The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its
software on equipment that is not furnished by Hewlett-Packard.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or
translated to another language without the prior written consent of
Hewlett-Packard Company.
restricted rights legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government Department of Defense is
subject to restrictions as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Software clause in DFARS
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.
All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced
or translated to another language without the prior written consent of
Hewlett-Packard Company.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States of America and other
countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
This software and documentation is based in part on the Fourth Berkeley
Software Distribution under license from the Regents of the University of
The purpose of this document is to collect, in one place, all the information
necessary to configure and administer graphics cards supported in HP-UX
workstations and servers running the 11.00 and 11i version 1 (11.11) Operating
Chapter 15
NOTEPrevious versions of this document contained information for 3D
graphics Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that are now
obsolete. The following APIs were discontinued, then obsoleted, on the
indicated dates:
Table 1-1
StarbaseB2374AOctober 1,
PEXlibB3176BMay 1, 1998August 31,
PHIGSB1685LOctober 1,
For detailed information on HP's supported 3D graphics API, OpenGL,
please refer to the "OpenGL Implementation Guide", which can be found
on the World Wide Web at:
Obsoleted On
October 1,
October 1,
Chapter 16
document conventions
document conventions
Below is a list of the typographical conventions used in this document:
ls /usr/include
Verbatim computer literals are in computer font. Text in this style is letter-for-letter
verbatim and, depending on the context, should be typed in exactly as specified, or
is named exactly as specified.
In every case...
Emphasized words are in italic type.
. . .to configure a Single Logical Screen. . .
New terms being introduced are in bold-faced type.
. . .the <device_id. . .>
Conceptual values are in italic type, enclosed in angle brackets. These items are not
verbatim values, but are descriptors of the type of item it is, and the user should
replace the conceptual item with whatever value is appropriate for the context.
Chapter 17
document conventions
Chapter 18
2configuring X Windows on HP-UX
(HP Visualize graphics cards)
This chapter documents information specific to the HP X Server. It
describes features that are unique to HP’s X Server, provides information
Chapter 29
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
on how to configure the X Server and includes a list of supported
configurations. For each supported graphics device, device-dependent
configuration information is provided.
Information specific to a new release of the X Server, beyond the scope of
the general information in this document, can be found in the HP-UX
Release Notes located in /usr/share/doc.
NOTEThis chapter deals with configuration information for HP Visualize graphics
cards (fxe, fx5, fx10, etc.) ONLY. For configuration information for other
graphics cards, see Chapter 3 in this document.
Chapter 210
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
X Server configuration
Configuration of the X Server is supported through SAM via an icon titled “X
Server Configuration.” This icon resides either at SAM’s top level or under the
top-level “Display” icon. This location is determined by the version of the HP-UX
operating system (later HP-UX releases will place “X Server Configuration” under
the “Display” folder).
There are several X*screens files used to configure the operation of the X Server.
The SAM graphical user interface for X Server configuration is provided to simplify
complexity and facilitate ease of use. While it is still possible to modify these files
manually (see below), using the SAM interface greatly simplifies the process for
creating Multi-Display and Single Logical Screen configurations.
Our SAM component has the following actions:
•Configure Print Server
•Modify Multi-Screen Layout
•Modify Server Options
•Single Logical Screen (SLS)
•Describe Screen
•Identify Screen
•Modify Default Visual
•Modify Screen Options
•Add Screen to Configuration
•Remove Screen from Configuration
The first group of actions can be thought of as “global” actions. They will typically
be active regardless of what has been selected. If any of these menu items is not
visible, it is because it is not supported under the current configuration. For
example, on systems containing only one graphics screen, the last three menu items
will not be visible.
The second group of actions can be thought of as “screen” actions. They will be
activated depending on which screens have been chosen. It is also possible that the
last two actions (Add and Remove) will be absent. When only one graphics screen
is present, SAM will treat this screen as though it is always configured. Preselecting
both configured and unconfigured screens will result in only the first two screen
menu options being active.
Chapter 211
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
X*screens file
For manual changes, please refer to the sample files in the /etc/X11/ directory.
Three files of particular interest are the X0screens, X0devices, and X0pointerkeys
description of the X*screens configuration file
This file belongs in /etc/X11/X*screens, where “*” is the display number of
the server. For example, the “X0screens” file is used when the $DISPLAY
environment variable is set to hostname:0.screen and the server is invoked
using the “:0” option.
The X*screens file is used to specify:
•Device-independent server options, and
•For each screen:
— what device file to use (required),
— the default visual,
— monitor size, and
— device-dependent screen options.
