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ARP message format ································································································································· 1
ARP operating mechanism ························································································································ 1
ARP table ··················································································································································· 2
Configuring a static ARP entry ··························································································································· 3
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for a device ·································································· 4
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for an interface ···························································· 4
Setting the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries ······························································································· 5
Enabling dynamic ARP entry check ··················································································································· 5
Enabling ARP logging ········································································································································ 5
Displaying and maintaining ARP ························································································································ 6
Configuration examples ····································································································································· 7
Long static ARP entry configuration example ···························································································· 7
Short static ARP entry configuration example ···························································································· 8
Verifying the configuration ························································································································ 14
Verifying the configuration ························································································································ 19
Verifying the configuration ························································································································ 22
Configuring ARP direct route advertisement ················································· 23
IP address classes ··································································································································· 24
Special IP addresses ······························································································································· 25
Subnetting and masking ··························································································································· 25
Assigning an IP address to an interface ·········································································································· 25
DHCP address pool ································································································································· 37
IP address allocation sequence ··············································································································· 39
DHCP server configuration task list ················································································································· 39
Configuring an address pool on the DHCP server ··························································································· 40
Configuration task list ······························································································································· 40
Creating a DHCP address pool ················································································································ 40
Specifying IP address ranges for a DHCP address pool ········································································· 40
Specifying gateways for DHCP clients ····································································································· 43
Specifying a domain name suffix for DHCP clients ·················································································· 44
Specifying DNS servers for DHCP clients ································································································ 44
Specifying WINS servers and NetBIOS node type for DHCP clients ······················································· 44
Specifying BIMS server for DHCP clients ································································································ 45
Specifying the configuration file for DHCP client auto-configuration ························································ 45
Specifying a server for DHCP clients ······································································································· 46
Configuring Option 184 parameters for DHCP clients ············································································· 46
Configuring the DHCP user class whitelist ······························································································· 48
Enabling DHCP ················································································································································ 49
Enabling the DHCP server on an interface ······································································································ 49
Applying an address pool on an interface ········································································································ 49
Configuring IP address conflict detection ········································································································· 50
Enabling handling of Option 82 ························································································································ 50
Configuring DHCP server compatibility ············································································································ 51
Configuring the DHCP server to broadcast all responses ········································································ 51
Configure the DHCP server to ignore BOOTP requests ·········································································· 51
Configuring the DHCP server to send BOOTP responses in RFC 1048 format ······································ 52
Setting the DSCP value for DHCP packets sent by the DHCP server ····························································· 52
Configuring DHCP binding auto backup ·········································································································· 52
Configuring address pool usage alarming ······································································································· 53
Binding gateways to a common MAC address ································································································ 53
Advertising subnets assigned to clients ··········································································································· 54
Applying a DHCP address pool to a VPN instance ·························································································· 55
Enabling client offline detection on the DHCP server ······················································································ 55
Configuring DHCP logging on the DHCP server ······························································································ 56
Displaying and maintaining the DHCP server ·································································································· 56
DHCP server configuration examples ·············································································································· 57
Static IP address assignment configuration example ·············································································· 57
Dynamic IP address assignment configuration example ········································································· 58
DHCP user class configuration example ·································································································· 60
DHCP user class whitelist configuration example ···················································································· 61
Primary and secondary subnets configuration example ·········································································· 62
DHCP option customization configuration example ················································································· 63
Troubleshooting DHCP server configuration ··································································································· 65
DHCP relay agent support for Option 82 ································································································· 67
DHCP relay agent configuration task list ········································································································· 67
Enabling DHCP ················································································································································ 68
Enabling the DHCP relay agent on an interface ······························································································ 68
Specifying DHCP servers on a relay agent ······································································································ 68
Configuring the DHCP relay agent security functions ······················································································ 69
Enabling the DHCP relay agent to record relay entries ··········································································· 69
Enabling periodic refresh of dynamic relay entries ·················································································· 69
Enabling DHCP starvation attack protection ···························································································· 70
Configuring the DHCP relay agent to release an IP address ··········································································· 71
Configuring Option 82 ······································································································································ 71
Setting the DSCP value for DHCP packets sent by the DHCP relay agent ····················································· 72
Enabling DHCP server proxy on a DHCP relay agent ····················································································· 72
