HP 83236B User Manual

HP 83236B PCS Interface
CDMA /PCS Base Station Test So ftware, User’s Guide
Software Version A.02.01
HP Part No. 83236-90121
Printed in U. S. A.
March 1997
Revision A
Copyright © Hewlett-Packard Company 1996
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Rights for non-DOD U. S. Government De part ments and Agenc ies are a s set f orth in FAR 52.227-19 (c) (1, 2).
In this Book This book documents the use of the CDMA/PCS Base Station Test Software sup-
plied with the PCS Int erf ace. It focu s es specifically on the use of the PCS Inter­face in testing CDMA/PCS base station equipment.
Chapter 1, Getting Started
This chapter provides the steps for loading and run n ing the CDMA/PCS base station test software. Start here.
Chapter 2, Making Measurements
After you have the software loaded and running, use this chapter to see each measurement’s steps for CDMA transmitter and receiver testing.
Chapter 3, Operating Overview
General informat ion on software use is found in this chapt er.
Chapter 4, Troubleshooting
This chapter offers reference mat erial to be used if you encounter errors while using the software.
Other Books The following manuals offer more detailed information on the use of the PCS
Interface, Cell Site Test Set, and the CDMA Cellular Adapters:
HP 83236A or 83236B PCS Interface Operating Manual (p/n 83236-90101)
HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set User’s Guide (p/n 08921-90022)
HP 83203B CDMA Cellular Adapter (p/n 83203-90028) or HP 83205A
CDMA Cellular Adapter (p/n 83205-90008)
Conventions Used in this Book
The following terms are used throughout this book:
Test Set - the HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set.
Cellular Adapter - the HP 83203B or 83205A CDMA Cellular Adapter.
PCS Interface - the HP 83236A,B; used to translate PCS signals into the range of the Test Set.
Software - the CDMA/PCS Base Station Test Software, des cribed in this book.
Test S ys te m - the combin at i on of a Test Set, a Ce l lu l ar Adapter, an d a PC S Interface .
The Test Set ’s keys, softkeys, and selec tion choices in menu screens are shown as follows:
A key on the Test Set’s front panel: TESTS
A User Key: Main Menu (k5)
A selection choice or setting on the CRT display: Equipment Type
Table of Contents
1 Getting Started
Introduction 12
Who should use the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software? 12 Product Description 12 Software Operat ion in Brief 12 Required Equipment 13
Step 1: Make Connections 14
Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software 15
Navigation of the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software 17
Step 3: Config ure the Software 18
Step 4: Perform CD MA Tes t s 21
If You Had Problems 21
2 Making Measurements
Overview 25
Transmitter Measurements 25 Receiver Measurements 25 Other 25
Average Power 26
Overview 26 Requirements 26 Steps 27 Notes 27
Modulation Quality (Rho) 28
Overview 28 Requirements 28 Steps 29 Notes 29
Code Domain Power 30
Overview 30 Requirements 30 Steps 31 Notes 31
Code Domain Timing 32
Overview 32 Requirements 32 Steps 33 Notes 33
Code Domain Phase 34
Overview 34 Requirements 34 Steps 35 Notes 35
Transmit Spectrum 36
Overview 36 Requirements 36 Steps: Go to Spectrum Analyzer @ Present Chan 37 Steps: Go to Spectrum Analyzer & Enter Freq 38 Notes 39
Receiver Sensitivity 40
Overview 40 Requirements 40 Steps 41 Notes 41
Receiver Performanc e in Additi ve Noise 42
Overview 42 Requirements 42 Steps 43 Notes 43
Search for PN O ffset 44
Over view 44 Requirements 44 Steps 45 Notes 45
Check Even-Second Clock 46
Overview 46 Requirements 46 Steps 47 Notes 47
3 Operating Overview
Overview 50
Configu ration Information 50 Reference Information 50
Selecting a PCS Band 51
Steps 51 Notes 51
Compensating for TX and RX Measurement Path Loss 53
Requirements 53 Steps 53 Notes 53
Saving Configuration Information to Memory 54
Requirements 54 Steps 54 Notes 54
Loading Configuration I nformation from Memory 55
Requirements 55 Steps 55 Notes 55
Purging Configurati on Information from Memory 56
Requirements 56 Steps 56 Notes 56
Using Autostart 57
Turning On the Autostart Feature 57 Turning Off the Auto start Feature 57 Notes 57
Viewing Instrument Connections 58
Steps 58 Notes 58
Setting the Test System “Beep” 59
Steps 59 Notes 59
An Alternative Test-System-to-Base-Station Timebase Configuration 60
Steps 60 Notes 60
4 Troubleshooting
Overview 64
Errors When Loading and Running the Softwar e 65
Memory Overflow Errors 65 Test System Configuration Errors at Runtime 66 Other Tes t System Configur ation Errors 67 Configu ration Information is Not Updated as Saved 67 Menu Screens in this Book do not Match the Screens that You See 68
Errors While Attempting Measurements 69
CDMA Measurement not Correlating 69 Frame Error Rate (Receiver Measurements) 71
Questionable Measurement Results 73
Overview 73 Average Power 73 Rho Mea s uremen ts 74 Code Domain M easurements 74 Receiver Tests 74
Glossary 77
Index 83