Note that all of the items above, except for device-independent server options, are
specified on a per-screen basis.
The X Server supports up to four screens at a time. Specifying more than four
screens will cause a server error message.
syntax guidelines
•Blank lines and comments (text following “#”) are ignored.
Entries can occupy more than a single line.
•All symbols in the file are recognized case-insensitive.
the X*screens file format
Items must appear in the X*screens file in the order that they are specified below.
{Screen <device_name>} ||
Chapter 212
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
Brackets (“[“and “]”) denote optional items. Italicized items in angle brackets (“<”
and “>”) denote values to be specified. The double vertical line (“||”) denotes that
one of the ored values (items surrounded by braces, “{“and “}”) must be included.
The block from the “Screen <device_name>” line to the final “<screen_option>”
line is referred to as a either a “Screen Entry” or as a “Single Logical Screen entry”.
As shown above, the X*screens format is composed of an optional block specifying
device-independent server options followed by one or more either Screen or Single
Logical Screen entries (maximum of four graphics devices).
The minimum X*screens file is a line with the keyword “Screen” followed by a
screen device file. For example:
Screen /dev/crt
server options
For more information about server options, or about additional server options, look
in an information file (for example,
GraphicsSharedMemorySize <memory_size>
Specify the size of the graphics shared memory region. The size must be specified in
bytes and must be in hexadecimal.
Default value: 0x580000
Chapter 213
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
The X Server delays loading of some X extensions until the first protocol request to
the given extension is received. Specifying this server option forces all extensions to
be loaded at X Server startup. The 11.00 X Server patches shipped after July, 1997
perform delayed loading of X extensions.
screen entries
The minimum screen entry is a line with the keyword “Screen” followed by a screen
device file.
Optional specifications for default visual, monitor size, and device-dependent
screen options may follow this minimal screen description line.
This optional part of the format specifies the default visual that the screen uses.
Valid keywords following the “DefaultVisual” keyword are “Class”, “Depth”,
“Layer”, and “Transparent”.
If no default visual is specified, then the standard default visual class, depth, layer,
and transparency for the graphics device is used.
Not all default visual specifications will work on all devices.
If there is an error in a specification, look in an information file for more details (for
example, /usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp), in case it is newer
than the document you’re now reading.
Class <StaticGray> |<GrayScale> | <StaticColor> |<PseudoColor> |
<TrueColor>| <DirectColor>
Specify the class of the default visual.
Depth <depth_value>
Specify the depth of the default visual (for example 8, 12, or 24).
Layer<Image> | <Overlay>
Specify the layer of the default visual.
Specify that a visual with an application-accessible transparent entry in the default
colormap be used.
MonitorSize <diagonal_length> Inches | MM
Specify the diagonal size of the monitor. After the “MonitorSize” keyword, you
must specify the diagonal length of the monitor and then the units. Use this entry
only if you are using a non-standard monitor.
Chapter 214
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
MinimumMonitorPowerSaveLevel <value>
Specify the minimum power save level to be used by the monitor during screen
blanking. You must specify a level of 0 -3 If the option is not used, the default is
level 0. On devices that do not support DPMS, this option will be ignored.
Screen options are device-dependent options that are documented in a file in the X
Server information directory (for example,
sample X*screens files
Below are several sample X*screens files that illustrate the new format.
•This is the minimum legal X*screens file, the “Screen” keyword followed by
the screen device. Since no other information is given, the X Server will assume
default values for other options and settings.
Screen /dev/crt
Figure 2-1Results of minimal legal X*screens file
X Server configuration
•This is the minimum specification for a two-screen configuration. The
maximum number of screens supported on the X Server is four. Here, the
displays associated with /dev/crt0 and /dev/crt1 are referred to as
“<host>:0.0” and “<host>:0.1”, respectively.
Screen /dev/crt0
Screen /dev/crt1
Chapter 215
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
Figure 2-2Two physical displays, two separate screens
•This sample X*screens file could be used on a system using HP
VISUALIZE-FXE with a 17-inch monitor. In this example, the
GraphicsSharedMemorySize is decreased to 1 Mbyte in order to reduce the
swap space requirements of the system. Decreasing
GraphicsSharedMemorySize is appropriate when you do not intend to run any
3D graphics applications.
GraphicsSharedMemorySize 0x100000
Screen /dev/crt
MonitorSize 17 inches
The display diagram would be the same as that of the “Results of Minimal
Legal X*screens File” configuration, above.
•This sample X*screens file could be used on a system with a HP
VISUALIZE-FX5 graphics device. The overlay visual is selected as the default.
