HP 743 PC User Manual

Model 743 Owner’s Guide
HP Part No. A2636-90606
Edition E1097
Printed in U.S.A.
Hewlett-Packard Co. 1997
Printing History First Printing: February 1997
Latest Printing: October 1997
NOTICE The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. HEWLETT-PACKARD MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS
MATERIAL INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER­CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
Hewlett-Packard assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by Hewlett-Packard.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language with­out the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company.
RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND. Use, duplication, or disclosure by government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227.7013. Hewlett-Packard Co., 3000 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA
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Audience Preface-2
Safety and Regulatory Statements Preface-2
Safety Preface-2 Regulatory Statements Preface-2
Emissions Regulations Preface-2
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Preface-2
Australia EMC Standards Preface-3 VCCI Class A ITE Preface-3
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions Preface-3
Release Document(s) Preface-4
Related Manuals Preface-4
Revision History Preface-6
Documentation Conventions Preface-7
Safety Symbols and Conventions Preface-8
Questions, Suggestions, or Problems Preface-8
Declaration of Conformity Preface-9
1 Model 743 Board Computer Overview
Product Description 1-3
Installation Overview 1-7
Installation Notes 1-7
Supported Products 1-8
Accessory Cards 1-9
Typical External Devices 1-10 Cables 1-10 Keyboard and Mouse 1-11
Environmental Requirements 1-12
Operating System Overview 1-14
HP-UX 1-14 HP-RT 1-14
Manuals for System Information 1-15
HP-UX 1-15 HP CDE 1-15 HP VUE 1-15
Online Sources of Information (HP-UX and HP-RT) 1-16
Installing HP-UX and HP-RT 1-18
Audio 1-19
2 Accessories Installation
Tools Required and Preliminary Procedures 2-3
Tools Required for Installation 2-3 Preliminary Procedures 2-3
Safety Precautions 2-4
Memory 2-5
Preliminary Requirements 2-5 RAM Card Installation 2-5
GSC Expansion Kit 2-7
Preliminary Requirements 2-7 GSC Expansion Kit Installation 2-7
GSC Mezzanine Cards 2-10
Installing GSC Mezzanine Cards 2-10 Preliminary Requirements 2-10 GSC Mezzanine Card Installation 2-10 Installing an HCRX Graphics Board 2-11 Preliminary Requirements 2-11 HCRX Graphics Board Installation 2-12
PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 2-14
Preliminary Requirements 2-14 PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter Installation 2-14
3 Typical Installation in a VME Card Cage
Configuring the VME Card Cage 3-3
Keyboard and Mouse 3-5
Board Computer Installation 3-6
Tools Required 3-6 Preliminary Requirements 3-6 Installing a Single VME Slot 743 into an HP Card Cage 3-6 Installing a Dual-Slot Model 743 3-7
Non-HP Installation 3-8
HP Installation (Other than Primary CPU) 3-9
Model 743 Removal 3-10
Tools Required 3-10 Preliminary Requirements 3-10 Removing a Model 743 3-10
4 Connecting Cables
Introduction 4-3
Connecting a Single Monitor, Multi-Display System, or Text-Only Terminal 4-4
Configuration Requirements 4-4
Monitors 4-4
Multi-Display Systems 4-5 Connecting the Monitor 4-5 Power Cord 4-7 Connecting a Terminal 4-7
Audio Connection 4-9
Video Connection 4-12
Keyboard and Mouse Connections 4-13
Network Connection 4-14
Printer Connections 4-16
Preparing for HP-UX Installation 4-16 Configuring HP-UX for a Printer 4-16
Printer Interface 4-16
Printer Cables 4-17 Installation Procedure 4-17 Testing the Printer Installation 4-19 HP Parallel 4-19 RS-232 Ports 4-21
SCSI Connection 4-22
5 Powering On and Off
Turning On the System 5-3
Turning Off the System 5-5
Using SAM to Stop the HP-UX System 5-6 Using the Command Line 5-6
6 Solving Problems
Interpreting the LEDs 6-3
Managing a Boot Failure 6-5
Printer Problems 6-6
A The Boot Console Interface
The Boot Console Handler A-3
Special Tasks A-3 Boot Console Information Display A-4
Using the Boot Console Handler Interface A-5
Specifying a Boot Device A-7
Configuring the Console Path and Display Format A-8
Setting the Display Format A-8 Setting the Console Path A-9
Booting and Resetting the Model 743 A-12
Resetting the System A-12
Searching for Bootable Media A-14
Displaying and Setting Paths A-15
Selecting the Primary Path A-15 Selecting the Alternate Path A-17 Reordering the Search Control List A-17
Displaying and Setting the Fastboot Mode A-19
Displaying and Setting the Secure Boot Mode A-22
Displaying the LAN Station Address A-25
System Configuration Menu A-27
Model 743 VMEbus Board Computer Temperatures 1-12 Installing RAM Cards 2-6 Installing the Expansion Kit 2-8 Adding the Front Panel Screws 2-9 Installing a GSC Graphics Card - Back View 2-11 Installing an HCRX Graphics Board 2-13 Board Computer Captive Screws 3-7 Model 743 Front Panel Connectors 4-3 Connecting a Monitor to HCRX or GSC Graphics Boards 4-6 Connecting a Terminal to the RS-232 Ports 4-8 PS/2 Connector 4-10 AUI LAN Connector 4-11 HP Parallel Connector 4-16 RS-232 Serial Connector 4-17 Model 743 LED Location 6-3
Environmental Requirements 1-11 Determining the VMEbus Card Cage Configuration 3-3 Power Requirements 3-4 Required Tools for Installation 3-6 RS-232C Specifications 4-16 LED Indicators 6-4 Main Menu Options A-6 Mode Configuration - Control Flags A-21