Getting Started

Getting Started
Follow the steps in this chapter to loa d and run the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software, to connect the test eq uipment, and to make initial settings to configure your Test System.
Chapter 1, Getting Started


Introductio n

Who should use the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software?

Product Description

Software Operation in Brief

If you are installing, commissioning, or maintaining Personal Communication Services (PCS) sites using the Code Division Multiple Acce ss (CDMA) standard, this Software will assi st you in performing tests of transmitter and receiver performance.
The HP 83236B CDMA/PCS BS Test Software is an Instrument BASIC (IBASIC) applicat ion used t o set up t he PCS Inte rface for transmitter and receiver measurements on CDMA base station equipment. The Software runs on the Test
Set’s internal IBASIC controller to allow you to manually control the PCS Interface (which has no front-panel controls).
This latest revision of t he Software provides support f or the North American PCS channel plans plus two proposed band definitions for use in international PCS networks.
The CDMA/PCS BS Test Software is designed to run on the HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set using the HP 83203B or HP 83205A Cellular Adapters (an equivalent configuration is the HP 8921A Option 600, 601, 603). This combination of test equipment plus the Software is hereafter referred to as the “Tes t Sy ste m. ”
This Softwar e does n ot perfo r m au t omat ed me as urements of a CDMA base station; it controls the Test System then allows you to make these measurements manually using the CDMA test screens. The basi c steps are :
Set up the base station and test equipment.
Load and run the Software.
Enter informat ion about your base station.
The Software configures the Test System to test.
Exit the Software and go to the CDMA screens.
Make yo u r CDM A measurem en t ( s) .
The first four steps are detailed in this chapter. The remaining steps are presented in "Making Measurements" in chapter 2.

Required Equipment

Chapter 1, Getting Started
You must supply:
Means to control base station and read FER.
CDMA PCS Base Station.
Supplied with the Test System:
HP 8921A Opt. 600, 601, 603 or an HP 8921A with an HP 83203B or 83205A Cellul ar A d ap ter.
HP 83236A, B PCS Interface
HP 83236A, B Cable Kit
Cable Kit
(Supplied with the HP 83236A,B)
CDMA PCS Base Station Test Software (Supplied with the HP 83236A, B)
Cables to connect the base station to the Test System . (See table below.)
1 2
Connector at System end
N (m) N (m)
BNC (m)
BNC (m)
Figure 1
Label: HP 83236B Syst em Utility Software
Connects base s tation’s tra ns mitter test por t to PCS Interface’ s R F I N /OU T port. Connects PCS interface’s RF IN/OUT port to base station’s receiver test port.
Connects Even-Second clock from BS to EVEN SEC/SYNC port on Cellular Adapter.
Connects BS Timebase reference to timebase input on the Cellular Adapter.
Chapter 1, Getting Started

