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ARP message format ··········································································································· 1
ARP operating mechanism ···································································································· 1
ARP table ·························································································································· 2
Configuring a static ARP entry ······································································································ 3
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for a device ······················································· 3
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for an interface ·················································· 4
Setting the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries ··············································································· 4
Enabling dynamic ARP entry check ······························································································· 5
Enabling ARP logging ················································································································· 5
Displaying and maintaining ARP ··································································································· 5
Static ARP entry configuration example ·························································································· 6
IP address classes ············································································································ 18
Special IP addresses ········································································································· 19
Subnetting and masking ····································································································· 19
Assigning an IP address to an interface ························································································ 19
DHCP address pool ··········································································································· 31
IP address allocation sequence ···························································································· 33
DHCP server configuration task list ······························································································ 33
Configuring an address pool on the DHCP server ··········································································· 34
Configuration task list ········································································································· 34
Creating a DHCP address pool ···························································································· 34
Specifying IP address ranges for a DHCP address pool ····························································· 34
Specifying gateways for DHCP clients ··················································································· 37
Specifying a domain name suffix for DHCP clients ···································································· 38
Specifying DNS servers for DHCP clients ··············································································· 38
Specifying WINS servers and NetBIOS node type for DHCP clients ············································· 39
Specifying BIMS server for DHCP clients ················································································ 39
Specifying the configuration file for DHCP client auto-configuration ·············································· 40
Specifying a server for DHCP clients ····················································································· 40
Configuring Option 184 parameters for DHCP clients ································································ 41
Configuring the DHCP user class whitelist ·············································································· 43
Enabling DHCP ······················································································································· 43
Enabling the DHCP server on an interface ···················································································· 44
Applying an address pool on an interface ······················································································ 44
Configuring a DHCP policy for dynamic address assignment ····························································· 44
Configuring IP address conflict detection ······················································································· 45
Enabling handling of Option 82 ··································································································· 46
Configuring DHCP server compatibility ························································································· 46
Configuring the DHCP server to broadcast all responses ··························································· 46
Configure the DHCP server to ignore BOOTP requests ····························································· 47
Configuring the DHCP server to send BOOTP responses in RFC 1048 format ······························· 47
Disabling Option 60 encapsulation in DHCP replies ·································································· 47
Setting the DSCP value for DHCP packets sent by the DHCP server ·················································· 48
Configuring DHCP binding auto backup ························································································ 48
Configuring address pool usage alarming ······················································································ 49
Binding gateways to DHCP server's MAC address ·········································································· 49
Advertising subnets assigned to clients ························································································· 50
Applying a DHCP address pool to a VPN instance ·········································································· 51
Enabling client offline detection on the DHCP server ······································································· 51
Enabling DHCP logging on the DHCP server ················································································· 51
Displaying and maintaining the DHCP server ················································································· 52
DHCP server configuration examples ··························································································· 52
Static IP address assignment configuration example ································································· 53
Dynamic IP address assignment configuration example ····························································· 54
DHCP user class configuration example ················································································· 56
DHCP user class whitelist configuration example ····································································· 58
Primary and secondary subnets configuration example ····························································· 59
DHCP option customization configuration example ··································································· 60
Troubleshooting DHCP server configuration ·················································································· 61
DHCP relay agent support for Option 82 ················································································· 64
DHCP relay agent configuration task list ······················································································· 64
Enabling DHCP ······················································································································· 65
Enabling the DHCP relay agent on an interface ·············································································· 65
Specifying DHCP servers on a relay agent ···················································································· 66
Configuring the DHCP relay agent security features ········································································ 66
Enabling the DHCP relay agent to record relay entries ······························································ 66
Enabling periodic refresh of dynamic relay entries ···································································· 66
Enabling DHCP starvation attack protection ············································································ 67
Configuring the DHCP relay agent to release an IP address ······························································ 68
Configuring Option 82 ··············································································································· 68
Setting the DSCP value for DHCP packets sent by the DHCP relay agent ············································ 69
Enabling DHCP server proxy on a DHCP relay agent ······································································ 69
Configuring a DHCP relay address pool ························································································ 70
Specifying a gateway address for DHCP clients ············································································· 71
Enabling client offline detection on the DHCP relay agent ································································· 71
Configuring the DHCP smart relay feature ····················································································· 71
Specifying the source IP address for relayed DHCP requests ···························································· 73
Configuring the DHCP relay agent to forward DHCP replies based on Option 82 ··································· 73
Displaying and maintaining the DHCP relay agent ·········································································· 74
DHCP relay agent configuration examples ···················································································· 75
