Form Factor
Form FactorForm Factor
Form Factor
Graphics Controller
Graphics ControllerGraphics Controller
Graphics Controller
Bus Type
Bus TypeBus Type
Bus Type
PCI-Express x16
128 MB 350MHz DDR unified frame buffer, Z-buffer and Texture storage
2 DVI-I analog/digital monitor outputs, 1 3-pin Mini DIN stereo output
Multi-monitor support
Multi-monitor supportMulti-monitor support
Multi-monitor support
Dual integrated display controllers supporting up to two analog displays at 2048x1536 @ 85Hz on
both displays.
Dual 400 MHz integrated
Architecture features
Architecture featuresArchitecture features
Architecture features
256-bit memory interface
128-bit IEEE floating-point precision
24-bits per RGBA color precision
8-bit sub-pixel precision
6 parallel geometry engines
12 parallel pixel pipelines
2x/4x/6x FSAA
Hardware accelerated antialiased points and lines
Hardware OpenGL overlay planes
Hardware accelerated two-sided lighting
Hardware accelerated clipping planes
Hardware accelerated occlusion culling
Hardware accelerated clip planes
Quad-buffered stereo
Shading architecture
Shading architectureShading architecture
Shading architecture
Smartshader™ technology
Programmable pixel and vertex shaders
16 textures per pass
Pixel shaders up to 160 instructions with 32-bit floating point precision for each RGBA component
Multiple render target support
Shadow volume rendering acceleration
High precision 10-bit per channel frame buffer support
Supported graphics APIs
Supported graphics APIsSupported graphics APIs
Supported graphics APIs
OpenGL 1.5
DirectX 9.0
Available graphics drivers
Available graphics driversAvailable graphics drivers
Available graphics drivers
HP-tested: Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows 2000, and Linux
HP qualified drivers may be preloaded or available from the HP support Web site:
Maximum Resolution
Maximum ResolutionMaximum Resolution
Maximum Resolution
DVI-I output – drives digital displays at resolutions up to 1600x1200
Internal 400MHz RAMDAC – drives dual analog displays up to 2048x1536 @ 85Hz each
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ATI FireGL V5100 Graphics Controller
ATI FireGL V5100 Graphics ControllerATI FireGL V5100 Graphics Controller
ATI FireGL V5100 Graphics Controller
Technical Specifications
DA - 12061 North America — Version 2 — August 9, 2005
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