Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-P a ck a r d
further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly Na-
tional Bureau of Standards), to the extent allowed by that organization’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International
Standards Organization members.
This Hewlett-Packard product is warrante d against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three years from date of shipment. Duration and conditions of warranty for this product may be superseded when the product is integrated into (becomes a part of) other HP products.
During the warranty period, Hewlett-Packard Company will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by Hewlett-Packard (HP). Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to HP and HP shall pay shipping charges to return the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and
taxes for products returned to HP from another country.
HP warrants that its software and firmware designated by HP for use with a product will execute its programming instruct ions when properly installed on that product. HP does not warrant that the operation of the product, or software, or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free.
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied products or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or
The design and implementation of any circuit on this product is the sole responsibility of the Buyer. HP does not warrant the Buyer’s circuitry or
malfunctions of HP products that result from the Buyer’s circuitry. In addition, HP does not warrant any damage that occurs as a result of th e
Buyer’s circuit or any defects that result from Buyer-supplied products.
This manual and any examples contained herein are proveded “as is” and are subj ect to change without notice. HEWLETT-PACKARD (HP)
shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company. HP assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by HP.
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. Hewlett-Packard Company; 3000 Hanover Street; Palo Alto, California 94304
Declaration of Conformity
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014
The Hewlett-Packard Company declares that the HP E1328A conforms to the following Product Specifications.
EMC: CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011 (1991): Group1 Class A
IEC 801-2:1991/EN 50082-1 (1992): 4kVCD, 8kVAD
IEC 801-3:1984/EN 50082-1 (1992): 3 V/m
IEC 801-4:1988/EN 50082-1 (1992): 1kV Power Line
Supplementary Information: The product herewith complies with the requirements of the low voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEX.
Tested in a typi ca l co n f i g u r at io n in an H P C-size VXI mainf r ame.
Hewlett-Packard Company
P.O. Box 301
815 14th Street S.W.
Loveland, Colorado 80539 U.S.A.
CSA C22.2 #1010.1 (1992)
UL 1244
Q.A. Manager
June 1996
The Printing History shown below lists all Editions and Updates of this manual and the printing date(s). The first printing of the manual is Edition 1. The Edition number increments by 1 whenever the manual is revised. Updates, which are issued between Editions, contain replacem en t
pages to correct the current Edition of the manual. Updates are numbered sequentially starting with Update 1. When a new Edition is created, it
contains all the Update information for the previous Edition. Each new Edition or Update also includes a revised copy of this printing history
page. Many product updates or revisions do not require manual changes and, conversely, manual corrections may be done without accompanying
product changes. Therefore, do not expect a one-to-one correspondence between product updates and manual updates.
manual symbol
affixed to product. Indicates
Caution information to avoid personal injury or
damage to the
field wiring terminal that must be connected
to earth ground before operating the equip-
ment—protects against elect rical shock in
case of fault.
that the user
must refer to
the manual
for specific
Warning or
Indicates the
Frame or chassisground tercally connects to
the equipment’s metal
current (AC).
Direct current
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to
comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and
intended use of the product. Hewlett-Packard Company assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
Ground the equipment: For Safety Class 1 equipment (equipment having a protective earth terminal), an uninterruptible safety earth ground
must be provided from the mains power source to the product input wiring terminals or supplied power cable.
DO NOT operate the product in an explosive atmosphere or in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
For continued protection against fire, replace the line fuse(s) only with fuse(s) of the same voltage and current rating and type.
DO NOT use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuse holders.
Keep away from live circuits: Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers or shields. Procedures involving the removal of covers or
shields are for use by service-trained personnel only. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the equipment switched
off. To avoid dangerous electrical shock, DO NOT perform procedures involving cover or shield removal unless you are qualified to do so.
DO NOT operate damaged equipment: Whenever it is possible that the safety protection features built into this product have been impaired,
either through physical damage, excessive moisture, or any other reason, REMOVE POWER and do not use the product until safe operation can
be verified by service-trained personnel. If necessary, return the product to a Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to
ensure that safety features are maintained.
DO NOT service or adjust alone: Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is pr esent.
DO NOT substitute parts or modify equipment: Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the product. Return the product to a Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
What’s in this Manual
Manual Overview
This manual shows how to service the HP E1328A 4-Channel D/A Converter. Additional manuals which may
be required for servicing the D/A Converter include the HP E1328A User’s Manual which contains D/A
Converter operation, installation, and configuration information, and the appropriate mainframe user’s
manual(s) for mainframe operation, installation and configuration information.
