Hewlett-Packard Company
Lightwave Operations
1400 Fountaingrove Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1799,
(707) 577-1400
The information contained in
this document is subject to
change without notice. Companies, names, and data used
in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
Hewlett-Packard makes no
warranty of any kind with
regard to this material, including but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. HewlettPackard shall not be liable for
errors contained herein or for
incidental or consequential
damages in connection with
the furnishing, performance,
or use of this material.
Restricted Rights Legend.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government
is subject to restrictions as set
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of the Commercial Computer
Software Restricted Rights
clause at FAR 52.227-19 for
other agencies.
This Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warranted
against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of
one year from date of shipment. During the warranty
period, Hewlett-Packard Company will, at its option, either
repair or replace products
which prove to be defective.
For warranty service or repair,
this product must be returned
to a service facility designated by Hewlett-Packard.
Buyer shall prepay shipping
charges to Hewlett-Packard
and Hewlett-Packard shall pay
shipping charges to return the
product to Buyer. However,
Buyer shall pay all shipping
charges, duties, and taxes for
products returned to HewlettPackard from another country.
Hewlett-Packard warrants
that its software and firmware
designated by Hewlett-Packard for use with an instrument
will execute its programming
instructions when properly
installed on that instrument.
Hewlett-Packard does not
warrant that the operation of
the instrument, or software,
or firmware will be uninterrupted or error-free.
Limitation of Warranty.
The foregoing warranty shall
not apply to defects resulting
from improper or inadequate
maintenance by Buyer, Buyersupplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation
outside of the environmental
specifications for the product,
or improper site preparation
or maintenance.
No other warranty is
expressed or implied.
Hewlett-Packard specifically
disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Exclusive Remedies.
The remedies provided herein
are buyer's sole and exclusive
remedies. Hewlett-Packard
shall not be liable for any
direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on
contract, tort, or any other
legal theory.
Safety Symbols.
hazard. It calls attention to a
procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered
to, could result in damage to
or destruction of the product.
Do not proceed beyond a caution sign until the indicated
conditions are fully understood and met.
hazard. It calls attention to a
procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered
to, could result in injury or
loss of life. Do not proceed
beyond a warning sign until
the indicated conditions are
fully understood and met.
sign denotes a
sign denotes a
The instruction manual symbol. The product is marked with this
warning symbol when
it is necessary for the
user to refer to the
instructions in the
The laser radiation
symbol. This warning
symbol is marked on
products which have a
laser output.
The AC symbol is used
to indicate the
required nature of the
line module input
The ON symbols are
used to mark the positions of the instrument
power line switch.
The OFF symbols
are used to mark the
positions of the instrument power line
The CE mark is a registered trademark of
the European Community.
The CSA mark is a registered trademark of
the Canadian Standards Association.
The C-Tick mark is a
registered trademark
of the Australian Spectrum Management
This text denotes the
instrument is an
Industrial Scientific
and Medical Group 1
Class A product.
The HP 83487A—At a Glance
The HP 83487A—At a Glance
The HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module is one of several plug-in modules available for the HP 83480A, 54750A mainframes. The main features of
the HP 83487A are:
• Integrated, calibrated optical channel.
• 2.85 GHz optical channel bandwidth and user selectable 12.4 or 20 GHz
electrical channel bandwidth.
• 750 nm to 860 nm wavelength range.
• Optical channel has 1063/1250 Mb/s datacom filters.
• 3.5 mm (m) connectors on the electrical measurement channel and trigger
• One probe power connector.
• One auxiliary power connector.
If you wish to use the HP 83487A optical plug-in module in an HP 54750A digitizing
oscilloscope, a firmware upgrade must first be installed. Order the HP 83480K communications firmware kit and follow the installation instructions.
The purpose of the plug-in module is to provide measurement channels,
including sampling, for the mainframe. The plug-in module scales the input
signal, sets the bandwidth of the system, and allows the offset to be adjusted
so the signal can be viewed. The output of the plug-in module is an analog signal that is applied to the ADCs on the acquisition boards inside the mainframe.
The plug-in module also provides a trigger signal input to the time base/trigger
board inside the mainframe.
For HP-IB programming information, refer to the
grammer’s Guide
supplied with the mainframe.
