Honeywell Vocollect Hardware Reference Manual

Honeywell Vocollect Hardware Reference

About Honeywell Documentation

Copyright 1987-2018 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Honeywell and its product names are among the trademarks and/or service marks owned by Honeywell International, Inc., or its subsidiaries.
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This documentation provides information for Honeywell customers who are using Honeywell products.
For use by employees, partners, and customers of Honeywell. All equipment design and technical information contained within this document is the confidential property of Honeywell. No use or disclosure thereof may be made without written permission from Honeywell.
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Honeywell International Inc. (“HII”) reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult HII to determine whether any such changes have been made.
The information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of HII. HII shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved.
No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of HII.


About Honeywell Documentation.......................................................................... iii
Chapter 1: Introduction.........................................................................................13
General Safety Guidelines..................................................................................................................................14
Honeywell Battery Safety.......................................................................................................................14
Cleaning Procedures for Honeywell Equipment................................................................................................17
Cleaning Plastics.....................................................................................................................................17
Cleaning Contacts................................................................................................................................... 17
Contact Information............................................................................................................................................18
Patents and Intellectual Property........................................................................................................................19
Chapter 2: Talkman Devices and Headsets......................................................... 21
Turning a Talkman Device On........................................................................................................................... 23
Turning a Talkman Device Off.......................................................................................................................... 23
Loading an Operator's Templates.......................................................................................................................24
Adjusting the Voice............................................................................................................................................ 24
Adjusting the Pitch................................................................................................................................. 25
Adjusting the Volume Using Voice........................................................................................................ 25
Adjusting the Volume Using Device Buttons........................................................................................ 25
Adjusting the Speed................................................................................................................................25
Changing the Speaker's Gender..............................................................................................................26
Understanding Talkman Commands...................................................................................................................26
Options for Hearing Impaired Users..................................................................................................................27
Part Numbers: Vocollect Talkman Devices........................................................................................................27
Part Numbers: Talkman Accessories..................................................................................................................28
Part Numbers: Talkman MP Solutions...............................................................................................................29
Choosing the Right Headset...............................................................................................................................29
Part Numbers: Wired Headsets.......................................................................................................................... 30
Part Numbers: Wired Headset Accessories........................................................................................................31
Part Numbers: Wireless Headsets...................................................................................................................... 33
Part Numbers: Wireless Headset Accessories....................................................................................................33
Part Numbers: Chargers......................................................................................................................................34
| Contents | v
Chapter 3: Talkman A700..................................................................................... 37
A710 Specifications............................................................................................................................................38
A720 Specifications............................................................................................................................................38
A730 Specifications............................................................................................................................................39
Talkman A730 Symbologies...................................................................................................................39
Talkman A700 VMT Installation Guide............................................................................................................ 54
Talkman A700 VMT Mounting Options................................................................................................55
Talkman VMT Parts and Accessories....................................................................................................56
Position the Talkman A700 VMT..........................................................................................................59
Install the Mounting Brackets................................................................................................................ 60
Route the Electrical Cables.................................................................................................................... 60
Assemble the Vehicle Battery Cable......................................................................................................61
Connect to the Top Battery Terminal.....................................................................................................62
| Contents | vi
Connect to the Side Battery Terminal....................................................................................................62
Fasten the Ground Wire......................................................................................................................... 63
Attach the A700 VMT to the Vehicle....................................................................................................63
Remove the A700 VMT from the Vehicle.............................................................................................64
A700 VMT Installation Best Practices.................................................................................................. 64
Charging an A700 Device Battery..................................................................................................................... 66
A700 Product Battery Specifications..................................................................................................... 66
Charging an A700 Battery in a Device..................................................................................................67
Charging an A700 Device Battery......................................................................................................... 67
Inserting a Battery into a Talkman A700 Device.................................................................................. 67
Removing a Battery from a Talkman A700 Device.............................................................................. 68
Scanning with the Talkman A730 Device......................................................................................................... 68
About LED Indicators........................................................................................................................................ 69
A700 Device LED Indicators.................................................................................................................69
TouchConfig: Bringing Additional A700 Devices Online.................................................................................72