Configuring a DHCP relay address pool ·········································································································· 73
Specifying a gateway address for DHCP clients ······························································································ 74
Enabling client offline detection on the DHCP relay agent ·············································································· 74
Specifying the source address and gateway address in DHCP requests ························································ 74
Displaying and maintaining the DHCP relay agent ·························································································· 75
DHCP relay agent configuration examples ······································································································ 75
DHCP relay agent configuration example ································································································ 75
Configuring the DHCP client ········································································· 78
Enabling the DHCP client on an interface ········································································································ 78
Configuring a DHCP client ID for an interface ································································································· 78
Enabling duplicated address detection ············································································································ 79
Setting the DSCP value for DHCP packets sent by the DHCP client ······························································ 79
Displaying and maintaining the DHCP client ··································································································· 79
DHCP client configuration example ················································································································· 80
Verifying the configuration ························································································································ 81
Application of trusted and untrusted ports ································································································ 84
DHCP snooping support for Option 82 ····································································································· 85
Command and hardware compatibility ············································································································· 85
DHCP snooping configuration task list ············································································································· 85
Configuring basic DHCP snooping ·················································································································· 86
Configuring Option 82 ······································································································································ 86
Configuring DHCP snooping entry auto backup ······························································································ 87
Enabling DHCP starvation attack protection ···································································································· 88
Enabling DHCP-REQUEST attack protection ·································································································· 89
Setting the maximum number of DHCP snooping entries ··············································································· 89
Displaying and maintaining DHCP snooping ··································································································· 90
DHCP snooping configuration examples ········································································································· 90
Basic DHCP snooping configuration example ························································································· 90
Option 82 configuration example ············································································································· 91
Configuring the BOOTP client ······································································· 93
BOOTP application ·········································································································································· 93
Obtaining an IP address dynamically ··············································································································· 93
Protocols and standards ·································································································································· 93
Configuring an interface to use BOOTP for IP address acquisition ································································· 93
Displaying and maintaining BOOTP client ······································································································· 94
BOOTP client configuration example ··············································································································· 94
Verifying the configuration ························································································································ 94
Configuring DNS ··························································································· 95
Static domain name resolution ················································································································· 95
Dynamic domain name resolution ············································································································ 95
DNS proxy ················································································································································ 96
DNS spoofing ··········································································································································· 97
DNS configuration task list ······························································································································· 98
Configuring the IPv4 DNS client ······················································································································ 98
Configuring static domain name resolution ······························································································ 98
Configuring dynamic domain name resolution ························································································· 99
Configuring the IPv6 DNS client ······················································································································ 99
Configuring static domain name resolution ······························································································ 99
Configuring dynamic domain name resolution ······················································································· 100
Configuring the DNS proxy ···························································································································· 101
Configuring DNS spoofing ····························································································································· 101
Configuring network mode tracking for an output interface ··········································································· 102
Specifying the source interface for DNS packets ··························································································· 102
Configuring the DNS trusted interface ··········································································································· 103
Setting the DSCP value for outgoing DNS packets ······················································································· 103
Displaying and maintaining IPv4 DNS ··········································································································· 103
IPv4 DNS configuration examples ················································································································· 104
Static domain name resolution configuration example ··········································································· 104
Dynamic domain name resolution configuration example ······································································ 105
DNS proxy configuration example ·········································································································· 107
IPv6 DNS configuration examples ················································································································· 108
Static domain name resolution configuration example ··········································································· 108
Dynamic domain name resolution configuration example ······································································ 109
DNS proxy configuration example ·········································································································· 114
Troubleshooting IPv4 DNS configuration ······································································································· 115
NAT Server ············································································································································ 125
NO-PAT entry ········································································································································· 127
Using NAT with other features ······················································································································· 127
Command and hardware compatibility ··········································································································· 175
Configuring per-packet or per-flow load sharing ···························································································· 175
Configuring load sharing based on bandwidth ······························································································· 176
Configuring fast forwarding ········································································· 177
Overview ························································································································································ 177
Command and hardware compatibility ··········································································································· 177
Configuring the aging time for fast forwarding entries ··················································································· 177
Configuring fast forwarding load sharing ······································································································· 177
