HP IIIP, IIP, 2000, IIID, IID Trobleshoting Manual

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Classic Printers
La.er.kt II (33440)
LaserJet ILD(3344~
LaserJ@ IIID (33459)
La.wrJetIIMUIP (33471/33481)
LaserJd III (33449)
Volume 1
April 1995
Revision 13
Tbisdoeument SmIercedes allmeviousrevisions of the LaserJet/JumboJet
‘fkoubleshoothw Guide.
The information contained in this documentis subject to change without any notice.
Nopsrtofthisdocumentmay bephotocopied,reproduced,ortramdatedtithout the prior written consent of Hewlett-PackardCompany.
­Bob Edwards, UK Response Centre
iipti 1995
Revision 13
TheClassicLaserJetTroubleshootin~ Manual
Contents Pa~e-Section 1
Introduction Othemsejidbooti, videos,etc
Paper’’Pounds(lbs)toOrams equivalencetable
PaperSkew&Registration Specifications.
TonerCarhidgeProdnctnumber& Weight
TonerCurtridgelije TonerCbrti”dgeLijeeqectamyinpages Toner(lmtridgeshelfife TonerCar&idgelotcodeordatecodedecoding
EnginetestwithFormatterPCA de-installed
SerialCables connectedtoPCsor3000/9000hosfi HP9000RJ45114Kxcablescon@wation.
Cor@qningHPLaserJetson HP3000
HP3000Tenn-T~e information
DataTfansfer Rates(Serial&Parallel)
NovellNetworks- 23I/ONotReadyTroubleshootig
The Classic LaserJet TroubIeshootinp Manual
Contents Pave - Section 2
The Classic LaserJet Troubleshooting Manual
Contents - Section 3
Booklet Organisation
Service Notes; SXEngine Re~rbishment Kits; Service Test Tool; Power Supply /Error 12 Troubleshooting Flow Diagram.
Faults with Error Nnmbers.
Miscellaneous Problems.
Print Quality Problems.
Paper Path Problem.
PostScript Problems.
Manual Paper Feed Problems. LJIIIIIID Powered Envelope Feeder Problems.
The Classic Laser.Tet Troubleshooting Manual
Contents Page - Section 4
4-11 Print Quality Problems
: 4-17 Paper Path Problems
,, ,,,
,: 4-18 Optional Paper Tray Problems
“ :’4-19
Booklet Organisation & Service Notes
Faults with Error Numbers
Miscellaneous Problems
PostScript Problems
W mauurd is designed to help CE’Sand Cd @ersrntbeir gosl ofproviding data to help quic~resolve LaserJet or JuruboJetproblems. Most oftheproblems cfied are tidts that have actually occured in the field and many ofthese may not be included m any service Lusnusl.
This book (Volume 1)ticludes allthe classic old LaserJets andthe LJ2000. These are Iistedbelow
2686A 2686D 33440 33447 33449 33459A 33471 33481 2684~D
LaserJets manufactured and introduced afierthose above will appear m latervolumes. Volume 2willrnclude LJ4, LJ4plu~ LJ131S~4S~ LJ4L, LJ4P, LJ4V, ColorLJ andthe C30 printers. This shodd be availableby May 95.
LaserJetI LaserJetLV LaserJetII LaserJetILD LaserJetIII LaserJetIID LaserJetIIP LaserJetflLP
Other UsefulBooks/Etcto Usein~oubIeshooting Process:
* HP herJet Reference Guide (Green Book). * HP LurerJetFamily Quick R#erence Service Guide (5961-071 6; Pocket Book)
* HP 2686A/2686D Combined Service Manwl (02686-90920) [1] * HP 33440& 33449 Combined Service Manual (33449-90906) fl] * HP 33447&33459 Combined Service Manual (33459-90906) 11] * HP 33471&33481 Combined Service Manual (33481-90951) Ill * HP 2684A/P/D Sewice Manual (02684-90903) II j
* Paper Specl~cation Guide (5002-1801) *Paper Specification Video (PAL 5961-0712) @TSC 5961-071 1)
[1] Note: ~ese mti maybe out ofproduction
Product Histom
r. ,,,,.,LI
~%%&i:. EB*<“vi’%is~:wik:
2686A (LJI) 1984 2686A+ (LJI+) 1985 2686D ~)
1986 Sprout-D
Sprout Sprout +
) ?2<.t y:.?~i+$j?
...........! ,,,,,,,,.!+,,,,, ,,.!
