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Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1991 – 1999
All Rights Reserved
HP 16533A 1-GSa/s and
HP 16534A 2-GSa/s Digitizing
The HP 16533/34A Digitizing Oscilloscope
The HP 16533/34A is a digitizing oscilloscope module for the HP
16500B/C logic analysis system. With a bandwidth of up to 500 MHz
and a sampling rate up to 2 GSa/s, you can make accurate
measurements on high speed digital circuits with rise times as fast as
1.5 ns.
When configured with other measurement modules in the
HP 16500B/C logic analysis system, cross-domain measurements are
time-correlated and displayed together on the same screen.
Memory depth of 32 KBytes per channel allows the HP 16533/34A to
capture a sufficiently long analog record prior to trigger. A long
record allows adequate time resolution to identify errors confidently.
Either model can be used as a single-card module or in a multi-card
module configuration. For each card configured into a multi-card
module, you gain two signal inputs up to a maximum of eight channels
(four-card module).
If you are upgrading from the HP 16532A, the following compatibility
issues should be noted:
If an HP 16532A file is loaded into an HP 16533/34A, the
HP 16533/34A will set up identically. However, the HP 16532A data
will not be read or displayed.
The HP 16532A cannot load files that were stored from an
HP 16533/34A.
You cannot mix HP 16532A and HP 16533/34A cards in a multi-card
The HP 16533/34A Os ci ll oscope
In This Book
This book provides a detailed description of the features of the HP
16533/34A digitizing oscilloscope modules. It identifies the different menus
available on the oscilloscope, and shows what options are available in the
menus. It then explains what each of these options mean and what they do.
The book is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 describes the options for running and stopping the oscilloscope
and explains single and repetitive modes of operation.
Chapter 2 describes the Autoscale function—what is does, what trigger it
selects to trigger on, and what fields and menus are affected by the
Chapter 3 describes the Channel menu options—input identification, vertical
sensitivity and position, probe attenuation factor, coupling field selection,
and preset values.
Chapter 4 describes time base functions—sweep speed, horizontal position,
pan and zoom, and sample period display.
Chapter 5 describes time marker functions—both manual and automatic. It
describes the capabilities of both manual and automatic time markers and
the fields available in each, then describes the function of each of these
fields. It also decribes voltage markers, the fields available to them, and the
function of each of these fields.
Chapter 6 describes trigger options available—immediate, pattern, and edge.
It describes their use, configurations available, and the fields controlling
each option.
Chapter 7 describes the display options—normal, average, and accumulate.
It then explains when each is used, and what the results are when each is
Chapter 8 describes the Auto-Measure feature and explains the algorithm for
each of the nine automatic measurements taken. The measurements taken
using this feature are: frequency, period, peak-to-peak voltage, positive pulse
width, negative pulse width, rise time, fall time, preshoot, and overshoot.
Run/Stop Options
Chapter 9 describes the Waveform
Selection menu. This menu lets you
select the following modes of operation:
single channel, overlay,
Chan + Chan, or Chan−Chan. It also
allows you to insert, replace, or delete
channels from the display.
Chapter 10 gives you the specifications
and characteristics for the oscilloscope.
Chapter 11 describes the module
installation and bench service procedures.
The Index is an alphanumeric listing of
the subject matter contained in this book.
The Glossary defines some of the
common terms you will find throughout
this book.