Displaying and maintaining fast forwarding ··································································································· 178
Verifying the configuration ······················································································································ 185
Optimizing IP performance ········································································· 186
Command and hardware compatibility ··········································································································· 186
Enabling an interface to receive and forward directed broadcasts destined for the directly connected network
IPv6 features ·········································································································································· 202
Setting the hop limit ································································································································ 216
Configuring parameters for RA messages ····························································································· 216
Configuring the maximum number of attempts to send an NS message for DAD ································· 218
Configuring network parameters in a DHCPv6 address pool ································································· 246
Configuring network parameters in a DHCPv6 option group ································································· 247
Configuring the DHCPv6 server on an interface ···························································································· 247
Configuration procedure ························································································································· 248
Setting the DSCP value for DHCPv6 packets sent by the DHCPv6 server ··················································· 248
Configuring DHCPv6 binding auto backup ···································································································· 248
Advertising subnets assigned to clients ········································································································· 249
Applying a DHCPv6 address pool to a VPN instance ···················································································· 250
Configuring DHCPv6 logging on the DHCPv6 server ···················································································· 250
Displaying and maintaining the DHCPv6 server ···························································································· 251
DHCPv6 server configuration examples ········································································································ 252
Dynamic IPv6 address assignment configuration example ···································································· 254
Configuring the DHCPv6 relay agent ·························································· 257
Overview ························································································································································ 257
DHCPv6 relay agent configuration task list ···································································································· 258
Enabling the DHCPv6 relay agent on an interface ························································································ 258
Specifying DHCPv6 servers on the relay agent ····························································································· 258
Setting the DSCP value for DHCPv6 packets sent by the DHCPv6 relay agent ··········································· 259
Specifying a padding mode for the Interface-ID option ·················································································· 259
Configuring a DHCPv6 relay address pool ···································································································· 260
Specifying a gateway address for DHCPv6 clients ························································································ 260
Displaying and maintaining the DHCPv6 relay agent ···················································································· 261
DHCPv6 relay agent configuration example ·································································································· 261
Application of trusted and untrusted ports ······························································································ 274
Command and hardware compatibility ··········································································································· 275
Implementation of Option 18 and Option 37 ·································································································· 275
Option 18 for DHCPv6 snooping ············································································································ 275
DHCPv6 snooping support for Option 37 ······························································································· 276
DHCPv6 snooping configuration task list ······································································································· 276
Configuring basic DHCPv6 snooping ············································································································· 277
Configuring Option 18 and Option 37 ············································································································ 277
Configuring DHCPv6 snooping entry auto backup ························································································ 278
Setting the maximum number of DHCPv6 snooping entries ·········································································· 279
Enabling DHCPv6-REQUEST check ············································································································· 279
Displaying and maintaining DHCPv6 snooping ····························································································· 280
DHCPv6 snooping configuration example ····································································································· 280
Verifying the configuration ······················································································································ 281
Configuring IPv6 fast forwarding ································································· 282
Overview ························································································································································ 282
Compatibility information ································································································································ 282
Command and hardware compatibility ··································································································· 282
Configuring the aging time for IPv6 fast forwarding entries ··········································································· 282
Configuring IPv6 fast forwarding load sharing ······························································································· 283
Displaying and maintaining IPv6 fast forwarding ··························································································· 283
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling ························································································································ 284
IPv4 over IPv4 tunneling ························································································································ 286
IPv4 over IPv6 tunneling ························································································································ 287
IPv6 over IPv6 tunneling ························································································································ 291
Protocols and standards ························································································································ 291
Compatibility information ································································································································ 292
Feature and hardware compatibility ······································································································· 292
Command and hardware compatibility ··································································································· 292
Tunneling configuration task list ····················································································································· 292
Configuring a tunnel interface ························································································································ 292
Configuring an IPv6 over IPv4 manual tunnel ································································································ 294
Configuration example ··························································································································· 295
Configuring an automatic IPv4-compatible IPv6 tunnel ················································································· 297
Configuration example ··························································································································· 297
Configuring a 6to4 tunnel ······························································································································· 298
6to4 tunnel configuration example ········································································································· 299
6to4 relay configuration example ··········································································································· 301
Configuring an ISATAP tunnel ······················································································································· 303
Configuration example ··························································································································· 304
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv4 tunnel ············································································································ 306
Configuration example ··························································································································· 307
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv6 manual tunnel ································································································ 308
Configuration example ··························································································································· 309
