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The documentation set consists of the HP Easytime/XL User’s Guide, an online help
system, and a Quick Reference Guide.
The manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 , “Introduction,” Describes the purpose and intended audience of
HP Easytime/XL and explains starting of a localized version.
Chapter 2 , “Getting Started,” Describes how to start HP Easytime/XL and the basic skills
needed to use the product effectively.
Chapter 3 , “HP Easytime/XL Tasks,” Describes all the tasks needed to monitor and
manage; printing files, jobs, sessions, console messages, and backups of the system. The
section also describes how the system administrator can customize HP Easytime/XL with
the setup program.
Chapter 4 , “HP Easytime/XL Reference,” Provides information about console messages
and requests, error messages, keys, default options, field and screen descriptions, and
wildcard characters.
The primary audience for this manual is both the system administrator and the end user
of the HP e3000 computer. The “Customizing HP Easytime/XL” section is intended for the
system administrator only.
Online Help Facility
Provides an extensive online help facility that includes step-by-step instructions for all
tasks, field definitions, and overview of basic skills and concepts needed to use the product
effectively, and a complete glossary of terms and definitions.
Quick Reference Card
Provides a quick reference for important skills and tasks.
HP Easytime/XL is a program used to communicate with the HP e3000
computer. Menus guide you through managing system resources,
printing reports, or sending messages to another user on the same
Whether you are the system administrator, managing the system as
your primary job responsibility, or an end-user, using the system
occasionally to print a file, HP Easytime/XL can be used efficiently and
productively to meet individual work needs.
The following list is some of the tasks that can be performed with
HP Easytime/XL:
• Print, copy, rename, delete, and store files
• Review and manage files waiting to be printed
• Start, schedule, and delete jobs
• Show and delete sessions
• Send messages to other users
• Review messages and reply to requests from the system
• Perform full and partial backups
• Sort and display information to meet special needs
• Access an extensive online help facility
Starting a Localized Version of HP Easytime/XL
Starting a Localized Version of
HP Easytime/XL
In addition to English, there are four localized versions of
HP Easytime/XL; French, Spanish, German and Japanese. If installing
one of the localized versions, the system manager must configure the
appropriate language on your system using the LANGINST utility
program. Refer to Localizing/Customizing System Information for the
LANGINST dialog.
Refer to Table 1-1, it indicates the commands to be typed to start a
localized version of HP Easytime/XL. Please note that this setting is
valid for the current session only. If the system administrator has
specified the language of the localized version as the system default
language, this procedure does not need to be performed.
A message appears in French prompting you to enable
HP Easytime/XL. If this message is displayed in English, the system
administrator has not configured French for your system.
3. Press
F5 OK to enable HP Easytime/XL.
Starting a Localized Version of HP Easytime/XL
Customizing HP Easytime/XL
The system manager can use the setup program to customize the
HP Easytime/XL program. See “Customizing HP Easytime/XL” in this
manual. This program is optional. HP Easytime/XL arrives set up, it
can be used as is, or customize it to meet your particular needs.
Enabling HP Easytime/XL
Before using HP Easytime/XL, the program must be enabled. This is a
system administrator responsibility. If you are not the system
administrator, ask the system administrator to do this for you.
1. Log on to the system as MANAGER.SYS.
2. From the system prompt, type:
3. Press F5 OK to enable HP Easytime/XL.
Start HP Easytime/XL and begin performing tasks.
Disabling HP Easytime/XL
1. Log on to the system as MANAGER.SYS.
2. Start HP Easytime/XL.
3. Switch to system administrator mode.
4. From the Main menu, press
A dialog box prompts you for confirmation.
5. Press
6. Press
F5 OK to confirm disabling HP Easytime/XL.
F5 Yes to confirm again.
D for Disable HP Easytime/XL.
