The secrets
The secrets
of fabrics
of fabrics
How to get better results
How to get better results
A 1535
Instructions for
installation and use
A wash
The first washing
machine to give a
perfect wash at only
4 0°C
The first washing
machine to have The
Woolmark Company
Washing machine
Spare parts
and Acces-
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Customer Service
Centre or dial
0870 607 0805

Quick guide to
Here are the 12 topics explained in this manual. Read,
learn and have fun: you will discover many secret
ways to get a better wash, more easily and making
your washing machine last longer.
1. Installation and removal (p. 10)
Installation, after delivery or transport, is the most important
operation for the correct functioning of your Margherita washing
machine. Always check:
1. That the electric system complies with the law;
2. That the inlet and draining pipes are connected correctly.
Never use hoses that have already been used, always use
the new ones provided with your machine.
3. That the washer is levelled properly; something worth
checking for the life of your washer and the quality of
your wash;
4. That the drum's fixing screws have been removed from the back
of the washer.
2. What goes in your washing machine and how
to start your Margherita (p. 2)
7. Guide to Margherita s programmes (p. 4)
Herein is an easy table to help you choose the right programme,
temperature, detergents and possible additives. Choose the right
programme and you will get better results with your wash while saving
time, water and energy, day after day.
A correct distribution of your laundry is vital to the successful
outcome of the wash and the life of the washing machine. Learn all
the tips and secrets to dividing your linen: colour, type of fabric.
3. Guide to understanding labels (p. 5)
The symbols on the labels of your garments are easy to understand
and equally important for the success of your wash. The guide
includes simple instructions to help you choose the right tempera-
ture, wash cycles and ironing methods.
4. Useful tips to avoid mistakes (p. 6)
Years back, our grandmothers were the ones who gave us good advice
- and in those days synthetic fibres did not exist: washing was easy.
Today, Margherita offers you helpful advice allowing you to wash
cashmere and wool even better than an expert laundress would by
8. Care and maintenance (p. 12)
Margherita is a true friend. With just a bit of care, it will repay you
with loyalty and devotion.
With the necessary upkeep, it will wash for years and years to come.
9. Problems and solutions (p. 8 and 9)
Before calling a technician, read these pages: immediate solutions
may be found for a number of problems. If the problem persists, call
your local Ariston customer services who will be pleased to help.
Any failure will be repaired, as soon as possible.
10. Technical characteristics (p. 9)
Herein are the technical features of your washing machine: model
type number, electric and water specifications, size, capacity, speed
of the spin cycle and compliance with Italian and European
5. The detergent dispenser (p.7)
How to use the detergent dispenser and the bleach compartment.
6. Understanding the control panel (p. 3)
Margherita s control panel is very simple. It has only a few essential
buttons to help you choose any type of wash cycle, ranging from the
most energetic, capable of cleaning a mechanics overalls, to the
most delicate for cashmere. Familiarising yourself with it will help
you get the best out of your wash while helping your washing machine
last longer. Its easy.
11. Safety for you and your family (p.13)
Here you will find the necessary safety guidelines, and it is important
for you to read this section carefully.
12. Ariston stays with you after your purchase
Ariston supports its products after their purchase by offering you a
range of special services, professional assistance, spare parts and
quality accessories.
Margherita - Instructions for installation and use

What goes in your washer?
Before washing, you can do a great deal to ensure better results. Divide your
garments according to fabric and colour. Read the labels, follow their guidelines.
Dividing your
garments according to
fabric and colour, is
very important for
good results
Before washing.
Divide your washing according to
the type of fabric and colour
Empty all pockets (coins, paper,
money and small obejects) and
ensure all loose buttons are
repaired or removed prior to
The labels say it all.
Always look at the labels: they
tell you everything about your
garment and how to wash it in
the best possible way.
The table on page 5 shows all
meanings behind these symbols.
Their recommendations are
important to achieve better
wash results
Starting Margherita
After installing your new washing machine, start a
wash cycle by setting programme "1" at 90 degrees.
Starting Margherita in the right
way is important for the quality
of your wash, to help prevent
future problems and enhance life
expectancy of your appliance.
