Data sheet
HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP
E67660 series
This HP Color LaserJet with JetIntelligence merges performance, energy
efficiency, and security.
This HP Color LaserJet MFP with JetIntelligence combines exceptional performance and
energy efficiency with professional-quality documents right when you need them—all while
protecting your network with the industry’s deepest security.
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HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP
The World’s most secure printing
With HP Sure Start, each printer regularly checks its operating code and repairs itself from attempted hacks.
Run-time intrusion detection continually monitors to detect and stop attacks, then automatically reboots.
Centralize control of your printing environment with HP Web Jetadmin—and help build business efficiency.
Give workgroups what they need to succeed. Easily choose and deploy over 180 HP and third-party
High speed performance meets energy efficiency
Scanning is now faster than ever; duplex scan speeds up to 180 ipm. Scan to SharePoint and more.
This MFP wakes up fast and prints your first page fast.
This MFP uses exceptionally low amounts of energy thanks to its innovative design and toner technology.
Paper handling options include a wheeled stand and 550-sheet input feeder for paper sizes A6 to legal .
Pages, Performance, and Protection.
Produce sharp text, bold blacks, and crisp graphics with precision black toner.
Spend less time replacing toner, and more on business. Choose high-yield toner cartridges.
Help retain the Original HP quality you paid for with anti-fraud and cartridge authentication technology.
Give workgroups the speed they need
● Help workgroups capture every page easily and detect potential errors or missed pages—every time.
● Enter data more quickly and accurately using the pull-out keyboard.
● Help ensure every scanned document is properly oriented, cropped to size, and grayscale-optimized.
● Load up to 150 pages into the automatic document feeder for fast, unattended scanning.
Based on HP review of 2018 published security features of competitive in-class printers. Only HP offers a combination of security features that can monitor to detect and automatically stop an attack then self-validate
software integrity in a reboot. For a list of printers, visit http://www.hp.com/go/PrintersThatProtect. For more information: http://www.hp.com/go/printersecurityclaims 2 HP Web Jetadmin is available for download at no
additional charge at http://www.hp.com/go/webjetadmin 3 HP Managed LaserJet Toner Cartridges not included; please purchase separately. 4 Based on HP Internal Testing. 5 Scan speed measured from ADF at default 300
dpi (black-and-white, grayscale, and color). Actual processing speeds may vary depending on scan resolution, network conditions, computer performance, and application software.
Datasheet | HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E67660 series
Product walkaround
1. Hardware Integration Pocket
2. Easy-access USB port
3. HP High-Performance Secure Hard Disk
4. 1,000-sheet 3-bin stapler/stacker with job offset
5. Cartridge door release button
6. Front door (access t o toner cartridges)
7. Built-in automatic two-sided printing
8. 550-sheet tray 2 supports media sizes up to 8.5 x 14
inches (216 x 356 mm)
9. 150-sheet ADF with single-pass, two-sided scanning and
HP EveryPage
10. 8.0-inch (20.3 cm) icon-based color touchscreen
11. Pull-out keyboard
12. Stapler/stacker right door
13. Right door (access t o print path)
14. 100-sheet multipurpose tray 1 supports media sizes up t o
8.5 x 14 inches (216 x 356 mm)
15. Slot f o r cable-type security lock
16. Built-in Gigabit Ethernet port
17. Hi-Speed USB 2.0 printing port
18. USB port fo r connecting external USB devices
HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E67660z
Front view
Series at a glance
Product Number 3GY32A
Print speeds
Scan speeds
First page out
100-sheet multipurpose tray, 550‑sheet tray 2
Optional paper-handling accessories
Input capacity (standard/maximum8)
3-bin stapler/stacker with job offset
Advanced workflow features including
pull‑out keyboard
Managed Cartridge yields
Recommended Monthly Page Volume (RMPV)104,000 to 30,000 pages
Recommended Monthly Scan Volume (RMSV)
Wireless direct12/NFC touch-to-print13/BLE
Wireless networking
