HP FlexNetwork 5130 Troubleshooting Manual

HPE FlexNetwork 5130 EI Switch Series Troubleshooting Guide
Part number: 5200-1218 Document version: 6W102-20160429
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. © Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Introduction ····································································································· 1
General guidelines ············································································································································· 1 Collecting log and operating information ············································································································ 1
Collecting common log messages ············································································································· 2 Collecting diagnostic log messages ··········································································································· 2 Collecting operating statistics ····················································································································· 3
Contacting technical support ······························································································································ 4
Troubleshooting hardware ·············································································· 4
Unexpected switch reboot ·································································································································· 4
Symptom ···················································································································································· 4 Troubleshooting flowchart ·························································································································· 5 Solution ······················································································································································ 5
Operating power supply failure on the HPE FlexNetwork 5130 24G SFP 4SFP+ EI Switch (JG933A) ············· 6
Symptom ···················································································································································· 6 Solution ······················································································································································ 6
Newly-installed power supply failure on the HPE FlexNetwork 5130 24G SFP 4SFP+ EI Switch (JG933A) ···· 6
Symptom ···················································································································································· 6 Solution ······················································································································································ 7
Fixed fan failure ················································································································································· 7
Symptom ···················································································································································· 7 Solution ······················································································································································ 7
Related commands ············································································································································ 8
Troubleshooting ACL ······················································································ 9
ACL application failure with an error message ·································································································· 9
Symptom ···················································································································································· 9 Solution ······················································································································································ 9
ACL application failure without an error message ····························································································· 9
Symptom ···················································································································································· 9 Troubleshooting flowchart ·························································································································· 9 Solution ···················································································································································· 10
Related commands ·········································································································································· 10
Troubleshooting IRF ····················································································· 12
IRF fabric establishment failure ······················································································································· 12
Symptom ·················································································································································· 12 Troubleshooting flowchart ························································································································ 12 Solution ···················································································································································· 13
Related commands ·········································································································································· 14
Troubleshooting Ethernet link aggregation ··················································· 15
Link aggregation failure ···································································································································· 15
Symptom ·················································································································································· 15 Troubleshooting flowchart ························································································································ 16 Solution ···················································································································································· 16
Related commands ·········································································································································· 17
Troubleshooting ports ··················································································· 18
A 10-GE SFP+ fiber port or GE SFP fiber port fails to come up ······································································ 18
Symptom ·················································································································································· 18 Troubleshooting flowchart ························································································································ 18 Solution ···················································································································································· 19
A 10/100/1000Base-T GE copper port fails to come up ·················································································· 20
Symptom ·················································································································································· 20 Troubleshooting flowchart ························································································································ 20 Solution ···················································································································································· 20
Related commands ·········································································································································· 21
Troubleshooting other problems ··································································· 22
Layer 2 forwarding failure ································································································································ 22
Symptom ·················································································································································· 22 Troubleshooting flowchart ························································································································ 22 Solution ···················································································································································· 22 Related commands ·································································································································· 26
Layer 3 forwarding failure ································································································································ 27
Symptom ·················································································································································· 27 Troubleshooting flowchart ························································································································ 27 Solution ···················································································································································· 27 Related commands ·································································································································· 28
Protocol flapping ·············································································································································· 28
Symptom ·················································································································································· 28 Troubleshooting flowchart ························································································································ 29 Solution ···················································································································································· 29
This document provides information about troubleshooting common software and hardware problems with HPE FlexNetwork 5130 EI switches.
This document is not restricted to specific software or hardware versions.
General guidelines
To prevent a problem from causing loss of configuration, save the configuration each time you finish configuring a feature. For configuration recovery, regularly back up the configuration to a remote server.
When you troubleshoot HPE FlexNetwork 5130 EI switches, follow these general guidelines:
To help identify the cause of the problem, collect system and configuration information, including:
{ Symptom, time of failure, and configuration. { Network topology information, including the network diagram, port connections, and points
of failure.
{ Log messages and diagnostic information. For more information about collecting this
information, see "Collecting log and operating information."
{ Photos of the hardware. { Steps you have taken, such as reconfiguration, cable swapping, and reboot. { Output from the commands executed during the troubleshooting process.
To ensure safety , wear an ESD-preventiv e wrist strap when you replace or maintain a hardware component.