The Waveform S election Menu
The Channel M enu
Time Base F unctions
The Marker Menu
The Trigger Menu
The Display Menu
The Auto-Meas ure Menu
Specifications and
Installation and Operator’ s
1 Run/Stop Options
Run/Stop Options 1–2
Autoscale Run 1–3
Run Field 1–3
Stop Field 1–4
2 Autoscale
Autoscale Field Options 2–3
Autoscale Algorithm 2–4
Menus and Fields Changed by the Autoscale Algorithm 2–6
3 The Channel Menu
Input Field 3–4
V/Div Field 3–5
Offset Field 3–6
Probe Field 3–7
Coupling Field 3–7
Preset Field 3–8
4 Time Base Functions
s/Div Field 4–3
Delay Field 4–5
Sample Period Field 4–8
5The Marker Menu
Manual Time Markers Options 5–5
Tx to To Field 5–6
Trig to X Field 5–7
Trig to O Field 5–8
Channel Label Field 5–8
T Marker Value Display 5–9
Automatic Time Marker Options 5–10
Done Field 5–11
Set on Field 5–11
Type Field 5–11
at Level Field 5–12
Slope Field 5–13
Occur Field 5–13
Statistics Field 5–14
Run Until Time X-O Field 5–15
Manual/Automatic Time Markers Option 5–17
Setting the Manual/Automatic Time Markers Option 5–17
Voltage Markers Options 5–18
Va On Field 5–19
Va Volts Field 5–19
Vb On Field 5–20
Vb Volts Field 5–20
Va to Vb Field 5–21
Center Screen Field 5–21
V Marker Value Display 5–22
6 The Trigger Menu
Trigger Marker 6–4
Edge Trigger Mode 6–5
Source Field 6–6
Level Field 6–7
Slope Field 6–9
Count Field 6–9
Auto-Trig Field 6–10
Pattern Trigger Mode 6–11
Channel/Pattern Field 6–12
When Field 6–13
Count Field 6–16
Auto-Trig Field 6–17
Immediate Trigger Mode 6–18
Intermodule Measurements 6–19
7The Display Menu
Mode Field 7–4
Connect Dots Field 7–6
Grid Field 7–7
Acquisition Time Field 7–8
Display Options Field 7–8
8 The Auto-Measure Menu
Automatic-Measurement Fields 8–4
Input Field 8–4
Automatic Measurements Display 8–4
Automatic Measurement Prerequisites 8–5
Measurement Setup Requirements 8–5
Criteria Used for Making Automatic Measurements 8–6
Automatic Measurement Algorithms 8–7
Top and Base Voltages 8–7
Measurement Algorithms 8–8
9 The Waveform Selection Menu
Module Field 9–4
Channel Mode Field 9–5
Action Field 9–9
Delete All Field 9–10
Delete Field 9–10
Labels Field 9–10
Waveform Size Field 9–11
Done Field 9–11
10 Specifications and Characteristics
Operating System 10–3
Specifications 10–3
Characteristics 10–4
Supplemental Characteristics 10–6
11 Installation and Operator’s Service
To inspect the module 11–3
To prepare the mainframe 11–3
To install the module 11–5
To configure the HP 16533/34A module 11–6
To reconfigure a multi-card module into single-card modules 11–8
To turn on the system 11–8
To test the module 11–8
To clean the module 11–8
Calibrating and Adjusting 11–9
Calibration frequency 11–9
Multi-card oscilloscope calibration 11–9
To calibrate the oscilloscope 11–10
Set up the equipment 11–10
Self Cal menu calibrations 11–12
Protect the operational accuracy calibration factors 11–15
Run/Stop Options
Run/Stop Options
When you first turn on the Logic Analysis System, all of the modules
installed in the mainframe are inactive (that is, not running). Making
the module inactive at system start-up prevents any unwanted
interaction between the modules.
This chapter describes how to manually start the oscilloscope
running. You can cause the oscilloscope to run automatically in an
intermodule measurement setup. For information on intermodule
measurements, refer to the "Intermodule Measurements" chapter in
the HP 16500B/16501A Logic Analysis System User’s Reference or
the "Correlating Measurements" chapter in the HP 16500C/16501ALogic Analysis System User’s Reference.
Manually running or stopping the oscilloscope is controlled by the
Run/Stop field. All of the run and stop options are explained in this
chapter. The Run/Stop field is in the upper-right corner of all
oscilloscope menus.
Remember, when the Run/Stop field displays Run, the oscilloscope is
stopped. You touch the Run field to start the oscilloscope running.
Likewise, when the Run/Stop field displays Stop, the oscilloscope is
running. You touch the Stop field to stop the oscilloscope. In short,
the Run/Stop field displays your next option—not the action taking
Run/Stop Options
Autoscale R un
Autoscale Run
You can use the autoscale feature to cause the oscilloscope to run. You may
want to use this method when you have changed one or more of the signal
input parameters and want to get back to a basic screen presentation of your
waveform. Touch the Autoscale field on the screen, then select Continue
from the pop-up menu. When autoscaling is complete, the oscilloscope
automatically starts running. It will run in the mode (single or repetitive)
that was last selected using the Run field menu options. If no run mode is
selected prior to selecting autoscale, the run mode defaults to single mode.
Run Field
When the green Run field is displayed, the oscilloscope is stopped. Touching
the Run field, then removing your finger from the screen, starts the
oscilloscope running. The oscilloscope runs using the parameters that are
currently set. Additionally, it runs in the mode (single or repetitive) that was
last selected. If no run mode is selected prior to selecting a run, the run
mode defaults to single mode.
When you touch and hold your finger on the Run field, a pop-up menu
appears. The pop-up contains the selections Single, Repetitive, and Cancel.
To select one of the options, slide your finger down the screen until it is over
the option you want to select, then remove your finger from the screen.
These options are described in the following paragraphs.
Single Mode Option
When the system is turned on, the oscilloscope defaults to the Single mode.