Solutions deployed through the Hardware Integration Pocket (HIP) may require additional purchase. 2 An administrator must enable the easy-access USB port before use. 3 Measured using ISO/IEC 24734; excludes first set of
information, see hp.com/go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver, and document complexity. 4 Scan speed measured from ADF at default 300 dpi (black-andwhite, grayscale, and color). Actual processing speeds may vary depending on scan resolution, network conditions, computer performance, and application software. 5 Measured using ISO/IEC 17629. Exact speed varies
depending on the system configuration, software application, driver, and document complexity. Learn more at hp.com/go/printerclaims. 6 Measured after 15 minutes in sleep. Exact speed varies depending on the system
configuration, software application, driver, document complexity, and time in sleep. 7 The MFP comes standard with the 100-sheet multipurpose tray 1 and 550-sheet tray 2. Add up to two additional 550-sheet paper feeders;
or add one of the other accessories (1x550-sheet paper feeder with stand and cabinet, 3x550-sheet paper feeder and stand, or 1x550 and 2,000-sheet HCI feeder and stand). All optional accessories support media up to 8.5 x
14 inches (216 x 356 mm). 8 Purchase of optional paper trays required to reach maximum input capacity. 9 Average black declared yields based on ISO/IEC 19752 and continuous printing. Average color composite (C/M/Y)
declared yields based on ISO/IEC 19798 and continuous printing. Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors. For details see hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies. HP Managed Cartridges are not
included in printer purchase; purchase separately.
factors including supplies replacement intervals and device life over an extended warranty period.
based on factors including supplies replacement intervals and device life over an extended warranty period.
(J8030A). If selected, you cannot also select the HP Jetdirect 3100w BLE/NFC/Wireless Accessory (3JN69A) or HP Jetdirect 2900nw Print Server (J8031A). Mobile device needs to be connected directly to the signal of a wireless
direct supported MFP or printer prior to printing. Depending on mobile device, an app or driver may also be required. For details, see hp.com/go/mobileprinting
Jetdirect 3000w NFC/Wireless Direct Accessory. Mobile device must support Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled printing. For more information, see hp.com/go/businessmobileprinting.
optional on the HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E67660z with the addition of the HP Jetdirect 3100w BLE/NFC/Wireless Accessory (3JN69A). If selected, you cannot also select the HP Jetdirect 2900nw Print Server
(J8031A) or the HP Jetdirect 3000w NFC/Wireless Accessory (J8030A). Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by HP Inc. under license. 15 Wireless networking can be added with the selection of the optional
HP Jetdirect 2900nw Print Server (J8031A). If selected, you cannot also select the HP Jetdirect 3100w BLE/NFC/Wireless Accessory (3JN69A) or HP Jetdirect 3000w NFC/Wireless Accessory (J8030A). Wireless performance is
dependent on physical environment and distance from access point, and may be limited during active VPN connections.
Recommended Monthly Page Volume: HP recommends that the number of printed pages per month be within the stated range for optimum device performance, based on
HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E67660z
Print, c o p y , scan, optional f ax
Letter/A4: Up to 60/56 pages per minute (black and color)
A5 landscape: Up to 74 ppm (black and color)
Simplex: Up to 90/83 ppm (letter/A4, black); up to 90/83 ppm (letter/A4, color)
Duplex: Up to 180/167 images per minute (ipm) (letter/A4, black);
up to 180/167 ipm (letter/A4, color)
From Ready (Letter/A4)5: Black: As fast as 5.7/5.8 seconds; Color: As fast as 5.7/5.8 seconds
From Sleep (Letter/A4)6: Black: As fast as 12.5/12.6 seconds; Color: As fast
as 12.5/12.6 seconds
See Paper-handling accessories table below fo r details
Up t o 650/3,200 pages
Black: ~32,200 pages; Color: ~28,000 pages
27,000 to 45,000 pages
test documents. For more
HP recommends that the number of scanned pages per month be within the stated range for optimum device performance,
Wireless direct printing can be added by purchasing the optional HP Jetdirect 3000w NFC/wireless direct accessory
Touch-to-print can be added by purchasing the optional HP
Bluetooth® Low Energy is