cases, it equals comma,
space, round bracket, or curly
For example, regular expression “^user” only
matches a string beginning with “user”, not
For example, regular expression "user$” only
matches a string ending with “user”, not “userA”.
For example, “.s” matches “as” and “bs”.
For example, “zo*” matches “z” and “zoo”;
“(zo)*” matches “zo” and “zozo”.
For example, “zo+” matches “zo” and “zoo”, but
not “z”.
For example, “def|int” only matches a character
string containing “def” or “int”.
For example, “a_b” matches “a b” or “a(b”; “_ab”
only matches a line starting with “ab”; “ab_” only
matches a line ending with “ab”.
Connects two values (the smaller one
[ ]
( )
before it and the bigger one after it)
to indicate a range together with [ ].
Matches a single character
contained within the brackets.
A character group. It is usually used
with “+” or “*”.
For example, “1-9” means 1 to 9 (inclusive); “a-h”
means a to h (inclusive).
For example, [16A] matches a string containing
any character among 1, 6, and A; [1-36A] matches
a string containing any character among 1, 2, 3, 6,
and A (- is a hyphen).
“]” can be matched as a common character only
when it is put at the beginning of characters within
the brackets, for example [ ]string]. There is no such
limit on “[”.
For example, (123A) means a character group
“123A”; “408(12)+” matches 40812 or
408121212. But it does not match 408.
Character Meaning Remarks
Repeats the character string
specified by the index. A character
For example, (string)\1 repeats string, and a
matching string must contain stringstring.
(string1)(string2)\2 repeats string2, and a
matching string must contain string1string2string2.
(string1)(string2)\1\2 repeats string1 and string2
respectively, and a matching string must contain
For example, [^16A] means to match a string
containing any character except 1, 6 or A, and the
matching string can also contain 1, 6 or A, but
cannot contain these three characters only. For
example, [^16A] matches “abc” and “m16”, but
not 1, 16, or 16A.
string refers to the string within ()
before \. index refers to the
sequence number (starting from 1
from left to right) of the character
group before \. If only one character
group appears before \, index can
only be 1; if n character groups
appear before index, index can be
any integer from 1 to n.
Matches a single character not
contained within the brackets.
\W Equals \b.
Matches a character string starting
with string.
Matches a character string ending
with string.
Matches character1character2. character1 can be any character
except number, letter or underline,
and \b equals [^A-Za-z0-9_].
Matches a string containing
character, and no space is allowed
before character.
Matches character1character2. character2 must be a number, letter,
or underline, and \w equals
Escape character. If a special
character listed in this table follows
\, the specific meaning of the
character is removed.
For example, “\<do” matches word “domain” and
string “doa”.
For example, “do\>” matches word “undo” and
string “abcdo”.
For example, “\ba” matches “-a” with “-“ being
character1, and “a” being character2, but it does
not match “2a” or “ba”.
For example, “\Bt” matches “t” in “install”, but not
“t” in “big top”.
For example, “v\w” matches “vlan”, with “v” being
character1, and “l” being character2. v\w also
matches “service”, with “i” being character2.
For example, “\Wa” matches “-a”, with “-” being
character1, and “a” being character2, but does not
match “2a” or “ba”.
For example, “\\” matches a string containing “\”,
“\^” matches a string containing “^”, and “\\b”
matches a string containing “\b”.
Example of filtering output information
1. Example of using the begin keyword
# Display the configuration from the line containing “user-interface” to the last line in the current
configuration (the output information depends on the current configuration).
<Sysname> display current-configuration | begin user-interface
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0 15
authentication-mode none
user privilege level 3
2. Example of using the exclude keyword
# Display the non-direct routes in the routing table (the output depends on the current configuration).
<Sysname> display ip routing-table | exclude Direct
Routing Tables: Public
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Static 60 0 Vlan1
3. Example of using the include keyword
# Display the route entries that contain Vlan in the routing table (the output depends on the current
<Sysname> display ip routing-table | include Vlan
Routing Tables: Public
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 Vlan999
Configuring user privilege and command levels
To avoid unauthorized access, the switch defines user privilege levels and command levels. User privilege
levels correspond to command levels. When a user at a specific privilege level logs in, the user can only
use commands at that level or lower levels.
All the commands are categorized into four levels: visit, monitor, system, and manage, and are identified
from low to high, respectively by 0 through 3. Table 5 describes the command levels.
Table 5 Default command levels
Level Privilege Description
Involves commands for network diagnosis and accessing an external device.
0 Visit
1 Monitor
Command configuration at this level cannot survive a device restart. Upon device
restart, the commands at this level will be restored to the default settings.