Single-mode acquisition fills acquisition memory once with 32768 samples of
the input waveform, automatically stops running, then displays the contents
of acquisition memory. Each 32768-sample waveform record is acquired in a
single acquisition.
Run/Stop Options
Stop Field
To start the oscilloscope running in the single-mode after it has been running
in repetitive mode, touch the green Run field. Slide your finger down to the
Single field in the pop-up until the Single field turns white, then remove your
finger from the screen. This starts the oscilloscope running in the Single
mode. When single-shot acquisition is in process, the Run/Stop field will
display Stop. When the acquisition is complete, the field display changes to
Run. In Single mode, the oscilloscope makes a single acquisition and
displays the results. The oscilloscope then waits until the Run field is
touched again before making another acquisition.
Repetitive Mode Option
Repetitive mode acquisition fills acquisition memory with 32768 samples of
the input waveform on continuing acquisitions. The display is updated each
time a new acquisition is made. Repetitive mode continues acquiring data in
this manner until you touch the Stop field. As in single mode, each
32768-sample waveform record is acquired in a single acquisition.
To start the oscilloscope running in the repetitive mode after it has been
running in single mode, touch the green Run field. Slide your finger down to
the Repetitive field in the pop-up until the Repetitive field turns white, then
remove your finger from the screen. This starts the oscilloscope running in
the Repetitive mode. While the real-time repetitive acquisitions are being
made, the Run/Stop field will display Stop. When you want to stop making
repetitive acquisitions, touch the Stop field. To resume making repetitive
acquisitions, touch the Run field again.
Cancel Option
If you select the Cancel field in the pop-up, the oscilloscope returns to the
state it was in before the Run field was touched. That is, it is stopped in
either single or repetitive mode, whichever mode was selected last.
Stop Field
When the red Stop field is displayed, the oscilloscope is running. Touch the
Stop field to cause the oscilloscope to stop running.
Autoscale is an algorithm built into the oscilloscope that automatically
optimizes the display of one or more waveforms. When you touch the
Autoscale field and select Continue, the autoscale algorithm starts,
and the screen displays the advisory message "Autoscale is in
This chapter discusses how the autoscale algorithm works. It also
discusses what fields are affected by the autoscale algorithm.
Autoscale Field Options
Autoscale Field Options
The Autoscale field is displayed in the top row of menu fields on every
oscilloscope menu.
When you touch the Autoscale field, a pop-up appears that allows you to
cancel or continue the autoscale.
If you accidentally touch the Autoscale field, you can touch the Cancel field
in the pop-up menu to cancel the autoscale process. The cancel feature
keeps you from inadvertently changing your oscilloscope setup.
When you touch the Continue field, the autoscale algorithm starts, and the
screen displays the advisory message "Autoscale is in progress." Once the
autoscale operation begins, it cannot be canceled.
Autoscale Algorit h m
Autoscale Algorithm
This section describes what the autoscale algorithm does when a signal, or
signals, is present at the oscilloscope inputs. It also describes what occurs
when signals are not present at the oscilloscope inputs.
What the Autoscale Algorithm Does When a Signal is Found
The autoscale algorithm first checks all input channels to determine whether
or not there are any signals present. The vertical scaling is then set as
required for each channel. Next the time base is scaled for a single input
channel. Finally, the trigger channel is selected and the waveforms are
Finding the Vertical Settings
input channels to determine whether or not there are any signals
present. Starting at the lowest numbered channel in the oscilloscope
module, the autoscale algorithm checks for activity on that channel. It
then sets the vertical scaling (V/Div and offset) appropriate to that input
signal. This process is repeated for each input channel. If no activity is
found on an input channel, the original (pre-autoscale) vertical settings
are restored.
When all input signals have been vertically scaled, the time base settings
(s/Div and delay) are scaled. The time base settings are determined based
on the input signal for a single channel.
Finding the Time Base Settings
delay) are determined based on the input signal of the lowest numbered
input channel that has been determined to have a signal present.
For example, if signals are present on both channel 1 and channel 2 inputs,
the autoscale algorithm selects the signal on channel 1 input as the time base
scaling source. Similarly, if a signal is present only on the channel 4 input,
then the channel 4 input is selected as the time base scaling source.
The time base is scaled so that between two and five complete cycles of the
source input signal can be seen on the screen. If signals of significantly
different frequencies are probed by the oscilloscope, and the time base
scaling is based on a slow signal, you should be aware of the possibility that
the faster signals may be under-sampled and incorrectly displayed on the
The autoscale algorithm first checks all
The time base settings (s/Div and
Autoscale Al gorithm
Displaying the Waveform
the oscilloscope automatically starts running, and displays waveforms
for the inputs that have been selected. The run mode (single or
repetitive) that was selected prior to running autoscale is the run mode
executed when autoscale is completed. If a run mode has not been
selected prior to running autoscale, the single mode run is executed.
