In today’s business environment, customers require powerful servers with fault-tolerant features
to keep their businesses running 24 h ours a da y, 7 days a week. The Compaq ProLiant 7000
Server provides breakthrough high-performance and high-availability technologies that keep the
server up and running in t he most demanding 7x24 environmen ts. This technology brief explains
the features of the new ProLiant 7000 Servers that support Penti um II Xeon processors, and how
previously purchased ProLiant 7000 Servers can be upgraded to support up to four Pentium II
Xeon processors. This upgra de path provides investment protection and gives customers
confidence of a long life for the ProLiant 7000.
This technology brief also describes the management technologies of the ProLiant 7000 Server.
Many of these technologies are covered in more detail in separate technology briefs, which are
referenced in this document.
Pentium II X eo n Processor Techn o logy
The P enti u m II Xeon processor uses t he same core architectu re as p revious Penti um II p rocessors ,
and it continues the same 32-bit technology line, which makes it fully software compatible with
all current Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors. Like the Pentium Pro and Pentium II
processors, the Pentium II Xeon uses dynamic execution techniques and a dual independent bus
structure. Th e dual independent bus structure provides a separate bus between the processor and
the s econdary level 2 (L2 ) cache. S ee the t echnol og y brief
Pentium II Xeon processor.
The Pentium II Xeon processor provides higher levels of performance through architectural
enhan cem ents incl u din g :
100-MHz AGTL+ System Bus
An important enhancement is the move from the 66-MHz GTL+ bus used by the Pentium Pro and
Pentium II processors to the higher frequency 100-MHz AGTL+ bus. This provides faster data
pathways between t he processor and ran d om access memory (RAM), an d bet ween th e p rocessor
and system peripherals.
400- and 450-MHz Core Processor Frequencies
One of the most significant differences between the Pentium II Xeon processor and current
Pentium Pro processors is the much higher processor frequency. Pentium II Xeon processors,
currently at 400 MHz, are expected to reach 450 MHz by the end of 1998, and to incr ease beyond
450 MHz in later versions.
, document number ECG050/0698 for more details on the IA32 architecture and the
100-MHz AGTL+ system bus
Processor frequencies starting at 400 MHz and i ncreasing to 450 MHz and beyond
Full - s p eed L2 cach e bus
L2 cache configurations starting at 512 KB an d 1MB and increasing to 2 MB
Slot 2 cartridge
Support for up to 64 GB of cacheable system memory
MMX technology
Deschutes Family Processor
Pentium II Xeon (Slot 2
Pentium II (Slot 1 cartridge.
Larger Cache Sizes
The Pentium II Xeon processor supports larger L2 caches than previous Intel processors.
Pentium II Xeon processors are initially available in 512-KB and 1-MB configurations with future
plans for a 2-MB cache. I n cont rast, the Pen tium P ro pr ocess or ha s a max imum 1 - M B ca che.
The la rge r data c ach e provides a si gnificant performance boost, es pecially in s ym metric
multiprocessing (SMP) configurations and systems used in memory-intensive applications, such
as on-line transaction processing.
Full-Speed L2 Cache Bus
Previou s P enti u m II processors have a hal f-s p eed L2 cache bus that connect s the ca che mem ory
and the centr a l processing unit (CPU) core. Thi s mean s a 266-MHz Pentium II actual ly transfers
data between the L2 cache and CPU core at 133 MHz. In contrast, the Pentium II Xeon processor
has a full-speed cache bus, which means that a 400-MHz Pentium II Xeon processor transfers
data between the L2 cache and pr ocessor core at a full 400 MHz. The combination of the full-
speed cache bus and t he la rger cache size greatly enha nces the performa nce of th e P enti u m II
Xeon processor relative to the Pentium Pro and previous Pentium II processors, especially in
larger SMP configurations and memory-intensive applications.
Slot 2 Cartridge
Pent ium II processors ar e packa g ed in a s ingle edge con tact ( S EC) cartridge. The SEC ca rtridg e
for a Pentium II processor inserts into the Slot 1 connector on the motherboard, while the Pentium
II Xeon ’ s SEC cartridge inserts i nto the Slot 2 connector. The for m factor of the Slot 2 cartridg e
is larger than that of the Slot 1. Compared with the Slot 1 cartridge, the Slot 2 cartridge has
The lar g er cartridge and corres p onding mot herboa rd con nector for th e P enti u m II Xeon process or
require more pins. The additional pins on the Slot 2 cartridge provide support for a four-
processor (4P) multiprocessing system bus. Load and signal integrity modifications in the new
design allow a Pentium II Xeon processor to drive up to four main loads on the AGTL+ bus—
three other processors and a memory and I/O controller. This allows the Pentium II Xeon to scale
to 4P configurations. The extra pins also provide the additional power and ground connections
needed to support th e larger, full-speed L2 cache.