Step 1: Make Connections

Step 1: Make Connections
Make the connections between the elements of the Test System and the base station as shown in figure 2.
NOTE: This figure does not illustrate all rear-panel connections between the Cell ular Adapter and
Test Se t . Refer to th e Cellular Ad apter User’s Guide to ver ify these connections.
CDMA Base Station
19.6608 MHz Clk (or other reference)
Even-Second Clock
10 MHz OUT
This figure shows the most common timebase co nfiguration. See "An Alternative Test-System-to-Base­Station Timebase Configurat ion" on page
Figure 2

Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software

Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software
The next step is to get the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software loaded into the Test Set and running on t he IBASIC controller. Locate the memory card supplied with the PCS Interfa ce and follow the steps of figure 3 and figure 4.
Chapter 1, Getting Started
Figure 3
Wait for display to
appear (approximately 20 seconds).
Continued on the following page
Insert the
System U t il ity Software card.
Chapter 1, Getting Started
Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software
Press TESTS to display the
TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
Position the cursor at Card and select it.
7 8
Position the cursor at
Select Procedure Location: and select it.
Position the cursor at Select Procedure Filename: and select it.
Position the cursor at Choices: and select PCSCDMA.
Position the cursor at Run Test and
select it. The Software is now loading.
Figure 4
Loading Time:
First time: approximately one minu te .
After first time: approx imately 15 seconds.
Chapter 1, Getting Started
Step 2: Load and Run the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software

Navigation of the CDMA/PCS BS Test Software

After the Software has loaded , you should see the CDMA/PCS BS Test
Software’s ma in menu screen on the d isplay of the Test Set (see figure 5). Important features of this screen are indicated in the figure with note s on thei r use.
Main Selection and Cursor Control
Some menu selections open lower-level menus, others allow entry of numeric data. To select a menu item, rotate the knob until the curso r is front of the selection and press the knob.
Entry Fields
Some main menu sel ections are entry fields. When these are selected, a highlighted are a appears and you may key in a value with the DATA keys, or rotate the knob to change the value in the field. When the desired value is set, press the knob or the ENTER key .
Tuned Frequency
This area displays the frequency settings for the CDMA analyzer and s i gn al gen er ator.
Figure 5 CDMA/PCS Test Software main menu features
USER Keys and their Fields
The USER Keys (k1 - k5) correspond to fields 1-5 at the top right corner of the test screen . They are used for navigation through menus and for making selections. In most lower-level
menus, a “Prev Menu” key is provided to take you up one menu level.
The knob controls the cursor position on the display and is sometimes used to make num eric entr ies.
Chapter 1, Getting Started