Configuring a DS-Lite tunnel ·························································································································· 311
Configuration example ··························································································································· 312
Configuring an IPv6 over IPv6 tunnel ············································································································ 314
Configuration example ··························································································································· 315
Displaying and maintaining tunneling configuration ······················································································· 316
Troubleshooting tunneling configuration ········································································································ 317
Configuration procedure ························································································································· 324
Displaying and maintaining GRE ··················································································································· 325
GRE configuration examples ························································································································· 326
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv4 GRE tunnel ···························································································· 326
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv6 GRE tunnel ···························································································· 328
Troubleshooting GRE ···································································································································· 330
Specifying an ADVPN domain for a VAM client ····················································································· 343
Configuring a pre-shared key for a VAM client ······················································································ 344
Setting the retry timer and retry times for a VAM client ·········································································· 344
Setting the dumb timer for a VAM client ································································································· 344
Configuring a username and password for a VAM client ······································································· 345
Configuring an ADVPN tunnel interface ········································································································· 345
Configuring routing ········································································································································· 347
Configuring IPsec for ADVPN tunnels ··········································································································· 347
DRE ························································································································································ 418
LZ compression ······································································································································ 418
Command and hardware compatibility ··········································································································· 419
Protocols and standards ································································································································ 419
WAAS configuration task list ·························································································································· 419
Configuring a WAAS class ····························································································································· 419
Configuring a WAAS policy ···························································································································· 420
Applying a WAAS policy to an interface ········································································································· 420
Configuring TFO parameters ························································································································· 421
Configuring the TFO blacklist autodiscovery feature ····················································································· 421
Deleting all WAAS settings ···························································································································· 422
Restoring predefined WAAS settings ············································································································· 422
Displaying and maintaining WAAS ················································································································ 422
WAAS configuration examples ······················································································································ 423
Predefined WAAS policy configuration example ···················································································· 423
User-defined WAAS policy configuration example ················································································· 425
AFT internal server ································································································································· 431
AFT translation process ································································································································· 431
For IPv6-initiated communication ··········································································································· 431
For IPv4-initiated communication ··········································································································· 432
AFT with ALG ················································································································································· 433
AFT configuration task list ······························································································································ 433
For IPv6-initiated communication ··········································································································· 433
For IPv4-initiated communication ··········································································································· 434
Enabling AFT ················································································································································· 434
Configuring an IPv6-to-IPv4 destination address translation policy ······························································· 434
Configuring an IPv6-to-IPv4 source address translation policy ····································································· 435
Configuring an IPv4-to-IPv6 destination address translation policy ······························································· 436
Configuring an IPv4-to-IPv6 source address translation policy ····································································· 436
Configuring AFT logging ································································································································ 437
Setting the ToS field to 0 for translated IPv4 packets ···················································································· 437
Setting the Traffic Class field to 0 for translated IPv6 packets ······································································· 437
Displaying and maintaining AFT ···················································································································· 437
AFT configuration examples ·························································································································· 439
Allowing IPv4 Internet access from an IPv6 network ············································································· 439
Providing FTP service from an IPv6 network to the IPv4 Internet ·························································· 442
Allowing mutual access between IPv4 and IPv6 networks ···································································· 443
Allowing IPv6 Internet access from an IPv4 network ············································································· 445
Providing FTP service from an IPv4 network to the IPv6 Internet ·························································· 448
Document conventions and icons ······························································· 451
Remote support ······································································································································ 454
Index ··········································································································· 456
Configuring ARP
ARP resolves IP addresses into MAC addresses on Ethernet networks.
ARP message format
ARP uses two types of messages: ARP request and ARP reply. Figure 1 shows the format of ARP
request/reply messages. Numbers in the figure refer to field lengths.
Figure 1 ARP message format
• Hardware type—Hardware address type. The value 1 represents Ethernet.
• Protocoltype—Type of the protocol address to be mapped. The hexadecimal value 0x0800
represents IP.
• Hardwareaddresslengthandprotocoladdresslength— Length, in bytes, of a hardware
address and a protocol address. For an Ethernet address, the value of the hardware address
length field is 6. For an IPv4 address, the value of the protocol address length field is 4.
• OP—Operation code, which describes the type of ARP message. The value 1 represents an
ARP request, and the value 2 represents an ARP reply.
• Senderhardwareaddress—Hardware address of the device sending the message.
• Senderprotocoladdress—Protocol address of the device sendin g the message.
• Targethardwareaddress—Hardware address of the device to which the message is being
• Targetprotocoladdress—Protocol address of the device to which the message is being sen t.
ARP operating mechanism
As shown in Figure 2, Host A and Host B are on the same subnet. Host A sends a packet to Host B as
1. Host A looks through the ARP table for an ARP entry for Host B. If one entry is found, Host A
uses the MAC address in the entry to encapsulate the IP packet into a data link layer frame.
Then Host A sends the frame to Host B.
2. If Host A finds no entry for Host B, Host A buffers the packet and broadcasts an ARP request.
The payload of the ARP request contains the following information:
{ Sender IP address and sender MAC address—Host A's IP address and MAC address.