DHCP relay agent configuration example ··············································································· 75
Configuring the DHCP client ····························································· 78
Enabling the DHCP client on an interface ······················································································ 78
Configuring a DHCP client ID for an interface ················································································· 78
Enabling duplicated address detection ·························································································· 79
Setting the DSCP value for DHCP packets sent by the DHCP client ··················································· 79
Displaying and maintaining the DHCP client ·················································································· 79
DHCP client configuration example ······························································································ 80
Verifying the configuration ··································································································· 81
Configuring the BOOTP client ··························································· 83
BOOTP application··················································································································· 83
Obtaining an IP address dynamically ···························································································· 83
Protocols and standards ············································································································ 83
Configuring an interface to use BOOTP for IP address acquisition ······················································ 83
Displaying and maintaining BOOTP client ····················································································· 84
BOOTP client configuration example ···························································································· 84
Static domain name resolution ····························································································· 85
Dynamic domain name resolution ························································································· 85
DNS proxy ······················································································································· 86
DNS spoofing ··················································································································· 87
DNS configuration task list ········································································································· 88
Configuring the IPv4 DNS client ·································································································· 88
Configuring static domain name resolution ·············································································· 88
Configuring dynamic domain name resolution ·········································································· 89
Configuring the IPv6 DNS client ·································································································· 90
Configuring static domain name resolution ·············································································· 90
Configuring dynamic domain name resolution ·········································································· 90
Configuring the DNS proxy ········································································································· 91
Configuring DNS spoofing ·········································································································· 92
Configuring network mode tracking for an output interface ································································ 92
Specifying the source interface for DNS packets ············································································· 93
Configuring the DNS trusted interface ·························································································· 93
Setting the DSCP value for outgoing DNS packets ·········································································· 94
Displaying and maintaining DNS ································································································· 94
IPv4 DNS configuration examples ······························································································· 94
Static domain name resolution configuration example ······························································· 94
Dynamic domain name resolution configuration example ··························································· 95
DNS proxy configuration example ························································································· 98
IPv6 DNS configuration examples ······························································································· 99
Static domain name resolution configuration example ······························································· 99
Dynamic domain name resolution configuration example ························································· 100
DNS proxy configuration example ······················································································· 102
Troubleshooting IPv4 DNS configuration ····················································································· 104
Configuring per-packet or per-flow load sharing ············································································ 174
Configuring load sharing based on bandwidth ·············································································· 174
Configuring fast forwarding ····························································· 176
Overview ······························································································································ 176
Configuring the aging time for fast forwarding entries ····································································· 176
Configuring fast forwarding load sharing ····················································································· 176
Displaying and maintaining fast forwarding ·················································································· 177
Specifying the source address for ICMPv6 packets ································································· 223
Enabling IPv6 local fragment reassembly ···················································································· 224
Configuring IPv6 load sharing based on bandwidth ······································································· 224
Enabling a device to discard IPv6 packets that contain extension headers ········································· 225
Displaying and maintaining IPv6 basics ······················································································ 225
IPv6 configuration examples ····································································································· 227
Basic IPv6 configuration example ······················································································· 227
Configuring network parameters in a DHCPv6 address pool ····················································· 242
Configuring network parameters in a DHCPv6 option group ····················································· 243
Configuring a DHCPv6 policy for IPv6 address and prefix assignment ··············································· 244
Configuring the DHCPv6 server on an interface ············································································ 245
Configuration procedure ··································································································· 245
Setting the DSCP value for DHCPv6 packets sent by the DHCPv6 server ·········································· 246
Configuring DHCPv6 binding auto backup ··················································································· 246
Advertising subnets assigned to clients ······················································································· 247
Applying a DHCPv6 address pool to a VPN instance ····································································· 247
Enabling DHCPv6 logging on the DHCPv6 server ········································································· 248
Displaying and maintaining the DHCPv6 server ············································································ 248
DHCPv6 server configuration examples ······················································································ 249
Dynamic IPv6 prefix assignment configuration example ··························································· 249
Dynamic IPv6 address assignment configuration example ······················································· 251
Configuring the DHCPv6 relay agent ················································ 254
Overview ······························································································································ 254
DHCPv6 relay agent configuration task list ·················································································· 255
Enabling the DHCPv6 relay agent on an interface ········································································· 255
Specifying DHCPv6 servers on the relay agent ············································································ 255
Setting the DSCP value for DHCPv6 packets sent by the DHCPv6 relay agent ··································· 256
Specifying a padding mode for the Interface-ID option ··································································· 256
Configuring a DHCPv6 relay address pool ··················································································· 257
Specifying a gateway address for DHCPv6 clients ········································································ 257
Displaying and maintaining the DHCPv6 relay agent ····································································· 258
DHCPv6 relay agent configuration example ················································································· 258