The channel and time base fields are updated (if necessary) to reflect any
changes made by the autoscale algorithm. The trigger settings are also
changed by the autoscale algorithm and an edge mode trigger with channel 1
or channel 2 is selected. The trigger source is set to channel 1 or channel 2.
Even if the scaling is based on a higher-numbered channel, it will not be
used as the trigger source. Instead, the trigger source will default to channel
The trigger point on the waveform is determined by the trigger level set by
the autoscale algorithm. The trigger point is displayed as a dotted vertical
red line at the center of the screen when Delay is set to 0 s.
What the Autoscale Algorithm Does When a Signal Cannot be Found
When a signal cannot be found on any of the vertical inputs, the oscilloscope
displays the advisory messages "No signal found" and "Original setup
restored." The autoscale algorithm toggles the Auto-Trig field to On, which
places the oscilloscope in the automatic trigger mode. The oscilloscope
then displays the message "Auto triggered." The automatic trigger mode
allows the oscilloscope to sweep automatically and to display a baseline
anytime a trigger signal is not present.
When the autoscale algorithm is complete,
Menus and Fi elds Changed by the Autoscale Algorithm
Menus and Fields Changed by the Autoscale Algorithm
The following table shows the menus and their fields that are changed
by the autoscale algorithm.
Settings Changed by Autoscale
MenuFieldAutoscale Act i on
All Applicables/Div
Scaled - depending on amplitude of input signal.
Scaled - depending on offset of input s ig nal .
Defaults to Edge.
Either channel 1 or cha nnel 2. If no i nput signal exists for channel 1 or channel 2, it
defaults to cha nnel 1.
Scaled - depending on amplitude of lowest numbered input with signal present.
Defaults to Positive.
Defaults to 1.
Defaults to On.
Scaled - depending on frequency of lowest numbered inpu t wi th signal present .
Defaults to 0 s.
The Channel Menu
The Channel Menu
The Channel menu lets you select the channel input for the module.
It lets you select values that control the vertical sensitivity, offset,
probe attenuation factor, input impedance, and coupling of the input
channel shown in the Input field. The Channel menu also gives you
preset vertical sensitivity, offset, and trigger level values for ECL and
TTL logic levels.
Channel Menu Map
The menu map on the next page illustrates all fields and the available
options for the Channel menu. The menu map will help you get an
overview as well as provide you with a quick reference of what the
Channel menu contains.
The Channel Menu
Channel Field Menu Map
The Channel Menu
Input Field
Input Field
You use the Input field to select the input source for the channel parameters
displayed on the Channel menu. Each channel may be set independent of all
other channels.
Input Identification
When you touch the Input field, a pop-up menu appears that shows the input
channels for the module. The input channels are shown as a letter/number
combination: A1, for example. The letter A identifies the slot number in the
mainframe which contains the card. The number 1 identifies the input
connector on the rear of the card. For a two-card oscilloscope module, A1
identifies the card location as slot A and the input location as
Likewise, A2 identifies the card location as slot A and the input location as
For oscilloscope modules installed in an HP 16500B/C Logic Analysis System
mainframe, two inputs are available for each card.
At system turn on, the Input field defaults to the lowest lettered and
numbered input for the module selected. For example, if a module is
installed in slot A, the Input field will display A1.
The Channel Menu
V/Div Field
V/Div Field
You use the V/Div field to set the vertical sensitivity for the waveform on the
screen. It is set for the channel displayed in the Input field. Vertical
sensitivity determines the vertical size of a waveform displayed on the
screen and it is measured in volts per division. Each waveform display area
is divided into four vertical divisions. The divisions are marked by small
tan-colored tick marks at the left and right sides of the waveform display
When you select the V/Div field, you can change the vertical sensitivity by
turning the knob. Turning the knob clockwise causes the waveform to
expand vertically in both directions from the center of the display. Turning
the knob counterclockwise causes the waveform to compress vertically in
both directions toward the center of the display. As you turn the knob, the
vertical sensitivity changes in a 1-2-4 sequence from 4 mV/Div to 10 V/Div
(1:1 probe).
Vertical sensitivity can also be entered from the pop-up keypad. The keypad
appears when you touch the V/Div field when the field is light blue. Any
valid value from 4 mV/Div to 10 V/Div (1:1 probe) can be entered from the
keypad. The vertical sensitivity value is set to the two most significant digits
of the value entered. For example, if you enter a value of 154 mV, the value
is rounded to 150 mV.
