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Title & Document Type: 41952A/B Transmission/Reflection Operating Note
Title & Document Type: 41952A/B Transmission/Reflection Operating Note
Manual Part Number: 41952-90000
Manual Part Number: 41952-90000
Revision Date: December 1988
Revision Date: December 1988
About this Manual
About this Manual
We've added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to helpyou supportyour
We’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your
product. This manual provides the bestinformation wecould find. It may beincomplete
product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incomplete
or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a better
or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a better
copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilentwebsite.
copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.
HP References in this Manual
HP References in this Manual
This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-
This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-
Packard's former test and measurement, life sciences, and chemicalanalysis
Packard's former test and measurement, life sciences, and chemical analysis
businesses are now part ofAgilent Technologies. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is
businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is
now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent
now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent
8648A. We have made no changes to this manualcopy.
8648A. We have made no changes to this manual copy.
Support for Your Product
Support for Your Product
Agilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any otheravailable
Agilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other available
productinformation on the AgilentTest & Measurementwebsite:
product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:
Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guide
Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guide
you to any available information. Our service centers may be able to performcalibration
you to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibration
if no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.
if no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent isavailable.
All Hewlett-Packard products are warranted againstdefects In materials andworkmanship. This warranty applies for one year from the,date of delivery, or, inthe case of certain major componentslisted in the operating manual, forthespecified,perlod. We will repair or replac6, products which prove to bedefectiveduringthe warranty period provided they are returned to Hewlett-Packard. Noother warranty is expressed or implied. We are not liable forconsequentialdamages:
For any assistance,contact your nearest Hewlett-PackardSales andServiceOffice. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual.
INTRODUCTION This section provides the specification andthe InforrhaZion neces-
' saryfor receiving, performing an incoming Inspec',Ion, preparing
the HP 41952A/8 for use.
DESCRIPTION The HP 41952A and HP 41952B Transmission/Reflection Test
Sets are used with the HP 4195A to perform bothtransmissionand reflection measurements. The HP 41952A Is used for50(1applications and the HP 41952B is used for 75napplications.Using two HP 41952A or HP 41952Btest sets,full¶metermeasurements can be performed. The following arethe mainfeature of the HP 41952A/B.
CONSIDERATIONSTheHP41952A/B Transmisslon/Reflection Test Sets conform to
thesafety requiremcnts for IEC 348, andCSA556B instruments,and is 'shippedfrom the factory in a safe condition. This opera-tion note containsinformation, CAUTIONS and WARNINGS whichmust be followed by theuser to ensure safeoperation,
Hewlett-Packard uses a two-part, nine characterserial number
which is stamped on the serial number plate (see Figure 1-1)
attached to theinside of the carrying case. The first four digits
and a letteraretheprefix and thelastfivedigits are the suffix of
theserial number, The letter in the serial, number identifies the
country where the instrument was manufactured. The prefix is
same for all identicalinstruments, it changes only when achangeIs made to the instrument. The suffix, however, is assignedsequentially and is different foreachInstrument. This operationnote applies to instruments with serial number prefixes listedunderSerial Numbers on the title page.
Figure 1-1. SerialNumber Plate
Units manufactured after this operation note was printed may
have aserialnumber prefix which is notlisted on the title page.Anunlisted serial numberprefix indicates that theinstrumentmaybedifferent fromthosedescribed in thisoperation note. Opera-tion notes for new instrumentsmay be accompanied by a yellow
Manual Supplement page, or have adifferent part number, Thissupplement contains "Change Information" explaining how toadapt thisoperation notetonewer instruments.
Test Set, 500 (HP 1952Aonly)Test Set, 7552 (HP41952B only)
N(m)-N(m) Cable, 5052
Semi-rigid Cable,typeN, 5052
HP11852BMinimum Loss Pad.5052-7551
In addition to change information, ,t'he supplement may contain (,information for correcting errors (gnats) in previous operation r,notes, To keep this operationnotiA,as current and accurate aspossible, Hewlett-Packard recommends that you periodicallyrequest thelatest Manual Change supplements. Thesupplementfurthis operation note is id?ntifled by the Print Date and PartNur*3er, both ofwhich eppeF on the'opEation note's title page. ',
For information co.icerning the serial'number prefixes not listedon the title page or In theManualChangesupplements, contactyour. nearest Hewlett-Packard sales offie.
