HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1312A, E1412A User Manual

HP E1312A/E1412A User’s Manual and SCPI Programming Guide
Edition 4
Warranty ................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........9
Safety Symbols...........................................................................................................10
HP E1312A Declaration of Conformity.....................................................................11
HP E1412A Declaration of Conformity.....................................................................12
Chapter 1
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup .........................................15
Using This Chapter.....................................................................................................15
General Information ............................................................................................15
Setting the Module Address Switch............................................................................16
Interrupt Priority.........................................................................................................17
Setting the Line Frequency Reference........................................................................17
Checking the Line Frequency Reference ............................................................17
Multimeter Functional Connections ....................................................................19
Initial Operation..........................................................................................................22
Chapter 2
HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information .....................................25
Using This Chapter....................................................................................................25
Measurement Tutorial.................................................................................................25
DC Voltage Measurements.........................................................................................25
Thermal EMF Errors ...........................................................................................25
Loading Errors (dc volts) ....................................................................................26
Leakage Current Errors .......................................................................................26
Rejecting Power Line Noise Voltages ................................................................27
Common Mode Rejection (CMR) .......................................................................27
Noise Caused by Magnetic Loops .......................................................................28
Noise Caused by Ground Loops ..........................................................................28
Resistance Measurements...........................................................................................29
4-Wire Ohms Measurements ...............................................................................29
Removing Field Wiring Resistance Errors in 2-Wire Ohms Measurements ......30
Power Dissipation Effects ...................................................................................31
Settling Time Effects ...........................................................................................31
Errors in High Resistance Measurements ...........................................................31
Making High-Speed DC and Resistance Measurements .....................................31
DC Current Measurement Errors................................................................................32
True RMS AC Measurements.....................................................................................32
Crest Factor Errors (non-sinusoidal inputs) ........................................................33
Loading Errors (ac volts) .....................................................................................34
AC Measurements Below Full Scale ..................................................................34
Function and Range Change Internal Offset Correction .....................................34
Low-Level Measurement Errors .........................................................................35
AC Turnover Errors ............................................................................................35
AC Current Measurement Errors................................................................................36
Making High-Speed AC Voltage or Current Measurements......................................36
Contents 1
Chapter 2
HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information (continued)
Frequency and Period Measurement Errors................................................................36
Measurement Configuration.......................................................................................37
AC Signal Filter ..................................................................................................37
DC Input Resistance ............................................................................................37
Resolution ............................................................................................................38
Integration Time ..................................................................................................39
Autozero .............................................................................................................. 40
Ranging ............................................................................................................... 40
Math Operations (CALCulate Subsystem).................................................................41
AVERage Function .............................................................................................41
NULL (Relative) Function ..................................................................................41
dB Measurements ................................................................................................42
dBm Measurements .............................................................................................43
LIMit Function ....................................................................................................44
Triggering the Multimeter ..........................................................................................45
The Trigger Source ..............................................................................................46
External Triggering .............................................................................................47
Internal Triggering ..............................................................................................47
Bus Triggering .....................................................................................................48
The Wait-for-Trigger State ..................................................................................48
The Trigger Count ...............................................................................................48
Checking the Trigger Count ................................................................................49
Inserting a Trigger Delay ....................................................................................49
Default Delays .....................................................................................................50
Querying the Delay Time ...... ............................................................... ...............51
The Sample Count ...............................................................................................51
Checking the Sample Count ................................................................................51
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Application Examples..............................52
HP VTL Software (VISA) ...................................................................................52
Example Programs ..............................................................................................52
Making Multimeter Measurements .....................................................................53
Synchronizing the Multimeter With a Switch Module .......................................57
Multimeter Status System Examples ...................................................................60
HP VEE Programming Example .........................................................................64
2 Contents
Chapter 3
Multimeter Command Reference ...............................................................................67
Using This Chapter.....................................................................................................67
Command Types.........................................................................................................67
Common Command Format ................................................................................67
SCPI Command Format ......................................................................................67
Linking Commands .............................................................................................69
Multimeter Range and Resolution Tables ..................................................................70
SCPI Command Reference.........................................................................................71
Chapter 3
Multimeter Command Reference (continued)
:AVERage:AVERage? ........................................................................................ 74
:AVERage:COUNt? ............................................................................................ 74
:AVERage:MAXimum? ...................................................................................... 74
:AVERage:MINimum? .......................................................................................74
:DB:REFerence ................................................................................................... 75
:DB:REFerence? ..................................................................................................75
:DBM:REFerence ................................................................................................ 75
:DBM:REFerence? .............................................................................................. 75
