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Writing Your Own SNAplus2 Service Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383
The HP-UX SNAplus2 Administration Guide provides information on
enabling, configuring, and managing SNAplus2.
Prerequisite Knowledge
Before reading this manual, you should have a knowledge of SNA and
APPN concepts. For a list of books that provide this information, see
“Related Publications”.
About This Book
This guide explains how to enable, configure, and manage SNAplus2.
Organization of This Book
This book is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “SNA Terms and Concepts.”
Provides an overview of SNA and APPN (Advanced
Peer-to-Peer Networking) concepts.
Chapter 2, “Introduction to SNAplus2.”
Provides an overview of SNAplus2, including its
components, the resources it uses, and the user
applications that are supported by or provided with
Chapter 3, “Administering SNAplus2.”
Explains how to prepare for SNAplus2 configuration,
enable and disable the SNAplus2 software on a server,
and how to use the Motif and the command-line
administration programs.
Chapter 4, “Basic Configuration Tasks.”
Explains how to perform basic configuration tasks for
SNAplus2 servers, including configuring client/server
operations, configuring the SNA node, and configuring
message logging for SNAplus2.
Chapter 5, “Defining Connectivity Components.”
Explains how to configure connectivity for the
SNAplus2 node.
Chapter 6, “Configuring Dependent LUs.”
Explains how to configure dependent LUs (logical
units) for LU types 0–3 and LU pools.
Chapter 7, “Configuring APPC Communication.”
Explains how to configure APPC (advanced
program-to-program communications).
Chapter 8, “Configuring User Applications.”
Explains how to configure user applications.
Chapter 9, “Configuring Passthrough Services.”
Explains how to configure passthrough services, which
support communication between host systems and
local systems that are not directly connected.
Chapter 10, “Managing SNAplus2 from NetView.”
Explains how to use the SNAplus2 remote command
facility (RCF) to manage SNAplus2 and run commands
on SNAplus2 nodes from a host running NetView.
Chapter 11, “Managing SNAplus2 Clients.”
Explains how to configure and manage SNAplus2
Appendix A, “Configuration Planning Worksheets.”
Provides configuration worksheets for SNAplus2.
Appendix B, “APPN Network Management Using the Simple Network
Management Protocol.”
Provides information about the support provided by
SNAplus2 for the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP). This appendix also provides a list of
the APPN Management Information Base (MIB)
databases that SNAplus2 supports.
Appendix C, “Configuring an Invokable TP Using snaptpinstall.”
Provides information about the snappinstall utility and
how it can be used to define an invokable TP.
Appendix D, “Using SNAplus2 in a High Availability Environment.”
Describes the high availability features of SNAplus2
and how it works with the HP MC/ServiceGuard
Typographic Conventions
The typographic styles used in this document are shown in Table 1.
Table 1Typographic Conventions
Special ElementSample of Typography
Emphasized wordsback up files before deleting
Document titleHP-UX SNAplus2 Administration Guide
File or path name/usr/spool/uucp/myfile.bkp
Directory name/usr/spool/uucp/
Program or applicationsnapadmin
Parameter or Motif fieldopcode; LU name
Literal value or selection that the user
can enter (including default values)
Motif buttonStatus
Motif menuServices
Motif menu itemConfigure node parameters
User input0p1
Computer outputCLOSE
Command or HP-UX utilitydefine_node; cd
General reference to all commands of a
particular type
Option or flag-i
Variable representing a supplied valuefilename; LU_name; user_ID
Return value0; −1
3270 keyENTER
Keyboard keysCtrl+D; Enter
255; On node startup
query_* (indicates all of the
administration commands that query
details of a resource)
For UNIXThis heading is used to indicate the start of a section of text that applies
only to the HP-UX operating system.
For WindowsThis heading is used to indicate the start of a section of text that applies
to the Win32 client, which runs on the Microsoft NT (Version 3.51 or
later) and Windows 95 operating systems.
SNAplus2 also provides a Win16 client that runs on Microsoft Windows
3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. The Win16 client is very similar
to the Win32 client, except that you enable and configure the client
software differently.
The APIs for the Win32 and Win16 clients are fully compatible with
Microsoft SNA Server and Windows Open System Architecture (WOSA),
enabling applications written for SNA Server to run unchanged on the
Win32 and Win16 clients.