{ Target IP address—Host B's IP address.
{ Target MAC address—An all-zero MAC address.
All hosts on this subnet can receive the broadcast request, but only the requested host (Host B)
processes the request.
3. Host B compares its own IP address with the target IP address in the ARP request. If they are
the same, Host B operates as follows:
a. Adds the sender IP address and sender MAC address into its ARP table.
b. Encapsulates its MAC add ress into an ARP reply.
c. Unicasts the ARP reply to Host A.
4. After receiving the ARP reply, Host A operates as follows:
a. Adds the MAC address of Host B into its ARP table.
b. Encapsulates the MAC add ress into the packet and sends the packet to Host B.
Figure 2 ARP address resolution process
If Host A and Host B are on different subnets, Host A sends a packet to Host B as follows:
1. Host A broadcasts an ARP request where the target IP address is the IP address of the
2. The gateway responds with its MAC address in an ARP reply to Host A.
3. Host A uses the gateway's MAC address to encapsulate the packet, and then sends the packet
to the gateway.
4. If the gateway has an ARP entry for Host B, it forwards the packet to Host B directly. If not, the
gateway broadcasts an ARP request, in which the target IP address is the IP address of Host B.
5. After the gateway gets the MAC address of Host B, it sends the packet to Host B.
ARP table
An ARP table stores dynamic, static, OpenFlow, and Rule ARP entries.
Dynamic ARP entry
ARP automatically creates and updates dynamic entries. A dynamic ARP entry is removed when its
aging timer expires or the output interface goes down. In addition, a dynamic ARP entry can be
overwritten by a static ARP entry.
Static ARP entry
A static ARP entry is manually configured and maintained. It does not age out and cannot be
overwritten by any dynamic ARP entry.
Static ARP entries protect communication between devices because attack packets cannot modify
the IP-to-MAC mapping in a static ARP entry.
The device supports the following types of static ARP entries:
•Long static ARP entry—It contains the IP address, MAC address, VLAN, and o utput interface.
It is directly used for forwarding packets.
•Short static ARP entry—It contains only the IP address and MAC address.
{If the output interface is a Layer 3 Ethernet interface, the short ARP entry can be directly
used to forward packets.
{If the output interface is a VLAN interface, the device sends an ARP request whose target IP
address is the IP address in the short entry. If the sender IP and MAC addresses in the
received ARP reply match the short static ARP entry, the device performs the following
− Adds the interface that received the ARP reply to the short static ARP entry.
− Uses the resolved short static ARP entry to forward IP packets.
To communicate with a host by using a fixed IP-to-MAC mapping, configure a short static ARP entry
on the device. To communicate with a host by using a fixed IP-to-MAC mapping through an interface
in a VLAN, configure a long static ARP entry on the device.
OpenFlow ARP entry
ARP creates OpenFlow ARP entries by learning from the OpenFlow module. An OpenFlow ARP
entry does not age out, and it cannot be updated. It can be overwritten by a static ARP entry. An
OpenFlow ARP entry can be used directly to forward packet s. For more information about OpenFlow ,
see OpenFlow Configuration Guide.
Rule ARP entry
ARP creates Rule ARP entries by learning from the IPoE or portal module. A Rule ARP entry does
not age out, and it cannot be updated. It can be overwritten by a static ARP entry. A Rule ARP entry
can be used directly to forward packets. For more information about IPoE, see Layer 2—WAN Access Configuration Guide. For more information about portal, see Security Configuration Guide.
Configuring a static ARP entry
A static ARP entry is effective when the device functions correctly. If a VLAN or VLAN interface is
deleted, long static ARP entries in the VLAN are delet ed, and resolved short static ARP entries in the
VLAN become unresolved.
A resolved short static ARP entry becomes unresolved upon certain events. For example, it
becomes unresolved when the resolved output interface goes down.
A long static ARP entry is ineffective in either of the following situations:
• The IP address in the entry conflicts with a local IP address.
• No local interface has an IP address in the same subnet as the IP address in the ARP entry.
Follow these guidelines when you configure a long static ARP entry:
•The vlan-id argument must be the ID of an existing VLAN where the ARP entry resides. The
specified Ethernet interface must belong to that VLAN.
•The VLAN interface must be created. Its IP address and the IP address specified by the
ip-address argument must be on the same subnet.
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP
entries for a device
A device can dynamically learn ARP entries. To prevent a device from holding too many ARP entries,
you can set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries that the device can learn. When the
maximum number is reached, the device stops learning ARP entries.