:FUNCtion ........................................................................................................... 76
:FUNCtion? ......................................................................................................... 76
:LIMit:LOWer ..................................................................................................... 77
:LIMit:LOWer? ................................................................................................... 77
:LIMit:UPPer .......................................................................................................77
:LIMit:UPPer? .....................................................................................................77
:NULL:OFFSet ....................................................................................................78
:NULL:OFFSet? ..................................................................................................78
:STATe ................................................................................................................ 78
:STATe? .............................................................................................................. 78
:COUNt? ..............................................................................................................79
:LFRequency ....................................................................................................... 79
:LFRequency? ..................................................................................................... 80
:SECure:CODE ...................................................................................................80
:SECure:STATe ..................................................................................................81
:SECure:STATe? .................................................................................................81
:STRing ............................................................................................................... 81
:STRing? ..............................................................................................................82
:VALue ................................................................................................................82
:VALue? .............................................................................................................. 82
:ZERO:AUTO ..................................................................................................... 83
:ZERO:AUTO? ...................................................................................................83
CALibration? ..............................................................................................................84
:CURRent:AC ..................................................................................................... 87
:CURRent[:DC] ...................................................................................................88
:FREQuency ........................................................................................................ 89
:FRESistance ....................................................................................................... 90
:PERiod ............................................................................................................... 91
:RESistance ......................................................................................................... 92
:VOLTage:AC .....................................................................................................93
[:VOLTage[:DC]] ................................................................................................94
[:VOLTage[:DC]] :RATio ................................................................................... 95
CONFigure?................................................................................................................ 96
DATA ......................................................................................................................... 97
:POINts? .............................................................................................................. 97
Contents 3
Chapter 3
Multimeter Command Reference (continued)
[:IMMediate] ....................................................................................................... 99
INPut......................................................................................................................... 100
:IMPedance:AUTO ...........................................................................................100
:IMPedance:AUTO? ..........................................................................................100
MEASure ..................................................................................................................101
:CURRent:AC? ..................................................................................................102
:CURRent[:DC]? ............................................................................................... 103
:FREQuency? .................................................................................................... 104
:FRESistance? ................................................................................................... 105
:PERiod? ............................................................................................................106
:RESistance? ......................................................................................................107
:VOLTage:AC? ................................................................................................. 108
[:VOLTage[:DC]]? ............................................................................................ 109
[:VOLTage[:DC]]:RATio? ................................................................................110
:TTLTrg[:STATe] ............................................................................................. 111
:TTLTrg[:STATe]? ........................................................................................... 112
:COUNt ............................................................................................................. 114
:COUNt? ............................................................................................................115
FUNCtion .......................................................................................................... 118
FUNCtion? ........................................................................................................ 118
CURRent:AC:RANGe ......................................................................................119
CURRent:AC:RANGe? ....................................................................................119
CURRent:AC:RANGe:AUTO .......................................................................... 120
CURRent:AC:RANGe:AUTO? ........................................................................ 120
CURRent:AC:RESolution .................................................................................121
CURRent:AC:RESolution? ............................................................................... 121
CURRent[:DC]:APERture ................................................................................122
CURRent[:DC]:APERture? ..............................................................................122
CURRent[:DC]:NPLC ......................................................................................123
CURRent[:DC]:NPLC? .....................................................................................123
CURRent[:DC]:RANGe ....................................................................................124
CURRent[:DC]:RANGe? .................................................................................. 124
CURRent[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO .......................................................................125
CURRent[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO? ......................................................................125
CURRent[:DC]:RESolution .............................................................................. 126
CURRent[:DC]:RESolution? ............................................................................ 126
DETector:BANDwidth ......................................................................................127
DETector:BANDwidth? .................................................................................... 128
FREQuency:APERture ......................................................................................128
FREQuency:APERture? .................................................................................... 128
4 Contents
Chapter 3
Multimeter Command Reference (continued)
[SENSe:] (continued)
FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe ........................................................................129
FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe? ...................................................................... 129
FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO ...........................................................130
FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO? ..........................................................130
FRESistance:APERture .....................................................................................131
FRESistance:APERture? ................................................................................... 131
FRESistance:NPLC ...........................................................................................132
FRESistance:NPLC? ......................................................................................... 132
FRESistance:RANGe ........................................................................................ 133
FRESistance:RANGe? ...................................................................................... 133
FRESistance:RANGe:AUTO ............................................................................ 134
FRESistance:RANGe:AUTO? .......................................................................... 134
FRESistance:RESolution ..................................................................................135
FRESistance:RESolution? .................................................................................135