64-GB Cacheable Address Space
The Pentium II Xeon processor is able to access up to 64 GB of RAM; however, the memory
controller chipset determines the actual size of supported memory. Initial Pentium II Xeon
chipsets support memory configurations up to 8 GB.
MMX Technol ogy
The Pentium II Xeon processor supports MMX instructions, which allow certain applications to
operate on multiple data locations with a single instruction call to the processor. The MMX
functions are primarily used in multimedia applications such as audio and video manipulation;
however, increasing numbers of specialized business applications are being written to take
advantage of MMX capabilities.
More pins (330 pins versus 242 pins for the Slot 1).
Support for a four-processor multiprocessing bus.
Load and signal integrity modifications.
The ability to deliver more power to support the larger, full-speed L2 cache.
Pentium II Xeon Performance
Compaq tested performan ce of Pentium II Xeon processors in the ProLiant 7000 server usin g two
industry-standar d benchma rks: the TPC-C benchmark test and the TPC-D version 1.3.1
benchmark test. The TPC-C benchmark measures performance in an on-line transaction
processing environment, while the T P C - D benchm ark repr es ents a broad range of decisi on
support (DS) applications that r equire complex, long-runnin g quer i es against large complex data
structures. Real-world business questions were written against this model, resulting in 17
complex queries.
Tables 1 and 2 show the configurations used for these benchmark tests and t he performance
results, which set new industry-wide performance levels for a single-node Intel-based system. For
a full discussion of these benchmark results in comparison to published benchmark results for
other 4-way and 8-way systems, read the Compaq Benchmark Summaries available at
Speed/L2 Cache
TPC-C Throughput
Compaq ProLiant 7000 Server
Pentium II Xeon
400 MHz/1 MB
18,127 tpmC
$27 per tpmC
Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edit i on
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Edit i on
Table 2: Results of TPC-D Benchmark Test
No. of Processors
Processor Type
Speed/L2 Cache
TPC-D Power
TPC-D Throughput
Compaq ProLiant 7000 Server
Pentium II Xeon
400 MHz/1 MB
1694.6 QPPD @100 GB
553.1 QthD @100 GB
$390.65 per QphD @ 100 GB
Windows NT 4.0
Oracle 8.0.4
Thermal Design
Compaq has designed an innovative thermal cooling solution for the Pentium II Xeon processor
that contributes to increased system reliability and future performance scalability to 8-way
archit ectures . Heat pipes transfer heat away from the Slot 2 cart rid g e thermal pla te to cooling
fins mounted atop the cartridge (Figur e 1).
This top-mounted position and the direction of the cooling fins are advantageous in two important
ways. First, this design cools efficiently regardless of the direction of air flow (vertical or
horizontal). Therefore, the same Slot 2 cartridge and heat sink combination used in the ProLiant
7000 4-way configuration can also be used in future 8-way configurations by simply reorienting
the p rocessor s. Second , because t he heat fins are top mou nted, th e redundant p rocessor p ower
module can be placed in its optimal position, next to the processor, to maintain short signal trace
lengths across the 100-MHz system bus (Figure 2). The resulting improvements to power supply
regulation and system bus signal quality increase system reliability. Moreover, the smaller
spacing between processor sockets makes possible future upgrades to 8-way Pentium II Xeon
archit ectures u s ing the same ch assis d esign.
Figure 1: Heat pipes and fins for the Pentium II Xeon processor cartridge.
Pentium II Xeon
Processor Cartridge
Heat Pipes
Memory Expansion
Board Slots
ProLiant 7000 Architecture
The ProLiant 7000 ar ch it ecture all ows customers to scale the processor and memory subsystems
to run their mission-critical applications. The following sections describe the ProLiant 7000
architecture—the processor board, memory expansion boards, input/output (I/O) board, and
standard per i pheral board.
Processor Board
The p rocessor board (F i gure 2 ) ha s four sockets for Pentium II Xeon p rocessor s, four sock ets for
redundant processor power modules, and two slots for memory expansion boards. The redundan t
processor power modules maintain the precise voltage requirements of the processors. The
memory expansion boards allow customers to scale system memory up to 8 GB. The ProLiant
7000 ships with one Pentium II Xeon processor, one redundant processor power module, and two
memory expansion boards. Processor terminator cards are also provided with the server. A
processor terminator card mus t rem ain in ea ch pr ocess or socket not occupi ed by a processor.
Memory Expansion Boards
The ProLiant 7000 ships with t wo memory expansion boards instal l ed on th e pr ocessor board. As
shown in Figur e 3, each memory expansion board has si x teen m emory sockets ( four ban ks of four
sockets) for Dual In-Line Memory Modules, or DIMMs. The DIMMs must be installed in sets of
Processor Power
Module Sockets
Figure 2: Processor Board.
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