If you set a value lower than the number of existing dynamic ARP entries, the device does not
remove the existing entries unless they are aged out.
To set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for a device:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Set the maximum
number of dynamic
ARP entries for the
arp max-learning-number
If the value for the number argument is set to
0, the device is disabled from learning
dynamic ARP entries.
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP
entries for an interface
An interface can dynamically learn ARP entries. To prevent an interface from holding too many ARP
entries, you can set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries that the interface can learn. Whe n
the maximum number is reached, the interface stops learning ARP entries.
You can set limits for both a Layer 2 interface and the VLAN interface for a permitted VLAN on the
Layer 2 interface. The Layer 2 interface learns an ARP entry only when neither limit is reached.
To set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for an interface:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter interface view.
3. Set the maximum number
of dynamic ARP entries for
the interface.
arp max-learning-num
If the value of the number argument is
set to 0, the interface is disabled from
learning dynamic ARP entries.
Setting the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries
Each dynamic ARP entry in the ARP table has a limited lifetime, called an aging timer. The aging
timer of a dynamic ARP entry is reset each time the dynamic ARP entry is updated. A dynamic ARP
entry that is not updated before its aging timer expires is deleted from the ARP table.
To set the aging timer for dynamic ARP entrie s:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Set the aging timer for
dynamic ARP entries.
arp timer aging
By default, the aging time for dynamic ARP
entries is 20 minutes.
Enabling dynamic ARP entry check
The dynamic ARP entry check function disables the device from supporting dynamic ARP entries
that contain multicast MAC addresses. The device cannot learn dynamic ARP entries containing
multicast MAC addresses. You cannot manually add static ARP entries containing multicast MAC
When dynamic ARP entry check is disabled, ARP entries containing multicast MAC addresses are
supported. The device can learn dynamic ARP entries containing m ulticast MAC addresses obtained
from the ARP packets sourced from a unicast MAC address. You can also manually add static ARP
entries containing multicast MAC addresses.
To enable dynamic ARP entry check:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable dynamic ARP entry
arp check enable
Enabling ARP logging
This function enables a device to log ARP events when ARP cannot resolve IP addresses correctly.
The device can log the following ARP events:
•On a proxy ARP-disabled interface, the target IP address of a received ARP packet is not one of
the following IP addresses:
{ The IP address of the receiving interface.
{ The virtual IP address of the VRRP group.
{ The public IP address after NAT.
• The sender IP address of a received ARP reply conflicts with one of the following IP addresses:
{ The IP address of the receiving interface.
{ The virtual IP address of the VRRP group.
{ The public IP address after NAT.
By default, dynamic ARP entry check is
The device sends ARP log messages to the informatio n center . You can use the info-center source
command to specify the log output rules for the information center. For more information about
information center, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.
To enable the ARP logging function:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the ARP logging
arp check log enable
Displaying and maintaining ARP
Clearing ARP entries from the ARP table might cause communication failures. Make sure the entries
to be cleared do not affect current communications.
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task Command
Display ARP entries (centralized devices
in standalone mode).
display arp
interface-type interface-number ] [
[ [
By default, ARP logging is disabled.
] |
vlan-id |
Display ARP entries (distributed devices
in standalone mode/centralized devices in
IRF mode).
Display ARP entries (distributed devices
in IRF mode).
Display the ARP entry for an IP address
(centralized devices in standalone mode).
Display the ARP entry for an IP address
(distributed devices in standalone
mode/centralized devices in IRF mode).
Display the ARP entry for an IP address
(distributed devices in IRF mode).
Display the ARP entries for a VPN
Display the aging timer of dynamic ARP
Clear ARP entries from the ARP table
(centralized devices in standalone mode).
Clear ARP entries from the ARP table
(distributed devices in standalone
mode/centralized devices in IRF mode).
display arp
vlan-id |
verbose ]
display arp
slot-number ] |
interface-number ] [
display arp
display arp
display arp
slot-number ] [
display arp vpn-instance
display arp timer aging
reset arp
interface-number |
reset arp
interface-number |
[ [
[ [
ip-address [
ip-address [
ip-address [
verbose ]
interface-type interface-number ] [
verbose ]
static }
slot-number |
vlan-id |
verbose ]
slot-number ] [
vpn-instance-name [
] [
] [
static }
slot-number ] |
verbose ]
count ]
Clear ARP entries from the ARP table
(distributed devices in IRF mode).
reset arp
interface-type interface-number |
slot-number |
static }
Configuration examples
Long static ARP entry configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in Figure 3, hosts are connected to Router B. Router B is connected to Router A through
interface GigabitEthernet 2/0/1 in VLAN 10.
