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Hewlett-Packard Company
This manual documents functionality for the MPE/iX releases, for
HP e3000 systems. It describes the concepts and terminology needed to
design an NS 3000/iX network and to plan the configuration process for
that network. It also provides step-by-step instructions to assist you in
configuring the network links for HP e3000 systems.
AudienceThis manual is intended for network managers and planners who are
responsible for setting up and configuring a communications network.
To make the best use of this guide, you should be familiar with basic
MPE commands as well as with the NS 3000/iX product.
You should also be familiar with NMMGR, the tool used to configure
network connections. If not, refer to Using the Node ManagementServices (NMS) Utilities for information.
Special NoteMPE/iX, Multiprogramming Executive with Integrated POSIX, is the
latest in a series of forward-compatible operating systems for the
HP e3000 line of computers.
In HP documentation and in talking with HP e3000 users, you will
encounter references to MPE XL, the direct predecessor of MPE/iX.
MPE/iX is a superset of MPE XL. All programs written for MPE XL will
run without change under MPE/iX. You can continue to use MPE XL
system documentation, although it may not refer to features added to
the operating system to support POSIX (for example, hierarchical
Finally, you may encounter references to MPE V,which is the operating
system for HP e3000s, not based on the PA_RISC architecture. MPE V
software can be run on the PA_RISC HP e3000s in what is known as
compatibility mode.
OrganizationThis manual is divided into the following chapters and appendixes:
Chapter 1 , “Network Configuration Overview,” provides information
you should know before you begin configuration.
Chapter 2 , “Networking Concepts,” describes networking concepts and
provides information you need to know to plan your configuration.
Chapter 3 , “Planning Your Network,” will help you draw your network
map and fill out network worksheets as you plan your network,
internetwork, gateway, and network directory configuration.
Chapter 4 , “Planning for Node Configuration,” describes how to fill out
node worksheets before you start configuring network links for each
node. It includes a table listing the parameters that you will need to
enter during NMMGR guided configuration.
Chapter 6 , “Configuring a LAN Node,” provides step-by-step
instructions for configuring IEEE802.3/Ethernet LAN, token ring, and
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) links.
Chapter 7 , “Configuring a Point-to-Point Node,” provides step-by-step
instructions for configuring Point-to-Point (router) links.
Chapter 8 , “Configuring a X.25 Node,” provides step-by-step
instructions for configuring X.25 links.
Chapter 9 , “Configuring a Gateway Half,” provides step-by-step
instructions for configuring the interface between two gateway halves.
Chapter 10 , “Validating and Cross-Validating with SYSGEN,”provides
step-by-step instructions for validating the network transport and
cross-validating with SYSGEN.
Chapter 11 , “Configuring the Network Directory,”provides step-by-step
instructions for configuring a network directory.
Chapter 12 , “Configuring Domain Name Files,” provides instructions
for configuring the domain name resolver.
Chapter 14 , “Operating the Network,” shows you how to bring up and
shut down NS 3000 links and services.
Appendix A , “MPE/V to MPE/iX Migration,” provides general MPE/V
to MPE/iX migration information.
Appendix B , “NS X.25 Migration: NS 3000/V to NS 3000/iX,” provides
X.25-specific information on migration from a node running NS X.25
3000/V Link to a node that will be running NS 3000/iX release 2.0 or
later. Appendix C does not apply if an MPE V-based node s being used
as an X.25 server for NS 3000/XL-based machines.
Appendix C , “NS X.25 Migration: NS 3000/V PAD Access to NS
3000/iX,” tells how to migrate NS 3000/V versions of PAD access to
NS 3000/iX release 2.0 or later.
Glossary, contains terms applicable to the network configuration
Related HP
The following manuals are referenced in this manual or may be of use
to you as you plan and configure your network.
Networking• Using the Node Management Services (NMS) Utilities
• NS 3000/iX Operations and Maintenance Reference Manual
• NS 3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual
• NetIPC 3000/XL Programmer’s Reference Manual
• Berkeley Sockets/iX Reference Manual
• Using NS 3000/iX Network Services
Datacommunications and
Configuring Systems for Terminals, Printers, and Other Serial Devices
and Troubleshooting Terminal, Printer, and Serial Device Connections
Using the OpenView DTC Manager
System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual
MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual
• PCI 100Base-T Network Adapter Installation and Service Guide
• HP-PB 100Base-T Network Adapter Installation and Service Guide
• 8-Port Serial PCI ACC Multiplexer Installation and User’s Guide
• HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter Installation and Service
• HP-IB FDDI Adapter Installation Guide
1Network Configuration
This manual provides step-by-step instructions you can use to configure
an HP e3000 node for network communications. You can use the
information to configure an IEEE 802.3/Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI,
100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T, Point-to-Point (router), or X.25 node.