Once you have loaded your
washing machine and added the
detergent together with any
fabric conditioner, always check
For more delicate
protect underwear,
tights and stockings
and delicate items by
placing them in a
canvas pouch
1. The door is closed correctly.
2. The plug is secured in the
3. The water supply is turned on.
4. Selector knob A is positioned
on one of the symbols
Choose the desired programme
The programme is selected
according to the type of garments
that need to be washed. To
choose a programme, refer to the
table on page 4. Turn knob A
until the selected programme
coincides with the pointer
situated on the upper part of glass
O, set the temperature using
knob B, make sure knob C is in
the required position and, if
necessary, use buttons F, G, H
and I and then press on/off
button L (position ON).
Big and small happily
This washing machine has a special
electronic control device for even
distribution: before the spin cycle
starts, this device allows the
garments to positions themselves,
to minimise noise and vibrations
during the spin cycle.
Remember that, if you want to
use it, the "programmed start"
should be set before the wash
At the end of the wash cycle...
The N lamp to extinguish: it will
take about three minutes.
Then turn Margherita off by
pressing on-off button L (OFF
position). You can now open the
washing machine door safely.
After having removed the freshly
cleaned washing, leave the door
open to allow air circulation
inside the drum.
Always disconnect electricity at
the socket and turn off the water
Remember that, in the event
of a power failure, or should
the washing machine switch
itself off, the programme
chosen will remain in its
How to eliminate the most common stains
Ink and biro Dab with a wad of cotton soaked in methyl alcohol or alcohol at 90°.
Tar Dab with fresh butter, rub in turpentine then wash immediately.
Wax Scrape away, then run a hot iron between two sheets of absorbent paper. Then rub in cotton with
turpentine or methyl alcohol.
Chewing gum Rub in nail polish remover and wipe with a clean rag.
Mold Cotton and white linen should be placed in a solution of 5 parts water, one bleach and a spoon of vinegar,
then washed immediately. For other white fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide at 10 volumes and wash immediately.
Lipstick Dab with ether on wool or cotton. Use tricloroetilene for silk.
Nail polish Place a sheet of absorbent paper on the side of the stain, wet it with nail polish remover, shifting the
garment as the sheet gradually changes colour.
Grass Dab with a wad of cotton soaked in methyl alcohol.
Margherita - Iinstructions for installation and use

Understanding the control panel
Here Im in command
Making the right choice is important. And its easy.
Programme selector knob
and programmed start
Use this knob to select the wash
Turn this knob clockwise only.
To select a programme, you
should turn the knob so that the
symbol/number of the desired
programme is in line with the
pointer on the glass O.
Now press on/off button L
(position ON), pilot lamp M will
start flashing.
After 5", the setting will be
accepted, pilot lamp M will stop
flashing (staying lit) and the wash
cycle will begin.
Should you wish to interrupt the
programme in progress or set a
new one, select one of the
symbols (Stop/Reset) and wait
5" : when the cancellation has
been accepted, pilot lamp M
flashes, and you can then turn the
appliance off.
Delay timer
You can use this knob to delay
the appliance's operation.
Select one of the four delay time
positions, press the on/off button
L (position ON) and wait 5". The
setting has now been accepted
(pilot lamp M stays lit) and you
can select the programme you
Pilot lamp M has a particular
flashing motion (2" on and 4"
off) to indicate that a delayed
start has been set.
During this phase, you can open
the appliance door and change
the washing load, should you
wish to do so.
After the wash cycle has been set
and accepted by the washing
machine, turning the knob will
have no effect (except for when
it is on position
The detergent dispenser with
the additional bleach
compartment is here.
Margherita s knobs are hidden. Just
press them lightly in the middle to
extract them.
Temperature control knob
It is used to set the wash tempe-
rature in the recommended
programme table on pag. 4. It also
allows you to reduce the tempe-
rature recommended for the
selected programme, and even to
set a cold wash cycle (
Spin exclusion knob
It is used to exclude the spin
cycle (by choosing symbol
to reduce the spin speed of the
selected programme. The
maximum speed for the four
types of fabric are:
Fabric Speed
Synthetics 800 rpm
Wool600 rpm
Silk no
Note: distribution phase will be
carried out at low speed.
Detergent dispenser
It is divided into three
1. Detergent for pre-wash;
2. Detergent for the main cycle
3. Fabric conditioner.
The washing machine is
equipped with an extra
compartment 4 (provided as an
accessory) for the bleach, to be
inserted in compartment 1.
00 rpm
Programme key
This contains the descriptions of
the wash programmes and the
various functions connected to
the buttons. Pull it outwards to
open it.