Verifying the configuration ································································································· 259
Configuring the DHCPv6 client ························································ 261
Overview ······························································································································ 261
Configuration restrictions and guidelines ····················································································· 261
DHCPv6 client configuration task list ·························································································· 261
Configuring IPv6 address acquisition ·························································································· 261
Configuring IPv6 prefix acquisition ····························································································· 262
Configuring IPv6 address and prefix acquisition ············································································ 262
Configuring stateless DHCPv6 ·································································································· 262
Configuring the DHCPv6 client DUID ························································································· 263
Setting the DSCP value for DHCPv6 packets sent by the DHCPv6 client ··········································· 263
Displaying and maintaining DHCPv6 client ·················································································· 263
DHCPv6 client configuration examples ······················································································· 264
IPv6 address acquisition configuration example ····································································· 264
IPv6 prefix acquisition configuration example ········································································ 265
IPv6 address and prefix acquisition configuration example ······················································· 267
Stateless DHCPv6 configuration example ············································································· 269
Configuring IPv6 fast forwarding ······················································ 272
Overview ······························································································································ 272
Configuring the aging time for IPv6 fast forwarding entries ······························································ 272
Configuring IPv6 fast forwarding load sharing ·············································································· 272
Displaying and maintaining IPv6 fast forwarding ··········································································· 273
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling ··································································································· 274
IPv4 over IPv4 tunneling ··································································································· 276
IPv4 over IPv6 tunneling ··································································································· 277
IPv6 over IPv6 tunneling ··································································································· 281
Protocols and standards ··································································································· 281
Tunneling configuration task list ································································································ 282
Configuring a tunnel interface ··································································································· 282
Configuring an IPv6 over IPv4 manual tunnel ··············································································· 283
Configuration example ······································································································ 284
Configuring an automatic IPv4-compatible IPv6 tunnel ··································································· 286
Configuration example ······································································································ 287
Configuring a 6to4 tunnel ········································································································· 288
6to4 tunnel configuration example ······················································································· 289
6to4 relay configuration example ························································································ 291
Configuring an ISATAP tunnel ·································································································· 293
Configuration example ······································································································ 293
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv4 tunnel ························································································· 296
Configuration example ······································································································ 297
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv6 manual tunnel ··············································································· 298
Configuration example ······································································································ 299
Configuring a DS-Lite tunnel ····································································································· 301
Configuration example ······································································································ 303
Configuring an IPv6 over IPv6 tunnel ························································································· 305
Configuration example ······································································································ 306
Displaying and maintaining tunneling configuration ······································································· 307
Troubleshooting tunneling configuration ······················································································ 308
Configuration procedure ··································································································· 315
Displaying and maintaining GRE ······························································································· 316
GRE configuration examples ···································································································· 317
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv4 GRE tunnel ············································································ 317
Configuring an IPv4 over IPv6 GRE tunnel ············································································ 319
Troubleshooting GRE ············································································································· 321
AFT internal server ·········································································································· 409
AFT translation process ··········································································································· 409
IPv6-initiated communication ····························································································· 409
IPv4-initiated communication ····························································································· 410
AFT with ALG ······················································································································· 411
AFT configuration task list ········································································································ 411
IPv6-initiated communication ····························································································· 411
IPv4-initiated communication ····························································································· 412
Enabling AFT ························································································································ 412
Configuring an IPv6-to-IPv4 destination address translation policy ···················································· 412
Configuring an IPv6-to-IPv4 source address translation policy ························································· 413
Configuring an IPv4-to-IPv6 destination address translation policy ···················································· 414
Configuring an IPv4-to-IPv6 source address translation policy ························································· 415
Configuring AFT logging ·········································································································· 416
Setting the ToS field to 0 for translated IPv4 packets ····································································· 416
Setting the Traffic Class field to 0 for translated IPv6 packets ·························································· 416
Displaying and maintaining AFT ································································································ 416
AFT configuration examples ····································································································· 417
Allowing IPv4 Internet access from an IPv6 network ······························································· 417
Providing FTP service from an IPv6 network to the IPv4 Internet ··············································· 420
Allowing mutual access between IPv4 and IPv6 networks ························································ 421
Allowing IPv6 Internet access from an IPv4 network ······························································· 423
Providing FTP service from an IPv4 network to the IPv6 Internet ··············································· 426
Index ························································································· 446
Configuring ARP
ARP resolves IP addresses into MAC addresses on Ethernet networks.