Step 3: Configure the Software

Step 3: Configure the Software
The first time you run the Software you must enter information about your setup and the base station being tested. Use these steps:
From the CDMA PCS Main Menu, scroll to and
select Configuration Information Menu.
CDMA PCS Main Menu
Quit Config ur a ti o n In f or ma tion Menu
Base Station Channel . . . . . . . . . 220
Base Station PN Offset . . . . . . . . 16
Search for PN Offset Go to Spectrum Analyzer @ Present Chan Go to Spectrum Analyzer & Enter Freq Go to Code Domain Analyzer Screen Perform Average Power Measurements Measure Rho Parameters Set up CDM A Generato r Check Even Second Clock
Scroll to and select the clock frequency of the
3 4
timebase signal at the SYNTH REF IN port.
Select New Reference Frequency
1 1 . 2288 2 2 . 4576 4 . 9142 5 9 . 8304 10 15
Typical reference frequencies are
19.6608 MHz and 10 MHz.
Scroll to and select Base Station Reference
Configuration Information Menu
Return to Main Menu
Base Station Channel . . . . . . . . . 220
Base Station PN Offset . . . . . . . . 16
Base Station Reference Freq. . . 19.6608 M Hz
Base Station Reference To . . . . SYNTH REF IN
Base Station Power Out . . . . . . . 1.00000 Watt(s)
TX Measurement Path Loss . . . . . .5 dB
RX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 4.0 dB
Connection Drawing Menu PCS Band = North American Band Beep = O f f Save Info To Me mory Load Info From Memory Purge Inf o From Memory
Scroll to and select Base Station Power Out and enter the level of your transmitted signal.
Configuration Information Menu
Return to Main Menu
Base Station Channel . . . . . . . . . 220
Base Station PN Offset . . . . . . . . 16
Base Stat ion Referen c e Freq. . . 19.6608 MHz
Base Station Reference To . . . . SYNTH REF IN
Base Station Power Out . . . . . . . 1.00000 Watt(s)
TX Measurement Path Loss . . . . . .5 dB
RX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 4.0 dB
Connection Draw ing Menu PCS Band = North American Band Beep = Off Save Info To M e mory Load Info From Memory
May be approximate.
Continued on the following page
Chapter 1, Getting Started
Step 3: Configure the Software
Scroll to and se lect TX Measurement Path Loss. Enter the loss (throu gh cables, couplers, and attenuators)
between your base station’s transmitter test port and the RF IN/OUT port of the PCS Interface.
Configuration Information Menu
Return to Main Menu
Base Station Channel . . . . . . . . . 220
Base Station PN Offset . . . . . . . . 16
Base Station Reference Freq. . . 19.6608 MHz
Base Station Reference To . . . . SYNTH REF IN
Base Station Power Out . . . . . . . 1.00000 Watt(s)
TX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 0.5 dB
RX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 4.0 dB
Connection Drawing Menu PCS Band = Nor th A mer ic a n Ban d Beep = Off Save Info To Memory Load Info Fro m Me mory
Scroll to and select RX Measurement Path Loss. Enter the loss of the RF cable (include loss through split-
ters, and so f orth) between you r base st ation’s recei ver test port and the RF IN /OUT port of the PCS Interface .
Enter the value into the highli ghted field. The Software will compen­sate for cable loss, improving measurement accuracy.
Configuration Information Menu
Return to Main Menu
Base Station Channel . . . . . . . . . 220
Base Station PN Offset . . . . . . . . 16
Base Station Reference Freq. . . 19.6608 MHz
Base Station Reference To . . . . SYNTH REF IN
Base Station Power Out . . . . . . . 1.00000 Watt(s)
TX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 0.5 dB
RX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 4.0 dB
Connection Drawing Menu PCS Band = Nor th A mer ic a n Ban d Beep = Off Save Info To Memory Load Info Fro m Me mory
Scroll to and select PCS Band.
7 8
Configuration Information Menu
Return to Main Menu
Base Station Channel . . . . . . . . . 220
Base Station PN Offset . . . . . . . . 16
Base Station Reference Freq. . . 19.6608 MHz
Base Station Referenc e To . . . . SYNTH REF IN
Base Station Power Out . . . . . . . 1.00000 Watt(s)
TX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 0.5 dB
RX Measurement Path Loss . . . . 4.0 dB
Connection Drawing Menu PCS Band = Nor th A mer i c an Ba nd Beep = Off Save Info To Memory Load Info From Memory
Enter the value into the highli ghted field. The Software will compen­sate for cable loss, improving measurement accuracy.
Scroll to and select your band of interest. See "Selecting a PCS Band" on page 51.
PCS Band Selection Menu
North American Band Korean Band Proposal 0 Korean Band Proposal 1
Chapter 1, Getting Started
Step 3: Configure the Software
This completes t he required entr ies. You may now save you r entries or press the Main Menu (k5) ke y to retu rn
to the main menu. To save entr ies see, “Saving Config uration Information to Memory” in Chapter 3.
User keys 1-5 correspond to the fields on the top right corner of the test set screen.