End of SectionThis heading indicates the end of the operating system specific text. The
information following this heading applies regardless of the operating
SNAplus2 Publications
SNAplus2 publications include user guides, administrator guides, and
programmer guides. The following sections describe the contents of each
Publications for Users
SNAplus2 provides the following user guides:
HP-UX SNAplus2 General Information
Provides an introduction to SNAplus2 and explains key
product concepts and features.
HP-UX SNAplus2 3270/3179G Users Guide
Explains how to perform the following functions when
you use 3270 emulation:
• Starting and stopping 3270 emulation
• Transferring files
• Using customization features such as remapping
your keyboard and displaying colors
• Interpreting status-line information
• Sending NetView user alerts
• Viewing response times
HP-UX SNAplus2 RJE Users Guide
Explains how to start and stop the RJE workstation,
queue a job for submission to the host, list the queued
jobs, cancel a queued job, and send commands to the
host's job entry subsystem (JES) console.
HP-UX SNAplus2 and TN3270 Glossary
Provides a comprehensive list of terms and their
definitions used in the SNAplus2 library.
Publications for Administrators
SNAplus2 provides the following administrator guides:
HP-UX SNAplus2 Installation Guide
Explains how to install the SNAplus2 software and set
up system files.
HP-UX SNAplus2 Upgrade Guide
Provides information about upgrading to the current
version of SNAplus2 from previous versions. It includes
information about converting configuration files,
rebuilding applications that use the SNAplus2
application program interfaces (APIs), and changes in
other SNAplus2 functions.
HP-UX SNAplus2 Administration Guide
Explains how to enable, configure, and manage
SNAplus2. This guide provides information about SNA
concepts, and an overview of the features provided by
SNAplus2. It describes how to configure and manage
SNAplus2 using the Motif administration program and
provides guidance for users of the SNAplus2
command-line administration program.
HP-UX SNAplus2 Administration Command Reference
Explains how to use the SNAplus2 command-line
administration program and shows the syntax of all
SNAplus2 administration commands.
HP-UX SNAplus2 Diagnostics Guide
Explains how to investigate and resolve common
problems and provides an overview of diagnostic tools,
including logging and tracing.
Publications for Programmers
SNAplus2 provides the following programmer guides. Each guide
includes conceptual and detailed reference information.
HP-UX SNAplus2 APPC Programmers Guide
Contains the information you need to write application
programs using Advanced Program-to-Program
Communication (APPC).
HP-UX SNAplus2 CPI-C Programmers Guide
Contains the information you need to write application
programs using Common Programming Interface for
Communications (CPI-C).
Contains the information you need to write application
programs using High-Level Language Application
Program Interface (HLLAPI).
HP-UX SNAplus2 LUA Programmers Guide
Contains the information you need to write
applications using the Conventional LU Application
Programming Interface (LUA).
HP-UX SNAplus2 CSV Programmers Guide
Contains the information you need to write application
programs using the Common Service Verbs (CSV)
application program interface (API).
HP-UX SNAplus2 MS Programmers Guide
Contains the information you need to write
applications using the Management Services (MS) API.
HP-UX SNAplus2 NOF Programmers Guide
Contains the information you need to write
applications using the Node Operator Facility (NOF)
Related Publications
For information about SNA, APPN, or LU 6.2 architecture, refer to the
following IBM documents:
• IBM APPN Architecture and Product Implementations Tutorial,
• IBM AS/400 Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, GG24-3287
• IBM eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2:
• APPC Programming Guide and Reference, SC31-6160
• System Management Programming Reference, SC31-6173
• IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000
• IBM Systems Network Architecture:
• LU 6.2 Reference—Peer Protocols, SC31-6808
• APPN Architecture Reference, SC30-3422.
• Management Services, SC30-3346
• Formats, GA27-3136
• Technical Overview, GC30-3073
1SNA Terms and Concepts
SNA Terms and Concepts
This chapter defines Systems Network Architecture (SNA) terms and
concepts that are important to understanding and using SNAplus2. For
information about SNAplus2 and its capabilities, see Chapter 2,
“Introduction to SNAplus2.”
If you are already familiar with SNA and SNAplus2, you can begin with
Chapter 3, “Administering SNAplus2.”