Before you begin configuration, you must ensure your network is
physically set up and ready for network configuration.
This chapter provides information you should know before you begin
configuration. It tells you what preparations you must make and what
items you will be configuring.
This chapter contains the following configuration information:
• Pre-configuration hardware check.
• Pre-configuration software check.
• Configuration process overview.
Network Configuration Overview
Pre-Configuration Hardware Check
Pre-Configuration Hardware Check
Before beginning the actual configuration process, check that the
hardware components required for NS 3000/iX have been installed and
verified according to the procedures in the hardware installation
manuals listed in the preface to this guide.
Network Configuration Overview
Pre-Configuration Software Check
Pre-Configuration Software Check
Once you have verified that your hardware has been correctly installed,
verify that the appropriate software is installed by performing the
following steps:
1. Ensure that the Datacommunications and Terminal Subsystem
(DTS) has been configured. If DTS has not been configured, refer to
Configuring Systems for Terminals, Printers, and Other Serial
Devices and configure the DTS before proceeding.
2. Check that the data communications software has been installed
properly by running the NMMAINT program (NMMAINT.PUB.SYS),
which is supplied as part of the node management services.
NMMAINT will tell you if any software modules are missing or
invalid. See the Using the Node Management Services (NMS)Utilities manual for a discussion of the NMMAINT program.
3. Whenever you receive a new version of the node management
services (NMS) software (which includes NMMGR), and you have
earlier versions of NMS, you first have to run a conversion program.
The conversion program, called NMMGRVER (NMMGRVER.PUB.SYS),
ensures that configuration files created with an earlier version of
NMMGR are converted to the latest format.
Chapter 119
Network Configuration Overview
Configuration Process Overview
Configuration Process Overview
The instructions in this guide explain how to configure each node on
your network by using a “guided” branch of Hewlett-Packard’sNMMGR
configuration program. The principal steps in this process are as
1. Plan your network before you begin NMMGR. Use the worksheets
provided in Chapter 4 , “Planning for Node Configuration,” to record
all the items NMMGR requires. (See Chapter 2 , “Networking
Concepts,” for information on networking concepts.)
2. Configure the transport and link by using NMMGR to modify the
NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS file. The instructions for this step are contained
in this manual.
3. If the node being configured is part of an internet or is on a network
with non-HP nodes, add the path of the new node to its network
directory file. See Chapter 11 , “Configuring the Network Directory,”
for information on configuring the network directory, or if using DNS
for nodename resolution.
4. Validate the network transport. This step checks data consistency
between values entered on different NMMGR data entry screens.
Instructions for validating the network transport are located in
Chapter 10 , “Validating and Cross-Validating with SYSGEN.”
5. Cross-validate NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS with the system configuration
files within SYSGEN. Cross-validation ensures that there are no
conflicts in the use of node names, device classes, and physical paths.
Even if validation and cross-validation were already done after
configuring DTS, you still have to validate and cross-validate again
after you configure the network transport and link. Instructions for
cross-validating are located in Chapter 10 , “Validating and
Cross-Validating with SYSGEN.”
6. Start the network (links and services) using the NETCONTROL and
NSCONTROL commands. See Chapter 14 , “Operating the Network,”
for information on starting links and services.
7. Verify the NS services configuration and confirm network
connectivity by running the QVALNS program. See Chapter 14 ,
“Operating the Network,” for information on running QVALNS.
2Networking Concepts
Planning a network or internetwork (collection of networks) is an
important process that must be done with care to ensure that the
network meets the needs of your organization. Many factors must be
taken into consideration when planning the network or internetwork:
for example, volume of usage over particular links, volume of CPU
usage of each node, physical layout needs and limitations (such as
geographical distances), and desirability of connections to
non-NS 3000/iX nodes.
This chapter provides information to help you design your network and
plan for configuration using NMMGR. The following network design
elements are discussed:
• Design considerations of the network environment
Network and internetwork design must take many factors into
consideration: the desired physical location of the computers
comprising the network, the volume of projected communications traffic
between nodes, communications traffic patterns, and the possibility of
connections to other types of nodes (such as those in a public data
network) are just some of the criteria to consider.