Manual Content
InstallationProcedures to install the D/A Converter, perform initial inspection,
AdjustmentsProcedures to adjust the D/A Converter to within its rated
ServiceProcedures to aid in fault isolation and repair of the D/A Converter.
D/A Converter
Provides a basic description, and lists available options and
accessories. Also lists the tools and test equipment required for
prepare for use, and store and ship the D/A Converter.
Procedures to operate the D/A Converter and perform operator’s
Functional verification, operation verification, and performance
verification tests to test the D/A Converter.
Lists part numbers for user replaceable parts in the D/A Converter.
Provides information on ordering spare parts and module exchange.
Information to adapt this manual to instruments whose serial
numbers are lower than those listed on the title page.
Shows how D/A Converter accuracy, measurement uncertainty,
and test accuracy ratios (TARs) are calculated.
Tests - C
Gives example C programs to implement the the verification tests
and adjustments.
What’s in this Manual7
HP 75000 Series B Service Documentation
Suggested Sequence to Use Manuals
Manual Descriptions
Installation and Getting Started Guide. This manual contains step-by-step instructions for all aspects of
plug-in module and mainframe installation. Introductory programming information and examples are also
Mainframe User’s Manual. This manual contains programming information for the mainframe, front panel
operation information ( for the HP E1301A mainframe) , and genera l programming information for instruments
installed in the main frame.
Plug-In Module User’s Manuals. These manuals contain plug-in module programming and configuration
information. Each manual contains examples for the most-used module functions, and a complete SCPI
command re fe re nc e fo r th e pl ug-in module.
Mainframe Service Manual. This manual contains service information for the mainframe. It contains
information for ordering replaceable parts and exchanging assemblies. Information and procedures for
performance verification, adjustment, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair are also included.
Plug-In Module Service Manuals. These manual s co nt ain pl ug -i n m od ul e se rv ic e in formation. Each m an u a l
contains information for exchanging the module and/or ordering replaceable parts. Depending on the module,
information and procedures for functional verification, operation verification, performance verification,
adjustment, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair are also provided.
8HP 75000 Series B Ser vi ce D ocu m en ta ti o n
Chapter 1
General Information
IntroductionThis HP E1328A Service Manual contains information required to test,
adjust, troubleshoot, and repair the HP E1328A B-Size VXI 4-Channel D/A
Converter (DAC). See the HP E1328A User’s Manual for additional
information on the HP E1328A DAC. Figure 1-1 shows the HP E1328A
Figure 1-1. HP E1328A 4-Channel D/A Converter
Chapter 1General Information 9
This product is a Safety Class I instrument that is provided with a protective
earth terminal when installed in the mainframe. The mainframe, DAC, and
all related documentation should be reviewed for familiarization with safety
markings and instructions before operation or service.
Refer to the WARNINGS page (page iii) in this manual for a summary of
safety information. Safety information for preventive maintenance, testing,
adjusting, and service follows and is also found throughout this manual.
Warnings and
This section contains WARNINGS which must be followed for your
protection and CAUTIONS which must be followed to avoid damage to the
equipment when performing instrument maintenance or repair.
this manual is for service-trained personnel who are familiar
with electronic circuitry and are aware of the hazards involved.
To avoid personal injury or damage to the instrument, do not
perform procedures in this manual or do any servicing unless
you are qualified to do so.
power, verify that the mainframe setting matches the line
voltage and the correct fuse is installed. An uninterruptible
safety earth ground must be provided from the main power
source to the mainframe input wiring terminals, power cord, or
supplied power cord set.
GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS. Interruption of the protective
(grounding) conductor (inside or outside the mainframe) or
disconnecting the protective earth terminal will cause a
potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.
(Grounding one conductor of a two-conductor outlet is not
sufficient protection.)
IMPAIRED PROTECTION. Whenever it is likely that instrument
protection has been impaired, the mainframe must be made
inoperative and be secured against any unintended operation.
REMOVE POWER IF POSSIBLE. Some procedures in this
manual may be performed with power supplied to the
mainframe while protective covers are removed. Energy
available at many points may, if contacted, result in personal
injury. (If maintenance can be performed without power
applied, the power should be removed.)
10 General InformationChapter 1
USING AUTOTRANSFORMERS. If the mainframe is to be
energized via an autotransformer (for voltage reduction) make
sure the common terminal is connected to neutral (that is, the
grounded side of the main’s supply).
CAPACITOR VOLTAGES. Capacitors inside the mainframe may
remain charged even when the mainframe has been
disconnected from its source of supply.