This guide is intended for HP Model 743 Board Computer users.

Safety and Regulatory Statements


For safety information see the owner’s guide that came with the system in which you are installing your Model 743 board computer.

Regulatory Statements

Emissions Regulations Federal Communications Commission (FCC) This equipment has been
tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pur­suant to part 15 of the FCC Rules and interference causing regulations of Industry Canada. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a non-residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfer­ence to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer­ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception (determined by turning the equipment off and on), you can correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Hewlett-Packard’s system certification tests were conducted with HP-sup­ported peripheral devices and HP shielded cables, such as those you receive with your computer. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Hewlett-Packard could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Australia EMC Standards
This equipment has applied for and received approval to display the Austra­lian C-Tick mark according to the standards of AS/NZS 2064.1/2:1992 and AS/NZS 3548:1995.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions

Electrostatic charges can damage the integrated circuits on printed circuit boards. To prevent such damage from occurring, observe the following pre­cautions during board unpacking, installation, and configuration:
Stand on a static-free mat.
Wear a static strap to ensure that any accumulated electrostatic charge is discharged from your body to ground.
Connect all equipment together, including the static-free mat, static strap, routing nodes, and peripheral units.
Keep uninstalled printed circuit boards in their protective antistatic bags.
Handle printed circuit boards by their edges, once you have removed them from their protective antistatic bags.

Release Document(s)

Please refer to the Release Document(s) you received with your system or system software for additional information that we may not have been able to include in this guide at the time of its publication.

Related Manuals

If you are using HP-UX, refer to the following manuals for more informa­tion:
Model 748 Owner’s Guide (A4511-90604)
VME Services for HP-UX 10 (A4412-90022)
Using Your HP Workstation (A2615-90003)
Using the Audio Developer’s Kit (B2355-90069)
Installing and Updating HP-UX (B2355-90050)
Configuring HP-UX for Peripherals (B2355-90053)
HP Visual User Environment User’s Guide (B1171-90079)
Managing Clusters of HP 9000 Computers: Sharing the HP-UX File System (B2355-90038)
HP-UX X User Environment User’s Guide
HP-UX System Administration Tasks
Precision Architecture RISC HP 9000 Series 700 Diagnostics Manual
If you are using HP-RT, refer to the following manuals for more informa­tion:
Application Programming in the HP-RT Environment
Driver Writing in the HP-RT Environment
ELOG Library Programer’s Guide
HP Z5117A PCMCIA Adapter Installation and User’s Guide
HP-RT Reference
HP-RT Quick Reference
HP-RT System Administration Tasks
VME Backplane Networking Administration Guide
X11 SERVERrt Installation and Configuration Guide
Using SNMP in the HP-RT Environment
Using STREAMS in the HP-RT Environment
To order manuals, please contact your local sales office.

Revision History

The revision history for each edition of the manual is listed below:
HP Part No. Edition Revision History A2636-90014
A2636-90603 E0297 Second printing A2636-90606 E1097 Third printing
First printing

Documentation Conventions

Unless otherwise noted in the text, this guide uses the following symbolic conventions.
user-supplied values Italic words or characters in for-
mats and command descriptions represent values that you must supply.
sample user input In examples, information that the
user enters appears in bold.
Information that the system dis­plays appears in
this type-
literal values Bold words or characters in for-
mats and command descriptions represent commands or keywords that you must use literally. Path­names are also in bold.
KEY Text with a line above and a line
below denotes a key on your key­board, or a key or button which is drawn on your workstation’s graphic display.
(In this manual we refer to the Enter key. On your keyboard the key may be labeled either Enter or Return.)