This button allows you to
interrupt a programme (on
) or
symbol ) keeping the washing
soaking in water before the spin
cycle. It is a very useful button
in particular because it can be
used for delicates and synthetics.
It is only to be used with wash
programmes for synthetic fabrics,
silk and curtains when it is
impossible for you to take the
washing out immediately. Before
opening the washing machine
door, finish the wash cycle as
Silk and curtains: press button
F and Margherita will drain the
Synthetic fabrics: press button F
if you want a spin cycle, or turn
knob A to symbol if you
want the water to be drained.
With "Daily wash" or "Hand
wash", this function is not
Rapid wash
This button reduces the length of
the wash programme by about
30%. It cannot be used with
special programmes (see page 4)
or those for wool and silk.
Stain removal (see page7)
Thanks to this command, Mar-
gherita will carry out a more in-
tensive wash that optimises the
effectiveness of the liquid
additives, thus allowing more
resistant stains to be removed.
When you press the stain removal
button, you cannot activate the
pre-wash cycle (I).
With this button, you can pre-
wash on all programmes except
the wool programme and the
special programmes (see page 4).
If you use this function, you
cannot use the stain removal
button (H).
When button L is pressed, the
washing machine is switched on,
when it is not the machine is
switched off.
Turning the appliance off does
not cancel the selected
The on-off lamp
Lamp M flashes when the
appliance is switched on and
awaiting a programme to be set.
A steady light means the
appliance has accepted the
selected programme.
The door block lamp
The safety lamp indicates that the
washing machine door is locked
to prevent it from being opened
accidentally. To avoid any
damages to lock mechanism, you
must wait for the lamp to
extinguish, before attempting to
open the door which takes
around three minutes.
Margherita - Instructions for installation and use

What are you washing today?
A programme for all seasons
Type of fabric and degree of soil Program.
Exceptionally soiled whites (sheets,
tablecloths, etc.)
Heavily soiled whites and fast colours
Heavily soiled whites and fast colours
Slightly soiled whites and delicate
colours (shirts, ju mpers, etc.)
Rinse cycles/Bleach
Spin cycle Draining and final spin cycle
Heav ily soiled fast colou r synthetics
(bab y linen, etc.)
Heav ily soiled fast colou r synthetics
(bab y linen, etc.)
Delicate colour synthetics (all types of
slightly so iled garments)
Delicate colour synthetics (all types of
slightly so iled garments)
Rinse cycles/Bleach
Fabric softener
Spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle
Hand wash
Rinse cycles/Bleach
Spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle
Particularly delicate garments and
fabrics (curtains, silk, viscose , etc .)
Rinse cycles
Draining Draining
12 - 9 - 3 - 1 hour delay Start is delay ed b y 12 - 9 - 3 - 1 hours
for wash
1 90°C
2 60°C
5 60°C
10 30°C
Stain rem.
Length of
the cycle
Description of wash cycle
Wash cycle at 90°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate a nd fina l spin cy cles
Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate a nd fina l spin cy cles
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate a nd fina l spin cy cles
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate a nd fina l spin cy cles
Rinse c ycles, interme diate and final spin
Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Wash cycle at 50°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles and
delicate spin cycle
Rinse cycles, anti-crease or delicate spin
Rinse cycles with automatic introduction of
softene r, anti-crease or de licate spin cy cle
Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles and
delicate spin cycle
Rinse cycles and delicate spin cycle
Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or draining
Rinse cyclesi, anti-crease or draining
Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
Important: to cancel the wash programme you have just set, select one of the symbols (Stop/Reset) and wait for at least 5 seconds.
The data found in the table is purely indicative, and can vary according to the quantity and type of washing, the water system
temperature and the room temperature.
Special programmes
A wash performance Margherita has a special programme to allow you to obtain optimum results even at low temperatures.
By setting programme 3 at a temperature of 40° C, the results you will obtain will be the same as you would normally obtain at 60°C
thanks to the washing machines action and the length of the wash cycle.
Daily wash Margherita has a programme available for the washing of lightly soiled garments in a short amount of time.
By setting programme 8 at a temperature of 30°C, you can wash different types of fabrics together (except for wool and silk), with a
maximum load of 3 kg. This programmes allows you to save on both time and energy as it only lasts around 30 minutes.
Margherita - Iinstructions for installation and use