Collecting log and operating information
IMPORTANT: By default, the information center is enabled. If the feature is disabled, you must use th e info-cente
enable command to enable the feature for collecting log messages.
Table 1 shows the types of files that the system uses to store operating log and status information.
You can export these files by using FTP or TFTP. In an IRF system, these files are stored on the master device. Multiple devices will have log files if
master/subordinate switchovers have occurred. You must collect log files from all these devices. To more easily locate log information, use a consistent rule to categorize and name files. For example, save log files to a separate folder for each member device, and include their slot numbers in the folder names.
Table 1 Log and operating information
Category File name format Content
Common log
Command execution and operational log messages.
Category File name format Content
Diagnostic log
Diagnostic log messages about device operation, including the following items:
Parameter settings used when an error occurs.
Information about a card startup error.
Handshaking information between member devices when
a communication error occurs.
Operating statistics
Current operation statistics for feature modules, including the following items:
Device status.
CPU status.
Memory status.
Configuration status.
Software entries.
Hardware entries.
Collecting common log messages
1. Save the common log messages from the log buffer to a log file. By default, the log file is saved in the logfile directory of the Flash memory on each member
<Sysname> logfile save The contents in the log file buffer have been saved to the file
2. Identify the log file on each member device: # Display the log file on the master device.
<Sysname> dir flash:/logfile/ Directory of flash:/logfile 0 -rw- 21863 Jul 11 2013 16:00:37 logfile.log
524288 KB total (36944 KB free)
# Display the log file on each subordinate device:
<Sysname> dir slot2#flash:/logfile/ Directory of slot2#flash:/logfile 0 -rw- 21863 Jul 11 2013 16:00:37 logfile.log
524288 KB total (36944 KB free)
3. Transfer the files to the desired destination by using FTP or TFTP. (Details not shown.)
Collecting diagnostic log messages
1. Save the diagnostic log messages from the diagnostic log file buffer to a diagnostic log file. By default, the diagnostic log file is saved in the diagfile directory of the Flash memory on each
member device.
<Sysname> diagnostic-logfile save The contents in the diagnostic log file buffer have been saved to the file
2. Identify the diagnostic log file on each member device:
# Display the diagnostic log file on the master device.
<Sysname> dir flash:/diagfile/ Directory of flash:/diagfile 0 -rw- 161321 Jul 11 2013 16:16:00 diagfile.log
524288 KB total (36944 KB free)
# Display the diagnostic log file on each subordinate device:
<Sysname> dir slot2#flash:/diagfile/ Directory of slot2#flash:/diagfile 0 -rw- 161321 Jul 11 2013 16:16:00 diagfile.log
524288 KB total (36944 KB free)
3. Transfer the files to the desired destination by using FTP or TFTP. (Details not shown.)
Collecting operating statistics
You can collect operating statistics by saving the statistics to a file or displaying the statistics on the screen.
When you collect operating statistics, follow these guidelines:
Log in to the device through a network port instead of the console port if any network ports are available. Network ports are faster than the console port.
Do not execute commands during operating statistics collection.
As a best practice, save operating statistics to a file to ensure that the information is retained.
The amount of time to collect statistics increases along with the number of IRF member devices.
To collect operating statistics:
1. Disable pausing between screens of output if you want to display operating statistics on the screen. Skip this step if you are saving statistics to a file.
<Sysname> screen-length disable
2. Collect operating statistics for multiple feature modules.
<Sysname> display diagnostic-information Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N] :
3. At the prompt, choose to save or display operating statistics: # To save operating statistics, enter y at the prompt and then specify the destination file path.
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N] :y Please input the file name(*.tar.gz)[flash:/diag.tar.gz] :flash:/diag.tar.gz Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/diag.tar.gz. Please wait... Save successfully. <Sysname> dir flash:/ Directory of flash: … 6 -rw- 898180 Jun 26 2013 09:23:51 diag.tar.gz
524288 KB total (36944 KB free)
# To display operating statistics on the monitor terminal, enter n at the prompt.
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N] :n =============================================== ===============display clock=============== 05:48:00 UTC Tue 01/01/2014 ================================================= ……
Contacting technical support
If you cannot resolve a problem after using the troubleshooting procedures in this document, contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support. When you contact an authorized Hewlett Packard Enterprise support representative, be prepared to provide the following information:
Information described in "General guidelines."
ct serial numbers.