Installing the USB Driver on Windows XP.......................................................................................................72
Installing the USB Driver on Windows 7 or Vista............................................................................................73
Collecting Platform Debug Logs from A700 Devices.......................................................................................73
Accessories........................................................................................................................................................ 73
Pidion BM-170 Display..........................................................................................................................74
Vehicle Mounts for Talkman A700........................................................................................................77
Chapter 4: Talkman A500..................................................................................... 81
A500 Specifications............................................................................................................................................82
Charging an A500 or T5 Device........................................................................................................................82
A500/T5 High-Performance Batteries Specifications............................................................................ 83
Charging an A500 or T5 Battery in a Device....................................................................................... 83
Charging an A500 or T5-Series Battery................................................................................................ 84
Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a Charger................................................... 84
Inserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device............................................ 84
Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device........................................ 85
Battery Warm-Up Time.......................................................................................................................... 86
About LED Indicators........................................................................................................................................ 86
A500 Device LED Indicators.................................................................................................................86
Easy Configuration............................................................................................................................................. 87
Easy Configuration: Initial Setup........................................................................................................... 87
Easy Configuration: Bringing Additional T5, T5m, and A500 Devices Online.................................... 87
Talkman A500 VMT.......................................................................................................................................... 88
Mounts for Talkman A700/T5 VMT..................................................................................................... 88
Talkman A500/T5 VMT Accessories.....................................................................................................89
Positioning the Talkman A500/T5 VMT............................................................................................... 90
Talkman VMT Parts and Accessories....................................................................................................90
Connecting Cables to the Power Supply and Attaching the Power Supply to a Vehicle....................... 93
Connecting the A700/T5 VMT Device to a Vehicle's Power Source....................................................95
Removal of an A500/T5 VMT Device from Vehicle............................................................................ 96
VMT Installation Best Practices.............................................................................................................97
Accessories...................................................................................................................................................... 100
Pidion BM-170 Display........................................................................................................................100
T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder Harness................................................................................................ 102
Belts and Belt Clips..............................................................................................................................103
Device Covers.......................................................................................................................................104
Chapter 5: Talkman T5 Series............................................................................ 107
| Contents | vii
T5-Series Specifications: Talkman T5 and Talkman T5m...............................................................................108
Charging an A500 or T5 Device......................................................................................................................109
A500/T5 High-Performance Batteries Specifications.......................................................................... 109
Charging an A500 or T5 Battery in a Device......................................................................................110
Charging an A500 or T5-Series Battery.............................................................................................. 110
Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a Charger................................................. 110
Inserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device.......................................... 111
Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device.......................................111
Battery Warm-Up Time........................................................................................................................ 112
About LED Indicators...................................................................................................................................... 112
T5-Series Device LED Indicators........................................................................................................ 112
Easy Configuration........................................................................................................................................... 113
Easy Configuration: Initial Setup......................................................................................................... 113
Easy Configuration: Bringing Additional T5, T5m, and A500 Devices Online.................................. 114
Talkman T5 VMT.............................................................................................................................................114
Mounts for Talkman A700/T5 VMT....................................................................................................115
Talkman A500/T5 VMT Accessories...................................................................................................115
Positioning the Talkman A500/T5 VMT............................................................................................. 116
Install the Mounting Brackets.............................................................................................................. 116
Connecting Cables to the Power Supply and Attaching the Power Supply to a Vehicle......................117
Connecting the A700/T5 VMT Device to a Vehicle's Power Source.................................................. 119
Removal of an A500/T5 VMT Device from Vehicle.......................................................................... 120
VMT Installation Best Practices...........................................................................................................121
Accessories...................................................................................................................................................... 123
T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder Harness................................................................................................ 124
Belts and Belt Clips..............................................................................................................................124
Device Covers.......................................................................................................................................126
Chapter 6: Talkman T2 Series............................................................................ 129
T2 Series Specifications: Talkman T2x and Talkman T2................................................................................ 130
Charging a T2-Series Device........................................................................................................................... 131
T2 Series High Capacity Battery Specifications..................................................................................131
Charging a T2 Series Device............................................................................................................... 132
Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a Charger................................................. 133
Inserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device.......................................... 133
Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device.......................................134
Battery Warm-Up Time........................................................................................................................ 134
About LED Indicators...................................................................................................................................... 134
T2-Series Device LED Indicators........................................................................................................ 134
Accessories...................................................................................................................................................... 136
Belts and Belt Clips..............................................................................................................................136
Device Covers.......................................................................................................................................137
Vocollect T2 Series Bluetooth Adapters Specifications.......................................................................138
Chapter 7: Talkman T1....................................................................................... 141
T1 Specifications: Talkman T1........................................................................................................................ 142
Charging the T1................................................................................................................................................142
T1 Batteries Specifications...................................................................................................................142
Charging a T1 Battery in a Device......................................................................................................143
Charging a T1 Battery in a T1 10-Bay Combination Charger.............................................................143
Charging a T1 Battery with a T1 Single Charger Cable......................................................................143
Removing a T1 Device From a T1 10-Bay Combination Charger......................................................143
Disconnecting a T1 Device from a T1 Single Charger Cable............................................................. 143
Inserting a Battery into a Talkman T1 Device.....................................................................................144
| Contents | viii
Removing a Battery from a Talkman T1 Device.................................................................................144
Battery Warm-Up Time........................................................................................................................ 144
About LED Indicators...................................................................................................................................... 144
T1 Device LED Indicators................................................................................................................... 144
Accessories...................................................................................................................................................... 145
T1 Holster............................................................................................................................................. 146
Chapter 8: Talkman MP Solution.......................................................................149
Chapter 9: Honeywell Wired Headsets.............................................................. 151
SL-4 and SL-14 Vocollect Light Industrial Behind-the-Head Headset............................................................152
SL-14 Headset Specifications...............................................................................................................152
SL-4 Headset Specifications.................................................................................................................153
Wearing the SL-14 or SL-4 Behind-the-Head Headset........................................................................153
Proper Use and Care Instructions for Talkman T1 and SL-4/SL-14 Headsets.................................... 153
SR-10 and SR-15 Vocollect Behind-the-Head Headset................................................................................... 155
SR-15 Headset Specifications.............................................................................................................. 155
Wearing the SR-15 Behind-the-Head Headset.....................................................................................156
Removing the SR-15 Headset Adjustment Strap.................................................................................156
Attaching the SR-15 Headset Adjustment Strap..................................................................................157
Replacing the Headband Cord Clip on the SR-15 Headset................................................................. 157
Replacing the Ear Pad on the SR-15 Headset..................................................................................... 158
SR-20-Series Vocollect Lightweight Headset.................................................................................................. 158
SR-20 Headset Specifications.............................................................................................................. 158
SR-21 Headset Specifications.............................................................................................................. 159
Replacing the Ear Pad on the SR-20 Series Headsets......................................................................... 159
SR-30 Vocollect High-Noise Headset.............................................................................................................. 160
SR-30 Headset Specifications.............................................................................................................. 160
SR-31 Headset Specifications.............................................................................................................. 160
SR-35 Vocollect Hard-Hat Headset..................................................................................................................161
SR-35 Headset Specifications.............................................................................................................. 161
SR-40 Vocollect Dual-Cup Headset................................................................................................................. 162
SR-40 Headset Specifications.............................................................................................................. 162
Care and Use of Headsets and Microphones................................................................................................... 162
Wearing Headsets: General Procedures................................................................................................163
Adjusting Headsets for Comfort.......................................................................................................... 163
Removing Headsets.............................................................................................................................. 164
Using Headsets in Freezer Environments............................................................................................ 164
Cleaning Windscreens...........................................................................................................................164
Cleaning Headsets.................................................................................................................................165
Chapter 10: Honeywell Wireless Headsets.........................................................167
Vocollect SRX Wireless Headset..................................................................................................................... 168
SRX Wireless Headset Specifications..................................................................................................168
Charging the SRX Headset.................................................................................................................. 169
Installing the SRX Mobility Strap....................................................................................................... 170
Wearing an SRX Wireless Headset...................................................................................................... 172
Headset Functions and LED Patterns for SRX....................................................................................173
Vocollect SRX2 Wireless Headset................................................................................................................... 175
SRX2 Wireless Headset Specifications................................................................................................176
SRX2 Modular Design......................................................................................................................... 176
Attaching the SRX2 Electronics Module to a Headband.....................................................................177
Removing the SRX2 Electronics Module from a Headband............................................................... 178
| Contents | ix
SRX2 Compatibility..............................................................................................................................178