PERiod:APERture .............................................................................................136
PERiod:APERture? ........................................................................................... 136
PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe ............................................................................... 137
PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe? ............................................................................. 137
PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO ...................................................................138
PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO? ................................................................. 138
RESistance:APERture .......................................................................................139
RESistance:APERture? ..................................................................................... 139
RESistance:NPLC ............................................................................................. 140
RESistance:NPLC? ........................................................................................... 140
RESistance:RANGe ..........................................................................................141
RESistance:RANGe? ........................................................................................141
RESistance:RANGe:AUTO .............................................................................. 142
RESistance:RANGe:AUTO? ............................................................................ 142
RESistance:RESolution .....................................................................................143
RESistance:RESolution? ...................................................................................143
VOLTage:AC:RANGe ...................................................................................... 144
VOLTage:AC:RANGe? .................................................................................... 144
VOLTage:AC:RANGe:AUTO ..........................................................................145
VOLTage:AC:RANGe:AUTO? ........................................................................ 145
VOLTage:AC:RESolution ................................................................................146
VOLTage:AC:RESolution? ..............................................................................146
VOLTage[:DC]:APERture ................................................................................ 147
VOLTage[:DC]:APERture? .............................................................................. 147
VOLTage[:DC]:NPLC ...................................................................................... 148
VOLTage[:DC]:NPLC? .................................................................................... 148
VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe ................................................................................... 149
VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe? .................................................................................149
VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO ....................................................................... 150
VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO? ..................................................................... 150
VOLTage[:DC]:RESolution ..............................................................................151
Contents 5
Chapter 3
Multimeter Command Reference (continued)
[SENSe:] (continued)
VOLTage[:DC]:RESolution? ............................................................................ 151
ZERO:AUTO ....................................................................................................152
ZERO:AUTO? ..................................................................................................152
:PRESet ............................................................................................................. 153
:QUEStionable:CONDition? .............................................................................153
:QUEStionable:ENABle ....................................................................................153
:QUEStionable:ENABle? .................................................................................. 154
:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? ................................................................................. 154
SYSTem.................................................................................................................... 155
:ERRor? ............................................................................................................. 155
:VERSion? .........................................................................................................155
:COUNt ............................................................................................................. 156
:COUNt? ............................................................................................................157
:DELay .............................................................................................................. 157
:DELay? ............................................................................................................158
:DELay:AUTO .................................................................................................. 158
:DELay:AUTO? ................................................................................................ 159
:SOURce ............................................................................................................160
:SOURce? ..........................................................................................................161
IEEE 488.2 Common Command Quick Reference..................................................162
*CLS ..................................................................................................................163
*ESE and *ESE? ...............................................................................................163
*ESR? ................................................................................................................164
*IDN? ................................................................................................................ 164
*OPC ................................................................................................................. 164
*OPC? ............................................................................................................... 165
*RST ..................................................................................................................165
*SRE and *SRE? ...............................................................................................165
*STB? ................................................................................................................166
*TST? ................................................................................................................ 166
*WAI ................................................................................................................. 166
SCPI Command Quick Reference............................................................................167
6 Contents
Appendix A
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Specifications ........................................171
DC Characteristics....................................................................................................171
AC Characteristics....................................................................................................174
Frequency and Period Characteristics.......................................................................177
General Specifications..............................................................................................179
To Calculate Total Measurement Error ....................................................................180
Interpreting Multimeter Specifications.....................................................................182
Configuring for High Accuracy Measurements........................................................184
Appendix B
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Error Messages ....................................185
Execution Errors.......................................................................................................185
Self-Test Errors .................................................................................................189
Calibration Errors ..............................................................................................190
Appendix C
Measurement Speed and Accuracy Trade-offs .......................................................193
HP E1312A/E1412A Special Function and Range Commands (Non-SCPI )..........193
Speed Advantage Using the Special Non-SCPI Commands
(F1-F4 and R1-R7) ......................................................................................194
HP E1312A/E1412A Resolution Using Special Functions and Ranges...................195
Resolution Example ......................................... ......... ......... ...............................195
General Guidelines for Increasing Measurement Speed...........................................196
Avoid Function Changes ............................................................. ......... .............196
Avoid Aperture Changes ............................................................. ......... ......... ....196
Minimize the Number of Command/Response Sessions ..................................196
Set Autozero to ONCE or OFF .........................................................................197
Turn Autorange OFF .........................................................................................197
Decrease Aperture Time or NPLCs ..................................................................197
Store the Readings in Multimeter R AM Instead of Sen ding them Directly
to the Computer ...........................................................................................198
Index ..............................................................................................................................199
Contents 7
8 Contents


Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett­Packard further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards), to the extent allowed by that organization’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members.


1. HP warrants HP hardware, accessories and supplies against defects in materials and workmanship for the period specified above. If HP receives notice of such defects during the warranty period, HP will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective. Replacement products may be either new or like-new.
2. HP warrants that HP software will not fail to execute its programming instructions, for the period specified above, due to defects in material and workmanship when properly installed and used. If HP receives notice of such defects during the warranty perio d, HP will replace software media which does not execute its progra mming instructions due to such defects.
3. HP does not warrant that the operation of HP products will be interrupted or error free. If HP is unable, within a reasonable time, to repair or replace any product to a condition as warranted, customer will be entitled to a refund of the purchase price upon prompt return of the product.
4. HP products may contain remanufactured parts equivalent to new in performance or may have been subject to incidental use.
5. The warranty period begins on the date of delivery or on the date of installation if installed by HP. If customer schedules or delays HP installation more than 30 days after delivery, warranty begins on the 31st day from delivery.
6. Warranty does not apply to defects resultin g from (a) improper or inadequate ma intenance or calibration, (b ) software, interfacing, parts or supplies not supplied by HP, (c) unauthorized modification or misuse, (d) operation outside of the published environmental specifications for the product, or (e ) improper site preparat ion or maintenance.
8. HP will be liable for damage to tangible property per incident up to the greater of $300,000 or the actual amount paid for the product that is the subject of the claim, and for damages for bodily injury or death, to the extent that all such damages are determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been directly caused by a defective HP product.

U.S. Government Restricted Rights

The Software and Documentation have been developed entirely at private expense. They are delivered and licensed as "commercial computer software" as defined in DFARS 252.227- 7013 (Oct 1988), DFARS 252.211-7015 (May 1991) or DFARS 252.227-7014 (Jun
1995), as a "commercial item" as defined in FAR 2.101(a), or as "Restricted computer software" as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (Jun
1987)(or any equivalent agency regulation or contract clause), whichever is applicable. You have only those rights provided for such Software and Documentation by the applicable FAR or DFARS clause or the HP standard software agreement for the product involved.
HP E1312A/E1412A 6½-Digit Multimeter User's Manual
Copyright © 1997 Hewlett-Packard Company. All Rights Reserved.

Edition 4


Documentation History

All Editions and Updates o f this manu al and t heir cre ation da te are li sted belo w. The first Edi tion o f the m anual i s Edition 1. The Edition number increments by 1 whenever the manual is revised. Updates, which are issued between Editions, contain replacement pages to correct or add additional information to the current Edition of the manual. Whenever a new Edition is created, it will contain all of the Update information for the previous Edi tion. Each ne w Edition or Upd ate also incl udes a revised copy of this d ocumentation h istory page.
Edition 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 1995
Edition 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 1996
Edition 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .June 1996
Edition 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .October 1997


Microsoft® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation Windows NT® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation Windows® and MS Windows® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation

Safety Symbols

Instruction manual symbol affixed to
Instruction manual symbol affixed to product. Indicates that the user must refer to
product. Indicates that the user must refer to the manual for specific WARNING or
the manual for specific WARNING or CAUTION information to avoid personal
CAUTION information to avoid personal injury or damage to the product.
injury or damage to the product.
Indicates the field wiring terminal that must be connected to earth ground before
operating the equipme nt—protects against electrical shock in case of fault.
Alternating current (AC)
Direct current (DC).
Indicates hazardous voltages.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice , or condition that could cause bodily injury or death.
Frame or chassis ground terminal—typically connects to the equipment' s metal frame.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice , or condition that could p ossibly cause damage to equipment or permane nt loss of data.


The following genera l safety precautions must be observed during all phas es of operation, service, and re pair of this product. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the product. Hewlett-Packar d Company assumes no liabilit y for the customer's failu re to comply with these requirements.
Ground the equipment: For Safety Class 1 equipment (equipment having a protective earth terminal), an uninterruptible safety earth ground must be provided from the mains power source t o the product input wiring terminals or supplied power cable.
DO NOT operate the product in an explosive atmosphere or in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. For continued protection against fire, replace the line fuse(s) only with fuse(s) of the same voltage and current rating and type. DO NOT
use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuse holders. Keep away from live circuits: Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers or shields. Procedures involving the removal of
covers or shields are for use by service-trained personnel only. Under cer tain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even w ith the equipment swi tched off . To avoid da ngerous el ectrica l shock, DO N OT perform procedure s involvin g cover or sh ield remova l unless you are qualified to do so.
DO NOT operate damaged equipmen t: Whenever it is possible that the safety protection features built into this product have been impaired, either through physical damage, excessive moisture, or any other reason, REMOVE POWER and do not use the product until safe operation can be verified by service-trained personnel. If necessary, return the product to a Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
DO NOT service or adjust alone: Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
DO NOT substitute parts or modify equipment: Because of the dange r of introd ucing addi tional h azards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized mod ification to the product. Return the product t o a Hewl ett-Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.