Technical support registration numbers (if applicable).
This information will help the support engineer assist you as quickly as possible. The following is the contact of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support for networking products: www.hpe.com/supp ort/hpesc
Troubleshooting hardware
This section provides troubleshooting information for common hardware problems.
This section describes how to troubleshoot unexpected switch reboot, power supply failure, and fixed fan failure. To troubleshoot ports, see "Troubleshooting ports."
Unexpected switch reboot
The switch reboots unexpectedly when it is operating.
Troubleshooting flowchart
Figure 1 Troubleshooting an unexpected switch reboot
To resolve the problem:
1. Verify that you can access the CLI after the switch reboots.
{ If you can access the CLI, execute the display diagnostic-information command to
collect diagnostic messages.
{ If you cannot access the CLI, go to step 2.
2. Verify that the system software image on the switch is correct. Log in to the switch through the console port and restart the switch. If the system reports tha t a
CRC error has occurred or that no system software image is available, reload the system software image. The system software image is automatically set to the current system software image during the Boot ROM image running process.
3. If the problem persists, contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support.
The switch reboots unexpectedly
Can the CLI be
Collect diagnostic
Reload the system
software image
Problem resolved?
Yes No
Is the system software
image correct?
Contact the
Operating power supply failure on the HPE FlexNetwork 5130 24G SFP 4SFP+ EI Switch (JG933A)
A trap or log is generate d indicating that an operating power supply is faulty.
To resolve the problem:
1. Execute the display power command to display power supply information.
<Sysname> display power Slot 1: PowerID State Mode Current(A) Voltage(V) Power(W) 1 Normal DC -- -- 0 2 Fault AC -- -- 0
If the power supply is in Absent state, go to step 2. If the power supply is in Fault state, go to step 3.
2. Remove a
nd reinstall the power supply to make sure the power supply is installed correctly.
Then, execute the display power command to verify that the power supply has changed to
Normal state. If the power supply remains in Absent state, replace the power supply.
3. When the power supply is in Fault state, perform the following steps: a. Verify that the power supply has not been disconnected from the power source. If it has
been disconnected from the power source, connect the power source to it.
b. Verify that the power supply surface is clean. If there is dust accumulated on the power
supply, remove the dust. Then remove and reinstall the power supply. Execute the display power command to verify that the power supply has changed to Normal state. If the power supply remains in Fault state, go to step c.
c. Install the po
wer supply into an empty power supply slot. Then execute the display power command to verify that the power supply has changed to Normal state in the new slot. If the power supply remains in Fault state, replace the power supply.
4. If the problem persists, contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support.
Newly-installed power supply failure on the HPE FlexNetwork 5130 24G SFP 4SFP+ EI Switch (JG933A)
A trap or log is generate d indicating that a newly-installed power supply is faulty.
To resolve the problem:
1. Execute the display power command to display power supply information.
<Sysname> display power Slot 1: PowerID State Mode Current(A) Voltage(V) Power(W) 1 Normal DC -- -- 0 2 Fault AC -- -- 0
If the power supply is in Absent state, go to step 2. If the power supply is in Fault state, go to step 3.
2. When the power
supply is in Absent state, perform the following tasks:
a. Remove and reinstall the power supply to make sure the power supply is installed securely.
Then execute the display power command to verify that the power supply has changed to
Normal state. If the power supply remains in Absent state, go to step b.
b. Remove a
nd install the power supply into an empty power supply slot. Then execute the display power command to verify that the power supply has changed to Normal state in the new slot. If the power supply remains in Absent state, go to step 4.
3. Remove a
nd install the power supply into an idle power supply slot. Then execute the display power command to verify that the power supply has changed to Normal state in the new slot. If the power supply remains in Fault state, go to step 4.
4. If the problem
persists, contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support.
Fixed fan failure
A trap or log is generate d indicating that an operating fixed fan is faulty.
To resolve the problem:
1. Execute the display fan command to display the operating states of the fixed fan.
<Sysname> display fan Slot 1: Fan 1: State : Normal Fan 2: State : Normal Fan 3: State : Normal Fan 4: State : Fault
2. Execute the display environment command to display temperature information. If the temperature continues to rise, put your hand over the air outlet vents to verify that air is being exhausted from the air outlet vents. If there is no air being exhausted from the air outlet vents, contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support.
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