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damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or
translated into another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard. The information is provided “as is” without warranty of any
kind and is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements
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Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
McDATA is a registered trademark of McDATA Corporation.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 2000/2003, and Windows XP are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Motorola is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.
Netscape Navigator and Mozilla are trademarks or registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation.
PowerPC is registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
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SANtegrity Enhanced is a trademark of McDATA Corporation.
McDATA Web Server is a trademark of McDATA Corporation.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide
This manual describes the McDATA® Web Server™ application switch management tool for the McDATA
4Gb SAN Switch. The McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch is a 10-port non-blocking Fibre Channel (FC) switch.
This manual defines the features, components, and performance characteristics of the McDATA 4Gb SAN
The embedded McDATA Web Server application is the primary focus of this manual which is organized as
• ”Using McDATA Web Server” on page 13 describes how to use McDATA Web Server, its menus, and
its displays.
• ”Managing fabrics” on page 25 describes fabric management tasks.
• ”Managing switches” on page 63 describes switch management tasks.
• ”Managing ports” on page 93 describes port management tasks.
• ”Command Line Interface” on page 105 describes the Command Line Interface (CLI).
A glossary of terms and an index are also provided.
Intended audience
This manual introduces the switch management products and explains their installation and use. It is
intended for users responsible for installing and using switch management tools.
Prerequisites for using this product include:
• Knowledge of operation systems
• Knowledge of related hardware/software
Related documentation
In addition to this guide, please refer to other documents for this product:
• McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem release notes AA-RW1ZA-TE
McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem quick setup instructions A8001-90001
McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem installation guide AA-RW1XA-TE
These and other HP documents can be found on the HP documents web site:
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide9
Document conventions and symbols
Table 1 Document conventions
Medium blue text: Figure 1Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Medium blue, underlined text
Bold font
Web site addresses
• Key names
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu and list
items, buttons, and check boxes
Italics fontText emphasis
Monospace font
Monospace, italic font
• File and directory names
• System output
• Code
• Text typed at the command-line
• Code variables
• Command-line variables
Monospace, bold fontEmphasis of file and directory names, system output, code, and text
typed at the command line
WARNING!Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP:Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
JDOM license
This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project (http://www.jdom.org/). Copyright (C)
2000—2002 Brett McLaughlin & Jason Hunter. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the
following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the
disclaimer that follows these conditions in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
3. The name "JDOM" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
prior written permission. For written permission, please contact license@jdom.org.
4. Products derived from this software may not be called "JDOM", nor may "JDOM" appear in their
name, without prior written permission from the JDOM Project Management (pm@jdom.org).
In addition, we request (but do not require) that you include in the end-user documentation provided with
the redistribution and/or in the software itself an acknowledgement equivalent to the following: "This
product includes software developed by the JDOM Project (http://www.jdom.org/)."
Alternatively, the acknowledgment may be graphical using the logos available at
This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the JDOM Project
and was originally created by Brett McLaughlin <brett@jdom.org> and Jason Hunter <jhunter@jdom.org>.
For more information on the JDOM Project, please see <http://www.jdom.org/>.
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP support web site:
Collect the following information before calling:
• Technical support registration number (if applicable)
• Product serial numbers
• Product model names and numbers
• Applicable error messages
• Operating system type and revision level
• Detailed, specific questions
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
HP strongly recommends that customers sign up online using the Subscriber's choice web site:
• Subscribing to this service provides you with e-mail updates on the latest product enhancements, newest
versions of drivers, and firmware documentation updates as well as instant access to numerous other
product resources.
• After signing up, you can quickly locate your products by selecting Business support and then Storage
under Product Category.
HP-authorized reseller
For the name of your nearest HP-authorized reseller:
• In the United States, call 1-800-282-6672.
• Elsewhere, visit the HP web site: http://www.hp.com
telephone numbers.
. Then click Contact HP to find locations and
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide11
Helpful web sites
For other product information, see the following HP web sites:
This section describes how to use the McDATA Web Server application and its menus. The following topics
are covered:
• Workstation requirements, page 13
• Starting McDATA Web Server, page 14
• Exiting McDATA Web Server, page 15
• Setting McDATA Web Server preferences, page 15
• Using online help, page 16
• Viewing software version and copyright information, page 16
• McDATA Web Server user interface, page 17
• Using the topology display, page 21
• Using the faceplate display, page 23
Workstation requirements
The requirements for fabric management workstations running McDATA Web Server are described in
Table 2.
