MultiBay Adapter
MultiBay Adapter
MultiBay AdapterMultiBay Adapter
1. Eject Lever
2. Security Lever
The MultiBay Adapter is an IDE device that allows users to easily switch and change MultiBay drives including CD-RW, DVD-ROM,
CD-ROM and MultiBay hard drives. It is a modular storage bay, allowing for multiple MultiBay devices to be inserted or removed,
thereby increasing the expandability and performance of HP Compaq convertible minitowers and small form factor desktops.
The MultiBay Adapter must be installed as the only device on the Secondary IDE controller. A single device IDE cable is supplied with
the MultiBay Adapter Option Kit to enable this configuration.
If a half-height optical drive is also configured in the same system as a MultiBay Adapter, the half-height optical drive must be reinstalled on the Primary IDE controller as the slave device. A dual device IDE cable is supplied with the MultiBay Adapter Option Kit
to enable this configuration.
When the HP Business Desktop d530 Convertible Minitower is equipped with both the MultiBay option and Parallel ATA (PATA) hard
drive(s), no other optical drives can be supported. HP Business Desktop d530 Convertible Minitowers equipped with Serial ATA
(SATA) hard drives do not have this limitation.
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MultiBay Adapter
MultiBay Adapter
MultiBay AdapterMultiBay Adapter
Key Benefits
Key Benefits
Key BenefitsKey Benefits
Increased expandability
Increases the expandability of the system in which it is installed to that of a full-size desktop through swappable MultiBay
devices eliminating the need to have multiple, permanently installed removable storage drives on each system.
Cost savings
Individuals and multiple users can now share hot-swappable MultiBay drives between notebooks and the D510 and d530
Small Form Factor and Convertible Minitower – no need to purchase a CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, Combo Drive or
removable hard drive for every user at each unit.
Low-cost back-up solution
The MultiBay Adapter enables the D510 and d530 Small Form Factor and Convertible Minitower user to create a local backup solution without tying up valuable network resources.
Increased security and lower support costs
IT managers can restrict loading of unauthorized software by end-users by leaving the MultiBay Adapter unpopulated to
restrict loading of unauthorized software or hardware. CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, Combo drive or second hard drive can
be easily inserted locally as needed by IT staff to perform local support. This inherently leads to increased security and lower
support costs. Removable drives can be secured with tamper resistant "security screw" installed via a security lever integrated
with the MultiBay Adapter. Once the security screw is in place, drives cannot be ejected unless the screw is removed with a
special screwdriver (included with every unit).
Longer product lifecycles
The MultiBay Adapter can extend the useful life of systems by providing the ability to easily add new removable-storage
options as they become available.
The MultiBay Adapter is compatible with the HP Compaq Business Desktop dc7100 convertible minitower and small form factor. The
Adapter requires a free 5.25-inch bay.
Service and Support
Service and Support
Service and SupportService and Support
The MultiBay Adapter has a one-year limited warranty or the remainder of the warranty of the HP product in which it is installed.
Technical support is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, by phone, as well as online support forums. Certain restrictions
and exclusions apply. For details, consult the Product Information Centre at 1-888-882-6672.
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