This chapter is divided into the following parts:
• “Systems Network Architecture” provides a definition of SNA.
• “Basic SNA Concepts” explains terms and concepts that apply to any
SNA network.
• “Basic APPN Concepts” explains terms and concepts that apply only
to SNA networks that support Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
• “Basic APPN Concepts” introduces terms and concepts that apply to
networks that combine SNA and APPN.
NOTEThis chapter is not intended as a complete reference to SNA concepts.
Detailed information about SNA can be found in the SNA publications
listed in “Related Publications”.
24Chapter 1
SNA Terms and Concepts
Systems Network Architecture
Systems Network Architecture
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is an IBM data communication
architecture that specifies common conventions for communicating
among a wide variety of hardware and software data communication
products. This architecture consists of two kinds of definitions: formats
that define the layout of messages exchanged by network components,
and protocols that define the actions that network components take in
response to messages.
An SNA network is a collection of computers that are linked together and
communicate using SNA.
Originally, SNA was designed to enable communications with a host
computer . Each network or sub-network w as controlled by the host; other
computers communicated directly with the host, but not with each other.
This older , host-controlled style of network is often referred to as subarea
SNA. SNA has since developed to support direct peer-to-peer
communications between computers in the network, without requiring a
host. This newer, peer-level networking is APPN.
Many SNA networks have elements of both subarea and peer-to-peer
networking. As networks migrate from subarea SNA to APPN, an
APPN-capable host may act to control older systems while also acting as
a peer to newer systems. Similarly, a single computer may access both
peer computers (in an APPN network) and an older host; its
communications with the host are controlled by the host, but its
communications with other computers are peer-to-peer and do not
involve the host.
Chapter 125
SNA Terms and Concepts
Basic SNA Concepts
Basic SNA Concepts
SNA defines the standards, protocols, and functions used by
devices—from mainframes to terminals—to enable them to communicate
with each other in SNA networks.
SNA functions are divided into a hierarchical structure of separate
layers, each performing a specific set of functions. This division of
network functions into layers enables network devices to share
information and processing resources without having detailed
information about each device on the network. A user at a workstation
can communicate with another user without knowing anything about the
physical devices on the network or the connections between those
Network Types
SNA supports the following types of networks:
• A subarea network is a hierarchically organized network consisting of
subarea nodes and peripheral nodes. Subarea nodes, such as hosts
and communication controllers, handle general network routing.
Peripheral nodes, such as terminals, attach to the network without
awareness of general network routing.
• A peer network is a cooperatively organized network consisting of
peer nodes that all participate in general network routing.
• A mixed network is a network that supports both host-controlled
communications and peer communications.
NOTEHP-UX workstations running SNAplus2 can be part of a subarea
network, a peer network, or both.
SNA Nodes
In SNA networks, a node is a system, workstation, or other device—with
associated software components—that implements SNA protocols and
has at least one communication path to another node in the network.
26Chapter 1
SNA Terms and Concepts
Basic SNA Concepts
Each node manages its end of the network communication paths, and
uses SNA protocols to communicate with the node at the other end of
each path.
Because subarea networks and peer networks define the relationships
among nodes differently, they also use different terms for node types (to
describe the roles that nodes play in the network).
Node Types in a Subarea Network
SNA subarea networks support the following node types:
• Subarea nodes control communication and network resources for all
attached nodes. SNA classifies subarea nodes according to their
capabilities and the amount of control they have over other nodes:
• Type 5 nodes provide SNA functions that control network
resources, support transaction programs, support network
operators, and provide end-user services. Because these functions
are often provided by host processors, type 5 nodes are also known
as host nodes. The devices and resources controlled by a type 5
subarea node constitute the domain of that node.
• Type 4 nodes provide SNA functions that route and control the
flow of data in a part of the network. Because these functions are
often provided by communication controllers, type 4 nodes are also
known as communication controller nodes.
• Peripheral nodes serve subordinate roles in subarea networks. For
example, a peripheral node can support 3270 emulation or dependent
LU 6.2 communication. Peripheral nodes are devices such as
distributed processors, cluster controllers, or workstations; they are
also classified into type 2.0 and type 2.1 nodes:
• Type 2.0 nodes are always controlled by a type 4 or 5 node. They
cannot establish communication with other nodes without the
participation of a type 4 or 5 node. Type 2.0 nodes are referred to
as dependent nodes.