ARP message format
ARP uses two types of messages: ARP request and ARP reply. Figure 1 shows the format of ARP
request/reply messages. Numbers in the figure refer to field lengths.
Figure 1 ARP message format
• Hardware type—Hardware address type. The value 1 represents Ethernet.
• Protocoltype—Type of the protocol address to be mapped. The hexadecimal value 0x0800
represents IP.
• Hardwareaddresslengthandprotocoladdresslength— Length, in bytes, of a hardware
address and a protocol address. For an Ethernet address, the value of the hardware address
length field is 6. For an IPv4 address, the value of the protocol address length field is 4.
• OP—Operation code, which describes the type of ARP message. The value 1 represents an
ARP request, and the value 2 represents an ARP reply.
• Senderhardwareaddress—Hardware address of the device sending the message.
• Senderprotocoladdress—Protocol address of the device sendin g the message.
• Targethardwareaddress—Hardware address of the device to which the message is being
• Targetprotocoladdress—Protocol address of the device to which the messag e is being sent.
ARP operating mechanism
As shown in Figure 2, Host A and Host B are on the same subnet. Host A sends a packet to Host B as
1. Host A looks through the ARP table for an ARP entry for Host B. If one entry is found, Host A
uses the MAC address in the entry to encapsulate the IP packet into a data link layer frame.
Then Host A sends the frame to Host B.
2. If Host A finds no entry for Host B, Host A buffers the packet and broadcasts an ARP request.
The payload of the ARP request contains the following information:
{ Sender IP address and sender MAC address—Host A's IP address and MAC address.
{ Target IP address—Host B's IP address.
{ Target MAC address—An all-zero MAC address.
All hosts on this subnet can receive the broadcast request, but only the requested host (Host B)
processes the request.
3. Host B compares its own IP address with the target IP address in the ARP request. If they are
the same, Host B operates as follows:
a. Adds the sender IP address and sender MAC address into its ARP table.
b. Encapsulates its MAC add ress into an ARP reply.
c. Unicasts the ARP reply to Host A.
4. After receiving the ARP reply, Host A operates as follows:
a. Adds the MAC address of Host B into its ARP table.
b. Encapsulates the MAC add ress into the packet and sends the packet to Host B.
Figure 2 ARP address resolution process
If Host A and Host B are on different subnets, Host A sends a packet to Host B as follows:
5. Host A broadcasts an ARP request where the target IP address is the IP address of the
6. The gateway responds with its MAC address in an ARP reply to Host A.
7. Host A uses the gateway's MAC address to encapsulate the packet, and then sen ds the packet
to the gateway.
8. If the gateway has an ARP entry for Host B, it forwards the packet to Host B directly. If not, the
gateway broadcasts an ARP request, in which the target IP address is the IP address of Host B.
9. After the gateway gets the MAC address of Host B, it sends the packet to Host B.
ARP table
An ARP table stores dynamic, static, OpenFlow, and Rule ARP entries.
Dynamic ARP entry
ARP automatically creates and updates dynamic entries. A dynamic ARP entry is removed when its
aging timer expires or the output interface goes down. In addition, a dynamic ARP entry can be
overwritten by a static ARP entry.
Static ARP entry
A static ARP entry is manually configured and maintained. It does not age out and cannot be
overwritten by any dynamic ARP entry.
Static ARP entries protect communication between devices because attack packets cannot modify
the IP-to-MAC mapping in a static ARP entry.
A static ARP entry contains only the IP address and MAC address.
•If the output interface is a Layer 3 Ethernet interface, the ARP entry can be directly used to
forward packets.
•If the output interface is a VLAN interface, the device sends an ARP request whose target IP
address is the IP address in the entry . If the sender IP and MAC addresses in the received ARP
reply match the static ARP entry, the device performs the following operations:
{ Adds the interface that received the ARP reply to the static ARP entry.