HP 83480A, 54750A Pro-
Measurement Accuracy
Measurement Accuracy
To ensure that you obtain the specified accuracy, you must perform a plug-in
module vertical calibration. The calibration must also be performed when you
move a plug-in module from one slot to another, or from one mainframe to
another. Refer to Chapter 3, “Calibration Overview” for information on performing a plug-in module vertical calibration.
The HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module input circuitry can be
damaged when the
optical channel or ±2 V + peak ac (+16 dBm) on the electrical channel. To
prevent input damage, this specified level must not be exceeded.
Measurement accuracy—it’s up to you!
Fiber-optic connectors are easily damaged when connected to dirty or damaged cables
and accessories. The HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module’s front-panel INPUT
connector is no exception. When you use improper cleaning and handling techniques,
you risk expensive instrument repairs, damaged cables, and compromised measurements.
Before you connect any fiber-optic cable to the HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in
module, refer to “Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements” on page 5-14.
input power levels exceed +10 dBm (10 mW) on the
General Safety Considerations
General Safety Considerations
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with IEC Publication 1010, Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus, and has
been supplied in a safe condition. The instruction documentation contains
information and warnings which must be followed by the user to ensure safe
operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition.
There are many points in the instrument which can, if contacted, cause
personal injury. Be extremely careful. Any adjustments or service
procedures that require operation of the instrument with protective
covers removed should be performed only by trained service
If this instrument is not used as specified, the protection provided by
the equipment could be impaired. This instrument must be used in a
normal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only.
There are many points in the system which can, if contacted, cause
personal injury. Be extremely careful. Any adjustments or service
procedures that require operation of the system with protective
covers removed should be performed only by Hewlett-Packard
qualified Hewlett-Packard personnel. To prevent electrical shock, do
not remove covers.
Before this instrument is switched on,
has been adapted to the voltage of the ac power source. Failure to set the ac
power input to the correct voltage could cause damage to the instrument when
the ac power cable is plugged in.
make sure its primary power circuitry
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) on or near input connectors can damage circuits
inside the instrument. Repair of damage due to misuse is
warranty. Before connecting any cable to the electrical input, momentarily
short the center and outer conductors of the cable together. Personnel should
be properly grounded, and should touch the frame of the instrument before
touching any connector.
covered under
General Safety Considerations
The HP 83487A—At a Glance iii
1 Getting Started
The HP 83487A Optical/Electrical Plug-In Module 1-3
Options and Accessories 1-7
Menu and Key Conventions 1-9
Step 1. Inspect the Shipment 1-10
Step 2. Install the Plug-in Module 1-11
Returning the Instrument for Service 1-12
2 Channel Setup Menu
Channel Setup Menu 2-2
Displaying the Channel Setup Menus 2-5
3 Calibration Overview
Factory Calibrations 3-4
User Calibrations—Optical and Electrical 3-7
Complete Calibration Summary 3-19
4 Specifications and Regulatory Information
Specifications 4-3
Characteristics 4-8
Declaration of Conformity 4-9
5 Reference
In Case of Difficulty 5-2
Measuring High Power Waveforms 5-6
Error Messages 5-10
Electrostatic Discharge Information 5-12
Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements 5-14
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices 5-25
The HP 83487A Optical/Electrical Plug-In Module 1-3
Options and Accessories 1-7
Menu and Key Conventions 1-9
Step 1. Inspect the Shipment 1-10
Step 2. Install the Plug-in Module1-11
Returning the Instrument for Service 1-12
Getting Started
Getting Started
Getting Started
Getting Started
This chapter gives a description of the plug-in module, lists options and accessories, explains menu and key conventions used, shows how to install your
HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module, and gives information for returning the plug-in module for service.
Refer to Chapter 2, “Channel Setup Menu” for information on operating the
plug-in module.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Calibration Overview” for calibration information.
Refer to Chapter 4, “Specifications and Regulatory Information” for information on operating conditions, such as temperature.
This product is designed for use in INSTALLATION CATEGORY II and
POLLUTION DEGREE 2, per IEC 1010 and 664 respectively.
The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Therefore, avoid applying static discharges to the front-panel input connectors.
Before connecting any coaxial cable to the connectors, momentarily short the
center and outer conductors of the cable together. Avoid touching the frontpanel input connectors without first touching the frame of the instrument. Be
sure that the instrument is properly earth-grounded to prevent buildup of
static charge. Refer to “Electrostatic Discharge Information” on page 5-12.