Table 2 Workstation requirements
Operating SystemWindows
2000, 2003
Red Hat® EL 3.x, 4.x
Memory256 MB or more
Disk Space150 MB per installation
Processor500 MHz or faster
Internet BrowserMicrosoft
RJ-45 Ethernet port
Internet Explorer® 5.0 or later
Mozilla™ 1.02 or later
Java 2 Run Time Environment installed to support the Web Server.
Refer to Starting McDATA Web Server, page 14 for more
Navigator® 4.72 or later
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide13
Starting McDATA Web Server
To start McDATA Web Server after the switch is operational, enter the switch IP address in an internet
browser. The workstation used to manage the switch must be able to connect to the default switch IP
1. At the workstation, enter the default switch IP address ( in an internet browser. If your
workstation does not have the Java 2 Run Time Environment program, you will be prompted to
download it.
2. Click Proceed in the Initial Start Dialog of the McDATA Web Server window.
3. Enter the default switch IP address, login name (default is “admin”), and password (default is
“password”) in the Add a New Fabric window.
4. Click Add Fabric.
5. Select the switch in the graphic window of the topology display.
6. Select Switch > Network Properties.
7. Change the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway settings to reflect your desired network
configuration in the Network Properties dialog.
8. Click OK.
9. Select File > Exit to close the McDATA Web Server application. The switch is now ready to be
managed through your network.
10.Repeat steps 1—4 using the switch's newly configured IP address to launch the McDATA Web Server
application once your configured switch is connected to the network.
The application opens with the Initial Start Dialog shown in Figure 1. Select Don’t show this dialog again if
you prefer not to see this dialog again. This has the same effect as disabling the Display Initial Startup
Dialog preference. Refer to ”Setting McDATA Web Server preferences” on page 15 for information about
setting preferences.
Figure 1 Initial Startup Dialog
Perform one of the following procedures to access and begin managing the switch:
• Select Open Existing Fabric to open the Add a New Fabric dialog, which prompts you for a fabric
name, IP address, account name, and password. Refer to ”Adding a fabric” on page 39.
14Using McDATA Web Server
• Select Start Application Without Specifying a Fabric to open the McDATA Web Server window shown
in Figure 2. Click Add to open the Add a New Fabric dialog, which prompts you for a fabric name, IP
address, account name, and password. Refer to ”Adding a fabric” on page 39.
Figure 2 McDATA Web Server window
Exiting McDATA Web Server
Select File > Exit to exit a McDATA Web Server application session. Enter the password and click OK, if the
fabric view file was saved with a password.
Setting McDATA Web Server preferences
Using the preferences settings, you can:
• Change the location of the working directory in which to save files.
• Change the location of the browser used to view the online help.
• Enable (default) or disable the use of the Initial Start Dialog at the beginning of a McDATA Web Server
session. Refer to ”Starting McDATA Web Server” on page 14 for information about the Initial Start
Dialog. After a default fabric view file is created, this setting has no effect.
• Enable (default) or disable the Event Browser. Refer to ”Displaying the Event Browser” on page 43. If
the Event Browser is enabled using the Preferences dialog as shown in Figure 3, the next time McDATA
Web Server is started, all events will be displayed. If the Event Browser is disabled when McDATA Web
Server is started and later enabled, only those events from the time the Event Browser was enabled and
forward will be displayed.
• Choose the default port view when opening the faceplate display. You can set the faceplate to reflect
the current port type (default), port speed, port operational state, or port transceiver media. Regardless
of the default port view you choose, you can change the port view in the faceplate display by opening
the View menu and selecting a different port view option. Refer to the corresponding subsection for
more information:
• Displaying port types, page 94
• Displaying port operational states, page 94
• Displaying port speeds, page 95
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide15
• Displaying transceiver media status, page 95
Figure 3 Preferences dialog – McDATA Web Server
To set preferences for your McDATA Web Server sessions, perform the following procedure:
1. Select File > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog.
2. Enter or browse for paths to the working directory and browser.
3. Choose the preferences you want in the Application-wide Options area.
4. Click OK to save the changes.
Using online help
Online help is available for the McDATA Web Server application and its functions. To open online help,
choose one of the following:
• Select Help > Help Topics.
• Click Help in the tool bar.
• Click Help in McDATA Web Server dialogs to display context-sensitive help in dialogs.
Viewing software version and copyright information
Select Help > View to view McDATA Web Server software version and copyright information.