Charging the SRX2 Headset.................................................................................................................179
Wearing an SRX2 Wireless Headset.................................................................................................... 182
Headset Functions and LED Patterns for SRX2..................................................................................185
Vocollect SRX2 Hard-Hat Headset.................................................................................................................. 187
SRX2 Hard-Hat Headset Specifications...............................................................................................187
Installing the SRX2 Hard-Hat Clip......................................................................................................187
Attaching the SRX2 to a Hard Hat......................................................................................................188
Wearing the SRX2 Hard-Hat Headset..................................................................................................189
Storing the SRX2 Hard-Hat Headset................................................................................................... 190
Replacing an Earpad on the SRX2 Hard-Hat or High-Noise Headset.................................................191
Vocollect SRX2 High-Noise Headset...............................................................................................................191
SRX2 High Noise Headset Specifications........................................................................................... 192
Replacing an Earpad on the SRX2 Hard-Hat or High-Noise Headset.................................................192
Honeywell SRX-SL Wireless Headset.............................................................................................................193
LED and Tones.....................................................................................................................................195
SRX-SL Wireless Headset Specifications............................................................................................197
Battery Specifications........................................................................................................................... 197
Supported Bluetooth Profiles................................................................................................................198
SRX-SL Compatibility..........................................................................................................................198
Use the SRX-SL Headset.....................................................................................................................198
About Pairing Wireless Headsets..................................................................................................................... 202
Pairing an SRX Headset.......................................................................................................................205
Pairing an SRX2 Headset.....................................................................................................................207
Pairing a Headset by VoiceConsole Pairing.........................................................................................210
More about SRX/SRX2 Pairing Modes............................................................................................... 211
Breaking a Pairing................................................................................................................................ 212
Headset Pairing FAQ............................................................................................................................ 212
Supervisor Audio with SRX/SRX2 Headsets.................................................................................................. 213
Configuration Parameters for SRX/SRX2 Headsets........................................................................................ 213
Care and Use of Headsets and Microphones................................................................................................... 215
Wearing Headsets: General Procedures................................................................................................216
Adjusting Headsets for Comfort.......................................................................................................... 216
Removing Headsets.............................................................................................................................. 217
Using Headsets in Freezer Environments............................................................................................ 217
Cleaning Windscreens...........................................................................................................................217
Cleaning Headsets.................................................................................................................................218
Chapter 11: Chargers...........................................................................................219
A700 6-Bay Device Charger............................................................................................................................220
A700 6-Bay Device Charger Specifications........................................................................................ 220
A700 Device Charger and Battery Charger Wall Mount.....................................................................220
Mounting the A700 Device or Battery Charger...................................................................................221
A700 Battery Charger.......................................................................................................................................222
A700 12-Bay Battery Charger Specifications...................................................................................... 222
SRX2 and A700 Battery Charger LED Indicators...............................................................................223
T5/A500 Combination Charger........................................................................................................................224
T5/A500 10-Bay Combination Charger Specifications........................................................................224
T5/A500 Combination Charger Power Supply Specifications.............................................................225
T5/A500 Combination Charger Wall Mount........................................................................................226
About LED Indicators.......................................................................................................................... 227
T2 Series Battery Chargers.............................................................................................................................. 227
T2 Series Battery Charger Specifications............................................................................................ 228
Assembling the Stands for the T2 Charger..........................................................................................228
Charger Wall Mount, Multiple Chargers: T2 Series............................................................................ 229
About LED Indicators.......................................................................................................................... 233
T1 10-Bay Combination Charger..................................................................................................................... 234
T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Specifications................................................................................. 234
T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Power Supply Specifications..........................................................235
T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Wall Mount.....................................................................................235
T1 Single Charger Cable..................................................................................................................................237
T1 Single Charger Cable Specifications.............................................................................................. 237
T1 Single Charger Cable Power Supply Specifications.......................................................................238
SRX Headset Battery Charger..........................................................................................................................238
SRX Headset Battery Charger Specifications...................................................................................... 238
SRX Battery Charger Wall Mount....................................................................................................... 240
About LED Indicators.......................................................................................................................... 241
SRX2 Headset Battery Charger........................................................................................................................241
SRX2 Headset Battery Charger Specifications.................................................................................... 242
SRX2 Battery Charger Wall Mount..................................................................................................... 242
