To add, subtract, multiply, or divide two binary integers
To find the negative of a binary integer
To convert a binary integer to a different number base
To convert a binary integer to a real number.............................8-4
To convert a real number to a binary integer.............................8-4
Using Boolean operators ....................................................................8-5
Manipulating bits and bytes ..............................................................8-6
corresponding elements of two lists............................................9-4
Applying a fimction or program to a list ...........................................9-5
To run a program or execute a function on lists
To apply a procedure sequentially to elements of a list
To execute a function on every element of a list
List Manipulations...............................................................................9-7
The HP 49G documentation set is made up of the following components:
• User’s Guide, available witli the calculator.
• Pocket Guide, available with the calculator.
« Advanced Topics, being chapters 1 to 13 of this manual, and available
from the web site.
® CAS Commands, being chapter 14 of this manual, and available from
the web site.
® Other Commands A to F, available from the web site.
® Other Commands G to P, available from the web site.
® Other Commands Q to Z, available from the web site.
This manual and any examples contained herein are provided as is and are subject to change
without notice. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
express or implied wairanty of any kind with regard to this manual and specifically disclaims
the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
and Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or
consequential damage in comiection with the furnishing, performance or use of this manual
and the examples herein.
There are a ramrber of ways you can enter a command:
• by pressing the key or keys for the command
• by selecting the command from a subject-specific menu
® by selecting the command from the command catalog
• by typing the command on the command line.
Keyboard entry
The most commonly needed commands can be entered directly from the
keyboard by pressing one or two keys. For example, to enter the SIN
command, press the
See chapter 1 of the User’s Guide for an explanation of each key on the
HP 49G keyboard.
key; to enter the LOG command, press (r)(iog).
Subject-specific menus
The HP 49G provides a number of menus that list just those commands
relevant to a specific topic.
For example, all the programming commands are collected together on
the programming menu. You access this menu by pressing I
Other subject-specific menus include a:
® math menu (0 (MTH))
® symbolic solve menu (0 (SSg))
® exponential and logarithm menu (0 (B(M)j
® trigonometry menu (0 (HG))
® calculus menu (0 (0£))
® algebra menu (0 (ALG))
® matrices menu (0 (MMIS)j
® statistics menu (0 (SW))
® convert menu (0 @3))
Entering commands
Page 1-1
units menu i
arithmetic menu i
complex number menu (0 SEE))
base menu (0 {№
Tliese subject-specific menus have keys allocated to them on the
There are many other subject-specific menus. For example, the math
menu and the various Computer Algebra System sub-menus can be
selected from the Applications menu:
1. Press ®.
The Applications menu is displayed.
2. Press ®.
The last page of the Applications menu is displayed.
3. Highlight the menu you want—mathor CAS—and press OK or (ENTER)
Both menus are made up of several sub-menus, each listing the
commands of relevance to a particular area of mathematics.
The symbolic menu (displayed by pressing
provides a series of sub
menus each listing the more conunonly used commands of relevance to a
particular area of mathematics: algebra, arithmetic, calculus and so on.
Some entries on a subject-specific menu
are shortcuts to sub-menus. For example,
pressing 0(MTH) displays the mathmenu.
The first item on the mathmenu is vector.
The two periods after the word “vector”
indicates that there is a imtlier menu. This
further menu lists conunands of relevance to vector mathematics (such as
ABS, dot, cross, etc).
Page 1-2
Entering commands
Entering a command From a sub-menu
With the main menu displayed, highlight the name of the sub-menu.
You can do this by:
® pressing ® imtil the sub-menu name is highlighted or
• pressing the number key that corresponds to the number of the
sub-menu. For example, to highlight the REAL sub-menu in the
above example you could press 5.)
Press OK or
The sub-menu is displayed.
3. Highlight the name of the command you want to enter.
You can do this by:
® pressing @ rmtil the command name is highlighted or
• pressing the number key that corresponds to the number of the
4. Press OK or (EN
If you are working in algebraic mode, the command you selected appears
on the command line ready for you to specify arguments.
If you are working in RPN mode, the result of the conunand appears on
the stack.
Entering a command from a Function key menu
A subject-specific menu can take the form of a choose list (as described in
the previous section) or a frmction key menu. A fmiction key menu is one
that appears across the bottom of the screen, with items chosen from the
menu by pressing the corresponding function key: (£1) to (£6).) This is
explained in chapter 2 of the User’s Guide.