Getting Started
The HP 83487A Optical/Electrical Plug-In Module
The HP 83487A Optical/Electrical Plug-In
The HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module incorporates two measurement channels, one optical and one electrical. The electrical channel has two
selectable bandwidth settings. In the lower bandwidth mode of 12.4 GHz,
oscilloscope noise performance is excellent, while the 20 GHz mode allows
greater fidelity for high speed signals. The calibrated, integrated optical channel has over 2.85 GHz bandwidth and allows easy, precise measurements of
single-mode or multimode optical signals.
The integrated optical channel reduces electrical mismatch loss variation by
eliminating signal distorting cables and connectors associated with the use of
external receivers in order to accurately characterize optical waveforms. The
optical channel is calibrated to provide both accurate display of the received
optical waveform in optical power units and measurement of the signal’s average power. In addition, the User Cal feature provides for consistent accuracy
at any wavelength between 750 nm and 860 nm using a source and power
The HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module also is a calibrated reference
receiver that is measured to conform to specifications for Fibre Channel (FC)
1063 and Gigabit Ethernet for transmitter compliance testing. By pressing a
front-panel key or issuing an HP-IB command, a filter is inserted or removed
from the measurement channel by a very repeatable HP microwave switch.
The switch removes the potential variability and the time wasted by manually
inserting and removing the filter, and maximizes measurement repeatability.
The electrical measurement channel may be used to perform measurements
on tributary electrical signals, to evaluate receiver performance in transceiver
testing, for measurements with HP’s wide range of external optical receivers,
or for general purpose measurements.
Getting Started
The HP 83487A Optical/Electrical Plug-In Module
The HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module provides:
• 2.85 GHz, integrated, calibrated optical channel with sensitivity to below
–17 dBm
• 12.4 GHz and 20 GHz electrical channel
• Trigger channel input to the mainframe
• Switchable reference filters for transceiver compliance testing
• Compliance testing at Fibre Channel 1063 and Gigabit Ethernet 1250 rates
• Measurement capability for single-mode or multimode optical signals
Getting Started
The HP 83487A Optical/Electrical Plug-In Module
Front panel of the plug-in module
The plug-in module takes up two of the four mainframe slots. The optical
channel provides calibrated measurement of optical waveforms in power
units. The electrical channel provides calibrated measurement of electrical
signals in volts. Bandwidths are selectable on both channels to optimize sensitivity and bandwidth.
The front panel of the plug-in module has two channel inputs and an external
trigger input. The front panel also has a
series probes, an
each channel that displays the softkey menu. The softkey menu allows you to
access the channel setup features of the plug-in module.
The front-power
probe calibration with HP 54700 series probes. The front-panel
nector provides only power to HP 54700 series probes for use as a trigger
input. Probe calibration and scaling are not required for a trigger input.
Aux Power
Probe Power
connector for general purpose use, and a key for
connector allows automatic channel scaling and
Probe Power
connector for HP 54700-
Aux Power
Front panel of the plug-in module.
Getting Started
The HP 83487A Optical/Electrical Plug-In Module
The external trigger level range for this plug-in module is ±1 V. The trigger
source selection depends on the plug-in module location. For example, if the
plug-in module is installed in slots 1 and 2, then the trigger source is listed as
trigger 2. If it is installed in slots 3 and 4, then the trigger source is listed as
trigger 4.
The maximum safe input voltage is ±2 V + peak ac (+16 dBm).
The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Therefore, avoid applying static discharges to the front-panel input connectors.
Before connecting any coaxial cable to the connectors, momentarily short the
center and outer conductors of the cable together. Avoid touching the frontpanel input connectors without first touching the frame of the instrument. Be
sure that the instrument is properly earth-grounded to prevent buildup of
static charge. Refer to “Electrostatic Discharge Information” on page 5-12.