Safety Symbols and Conventions

The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
NOTE: Notes contain important information set off from the text.
CAUTION: Caution messages indicate procedures which, if not observed, could result in damage
to equipment. Do not proceed beyond a CA UTION sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
WARNING: Warning messages indicate procedures or practices which, if not observed,
could result in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.

Questions, Suggestions, or Problems

If you have any questions, suggestions, or problems with our hardware, soft­ware, or documentation, please call 1-800-633-3600 (U.S. and Canada) or contact the HP Response Center for your country.

Declaration of Conformity


Model 743 Board Computer Overview

Model 743 Board Computer Overview
This chapter introduces the Model 743 board computer. Its purpose is to familiarize you with the board computer and its installation procedure.
The instructions in this chapter assume you are using either the HP-UX or HP-RT operating system.
The major sections within this chapter are:
Product description
Installation overview
Supported products
Environmental requirements
Operating system overview
Manuals for system information
Online sources of information
Installing HP-UX and HP-RT
Model 743 Board Computer Overview

Product Description

Product Description
The HP 9000 Model 743 is a high-performance Precision Architecture board computer based on the HP PA-RISC 7100LC technology. It contains the fol­lowing key features:
Model types: Model 743i/64
Model 743rt/64 Model 743i/100 Model 743rt/100
VME slot configuration Single slot
Dual slot (requires PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) bridge board, Gen­eral System Connect (GSC) expansion kit or HCRX graphics card Three slot (requires PMC bridge and expansion boards or GSC ex­pansion kit with ATM card)
CPU PA-RISC PA7100-LC, processor performance 64 or 100 MHz
Cache - 256 KB
Clocks Battery-backed real-time clock
Interval timers (One 32 bit, Two 16 bit) Watchdog timer
Operating systems HP-UX 9.05 (or later; some options require later releases). The
Model 743 typically boots from a hard disk drive. HP-UX may also be installed from an external DDS or CD-ROM drive.
If a client on a LAN, HP-UX can be booted over the LAN.
HP-RT 2.0 and later.
Model 743 Board Computer Overview
Product Description
User interface CDE or HP VUE graphical user interface (HP-UX only)
Compatibility Source and binary code compatible with Series 700 product family.
Monitors Single or multiple display depending on number of installed
graphics options (onboard and/or external).
Color monitors:
HP A4490D, 17-inch, resolution 1280 x 1024 HP A4331D, 20-inch, resolution 1280 x 1024
Terminal (text only) connected to RS-232 port.
Optional Graphics Capability Graphics chip set providing onboard (including accelerated I/O)
GSC expansion kit provides two slots for GSC HP A4267A 8-plane graphic cards.
HCRX8 or HCRX24 graphics boards allow the choice of one HP A4267A graphics card in addition to the graphics board itself.
NOTE: Either a GSC expansion kit or the HCRX expansion graphics boards extend
graphics capability beyond the onboard graphics chip set of a Model 743 board computer. However, the HP-RT operating system supports only one graphics display, and HP-UX 10.x supports up to three graphics displays.
Main Memory Single VME slot 743i: 16 to 128 MB RAM
Single VME slot 743rt: 8 to 128 MB RAM Dual VME slot 743i: 16 to 256 MB RAM Dual VME slot 743rt: 8 to 256 MB RAM (Dual slot means an expansion kit or HCRX board must be installed.)
Model 743 Board Computer Overview
Product Description
NOTE: A Model 743 configured for more than one RAM card in each RAM stack
requires installation of an expansion kit or an HCRX graphics board and occupies two VME slots.
Up to four RAM cards may be installed - three cards in RAM stack 1 and one card in RAM stack 2. RAM cards may be placed in any order. A higher capacity memory card can be added on top of a lower capacity card or you can re­verse the order, with a lower capacity card on top of a higher ca­pacity card.
Standard Features Internal SCSI-2 single-ended bus
2 asynchronous RS-232-C ports (requires a conversion cable) 1 HP parallel port (requires a conversion cable) 1 LAN AUI port (requires a conversion cable) 2 mini-DIN PS/2 ports 1 slot for RAM memory (memory cards can be stacked) CD-quality audio, supported only by HP-UX and requires a
conversion cable
PCMCIA adapter, supported only by HP-RT
Dual Slot Upgrades PMC bridge board (with two PMC sites, cannot be used w/HCRX,
and supported only on HP-UX) GSC expansion kit (with two GSC sites) HCRX8 graphics board (with one additional GSC site) HCRX24 graphics board (with one additional GSC site) GSC HP A4267A graphics card FWD SCSI card
3-slot Upgrade PMC expansion board (with two PMC sites, requires PMC bridge)
ATM Network Card (up to 2, GSC expansion kit required, cannot be used with HCRX graphics)
Other Supported Configurations Hewlett-Packard supports only products with HP approved parts,
accessories, peripherals, operating systems, and programs.
Model 743 Board Computer Overview