Chapter 117
Starting a Localized Version of HP Easytime/XL
2Getting Started
This chapter describes how to log on to the system and start
HP Easytime/XL, and how to exit and log off. It also explains the basic
skills needed to use the product effectively, including the following:
• Logging on and starting HP Easytime/XL
• Exiting and logging off
• Getting help
• Using the Main menu
• Screens
• Menus
• List boxes
• Dialog boxes
• Understanding operating modes
• Basic skills
Getting Started
Logging On
Logging On
Logging on means identifying yourself to the computer. You must
identify yourself as an authorized user by typing your logon identity
(username and account) and a password (if any). If you do not have a
logon identity, ask your system administrator to give you one.
Once you log on, you begin communication with the HP e3000 computer
and can start working.
Log On
1. After switching on the terminal, press Return one or more times until
you see the system prompt.
2. Type your logon identity. For example:
3. Press
4. Type any required passwords.
As a security precaution, passwords are not displayed on the screen
as you type them.
5. Press
A system prompt (:) signals the start of your session. A welcome
message may also be displayed.
Starting HP Easytime/XL
Once you have logged on (and the program is enabled) you can start
HP Easytime/XL.
1. From the system prompt, type:
Unless your system administrator has changed this,the Main menu
is displayed on your screen. This is where you begin your work.
Figure 2-1 illustrates the Main menu.
[ Switch to System Administrator...]
[ Change Administrator Password... ]
[ Disable HP Easytime/XL...]
Getting Started
Logging On
HP Easytime/XL Main
Menu Bar
Welcome to HP Easytime/XL. Now you are ready to learn about basic
skills and HP Easytime/XL tasks.
The following are the basic skills needed to use HP Easytime/XL. If you
do not want to continue with basic skills now, you can exit
HP Easytime/XL with the following procedure.
Exiting HP Easytime/XL
1. Press F3 E to open the Exit menu.
2. Press
3. Press
X for Exit HP Easytime/XL.
F5 Yes to confirm that you want to exit.
This ends your current HP Easytime/XL session.
MPE/iX Operating System
You can also exit HP Easytime/XL temporarily to execute an MPE/iX
command or start another application, and then quickly return to
HP Easytime/XL.
1. Press
2. Press
F8 Close one or more times until the Main menu appears.
G or Go to MPE.
The MPE/iX system prompt is displayed on the screen. You can now
enter an MPE/iX command or start another application.
Chapter 221
Getting Started
Logging On
3. Type EXIT when you want to return to HP Easytime/XL.
If you do not need to return to HP Easytime/XL, you can type BYE to
end the MPE/iX session and log off. When you end the MPE/iX
session, you end the HP Easytime/XL session as well.
Log Off
1. Exit HP Easytime/XL.
2. From the system prompt, type: BYE.
A closing message displays the current time, date, and amount of
CPU time your session used. Switch off the terminal screen after you
receive the disconnect message.
Getting Started
Getting Help
Getting Help
There are two ways to get help in HP Easytime/XL. Access the Help
menu for a complete index of help topics, or press
context sensitive help about an object on the screen.
The HP Easytime/XL Help menu is available on every screen. The
Help menu provides the following six categories of help information:
Use this topicTo do access this:
HelpHP Easytime/XL help facility.
Basic SkillsInformation about basic skills and
concepts needed to use the product
ProceduresStep-by-step procedures for every task
available on a screen.
F1 Field Help for
KeysCursor movement keys; dialog box key,
function keys, and editing keys in
HP Easytime/XL.
GlossaryAlphabetical listing ofHPEasytime/XL
terms and definitions.
VersionInformation about the current version
of HP Easytime/XL on your system.
Using the Help Menu
1. Press F4 H to open the Help menu.
2. Press the key that corresponds to the underlined character in the
menu item you want. For example, press P for help on Procedures.
Figure 2-2 shows an index of help topics for this screen.
Adding file security
Checking the status of files
Copying files from disk to tape (restoring)
Copying files from tape to disk (storing)
Copying multiple files
Copying one file
Deleting files
Deleting files
Displaying a set of files
Moving multiple files
Moving one file
Printing files
Reading the contents of a file
Removing file security
Renaming a file
Procedures Index
Display last updated at 9:36 AM
Selecting a Help Topic
1. Press ▲ or ▼ key to move the cursor to a help topic.
2. Press either
3. Press
F5 Read.