16Using McDATA Web Server
McDATA Web Server user interface
The McDATA Web Server application uses two basic displays to manage the fabric and individual
switches: the topology display and the faceplate display. The topology display shows all switches that are
able to communicate and all connections between switches. The faceplate display shows the front of a
single switch and its ports. Both displays share some common elements as shown in Figure 4.
Topology display
Faceplate display
Data window tabs
Tool bar
Working status indicator
Figure 4 McDATA Web Server display elements
Menu bars
The menus and the options offered in them vary depending on the display. For example, the Port menu and
many of the Switch menu selections are available only in the faceplate display.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide17
Topology display menu
The menu options available in the topology display are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Topology display menu
Faceplate display menu
The menu options available in the faceplate display are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Faceplate display menu
NOTE: The Security menu is only displayed if Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled. Select Switch >
Services > SSL to enable SSL. Refer to ”System Services dialog” on page 80 for more information.
The keyboard shortcut keys vary by display type: topology display and faceplate display. In addition to the
menu bar, both the topology and faceplate displays have context-sensitive menus that pop up when you
right-click in the graphic window. Refer to ”Opening the faceplate and topology display popup menus” on
page 22 for more information about these popup menus.
18Using McDATA Web Server
Shortcut keys
Shortcut key combinations, available in both the topology and faceplate displays, provide an alternative
method of accessing menu options. The shortcut key combinations are not case-sensitive. For example, to
exit the application, press Alt+F > X.
Tool bar
The tool bar consists of a row of graphical buttons that you can use to access McDATA Web Server
functions as shown in Table 3. The tool bar buttons are an alternative method to using the menu bar. The
tool bar can be relocated in the display by clicking and dragging the handle at the left edge of the tool
Table 3 Tool bar buttons
Tool bar button Description
Add Fabric button — adds a new fabric to the fabric view
Refresh button — updates the topology or faceplate display with
current information
Event Browser button — opens the events browser
Edit Zoning button — opens the Edit Zoning dialog (available only in
faceplate display)
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide19
Fabric tree
The fabric tree lists the managed fabrics and their switches as shown in Figure 7. The window width can
be adjusted by clicking and dragging the moveable window border. An entry handle located to the left of
an entry in the tree indicates that the entry can be expanded or collapsed. Click this handle or double-click
the entry to expand or collapse a fabric tree entry. A fabric entry expands to show its member switches.
Fabric entry
Entry handle
Figure 7 Fabric tree
Each fabric tree entry has a small icon next to it that uses color to indicate operational status.
• A green icon indicates normal operation.
• A yellow icon indicates that a switch is operational, but may require attention to maintain maximum
• A red icon indicates a potential failure or non-operational state as when the switch is offline.
• A blue icon indicates that a switch is unknown, unreachable, or unmanageable.
• If the status of the fabric is not normal, the fabric icon in the fabric tree will indicate the reason for
the abnormal status. The same message is provided when you rest the mouse over the fabric icon in
the fabric tree.
• The fabric tree provides access to the topology and faceplate displays for any fabric or switch.
• Click a fabric entry in the fabric tree to open the topology display.
• Click a switch entry in the fabric tree to open the faceplate display.
window border
Graphic window
The graphic window, shown in Figure 4, presents graphic information about fabrics and switches such as
the fabric topology and the switch faceplate. The window height can be adjusted by clicking and dragging
the window border that it shares with the data window.
Data window and tabs
The data window presents a table of data and statistics associated with the selected tab. Use the scroll bar
to browse through the data. The window length can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the border that
it shares with the graphic window.
Adjust the column width by moving the pointer over the column heading border shared by two columns
until a right/left arrow graphic is displayed. Click and drag the arrow to the desired width.
The data window tabs present options for the type of information to display in the data window. These
options vary depending on the display.
20Using McDATA Web Server
Working status Indicator
The working status indicator, located in the lower right corner of the McDATA Web Server window, shows
when the management workstation is exchanging information with the fabric. As conditions change, the
fabric forwards this information to the management workstation where it is reflected in the various displays.
Using the topology display
The topology display shown in Figure 8 receives information from the selected fabric and displays its
topology. Switches and inter-switch links (ISLs) appear in the graphic window and use color to indicate
status. Consider the following topology display features:
• Switch and link status, page 21
• Working with switches and links, page 21
• Topology data windows, page 22
Figure 8 Topology display
Switch and link status
Switch icon shape and color provide information about the switch and its operational state. Lines represent
links between switches. The topology display uses green to indicate normal operation, yellow to indicate
operational with errors, red to indicate a potential failure or non-operational state, and blue to indicate
unknown, unreachable, or unmanageable. Refer to ”Fabric status” on page 42 for more information about
topology display icons.