If acquisitions have been stopped (either by touching the Stop field or by a
completed measurement), vertical sensitivity changes will not be reflected
on the waveform until Run is touched and the next acquisition is displayed.
Changes to V/Div during a repetitive run will be seen on the next displayed
acquisition because the hardware is reprogrammed between acquisitions.
The default value for the V/Div field is 1.5 V (TTL preset value).
The Channel Menu
Offset Field
Offset Field
You use the Offset field to set the vertical position of the waveform on the
screen. It is set for the channel currently displayed in the Input field.
Vertical position determines the vertical placement of the waveform. Offset
is measured in volts. Each waveform display area is divided into four
vertical divisions. The divisions are marked by small tan-colored tick marks
at the left and right sides of the waveform display area.
Offset is the voltage represented at the center vertical tick mark in the
waveform display. It is a dc voltage that is added to or subtracted from the
input signal so that the waveform can be centered on the waveform display.
Offset range and resolution are dependent on vertical sensitivity (V/Div) as
shown in the table below. The table values are based on a 1:1 probe setting.
Offset Range and Resolution
V/Div SettingOffset RangeOffset Resolution
4 mV - 100 mV/Div
>100 mV - 500mV/Div
>500mV - 2. 5 V / D i v
>2. 5 V - 10 V/Div
2 V1 mV
10 V1 mV
50 V1 mV
250 V2 mV
When you select the Offset field, the offset value of the channel currently
displayed in the Input field can be changed by turning the knob. As you turn
the knob, the value in the Offset field changes, and the position of the
waveform moves up or down on the waveform display. Offset works similar
to the vertical position control of an analog oscilloscope, but offset is
Any valid offset value can also be entered from the keypad. The keypad will
appear when you touch the Offset field when the field is light blue. The
default value for the Offset field is 2.5 V (TTL preset value).
If acquisitions have been stopped (either by touching the Stop field or by a
completed measurement), offset changes will not be reflected on the
waveform until Run is touched and the next acquisition is displayed.
Changes to Offset during a repetitive run will be seen on the next displayed
acquisition because the hardware is reprogrammed between acquisitions.
The Channel Menu
Probe Field
Probe Field
You use the Probe field to set the probe attenuation factor for the input
channel currently displayed in the Input field.
Probe Attenuation Factor
The probe attenuation factor can be set from 1:1 to 1000:1 in increments of
one. When you select the Probe field, the probe attenuation factor can be
changed by turning the knob or by entering a value from the pop-up keypad.
When you select a probe attenuation factor, the actual sensitivity at the input
does not change. The voltage values shown on the display (V/div, offset,
trigger level) are automatically adjusted to reflect the attenuation factor.
The marker and automatic measurement voltage values change when Run is
touched and the next acquisition is displayed
The default value for the Probe field is 10:1 for 10:1 divider probes.
Coupling Field
You use the Coupling field to set the input impedance for the channel
currently displayed in the Input field.
Coupling Field Selections
When you touch the Coupling field, a pop-up appears that shows the input
impedance values available for selection. The selectable values are as
1MΩ / DC
1MΩ / AC
50Ω / DC.
The default value for the Coupling field is 1MΩ / DC.
The maximum input voltage for the 50Ω / DC Coupling field selection is 5
The Channel Menu
Preset Field
Preset Field
When you touch the Preset field, a pop-up menu appears. TTL, ECL, and
User are the options available. The Preset field automatically sets offset,
V/div, and trigger level values to properly display TTL and ECL logic levels.
Trigger level is in the Trigger menu and can be changed only when edge
trigger is the selected trigger mode.
Preset Field Values
When you select TTL or ECL, the parameters are preset to the values shown
in the following table:
Preset Values
Trigger Level
500 mV1.5 V
-1.300 V2.5 V
-1.300 V1.620 V
When any of the ECL or TTL preset values are changed from the preset
values listed above, the Preset field will change to User and the new values
become the new User values. The User values remain the same until you
manually change the User values or you change the ECL or TTL preset
values while in ECL or TTL Preset.
The default value for the Preset field is TTL.
Time Base Functions
Time Base Functions
The s/Div and Delay time base fields control the horizontal display on
the oscilloscope. There are three rows of fields displayed on the
oscilloscope. The s/Div and Delay fields are located in the bottom row
of fields. These two fields are displayed on all of the oscilloscope
menus, except for the Calibration menu.
When the s/Div is changed in a multi-card module, all channels are
sampled according to the new timebase setting. When the Delay field
is changed in a multi-card module, all channels are delayed according
to the new delay setting.
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