Commands at this level include ping, tracert, telnet and ssh2.
Involves commands for system maintenance and service fault diagnosis.
Commands at this level are not allowed to be saved after being configured. After
the switch is restarted, the commands at this level will be restored to the default
Commands at this level include debugging, terminal, refresh, reset, and send.
Involves service configuration commands, such as routing configuration
2 System
commands and commands for configuring services at different network levels.
By default, commands at this level include all configuration commands except for
those at the manage level.
Level Privilege Description
Involves commands that influence the basic operation of the system and
commands for configuring system support modules.
3 Manage
By default, commands at this level involve the configuration commands of file
system, FTP, TFTP, Xmodem download, user management, level setting, and
parameter settings within a system (which are not defined by any protocols or
Configuring a user privilege level
A user privilege level can be configured by using AAA authentication parameters or under a user
Configure user privilege level by using AAA authentication parameters
If the user interface authentication mode is scheme, the user privilege level of users logging into the user
interface is specified in AAA authentication configuration.
Follow these steps to configure the user privilege level by using AAA authentication parameters:
Configure the authentication mode
for SSH users as password
For more information about SSH,
see the Security Configuration Guide.
• Use the local-user command to
create a local user and enter
local user view.
•Use the level keyword in the
command to configure the user
privilege level.
Configure the user privilege level
on the authentication server
Configure the
user privilege
level by using
Using local
Using remote
By default, the authentication
mode for VTY users is password,
and no authentication is needed
for AUX login users.
Required if users use SSH to log in,
and username and password are
needed at authentication
Use either approach
• For local authentication, if you
do not configure the user
privilege level, the user
privilege level is 0.
• For remote authentication, if
you do not configure the user
privilege level, the user
privilege level depends on the
default configuration of the
authentication server.
Example of configuring a user privilege level by using AAA authentication parameters
# You are required to authenticate the users that Telnet to the switch through VTY 1, verify their username
and password, and specify the user privilege level as 3.
When users telnet to the switch through V TY 1, they need to input username test and password 123 4 567 8.
After passing authentication, the users can only use level 0 commands. If the users want to use
commands level 0, 1, 2 and 3 commands, the following configuration is required:
Configure the user privilege level under a user interface
•If the user interface authentication mode is scheme, and SSH publickey authentication type (only a
username is needed for this authentication type) is adopted, the user privilege level of users logging
into the user interface is the user interface level.
• If the user interface authentication mode is none or password, the user privilege level of users
logging into the user interface is the user interface level.
Follow these steps to configure the user privilege level under a user interface (SSH publickey
authentication type):
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Required if the SSH login mode is
adopted, and only username is
Configure the authentication type
for SSH users as publickey
Enter system view system-view —
Enter user interface view
Configure the authentication mode
for any user that uses the current
user interface to log in to the switch
Configure the privilege level for
users that log in through the current
user interface
For more information about SSH,
see the Security Configuration Guide.
After the configuration, the
authentication mode of the
corresponding user interface must
be set to scheme.
By default, the authentication
mode for VTY users is password,
and no authentication is needed
for AUX users.
By default, the user privilege level
for users logged in through the
AUX user interface is 3, and that
for users logged in through the VTY
interfaces is 0.
Follow these steps to configure the user privilege level under a user interface (none or password
authentication mode):
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
user-interface { first-num1
Enter user interface view
Configure the authentication mode
for any user that uses the current
user interface to log in to the switch
Configure the privilege level of
users logged in through the current
user interface
[ last-num1 ] | { aux | vty }
first-num2 [ last-num2 ] }
authentication-mode { none |
password }
user privilege level level
Example of configuring a user privilege level under a user interface
# Authenticate users logged in to the switch through Telnet, verify their password, and specify their user
privilege level as 2.
By default, the authentication
mode for VTY user interfaces is
password, and no authentication is
needed for AUX login users.
By default, the user privilege level
for users logged in through the
AUX user interface is 3, and that
for users logged in through the VTY
interfaces is 0.
By default, Telnet users can use level 0 commands after passing authentication. After the configuration
above is completed, when users log in to the switch through Telnet, t hey need to input password 12 3 , and
then they can use level 0, 1, and 2 commands.
• For more information about user interfaces, see the chapter “Logging in to the switch configuration.”
more information about the user-interface, authentication-mode, and user privilege level commands,
see the chapter “Logging in to the switch commands.”