There are 255 overlay colormap entries available on the HP VISUALIZE-FX5.
The 256th entry is hard-wired to transparent. Having less than 256 colormap
entries should not cause a problem for most applications, but for those
applications that require 256 colormap entries, the
CountTransparentInOverlayVisual screen option should be used as shown
below. Note that any attempts to modify the 256th entry will have no effect on
the colormap.
Screen /dev/crt
The display diagram would be the same as that of the “Results of Minimal
Legal X*screens File” configuration, above.
•This sample X*screens file could be used on a system with a HP
VISUALIZE-FX10 graphics device. The default visual on the HP
VISUALIZE-FX10 is the opaque overlay visual. All 256 colormap entries are
opaque and allocable. If an application requires transparency in the default
visual, the “Transparent” keyword can be used to select the transparent overlay
visual as shown below.
Chapter 216
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
Screen /dev/crt
The display diagram would be the same as that of the “Results of Minimal
Legal X*screens File” configuration, above.
•This sample X*screens file could be used on a system with a HP
VISUALIZE-FXE graphics device. By default on the HP VISUALIZE-FXE,
the overlay visual does not have a transparent entry available to applications for
rendering transparency. If an application requires overlay transparency, an
optional X Server mode is available, but it is restrictive. In this optional mode,
only one hardware colormap is available in the overlays (instead of two) and
only one hardware colormap is available in the image planes (instead of two).
The optional X Server mode can be set via the EnableOverlayTransparency
screen option as shown below.
Screen /dev/crt
The display diagram would be the same as that of the “Results of Minimal
Legal X*screens File” configuration, above.
•These sample X*screens file entries could be used on a system with two
homogeneous graphics devices. Assuming the first device is associated with the
device file “/dev/crt0” and the second device is associated with the device
file “/dev/crt1”, both examples specify a horizontal Single Logical Screen
SingleLogicalScreen 1 2
/dev/crt0 /dev/crt1
SingleLogicalScreen 1 2
Chapter 217
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
Figure 2-3Two physical displays, single logical screen (1x2)
•These sample X*screens entries could be used on a system with four
homogeneous graphics devices. Assuming the first device is
associated with the device file “/dev/crt0”, the second device is
associated with the device file “/dev/crt1”, etc. The following
examples specify valid Single Logical Screen configurations.
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
Figure 2-5Four physical displays, single logical screen (4x1)
X Server configuration
SingleLogicalScreen 2 2
/dev/crt0 /dev/crt1
/dev/crt2 /dev/crt3
Figure 2-6Four physical displays, single logical screen (2x2)
•It is possible to include a Screen Entry and an SLS Screen Entry in
the same X*screens File. This creates a situation where there are
two X Screens (e.g.< host>:0.0 and <host>:1.0), one of which happens
to be a Single Logical Screen. Below is an example of this:
Chapter 219
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
Figure 2-7Three physical displays, screen plus single logical screen(1x2)
miscellaneous topics
double buffer extensions
DBE is an extension to the X Server that provides a double-buffering
Application Programming Interface (API). For more information about
DBE and the API, consult the DBE man pages:
For performance reasons , the default DBE beha vior is to not synchronize
buffer swaps with the monitor’s vertical retrace period. In some
instances, therefore, image tearing (seeing part of the old image and part
of the new image on the display at the same time) could be visible while
swapping large DBE windows. For those instances where tearing would
occur and is undesirable, an optional X Server mode is available to allow
for synchronization of buffer swaps with vertical retrace. To activate this
optional X Server mode, set the following screen option in the X*screens
File before the X Server is started:
Chapter 220
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
determining swap performance
The DBE API does not allow users to determine if double-buffering in a
visual is through software or hardware. However, the API does provide a
way to determine relative swapping performance on a per-visual basis.
The XdbeScreenVisualInfo() function returns information about the
swapping performance levels for the double-buffering visuals on a
display. A visual with a higher performance level is likely to have better
double-buffer graphics performance than a visual with a lower
performance level. Nothing can be deduced from any of the following: the
magnitude of the difference of two performance levels, a performance
level in isolation, or comparing performance levels from different servers.
For more information, refer to the DBE man page on
supported devices
The X Server supports DBE on the following devices:
display power management signaling (DPMS)
Monitors constitute a large percentage of the power used by a
workstation even when not actively in use (i.e., during screen blanking).
In order to reduce the power consumption, the Video Electronic
Standards Association (VESA) has defined a Display Power Management
Signaling (DPMS) standard which can be used to greatly reduce the
amount of power being used by a monitor during screen blanking.
