If you experience chest pains, nausea, dizziness or shortness of breath, stop
exercising immediately and consult your physician before continuing.
Do not turn pedal arms by hand.
Do not wear clothing that might catch on any part of the elliptical.
Make sure handlebars are secure before each use.
Read the owner's guide before operating this elliptical.
Maintain a comfortable pace. Do not ‘sprint’ above 80 rpms on this machine.
To maintain balance it is recommended to keep a grip on the
handlebars while exercising, mounting or dismounting the machine.
It is essential that your elliptical is used only indoors, in a climate controlled room. If your elliptical
has been exposed to colder temperatures or high moisture climates, it is strongly recommended that
the elliptical is warmed up to room temperature before first time use. Failure to do so may cause premature electronic failure.
Keep children off of your elliptical at all times.
When the elliptical is in use, young children and pets should be kept at least 10
feet away.
Clean with soap and slightly damp cloth only. Never use solvents.
There are several areas during the assembly process of a elliptical that special attention must be
paid. It is very important to follow the assembly instructions correctly and to make sure all parts are
firmly tightened. If the assembly instructions are not followed correctly, the elliptical could have
frame parts that are not tightened and will seem loose and may cause irritating noises. To prevent
damage to the elliptical, the assembly instructions must be reviewed and corrective actions should be
Before proceeding, find your elliptical’s serial number located under the console mast boot for
all models and enter it in the space provided below. Also locate the model name for all
models which is located on the side cover. (see drawing below)
Refer to this number when calling for service, and also enter this serial number on your
Warranty Card and in your own records. Be sure to read the Safety Instructions and complete
Owner’s Guide before using your new elliptical.
Your warranty card must be completed and sent to Horizon Fitness within thirty days of purchase or registered on line at www.horizonfitness.com, before a warranty claim can be processed. Please keep receipt
with owner’s guide as it may be required for a warranty claim. Make sure to send in warranty registration
card to validate your warranty.
BBeeffoorree YYoouu BBeeggiin
You’ve taken an important step in developing and sustaining an exercise program! Your elliptical is a
tremendously effective tool for achieving your personal fitness goals. Regular use of your elliptical
can improve the quality of your life in so many ways.
Here are just a few of the health benefits of aerobic exercise:
Weight Loss
A Healthier Heart
Improved Muscle Tone
Increased Daily Energy Levels
Reduced Stress
Help In Countering Anxiety
and Depression
An Improved Self Image
The key to reaping these benefits is to develop the exercise habit. Your new elliptical will help you
eliminate the obstacles that prevent you from getting in your exercise time. Inclement weather and
darkness won't interfere with your workout when you use your elliptical in the comfort of your home.
This manual provides you with basic information for using and enjoying your new machine. A more
complete knowledge of your new elliptical will assist you in realizing your goal of a healthy lifestyle.
on choosing an elliptical.
GGrriipp PPuullssee
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt BBoooott
HHaannddllee BBaarr LLiinnkk
GGuuiiddee RRaaiill
CSE2 ViewCSE3HR View
HHaannddllee BBaarr
TTeennssiioonn KKnnoobb
FFrroonntt FFoooott TTuubbee
TTrraannssppoorrtt WWhheeeell
PPeeddaall AArrmm
PPiivvoottiinngg FFoooott PPaadd
GGrriipp PPuullssee
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt
CCoonnssoollee MMaasstt BBoooott
HHaannddllee BBaarr LLiinnkk
GGuuiiddee RRaaiill
HHaannddllee BBaarr
FFrroonntt FFoooott TTuubbee
TTrraannssppoorrtt WWhheeeell
PPeeddaall AArrmm
PPiivvoottiinngg FFoooott PPaadd
Unpack the product where you will be using it. Place the product on a level flat surface. It is recommended that you place a protective covering on your floor.
grease to the threads of each bolt as you assemble the product, to prevent loosening and noise. Also,
during each assembly step, ensure that ALL nuts and bolts are in place and partially threaded in
before completely tightening any ONE bolt.
The console on your (CSE2) is powered by 2 AA batteries, which are replaceable through the back
side of the console. Your elliptical itself, is powered by you.
Your programmable (CSE3HR Only) elliptical is powered by a power supply. The power supply must
be plugged into the power jack, which is located in the front of the machine near the front foot tube.
Your elliptical has a pair of transport wheels built into the front of the frame. To move, firmly grasp
the console mast, carefully lift and roll.
Our ellipticals are well built and heavy, weighing up to 200lbs.! Use care and additional help if necessary when moving.
Your elliptical offers a variety of foot positions. Moving your foot to the forward most position of the
foot pad increases your step height, which will create a feel similar to a step machine. Placing your
foot toward the back of the foot pad decreases your step height and creates more of a gliding feel,
similar to a smooth walk or run.
Your elliptical also allows you to pedal both forward and backwards to offer a variation to your workout and to focus on other major leg muscle groups such as your hamstrings and calves.
CCoonnssoollee FFeeaattuurreess && DDiissppllaay
Simply begin exercising. The console will automatically begin counting up and tracking your information.
Press and hold the reset button on the console.
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