Working with switches and links
Switch and link icons are selectable and moveable, and serve as access points for other displays and
menus. You select switches and links to display information about them, modify their configuration, or
delete them from the display. Context-sensitive popup menus are displayed when you right-click on a switch
or link icon, or in the background of the topology display graphic window.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide21
Selecting switches and links
Selected switch icons are highlighted in light blue. Selected ISLs are displayed as a heavier line. You can
select switches and links in the following ways:
• Click the icon or link to select a switch or a link.
• Press and hold Control, and select multiple switches or links.
• Right-click anywhere in the graphic window background to select all switches or links. Select Select >
All Switches, or select Select > Select All Links from the popup menu.
• Press and hold Control, and select the item again to cancel a selection. Click in the graphic window
background to cancel all selections.
Arranging switches in the display
You can arrange individual switch icons in the topology display or allow McDATA Web Server to arrange
all switch icons for you:
• Click and drag the icon to another location in the graphic window to move an individual switch icon.
Links stretch or contract to remain connected.
• Select View > Layout Topology to arrange all switch icons in the topology display automatically.
By default, the Toggle Auto Layout box in the View menu is checked which causes McDATA Web Server to
arrange the icons when you select Layout Topology.
You can save a custom arrangement, or layout, and restore that layout during a McDATA Web Server
session. Begin by arranging the icons, then select View > Remember Layout. Un-select Toggle Auto Layout > Layout Topology to restore the saved layout.
Opening the faceplate and topology display popup menus
The topology display shows all switches that are able to communicate and all connections between
switches. The faceplate display shows the front of a single switch and its ports. Menu options vary with
each type of popup menu.
• Right-click the graphic window background to open the fabric popup menu in the topology display.
• Right-click the switch icon in the graphic window to open the switch popup menu in the topology
• Right-click the link to open the link popup menu in the topology display.
• Right-click the faceplate in the graphic window to open the switch popup menu in the faceplate display.
Topology data windows
The topology display provides the following data windows corresponding to the data window tabs:
• Devices – displays information about devices (hosts and storage targets) connected to the switch. Refer
to ”Devices data window” on page 68 for more information.
• Active Zoneset – displays the active zone set for the fabric including zones and their member ports.
Refer to ”Active Zone Set data window” on page 47 for more information about this data window.
Refer to ”Zoning a fabric” on page 50 for information about zone sets and zones.
• Switch – displays current network and switch configuration data for the selected switches. Refer to
”Switch data window” on page 68 for more information.
• Link – displays information about the inter-switch links. Refer to ”Link data window” on page 47 to for
more information.
22Using McDATA Web Server
Using the faceplate display
The faceplate display shown in Figure 9 displays the switch name and operational state, and port status.
The external ports numbered 0 and 9. Internal ports are numbered 1–8. The port numbers 1–8 correspond
to server blades slots 1–8.
Figure 9 Faceplate display
Consider the following functional elements of the faceplate display:
• Port views and status, page 23
• Working with ports, page 23
• Faceplate data windows, page 24
Port views and status
Port color and text provide information about the port and its operational state. Green indicates active;
gray indicates inactive. The faceplate display provides the following views of port status corresponding to
the View menu options in the faceplate display. Refer to ”Monitoring port status” on page 94 for more
information about these displays.
• Port t ype
• Port state
• Port speed
• Port media
Right-click the faceplate image or a port icon in the faceplate to display context-sensitive popup menus.
Working with ports
Ports are selectable and serve as access points for other displays and menus. You select ports to display
information about them in the data window or to modify them. Right-click the faceplate image or on a port
icon in the faceplate to display context-sensitive popup menus.
Selecting ports
You can select ports in the following ways. Selected ports are outlined in white.
• Click the port in the faceplate display to select a port.
• Select a port, then press and hold Shift, and select another port to select a range of consecutive ports.
The application selects both end ports and all ports in between in port number sequence.
• Press and hold Control while selecting ports to select several non-consecutive ports.
• Press and hold Control, and click a selected port to cancel that selection.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide23
Opening the faceplate popup menu
To open the popup menu, right-click on the faceplate image to present the following tasks.
• Refresh the switch
• Select all ports
• Manage switch properties
• Manage network properties
• Manage SNMP properties
• Manage port properties
• Change the port symbolic name
• Run the port loopback tests
• Services
• Security Consistency Checklist
If no ports are selected, the port-related tasks will be unavailable in the menu. Right-click a port to open the
Port popup menu. Press and hold Shift or Control to select more than one port. Right-click one of the
selected ports to unselect multiple ports.