To ensure secure communications between Router A and Router B, configure a long static ARP
entry for Router A on Router B.
# Configure a static ARP e ntry t hat has I P addres s 192.168. 1.1, M AC add ress 0 0e0-f c01-000 0, and
output interface GigabitEthernet 2/0/1 in VLAN 10.
# Configure a static ARP entry that has IP address and MAC address 00e0-fc01-001f.
[RouterB] arp static 00e0-fc01-001f
Verifying the configuration
# Verify that Router B has a sho rt static ARP entry for Router A.
[RouterB] display arp static
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow R-Rule M-Multiport I-Invalid
IP address MAC address VLAN Interface Aging Type 00e0-fc01-001f N/A N/A N/A S
Configuring gratuitous ARP
In a gratuitous ARP packet, the sender IP address and the target IP address are the IP address of
the sending device.
A device sends a gratuitous ARP packet for either of the following purposes:
•Determine whether its IP address i s already used by another device. If the IP address is already
used, the device is informed of the conflict by an ARP reply.
•Inform other devices of a MAC address change.
Gratuitous ARP packet learning
This function enables a device to create or update ARP entries by using the sender IP and MAC
addresses in received gratuitous ARP packets.
When this function is disabled, the device uses received gratuitous ARP packets to update existing
ARP entries only. ARP entries are not created based on the received gratuito us ARP packets, which
saves ARP table space.
Periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets
Enabling periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets helps downstream devices update ARP entries
or MAC entries in a timely manner.
This feature can implement the following functions:
•Prevent gateway spoofing.
Gateway spoofing occurs when an attacker uses the gateway address to send gratuitous ARP
packets to the hosts on a network. The traffic destined for the gateway from the hosts is sent to
the attacker instead. As a result, the hosts cannot access the external network.
To prevent such gateway spoofing attacks, you can enable the gateway to send gratuitous ARP
packets at intervals. Gratuitous ARP packets contain the primary IP address and manually
configured secondary IP addresses of the gateway, so hosts can learn correct gateway
•Prevent ARP entries from aging out.
If network traffic is heavy or if the host CPU usage is high, received ARP packets can be
discarded or are not promptly processed. Eventually, the dynamic ARP entries on the receiving
host age out. The traffic between the host and the corresponding devices is inte rrupted until the
host re-creates the ARP entries.
To prevent this problem, you can enable the gateway to send gratuitous ARP packets
periodically. Gratuitous ARP packets contain the primary IP address and manually configured
secondary IP addresses of the gateway, so the receiving hosts can update ARP entries in a
timely manner.
•Prevent the virtual IP address of a VRRP group from being used by a host.
The master router of a VRRP group can periodically send gratuitous ARP packets to the hosts
on the local network. The hosts can then update local ARP entries and avoid using the virtual IP
address of the VRRP group. The sender MAC address in the gratuitous ARP packet is the
virtual MAC address of the virtual router. For more information about VRRP, see High Availability Configuration Guide.
•Update MAC entries of devices in the VLANs having ambiguous Dot1q or QinQ termination
In VRRP configuration, if ambiguous Dot1q or QinQ termination is configured for multiple
VLANs and VRRP groups, interfaces configured with VLAN termination must be disabled from
transmitting broadcast/multicast packets. Also, a VRRP control VLAN must be configured so
that VRRP advertisements can be transmitted within the control VLAN only. I n such case s, you
can enable periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets containing the following addresses:
{ The VRRP virtual IP address.
{ The primary IP address or a manually configured secondary IP address of the sending
interface on the subinterfaces.
When a VRRP f a il ov er o cc urs, d ev i ces in the VLANs can use the gratuitou s ARP packets to update
their corresponding MAC entries in a timely manner. For more information about ambiguous Dot1q
or QinQ termination, see Layer 2—LAN Switching Configuration Guide.
Configuration procedure
The following conditions apply to the gratuitous ARP configuration:
• You can enable periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets on a maximum of 1024 interfaces.
• Periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets takes effect only when the link of the enabled
interface goes up and an IP address has been assigned to the interface.
•If you change the interval for sending gratuitous ARP packets, the configuration is effective at
the next sending interval.