Options and Accessories
Getting Started
Options and Accessories
Option 0B1 Additional set of user documentation
Option 0B0 Deletes the user documentation
Option UK6 Measured performance data
Option 001 Latest version of operating firmware for the HP 83480A
Option 002 Latest version of operating firmware for the HP 54750A
Option 011 Diamond HMS-10/HP connector interface
Option 012 FC/PC connector adapter
Option 013 DIN connector adapter
Option 014 ST connector adapter
Option 015 Biconic connector adapter
Option 017 SC connector adapter
Option 041 1063 and 1250 Mb/s switchable internal filters
HP 10086A ECL terminator
HP 11982A high-speed lightwave receiver
HP 54006A 6 GHz divider probe
HP 54008A 22 ns delay line
HP 54118A 500 MHz to 18 GHz trigger
HP 83430A lightwave digital source
HP 83440B/C/D high-speed lightwave receiver
HP 83446A/B lightwave clock and data receiver
HP 83447A lightwave trigger receiver
83487-60006 FC/PC 5 dB (mm) 850 nm attenuator and patchcord
83487-60007 ST 5 dB (mm) 850 nm attenuator and patchcord
83487-60008 SC 5 dB (mm) 850 nm attenuator and patchcord
SMA (f-f) adapter, HP part number 1250-1158
APC 3.5 (f-f) adapter, HP part number 1250-1749
HP 81000FI FC/PC/SPC/APC connector interface
HP 81000KI SC connector interface
Getting Started
Options and Accessories
HP 81000SI DIN 47256/4108.6 connector interface
HP 81000VI ST connector interface
HP 81000WI Biconic
Getting Started
Menu and Key Conventions
Menu and Key Conventions
The keys labeled Trigger, Disk, and Run are all examples of front-panel keys.
Some front-panel keys bring up menus on the right side of the display screen.
These menus are called softkey menus.
Softkey menus contain functions not available directly by pressing the frontpanel keys. To activate a function on the softkey menu, press the unlabeled
key immediately next to the annotation on the screen. The unlabeled keys
next to the annotations on the display are called softkeys.
Additional functions are listed in blue type above and below some of the frontpanel keys. These functions are called shifted functions. To activate a shifted
function, press the blue front-panel
the desired function.
Throughout this manual front-panel keys are indicated as, for example,
. Softkeys are indicated as, for example,
depend on the front-panel key pressed and which menu is selected. Shifted
functions are indicated by the front-panel
the Local function (above the
Shift, Local
A softkey with On and Off in its label can be used to turn the softkey’s function
on or off. To turn the function on, press the softkey so that On is highlighted.
To turn the function off, press the softkey so that
Off softkey function will be indicated throughout this manual as, for example,
Te s t On
A softkey such as
case, you could choose
lighted, or choose
choices softkey will be indicated throughout this manual as, for example,
Sweep Triggered Freerun Triggered
When some softkeys, such as
surement will be made and the result will be provided. Some softkeys, such as
the general purpose knob located below the front-panel
Sweep Triggered Freerun
by pressing the softkey until
, require the entry of a numeric value. To enter or change the value, use
key and the front-panel key next to
Mask Align
key followed by, for example,
by pressing the softkey until
Calibrate probe
front-panel key) and will be shown as
offers you a choice of functions. In this
, are pressed the first time, a mea-
. The softkeys displayed
is highlighted. An On or
is highlighted. A
Tim e-
is high-
Getting Started
Step 1. Inspect the Shipment
Step 1. Inspect the Shipment
Verify that all system components ordered have arrived by comparing the
shipping forms to the original purchase order. Inspect all shipping containers.
The shipment includes:
• HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module with the ordered options and
• 5 dB optical attenuator and patch cord, 1 each
• APC 3.5 (f-f) adapter, HP part number 5061-5311, 2 each
• SMA 50Ω termination, HP part number 1810-0118, 2 each
If your shipment is damaged or incomplete, save the packing materials and
notify both the shipping carrier and the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and
Service office. HP will arrange for repair or replacement of damaged or incomplete shipments without waiting for a settlement from the transportation company. Notify the HP customer engineer of any problems.
Make sure that the serial number and options listed on the instrument’s rearpanel label match the serial number and options listed on the shipping
Step 2. Install the Plug-in Module
Step 2. Install the Plug-in Module
Getting Started
You do
The plug-in module can be installed in slots 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 on the
HP 83480A or HP 54750A mainframe. The plug-in module will
it is installed in slots 2 and 3.
To make sure the analyzer meets all of the published specifications, there
must be a good ground connection from the plug-in module to the mainframe.
