User’s Guide
Bluetooth™ Hands-Free Headset

Introdu ction .... ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ........... 1
Headset Featu res .............. .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ ..............
Chargin g the Headset .......... ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ...........
Wearing the Headset .......... .............. .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. .......
Switchi ng the Heads et On/Off ... .............. .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............
Pairing the Headset .......... .............. .............. .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ...... 10
Using the Headset .. ....... ....... ........ ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. 12
Accepti ng a Call .......... ....... ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ ... 12
Ending a Call ....... ....... ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ ........... 12
Rejecti ng a Call ........ ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ....... 13
Making a Call ........... ....... ....... ........ ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ ............. 13
Rediali ng the Last Number ....... ....... ....... ........ ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. .... 15
Volume Control ........ .............. .............. .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. 15
Transfe rring a Call between th e Headset a nd a Mobile Phone ........... ........ ............. ........ .............. ....... 15
Mute F unction .... ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ..... 16
Headset LED Indicator ......... ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ 16
Chargin g Base Indic ator ........ ....... ....... ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ..... 17
Audio Tones ..... ........ ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ...... 1 7
Specifi cations ....... ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .. 18
Informa tion .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. ........ .............. ............. .. 19

Congrat ulation s on your purcha se of the HP iPA Q Blu etooth Hands-Free Headset (the Headset).
The He adset is quite l ight, weighin g jus t abou t .35 ounce s (10 g). It has both Headse t and
Hands-F ree p rofiles for more functio ns, a nd is compatible with m ore B luetoot h wire less technol ogy
mobile phones. Rea d this User ’s Gui de ca refully befor e you start usin g the HP iPAQ Bl uetoot h
Hands-F ree H eadset.
Pac ka ge C onten ts
In thi s pac kage, you w ill fi nd:
HP iPA Q Blu etooth Hands-Free Headset
Adjusta ble e arhook
Retract able USB ch arging cable and car c harger
Ear cu shions
Chargin g bas e
User’s guide

Blu et oo th Wirel es s Te chnol og y
Bluetoo th wi reless technology has re volutio nized the p ersonal conn ectivit y mark et by provi ding
seamles s fre edom f rom w ired c onnecti ons. It off ers a small form- factor , low- cost r adio solutio n
providi ng li nks be tween mobile compu ters, mobile phone s, an d othe r por table and ha ndheld
devices , and conne ctivity to the In ternet . The Bluetooth S pecial Interest Gr oup (S IG), compris ed of
leaders in the te lecomm unicati ons, c omputin g, an d netw ork i ndustri es, is driv ing de velopme nt of
the te chnolo gy and brin ging i t to market. The Bluetooth S IG in cludes promoter co mpanies 3Com
Ericsso n
, IBM®, Inte l®, Luce nt®, Micr osoft®, Moto rola®, Noki a®, and Toshiba®, and more than 2,000
adopter comp anies.

Headset Features
1. Talk B utton: Switc hes t he Hea dset o n/off, answe rs/ends a c all, p airs the He adset with a dev ice,
and is used for voice dialin g.
2. Volume Up Button: Increases t he spe aker volume.
3. Volume Down Button : Decr eases the speaker volume.
4. LED In dicato r: Dis plays the s tatus of th e Head set.
5. Microph one: Picks up ex ternal audio.
6. Earpiec e: Ho lds th e Hea dset i n the ear.
7. Speaker : Pla ys inc oming audio.
8. Chargin g Por t: Cha rges the ba ttery.

Charging the Headset
The He adset has a rech argeabl e batt ery. Before using the Headset for the first time, you have t o
charge the Headset batte ry fo r appr oximate ly tw o hour s in order to g et a full charge . A f ully charged
battery prov ides u p to seven hours of talk t ime an d ove r one week of st andby time. When the battery
is low , the LED indicator fl ashes red. The l ow-batt ery-war ning i ndicati on wi ll beg in th ree mi nutes of
talk t ime b efore the H eadset runs out o f pow er. Yo u can recha rge t he Hea dset at any time witho ut
waiting for the battery to be com pletely disch arged. To keep t he bat tery in goo d con dition, alway s
recharg e the Heads et wi thin a month once it is ful ly di scharge d. Bef ore c harging , make sure that the
Headset is at roo m tem peratur e. The batt ery wi ll no t char ge in very cold or v ery ho t con ditions .
NOTE: The H eadset battery is not replace able.

To charg e th e He ad set:
1. Connect the retractable USB c able i nto t he car char ger or
any US B com puter, and then p lug t he oth er en d to the
chargin g bas e.
2. Place the H eadset into the c harging base .
3. During charging, t he red indi cator light on the cha rging
base i llumin ates.
4. When t he ba ttery is fu lly ch arged, the indicat or li ght on the
charger turn s gree n.
5. You ca n now remov e the Heads et fr om the char ging b ase.
During charging, i f an incoming cal l arr ives w hile the He adset
is swi tched on, you ca n answ er th e call simp ly by removing th e
Headset from the chargi ng bas e.