• Type 2.1 nodes can act as dependent nodes, but they can also
communicate directly with other type 2.1 nodes.
NOTEHP-UX workstations running SNAplus2 can function as type 2.1 or type
2.0 nodes.
Chapter 127
SNA Terms and Concepts
Basic SNA Concepts
A type 4 or 5 subarea node to which a peripheral node is attached acts as
a boundary node. It performs a boundary function by translating
between the network addresses used by a subarea node and the local
addresses used by a peripheral node.
A simple subarea network includes the following components:
A host is a mainframe computer compatible with the
original IBM System/370. A host is a type 5 node.
Communication controller
A communication controller, also known as a front-end
processor (FEP), is a separate processor attached to the
host. It manages the host's communications with other
Communications link
A communications link connects the host site with an
end-user site. The users are usually on a separate site
from the host, so the two sites need to be connected by
a communications link.
Terminal controller
At the remote end of the communications link is a
terminal controller, also known as a cluster controller.
It is responsible for controlling the use of the link, and
routes data to the terminals. The most well-known
IBM terminal controllers are the 3174 and 3274.
Users run host applications or submit work to the host
from terminals. The best-known IBM terminal is the
3270. A terminal can be connected through a terminal
controller or directly connected to a communication
Printers such as the IBM 3287 can also be attached to
the terminal controller. They can receive output from
the host.
As shown in Figure 1-1, “SNA Subarea Network,” a diagram of a subarea
network looks like an inverted tree.
28Chapter 1
Figure 1-1SNA Subarea Network
SNA Terms and Concepts
Basic SNA Concepts
The root of the tree (at the top of the diagram) is the computer
controlling the network. The branches are the communications links
from the host to the other computers in the network (terminal
controllers); the leaves (at the bottom of the diagram) are the terminals
or printers attached to these computers, which are accessed by users.
The traditional subarea SNA set-up described here enables the users to
use the resources of a single host system. The terminals provide only
simple data entry and display functions to and from the terminal
controller; the terminal controller is responsible for handling SNA
communications between the terminals and the host.
The terminal controller and its terminals can be replaced by an SNA
node using a product such as SNAplus2. From the host's point of view,
the node appears as a terminal controller. However, it provides the users
with additional functions, such as the ability to access more than one
host system and facilities for customizing screen displays. In addition,
SNAplus2 runs on HP-UX computers that can also be used for other
tasks not related to SNA (unlike the terminal controller, which is used
solely for communications with the host).
Chapter 129
SNA Terms and Concepts
Basic SNA Concepts
Node Types in a Peer Network
Peer networks do not classify nodes hierarchically, as is done in a
subarea network. Exchanges with other nodes are not controlled by a
host or other centralized processor. Instead, any node can establish
communication with any other node.
A peer network is composed of type 2.1 nodes. The nodes in a peer
network can serve the following roles:
• APPN network nodes (NNs) identify the locations of network
resources, determine routes for sessions between these resources,
route sessions, and serve end nodes (EN) and low-entry networking
(LEN) nodes directly attached to the network node. The domain of an
APPN network node consists of itself and any end nodes for which it
provides network services.
• APPN end nodes can access remote resources without requiring that
those resources be configured on the end node. An end node can
communicate with adjacent nodes on its own, but requires the
services of a network node server to access nonadjacent nodes. The
domain of an APPN end node includes only itself.
• Low-entry networking nodes (LEN nodes) are type 2.1 nodes that do
not support APPN functions. They can communicate with adjacent
nodes in an APPN network, but do not participate in the APPN
network. In a LEN node, all potential sessions with remote LUs must
be predefined, either specifically or through a single default entry
indicating that all remote LUs reside in an adjacent network node
that can be accessed using a certain link. The domain of a LEN node
includes only itself.
For more information about peer-oriented node types, see “APPN Node
For two nodes to communicate, each node must have a combination of
hardware and software that supports data flow between the nodes. The
hardware component consists of an adapter at each node and the
transmission medium that connects the two adapters. The software
component provides control of the hardware and the data exchanged over
30Chapter 1
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