{ Uses the resolved static A RP entry to forward IP packets.
T o communicate with a ho st by using a fixed IP-to-MAC mapping, configure a static ARP entry on the
OpenFlow ARP entry
ARP creates OpenFlow ARP entries by learning from the OpenFlow module. An OpenFlow ARP
entry does not age out, and it cannot be updated. It can be overwritten by a static ARP entry. An
OpenFlow ARP entry can be used directly to forwar d packets. For more information about Op enFlow ,
see OpenFlow Configuration Guide.
Rule ARP entry
ARP creates Rule ARP entries by learning from the IPoE, portal, and VXLAN modules. A Rule ARP
entry does not age out, and it cannot be updated. It can be overwritten by a static ARP entry. A Rule
ARP entry can be used directly to forward packets.
For more information about IPoE, see Layer 2—WAN Access Configuration Guide. For more
information about portal, see Security Configuration Guide. For more information about VXLAN, see
VXLAN Configuration Guide.
Configuring a static ARP entry
Static ARP entries are effective when the device functions correctly.
To configure a static ARP entry:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Configure a static ARP
arp static
ip-address mac-address
vpn-instance-name ]
By default, no static ARP entries
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP
entries for a device
A device can dynamically learn ARP entries. To prevent a device from holding too many ARP entries,
you can set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries that the device can learn. When the
maximum number is reached, the device stops learning ARP entries.
If you set a value lower than the number of existing dynamic ARP entries, the device does not
remove the existing entries unless they are aged out.
To set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for a device:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
Step Command Remarks
By default, the maximum
number of dynamic ARP entries
that a device can learn is the
upper limit of the allowed value
To disable the device from
learning dynamic ARP entries,
set the number to 0.
2. Set the maximum
number of dynamic
ARP entries for the
Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP
entries for an interface
An interface can dynamically learn ARP entries. To prevent an interface from holding too many ARP
entries, you can set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries that the interface can learn. When
the maximum number is reached, the interface stops learning ARP entries.
You can set limits for both a Layer 2 interface and the VLAN interface for a permitted VLAN on the
Layer 2 interface. The Layer 2 interface learns an ARP entry only when neither limit is reached.
The total number of dynamic ARP entries that all interfaces learn will not be larger than the maximum
number of dynamic A RP entries set for the device.
To set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for an interface:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter interface view.
3. Set the maximum number
of dynamic ARP entries for
the interface.
arp max-learning-num
By default, the maximum number of
dynamic ARP entries that an interface
can learn is the upper limit of the
allowed value range.
To disable the interface from learning
dynamic ARP entries, set the number
to 0.
Setting the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries
Each dynamic ARP entry in the ARP table has a limited lifetime, called an aging timer. The aging
timer of a dynamic ARP entry is reset each time the dynamic ARP entry is updated. A dynamic ARP
entry that is not updated before its aging timer expires is deleted from the ARP table.
To set the aging timer for dynamic ARP entrie s:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Set the aging timer for dynamic
ARP entries.
arp timer aging
aging-timeThe default setting is 20 minutes.
Enabling dynamic ARP entry check
The dynamic ARP entry check feature disables the de vice from supporting dynamic ARP entries that
contain multicast MAC addresses. The device cannot learn dynamic ARP entries containing
multicast MAC addresses. You cannot manually add static ARP entries containing multicast MAC
When dynamic ARP entry check is disabled, ARP entries containing multicast MAC addresses are
supported. The device can learn dynamic ARP entries containing multicast MAC addresses obtained
from the ARP packets sourced from a unicast MAC address. You can also manually add static ARP
entries containing multicast MAC addresses.
To enable dynamic ARP entry check:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable dynamic ARP entry
arp check enable
By default, dynamic ARP entry check is
Enabling ARP logging
This feature enables a device to log ARP events when ARP cannot resolve IP addresses correctly.
The device can log the following ARP events:
•On a proxy ARP-disabled interface, the target IP address of a received ARP packet is not one of
the following IP addresses:
{ The IP address of the receiving interface.
{ The virtual IP address of the VRRP group.
{ The public IP address after NAT.
• The sender IP address of a received ARP reply conflicts with on e of the following IP addresses:
{ The IP address of the receiving interface.
{ The virtual IP address of the VRRP group.
{ The public IP address after NAT.