:$*&k %i!iil%:$w;
8 8 8
3 4 4
IOK 10K 15K
33440 (m) 1987 BUD 2684A/P/D (LJ2000)
33447 (LJllD)
33471 (LJIIP)
33449 (LJ131) 33459 (L.nllD) 1990
33481 (LJB3P)
1987 JumboJet
1989 Spud
m 33481A IaD 33459A m 33449A
m 33471A LBP-LX IID 33447A E 33440A
BUD-D 8 4
1990 Galaxy
Challis 4
C2007A mP-M
8 8
DP-RX mP-sx
4 12K
5 16K 5 20K
4 8K
ID(500+) 2686D LBP-CX 1+
I 2686A
2000 26 S4AtPfD
2686A+ LBP-CX
PCL Levels
AllHPLaserJetsuseHewlett-PacdcardsPrinterCommandLanguage(PCL). Wbringsall
tkeseprintersuuder a common and consiient control Stru-e whichti ensure compatibtity tiomonepriuterto snother.
mere are 5 PCL levels that exi~ at the time of assembling this book. Each higher level
supercedesthe previous leveLIffor instance aLJI were sentkigherlevel PCL commands, such astkoseused with a LJ4, tiese wotidbe ingnoredbytke LJI. Seetablebelow forPCL strutie:
Simple print& Space
Plus avari~ of fore, paper sizes &Margin controL
Plus proportional spacing, bolt italics &merged text and ~apkics.
Plus additional pornt sizes & ~efice~ down­Ioadable sofi-fonts, electronic forma & ~ading.
Plus scalable typetices, enhanced page formatting, ~-GL/2 forfkstvector grapkics printing.
Plus support for 600dpi ptiters, enhanced vector graphics improved data compression.
HP2932/34 dot matrix HP 256x impact printers
HP DeWet fkmily HP2235ARuggedwriter
HP LaserJetI+ /ID HPLaserJetII HP LaserJet 2000
HP DeskJet 1200C
LaserJet 4family
LaserJets & Paper Related Problems
Paper related problems are probably the most common fault that HP cuwomer n@-s hiweto resolve. Most customers never really consider how important paper is to nsureLaserJet printers perform we~ free of paper jams and print quality problems.
This section provides guide lines for the CE to follow ifpaper is suspected to be to be le customers problem
Note This is apaper relatedpbm such as Paperjams, creasing, , DefineProblem
ath Pbm?
eti WhhXero
80grm Premier
t~n”ng, feeding where media quality could be an issue. Does Paper meet Paper Spec ’sGuide?
Note: Although HP does not recommend a specl~c
paper, Xerox 80 (Europe Only) has beenfound to
operate very well with HP LaserJet Printers.
OK? y
Pneither warrants or recommends the use a particular paper. Media properties are subject to
snge by tie msnticturer & HP has no control over this. me customer assumes allresponsi­ties for the quality &performance of media. me customer should ensure the paper meets cc’sin paper spec guide and then test m quantity to satisfy themsehes the media operated >11m the LJ.
Note: Inform customer there w well be a p~er quality
p~oblem still, ask them to ~seXerox 80 ~pbrn -
returns, z~OK advise the use of high qualiy Laser
paper to resolveproblem.
~otc Doespaperconform topaper spec guide(5002-
1801)?It is the customers responsibili~ to ensure
paper confoms topaper spec’s. It is also their
responsibility testpaper thoroughly b~ore
purchasing inquanti~.
Note Escalation may be appropriate depending oz
the situation. If theproblems arepaper related dismss isme with your local DM &
RCE. Remember z~thepbms are causel bypoor quali~paper the ONLY course of action isfor the customer to
use high quali~ laserpaper to resolve their
CE ‘sActions if Paper Problems are Suspected:
1.Ensure aHigh QualityLaser paper istaken on site (Xerox 80 grm Premier); do NOT leave m car ovemi@t.
2. Take a copy of the paper spec guide (5002-1801) to @e to customer. Ensure your local office has a quan~ to use for this purpose. Does Paper meet Paper Spec’s Guide? Does
media come under the heading of “Papers likely to cause problems or papers to avoid”?
3, Ifpaper ia suspected use “HOWDiagram”to help isolate problem,
4. Keep customer involved at all times, explarnhow important paper is for correct operation of their printer.
5. Use HP LaserJW Reference Ouide (Knowu as Oreen Book) paper section for fiuther media
information. There is a paper suppliers list in this section that customer maywisb to try.
6. Show Paper Video to customer, inappropriate, this will help them better appreciate the
importance of paper when used in ~ LaserJet printers. (596 1-0712 PAL formst) or
(5961-071 1NTSCformat)
Factors that Contribute to paDerPath & Print C)ualitvProbIems:
*Does the media meet the Paper Spec’s outlined m Paper Spec Gnide(5002- 1801)? *Is the customers media m good contilon, damage~ bent, skew, wriukled or “Dog Eared”? *Are media haadling practices beiag observed (loading paper, removing Paper Jams)? *Has the media customer is having problem ever worked? * Is media berng conditioned before use? Media WST stabliae m a normal office
enviroammt for a minimum of 24hr.
