Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published s peci fica t ions at the time of ship me nt from th e fact ory. Hewlet tPackard further certifi es that its calibrat ion mea sureme nt s are tracea ble to the Unit ed Sta tes Na tion al Institut e of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards), to the extent allowed by that organization’s calibration facility, and to the calibration
facilities of other International Standards Organization members.
This Hewlet t-Pa ck ar d product is warr ante d agai nst de fect s in mate rials and w orkmansh ip for a period of three years from date of shipment. Duration and conditi ons of warranty f or this pr oduct ma y be super seded when the p r oduct is integrate d in to ( becomes a part of)
other HP product s. Du ring the warrant y period, Hewlett-Packard Company will, at its opt ion, either repair or re pl ace pr oducts which
prove to be defective.
For warranty se r vice or repair, this product mu st be r et ur ned to a service facil ity de si gnated by Hewlett-Packard (HP). Buyer shall prepay shipping cha rges to HP and HP shall pay shipping charges to retu rn t he product to Bu yer. Howe ver, Buyer shall pa y all ship ping
charges, duties, and taxe s for products returned to HP from anot her count r y.
HP warrants that its softwar e and firmwar e designa ted b y HP for use with a product will execute its programmin g instru cti ons wh en
properly installe d on that product. HP does not warrant that the operat ion of the product, or software , or firmware will be uninterrupted
or er ro r f r ee.
Limitation Of Warrant y
The foreg oin g warra nt y sh al l not apply t o defects resulting from improper or inadequa t e mai nt enance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied products or interfacing, unauthori ze d m odificati on or misus e, operation outside of the environmenta l specificat i ons for the product, or improper site prep arat i on or maint ena nce.
The design and imp le mentation of any circuit on this product is the sole responsibility of the Buyer. HP does not warrant the Buyer’s
circuitr y or malfunctions of HP products that result from the Bu yer’s circuitry. In addition, HP d oes not warrant a n y damage that occurs as a result of the B uyer’s circuit or any defects th at re sult from Buyer-supplied product s.
Exclusive Remedie s
herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material. This document c ontains proprietary information which is protect ed by copyright. A ll ri ghts are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translate d to another lan guage wit h out the prior written consent of Hewlett -Packar d C ompany. HP assumes no
responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by HP.
Restricted Rights Legen d
The Software and Documentation have been developed entirely at private expense. They are delivered and licensed as "commercial
computer software" as defined in DFARS 252.227-7013 (Oct 1988), DFARS 252.211-7015 (Ma y 1991) or DFARS 252.227-7014
(Jun 1995), as a "commercial item" as defined in FAR 2.101(a), or as "Restricted computer software" as defined in FAR 52.227-19
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such Software and D ocum ent at ion by the applicable FAR or D FARS clause or the H P st andard software agreement for the product involved.
HP E1429A/B 20 MSa/ s 2-Channel Digi tizer User’s Manua l
HP E1429A/B 20 MSa/s 2-Channel Digitiz er User’s Manual 9
Documentatio n History
All Editions and Updates of this manual and their creation date are listed below. The first Edition of the manual is Edition 1. The Edition number increment s by 1 whenever the manua l is revised . Updates , which are issued betw een Edi ti ons, c ontain repla ce ment pa ges
to correct or add additional information to the current Edition of the manual. Whenever a new Edition is created, it wil l contain all of
the Update inf ormat ion for the pre viou s Editi on. Each new Ed iti on or Update also incl ude s a revis ed c op y of this documentation history page.
Instruction manual symbol affixed to product. Indicat es that the us er must refer to the
manual for specific WARNING or CAUTION information to avoid personal injury
or damage to the product.
Indicates the field wiring terminal that must
be connected to earth ground before operating the equipment—protects against electrical shock in case of fault.
Frame or chassis ground termi nal — t ypi-
cally connects to the equipment’s metal
Alternating current (AC).
Direct curren t (DC).
Indicate s ha za rdous voltages.
Calls at te nt i on t o a pr ocedure, practi ce, or
condition that could cause bodily injury or
Calls at te nt i on t o a pr ocedure, practi ce, or condition that could possibly cause damage to
equipme nt or perma nen t los s of data.
The following ge ner al safet y prec aut ions mus t be observed du ring al l phas es of oper ation , ser vice , and repai r of this pr oduct.
Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and inten ded use of the product. Hewlett-Packar d Company assumes no liability for the custo mer’s failu re to
comply with these requirements.