Step 4: Perform CDMA Tests

Now that you have successfully run the Softwa re and entered your configuration values, you can go on to making CDMA measurements. Refer to chapter 2, "Making Measurements" to see detailed steps for performing CDMA measurements.
Chapter 1, Getting Started
Step 4: Perform CDMA Tests

If You Had Problems

If you were unable to load and run the Software or make the required entries, refer to chapter 4, "Troubleshooting" for help.
Chapter 1, Getting Started
Step 4: Perform CDMA Tests

Making Measurements

Making Measurements
This chapter contains descriptions of the most common receiver and transmitter tests perfor med o n CDMA b ase station equipment. For each test, requirements are listed and the steps to perform the measurement are provided.
Chapter 2, Making Measurements
Chapte r 2, M ak ing Measurements


Overv iew
This chapter present s measure ment t asks most commonl y perform ed when te sti ng CDMA/PCS base station equipment. The measurements are separated by type: transmitter tests, followed by the receiver tests. For descriptions of general Software use, refer to chapter 3, "Operating Overview".
NOTE: The test procedures outlined in this chapter require that you have already configured the
Test System as outlined in chapter 1, "Getting Started".

Transmitter Measurements

Receiver Measurements

"Ave r age P o w er " on pa g e 2 6
"Modulation Qua lity (Rho)" on page 28
"Code Domain Power" on page 30
"Code Domain Timing" on pag e 32
"Code Domain Phase" on page 34
"Transmit Spectru m" on page 36
"Receiver Se nsitivity" on page 40
"Re ce iv er P er fo r m a n ce in Addit iv e N o ise" on pa g e 42

Other "Search for PN Offset" on page 44

"Check Even-Second Clock" on page 46
Chapter 2, Making Measurements

Average Power

Average Power

Overview Average power is a time-averaged broadband measurement of the transmitte d

signal strength at the RF IN/OUT port on the front panel of the PCS Interface.
The average power measurement is “uncorrelated”; it does not require the reference signals ( Even -Second clock and 19.6608 MHz timebase) needed for other tests.
Transmitter Port
Figure 6
CAUTION: Before performing any transmitter measurements, make sure that the power level applied
to the RF IN/OUT port of the PCS Interface does not exceed the published limit. For CDMA base station signals this is 1 Watt (+30 dBm). You may have to use an external attenuator or directional coupler, depending on the power output for your transmitter. Signal levels greater than the specified maximum can cause damage to the test equipment .
NOTE: The test procedures outlined in this se ction require that you have already configured the
Test System as outlined in chapter 1, "Getting Started".

Requirements You should know the following about your base station and setup:

The base station channel number setting.
You must ha ve a m eans o f c ont rolling t he base st ation to t urn on the t ran smitte r, s et the channel number, and so fort h.

Steps 1 Connect the equipment as shown in figure 6.

2 In the main menu, enter the Base Station Channel number for the transmitter
being tested.
3 Set up the base station to transmit on the channel number entered in step 2. 4 From the main menu, choose Perform Average Power Measurements. 5 The resulting screen (see figure 7) will display average power (in Watts). The average
power displayed is correcte d for the loss value entered in the Configuration Information Menu under TX Measurement Path Loss.
6 You can change the measurement’s uni ts to milliwatts or dBm using USER keys k3 and
k4, respectively.
7 USER key k1 will re-zero the power meter. It is not necessary to remove power from
the RF IN/OUT port of the PCS Interf ace to zero the power meter.
8 If you want to measure average power at another frequency, return to step 2. 9 Press the Main Menu (k5) key to return to the main menu.
Chapte r 2, M ak ing Measurements
Avera g e Po wer
Zero Pow
In this ex am p le, loss throug h a 2 0 dB at t en ua tor was added to an additional 1 dB of cable loss.
Main Menu
Figure 7

Notes To minimize measurement errors due to temperature drift, occasional zeroing of

the power meter is recommended. An initial zeroing is perfor med when you enter the
Average Power measurement screen. It is not necessary to remove the
signal from the RF IN/OUT port of the PCS Interface for zeroing.
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