Faceplate data windows
The faceplate display provides the following data windows corresponding to the data window tabs:
• Devices — displays information about devices (hosts and storage targets) connected to the switch.
• Switch — displays current switch configuration data.
• Port Statistics — displays performance data for the selected ports.
• Port Information — displays information for the selected ports.
• Configured Zonesets — displays all zone sets, zones, and zone membership in the zoning database.
• Configured Security — displays all security definitions currently saved in the database.
• Active Security — displays the active security set.
24Using McDATA Web Server
2Managing fabrics
This section describes the following tasks that manage fabrics:
• RADIUS servers, page 25
• Securing a fabric, page 30
• Tracking fabric firmware and software versions, page 38
• Managing the fabric database, page 39
• Displaying fabric information, page 42
• Working with device information and nicknames, page 47
• Zoning a fabric, page 50
RADIUS servers
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) provides a method to centralize the management of
authentication passwords in larger networks. It has a client/server model, where the server is the password
repository and third party authentication point and the clients are all of the managed devices. RADIUS can
be configured for devices and/or user accounts. The RADIUS server dialogs are available only on a secure
(SSL) fabric and on the entry switch (out of band switch). Refer to ”Connection security” on page 30 and
”System Services dialog” on page 80 for more information.
RADIUS is designed to authenticate users and devices using a challenge/response protocol. Basic
implementations consist of a central RADIUS server containing a database of authorized users as well as
authentication information. A RADIUS client wishing to verify the authenticity of a user issues a challenge
to the user and collects the response to the challenge. This information is forwarded to the RADIUS server
for authentication and the server responds with the results, either an accept or reject. The RADIUS client
does not need to be configured with any user authentication information, this all resides on the RADIUS
server and can be managed centrally and separately from the clients. In addition, no passwords are
exchanged between the RADIUS server and its clients. Authentication of requests from a RADIUS client to
the server and responses from the server to a client can also be authenticated. This requires sharing a
secret between the server and client. The accounting RADIUS supports the auditing of the users and switch
services such as Telnet, FTP, and switch management applications. The RADIUS Accounting Server enables
(True) or disables (False) the auditing of activity during a user session. The default is False. When enabled,
user activity is audited whether UserAuthServer is enabled or not. The accounting server UDP port number
is the ServerUDPPort value plus 1 (default 1813).
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide25
Adding a RADIUS server
When you add a RADIUS server, you provide a method to centralize the management of authentication
passwords over a network.
Figure 10 RADIUS Server Information dialog — Add Server tab page
To add a RADIUS server, perform the following procedure:
1. Select Switch > Radius Servers in the faceplate display.
2. Click the Add Server tab in the Radius Server Information dialog shown in Figure 10.
3. Select Device, User, or Account for the server type.
4. Enter the remote IP address of the server in the IP Address field.
5. Enter the remote UDP port number of the Authentication RADIUS Server in the UDP Port field.
The RADIUS Accounting Server UDP port will always be the value of Device/User Authentication Server
UDP Port + 1. When enabled, the RADIUS Accounting Server audits user activity whether
UserAuthServer is enabled or not. The RADIUS Accounting Server default is False.
6. Enter the timeout value in seconds (minimum of 1 second, maximum of 30 seconds) in the Timeout
field. This is the number of seconds the RADIUS client will wait for a response from the RADIUS server
before retrying, or giving up on a request.
7. Enter the number of retries in the Retries field. This is the maximum number of times the RADIUS client
will retry a request sent to the primary RADIUS server.
8. Select Sign Packet to enable the switch to include a digital signature (Message-Authenticator) in all
RADIUS access request packets sent to the RADIUS server. A valid Message-Authenticator attribute will
be required in all RADIUS server responses.
9. Enter the server secret in the Secret field. A secret is required for all RADIUS servers. The secret is used
when generating and checking the Message-Authenticator attribute.
10.Click Add Server to add the server.
11.Click Modify Authentication Order tab, and verify that Device Authentication Order and User
Authentication Order options are set to either Radius or Radius Local for RADIUS Authentication to be
implemented. Refer to ”Modifying authentication order RADIUS server information” on page 29 for
more information.
a. RADIUS — only attempts to authenticate using the RADIUS server (another computer that provides
26Managing fabrics
b. RADIUS Local — attempts to authenticate using the RADIUS server. If the switch can not contact the
RADIUS server due to a network or some other problem, the switch will authenticate using the local
password database.
