Hp D2827A User Manual

HP D2827A
HP 51
15-inch Color Monitor
13.9-inch Viewable Image
User’s Guide
13.9 Zoll Bildanzeige
Moniteurs couleur 15 pouces
Affichage 13,9 pouces
Pantallas de color de 15 pulgadas
13.9 pulgadas de imagen visualizada
Manual del Usuario Léase esto primero
Video a colori da 15 pollici
13.9 effetivi per l’immagine
Manuale utente
Monitor Colorido de 15 polegadas
Imagem Visível de 13,9 polegadas
Guia do Usuário
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Hewlett-Packard France 38053 Grenoble Cedex 9 France© 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company
English.................................................... Chapter 1
Deutsch .................................................. Kapitel 2
Français.................................................. Chapitre 3
Español................................................... Capítulo 4
Italiano................................................... Capitolo 5
Português ............................................... Capítulo 6
Full scan screen that gives an edge to edge image
0.28 mm dot pitch for excellent graphics
Non-glare, anti-static, screen coating
Image adjustment controls to operate on-screen display menus
Status indicator
HP D2827A 15-inch Color Monitor
13.9-inch Viewable Image
User’s Guide
On/Off switch
HP 15” Color Monitor User’s Guide
Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions
Before you plug in your new monitor, read these important safety instructions.
WARNING To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover(or back).
There are no user servicable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Connect the monitor only to a grounded power outlet. Use the power cord supplied with the monitor or one with a properly grounded plug. Ensure the cable meets your country’s standards for safety.
This monitor operates on all power systems, including “IT” power systems. To completely disconnect power at the monitor, remove the power cord from the power outlet. Ensure that the power outlet is easily accessible.
Make sure the power to your computer is “off” before connecting or disconnecting any monitor peripheral.
The monitor is quite heavy(the weight is shown in the technical specifications). We recommend you ask the assistance of a second person when lifting or moving it.
USA and Canada
If the power cord is not supplied with your monitor, select the proper power cord according to your national electric safety codes.
USA: use a UL Listed detachable power cord.
Canada: use a CSA certified detachable power cord.
Si le cordon secteur n’est pas livré avec votre moniteur, utiliser un cordon secteur en accord avec votre code électrique national.
USA: utiliser un cordon secteur UL Listé.
Canada: utiliser un cordon secteur certifié CSA.
2 English
HP 15” Color Monitor User’s Guide
What Your New Monitor Offers
What Your New Monitor Offers
Your HP monitor is a 15-inch (13.9-inch viewable image), high resolution, multi-synchronous color monitor. Multi-synchronous means that the monitor supports a range of video modes. It is optimized to be used with all Hewlett-Packard PCs.
Your HP color monitor has the following features:
A 15-inch flat square tube, with a 13.9-inch viewable image, and
0.28 mm dot pitch for excellent graphics.
Anti-static, non-glare screen coating to minimize reflection.
Support for video modes up to SVGA 800x600 at 85Hz refresh rate, giving a flicker free image and reduced eye-strain.
Support for Ultra VGA 1024x768 at 60Hz refresh rate.
Image adjustment using on-screen display menus. Includes color adjustment to optimize the quality of the image.
Monitor power management system (VESA1 standard) controlled from suitably equipped HP PCs to automatically reduce the power consumption of the monitor. Complies with the Energy Star Computers Program initiated by the US EPA
Packard has determined that this product meets the Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency
Monitor Plug and Play capability (VESA DDC1/2B standard) that enables the monitor to identify itself to suitably equipped HP PCs.
Compliance with ISO 9241-3, ISO 9241-8 and ZH-1/618 ergonomic standards.
Complies with MPRII guidelines for upper limits of electrical and electrostatic emissions, from the Swedish National Board for Measurement and Testing. Your monitor also complies with the Swedish standard MPR III, level B, for electric and magnetic field emission.
As an Energy Star Partner, Hewlett
1. VESA is the Video Electronics Standards Association
2. The US EPA is the United States Environmental Protection Agency
3. ENERGY STAR is a US registered service mark of the US EPA.
English 3
HP 15” Color Monitor User’s Guide
Setting Up Your Monitor
Setting Up Your Monitor
Attaching the Tilt and Swivel Base
Your display has a tilt and swivel base. To fit and tilt the swivel base:
1 Turn the monitor on its side (never on the screen). Identify the front
of the base.
2 Locate the slots in the underside of the monitor. 3 Slide the base towards the front of the monitor until the locking tab
on the base clicks into place.
Where to Place the Monitor
Place your monitor on a flat sturdy surface.
Ensure the operating site is free from excessive heat, moisture, dust and sources of electromagnetic fields. Sources of electromagnetic fields include transformers, motors, and other monitors.
Avoid exposing the monitor to direct sunlight.
4 English
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