USE PROPER FUSES. For continued protection against fire
hazard, replace the line fuse(s) only with fuses of the same
current rating and type (such as normal blow, time delay, etc.).
Do not use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuseholders.
MAXIMUM VOLTAGE. Maximum voltage that may be applied
between any two terminals within the same channel is ± 15 Vdc. Do not
apply voltage between any pair of terminals if the D/A Converter is
turned off.
STATIC ELECTRICITY. Static electricity is a major cause of
component failure. To prevent damage to the electrical components in
the DAC, observe anti-static techniques when removing a DAC from
the mainframe or when working on the DAC. Also, when installing a
DAC in a mainframe slot, be sure to tighten the front panel screws.
POWER-UP/DOWN OUTPUTS. At power-up or down, potentials up
to 12V may appear across the channel outputs for up to 10 msec.
Chapter 1General Information 11
The HP E1328A DAC is an "instrument" in the slots of a VXIbus
mainframe. As su ch, it is assigned an er ro r qu eue, input and ou tput buffers,
status registers, and is allocated a portion of mainframe memory for reading
Instruments are based on the logical addresses of the plug-in modules. See
the HP 75000 Series B Installation and Getting Started Guide to set the
addresses to create an instrument.
There are two E1328A DAC functions (see Table 1-1):
• Isolated Voltage DACs
• Isolated Current DACs
Table 1-1. HP E1328A 4-Channel D/A Converter Functions
Output DC voltage up to ± 10.92 V independently on
each channel. Can use remote voltage sensing w ith
"no-fault" operation. Connect multiple channels in
series to increase th e ou tp ut to ± 48 Vdc for a si ng le
module. All four channels are independently isolated
and may be floated up to 350 Vdc from ground. Each
channel can be calibrated electronically to 24-hour
Output DC current up to ± 21.8 mA independentl y on
each channel. Connect multiple channels in parallel
to increase the outp ut to ± 96 mA for a single module.
All four channels are independently isolated and may
be floated up to 350 Vdc from ground. Each channel
can be calibrat ed electronically to 24-hour
DAC SpecificationsDAC specifications are listed in Appendix A of the HP E1328A Users
Manual. These sp ec ific ai ti on s ar e th e pe rf or mance standards or lim its
against which the instrument may be tested.
12 General InformationChapter 1
DAC Serial
DACs covered by this manual are identified by a serial number prefix listed
on the title page. Hewlett-Packard uses a two-part serial number in the form
XXXXAYYYYY, where XXXX is the serial prefix, A is the country of
origin (A = USA), and YYYYY is the serial suffix. The serial number
suffix is assigned sequentially to each instrument.
If the serial num b er pre fi x of yo u r in st ru me n t is gre at er th a n th e on e li st ed
on the title page , a M an ua l U pd at e (a s re qu ir ed ) w ill ex pl ain how to adapt
this manual to your instrument. If the serial number prefix is lower than the
one listed on the title page, information contained in Chapte r 7 - M an ua lChanges explains how to adapt this manual to your instrument.
DAC OptionsThere are no electrical or mechanical options available for the HP E1328A
DAC. However, you can order Option 1BN which provides a
MIL-STD-45662A Calibration Certificate, or Option 1BP which provides
the Calibration Certificate and measurement data. Contact your nearest
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for information on Options 1BN
and 1BP.
Chapter 1General Information 13
Test Equipment
Table 1-2 lists the te st equipment recom m en ded for testing, adj us ti ng , and
servicing the HP E1328A DAC. Essential requirements for each piece of
test equipment are described in the Requirements column.
Table 1-2. Recommended Test Equipme nt
Controller, HP-IBHP-IB compatibility as def ined by IEEE
Standard 488-1978 and the identical
ANSI Standard MC1.1: SH1, AH1, T2,
TE0, L2, LE0, SR0, RL0, PP0, DC0, DT0,
and C1, 2, 3, 4, 5
MainframeCompatible with DACHP E1300A, E1301A,
DC StandardVoltage Range: -20.0 V to +20.0 VDatron 4708 with
Digital Mult im et er
*F = Functional Verification Tests, O = Operation Verification Tests, P = Performance Verification Tests,
A = Adjustments, T = Trou bl es hoooting
Voltage Range: ± 10 VDC
Current Range: ± 20 mA DC
Accuracy: ± (.015% reading + 1 mV)
± (.02% read ing + 1 µA)
HP 9000 Series 300
IBM compatib le PC with
E1302A, or E1401B/T,
E1421A (requires HP
Option 10
HP 3458A multimeter
HP E1326B multimeter
14 General InformationChapter 1
Chapter 2
IntroductionThis chapter provides information to install the HP E1328A D/A Converter,
including initial inspection, preparation for use, environment, storage and
Preparation for
Inspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container or
cushioning material is damaged, keep the container until the shipment
contents have been checked and the instrument has been checked
mechanically and electrically. See Chapter 1 (Figure 1-1) for shipment
contents. See Chapter 4 for procedures to check electrical performance.