Entering commandsPage 1-3
Command catalog
The HP 49G provides a single choose list that contains all its commands.
This is called the command catalog.
Displaying the command catalog
1. Press
A choose list is displayed. This is the
command catalog.
■ :hoh
2. Locate the command that you want to
enter. (See the next section.)
3. Press OK or (MS)If you are working in algebraic mode, the command you selected
appears on the command line ready for you to specify arguments.
If you are working in RPN mode, the result of the conunand appears on
the stack.
Locating a command in the command catalog
There are two ways to locate a conunand in the command catalog;
® by scrolling
® by searching on the first character or first few characters of the
Scrolling through the catalog
To scroll through the command catalog, press the (3 or (a) keys. Keep
doing so until the command you want is highlighted.
You can use the shift keys in conjimction with the arrow keys to scroll
more quickly through the catalog. For example:
0® displays the last command in the catalog
0® displays the first conunand
0® displays the next page of commands
0® displays the previous page of conunands.
The niunber of commands displayed per page is determined by flag -90.
When set—which is the default—the commands are displayed in the mini
font. This gives you six conunands per page. If flag -90 is cleared, the
Page 1-4
Entering commands
commands are displayed in your currently selected system font. If, for
example, you have chosen System 8 as your current system font, you will
see only four commands per page.
Searching For a command in the command catalog
The majority of commands can be selected from the command catalog by
searching on the first character of the command’s name.
1. Press the keys for the first character—or first few characters—of the
command’s name.
For example, to find tire HALFTAN command, type (SM) H or
(EES (M) HA.
The first command with a name starting with the letter or letters you
typed will be highlighted.
2. If the conunand you want is not highlighted, press @ imtil the
command is highlighted.
Note that the first character of a command’s name may be:
• an upper-case character (for example, SIN)
• a lower-case character (for example, rref), or
® a symbol (for example —>TAG).
The type of the first character determines the best way to search for the
Upper case: if the command you want to find begins with an upper-case
letter, you must press
before pressing the key for that letter. If you
intend to search by typing the first few characters of the command name,
you will need either to:
• hold the (MA) key down while you key all the characters, or
® lock the alpha keyboard before you type the characters.
Lower case: if the command you want to find begins with a lower-case
Non-alphabetic characters: if the command you want to find begins with a
non-alphabetic character, press the keys for that character. For example,
to search for ^TAG, type 00. The first command with a name that
starts with ^ is displayed. (In this example, you need to press ® until
^TAG is highlighted.)
Entering commands
Page 1-5
While the alpha keyboard is active, you can also search for a command
that begins with a special character by typing that character and then one
or more of the next alphabetical characters.
The keystrokes for non-alphabetic characters can be fomid in the
Characters catalog. For example, the keystrokes for Z are 0 and S.
Therefore, to search for the E+ command in the command catalog, you
display the catalog and press 0 S.
The Characters catalog- accessed by pressing
'—is explained in
chapter 2 of the User’s Guide.
Note that you can import additional commands from third-party
conunand libraries. When a library is attached, the commands in the
library will appear in the conunand catalog. If any such conunand begins
with a character that is not available directly from the HP 49G keyboard,
you will not be able to search for the command.
Typing commands
In addition to selecting a command from tire conunand catalog or from a
menu, you can also enter a conunand by typing its name on the conunand
For example, to factorize an expression while in algebraic mode, you
1. type igP0(IPHA)FACTOR00
2. enter the expression
To factorize an expression while in RPN mode, you could:
1. enter the expression onto level 1 of the stack
2. type
3. press (ENTER).
Every command found in the command catalog can be entered directly
from the keyboard.
Some conunand names contain special characters (for example, ^ and
Z). The Characters catalog—accessed by pressing
and explained
in chapter 2 of the User’s Guide—shows the keystrokes needed to enter
special characters.
Page 1-6Entering commands
Chapter 2
System Flags
System flags provide you with some control over how the HP 49G behaves
and displays infomiation. For example, by setting flag
the alpha keyboard by pressing
retimrs the mode to its default setting (where
once rather than twice. Clearing flag
twice to lock the alpha keyboard).
you can lock
must be pressed
Displaying system Flags
02 Constint ■ * 5yHb
to display the Calculator
Modes input form.
Press FLAGS.
