HP 10Gb Ethernet
BL-c Switch
Installation Instructions
This card contains information on how to set up the contents
of the kit for your use.
For more information on switch installation and to download
management utilities and firmware, see the HP website
Kit contents
One HP 10Gb Ethernet BL-c Switch
This installation card
Limited warranty and material limitations documentation
Preparing for installation
record of the MAC address (printed on the MAC
address label attached to the switch). This address is
needed when configuring the switch.
Before installing the switch, make a
© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to chan
only warranties for HP products and services are set fo
warranty statements accompanying su
herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. H
not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions co
Part Number 445943-001
March 2007 (First Edition)
ch products and services. Nothing
ge without notice. The
rth in the express
ntained herein.
P shall
10Gb Ethernet BL-c Switch front
Health LED is green resets the switch.
Item Description
2 Health LED
• Off—Not powered up
• Green—Powered up and all ports match
Pressing the Reset button while the
Amber—Indicates a problem such as a port
mismatch. For more information, see the HP
BladeSystem enclosure quick setup instructions.

Item Description
3 DB-9 management serial port
4 XFP transceiver cage ports 18 - 21
• Green—Link LED (top)
• Flashing green—Activity LED (bottom)
5 Reset button
Planning the switch
The switch ships with a default configuration in which all
downlink and uplink ports are enabled and assigned a
default VLAN with a VID equal to 1. This default configuration
simplifies the initial setup by a
cable (from any external Ethernet connector) to connect the
server blade enclosure to the network. Assess the switch
configuration requirements befo
your network environment.
llowing use of a single uplink
re connecting the switch to
Remove the air baffles.
Remove the divider.
The switch does not affect or
determine NIC numeration and
the associated mapping of NIC interfaces to switch ports. The
numbering of the NICs on the server (for example, NIC 1,
NIC 2, NIC 3) is determined by
operating system, and which NICs are enabled on the server.
Port 17 is reserved for connection to the
the server type, the server
Onboard Administrator module for switch
The Onboard Administrator modu
le controls downlink port
enabling. Enabling is based on matching ports between the
server and the interconnect
Onboard Administrator module ve
bay. Before power up, the
rifies that the server NIC
option matches the switch bay that is selected and enables all
ports for the NICs installed.
For detailed port mapping information, see the HP
BladeSystem enclosure quick setup instructions or the HP
BladeSystem enclosure setup and installation guide on the HP
Installing the switch
configuration matches the switch bay selected.
Enclosure, the switch can only be installed in bays
5/6 or 7/8.
Do not cable the switch until after
Make sure that the server NIC
For the HP BladeSystem c7000
Install the switch.
A successful installation is indicated by a green Health LED. If
the Health LED is amber or powe
r is not applied to the switch,
see the "Troubleshooting" section of the HP BladeSystem
enclosure setup and installation guide for more information.
For a cabling diagram, see the HP BladeSystem enclosure
setup and installation guide.
For the HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure, the switch
can only be installed in bays 3/4.