To avoid possible hazardous electrical shock, do not perform
electrical tests if there are signs of shipping damage to any
portion of the outer enclosure (covers, panels, etc.).
If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, or if
the instrument does not pass the electrical performance tests, notify your
nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. If the shipping container
is damaged or the cushioning material shows signs of stress, notify the
carrier as well as Hewlett-Packard, and keep the shipping materials for the
carrier’s inspection.
See Chapter 2 of the HP E1328A User’s Manual to prepare the
HP E1328A D/A Converter for use. See the appropriate mainframe user’s
manual(s) to prepare your mainframe. If your mainframe is not
manufactured by Hewlett-Pack a rd , co ns ul t th e m an uf ac tu re r fo r a list of
available manual(s).
Recommended operating environment for the HP E1328A D/A Converter is
C to +55oC with humidity <65% re la ti ve (0 oC to +40oC). The instrument
should be stored in a clean, dry environment. For storage and shipment, the
temperature range is -40
C to +40oC).
Chapter 2Installation 15
C to +75oC with humidity <65% relative humidity
Follow the steps in Figure 2-1 to return the HP E1328A D/A Converter to a
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Support Office or Service Center.
1 Prepare the D/A Converter
Remove user wiring from the module
Attach tag to module/pod that identifies
- Owner
- Model Number/Serial Number
- Service Required
Place tagged device in approved anti-static bag
2 Package the D/A Converter
Place packaged D/A Converter in shipping carton*
Place 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 inches) of shockabsorbing material around the D/A Converter
Seal the shipping carton securely
Mark the shipping carton FRAGILE
3 Ship the D/A Converter to Hewlett-Packard
Place address label on shipping carton
Send carton to Hewlett-Packard
Figure 2-1. Packaging/Shipping Guidelines
* We recommend that you use the same shipping materials as those used in factory packaging (available from Hewlett-Packard). For
other (commercially-available) shipping materials, use a double wall-carton with minimum 2.4 MPa (350 psi) test.
16 InstallationChapter 2
Chapter 3
Operating Instructions
IntroductionThis chapter lists operating information for the HP E1328A D/A Converter,
• D/A Converter operation
• Operator’s check (s elf- te st )
D/A Converter
See the HP E1328A 4-Channel D/A Converter User’s Manual for D/A
Converter operation, including:
• Getting started
• Configuring the D/A Converter
• Using the D/A Converter
• Understanding the D/A Converter
• D/A Converter command reference
• D/A Converter specifications
• D/A Converter error messages
The Operator’s Check for the HP E1328A D/A Converter consists of
sending the self-test (*TST?) command and checking the return. The
operator’s check can be used at any time to verify the D/A Converter is
connected properly and is responding to the self-test command. See
Chapter 8 - Servic e for a list of D/A Converter self-test errors.
The *TST? command temporarily resets the D/A Converter (to
0 V or 0 A output) on each channel. Make sure any devices
connected to the DAC will not be adversely affected before
using *TST?.
As required, see the mainframe user’s manual for information on address
selection. See the HP E1328A User’s Manual for info rmation on D/A
Converter SCPI commands.
Chapter 3 Operating Instructions 17
Self-Test Procedure1. Verify the D/A Converter is properly installed in the mainframe and
the mainframe has passed its power-on sequence test. See the HP
75000 Series B System Installation and Getting Started Guide for
information on mainframe power-on sequence tests.
2. Execute the D/A Converter self-test using the *TST? command (see
example following).
3. A "0" returned means no self-test failure, while "-330" returned
means a failure was detected. See Chapter 8 - Service for trouble
shooting information (see NOTE following).
Example: D/A
Converter Self-Test
Test failures can be caused by improper cabling, improper selection of the
interface select code, primary, and/or secondary address setting. Verify
proper connection and address selection before trouble shooting.
An example follows which uses an HP 9000 Series 300 computer with HP
BASIC and a D/A Converter address of 70909.