The System Flags list is displayed. A tick
to the left of a flag number indicates that the flag is set. If the space to
the left of a flag number is empty, the flag is clear. Fi'om this screen
you can set or clear any flag in the list.
The System Flags list is not a list of all the system flags. As a general rule,
flags that are likely to be changed often can be set or cleared on various
input forms, where they are more readily accessible. Flags that will rarely
be changed are listed in the System Flags list.
For example, flag -95 deteraiines whether the calculator is in algebraic or
RPN mode. As this is a flag that many users are likely to want to change
from time to time, it is accessible from an input form; the Calculator
Modes input fonn (described in chapter 2 of the User’s Guide}. Because it
is accessible from an input fonn, flag -95 is not listed in the System Flags
list. (There are some exceptions to this general rule, with some flags
accessible both from an input form and from the System Flags list.)
All the system flags—not just those on the System Flags list—are listed
and described in the HP 49G Pocket Guide.
03 Function ■+ iyMb
IH P<3yH«rit ifid
13 ,4J,i2 ■ + uictc-r
20 Un-3«i-F U->H 0
21 0M.grFU.H -«• ±5EH?5___________+
System flags
Page 2-1
Setting and clearing Flags
Method 1
Use this method only if the flag you want to change is listed in the System
Flags list.
1. With the System Flags list displayed, higlilight the flag that you want to
set or clear.
You can do this by either:
® pressing the ® or ® keys imtil the flag you want is highlighted or
• typing the first digit of the number of the flag.
See the previous section for instructions on displaying the flags.
2. Press CHK.
If the flag was set before, it is cleared; if it was clear before, it is now
3. Press OK or (ENTE^ to return to the Calculator Modes screen and OK or
(ENTER) again to return to yom default screen.
Method 2
If you know the number of the system flag you want to change, you can
change the flag from the command line. The syntax you use depends on
the operating mode you have chosen: algebraic or RPN.
In algebraic mode, the syntax is:
In RPN mode, enter the flag on the first level of the stack and then enter
the appropriate command. The command for setting a flag is SF and the
command for clearing a flag is CF. (The flag commands are described on
page 2-4.)
For example, to set flag -40 in algebraic mode, you enter SF(-40) and
press (ENTER). In RPN mode, you enter -40 onto level 1 of the stack, enter SF
onto the command line and press (ENTER).
Similarly, to clear flag ^0 in algebraic mode, you enter CF(-40) and press
(ENTER). In RPN mode, you enter -40 onto level 1 of the stack, enter CF onto
the command line and press (ENTER).
You can use this method to set and clear all flags, not just those listed on
the System Flags list.
Page 2-2
System flags
Setting or clearing several Flags at once
In algebraic mode, the syntax is:
In RPN mode, enter a list of the flags you want to set or clear on the first
level of the stack and then enter the appropriate command.
For example, to set flags -19 and-40 in algebraic mode, you enter
SF({-19,-401) and press
1 of the stack, enter SF onto the command line and press
In RPN mode, you enter {-19 ^0} onto level
. (Note that
in algebraic mode, you must enter a comma between the elements in a list.
In RPN mode, you can enter a comma or a space.)
Similarly, to clear flags -19 and-40 in algebraic mode, you enter
CF({-19,-40j) and press
level 1 of the stack, enter CF onto the command line and press
In RPN mode, you enter {-19 -40{ onto
Method 3
The flags that you are likely to need to change can be changed from
various input fonns (as explained on page 2-1). To change one of these
flags, display the appropriate input fonn, place the cursor in the flag field
and press CHK. If the flag was set before, it is cleared; if it was clear before,
it is now set. (A tick mark in the field indicates that the flag is set.)
Examples of flags that can be set from input forms include operating
mode, number format, angle measure, coordinate system, beep, key click,
keep last stack, textbook mode, and clock type. These, and numerous
other flags, are accessible by pressing
Editing input forms is described in detail in chapter 2 of the User’s Guide.
System flags
Page 2-3
Flag commands
The flag commands are listed and explained in the table below. The flag
commands enable you to set and clear flags as well as having a value
returned that indicates the status of a specified flag: 1 if the flag is set, 0 if
the flag is clear.
Sets the specified flag.
Clears the specified flag.
Returns true (1) if the specified flag is set and false (0) if the
flag is clear.