The X Server features the ability to make use of DPMS on the following
graphics devices:
Chapter 221
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
The following table is a description of the states that are defined by
VESA. The Power Savings column indicates (roughly) the level of power
savings achieved in the given state. The Recovery Time is the amount of
time that the screen takes to return to a usable state when the screen
saver is turned off (by pressing a key or the moving the mouse).
Table 2-1Power saving states defined by VESA
0Screen SaverNot ApplicableNoneVery Short (<1sec.)
2Suspend MandatorySubstantialLonger
3OffMandatoryMaximumSystem Dependent
DPMS Compliance
Recovery Time
The actual amount of power saved and the recovery time for each of the
states is monitor-dependent and may vary widely. The customer can
compensate for this by choosing an appropriate level for the monitor that
is currently in use.
By default, the DPMS level used is the Screen Saver (i.e. no power
savings). If you wish to use power saving during screen blanking, set the
following X*screens file entry before starting the server:
MinimumMonitorPowerSaveLevel <level>
where level is replaced with the single digit 0, 1, 2, or 3 as specified in the
Level column in the above table.
shared memory extension (MIT_SHM)
The MIT shared memory extension provides both shared-memory
XImages and shared-memory pixmaps based on the SYSV shared
memory primitives.
Shared memory XImages are essentially a version of the XImage
interface where the actual image data is stored in a shared memory
segment, and thus need not be moved through the Xlib interprocess
communication channel. For large images, use of this facility can result
in increased performance.
Shared memory pixmaps are a similar concept implemented for the
pixmap interface. Shared memory pixmaps are two-dimensional arrays
of pixels in a format specified by the X Server, where the pixmap data is
Chapter 222
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
stored in the shared memory segment. In all other respects, shared
memory pixmaps behave the same as ordinary pixmaps and can be
modified by the usual Xlib routines. In addition, it is possible to change
the contents of these pixmaps directly without the use of Xlib routines
merely by modifying the pixmap data.
supported devices
The X Server supports the MIT shared memory extension on the
following devices:
supported X configurations
multi-display support
The following definitions are included to reduce confusion between the
terms “multi-display,” “multi-screen,” and “single logical screen.”
A configuration with multiple graphics devices used concurrently. Any
multi-screen or single logical screen configuration is referred to as a
multi-display configuration.
Chapter 223
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
A configuration in which a single X Server with a mouse and keyboard
drives multiple graphics devices (where each display is a different X
Screen) concurrently while only allowing the cursor, not windows, to be
moved between displays.
Device #1
Device #2
Single logical screen
A configuration in which a single X Server with a single mouse and
keyboard drives multiple homogeneous graphics devices concurrently
while allowing the displays to emulate a large single screen. This differs
from a multi-screen environment by allowing windows to be moved and
displayed across displays. See the section in this document on Single
Logical Screen.
Device #1
Device #2
Note that different monitor resolutions are not supported with the
multi-display configurations unless stated otherwise in the table below.
Chapter 224
configuring X Windows on HP-UX (HP Visualize graphics cards)
X Server configuration
multi-screen support
The list of supported multi-display configurations is rather large, and it
changes whenever a new graphics device is introduced. Thus, if you are
considering a Single Logical Screen or any other multi-display
configuration, we recommend consulting your HP Sales Representative
and inquiring whether the configuration you have in mind is indeed
There are general guidelines, however. For example:
•Multi-display configurations may be limited by available power.
Depending on the capacity of your computer’s power supply, and the
power demands of the combination of graphics cards you are
considering, there may or may not be enough power to operate them
•Single Logical Screen configurations must use identical graphics
devices (see the next section).
single logical screen (SLS)
SLS is a mechanism for treating homogeneous multi-display
configurations as a single “logical” screen. This allows the
moving/spanning of windows across multiple physical monitors. The
word “homogeneous” is included because SLS only works if the graphics
devices included in the SLS Configuration are of the same type.
SLS is enabled by using SAM (the System Administration Manager tool,
/usr/sbin/sam). To enable an SLS configuration, start SAM, and
follow the instructions below:
1. Double-click on the “X Server Configuration” button. A window
entitled “Graphics” appears, containing an icon for every graphics device
on your system.
2. Select the devices you want to combine into an SLS (click the mouse on
the first device, and [Ctrl]-click on the others). At this point, all the
devices you want to combine into an SLS configuration should be
3.From the “Actions” menu, choose the menu item “Modify Multi-Screen
Layout”. A dialog box appears, allowing you to specify exactly how you
want your SLS configuration to be.
Chapter 225
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