10 OUTPUT 70909;"*TST?" Send the self-test command
20 ENTER 70909;A Enter self-test result
40 END
18 Operating InstructionsChapter 3
Chapter 4
Verification Tests
IntroductionThe three levels o f te st p ro ce du re s de sc ri be d in this chapter are us ed to
• meets all testable specifications (Performance Verification)
Test Conditions /
Do not perform any of the following verification tests unless
you are a qualified, service-trained person and have read the
WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in Chapter 1.
For valid tests, all test equipment and the HP 3458A multimeter must have a
one-hour warmup, the line voltage must be 115/230 Vac ± 10%, and HP
3458A ACAL must be performed no more than 24 hours before the tests.
See Table 1-2, Recommended Test Equipment for test equipment
For best test accuracy, the ambient temperature of the test area should be
between 18°C and 28°C and stable to within ± 1°C. You should perform the
Performance Verification tests at least once a year. For heavy use or severe
operating environments, perform the tests more often.
The verification tests assume the person performing the tests understands
how to operate the mainframe, the DAC and specified test equipment. The
test procedures do not specify equipment settings for test equipment except
in general terms. It is assumed a qualified, service-trained person will select
and connect the cables, adapters, and probes required for the test.
Chapter 4Verification Tests 19
Performance Test
Table 4-2, Performance Test Record for the HP E1328A DAC, at the end of
this chapter, pro v ide s space to enter the res ul ts of ea ch Perf or mance
Verification test and to compare the results with the upper and lower limits
for the test. You can make a copy of this form, if desired.
Verification Test
The upper and lo wer limi ts in th e Per fo rm a nc e Tes t Rec or d as su m e th e te st
equipment used is calibrated and operating at peak performance. If this is
not the case/ problems can occur.
For example, an un ca lib ra ted HP 34 5 8A mul tim eter ma y ca us e wh a t seem s
to be an inaccurate measurement. This condition must be considered when
observed measurements do not agree with the performance test limits.
The value in the "Measurement Uncertainty" column of Table 4-2 is derived
from the specifications for the HP 3458A multimeter used for the test, and
represents the expected accuracy of the HP 3458A. The value in the "Test
Accuracy Ra tio (TA R) " col um n of Tab le 4-2 is th e ra ti o of DAC ac curacy
to HP 3458A measuremen t un cert aint y. If the TAR is ≤ 10:1, the ratio is
rounded to the nearest inte ge r. If the TAR is ≥ 10:1, the TAR is shown as
Each Performance Verification Test includes an example program to
perform the te st. Eac h ex am p le u se s ad dr es s 70 90 9 fo r th e D A C, an d an
HP 9000 Series 200/300 computer running HP BASIC commands. You
may need to change the DAC address and/or command syntax to perform
the examples for your setup.
As required, see the mainframe user’s manual for information on address
selection and cabling guidelines. See the HP E1328A User’s Manual for
information on Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI
commands) for the DAC.
20 Verification TestsChapt er 4
DAC Self-TestThis test verifies the DAC is communicating with the mainframe, external
The functional verification tests for the HP E1328A DAC can be performed
at any time to verify the DAC is functional and is communicating with the
mainframe , external comp ut er and /or external ter m in al . The fun ct io nal tests
for the HP E1328A DAC are:
• DAC Self-Test
• Voltage Compliance Tests (Optional)
• Current Compliance Tests (Optional)
controller, and/or external terminal by performing a self-test (*TST?
command). See "Operator’s Checks" in Chapter 3 for a description of the
DAC self-test.
Compliance Tests
These OPTIONAL tests measure the voltage compliance on each channel of
the DAC.
Positive Voltage Compliance Tests
For positive voltage compliance tests, each channel to be tested is set for
UNCALIBRATED MAX voltage output (+ 12V). A DC source is
connected to V+ and S+ of the channel to be tested. The source is set to
+5V and increased in +0.5V steps until the channel output (as measured
with an HP 3458A multimeter) stops increasing. If the channel maximum
output is ≥ + 15V , th e te st pas se s.
Negative Voltage Compliance Tests
For negative voltage compliance tests, each channel to be tested is set for
UNCALIBRATED MIN voltage output (-12V). A DC source is connected
to V- and S- of the channel to be tested. The source is set to -5V and
increased in -0.5V steps until the channel output (as measured with an HP
3458A multimeter) stops increasing. If the channel minimum output is ≤
-15V, the te st p as se s.
Equipment SetupConnect the DC source (Datron 4708 with Option 10) and HP 3458A
multimeter to Channel 1 as shown in Figure 4-1. (Be sure to set all three
jumpers on the channel to the V position.) Set the DC source output to +5.0
V dc. Set the HP 3458A to DCV function and set NPLC 100.
Chapter 4Verification Tests 21
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