Installation Overview

Installation Overview
Chapter 2 provides step-by-step instructions for attaching and installing accessories in a typical VME chassis, and connecting external devices.
Accessories are products that attach to the computer’s system board and must be attached before installing the board computer in a VME card cage. Devices are products used externally to the board computer. Examples are keyboards, monitors and mass storage devices. Other devices are connected through cables. Depending on your specific application, you may need one or more accessory and device products. Installation instructions for most products used directly with your Model 743 Board Computer are explained in this manual.
Chapter 3 presents the installation tasks required to install the board com­puter. It provides information to help you configure and install your VME board computer.

Installation Notes

Your Model 743 Board Computer uses micro-miniature connectors for sev­eral interface ports. Cable connectors for these ports are very small, but may be positioned so that a slight angle exists between them. This situation has been tested by HP and full functionality is maintained.
CAUTION: The Model 743 Board Computer’s P2 connector has a local bus on the user-
defined pins. Verify that your VME card cage’s backplane makes no connections to J2/P2, rows A and C. Refer to IEEE STD 1014-1987, Chapter 7, for more information on user-defined pins used in VME backplane connectors.
Model 743 Board Computer Overview

Supported Products

Supported Products
Only products with Hewlett-Packard approved parts, accessories, peripher­als, operating systems, and application programs are supported by Hewlett­Packard. Any product with other than HP approved hardware or software connected or installed must have the non-HP approved hardware and soft­ware removed by the customer before on-site repair is conducted. The fol­lowing lists describe the products supported by HP.
Model 743 Board Computer Overview
Supported Products

Accessory Cards

The Model 743 supports the following accessory cards:
Memory; one or more of these RAM cards supported on both HP-UX and HP-RT operating systems:
HP A4263A 8 Mbyte RAM Card HP A4264A 16 Mbyte RAM Card HP A4265A 32 Mbyte RAM Card HP A4266A 64 Mbyte RAM Card
HP A4504A PMC Bridge Adapter - provides two sites for third party PMC cards (HP-UX only)
HP A4509A PMC Expansion Adapter - provides two additional sites for third party PMC cards (requires PMC Bridge Adapter - HP-UX only)
HP A4262A GSC expansion kit
Mezzanine (GSC expansion kit) cards:
HP A4267A 8-plane color graphics card HP A4268A FWD SCSI HP J3420A ATM (supported only by HP-UX)
PCMCIA (supported only by HP-RT)
10-MB Flash disk card 20-MB Flash disk card 40-MB Flash disk card (HP-RT 3.0, later - not available from HP)
Sub-Mezzanine Cards:
HCXR8 graphics card HCRX24 graphics card
Model 743 Board Computer Overview
Supported Products

Typical External Devices

The Model 743 supports the following external devices:
LAN Transceiver: HP A2670A ThinLAN Ethernet Transceiver
HP A2671A EtherTwist Transceiver.
Speaker; 8 ohm impedance with1/8-inch sub-miniature stereo connec-
tor (HP-UX only).


Model 743 board computers use micro-miniature connectors for several interface ports and standard connectors for others. You need conversion cables to connect from the micro-miniature connectors to standard size inter­faces. The Model 743 supports the following cables:
Conversion cables: HP A4300A HP Parallel; High-Density 25-Pin to
standard 25-Pin F HP A4301A RS-232; High-Density 9-Pin to Standard 9-Pin M HP A4302A Audio; High-Density 9-Pin to Stereo Line-In HP A4303A LAN; High-Density 15-Pin to 15-Pin AUI HP A4304A Video; High-Density 15-Pin to Standard 15-Pin F HP A4305A Video; High-Density 15-pin to EVC connector HP A4167A Video; Standard 15-pin to EVC connector (for use with optional GSC 8-plane graphics card and EVC monitor)
Standard cables: HP K2296 SCSI; High-Density 50-Pin to Standard Bail Lock
HP 92284A HP Parallel; 25-Pin M to 25-Pin M HP 24542G RS-232 Terminal Cable; 9-Pin F to 25-Pin M HP 24542H RS-232 Modem Cable; 9-Pin F to 25-Pin F
Model 743 Board Computer Overview
Supported Products

Keyboard and Mouse

The Model 743 supports the following:
HP A2840A Keyboard with mini-DIN connector
HP A2839A Mouse with mini-DIN connector
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