About LED Indicators.......................................................................................................................... 244
Chapter 12: Adapter Cables and Listening Kits...............................................247
Wired Listening Kits.........................................................................................................................................248
Monitoring Audio on a Talkman Device............................................................................................. 248
Monitor Audio on a Handheld Device.................................................................................................249
Samson Wireless Listening Systems (TR-605-x).............................................................................................249
Using the Samson Wireless Listening System.....................................................................................250
Sony Wireless Listening Systems (UTX-B2 and URX-P2)............................................................................ 252
Setting up the Receiving Radio............................................................................................................252
Setting Up the Transmitting Radio...................................................................................................... 253
Connecting the Sony Wireless Listening Kit to a Talkman Device.....................................................253
Inline Adapter Cables: Talkman and Handheld Devices................................................................................. 253
Connecting an Inline Adapter Cable to a Handheld Device................................................................254
Connecting Inline Adapter Training Cables.........................................................................................254
Part Numbers: Listening Kits...........................................................................................................................255
| Contents | x
Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Equipment Problems..........................................257
I Can't Hear Anything Through the Headset................................................................................................... 258
The Scanner will not Scan............................................................................................................................... 258
My Headset Won't Stay On..............................................................................................................................258
The Device Beeps Every Few Seconds........................................................................................................... 258
The Device Will Not Load a Voice Application..............................................................................................259
The Device Will Not Load an Operator Template...........................................................................................259
The Device Does Not Respond to Button Presses...........................................................................................259
The Device Will Not Turn On......................................................................................................................... 259
The Device Keeps Shutting Off....................................................................................................................... 259
Troubleshooting Guide for the Talkman A500/T5 Battery Charger................................................................ 259
About Sending Equipment Back for Repairs...................................................................................................262
Packaging Items for Return to Honeywell...........................................................................................263
Sending Equipment Back for Repairs: Return Material Authorization (RMA) Procedures.................263
Troubleshooting VMT Configurations............................................................................................................. 263
Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED..................................................................................................264
About Error Messages...................................................................................................................................... 265
Numbered Error Messages................................................................................................................... 265
Spoken Error Messages........................................................................................................................ 270
| Contents | xi
Chapter 14: Contacting Technical Support....................................................... 275
General Information Needed for Most Support Requests................................................................................276
Common Questions to Answer when Contacting Support.............................................................................. 276
Enabling Device Logging in VoiceConsole..................................................................................................... 276
Appendix A: Template Training Options...........................................................277
Training with the Talkman Device Only..........................................................................................................278
Visual Training Devices................................................................................................................................... 278
Setting Up the QTERM Visual Training Device................................................................................. 279
Configuring the QTERM Visual Training Device............................................................................... 279
Training Using a Visual Training Device............................................................................................ 279
Training through VoiceConsole's Display........................................................................................................ 280
Training Using a Printed List of Words...........................................................................................................280
Training Using the Device Screen................................................................................................................... 281
Appendix B: Honeywell™ Regulatory Compliance............................................283
Statement of Agency Compliance.................................................................................................................... 284
Federal Communications Commission Compliance........................................................................................ 284
Canadian Compliance....................................................................................................................................... 286
Cumplimiento de normas mexicana................................................................................................................. 286
Vietnamese Compliance....................................................................................................................................286
Japanese Compliance........................................................................................................................................ 287
Brazilian Compliance........................................................................................................................................287
United Arab Emirates Compliance...................................................................................................................288
Chinese Compliance......................................................................................................................................... 288
Маркировка EAC и соблюдение Российские нормативов (Russian Compliance)......................................292
CE Marking & European Compliance............................................................................................................. 295
Regulatory Approvals for Bluetooth® Radio Devices.....................................................................................301
For Users in the U.S.A. and Canada: Laser Compliance and Precaution........................................................301
For Users in the U.S.A and Canada: Imager Compliance and Precaution...................................................... 301
For Users In Europe: Imager Compliance and Precaution.............................................................................. 302
Declaration of Conformity: RoHS................................................................................................................... 302
Document: 1004616 Rev A.............................................................................. 303
Document: 1004615 Rev A.................................................................................304
Document: 1004618 Rev A.............................................................................. 305
Document: 1004617 Rev A.....................................................................306


General Safety Guidelines
Cleaning Procedures for
Honeywell Equipment
Contact Information
Patents and Intellectual
The Honeywell Hardware Documentation and Product Guides contain comprehensive information about hardware products and peripherals.