These factors will affect your choice of NS network type (LAN, Token
Ring, FDDI, 100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T, Point-to-Point, X.25) as well
as choice of specific links. They will also affect how you design your
network layout. You may want to create subnetworks within your
network by configuring IP subnet addresses. You may, on the other
hand, need to join several networks together to form an internetwork
or internet.
Line Speed
Line Speed is a measure of the rate at which data is transmitted by a
physical link (usually measured in kilobits or megabits per second). The
maximum line speed varies among different NS links. Line speed may
therefore influence your choice of link. Although line speed does not
indicate the exact throughput of a particular link, it can be used on a
comparative basis to indicate relative throughput.
In general, an IEEE 802.3/Ethernet LAN or TokenRing network will be
faster than a Point-to-Point or X.25 network because the bus or ring
topology provides a faster routing mechanism than a series of
Point-to-Point hops. FDDI, 100VG-AnyLAN, and 100Base-T links will
be an order of magnitude faster than LAN or Token Ring. Links using
leased lines will have a higher line speed than links using normal
telephone lines.
Consult your Hewlett-Packard representative for line speeds and the
most up-to-date performance data for various links.
Geographical Location
The geographical location of the computers that will be part of your
network or internet will be an important factor in deciding both the
physical topology and the link types that you should use.
If all of the nodes you want to connect are located relatively close to
each other (in the same building, for example) you might choose to
connect them via a LAN, Token Ring link, 100VG-AnyLAN, or
Another option for nodes located in the same geographic location is to
use hardwired (direct-connect) Point-to-Point links. You might wish to
Networking Concepts
Network Environment Design Considerations
use a Point-to-Point network if the distance between some nodes on the
network will be greater than the maximum distance allowed between
nodes on a LAN. Bridges, hubs and routers are commonly implemented
to extend LANs.
FDDI networks also offer greater distances than LAN, Token Ring,
100VG-AnyLAN, or 100Base-T networks. FDDI networks can be up to
200 kilometers in length, with nodes up to 2 kilometers apart.
If you need to connect nodes that are geographically distant (for
example, HP e3000s located in different cities) you might choose to
connect them via a dial link. For NS dial links, you can use the
Point-to-Point 3000/iX Network Link.
Finally, if you need to use satellite transmission because of the large
geographical distance between nodes, or if you need to have access to
other nodes on a public or private X.25 network, you might wish to use
the DTC/X.25 iX Network Link.
Special Cases
The following sections describe certain design requirements for special
situations, such as shared dial links, personal computers, and using
non-HP e3000 minicomputers on an NS network.
Shared Dial Links
Shared dial links have two limitations that must be considered when
designing a network. First, a shared dial link cannot be used as an
intermediate link in a Point-to-Point network. Any other kind of dial
link can be used for intermediate links, but shared dial links can be
used only to connect leaf nodes (that is, nodes that receive messages
targeted only for themselves, also referred to as end nodes). Second,
cannot dial out on SMUX, shared dial links cannot be used as gateway
Non-HP e3000 Nodes (Including PCs)
LAN, Token Ring, FDDI, 100VG-AnyLAN, 100Base-T, and X.25
networks can access non-HP e3000 nodes. Point-to-Point networks
must be composed of only HP e3000s.
Applicable SYSGEN Parameters
VT terminals are not physical devices, instead they are virtual devices
created dynamically at remote logon, header entries are created for the
maximum number of VT terminals at system boot time. The exact
number of head entries created for VT terminals will depend on the
value of MAXDYNIO (which is configurable in SYSGEN).
The exact number of remote sessions which can be supported on a given
system will depend on the exact mix of jobs and sessions (remote and
local, active and inactive) on that system.
Chapter 223
Networking Concepts
Network Environment Design Considerations
The maximum number of concurrent processes may limit the number of
remote logons before the maximum number of dynamic I/O devices
Dynamic Ldevs
This is actually a system parameter that can be configured to 999 in
SYSGEN. The default is 332, but the actual number that can be in use
may be limited by the IDD/ODD limits. VT and NS use one dynamic
ldev per remote session and one per LAN link and one per
Point-to-Point link.
The result of having DYNAMIC IO DEVS configured too low for NS
VIRTUAL TERMINAL connections is VTERR 8 or VT INFORM 050.