The RF connectors on the rear of the plug-in module are spring-loaded, so finger-tighten the knurled screw on the front panel of the plug-in module to
make sure the plug-in is securely seated in the mainframe.
Do not use non-HP extender cables to operate the plug-in module outside of
the mainframe. The plug-in module can be damaged by improper grounding
when using extender cables.
need to turn off the mainframe to install or remove the plug-in
If you wish to use the HP 83487A optical/electrical plug-in module in an HP 54750A digitizing oscilloscope, a firmware upgrade must first be installed. Order the HP 83480K
communications firmware kit and follow the installation instructions.
function if
Use of the HP 83487A requires that firmware revision A.06.0 or later be installed in the
HP 83480A or HP 54750A mainframe.
Getting Started
Returning the Instrument for Service
Returning the Instrument for Service
The instructions in this section show you how to properly return the instrument for repair or calibration. Always call the HP Instrument Support Center
first to initiate service
This ensures that the repair (or calibration) can be properly tracked and that
your instrument will be returned to you as quickly as possible. Call this number regardless of where you are located. Refer to “Hewlett-Packard Sales and
Service Offices” on page 5-25 for a list of service offices.
If the instrument is still under warranty or is covered by an HP maintenance
contract, it will be repaired under the terms of the warranty or contract (the
warranty is at the front of this manual). If the instrument is no longer under
warranty or is not covered by an HP maintenance plan, Hewlett-Packard will
notify you of the cost of the repair after examining the unit.
When an instrument is returned to a Hewlett-Packard service office for servicing, it must be adequately packaged and have a complete description of the
failure symptoms attached. When describing the failure, please be as specific
as possible about the nature of the problem. Include copies of additional failure information (such as the instrument failure settings, data related to instrument failure, and error messages) along with the original cal data disks and
the instrument being returned.
returning your instrument to a service office.
Getting Started
Returning the Instrument for Service
Preparing the instrument for shipping
Write a complete description of the failure and attach it to the instrument.
Include any specific performance details related to the problem. The following
information should be returned with the instrument.
• Type of service required.
• Date instrument was returned for repair.
• Description of the problem:
• Whether problem is constant or intermittent.
• Whether instrument is temperature-sensitive.
• Whether instrument is vibration-sensitive.
• Instrument settings required to reproduce the problem.
• Performance data.
• Company name and return address.
• Name and phone number of technical contact person.
• Model number of returned instrument.
• Full serial number of returned instrument.
• List of any accessories returned with instrument.
• The original cal data disks.
Cover all front or rear-panel connectors that were originally covered when you
first received the instrument.
Cover electrical connectors to protect sensitive components from electrostatic
damage. Cover optical connectors to protect them from damage due to physical
contact or dust.
Instrument damage can result from using packaging materials other than the
original materials. Never use styrene pellets as packaging material. They do not
adequately cushion the instrument or prevent it from shifting in the carton.
They may also cause instrument damage by generating static electricity.
Pack the instrument in the original shipping containers. Original materials are
available through any Hewlett-Packard office. Or, use the following guidelines:
• Wrap the instrument in antistatic plastic to reduce the possibility of damage
caused by electrostatic discharge.
• For instruments weighing less than 54 kg (120 lb), use a double-walled, corrugated cardboard carton of 159 kg (350 lb) test strength.
Getting Started
Returning the Instrument for Service
• The carton must be large enough to allow approximately 7 cm (3 inches) on
all sides of the instrument for packing material, and strong enough to accommodate the weight of the instrument.
• Surround the equipment with approximately 7 cm (3 inches) of packing material, to protect the instrument and prevent it from moving in the carton. If
packing foam is not available, the best alternative is S.D-240 Air Cap™ from
Sealed Air Corporation (Commerce, California 90001). Air Cap looks like a
plastic sheet filled with air bubbles. Use the pink (antistatic) Air Cap™ to
reduce static electricity. Wrapping the instrument several times in this material will protect the instrument and prevent it from moving in the carton.
Seal the carton with strong nylon adhesive tape.
Mark the carton “FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE”.
Retain copies of all shipping papers.
Channel Setup Menu 2-2
Displaying the Channel Setup Menus 2-5
Channel Setup Menu
Channel Setup Menu
Channel Setup Menu
Channel Setup Menu
This chapter describes the Channel Setup menu. A key tree and description of
the available functions is included.