The device sends ARP log messages to the informatio n center . You can use the info-center source
command to specify the log output rules for the information center. For more information about
information center, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.
To enable the ARP logging feature:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the ARP logging
arp check log enable
By default, ARP logging is disabled.
Displaying and maintaining ARP
Clearing ARP entries from the ARP table might cause communication failures. Make sure the entries
to be cleared do not affect current communications.
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task Command
Display ARP entries (in standalone
display arp
vlan-id |
verbose ]
[ [
interface-type interface-number ] [
] [
slot-number ] |
Display ARP entries (in IRF mode).
Display the ARP entry for an IP address
(in standalone mode).
Display the ARP entry for an IP address
(in IRF mode).
Display the ARP entries for a VPN
Display the aging timer of dynamic ARP
Clear ARP entries from the ARP table (in
standalone mode).
Clear ARP entries from the ARP table (in
IRF mode).
display arp
slot-number ] |
interface-number ] [
display arp
display arp
slot-number ] [
display arp vpn-instance
display arp timer aging
reset arp
interface-number |
reset arp
[ [
ip-address [
ip-address [
verbose ]
dynamic | static
vlan-id |
interface-type interface-number |
verbose ]
slot-number ] [
vpn-instance-name [
slot-number |
] [
static }
Static ARP entry configuration example
Network requirements
verbose ]
count ]
slot-number |
static }
As shown in Figure 3, hosts are connected to Router B. Router B is connected to Router A through
interface GigabitEthernet 2/1/2.
To ensure secure communications between Router B and Router A, configure a static ARP entry for
Router A on Router B.
Figure 3 Network diagram
Configuration procedure
# Configure an IP address for GigabitEthernet 2/1/2.
# Configure a static ARP entry that has IP address and MAC address 00e0-fc01-001f.
[RouterB] arp static 00e0-fc01-001f
Verifying the configuration
# Verify that Router B has a static ARP entry for Router A.
[RouterB] display arp static
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow R-Rule M-Multiport I-Invalid
IP address MAC address SVID Interface Aging Type 00e0-fc01-001f -- -- -- S
Configuring gratuitous ARP
In a gratuitous ARP packet, the sender IP address and the target IP address are the IP address of
the sending device.
A device sends a gratuitous ARP packet for either of the following purposes:
•Determine whether its IP address is already used by another device. If the IP address is already
used, the device is informed of the conflict by an ARP reply.
•Inform other devices of a MAC address change.
Gratuitous ARP packet learning
This feature enables a device to create or update ARP entries by using the sender IP and MAC
addresses in received gratuitous ARP packets.
When this feature is disabled, the device uses received gratuitous ARP packets to update existing
ARP entries only. ARP entries are not created based on the received gratuitous ARP packets, which
saves ARP table space.
Periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets
Enabling periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets help s downstream devices update ARP entries
or MAC entries in a timely manner.
This feature can implement the following functions:
•Prevent gateway spoofing.
Gateway spoofing occurs when an attacker uses the gateway address to send gratuitous ARP
packets to the hosts on a network. The traffic destined for the gateway from the hosts is sent to
the attacker instead. As a result, the hosts cannot access the external network.
To prevent such gateway spoofing attacks, you can enable the gateway to send gratuitous ARP
packets at intervals. Gratuitous ARP packets contain the primary IP address and manually
configured secondary IP addresses of the gateway, so hosts can learn correct gateway
•Prevent ARP entries from aging out.
If network traffic is heavy or if the host CPU usage is high, received ARP packets can be
discarded or are not promptly processed. Eventually, the dynamic ARP entries on the receiving
host age out. The traffic between the host and the corresponding d evices is interrupted until the
host re-creates the ARP entries.
To prevent this problem, you can enable the gateway to send gratuitous ARP packets
periodically. Gratuitous ARP packets contain the primary IP address and manually configured
secondary IP addresses of the gateway, so the receiving hosts can update ARP entries in a
timely manner.
•Prevent the virtual IP address of a VRRP group from being used by a host.
The master router of a VRRP group can periodically send gratuitous ARP packets to the hosts
on the local network. The hosts can then update local ARP entries and avoid using the virtual IP
address of the VRRP group. The sender MAC address in the gratuitous ARP packet is the
virtual MAC address of the virtual router. For more information about VRRP, see High Availability Configuration Guide.