* Check the follotig mthe printer operating entionment
- Temperature (best between 20to 24C)
- Humi@ (Beat between 45% to 55%)
- SunJightExposure.
- Clearriness
Media Likelv to tive Paner Related Drob]ems:
HP cannot stop customers using anypartiti paper, but certain paper will give more frequent paper jam or paper path problems. Some of these are:
*Paper too thin or too thick (see caliper inpaper spec ‘s)
*Extremely Shiney or Glossy media. * Recycledpaper that has not be spec ‘edfor LaserJetpn”nters. *Multi-patifom. *Media tkat is damaged, curled, wrinkled, ot of an irregrdar shape. *Papers that do not conform toA4, Letter, etc sues md may be loose or too tight in
paper trays. *Interleaving dl~ment types of *Paper withpevorations *Some coatedpapers.
*Colouredpapers *Papers too smooth or too rough (See She@eld inpaper spec ‘s) *Papers too dry or too moist *Paper with embossed headers * Two-sided or Duplex printing on a Non-Duplexpn”nter.
*Paper that ha been refed into paper tray, could befrom aphoto-copier. * Prepn”ntedPapers using low temperature inks or inti thatproduce hazardous
emissions. *Labels, transparencies or envelopes that do not meet paper spec ‘s. * tiels MUST cover entire backing sheet with NO gaps which expose adhesives to M. *Envelopes with openjlaps with adhesive exposed. *Envelopes with clasps, snaps, tie strings, windows or~nthetic maten”als *Envelopes with baggy construction orfolds that are not sha~.
Pounds to Grams EauivalenceTable
161bs= 60grtisquare meter 201bs = 75gmma/squsre meter 241bs = 90gratisquare meter 281bs = 105grams/square meter 361bs = 135@square meter
Paper Skew &Registration Specifications
The skew and registration specifications for some of the models in the HP LaserJet
Familyare@enbelow. Pleasenotethatthe LJ2000 regiater(A4 &Letter) paperfiomthelong
edge, all other W LaserJets are from the short edge. ~esefi~res assume a sheet of paper
with 4 right-angle corners.
Skew (v- z)
The skew tolerance for all HP LaserJets is
1.5mm (0.06m) along the (lefi-hand) len@,
~e. over a distance of 260mm (10.25rn)
PaDer RWstration Suetilcations Re@strationconcemsthepostilon oftext ontiepaper.
LeadingEdgeofpaper tofirst horiz. dot row thefirstverticaldot row
I 8.Omm+/- 2.Omm (x)[l]
II IID III 5.Omm+/-2.5mm
2000 6.0mm+ /- 2.5mm
[1] This is measured using a Self-Test page.
Note: The LaserJet ItP / IIP+ / IIIP and the 2000have a setice adjustment for the top
-gin (leafig edge of paper to fiat hotiontal dot row.) These can only be accessed by service personnel and ahotid only need adjustmmt when the DC Controller PCA is replaced.
4.2mm+ /- 2.5mm
4.2mm + / - 2.5mm
3.omm+/- l.omm (x) 5.Omm+/-2mm@)
(X) (X) (X)
(X) 6.Omm+/-2mm(y)
4.25rnm+ /- 2mm(y)
6.4rmn+l - 2rmn(y)
6.4mm+/- 2mm (y)
6.Omm+/- 2mm (y)
4.25mm+ /- 2mm(y)
Toner Cartridge TroubIeshootin~ Process
When Troubleshooting problema such as Print Qu~, Paper Jams or Gear Noise complaints, it is well worth considering the Toner Cartridge. In partidar ifnon-HP Toner Cartridges are use~ tkese are kuown to give a greater frequency of problems and can easily
lead to c~omer dissatisfaction.
Please note thatHP does not recommend the use of
reasons are cited rnthe HP policy statement wkich canbe found in the HP LaserJet Reference Guide (Green Book) section 5.
Wken Troubleakooting please use the flow diagram below to help decide ifthe Toner
Cartridge is the cause of the problem This can be especiallyuse~ to Call Qualifiers.
Get briefdescription
ofproblem. Deter-
mine if HP or non-
HPToner Cartridges
are used.