Ground the equipment: For Safety Cl as s 1 equipmen t (equ ipment ha vin g a protective ea rth ter mi nal) , an unint erru ptib le sa fety earth
ground must be provide d from the ma in s power sour ce to the produ ct input wi rin g termi nals or suppli ed power cable .
DO NOT operate the produc t in an explosive at mospher e or in the presen ce of flammable gases or fume s.
For continued protect ion a gainst fire, repl ace the line fuse (s) only with fuse(s) of the same voltage and current rating and type .
DO NOT use repaired fuses or short-circui ted fuse holders.
Keep away from live circuits: Operatin g personnel must not remove equipment covers or shields. Procedures involving the removal
of covers or shields are for use by service-trained personnel onl y. Unde r ce rta in c onditi ons , dangerous voltages may exist even with the
equipment switched off. To avoid dangerous ele ctrical shock , DO NOT perf orm procedures involving cover or shield removal unless
you are qualified to do so.
DO NOT operate damaged equipment: Whene ver it i s p ossibl e tha t the sa fe ty protection features buil t int o t hi s product have been impaired, eithe r t hr ough physical dam a ge, excessive moisture, or an y other reason, REMOVE POWER and do not use the product until
safe operation can be verified by service-trained personnel. If necessary, return the product to a Hewlett-P ackar d Sales and Se rvice O ffice for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintaine d.
DO NOT service or adjust alon e: Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid
and resuscitation, is present.
DO NOT substitute parts or modify equipment: Because of the danger of introducin g additional hazards , do not install substitute
parts or perform any unauthorized modifica tion to the product. Retur n the product to a Hewlet t-P ackar d Sales and Ser vice O ffice for
service and repair to ensure that sa fe ty features are mai ntained.
10 HP E1429A/B 20 MSa/s 2-Cha nnel Digitiz er User’s Manual
Declaration of Conformity
according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014
Manufacturer’s Name:Hewlett-Pa ckar d C ompany
Loveland Manufacturing Center
Manufact urer’s Addre s s:815 14th Street S.W.
Loveland, Colorado 80537
declares, that the product:
Product Name:20MS a/s Digitizer
Model Number :HP E1 429A
Produc t Opt ion s:All
conforms to the following Pr od uct Spe cifi cati ons :
IEC 801-2:1991/ E N5008 2-1 (1 992) : 4kVCD, 8k VA D
IEC 801-3:1984/ E N5008 2-1 (1 992) : 3 V/m
IEC 801-4:1988/ E N5008 2-1 (1 992) : 1kV P ower Lin e
Supplementary Information: The product her ewi th c omplies w ith the requirements of t he Low Voltage Dire ctive
73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.
Tested in a typical configuration in an HP C-Size VXI m ai nframe.
March 1, 1993Jim White , QA Manager
European conta ct: Your loca l He wlett-Pa cka rd Sales a nd Servi ce O ffic e or Hewlett- Packa rd GmbH, Departm ent
ZQ/Standards E urop e, Herren ber g er Straße 130, D-70 30 Böblingen , Germa ny (FAX +49-703 1-14 3143 ).
HP E1429A/B 20 MSa/s 2-Channel Digitizer User’s Manual 11
12 HP E1429A/B 20 MSa/s 2-Cha nnel Digitiz er User’s Manual
Chapter Contents
Chapter 1
Getting Started
This chapter covers the features, configuration, and programming
procedures for the HP E1429A/B 2-Channel, 20 MSa/s Digitizer. The main
sections of this chapter include:
• HP E1429A/B Features and VXIbus Configuration . . . . . . . 13
• Where to go Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
HP E1429A/B Features and VXIbus Configuration
The HP E1429A/B is a 2-Channel, 20 MSample/second digitizer. The
HP E1429A/B digitiz ers are VXI messa g e-bas ed instru ments, but ca n also
be programmed at the register level (register programming is covered in
Appendix C). The features of the HP E1429 A and HP E1429B are the same,
except that the HP E1429B also has VX I Local bus data trans f er capab ility.
This manual c overs t he u s e of bot h di gitizers.
Front Panel
Figure 1-1 describes the front panels of the HP E1429A/B digitizers.