•Update MAC entries of devices in the VLANs having ambiguous Dot1q or QinQ termination
In VRRP configuration, if ambiguous Dot1q or QinQ termination is configured for multiple
VLANs and VRRP groups, interfaces configured with VLAN termination must be disabled from
transmitting broadcast/multicast packets. Also, a VRRP control VLAN must be configured so
that VRRP advertisements can be transmitted within the control VLAN only. In such cases, you
can enable periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets containing the following addresses:
{ The VRRP virtual IP address.
{ The primary IP address or a manually configured secondary IP address of the sending
interface on the subinterfaces.
When a VRRP f a il ov er o cc urs, d ev i ces in the VLANs can use the gratuito u s ARP packets to update
their corresponding MAC entries in a timely manner. For more information about ambiguous Dot1q
or QinQ termination, see Layer 2—LAN Switching Configuration Guide.
Configuration procedure
When you configure gratuitous ARP, follow these restrictions and guidelines:
• You can enable periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets on a maximum of 1024 interfaces.
• Periodic sending of gratuitous ARP packets takes ef fect on an interface only when the following
conditions are met:
{ The data link layer state of the interface is up.
{ The interface has an IP address.
•If you change the sending interval for gratuitous ARP packets, the configuration takes ef fect at
the next sending interval.
•The sending interval for gratuitous ARP packets might be much longer than the specified
sending interval in any of the following circumstances:
{ This feature is enabled on multiple interfaces.
{ Each interface is configured with multiple secondary IP addresses.
{ A small sending interval is configured when the previous two conditions exist.
To configure gratuitous ARP:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable learning of gratuitous
ARP packets.
3. Enable the device to send
gratuitous ARP packets upon
receiving ARP requests
whose sender IP address
belongs to a different subnet.
4. Enter interface view.
5. Enable periodic sending of
gratuitous ARP packets.
gratuitous-arp-learning enable
gratuitous-arp-sending enable
arp send-gratuitous-arp
interval ]
By default, learning of gratuitous
ARP packets is enabled.
By default, a device does not send
gratuitous ARP packets upon
receiving ARP requests whose
sender IP address belongs to a
different subnet.
By default, periodic sending of
gratuitous ARP packets is
Enabling IP conflict notification
By default, if the sender IP address of an incoming ARP packet is the same a s that of the device, the
device sends a gratuitous A RP request. The device displays an error message only after it receives
an ARP reply about the conflict.
You can use this command to enable the device to display error messages before sending a
gratuitous ARP reply or request for conflict confirmation.
To enable IP conflict notification:
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable IP conflict
arp ip-conflict log prompt
By default, IP conflict notification is
Configuring proxy ARP
Proxy ARP enables a device on one network to answer ARP requests for an IP address on another
network. With proxy ARP, hosts on different broadcast domains can communicate with each other as
they would on the same broadcast domain.
Proxy ARP includes common proxy ARP and local proxy ARP.
• Common proxyARP—Allows communication between hosts that conne ct to diff erent Layer 3
interfaces and reside in different broadcast domains.
• Local proxy ARP—Allows communication between hosts that connect to the same Layer 3
interface and reside in different broadcast domains.
Enabling common proxy ARP
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter interface view.
The following interface types are
• Layer 3 Ethernet interface.
• Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface.
• Layer 3 aggregate interface.
• Layer 3 aggregate subinterface.
3. Enable common proxy ARP.
proxy-arp enable
Enabling local proxy ARP
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter interface view.
3. Enable local proxy ARP.
local-proxy-arp enable
end-ip-address ]
start-ip-address to
Displaying proxy ARP
By default, common proxy ARP is
The following interface types are
• Layer 3 Ethernet interface.
• Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface.
• Layer 3 aggregate interface.
• Layer 3 aggregate subinterface.
By default, local proxy ARP is
Execute display commands in any view .
Task Command
Display common proxy ARP
display proxy-arp [ interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Display local proxy ARP status.
display local-proxy-arp [ interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Common proxy ARP configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in Figure 4, Host A and Host D have the same prefix and mask, but they are located on
different subnets. No default gateway is configured on Host A and Host D.
Configure common proxy ARP on the router to enable communication between Host A and Host D.