Determine exact
nature of problem
No*. In some circmnatauces customers may believe the toner cartridges are HP. Also in a very fw case~there are non-HP cartridge boxes designed to look like HP Toner Cartridges and deceive. ENSU~, wherepossible, customer or CE useHP Toner cartridges to diagnosepoten~”onal
toner cartridgeproblems.
Probkrms fiat Toner Cartn”dgescanpotentionally cause are:
*Paper Jams *Print Quality
-Repetitive marks acrosspage
-LineslBmds downpage
- Compression &Elongation ofcharacters.
- Ghosting images
* Gears Noises?
*Error4 1/5 1 *Error 41.5( LJ3/4Si) * Toner Dumping or leaking * Toner runs out quickly (Toner Low) * Short Toner Cartridge life *Main Motor Errors (e.g. Error 57LJ3/4Si)
Note: If problem is sbnilar to above, before embarking on
replaa”ngmajor LJ assemblies, try replacing tie Toner Car­tridge. It is quick and ea~ to replace.
non-HP Toner Cartridges. The
Note Did you itdtkdly dia~ose natnre of problem incorrectly? Revisit, determine exact problem again.
Toner Cartright Product Numbers& Weiyht
11/m) /m/lJJD
W/m+/m 92275A EP-L
I/lD 92285A EP-c
2000 [1] [2]
Note [1] Box contains WO 0.5 Kilogram bags
92295A EP-S
92282A na
[2] ThisEP Drnmhas a P/N = R44-0230-OOOCN
1375-1325gm l140-lo90gm
48.4- 46.60z 40.1- 38.40z
35.2- 33.40z
1550gm 1320grn
54.30Z 46.20z
na na
29- 27.30z
TonerCartridge Life
Tke useti expectan~ of toner cartridge Me depends on print den~ setting / Toner coverage (toner usage) imd print pages (mechanical wear). Toner coverage per page is approximately Book) section 5.
570, for more detail please refm to the HP LaserJet Refwence Guide (Green
Life Expectancy for each type ofToner Cartridge is:
HP LaserJet II / IID / III / IID
-4000 pages (92295A) HP LaserJet 11P/ IIP+/ 111P -3500 pages (92275A) HP LaserJet I / ID -3000 pages (92285A)
if unopened, approximately 2.5 years of storage; tie maximum skelfMe of an
opened cartridge is approximately 6 montks. T’kesefigures are condotiond on tke following
*Store awayfrom direct surdight or other strong lights. *Store as specl~d on the shipping box or horizontally fla~ l~out of box. *Store in normal ofice environment (i.e. a location with regulated temperature
and humidi~.
* Use the carti”dge before the expiry date (stamped on toner cartn”dgebox)
The LaserJet 2000 EP Drum has a storage Me of typically 2 year, provided the dnun is
stored at an enviromnentd speci.tication of O-35deg.C, 35-85% RH 460-760 mrnHg.
Decodintr Date Code or Lot Code of Toner Cartrid~es
Example lot code: 3D12S2
3 =year, 1993 in this case
D = montk ofmantiacture, A=J~ B=Feb, C=Mar, D=Apfi etc
12= day of montk
S1 or S2 = different production lines
PCAremoved. S@lygain accesstothe Formatterboar~ disconnect it and remove. Locatethe print enginetestbutton, power onprinter audpress~button. Tke only case whereDiviskms
advise this wiMnot work is the C3100A Coburprinter.
ptited. This can be usefi in the following circumstances
1, Thin vertical black line downpage, appurs in sameplace. The FormatterPCA is known
to cause thisproblem. Noteposition of line, remove Formatter, run engine test, has line
Formatter Errors that do not allowprinting to occur.
2, 3, Formatter; memo~SIMWs; titpulldown DCpowersupplies. Note, DCpowersupplies
on later pn”nterscan “crowbar”and remain downfor 10 to 15 minutes.
Engine Test with Formatter De-installed
Itsnot commonly known tkat impossibleto ruu the “print engine test” with the Formatter
Of course there will be no displaybut the “Trsrrdines”print of the engine test shodd be
Location of Print Engine Test button
UIPID/IIIMIID RHS, halfway along, in lower base pan, look for plate witk testprint on it.
LHS (as viewed fiomthe front) very near rear ofprinter, halfway up.
At rear ofprinter, lower rear cover door, look for access hole at top lefi.
Operators ~lay Panel @ly press button. Please note there is also
a“Video Test Button” onthe DC Controller PC~ top LHS.
Half Self-Test Procedure
In some casesit isveryuseflto Iookto see ifthe image appears on the EPDrum To do
this simply
I. Initiate ase~-test
2. ~en thepaper is approximately ka~past the EP Drum power thepn”ntw down.