Table 1-1 shows the contents of the HP 41952A/B, , Refer toFigure 2-1 fordetails.
Table1-1. Contents o▶=the HP41952A/B
(HP 41952A and HP 4195213 standard only ;)
(HP 41952B standard only')
, 1'
505IN(m)cableand HP 11852BMinimum Loss Padaredeleted for the HP 4195219 with Option 009.,
SPECIFICATIONSThe specifications for the HP 41952A and HP 419528 \Transmis-
sion:Reflectlon TestSets are listed in Table 1-2. The specifica-tions are performance,standards or1 limits. The HP41952A/Bmeets all of the specifications listed', in Table 1-2 when. It isshippedfrdm the factory.
. SpecificationSdescribe the Instrument's warranted performanceover the tempera-
tui'e range of • 3-15°C (except where noted). 'Supplemental characteristics areintended, to provideinformation useful inapplying theInstrument bygiving non-warranted'perfolimance parameters. These are denotedas "typical", "nominal", or"approximate.,'1
The accessories listed Injable '1-3 are airallable,' for making cer-tain types of measurements and for convenience inconnectingthe device under rest; 'ti
Table 1-3. Available Acces5ories
Cable Kit, 500, Type NCable Kit, 75), Type N
Calibration Kit, 500, Type NCalibration Kit, 750, Type N
Accessory Kit, 50n, Type NAccessdry Kit,50f/, Type BNCAccessory Kit, 75D, Type N'Accessory Kit, 750, Type BNC
The HP41952A/B Transmission/RefrectIon TestSets meet all ofthespecifications listed in Table 1.3. Uponreceipt, Inspect theshipping container fordamage. If the shipping container or thecushioning material has beendamaged,beep the'container andpackingmaterial until the contentshave beenchecked for com-pleteness and the test set has been checked oit mechanicallyand electrically. Figure 2-1 shows the product, overview., TheproCeduies for checkingthegeneral electricaloperation aregiven19 SECTION 4, PERFORMANCETEST.
•, ,InitialInspection
• MatingConnectors
• EnvironmentalRequirements
• Packaging
If anything is missing, damaged (scratches,dents, broken con-nectors, etc.), or Ifperformance does notmeet theperfOrmancetest limits, notify the nearest HPsales office(see the list at theback of this operationnote). The HP salesofficewill immediatelyarrange for repair or replacement without waiting for a claimsettlement.
REQUIREMENTSThe HP 4 l'952A/B inay be stored or shipped under'Ide following
• environmental ,:ondition..
• TemPerature : -40*C to +70°C,
The unit must be protected fromtemperature extremeswhichCancausecondensation.
1111111111111•1•111=1111 ,,
1 1
PACKAGINGThii paragraph describes how.tolrepackage the HP 41952A/B for
shipment when necessary. 1
Pakaging Containers and packingmaterial Identical tothose'usedin factory
packaging are availablefrom Hewlett-Packard. if the unit Is beingreturned to Hewlett-Packard forservicing, attach,atagIndicatingthe type of servicerequired, return address, model number andfull serialnumber,
OtherPackaging The following general instructions should beused forrepacking
;withcommercially availablematerials.
1. Wrap the unit in hea(ey paper orplastic. Itshipping to aHPsales office orservice center, attach a tagindicatingthe type of servicerequired, returnaddress,model num-ber and full serial number.
2. Use a strong shippingcontainer. A double-walled cartonmade of 350 pound test material Is adequate.
3. Use enoughshock absorbing material (a 3 to4inchlayer)aroundallsides of the' unit to provide a filmcushion andto prevent the unit, from movinginsidethecontainer.
4. Seal the shipping containersecurely.
5. Mark the shipping containerFRAGILEto ensure carefulhandling.
6. In any correspondence,refer to unit byIts model numberand the full serialnumber.