•The frequency of sending gratuitous ARP packets might be much lower than the sending
interval set by the user in any of the following circumstances:
{ This function is enabled on multiple interfaces.
{ Each interface is configured with multiple secondary IP addresses.
{ A small sending interval is configured when the previous two conditions exist.
To configure gratuitous ARP:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable learning of gratuitous
ARP packets.
3. Enable the device to send
gratuitous ARP packets upon
receiving ARP requests
whose sender IP address
belongs to a different subnet.
4. Enter interface view.
5. Enable periodic sending of
gratuitous ARP packets and
set the sending interval.
gratuitous-arp-learning enable
gratuitous-arp-sending enable
arp send-gratuitous-arp
milliseconds ]
Enabling IP conflict notification
By default, if the sender IP address of an ARP packet is being used by the receiving device, the
receiving device sends a gratuitous ARP request. It also displays an error message after it receives
an ARP reply about the conflict.
By default, learning of gratuitous
ARP packets is enabled.
By default, a device does not send
gratuitous ARP packets upon
receiving ARP requests whose
sender IP address belongs to a
different subnet.
By default, periodic sending of
gratuitous ARP packets is
You can use this command to enable the device to display error messages before sending a
gratuitous ARP reply or request for conflict confirmation.
To enable IP conflict notification:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable IP conflict
arp ip-conflict log prompt
By default, IP conflict notification is
Configuring proxy ARP
Proxy ARP enables a device on one network to answer ARP requests for an IP address on another
network. With proxy ARP, hosts on different broadcast domains can communi cate with each other as
they would on the same broadcast domain.
Proxy ARP includes common proxy ARP and local proxy ARP.
• Common proxyARP—Allows communication between hosts that conne ct to diff erent Layer 3
interfaces and reside in different broadcast domains.
• Local proxy ARP—Allows communication between hosts that connect to the same Layer 3
interface and reside in different broadcast domains.
Enabling common proxy ARP
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter interface view.
3. Enable common
proxy ARP .
proxy-arp enable
The following interface types are supported:
• VLAN interface.
• Layer 3 Ethernet interface.
• Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface.
• Layer 3 aggregate interface.
• Layer 3 aggregate subinterface.
By default, common proxy ARP is disabled.
Enabling local proxy ARP
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter interface view.
3. Enable local proxy ARP.
local-proxy-arp enable
startIP to endIP ]
The following interface types are
• VLAN interface.
• Layer 3 Ethernet interface.
• Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface.
• Layer 3 aggregate interface.
• Layer 3 aggregate subinterface.
By default, local proxy ARP is
Displaying proxy ARP
Execute display commands in any view .
Task Command
Display common proxy ARP
display proxy-arp [ interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Display local proxy ARP status.
display local-proxy-arp [ interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Common proxy ARP configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in Figure 5, Host A and Host D have the same prefix and mask, but they are located on
different subnets. No default gateway is configured on Host A and Host D.
Configure common proxy ARP on the router to enable communication between Host A and Host D.
Figure 5 Network diagram
Configuration procedure
# Configure the IP address of interface GigabitEthernet 2/0/2.
# Verify that Host A and Host D can ping each other.
Configuring ARP fast-reply
ARP fast-reply enables a device to directly answer ARP requests according to DHCP snooping
entries. ARP fast-reply functions in a VLAN. For information about DHCP snooping, see "Configuring
If the target IP address of a received ARP request is the IP address of the VLAN i nterface, the device
delivers the request to the ARP module. If not, the device takes the following steps to process the
1. Search the DHCP snooping table for a match by using the target IP address.
2. If a match is found, whether the device returns a reply depends on the type of interface in the
matching entry.
{If the interface is the Ethernet interface that received the ARP request, the device does not
return a reply.
{If the interface is a wireless interface or an Ethernet interface other than the receiving
interface, the device returns a reply according to the matching entry.
3. If no matching DHCP snooping entry is found, the ARP request is forwarded to other interfaces
except the receiving interface in the VLAN, or delivered to other modules.
Configuration procedure
To configure ARP fast-reply:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter VLAN view.
3. Enable ARP fast-reply.
vlan-id N/A
arp fast-reply enable
By default, ARP fast-reply is disabled.
ARP fast-reply configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in Figure 6, the router is a DHCP snooping device. All clients are in VLAN 2, and access
the network through the router. The clients obtain IP addresses from the DHCP server through
Enable ARP fast-reply for VLAN 2. The router directly returns an ARP reply without broadcasting
received ARP requests in the VLAN.