3. Remove Toner Cmtndge.
4. Is expected image se~-test image on EPDrum?
How cantbishelp dis~ose a problem WeE it splits the ptit quality problem in two. It tellsthe CEthattheproblemis eithera ChsrgeCorons/roller LaserproblemoraTrder tirona/ rollerproblem Tskethe example of “BlankPages”. Ifthe “kalfself-test”is implemented andtke image aPPears on the EP Drum but not the paper, this diagoses as a transfer problem
The “HalfSelf Test” caa help m the following instances
*Fain tPtit *Bands down page *Lines down page *Bands across page (Note: timing of the power down iscrucial lo see image on drum) *Pam of image missing.
I/O Cable Information
PC Sefial Cable Product Information
922S4A Parallel 25 pin-~ 36pm-M 78 (2.13m) for moat IBM & Compatible PCs [1]
C2912B Parallel 25 piu-~ 36 pm-M 9.9fi (3.Om) for most IBM & Compatible PCs [1]
24542D ParMel 25 pin-M/ 36pin-M 6.6R (2.Om) for moat IBM & Compatible PCs [1]
17255D Serial 25 pin F/ 25 pin-M 3.9fi(l.2m) [1] 92219J 24W2G Serial 9 pin F/25 pin-M 9.9fi (3.Om)for most D3M& Compatible PCs [1]
Serial 9pm F/25 pin-M 16.7R(5.Om) [1]
92215S 92215N Phone NET or LocalTa~ Macnetwork kit [2]
Note Generally all cables connected to PCs, pins are crossed (i.e. pin 2 to pin 3
S@ DINS 6.6fi (2.Om)for Apple Mac [2]
[1] SuitableforLJH/~ /131/~ /~/ ILP+/llIP
Suitable forLJIID/lll/~ /lIP/lTP+/133P
pin 3 topin2)
In general allserialcables connected toHP3000~stems havepin-to-pins connection
(i.e.pin2 topin2 andpin3 topin3).
ATP3pid25pin: Use cables 40242X or 13242X ATP5pin/25pin: Use cables 40242P or 13242P
For 25pm connectors Male-to-Male cable is required to with 2,3& 7 wired prn-to-piu and shielded earth to pin l(connect only one end) Some ready-made cables are available and they are 92219G or 13242N.
9000 MUX RJ45 Cables
For connection from a Mukiplexor on a 9000 host with RJ45 me connection to the serial rnput of tie LaserJet shotid be wired pin to pm as follows
Hoat Printer ~45 >~>>~>>>Y25 piO RJ45 >>>>>>>>>9 pm ml 2 RDl 2
TD 3 3 CTS 4 CTS 4 RTS5 RTS5
Grd 6 7 Grd 6 5
Host Printer
TD 3
ConfigurinpHP LaserJets on HP3000
configuring the Laserjets on the 3000 use TerrnType 22@CL22 or TermType 26/
PCL26. The2686, 2684 and33440have Statusfeedbackfb.uction@ andcanbecotdigared dire~. TheLaserJets mantiactured fiertkeseproducts require an Optional J/O bosrdto be inst~ed. More dti for spectic Laserjets is listed below
LaserJet I/ID (26860) This can be connected directly to the HP3000 as the serial I/O has status feedback. Configuration is acheived via a bank of switches which are accessed by removing the rear panel (4 scrws). Switch setting are:
-X Baud rate selection
-X Baud rate selection
-X Baud rate selection
-ON (L3i+ ordy, enables ROBUSTXon)
-ON(DTRpolarityset Hi)
Note: Thestandard2686A First modelproduce~ has on@a sm”alI/O. ~e 2686A+
and the 2686D was ntanuf~tired with both Serial and Parallel I/Os.
Note: See Cabling at the end of this 3000 con$~ation section.
LaserJet II (33440\ Thisptiter ~ has status feedback built into the the I/O and can be directly connected to the HP3000. This configuration settings is acheivedtia the operators front psneL Typical settings are
SYMBOL SET = Roman-8 J/o BAUDRA~ =9600 (Defati) ROBUSTXon DTRPO~ ‘m
= ON
,,.,,, ,.:;
,*$ ;y. x$ :V$#$~ .>
*# ,:
1200 OFF ON OFF 2400 OFF ON ON 4800 ON OFF OFF 9600 ON OFF ON
19200 ON ON OW
,~;, ~~~<:*@$~$j,;; 7:;~
.,.*,. ,.,
Note see Cabling at the end of this 3000 con~guration section.