Chapter 1Getting Started 13
Figure 1-1. The HP E1429A/B Digitizer
14 Getting StartedChapter 1
HP E1429A/B
Table 1-1 lists the digitiz er’s VXIbus d evic e infor mation and fact ory
settings. Appendix A has the complete list of HP E1429A/B operating
Table 1-1. HP E1429A/B VXIbus Configuration
VXIbus Device Info rmation
Device type: messag e-based s ervant
C-size (1 slot)
Connectors: P1 and P2
Addressing modes: A16/A24
Data transf er mo des: D08/D16/D3 2 sla v e
A24 size: 4096 bytes
Dynamical ly Conf igur able
Non-interrupter/non-interrupt handler
VXIbus R evision Compli anc e: 1.4
SCPI Revision: 1992.0
See side of module for po wer/cooling requirements
HP E1429A/B Factory Settin gs
Logical Address 40
Servant Area0 (not used)
Bus Requ est Level3
Input signals (DC and AC) which may be connected to this module are
likely to include occasional overvo ltag e transi ent s. These
overvoltages may be caused by moto r inductan ces, switchin g circuits,
lightning, etc.
If the input signal is likely to exhibit transien ts great er than 800 Vpk,
add external transient suppression circuitry to reduce transients to
800 Vpk or less.
Chapter 1Getting Started 15
CautionThe 800 Vpk level is a product safety test specification and
does not assure correct product operation if 800 Vpk transients
have been applied. To maintain product functionality and
performance, do not exceed ±42 Vpk on the single-ended
inputs, or ±102.4 Vpk on the differential inputs.
Preparation for Use
This section contains configuration information specific to the
HP E1429A/B digitizer.
Note For more (VXIbus) system configuration information, refer to the C-Size
VXIbus Systems “Installation and Getting Started Guide".
The Digitizer
Logical Address
Assigning the Digitizer
to a Commander
The HP E1429A/B d igitizer logical address is u sed:
• to place the digitizer in the servant area of a commander
(e.g. HP E1406 Command Module, embedded controller, or another
instru ment).
• to address the digitizer (see “Addressing the Digitizer” or “ Using
an Embedd ed Contr oller” later in this chapt er.)
In a VXIbus system, every device must be in the servant area of a
commander ( with the exception of the t op-level comander).
Note the following when assigning the digitizer to a commander:
• A commander’s servant area is defined as:
Servant area = (logical address + 1) through (logi cal address +
servant area switch setting)
• The HP E1429A/B digitizer is a message-based device. If an
embedd ed controller a n d an HP E1406 Com mand Module are part of
your VXIbus system, put the digitizer in the servant area of the
controller. This enab les you to program the digitiz er at higher speeds
across the VXIbus backplane, rath er than o ver the Hewlett-Pac kard
Interface Bus (HP-IB*) via the Command Module.
* HP-IB is Hewlett-Pack ard’s implementation of IEEE St d. 488.1-1978
16 Getting StartedChapter 1
• If your system uses an external controller and the HP E1406
Comman d Modu le, put t he digitizer in the servant area of the
Command Module. This enables the module to function as the
HP-IB interfac e to the digitizer.
The HP E1406 Command Modu le has a factory set l ogical addre ss of
0 and a servant area switch setting of 255. Using the factory settings,
it is not necessary to change the logical address of the digitizer (40)
to place it in the servant area of the Command Module.
• If the digitizer is used with the HP E1485 Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) module, the digitizer must be in t he serva nt area of the DSP
The digitizer’s logical a d dres s switch is shown in Figu r e 1-2.
Figure 1-2. HP E1429A/B Logical Address Switch Location
Chapter 1Getting Started 17
NoteThe digitizer’s servant area switches are not used and should be left in their
factory-set (0) position.
The Digitizer Bus
Req uest Level
Bus Request Level
Guidelin es
Inst al l ing the
Digitize r
The bus request level is a priority at which the HP E1429A/B d igitizer can
request the us e of the VME (VXI Data Transfer) Bus.
• There are four bus requ est lines (BG0 - BG3) from which one is
selected (Figure 1-2). Bus request li ne 3 has the highest priority, bus
request line 0 has the lowest priority. It is not necessary to changethe bus request level setting (BG3) on the digitizer.
• More information on th e Data Transfer Bus can be found in the
C-Size VXIbus Systems “Installation and Getting Started Guide”.
The HP E1429A/B digitizer can be installed in any mainframe slot except
slot 0. However, in applications where the HP E1429B is generating data
over the Local bus, insta l l the digitizer in the left slot adjacent to the
module(s) rec eivin g the data. Fi gure 1-3 shows the installation of a sample
Local bus configuration.
Figure 1-3. Installing the HP E1429B Digitizer in a Local Bus Config urat ion
18 Getting StartedChapter 1
NoteFor compliance with European EMC sta nda r ds EN 55011 and
EN 50082-1, backplane connector shields are included with each
HP E1429A/B digitiz er ordered. The shields need only be installed in the
VXI mainframe if it is necessary to comply with these standards.