Likewise the dynamic I/O device limit may be reached before the
concurrent process limit.
Networking Concepts
Network Interface and Link Types
Network Interface and Link Types
The network interface (NI), the software that provides an interface
between a node and a network, specifies the type and maximum
number of links that can be configured for a node. Because a node’s
network interface determines what links can be configured for the node,
links are said to be configured underneath network interfaces.
There are nine types of network interfaces (in addition to loopback):
• LAN for IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet networks, 100VG-AnyLAN
networks, and 100Base-T networks.
• Token Ring for IEEE 802.5 networks.
• FDDI for fiber optic networks.
• 100VG-AnyLAN for 100VG-AnyLAN networks.
• 100Base-T for 100Base-T networks.
• Point-to-Point for networks that use Point-to-Point routing.
• X.25 for X.25 networks.
• NS over SNA is no longer offered as a product and has been
removed from the Corporate Price List. The product is obsolete with
no plans for support.
• Gateway half for nodes that function as gateway halves.
Number of Network Interfaces
A system can have up to 48 network interfaces (NI) configured. One of
these network interfaces must be loopback. For each network interface,
the maximum number of links you can configure and the kinds of links
possible are determined by the network interface type, as follows:
• A LAN network interface can have only one link configured under it;
however, a single link can reach a large number of nodes. ThickLAN
cable supports up to 100 nodes per segment; ThinLAN cable can be
used for up to 30 nodes per segment; and each Ethertwist 3000/iX
can be used for up to 50 nodes. Up to two LAN NIs can be active
at a time per system, 100BT allows a maximum distance of
100m between 2 nodes.
• A Token Ring interface can have only one link configured under it;
however, a single link can reach a large number of nodes. Token Ring
3000/iX Network Link can support up to 250 nodes per ring using
shielded twisted pair (STP) cabling at 4 or 16 Mbps and 50 nodes per
ring using unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cabling at 4 Mbps. Only
one Token Ring NI can be active at a time per system.
Chapter 225
Networking Concepts
Network Interface and Link Types
• An FDDI interface can have only one link configured under it;
however, a single link can reach a large number of nodes. FDDI/iX
Network Link can support up to 1000 nodes. Up to four FDDI NIscan be active at a time per system.
• A Point-to-Point network interface can have up to 40 links
configured under it. Point-to-Point links may be dial links, in which a
modem attached to a node is used to transmit and receive data
carried across telephone wires, or leased lines, in which data is sent
over data-grade lines leased from a private carrier. Up to 11
Point-to-Point NI’s can be active at a time (one NI must be
loopback) for a total of 12 NI’s per system..
• An X.25 network interface can have from one to 11 links configured,
depending on the number of configured X.25 network interfaces on
the node. (A single node can have up to 11 NIs and up to 11 X.25
links.) Each link can be connected to as many as 1,024 remote nodes,
with communication allowed with as many as 256 nodes at the same
time. Up to 11 X.25 NI’s can be active at a time (one NI must beloopback) for a total of 12 NI’s per system..
• A gateway half network interface can have only one link configured
under it (the gateway half link). Links connecting two gateway
halves can be only NS Point-to-Point 3000/iX Network links. Onlyone gateway half NI can be active at a time per system.
If more than one (non-loopback) network interface is configured on a
node, the network portions of the IP addresses configured for the
interfaces should differ to correspond to the multiple networks to which
the node belongs.
Refer to “Software Configuration Maximums” at the end of this chapter
for information on configuration path maximums.
Priority of Network Interfaces
If it is possible to reach a destination through more than one active NI,
the network determines which NI to select according to the following
Token Ring
Gateway Half
Point-to-Point (router)
If more than one NI of a given type is active, (for example, two X.25
NIs) the network will select the one that it finds first.
Networking Concepts
IP Subnets are used to divide one network into two or more distinct
subnetworks. Subnet numbers identify subnetworks in the same way
that network addresses identify physically distinct networks.
Subnetting divides the node address portion of an IP address into two
portions—one for identifying a specific subnetwork and one for
identifying a node on that subnetwork.
Why Use Subnets?
The use of subnets is optional. Subnets are typically used in
organizations that have a large number of computers. You may want
two or more physically distinct networks to share the same network
address. This may occur, for example, if your organization has acquired
only one network number, but any of the following is true:
• A few nodes on a single network create the bulk of the network
traffic and you want to isolate those nodes on a subnetwork to reduce
overall congestion.