LaserJet III (33449): IID (3344n: DID {33459)
These LaserJetshasno statnsfeedbac~therefore cannot beconnectedtothe HP3000, exceptvia dummyTenuT~e 18. To connecttotheHP3000 anoptional I/Oboard (260 13A) is required to be installed iu the optional I/O port at the rear of the priuter. This board is no longer available, but ESJ/ExcelJink may ofir an alternative (see HP tierJet Ref@ence
Guide (Green book), page section 7).
Set, via front pane~ I/Oto OPTIONAL.
aserJetILP (33471), ~+(C2007), IIIP(33481)
These ptiters do not return status and do not have an optional I/O slot. ~ese laserJet,
rerntendedto be cotmected to PCs ordy.
,aserJet2000 (2684A/P/D)
Contignration ofthia printer is acheivedvia 2 banks of rocker *ches on the Formattf ~srd. ~ese are accessed throu~ a fip-down panel on the RHS of the upper section of th rinter@omttersetion).
WITCH 12- all rockers set to OPEN
WITCH 14 1
Baud Rate Selection 2 -X Baud rate seletion 3 -X Baud rate selection 4 -X Baud rate selecdon
5 -OPEN 6 -OPEN 7 -OPEN 8 -CLOSED(SelectDTRpolarity)
-CLOSED(DTRhandahake enabled)
1200 2400 011 4800 100 9600 101
19200 110
10 -OPEN
‘oteto Remember:
*HP TerrnTypesfor HP ~stems will send an ESC”E” at the be~”nningof sprint job
to reset theprinterto defardt values.
*Robust Xon MUST be enabled on all HP LaserJetprinters. *AllHP LaserJets run with 8 data bits, no pan”@.
IPE Classic&XL Matrix
001 010
[2] PhgsintoresrqrtionslVOslotsetI/Oto“OP170NAL’’onFrontPanzPJN=26013-60001
[3]~CL26isnot~potied .n~CC;wecable92219G orl3242N@inBpti2.3&7,Shieldpin 1 connct
atone end on@.
[4] TTPCL26
13242P (5pin).
cable 40242Xor 13242 (3pin), use cable 40242P or
[6]TheLJ2OOOserislVOboardheeon-bosrdsts@oheckiugPfi=02684-60010 [7]NoIonge.ravaiiable.
Data Transfer Rates
SERIALTransfer Rate
Transfer rate (Kbytes/see)
= Bad Rate
CENTRONICS Parallel~ansfer Rate
Note: The matium length of cable for Centronics nardel is 3 meters ( lM).
11 26 24
10 72
14 16 57
Novell Networks -23 I/O Not Readv
Coniiguratin TroubLeshootin~Pi’ocedure
of tie most common problems the CE will encounter when ~ LaserJets are
mnnected to Novell n-orks is” 23 1/0 NOTREADY”. On
NOT A H~WARE FAULT andthe NetworkA~ator shotidbe able to correct.
Notiythisisa co-ationprobl~ thatistheJe~ect card(Installedrn Optional I/O slot) is not reco~ed by the network. Note it is tie responsii~ of the N*ork Administrator to configure JetDirect boards into network. The foJlowing steps should be adopted to check ifthe Novell n~ork reco@es the JetDirect card
Note: Then~orkA_ator nmst have overall responsibii
and must be present dtig this procedure.
most occasions tiproblem~
Status Page
ware address
B~g up Note With NetworkAdministrator bring up HP Untility JetAdmir
No@ Press button on JetDirect car~ this is located on this
cards face-plate. See Status page on oposite page.
Note Look for I/O NOT READY(xx) on Status page. Sub error
(x) shotidbe crosreferenced. ThiswillgivereasonforUO Not Ready (i.e. 16= Not Configured).Tkis information canbe found m tke HP JetJ)irect Network ~ con.figuration guide. See Statuspage opposite.
Note Off Status page take a note oftke Mode Address (Hard-
ware address)wkich is sirnilarto this 080009171812.
~is Mode Address is unique to emh JetDirmt. See Statuspage opposite.
Go into “con6guration “menu. Bring up screen which shov alIJetDirect cards connected en the network.
Note: JfHardware address does appear get Network a~atol
to contignre on to network using JetAdmin. If not:
1.Try LaserJet on another part ofnetwork.
2. Checknetwork cabling.
3. Lastly replace JetDirect board.
\ /
XIO Status Pape
The LaserJet Confidence Test Tool
JetTest is a confidence test tool tie CE can use to quickly detetie communications
betweenthe PC andtheLaserJet. It alsoteststhe fimctionalityofthethe LaserJet. ~stest comes
on a bootable floppy disk and is very easy to use.
negates the customers application/sof~are asit isabootable disk.