Addr e ssing the
Digitizer over HP-IB
Devices in the Series C mainframe and in the servant area of the HP E1406
Command Module are located by an HP-IB address. The HP-IB address is a
combination of the controller’s interface select code, the Command
Module’s primary HP-IB address, and the device’s secondary HP-IB
address. An address in this form appears as:
Interface Select Code (7): Determined by the address of the HP-IB
interface card in the contr olle r . In most H ewlett-Packard controllers, this
card has a factory s et addre ss of 7, including the HP 82335 HP- IB Interface
Card (t his ca r d w as used with an HP V e ctra AT comp atible personal
computer to create the C programs on the example programs disk).
Primary HP-IB Address (09): Th is is the address of the HP-IB port on the
Command Module. Valid addresses are 0 to 30. The Command Module has
a factory set address of 9.
Secondary HP-IB Address (05): This address is d erived from the logical
address of the digi tizer by dividing the logical address b y 8. Thus, for the
HP E1429A/B digitiz er factory set logical address of 40, t he sec ondary
address is 05.
Addr e ssing the
Digitizer using an
As a message-based device, the HP E1429A/B digitizer can easily be
programmed across the VXIbus backplane from a HP E1499A V/382
embedd ed controller . Th e select code of the VXI interfa ce board in
embedded controllers is typically 16. Since no secondary HP-IB address is
required when progr amming over the bac kplane, the logical address of the
HP E1429A/B digitizer is combined wit h the VXI i nt erface select code:
1640 (for device logical address 40; rang e = 01 to 99)
If the digitizer’s logical address is changed to a value greater than 99, the
address becomes:
Chapter 1Getting Started 19
Introductory Programs
The introductory programs in this section include:
• Sending the *IDN? Command
• Digitizer Self-Test
• Resetting the digitizer and clearing the status registers
• Queryin g the digitizer c onfigurat ion
HP BASIC and C language versions of the introductory programs follow. C
language versions of these and all programs in t he manual are contain ed on
the following disk which s hips with the manua l:
• HP E1429A/B Example Programs: C Language
3.5" 720 KByte disk (HP E1429-10302)
Other than the introductory programs and selected programs throughout the
manual, t h e program l istings show only the digitizer commands.
Sending the *IDN?
10!Send the *IDN? command, enter and display the re sult.
20DIM Message$[80]
30OUTPUT 70905;"*IDN?"
40ENTER 70905;Message$
50PRINT Message$
60 END
/* IDN.C - This program sends the *IDN? command to the digitizer as a */
/* way to determi ne if the compu t er is com muni c ating with the di gi tizer */
/* Include the following header files */
The following programs are a fast metho d for det ermining if the digitizer is
set to the int ended addre ss a nd is communicating with the computer. The
programs send the *IDN? command which returns:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cfunc.h>/* This file is from the HP-IB Command Library Disk */
#define ADDR 70905/* I/O path from the PC to the digitizer */
Continued on Next Page
20 Getting StartedChapter 1
void main(void)/* Run the program */
intlength = 80;
IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*IDN?", 5);/* send *IDN? comm and */
IOENTERS(ADDR, me s sage, &length);/* enter *IDN? response */
printf("%s\n", message);/* print*IDN? response */
Digitizer Self-TestThe digitizer self-test is executed with the co mmand:
The digitizer parameters tested include:
• internal interrupt lines
• measurement range integrity
• measurement RAM integrity
• battery charge
• timebase integrity
The self-test takes approxima t ely 30 seconds to comple t e. Upon co mpletion,
one of the self-test codes listed in Table 1-2 is returned.
Table 1-2. HP E1429A/B Self-Test Codes.
Self-Test CodeDescription
0T est passed
1Test failed. An error message describes the failure.
Chapter 1Getting Started 21
CautionExecuting the self-test erases the readings in the digitizer’s
non-volatile memory.
If the self-test fails, the command:
can be executed to obtain additional information on the failure. Note that
DIAGnost ic:TEST can return a str ing up to 40 c har a ct ers.
10!Send the self-test command, enter and display the r e sult.
20DIM Message$[256],Diagnostic$[40]
30OUTPUT 70905;"*TST?"
40ENTER 70905;Rslt
50IF Rslt <>0 THEN
70 OUTPUT 70905;"SYST:ERR?"
80 ENTER 70905;Code,Message$
90 PRINT Code,Message$
100 UNTIL Code =0
110OUTPUT 70905;"DIAG :TES T?"