• For more information about AAA authentication, see the
information about the local-user and authorization-attribute commands, see the
• For more information about SSH, see the
Switching user privilege level
Users can switch to a different user privilege level temporarily without logging out and terminating the
current connection. After the privilege level switch, users can continue to configure the switch without the
need to logging back in, but the commands that they can execute have changed. For example, if the
current user privilege level is 3, the user can configure system parameters. After switching to user
privilege level 0, the user can only execute simple commands, like ping and tracert, and only a few
Security Configuration Guide
Security Configuration Guide
. For more
Security Command
display commands. The switching operation is effective for the current login. After the user logs back in,
the user privilege restores to the original level.
• To avoid problems, HP recommends that administrators log in to the switch by using a lower
privilege level and view switch operating parameters. To maintain the switch, administrators can
temporarily switch to a higher level.
• If the administrators need to leave or need to ask someone else to temporarily manage the switch,
they can switch to a lower privilege level to restrict the operation by others.
Setting the authentication mode for user privilege level switch
• A user can switch to a privilege level equal to or lower than the current one unconditionally and is
not required to input a password (if any).
• For security, a user i s required to input the password (if any) to switch to a higher privilege level. The
authentication falls into one of the following four categories:
local scheme
Meaning Description
The switch authenticates a user by using the privilege level switch
Local password
Remote AAA
password input by the user.
When this mode is applied, you need to set the password for
privilege level switch with the super password command.
The switch sends the username and password for privilege level
switch to the HWTACACS or RADIUS server for remote
When this mode is applied, you need to perform the following
• Configure HWTACACS or RADIUS scheme and reference the
created scheme in the ISP domain. For more information, see the
Security Configuration Guide.
• Create the corresponding user and configure password on the
Performs the local
authentication first
and then the
remote AAA
The switch authenticates a user by using the local password first. If
no local password is set, the privilege level is switched directly for
the users logged in from the AUX port, and remote AAA
authentication is performed on the users logged in from VTY user
Performs remote
AAA authentication is performed first, and if the remote
HWTACACS or RADIUS server does not respond or AAA
configuration on the switch is invalid, the local password
authentication is performed.
scheme local
authentication first
and then the local
Follow these steps to set the authentication mode for user privilege level switch:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Set the authentication mode for
user privilege level switch
super authentication-mode { local
| scheme } *
local by default.
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Required if the authentication
Configure the password for user
privilege level switch
By default, no privilege level switch
password is configured.
• If no user privilege level is specified when you configure the password for switching the user privilege
level with the super password command, the user privilege level defaults to 3.
•Specifying the simple keyword saves the password in plain text, which is less secure than specifyin
cipher keyword, which saves the password in cipher text.
• If the user logs in from the AUX user interface (the console port), the user can switch the privilege
to a higher level even if the authentication mode is local and no password
is configured.
Switching the user privilege level
Follow the step to switch the user privilege level:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Switch the user privilege level super [ level ]
When you switch the user privilege level, the information you need to provide varies with combinations
of the user interface authentication mode and the super authentication mode.
Table 6 Information input for user privilege level switch
for user privilege level switch
When logging in to the switch, a
user has a user privilege level,
which depends on user interface or
authentication user level.
Available in user view.
User interface
User privilege level
local scheme
scheme local
Information input for the
first authentication mode
Local user privilege level
switch password (configured
on the switch)
Local user privilege level
switch password
Username and password for
privilege level switch
Username and password for
privilege level switch
Information input after the
authentication mode changes
Username and password for
privilege level switch (configured
on the AAA server)
Local user privilege level switch
User interface
User privilege level
Information input for the
first authentication mode
Information input after the
authentication mode changes
Local user privilege level
switch password
Local user privilege level
switch password
Password for privilege level
switch (configured on the
AAA server). The system uses
the username used for
logging in as the privilege
level switch username.
Password for privilege level
switch (configured on the
AAA server). The system uses
the username used for
logging in as the privilege
level switch username.
Password for privilege level
switch (configured on the AAA
server). The system uses the
username used for logging in as
the privilege level switch
Local user privilege level switch
local scheme
scheme local
•When the authentication mode is set to local, configure the local password before switching to a hi
user privilege level.
• When the authentication mode is set to scheme, configure AAA related parameters before switching to
a higher user privilege level.
• The privilege level switch fails after three consecutive unsuccessful password attempts.
• For more information about user interface authentication, see the chapter “Logging in to the switch
Modifying the level of a command
All the commands in a view default to different levels. The administrator can change the default level of
a command to a different level as needed.
Follow these steps to modify the command level:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Configure the command level in a
specified view
command-privilege level level view
view command
See Table 5 for the default settings.