*It checks communications between PC andthe LaserJet or L2000. [1]
checks tie functionality of the LaserJet (i.e. Duplex, I/P source selection, etc)
*It quickly helps CE determine if fault reported is a LaserJetproblem. *It reduces” Over-Delivery” of HP support services. *It will help to reduce the NFT rate of Formatter PCA’S. *JetTestwill not run if disk is NOT Write Protected.
Has CRC checking when disk is booting. (Virusprotection)
It is very easy to use.
Itis ve.y important to ensure a high qualiy I/F cable are used and thq are
correctly wired Use HP cable lfpossible.
Matarethe Standard Tests
RippleTest (Portrait& Landscape)
* GraphicsTest * Dotioads a Soft-Font * DuplexTesting *1/ P Bin Source Selection * PCL/PostScript Switching *PostScript Graphics t=t * Serial/ Parallel protocols (use high
quality HP I/F cables impossible)
Please note fiturevertions ofJetZ’estwill contain manymore tests, but tie aboveti alwaysbe tie “corestandard” testa.
Which Printers can this Version ofJetTest to run on?
LJI / ID (Note only ripple test has be tested)
* LJII / IID / III / IIID * LJIIP / 111P * LJ4
L IIISi / 4Si
* LJ4L
How to RUNJtiTest
1.Install the Bootable disk inA: Drive of PCA
2. Power off fie PC, then on again or CTrl, Shift &DEL Keys together 3 .Takeapprox 1 minute to BOOT-up.
4.The J~EST screen will appear,then simpIy follow to menu driven screens and choose test you wish to run, number of copies, etc.
Note: The mouse will ody work ifthe PC has serial mouse, ifnot use TAB and/or arrow keys.
How to Obtaina Covv ofJetTmt
JetTestwasproduced by Steve Oakes(UJSMauchester) and Bob Edwards (UKRC) and
has been widely diatriiuted tioughout the UK and also to mmry countries worldwide. Ifyou
need a copy please send a 3 1/2 inch HD floppy disk to Bob Edwards in the UK Birmingham
office (ext 59369) with return address and I wilIbe ~d to -d you a copy.
mat oftheFuture ofJ&Test
At this time (March 95)we arerntheprocess ofupdatingJetTestto includenewLaserJet
products. We alsorntendtorevampJetTestto allowittobe ea~updatedandto rncludeatider
choice of tests. This will probably be available by the Autumn (Fall) of this year. We will of
course update the field of prowess m this area.
Classic Printers
LaserJetI / LaserJetID
2686A /2686D
BooMet Or~anisation - Please Read
This 2686fl section has been divided into 4 parts, which areas follows:
1) Faults with Error Numbers
2) Miscellaneous Problems
3) Print Quality Problems
4) Paper Path Problems
Service Notes UD to SCDt 86
2686A-I 2686A-2 2686A-3 2686A-4 2686A-5 2686A-6 2686A-7A
2686A-8 2686A-9 2686A-10
2686ABIAU-1 2686BIAU-2 2686ABIAU-3 2686ABIAU-4 2686ABIAU-5
Print Skew. Replacement of Lasers (DC Controller Compatibility) Di;fictity Clearing Error 50. Service Mannal changes since publication. Change to Level 840606 Firmware. LaserJet Plus (Options 200 & 220) Vertical Smear. LaserJet I/F PCA Failures. Correcting Errors 20,21, 22& 40. Correct Value for R117 on Connector J107
Voltage Configuration (220/240v, 50Hz). Print Skew.
Replacement of Lasers (DC Controller Compatibility) Difficulty Clearing Error 50. Service Manual changes since publication.
2686ABIAU-6 2686~lAU-7
LaserJet Plus (Options 200 & 220)
2686AB/AU-8A V@ical Smear. ­2686AJ3/AU-9 LaserJetW PCA Failures. 2686AB/AU-10 Correcting Errors20, 21,22& 40. 2686AB/AU-l 1 CorrectValue for RI17 on ConnectorJI07.
Please note that all Paper Jams or Error 13 problems, refer to the Paper Path part
of this section of this manual.
1. Check Laser Power level (45mw).
(Long waiting) 3. Faulty Scanner unti
2. Faulty Solid State Laser.
4. Check fuses on DC PS~ain Motor PCA.
5. Replace DC PS/Main Motor PCA.
6. Replace W PCA.
ERROR 11, When Manual In this case the 2686A Plus was mistaken for a 2686A
Mode is Selected. Std, atsome time in the past the W had replacedfor (
“LC 11” Lower cassette Faulty Lower Paper Stie Switch. Replace this assy. Permanently “OUT OF PAPER” (2686D)
“ERROR 12”
2686D ERROR 12
(Andy Cassels - Aberdeen)
1. Faulty ~ PCA.
1. Caused by bad Paper cusette micro-switch
(item 36, Fig-8-17).