120ENTER 70905;Diagnostic$
130PRINT Diagnostic$
140 END IF
150 PRINT Rslt
160 END
/* SLFTST.C - Thi s program perform s a self-t est on the digitizer and prints */
/* out the resulting self-te st code */
/* Include the following header files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cfunc.h>/* This file is from the HP-IB Command Library Disk */
#define ADDR 70905L/* I/O path from the PC to the digitizer, via the E1406 */
Continued on Next Page
22 Getting StartedChapter 1
void main(void)/* Run the program */
charmessage[256], diagnostic[80];
intlength = 256;
IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*TST?", 5);/* send the self-test command */
IOENTER(ADDR, &tst); /* enter the code */
printf("%d\n\n" , (int) tst);/* display the code */
if (tst != 0)
IOOUTPUTS (ADDR, "SYST:ERR?", 9); /* query error register */
IOENTERS(ADDR, me s sage, &length); /* enter error message */
printf("Error: %s\n\ n", me s sage); /* print error message */
IOOUTPUTS (ADDR, "DIAG:T ES T?" , 10); /* get diagnostic information */
IOENTERS(ADDR, diagnostic, &length); /* on self-test error */
printf("Diagnosti c infor mat i on: % s\n", diagnostic);
Resetting and
Clearing the
The commands used to reset and clear the digitizer are:
*OPC? (OPeration Complete) is often executed after *RST and *CLS to
allow the reset and clear to c omplete before progra m e xecution cont inues .
Resetting the digitizer sets it to its power-on c onfiguration, and clearing the
digitizer clears its status registers. Additional info r mation o n the status
registers is lo cat ed in Chap t er 3.
Chapter 1Getting Started 23
10!Assign an I/O path between the computer and digitizer.
20ASSIGN @A_d TO 70905
30COM @A_d
40!Call the subprogram
80SUB Rst_cls
90 Rst_cls: !subprogram which resets and clears the digitizer.
100COM @A_d
110OUTPUT @A_d;"*RST;*CLS; *OP C?" !reset and clear
120ENTER @A_d;Complete
/* RSTCLS.C - This program re sets the digi tizer and clears its status register */
/* Include the following header files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cfunc.h>/* This file is from the HP-IB Command Library Disk */
#define ADDR 70905L/* I/O path from PC to the digitizer, via the E1406 */
/* Function Prot oty p e s */
void rst_cl r(v oi d);
void main(void)/* Run the program */
rst_clr();/* Reset and clear the digitizer */
void rst_clr(void)
IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*RST;*CLS", 9);/* reset and clear the digitizer */
24 Getting StartedChapter 1
Configurat ion
Querying the
Digitize r
After resetting the digitizer or cycling power, the digitizer parameters are
set to their power-on values. These values are listed in Appendix B, Table
B-2. You can determine the digitizer’s reset settings or its current
configuration using the command:
The data returned b y *LRN? is a semicolon (;) separated list of each
paramet er setting.
10!Assign an I/O path between the computer and the A/D.
20ASSIGN @A_d TO 70905
30!Call the subprogram
70SUB Lrn_conf(@A_d)
80 Lrn_conf: !subprogram which queries the digitizer configurat i on
90DIM Lrn$[2000]
110OUTPUT @A_d;"*LRN?"
120ENTER @A_d;Lrn$
130 Lrn$=Lrn$&";"
160PRINT Lrn$[1;I-1]
170 Lrn$=Lrn$[I+1]
180 UNTIL Lrn$=""
qcl /AL /F 8192 b:\lrn. c c:\ qc2\ l ib\clhpib.lib
/* LRN.C - This program queries the digitizer’s reset condition s */
/* Include the following header files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cfunc.h>/* This file is from the HP-IB Command Library Disk */
#define ADDR 70905L/* I/O path from PC to the digitizer, via the E1406 */
void main(void)/* Run the program */
char static *codes[] = {"*RST","*LRN?;*OPC?"} ;
char lrndata[2000], *prt, ch;
/* Separate *LRN? data into tokens delimited by ";". Read and */
/* print the first *LRN? data point */
Continued on Next Page
26 Getting StartedChapter 1
prt = strtok(lrndata,";");
/* Print out each (*LRN? data) token */
while (prt != NULL)
prt = strtok(NULL,";");
/* Exit when data returned by *OPC? (1) is reached */
if (atoi(prt) == 1)
/* Print one user screen’s worth of *LRN? data, have user */
/* press ’Enter’ to see the next screen of data */
if (loop >= 23)
printf("\n\nPr e ss \’Enter\ ’ to c onti nue");
scanf("%c" , &ch);
loop = 0;
loop ++;/* increm ent counter */
Chapter 1Getting Started 27
Instrument and Programming Languages
The purpose of this manual is to teach you how to use the HP E1429A/B
digitizer. To do this, the manual us es block diagra m s, flowcharts, and
example programs. In most cases, the manual’s example programs list only
the digitizer’s SCPI c ommand s. The I/O (input/output) constructs depend on
the programming language you use.
