T-13/4 (5 mm), T-1 (3 mm),
5 Volt, 12 Volt, Integrated
Resistor LED Lamps
Technical Data
• Integral Current Limiting
• TTL Compatible
Requires no External Current
Limiter with 5 Volt/12 Volt
• Cost Effective
Saves Space and Resistor Cost
• Wide Viewing Angle
• Available in All Colors
Red, High Efficiency Red,
Yellow, and High Performance
Green in T-1 and
T-13/4 Packages
The 5 volt and 12 volt series
lamps contain an integral current
limiting resistor in series with the
LED. This allows the lamp to be
driven from a 5 volt/12 volt
source without an external
current limiter. The red LEDs are
made from GaAsP on a GaAs
substrate. The High Efficiency
Red and Yellow devices use
GaAsP on a GaP substrate.
The green devices use GaP on a
GaP substrate. The diffused lamps
provide a wide off-axis viewing
HLMP-1600, HLMP-1601
HLMP-1620, HLMP-1621
HLMP-1640, HLMP-1641
HLMP-3600, HLMP-3601
HLMP-3650, HLMP-3651
HLMP-3680, HLMP-3681
The T-13/4 lamps are provided
with sturdy leads suitable for wire
wrap applications. The T-13/4
lamps may be front panel
mounted by using the HLMP-0103
clip and ring.
Package Dimensions
Figure A. T-1 Package. Figure B. T-13/4 Package.

Selection Guide
Part Iv mcd
Number Operating Package
Color HLMP- Package Voltage Min. Typ. 2θ1/2
High 1600 T-1 Tinted Diffused 5 2.1 8.0 60° A
1601 12
3600 T-13/4 Tinted Diffused 5 60° B
3601 12
Yellow 1620 T-1 Tinted Diffused 5 2.2 8.0 60° A
1621 12
3650 T-13/4 Tinted Diffused 5 60° B
3651 12
High 1640 T-1 Tinted Diffused 5 1.6 8.0 60° A
1641 12
3680 T-13/4 Tinted Diffused 5 60° B
3681 12
1. θ
is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is 1/2 the axial luminous intensity.
Absolute Maximum Ratings at T
= 25°C
Red/HER/ Red/HER/
Yellow Yellow Green Green
5 Volt Lamps 12 Volt Lamps 5 Volt Lamps 12 Volt Lamps
DC Forward Voltage (TA = 25° C) 7.5 Volts
15 Volts
7.5 Volts
15 Volts
Reverse Voltage (IR = 100 µA) 5 Volts 5 Volts 5 Volts 5 Volts
Operating Temperature Range -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -20°C to 85°C -20°C to 85°C
Storage Temperature Range -55°C to 100°C -55°C to 100°C -55°C to 100°C -55°C to 100°C
Lead Soldering Temperature 260°C for 5 seconds
2. Derate from TA = 50°C at 0.071 V/°C, see Figure 3.
3. Derate from TA = 50°C at 0.086 V/°C, see Figure 4.