HP recommends that you use the default command level
of professional staff. An improper change of the command level may bring inconvenience to your
maintenance and operation, or even potential security problems.
or modify the command level under the guidance
Saving the current configuration
On the device, you can input the save command in any view to save all of the submitted and executed
commands into the configuration file. Commands saved in the configuration file can survive a reboot.
The save command does not take effect on one-time commands, such as display commands, which
display specified information, and the reset commands, which clear specified information. One-time
commands that are executed are never saved.
Displaying and maintaining CLI
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display defined command aliases
and the corresponding commands
Display the clipboard information
display command-alias [ | { begin
| exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
display clipboard [ | { begin |
exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Available in any view
Login methods
Login methods
You can log in to the switch by using the following methods.
Table 7 Login methods
Login method Default state
CLI login
Logging in
through the
console port
By default, you can log in to a device through the console port, the
authentication mode is None (no username or password required),
and the user privilege level is 3.
By default, you cannot log in to a device through Telnet. To do so, log
in to the device through the console port, and complete the following
• Enable the Telnet function.
Logging in
• Configure the IP address of the VLAN interface, and make sure that
your device and the Telnet client can reach each other (by default,
the device does not have an IP address.).
• Configure the authentication mode of VTY login users (password
by default).
• Configure the user privilege level of VTY login users (0 by default).
By default, you cannot log in to a device through SSH. To do so, log
in to the device through the console port, and complete the following
• Enable the SSH function and configure SSH attributes.
Logging in
through SSH
• Configure the IP address of the VLAN interface, and make sure that
your device and the SSH client can reach each other (by default,
your device does not have an IP address.).
• Configure the authentication mode of VTY login users as scheme
(password by default).
• Configure the user privilege level of VTY login users (0 by default).
Logging in
through modems
By default, you can log in to a device through modems. The default
user privilege level of modem login users is 3.
By default, you cannot log in to a device through web. To do so, log
in to the device through the console port, and complete the following
• Configure the IP address of the VLAN interface (by default, your
device does not have an IP address.).
Web login
• Configure a username and password for web login (not configured
by default).
• Configure the user privilege level for web login (not configured by
• Configure the Telnet service type for web login (not configured by
Login method Default state
By default, you cannot log in to a device through a network
management system (NMS). To do so, log in to the device through the
console port, and complete the following configuration:
NMS login
• Configure the IP address of the VLAN interface, and make sure the
device and the NMS can reach each other (by default, your device
does not have an IP address.).
• Configure SNMP basic parameters.
User interface overview
User interface, also called “line”, allows you to manage and monitor sessions between the terminal and
device when you log in to the device through the console port directly, or through Telnet or SSH.
One user interface corresponds to one user interface view where you can configure a set of parameters,
such as whether to authenticate users at login, whether to redirect the requests to another device, and the
user privilege level after login. When the user logs in through a user interface, the parameters set for the
user interface apply.
The system supports the following CLI configuration methods:
• Local configuration via the console port
• Local/Remote configuration through Telnet or SSH
The methods correspond to the following user interfaces.
• AUX user interface: Used to manage and monitor user that log in via the Console port. The type of
the Console port is EIA/TIA-232 DCE.
• VTY (virtual type terminal) user interface: Used to manage and monitor users that log in via VTY. A
VTY port used for Telnet or SSH access.
Users and user interfaces
Only one user can use a user interface at a time. The configuration made in a user interface view applies
to any login user. For example, if user A uses the console port to log in, the configuration in the AUX user
interface view applies to user A; i f user A logs in through VT Y 1, the configuration in VTY 1 user interface
view applies to user A.
A device can be equipped with one AUX user interface and 16 VTY user interfaces. These user interfaces
are not associated with specific users. When a user initiates a connection request, the system
automatically assigns the idle user interface with the smallest number to the user based on the login
method. During the login, the configuration in the user interface view takes effect. The user interface
varies depending on the login method and the login time.
Numbering user interfaces
User interfaces can be numbered by using absolute numbering or relative numbering.
Absolute numbering
Absolute numbering identifies a user interface or a group of different types of user interfaces. The
specified user interfaces are numbered from number 0 with a step of 1 and in the sequence of AUX, and
VTY user interfaces. You can use the display user-interface command without any parameters to view
supported user interfaces and their absolute numbers.
Relative numbering
Relative numbering allows you to specify a user interface or a group of user interfaces of a specific type.
The number format is “user interface type + number”. The following rules of relative numbering apply:
• AUX user interfaces are numbered from 0 in the ascending order, with a step of 1.
• VTY user interfaces are numbered from 0 in the ascending order, with a step of 1.
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