SCPI ProgrammingSC PI (Standar d C omma nds f or Programma ble Instruments) is an
ASCII-based instrument command language des igned for test and
measurement instruments. The message-based digitizer has an on-board
microprocessor wh ich interprets the ASCII command stri ngs and returns
ASCII formatted results.
Command ListingsThe typical format of commands listed in the command reference and
throughout t his manual is:
TRIGger[:STARt]:TIMer1 <period>
To aid in lear ning the digitizer c o mmand set, al l headers are inc lude d
in the example programs; however, the headers are abbreviated. In an
example program, the previous statement with a period parameter o f
µs would appear as:
NoteChapter 4 contains more information on the structure and execution of SCPI
Coupled CommandsSome of the digitizer SCPI commands are functional or value coupled.
Functionally coupled commands are those that for one command to have
affect, another command must be set to a particular value. Value coupled
commands are t hose where changing the value of one command, changes
the value of the others.
28 Getting StartedChapter 1
Coupled commands can cause “Settings conflict” errors when the program
executes. When a coupled command is executed, the command setting is
evaluated by t he digitizer processor. If the setting causes an illegal digitizer
configuration, a "Settings conflict" error occurs. The error messa ge lists the
conflicting settings, and then reports the values set by the digitizer processor.
The "Comments" section of each command reference entry (Chapter 4)
indicates if a command is coupled, and if it is, what the coupling constraints
How to Execute
Coupled Commands
To prevent possible "Settings conflict" errors, coupled commands must be
contiguous and executed in the same program statement. This is done by
placing the commands in the same program line, or for HP BASIC
programs, by suppr e ssing the EOL terminator until the last (coupled)
command has been sent.
To send multiple commands in a single line or in a single statement, the
commands ar e linked with a s emi colon (;) and a colon (:). This is illustrated
in the foll owing l ines :
Notice that the semicolon (;) and colon (:) link commands with in different
subsystems. Only a semicolon (;) is requir ed to link commands at the sa me
level with in the sa me subsystem.
Sending the commands as shown prevents "Settings conflict" errors. The
command settings are not evaluated until the EOL terminator is received
after the last command. If these commands were sent individually (an EOL
terminator after each co mmand), a "Settings conflict" error would occur
because of the coupling betw een OUTP:EXT1 :STA T ON a n d T R IG:SOUR
Suppressing the
End-Of -L i n e
A SCPI command string is terminated with a line feed (LF ) a nd/or with an
End Or Identify (EOI) message. The carriage return (CR) is ignored.
Suppressing the end-of-line (EOL) terminator on a command line allows
coupled commands to be sent on separate lines, yet as a single program
statement. I n HP B ASIC programs, the EOL terminator is suppr e ssed by
Chapter 1Getting Started 29
pla cing a semicol on ( ; ) foll owing the quotation ma rk ( " ) which c loses the
command string:
Since the last command is the end of the command string, the EOL
terminator is not suppressed.
NoteIn the C language programs contain e d in this manual, there is no end -of-line
terminator to suppre ss a s the c ommands ar e ex ecuted as elements of an
C La nguage
The C languag e versio ns of the example programs (disk P/N E1429-10 301)
were written for the HP 82335 HP-IB Interface Card using the HP-IB
Command Library for C. Unless otherwise noted, the library functions used
in the programs are compatible with the ANSI C standard.
The following section identifies the system on which the programs were
written, shows how to compile and link the programs, and describes the
structure of an e xa mple program.
System ConfigurationThe C programs were d ev eloped on the following system:
Controller:HP Vectra 386/25 personal computer
(386 processor operated at 25 MHz)
HP-IB Interface Card:HP 82335 HP-IB Interface with
Command Library
Mainframe:HP 75000 Series C
Slot0/Resource Manager:HP E1406 Command Module
HP E1429A/B Logical Address:40
Instrument Language:SCPI
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