HP E1312A Declaration of Conformity

according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014

Manufacturer’s Name: Hewlett-Packard Company
Loveland Manufacturing Center
Manufacturer’s Address: 815 14th Street S.W.
Loveland, Colorado 80537
declares, that the product:
Product Name: VXI 6½-Digit Multimeter Model Number: HP E1312A Product Options: All
conforms to the following Product Specifications: Safety: IEC 1010-1 (1990) Incl. Amend 1 (1992)/EN61010-1 (1993)
CSA C22.2 #1010.1 (1992) UL 3111
EMC: CISPR 11:1990/EN55011 (1991): Group1 Class A
IEC 801-2:1991/EN50 082 -1 (19 92): 4kVCD, 8kVAD IEC 801-3:1984/EN50082-1 (1992): 3 V/m IEC 801-4:1988/EN50082-1 (1992): 1kV Power Line
.5kV Signal Lines
Supplementary Information: The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and carries the "CE" marking accordingly.
Tested in a typical configuration in an HP B-Size VXI mainframe.
May 8, 1996
European contact: Your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Depart-
ment HQ-TRE, Herrenberger Straße 130, D-71034 Böblingen, Germany (FAX +49-7031-14-3143)
Jim White, QA Manager

HP E1412A Declaration of Conformity

according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014

Manufacturer’s Name: Hewlett-Packard Company
Loveland Manufacturing Center
Manufacturer’s Address: 815 14th Street S.W.
Loveland, Colorado 80537
declares, that the product:
Product Name: VXI 6½-Digit Multimeter Model Number: HP E1412A Product Options: All
conforms to the following Product Specifications: Safety: IEC 1010-1 (1990) Incl. Amend 1 (1992)/EN61010-1 (1993)
CSA C22.2 #1010.1 (1992) UL 3111-1
EMC: CISPR 11:1990/EN55011 (1991): Group1 Class A
IEC 801-2:1991/EN50 082 -1 (19 92): 4kVCD, 8kVAD IEC 801-3:1984/EN50082-1 (1992): 3 V/m IEC 801-4:1988/EN50082-1 (1992): 1kV Power Line
.5kV Signal Lines
Supplementary Information: The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (inclusive 93/68/EEC) and carries the "CE" marking acco rdingly.
Tested in a typical configuration in an HP C-Size VXI mainframe.
July 31, 1995
European contact: Your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Depart-
ment HQ-TRE, Herrenberger Straße 130, D-71034 Böblingen, Germany (FAX +49-7031-14-3143)
Jim White, QA Manager
ease fold and tape for ma

Reader Comment Sheet

HP E1312A/E1412A 6½-Digit Multimeter User’s Manual and SCPI Programming Guide

Edition 4

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HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter

Using This Chapter

Chapter 1
Module Setup
This chapter provides one page of gen eral mo dule informa tion fol lowed by the tasks you must perform to set up your module and verify your installation was successful. Chapter contents are:
Setting the Module Address Switch
Interrupt Priority
Setting and Checking the Line Frequency Reference
Input Terminals and Front Panel Indicators
Multimeter Functional Connections
Initial Operation

General Information • The HP E1312A is not recommended for use in the HP E1300A or

HP E1301A B-size mainframe.
The HP E1312A (VXI B-size) and HP E1412A (VXI C-size)
Multimeters are VXIbus message-based slave devices.
Programming the multimeter can either be through a co mmand module
using an HP-IB interface or an embedded controller. You use the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI; see Chapter 3) with the Standard Instrument Control Language (SICL) or VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture).
Maximum voltage is 300 V
Maximum current is 3A AC
or 300 Vdc.
or DC.
Resolution is from 4½-digits for fast measurements to 6½-digi ts for
more accuracy. Resolution is set by specifying the integration time in number of power line cycles (NPLCs ) or cor respond ing aper ture t ime. Table 1-1 shows the correlation between NPLCs and resolution.
Table 1-1. Resolution of Power Line Cycles
Power Line Cycles Resolution
0.02 0.0001 x Full-Scale
0.2 0.00001 x Full-Scale 1 0.000003 x Full-Scale
10 0.000001 x Full-Scale
100 0.0000003 x Full-Scale
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup 15Chapter 1

Setting the Module Address Switch

The logical address switch factory setting is 24. Valid addresses are from 1 to 254 for static configuration (the address you set on the switch) and address 255 for dynamic configuration. The HP E1312A and HP E1412A support dynamic configura tion of the addr ess. This means the address is set programmatically by the resource manager when it encounters a module with address 255 that supports dynamic configuration.
If you install more t han o ne mul ti m ete r, e ach mo dul e must have a different logical address. If you use a VXIbus command modul e, the logical address must be a multiple of eight (e.g., 32, 40, 48, etc.) Each instrument must have a unique secondary address which is the logical address divided by eight.
Note When using an HP E1405A/B or HP E1406A as the VXIbus resource
manager with SCPI commands, the multime ter’s addres s switch value must be a multiple of 8.
Figure 1-1. Setting the Logical Address
16 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1

Interrupt Priority

The HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeters are VXIbus interrupters. However, there is no interrupt priority level setting to be made on the module. Interrupt prior it y le vel , set up, an d act ivation are configured on the resource manager which is the interface to the VXIbus and contains any instrument drivers required to communicate with a VXI module. Your resource manager could be a VXI command module, embedded PC controller, the PC-based VXLink Interface (ISA-to-VXI), the Series 700 workstation VXI-MXIbus interf ace or another VXI controlle r. To configure the interrupt priority on the HP E1405B and HP E1406A Command Modules, you would use the Refer to your resource manager’s documentation for information on setting the system’s interrupt priority.
DIAGnostic:INTerrupt command subsystem.