F3, Spacebar, or Return to select the topic.
A help window displays help information about that topic.
4. Press
If you want to choose another help topic, press
F8 Close when you are finished reading.
Tab twice to go back to
the list of topics and select another.
5. Press F8 Close again to close the Help menu.
Help Key
With the help key you can access field specific help about an object on
the screen or in a menu, for example, a task or data entry field.
1. Move the cursor to an object on the screen.
2. Press
3. Press
F1 Field Help to get help information about that object.
F8 Close to close the help window when you are finished
Main Menu
The Main menu is the focal point in HP Easytime/XL and usually the
first thing seen after starting HP Easytime/XL. Any HP Easytime/XL
screen can be accessed through the Main menu.
Opening a Screen from the Main Menu
1. Press the key that corresponds to the underlined letter in the screen
you want to open, for example, press
Management. Or, use the ▲ or ▼ keys to highlight the screen you
want, and press
[ Switch to System Administrator...]
[ Change Administrator Password... ]
[ Disable HP Easytime/XL...]
Menu Bar
Main Menu Items
1. Press ▲ or ▼ keys to highlight a menu item.
2. Press
or task.
F1 Field Help to get context sensitive help about the screen
Chapter 225
Getting Started
Each area of management in HP Easytime/XL (for example, File or
Session Management) is displayed on a screen. Access information
about the current status of the system and perform system
management tasks through the screens.
Figure 2-4 illustrates the parts of a File Management screen.
Each HP Easytime/XL screen contains the following:
Title barA horizontal bar that is located at the
top of each screen and contains the
name of the screen.
Menu barA horizontal bar located directly below
the title bar containing the name of the
HP Easytime/XL menus.
Status barThe third line of the screen (directly
below the menu bar). The status line
displaysmessagesfrom the system that
tell you when you need to do
something, for example, load a form in
the printer. The status line also
displays the time the screen was last
List boxA box listing available choices, for
example, a list of available files on the
Message lineThe bottom line on the screen.
Information about what is happening
on the system is displayed here.
Function keysAlong the top of the keyboard are eight
keys labeled
F1 through F8. These
function keys correspond to the eight
function key labels along the bottom of
each HP Easytime/XL screen.
Chapter 227
Getting Started
All HP Easytime/XL menus appear on the menu bar. The menu bar
appears directly below the title bar. Each menu contains a list of
available tasks (menu items) that let you determine what action to take
next. You can also access the Main menu from the menu bar on any
HP Easytime/XL screen.
Figure 2-5 illustrates the menus on the File Management screen.
Open any menu in HP Easytime/XL by going to the menu bar and
pressing the key that corresponds to the underlined letter in the menu
you want to open. For example, to open the Actions menu:
1. Press
F4 to go to the menu bar.
2. Press
opening menus. For example, press
A to open the Actions menu.
F2 Fast Select and an underlined character for a faster method of
All HP Easytime/XL tasks are listed on menus. Perform tasks by
choosing the menu item.
1. Press the key that corresponds to the underlined character in the
menu item you want. For example, press
▼ keys to highlight the menu item you want, and press
D for Delete. Or, use ▲ or
Closing Menu
1. Press F4 again to close a menu and exit the menu bar. Or, press right
arrow key or left arrow key to open other menus on the menu bar.
The menu closes automatically when you open another.
Chapter 229
Getting Started
Understanding Menu Conventions
Not all HP Easytime/XL menu items look the same. Menu items can be
shaded, preceded by an asterisk, highlighted, or followed by an ellipsis
(...). Additionally each menu item has one letter underlined. The
following list explains HP Easytime/XL menu conventions.
Menu ConventionDefinition
ShadedThis menu item or screen is not
available. This can be because you are
currently working on this screen, or
because system administrator access is
required to perform the task.
Ellipsis (...)Indicates that a dialog box or another
screen will appear when you select this
AsteriskIndicates which default setting is
Underlined CharacterIndicates which key to press to access a
menu or to select a menu item.
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