Returns true (1) if the specified flag is clear and false (0) if the
flag is set.
Tests the specified flag, returns true (1) if it is set or false (0) if
it is clear, and then clears it.
Tests the specified flag, returns true (1) if it is clear or false (0)
if it is set, and then clears it.
Table 2-1 Flag commands
User Flags
You can also apply the conunands listed in the table above to user flags.
(User flags are mainly used in programming.)
User flags are positive numbers, while system flags are negative numbers.
(In the System Flags list—discussed on page 2-1—the system flags are
shown as positive munbers. However, when you are setting, clearing, and
testing system flags, you must specify the flag as a negative number.)
You have access to 128 user flags. You can set, clear, and test them the
same way as with system flags. For example, to clear flag 25 that your
program has set, you issue the command CF(25).
Page 2-4
System flags
Chapter 3
Command line operations
The command line is where you enter and edit conunands and objects.
The HP 49G provides numerous tools to assist you when working on the
conunand line. Some of these tools have their own key; others can be
selected from the command line editor’s Tool menu.
Activating the command line
The way you activate the command line depends on whether you intend to
create a new object or edit an existing object.
To create a new object, just start typing. The command line is activated as
soon as you start. (While you can create most objects from the conunand
line, many objects are best created using specific applications. For
example, it will usually be easier to create an expression using Equation
Writer, or a matrix using Matrix Writer.)
To edit an existing object on the command line, select the object from
history or from the stack and:
® in algebraic mode, press (ENTER)
® in RPN mode, press EDIT.
Note that pressing EDIT in algebraic mode activates whatever application
is best suited to editing the type of object you selected, not the command
line editor. For example, if you selected an expression, pressing EDIT
activates Equation Writer. To edit the object on the command line, you
must press
Command Line operationsPage 3-1
Positioning the cursor
Wlien editing the object on the command line, you will almost always
need to reposition the cursor.
Main methods: single-line command line
Press @ or ® to move the cursor left or right respectively.
To go directly to the last chai'acter on the command line, press or
To go directly to the first character on the command line, press 0® or
Main methods: multi-line command line
In multiline entries—for example, blocks of progranmring code—press ®
or ® to move the cursor to the previous or next line respectively.
To go directly to the end of the last line, press 0®.
To go directly to position xin the last line, where xis the number of
characters the cmsor is from the start of the cuiTent line, press 0®.
To go directly to the start of the first line, press 0®.
To go directly to position x in the first line, where x is the number of
characters the cursor is from the start of the current line, press 0®.
Page 3-2
Command line operations
Helpful commands and sub-menus
Like all other HP 49G applications, the command line editor has its own
Tool menu. This menu is displayed by pressing
line is active (that is, while the cursor is blinking). You then select a
command by pressing the corresponding fmrction key.
The conunands that provide ways of positioning the cursor are:
while the command
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current word
(that is, to the beginning of the word in which the cursor
is currently placed). If pressed again, the crnsor moves to
the beginning of the previous word if there is one.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word (or to
the end of the word if there is no next word).
Moves the cursor to the begimiing of the selection or, if
nothing is selected, to the beginning of the command line.
(In multiline entries, the beginning of the command line is
the beginning of the first line of the entry.)
Moves the cursor to the end of the selection or, if nothing
is selected, to the beginning of the command line.
The GOTO menu provides three useful commands:
Go to line: this command sends the cursor to the start of
the line whose number you specify.
Go to position: this command sends the cinsor to the
position you specify (being the specified number of
characters—including spaces—from the start of the
command line).
See “Command line infonuation” on page 3-12 for
instructions on how to find tlie position of a character on
the command line.
Command line operations
Labels: this displays a list of labels in the object on the
command line. If you highlight a label in the list and press
OK or (ENTER). the cursor is sent to the start of that label.
A label is any string of characters that begins with an
asterisk. Labels are particularly useful in programming
code, where they can be used to name discrete blocks of
Page 3-3
FINDThe Find command is on the Search sub-menu. You can
use this command to send the ciu'sor to the character or
character string you specify. See “Find” on page 3-8 for
more information.
Selecting characters
The HP 49G provides a number of commands that work on selected text
(such as copy and cut). To select characters, you mark the beginning of
the selection and the end of the selection.