Setting the Line Frequency Reference

You must set the line frequency re ference to t he line fre quency of the power source to your mainframe for maximum normal mode rejection (NMR). NMR is the multimeter’s ability to reject p ower line freque ncy noise in a DC voltage or ohms measurement. You should set the multimeter’s line frequency reference to the exact power line frequency (50, 60 or 400Hz). Failure to set the line frequency reference to that of your source will cause reading errors.
Checking the Line
You use the reference. The default setting at power-on is 60Hz. If you use 50Hz or 400Hz you need to set the line frequency reference for maximum NMR. Specifyin g 400Hz actually sets the line fre quency reference to 50Hz since 50Hz is a sub harmonic of 400Hz. Executing a will return +50 after executing reference to 400Hz.
The line frequency reference setting is also useful when the device being measured operates at a different frequency than the multimeter. For example, if the multimet er has a power line frequency re ference of 60Hz and the device being measured has a power line frequency of 50Hz, maximum NMR is achiev ed by setting the multimeter’s reference frequency to 50H z by executing:
The CALibration:LFRequency? command retu rns the present setting of the power line frequency reference. The command returns +50 or +60. For a setting of 400Hz, +50 is returned since 50Hz is a sub harmonic of 400Hz.
CALibration:LFRequency command to set the line frequency
CAL:LFR 400 to set the line frequency
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup 17Chapter 1

Figure 1-2. Multimeter Measurement Terminals

18 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1
Multimeter Functional Connections

Figure 1-3. Switch Module Analog Bus Connections

Figure 1-4. Frequency or Period Measurement Connections
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup 19Chapter 1

Figure 1-5. Voltage Measurement Connections

Figure 1-6. Voltage Ratio (Vdc) Measurement Connections
20 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1

Figure 1-7. 2-Wire Ohms Measurement Connections

Figure 1-8. 4-Wire Ohms Measurement Connections

HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup 21Chapter 1

Initial Operation

Note This discussion applies only to SCPI (Standard Commands for

Figure 1-9. Current Measurement Connections

To program the Multimeter using SCPI, you must select the interface address and SCPI commands to be used. General information about using SCPI commands is presented at the beginning of Chapter 3. See the HP 75000 Series C Installation and Getting Started Guide for interface addressing.
Programmable Instruments) programming. The program is written using VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) function calls. VISA allows you to execute on VXIplug&play system frameworks that have the VISA I/O layer installed (visa.h include file).
Programming the
22 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1
Example: Perform a Self-Test of the Multimeter and Read the Result.
Programming the multimeter usi ng Standard Commands for Pro grammable Instruments (SCPI) requir es tha t you selec t the contr oller lang uage ( e.g., C, C++, Basic, etc.), interface address and SCPI commands to be use d. See the HP 75000 Series C Installation and Getting Started Guide (or equivalent) for interfacing, addressing and controller info rmation.
The following C program verifies communication between the controller, mainframe and multimeter. It resets the module ( of the module (
*IDN?) and initiates a self-test of the multimeter.
*RST), queries the identity
#include <stdio.h> #include <visa.h>
/*** FUNCTION PROTOTYPE ***/ void err_handler (ViSession vi, ViStatus x);
void main(void) {
char buf[512] = {0}; #if defined(_BORLANDC_) && !defined(_WIN32_)
_InitEasyWin(); #endif
ViStatus err; ViSession defaultRM; ViSession dmm;
/* Open resource manager and multimeter sessions. */
viOpenDefau ltRM (&defaultRM); viOpen(defaultRM, "GPIB-VXI0::9::24", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &dmm);
/* Set the timeout value to 10 seconds. */
viSetAttribute (dmm, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 10000);
/* Reset the module. */
err = viPrintf (dmm, "*RST/n");
if (err<VI_SUCCESS) err_handler (dmm, err);
/* Query the module identification. */
err = viPrintf(dmm, "*IDN?/n");
if (err<VI_SUCCESS) err_handler (dmm, err);
err = viScanf(dmm, "%t", buf);
if (err<VI_SUCCESS) err_handler (dmm, err);
printf ("Module ID = %s/n/n", buf);
/* Perform a module self-test. */
err = viPrintf (dmm, "*TST?/n");
if(err<VI_SUCCESS) err_handler (dmm, err);
err = viScanf (dmm, "%t", buf);
if (err<VI_SUCCESS) err_handler (dmm, err);
printf ("Self-test response = %s/n/n", buf);
/* Check for system errors. */
err = viPrintf (dmm, "SYST:ERR?/n");
if (err<VI_SUCCESS) err_handler (dmm, err);
err = viScanf (dmm, "%t", buf);
if (err<VI_SUCCESS) err_handler (dmm, err);
printf ("System error response = %s/n/n", buf); } / * end of main */ /*** Error handling function ***/
void err_handler (ViSession dmm, ViStatus err) {
char buf[1024] = {0};
viStatusDesc (dmm, err, buf);
printf ("ERROR = %s/n", buf);
return; }
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup 23Chapter 1
24 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup Chapter 1
Chapter 2
HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application