• You have a single LAN and have reached the limit of its technology
in terms of node numbers or cable length.
• LANs are located too far apart to be joined with bridges.
How Subnetting Works
You may use subnets to divide your current network into subnetworks
without informing remote networks about an internal change in
connectivity. A packet will be routed to the proper subnet when it
arrives at the gateway node. However, if you want a remote node to
know about only some of the subnets on your network, this must be
The network portion of an IP address must be the same for each
subnetwork of the same network. The subnet portion of an IP address
must be the same for each node on the same subnetwork.
Assigning Subnet Masks
Before you can determine subnet numbers, you first must determine
which bits of the node address will be used to contain your subnet
The bits that you designate for subnet identifiers compose the subnet
mask. The subnet mask is configured with NMMGR. The remaining
part of the node address is used to identify the host portion of the IP
Chapter 227
Networking Concepts
The following rules apply when choosing a subnet mask and an IP
• Although any bits in the node address can be used as the subnet
mask, Hewlett-Packard recommends aligning the subnet mask along
byte boundaries, adjacent to the network number.
• Although standards allow subnets on the same network to have
different subnet masks, Hewlett-Packard recommends that you
assign the same subnet mask to all subnets on a network.
• Do not assign an IP address where the network address and/or node
address bits are all off (all 0s) or all on (all 1s). Likewise, the subnet
address bits cannot be all 0s or all 1s.
Todetermine the subnet mask, you first need to estimate the number of
networks required and the number of nodes on each subnet. Allow
enough bits for both nodes and subnets, as described in example 1.
Example 1Assume you are choosing a subnet mask for a class C network (three
bytes for network address, one byte for node address), and you need
four subnets with up to 30 nodes on each subnet. You will need to
reserve three bits for the subnet address (remember, all 0s and all 1s
cannot be used) and the remaining five bits for the node numbers as
shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1Class C Address with Subnet Number
The 30 nodes per subnet will require at least five bits of the node
portion of the IP address (30 <32, and 32=2
, therefore you need 5 bits).
This leaves three bits remaining in the node portion of the IP address
for use as the subnet identifier. Subnet parts of all 0’s or all 1’s are not
recommended because they can be confused with broadcast addresses.
Therefore, you can have up to six subnets (2
–2=6) when three bits are
used for the subnet identifier.
Example 2An IP address on a class B network with an 8-bit subnet mask
separates as shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2Class C Address with Subnet Number
Now, refer again to example 1. The subnet mask must indicate that
three bits of the node portion of the IP address will be used for the
subnet identifier. The subnet mask turns on (sets to 1) all the relevant
bits for its subnet scheme. The subnet mask for example 1 is shown
below. Note that the most significant three bits of the rightmost byte
are set.
Subnet Mask
Networking Concepts
Binary11111111.11111111.11111111 11100000
Decimal255.255.255 224
Table 2-1 shows valid addresses for the subnetwork in example 1. You
will need to know this information for NMMGR configuration. The
table shows the possible values of the rightmost byte of the IP address
for each of the subnets, given the criteria described in the example.
(Remember, an address of all 0s or all 1s is not valid).
Column 2 shows the values, in binary, of the six subnet addresses. Five
zeroes are shown in parentheses to indicate where the three
subnet-address bits are located in the byte. The equivalent decimal
value for each subnet address is shown in the third column. The fourth
column shows the range of possible values for the node address of each
subnet. The five rightmost bits make up the node portion, and the
range is the same for all subnets.By combining the subnet address with
the range of node addresses, the possible decimal values of the
rightmost byte are obtained and shown in the fifth column.
The table shows that subnets of 30 nodes each are possible given a
subnet mask of 255.255.255 224. This is derived from the column that
shows the range of possible values for the five bits that make up the
node portion of the IP address. The range for each of the six subnets
shows 30 possible values.
By looking at the binary values of two IP addresses, it is easy to tell if
nodes belong to the same subnet. If they do, all the bits that make up
the subnet mask will be the same between IP addresses in the subnet.
Take, for example, two IP addresses (in decimal and in binary) of
subnet number 1 from Table 2-1:
Because the mask has all bits except the five rightmost bits set to 1, all
bits except the five rightmost bits must match between nodes on the
same subnet. Because the two example IP addresses from subnet 1 do
match except for their five rightmost bits, they belong to the same
Subnet addressing can be used in internetworks (networks with
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