1. Position the cursor at the beginning of your selection.
See “Positioning the cursor” on page 3-2 for a description of various
charactei’s to the left of the cursor to be selected. Therefore, if
you want to select all characters to the left of the cursor, press
at step 2 above and ignore the remaining steps
Copy, cut, and paste
1. Select the characters that you want to copy or cut.
This is explained on page 3-4 (and in chapter 3 of the User’s Guide if
you are selecting parts of an expression in the Equation Writer).
2. Do one of the following:
® to copy the characters, press
® to cut the characters, press
3. Position your cursor where you want to paste the characters you have
copied or cut.
See “Positioning the cursor” on page 3-2 for a description of ways to
position your cursor.
4. Press !
Page 3-4
Command line operations
Editing the command Line
Deleting characters
The simplest way to delete a character is to position the cm'sor to the
immediate right of the character and press @-
Other ways of deleting characters are provided by commands on the Tool
menu for the command line editor. The menu is displayed by pressing
when the command line is active. These commands are:
Deletes the characters from the cursor to the beginning of
the current word (that is, to the beginning of the word in
which the cursor is currently placed). If pressed again,
the entire previous word is deleted if there is one.
Deletes all characters from the cursor to the start of the
Deletes the characters from the cursor to the beginning of
the next word (or, if there is no next word, to the end of
the current word).
Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the
Deletes all characters on the current line.
There are vaiious replace options on the Search menu.
These options enable you to search for the characters you
want to delete and replace them with nothing, thereby
deleting those characters.
The replace options are discussed on page 3-8.
Command line operations
Page 3-5
Inserting characters
By default, any character you enter on the command line will be inserted
between the characters on either side of the cursor. To replace characters
rather than insert them, you de-activate insert mode. Each character you
enter will then replace—that is, overwrite—the character directly below
the cursor.
To de-activate (or activate) insert mode:
1. With the conunand line active, press (TOOp.
2. If the INS conunand is not displayed, press
imtil it is.
A small square to the right of the 4582.365
coimnand s label—as in the example on
tire right—indicates that insert mode is
The shape of the cursor also indicates whether you are in replace
mode (ciffsor is a left-pointing arrow) or insert mode (cursor is a filled
Press INS to switch insert mode on off or on.
Editing complex objects
In many cases you will find the methods outlined in the previous two
sections well-suited to editing command line objects. However, when you
need to edit a complex object, you might find it easier to isolate just that
part of the object you want to edit. To do this, make sure that the Tool
menu for the conurrand line editor is displayed. (Press (TOOp if it is not.)
1. Select tire part of the object that you want to edit.
See “Selecting characters” on page 3-4 for instructions.
2. If the EDIT command is not displayed, press (MD imtil it is.
3. Press EDIT.
Your selection now appears on tire command line by itself The rest of
the object has not been deleted; it is just not visible while you edit yoiu'
4. Edit the entry on the coirurrand line.
The object you started with is redisplayed, showing the changes you
made at step 4 above.
Page 3-6
Command line operations
Evaluating components oF the command line
If there is a component of your object that could be evaluated—such as a
mathematical expression—^you can select the component and evaluate it.
The result of tlie evaluation replaces the component.
To evaluate a component, make sure that the Tool menu for the command
line editor is displayed. (Press (TOOp if it is not.)
1. Select the component of the object that you want to evaluate.
See “Selecting characters” on page 3-4 for instructions.
2. If
command is not displayed, press (NXT) until it is.
3. Press EXEC.
The component is evaluated, if possible, and the result replaces the
Suspending editing
You can suspend editing the command line and return to it later,
performing other operations in the meantime. To do this, make sure that
the Tool menu is displayed. (Press (TOOD if it is not.)
1. If the HALT command is not displayed, press (RED until it is.
2. Press HALT.
Your default screen is redisplayed. You can now use the calculator to
perform other operations.
While you have an editing session suspended, the annunciator HLT
appears in the status area of yoiu' default screen (providing that you
have not hidden the status area).
3. Press 0 {®® to return to the conunand line you earlier suspended.
You will notice that the contents of the command line have not been
affected by the operations you perfoimed since suspending editing.
While you have one command line editing session suspended,
you can suspend another. In fact, you can suspend any iiuiiiber of
command line editing sessions.
Mien you have more than one editing session suspended,
pressing HCoRrj returns you to the most recently suspended
session. Pressing (0(@) again returns you to the second most
recently suspended session, and so on.
Command line operations
Page 3-7
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