Using This Chapter

This chapter provides multimeter application information in five parts.
Measurement Tutorial.
Measurement Configuration.
Math Operations.
Triggering the Multimeter.
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Application Examples.

Measurement Tutorial

The HP E1312A and HP E1412A are capable of making highly accurate measurements. In order to achieve the greatest accuracy, you must take the necessary steps to eliminate potential measurement errors. This section describes common errors found in measurements and gives suggestions to help you avoid these errors.

DC Voltage Measurements

Thermal EMF
Thermoelectric voltages are the most common source of error in low-level dc voltage measurements. Th ermoele ctri c volt ages ar e gener ated when you make circuit connections using dissimilar metals at different temperatures. Each metal-to -metal junction fo rms a thermocouple, which generates a voltage proportional to the junction temperature. You should take the necessary precautions to minimize thermocouple voltages and temperature variations in low-level voltage measurements. The best connections are formed using copper-to-copper crimped connections. Table 2-1 shows common thermoelectric voltages for connections between dissimilar metals.
HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information 25Chapter 2
Table 2-1. Thermoelectric Voltages
Copper-to- Approx. µV/°C
Copper <0.3 Gold 0.5 Silver 0.5 Brass 3 Beryllium Copper 5 Aluminum 5 Kovar or Alloy 42 40 Silicon 500 Copper-Oxide 1000 Cadmium-Tin Solder 0.2 Tin-Lead Sold er 5
The HP E1312A and HP E1412A input terminals are copper alloy.
Loading Errors
(dc volts)
Leakage Curren t
Measurement loading errors occur when the resistance of the device­under-test (
DUT) is an appreciable percentag e of the multimet er’s own input
resistance. The diagram below shows this error source.
To reduce the effects of loading errors, and to minimize noise pickup, you can set the multimeter’s input resistance to greater than 10GΩ for the 100mVdc, 1Vdc, and 10Vdc ranges. The input resistance is maintained at 10MΩ for the 100Vdc and 300Vdc ranges.
The multimeter's input capacitance will “charge up” due to input bias currents when the terminals are open-circuited (if the input resistance is 10G). The multimeter's measuring circ uitry exhibi ts approximately 30pA of input bias current for ambient temperatures from 0°C to 30°C. Bias current will double ( ×2) for every 8°C ch ange in ambient tempe rature above 30°C. This current generates small voltage offsets dependent upon the source resista nce of the device-und er-test. T his effect becomes ev ident for a source resistanc e of greater than 100k, or when the multimeter's operating temperature is significantly greater than 30°C.
26 HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information Chapter 2
Rejecting Power
Line Noise
A desirable characteristic of integrating analog-to-digital (A/D) converters is their ability to reject spurious signals. The integrating techniques reject power-line relate d noise prese nt wit h a dc sig nal on the in put. Thi s is calle d normal mode rejection or
NMR. Normal mode noise rejection is achieved
when the multimeter measures the average of the input by “integrating” it over a fixed period. If you set the integration time to a whole number of power line cycles (
PLCs) these errors ( and thei r harmonics ) will aver age out
to approximately zero. The HP E1312A and HP E1412A provide three A/D integ ration times (1, 10
and 100PLCs) to reject power line frequency noise (and power-line frequency harmonics). Power line frequency defaults to 60Hz unless you specifically set it to 50Hz with the
CAL:LFR command. The multimeter
determines the pro per integrat ion time based on which power li ne frequency is set. Table 2-2 shows the noise rejection achieved with various configurations. Select a longer integration time for better resolution and increased noise rejection.
Table 2-2. Noise Rejection
Integration Time
Power Line
Cycles (PLCs)
0.02 400µs(400µs) NONE
60Hz (50Hz)
Common Mode
Rejection (CMR)
0.2 3ms (3ms) NONE 1 16.7ms (20ms) 60dB
10 167 m s (200ms) 60dB
100 1.67sec (2sec) 60dB
Ideally, a multimeter is completely isolated from earth-referenced circuits. However, there is finite resistance between the multimeter's input LO terminal and earth ground as shown below. This can cause errors when measuring small voltages which are floating relative to earth ground.
HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information 27Chapter 2
Noise Caused by
Magnetic Loops
If you are making measurements near magnetic fields, you should take the necessary precautions to avoid inducing voltages in the measurement conductors. You s hould be especially careful when wor king near conducto rs carrying large currents. Use twisted-pair connections to the multimeter to reduce the noise picku p loop area, or dress the inp ut cables as c lose together as possible. Also, loose or vibrat ing inpu t cable s will i nduce er ror volt ages. Make sure your input cables are tied down securely when operating near magnetic fields. Whenever possible, use magnetic shielding materials or physical separation to reduce problem magnetic field sources.
Noise Caused by
Ground Loops
When measuring voltages in circuits where the multimeter and the device­under-test are both referenced to a common earth ground but at different
points, a “ground loo p” is formed. As shown bel o w, an y vo lt age difference between the two ground reference points (V through the measurement leads. This causes errors such as noise and offset voltage (usu ally power-line related), which are added to the measured voltage.
The best way to eliminate gro und loops is to maintain t he multimeter's input isolation from earth; do not connect the input terminals to ground. If the multimeter must be earth-referenced, be sure to connect it, and the device-under-test, to the same common ground point. This will reduce or eliminate any voltage difference between the devices. Also make sure the multimeter and device -under-tes t are connecte d to the same el ectrical out let whenever possible.
ground) causes a current to flow
28 HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information Chapter 2