The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Therefore, avoid applying static discharges to the front-panel input connectors.
Before connecting any coaxial cable to the connectors, momentarily short the
center and outer conductors of the cable together. Avoid touching the frontpanel input connectors without first touching the frame of the instrument. Be
sure that the instrument is properly earth-grounded to prevent buildup of
static charge. Refer to “Electrostatic Discharge Information” on page 5-12.
At the top of the plug-in module are the
access to the Channel Setup menu for each input. The Channel Setup menu is
displayed on the right side of the screen when the
There are several types of softkeys available. A description of the different
softkeys and their functions is provided in the
Quick Start Guide
The plug-in module has both an electrical channel and an optical channel. Although
many of the softkeys are similar, some differences exist. Examples in this book using the
optical channel will note when the user would see differences if using the electrical
supplied with the mainframe.
keys. These keys give you
key is pressed.
HP 83480A, 54750A User’s
Channel Setup Menu
Channel Setup Menu
Figure 2-1. Optical Channel Setup menu.
Channel Setup Menu
Channel Setup Menu
Figure 2-2. Electrical Channel Setup menu.
Displaying the Channel Setup Menus
Displaying the Channel Setup Menus
Channel Setup Menu
To display the optical Channel Setup menu, press the
located above the optical input connector.
To display the electrical Channel Setup menu, press the
located above the electrical input connector.
Optical Channel
Electrical Channel
Channel Setup Menu
play is on, a waveform is displayed for that channel, unless the offset is
adjusted so the waveform is clipped off the display.
The channel number, vertical scaling, and offset are displayed at the bottom
left of the waveform area. They remain on the display until the channel is
turned off, or an automatic measurement is performed. The automatic measurement results share the same area of the display as the channel setups.
When the channel display is off, the waveform display for that channel is
turned off, pulse parameter measurements are stopped and acquisition on
that channel is stopped, unless it is needed as an operand for waveform math
Even though the channel display is off, you can still use the plug-in as a trigger
source or as a function source in the Math menu. However, the analyzer will
not trigger unless one or more of the other channel displays are turned on, or
unless a math function is using one of the channels.
softkey turns the channel display off and on. When the channel dis-
Key Path
Channel Setup Menu
mode is off, then the knob and arrow keys change the vertical scaling in a
1-2-5 sequence. When fine mode is on, the knob and arrow keys change the
vertical scaling in 1 mV increments. You can also use the keypad to enter values in 1 mV increments, independent of the fine mode selection.
The scale will be displayed in volts or watts, as selected by the
(Amperes, or unknown are available on electrical channels only.)
softkey controls the vertical scaling of the waveform. If the fine
Key Path
control on analog oscilloscopes. The advantage of digital offset is that it is calibrated. The offset voltage for electrical channels is the voltage at the center of
the graticule area, and the range of offset is ±12 times the full resolution channel scale. For optical channels, the offset wattage is the wattage two graticule
divisions above the bottom of the screen. This is set because, unlike voltage
displays, "negative" power levels do not exist but the zero power level can be
viewed clearly when the offset is set to zero watts. You can use the knob,
arrow keys, or keypad to change the offset setting. The fine mode also works
with offset.
When an HP 54700-series active probe is connected to the probe power connector, the offset control adjusts the external scale factor and offset of the
hybrid inside the active probe. A probe connected to the auxiliary power connector will function, but the channel scale factor will
The optical channel displays the value in watts and the electrical channel displays the value in volts.
softkey moves the waveform vertically. It is similar to the position
be adjusted automat-
Key Path
Channel Setup Menu
Key Path
Key Path
You can use the
wavelength settings.
This function is available on the electrical channel only.
You can use the
This function is available on the optical channel only.
surements. The factory calibrated wavelength is 850 nm. A user-calibrated
wavelength is also available and can be calibrated in the range from 750 nm to
860 nm. Refer to Chapter 3, “Calibration Overview” for additional information
on performing a calibration.
function turns the filter on and off.
Bandwidth/Wavelength...., Filter On Off
function selects the desired wavelength for calibrated mea-
function to select either the 12.4 GHz or 20 GHz
.... softkey to change the bandwidth and
, Bandwidth
Key Path
Key Path
This function selects the specific filter for the type of compliance testing to be
, Wavelength
Filter, 1063 Mb/s
1250 Mb/s
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