Figure 4 Network diagram
Configuration procedure
# Configure the IP address of interface GigabitEthernet 2/1/2.
# Configure the IP address of interface GigabitEthernet 2/1/1.
[Router] interface gigabitethernet 2/1/1
[Router-GigabitEthernet2/1/1] ip address
# Enable common proxy ARP on interface GigabitEthernet 2/1/1.
[Router-GigabitEthernet2/1/1] proxy-arp enable
[Router-GigabitEthernet2/1/1] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Verify that Host A and Host D can ping each other.
Configuring ARP suppression
The ARP suppression feature enables a device to directly answer ARP requests by using ARP
suppression entries. The device generates ARP suppression entrie s based on dy namic ARP entries
that it learns. This feature is typically configured on the PEs connected to base stations in an MPLS
L2VPN that provides access to an L3VPN network.
You can also configure the ARP suppression push feature to push ARP suppression entries by
broadcasting gratuitous ARP packets.
Figure 5 s
to the base station. The PE generates ARP suppression entries for the base station, PE-agg 1, and
PE-agg 2, and it directly replies subsequent ARP requests for these devices.
Figure 5 Typical application
hows a typical application scenario. ARP suppression is enabled on the PE that connects
Configuration procedure
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Create a cross-connect
group and enter its view.
3. Create a cross-connect
and enter its view.
4. Enable ARP
arp suppression enable
By default, no cross-connect groups
For more information about this
command, see MPLS Command Reference.
By default, no cross-connects exist.
For more information about this
command, see MPLS Command Reference.
By default, ARP suppression is
Step Command Remarks
5. Return to cross-connect
group view.
6. Return to system view.
7. (Optional.) Enable the
ARP suppression push
feature and set a push
arp suppression push interval
By default, the ARP suppression push
feature is disabled.
Displaying and maintaining ARP suppression
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task Command
Display ARP suppression entries (in
standalone mode).
display arp suppression xconnect-group
group-name ] [
slot-number ] [
count ]
Display ARP suppression entries (in
IRF mode).
Clear dynamic ARP suppression entries
(in standalone mode).
Clear dynamic ARP suppression entries
(in IRF mode).
display arp suppression xconnect-group
group-name ] [
count ]
reset arp suppression xconnect-group
slot-number ]
reset arp suppression xconnect-group
slot-number ]
ARP suppression configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in Figure 6, the base station, Router A, and Router B are in an MPLS L2VPN.
Enable ARP suppression on Router A to directly reply to ARP requests for Router B.
Figure 6 Network diagram
slot-number ]
group-name ]
group-name ]
Configuration procedure
1. Configure IP addresses for the interfaces, and make sure the base station can reach the L3VE
interface VE-L3VPN 1 of Router B. (Details not shown.)
2. Configure ARP suppression on Router A:
# Create a cross-connect group named vpna and create a cross-connect named svc in the
# Enable ARP suppression for the cross-connect svc in cross-connect group vpna.
[RouterA-xcg-vpna-svc] arp suppression enable
Verifying the configuration
1. On the base station, clear ARP entries, and ping the L3VE interface VE-L3VPN 1 of Router B.
(Details not shown.)
2. Verify that Router A has ARP suppression entries for the base station and Router B.
[RouterA-xcg-vpna-svc] display arp suppression xconnect-group
IP address MAC address Xconnect-group Connection Aging 00e0-fc04-582c vpna svc 25 0023-89b7-0861 vpna svc 25
3. Enable ARP debugging on Router B to verify that Router B does not receive an ARP request
from the base station under the following conditions (details not shown):
a. Clear ARP entries on the base station.
b. Ping the L3VE interface VE-L3VPN 1 of Router B from the base station.
Configuring ARP direct route
The ARP direct route advertisement feature advertises host route s instead of advertising the network
route. This feature is typically configured on PE-aggs to advertise host routes to the connected PEs
in the L3VPN.
Figure 7 sho
to a base station in the L2VPN. Traffic from the PE in the L3VPN to the base station can be load
shared by PE-agg 1 and PE-agg 2. If PE-agg 1 fails, the PE uses the host route through PE-agg 2 to
forward traffic.
Figure 7 Typical application
ws a typical application scenario where the PE in the L3VPN has ECMP routes destined
Configuration procedure
Step Command Remarks
1. Enter system view.
2. Create an L3VE
interface and enter its
3. Enable the ARP direct
route advertisement
interface ve-l3vpn
arp route-direct advertise
By default, no L3VE interface exists.
For more information about this
command, see MPLS Command Reference.
By default, the ARP direct route
advertisement feature is disabled.
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