Resistance Measurements

The HP E1312A and HP E1412A offer two methods for measuring resistance: 2-wire and 4-wire ohms. For both me thods, the test curr ent flows from the input HI termi nal and then through t he resistor bein g measured. For 2-wire ohms, the voltage drop across the resistor being measured is sensed internal to t he multimeter. Therefore, input cable resista nce is also
measured. For 4-wire ohms, separate “sense” connections are required. Since no current flows in the HI-LO “Se nse” terminal cables, the res istances in these cables do not give a measurement error.
The errors discussed previously for dc voltage measurements also apply to resistance measurements. Additional error sources unique to resistance measurements are discussed in the following sections.
4-Wire Ohms
The 4-wire ohms method provides the most accurate way to measure small resistances. Errors due to test cable resistances and contact resistances are reduced using this method. Four-wire ohms is often used in automated test applications where long cable lengths, numerous connections, or switches exist between the multimeter and the device-under-test. The recommended connections for 4-wire ohms measurements are shown below.
HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information 29Chapter 2
Removing Field
Wiring Resistance
in 2-Wire Ohms
Field wiring can cause an offset error in 2-w i re resistance measurements. You can use the following procedure to minimize offset errors associated with field wiring resistance in 2-wire ohms measurements. You short the field wiring at the DUT location and measure the 2-wire lead resistance. This value is subtracted fr om subsequent DUT 2-wire ohms measuremen ts. There are two ways to effect ivel y null ou t the le ad resi stanc e. The fi rst way is to character ize your f ield le ad resist ance b y shorting the lead s at th e DUT location and measure and record the lead resistance. Then enable the math operation and store the 2-wire lead measurement value using the
CALCulate:NULL:OFFSet <value> command (CALC:STATe must be ON to
do this). The following program shows SCPI examples used to store a
CONF:RES Set to 2-wire ohms function.
Short the lead resistance at the DUT location.
READ? Measure the 2-wire ohms lead resistance.
Enter lead resistance value into computer.
CALCulate:FUNCtion NULL Set math operation to NULL. CALCulate:STATe ON Turn math operation ON. CALCulate:NULL:OFFSet <value> Store the NULL offset value.
NULL value.
Subsequent 2-wire ohms measurements will subtract the null offset value from the measurement thereby removing the lead resistance from the measurement.
The second way to s tore the 2-wir e lea d resi stanc e as the
NULL offset value
is to let the multimeter automatically do this with the first measurement. The first measurement made after
STATe is set to ON stores the measured value as the null offset.
CONF:RES Set to 2-wire ohms function.
Short the lead resistance at the DUT location.
CALCulate:FUNCtion NULL Set math operation to NULL. CALCulate:STATe ON Turn math operation ON. READ? Measure the 2-wire ohms lead resistance.
Enter lead resistance value into computer. The value is automatically stored in the multimeter’s null offset register. Remove the short from the lead resistance at the DUT location and connect leads to your DUT.
READ? Make a 2-wire ohms resistance measurement.
Enter lead resistance value into computer. The NULL value is subtracted from the measurement to more accurately provide the DUT resistance.
CALCulate function is set to NULL and the
30 HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information Chapter 2
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