12.Click Close to close the Radius Server Information dialog.
Removing a RADIUS server
When you remove a RADIUS server, you disable the management of authentication usernames and
passwords over the network for that server.
Figure 11 RADIUS Server Information dialog — Remove Server tab page
To remove a RADIUS server, perform the following procedure:
1. Select Switch > Radius Servers in the faceplate display.
2. Click the Remove Server tab in the Radius Server Information dialog shown in Figure 11.
3. Select the server to be removed in server list at the top of the dialog.
4. Click Remove Server to remove the server.
5. Click Close to close the Radius Server Information dialog.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide27
Editing RADIUS server information
Editing information of a RADIUS server involves changing the configuration of a RADIUS server.
Figure 12 RADIUS Server Information dialog — Edit Server tab page
To edit information of a RADIUS server, perform the following procedure:
1. Select Switch > Radius Servers in the faceplate display.
2. Click the Edit Server tab in the Radius Server Information dialog shown in Figure 12.
3. Select the server to be edited in server list at the top of the dialog.
4. Make changes to the IP Address, UDP Port, Timeout, Retries, and Secret fields.
5. Select the server type (Device, User, Account) and Sign Packet options.
6. Click Edit Server to save the changes.
7. Click Close to close the Radius Server Information dialog.
28Managing fabrics
Modifying authentication order RADIUS server information
Editing information of a RADIUS server involves changing the configuration of a RADIUS server.
Figure 13 RADIUS Server Information dialog — Modify Authentication Order tab page
To modify the authentication order information of a RADIUS server, perform the following procedure:
1. Select Switch > Radius Servers in the faceplate display.
2. Click the Modify Authentication Order tab in the Radius Server Information dialog shown in Figure 13.
3. Select the server to be modified in server list at the top of the dialog.
4. Make changes to the Device Authentication Order or User Authentication Order drop-down lists. Select
one of the following:
a. Local — only attempts to authenticate using local switch password database.
b. RADIUS — only attempts to authenticate using the RADIUS server (another computer that provides
c. RADIUS Local — attempts to authenticate using the RADIUS server. If the switch can not contact the
RADIUS server due to a network or some other problem, the switch will authenticate using the local
password database.
5. Click Modify Order to save the changes.
6. Click Close to close the Radius Server Information dialog.
McDATA® 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem user guide29
Securing a fabric
Fabric security consists of the following:
• Connection security, page 30
• User account security, page 30
• Security consistency checklist, page 30
• Device security, page 31
• Fabric services, page 37
Connection security
Connection security provides an encrypted data path for switch management methods. The switch supports
the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for the CLI and the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol for management
applications such as McDATA Web Server and Common Information Module (CIM).
The SSL handshake process between the workstation and the switch involves the exchanging of certificates.
These certificates contain the public and private keys that define the encryption. The switch certificate is
valid for one year beginning with its creation date and time. The workstation validates the switch certificate
by comparing the workstation date and time to the switch certificate creation date and time. For this
reason, it is important to synchronize the workstation and switch with the same date, time, and time zone.
If a certificate has not been created by the user, the switch will automatically create one.
Consider your requirements for connection security: for the CLI (SSH), management applications such as
McDATA Web Server (SSL), or both. If SSL connection security is required, also consider using the Network
Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize date/time between workstations and switches.
User account security
User account security is the process by which your user account and password are authenticated with the
list of valid user accounts and passwords. The switch validates your account and password when you
attempt to add a fabric using McDATA Web Server or log in to a switch through Telnet. Your system
administrator defines accounts, passwords, and authority levels that are stored on the switch. Refer to
”Managing user accounts” on page 63 for more information.
The Admin account possesses Admin authority which grants full access to all tasks of the McDATA Web
Server menu system. The switch validates your user account and McDATA Web Server grants access to its
menus according to your authority level. If you do not have Admin authority, you are limited to monitoring
NOTE: If a user is logged into a switch using McDATA Web Server or CLI, and an administrator changes
user access rights and passwords, existing login sessions will not be affected by the new settings. Login
access and privileges are only checked for a new login request.
Security consistency checklist
The Security Consistency Checklist dialog enables you to compare security-related features on switches to
check for inconsistencies. Any changes must be made through the appropriate dialog, such as Network
Properties dialog, Switch Properties dialog, or SNMP Properties dialog. Select Switch > Security Consistency Checklist to open the Security Consistency Checklist dialog.
30Managing fabrics
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