69004 instead of a 69005. At some time later the customer began to use Manual Mode md this fault appeared.
I. Faul~ DC Controller.
2. When lid closes not ati”vating switch in ~ Power
Interlock assy.
3. Print engine transformer.
4. Misskrg DC Voltage, replace DC Power Supply~otor Driver PCA.
The latch (FA2-5678-OOOCN)which holds down the uppermain body on the LHS had a small crackin it.
It was difficult to see the crackand printer appearsto
function correctly. On applying power it would intermittently give E~OR 12 or the printer would
not power up at all. This was caused by the motor
starting up and causing upper chassis to flex. Due to this movement (1 to 2mm), this was enough to trigger the interlock. When the interlock had operated, power is cut, motors stpped, frame returns to its correct posi tion, then power is reapplied. This scenario can thus repeat. Replace latck FA2-5678-OOOCN.
2686D ERROR 12, paper not feeding correctlyfrom both I/P trays, it “Judders”, then Error12 occurs. Also
a BLANK page is emitted
from the printer.
ERROR’s 20,21, 22& 40
ERROR 50 Hard Fault
(S= note on below)
Traced to bad “Lid Switch” ie “DOOR OPEN”.
(Loss of +24v).
Error 20 (memory overflow) and Error 21 (print
ovemm) Usually caused by software due to the
CPU~ost sent to much Data to 2686. To clear press
Error 21...The formatter cannot catch-up with print the print engine.
Error 22 (Buffer Overflow) and Error 40 (line error).,
Usually caused by system configuration problems i.e.
Baud rate, parity, 7[8 bits, Xofioff/DTR, Normal settings: Baud rate -9600
Parity - None Bits
-8 bits
H’stie - XotiXoff
‘S 20.21, 22& 40.
See Servke Note 2686A-9
Normally caused by the following in order of preference:
L The 470hm resistor on Fuser Safe@ PCA blown.
(obtain 1/4 watt local~) or HP PIN is FF1-3872-OOOCN.(See Sfl 2686A-10).
2. Fuser Saf@ PCA.
3. AC Controller PCA.(new @pe has -040CN suffm).
4. Vibration in @anspo&g the 2686 causes Fuser
Bulb to rotate glass protrusion on fuser bulb to
point towards thermistor.
5. Fuser Bulb, should read 9/10 ohms. (known to
blow at 11 ohms).
6. Faulty or Dirty Thermistor.
Z Bad connections on the Fuser Saf@ or AC
Controller PCA ‘s.
8. Repbce The in Power Module assy.
9. Faul@ DC Power SuppfyMain Motor PCA.
10. Iffaultpersists replace Fuser Safety, AC
ControUer and Trtic together.
11. Check z~2686 is conjiguredfor 240volts?
N’otc Due to error messages being retained in memory for some time afte
power down it can fool the Service CE into believing the assy just replaced did not resolve the problem. Either do one of two things:
(Continued nextpage)
-. --.-— ------- .----- -. =.- -.. .w...__=.- ,_w-.
1) Leave 2686 powered down for at least 10 minutes.
2) Alternatively, gain access to the DC Controller PCA whilst powered down and put a short across R250, near C235.
Also see Service Note~
2686N/AU-4 or 2686A-3 and 2686~/AU-11 or 2686A-10
E~OR 60 & 61.
ERRORS 63, 65& 67
Possible causes-
1. Nohey AC Mains Power Supply. The 2686A’s are
more susceptabfe to AC mains disturbances than
perhaps other equipment ConnectAC Mains
Monitor. Check quality of mains supply.
2. InstallAC Controller who’s Pm ends in -040CN Suffa
3. Replace QI Triac.
4. Checkfor AC Voltages asper below:
PS/W Motor PCA @om Transformer.
These are:- 33, 12, 21volts on J501 connetir.
5, Check z~2686 is conjiguredfor 240v.
6. Noisv AC mains, instaU mains monitor.
Z See 2686A-10 Service Note.
8. Replace DC PS~ain Motir PCA.
9. Replace DC Controller PCA.
Replace ~ PCA
Replace Laser unit
Both these errors can be wused byfaulty W PCA ‘s.
Normally caused by LT PCA.
ERROR 60, 65& 67
Cm be caused by very cold environmentsi.e
temperatures in office maybe falling very low over night. May give this problem only first thing in the morning, there on after will be OK all day.
Can be caused by atteinptkag to put to many fonts on one page
Especially Error’s 60,63 and 67 may be caused by
loose ubfing. If the cable are not securely fixed down the printer may exhibit these problems.
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