This document includes the following information:
Safety information
Hardware specifications
Installation procedures, and basic operating instructions for Honeywell hardware and/or third party devices that are compatible with Honeywell software
Part numbers
Regulatory and compliance statements
Troubleshooting guidance
This document is intended to be used as a reference resource by authorized resellers, sales representatives, customers, and users of the hardware.

General Safety Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when working with Honeywell electrical equipment:
Grounded equipment must be plugged into an outlet, properly installed, and grounded in accordance with all codes and ordinances.
Never remove the grounding prong or modify the plug in any way.
Do not use plug adapters.
Check with an approved tester or qualified electrician if you believe an outlet may not be properly grounded.
Keep all electrical connections dry and off the ground.
Do not expose electrical equipment to rain or wet conditions.
Do not touch plugs or tools with wet hands.
Do not abuse the cords; do not carry equipment by its cord and never pull a cord to remove its plug from an outlet. Keep the cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges, or moving parts. Replace damaged cords immediately.
Use only approved extension cords.
When using a scanning device or imager, do not look directly into the beam.
Statement of Agency Compliance
| Introduction | 14
Honeywell Vocollect Solutions devices and wireless headsets are designed to be compliant with the rules and regulations in the locations into which they are sold and are labeled as required. Honeywell devices are type approved and do not require the user to obtain license or authorization before using them. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Honeywell could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Honeywell Battery Safety

Improper use of the battery may cause heat, fire, explosion, damage, or reduced battery capacity. Read and follow the handling instructions for the battery before and during use.
The following are general cautions and guidelines only, and as such may not include every possible usage scenario. The manufacturer will not be liable for actions taken or accidents caused by any use not documented below.
Do not disassemble, open, drop (mechanical abuse), crush, bend, deform, puncture, or shred a battery.
Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into a battery, immerse or expose to water or other liquids, or expose to fire, excessive heat including soldering irons, or put in a microwave oven.
Only use a battery in the device for which it is specified.
Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion or other hazard.
Do not short-circuit the battery or allow metallic or conduction objects to touch any of the battery contacts simultaneously.
Replace a battery only with another battery that has been authorized by Honeywell for the product you are using. Use of an unqualified battery may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard.
Always replace a battery in a clean, dry environment.
Unit should be turned off when replacing its battery.
In the event of a battery leak, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with skin or eyes. If contact is made, flush the affected area with large amounts of water and seek immediate emergency medical advice and care.
Seek medical advice immediately if a battery is swallowed.
If at any time you witness a battery starting to distend or swell, smoke, or become hot to the touch, discontinue the charging process immediately and disconnect the battery and charger. Observe it from a safe place, preferably outside of any building or vehicle for approximately 15 minutes.
| Introduction | 15
Dispose used batteries promptly according to the local, state and/or federal regulations. Requirements and options vary greatly in different countries and in different parts of the United States. Many locations have facilities or companies set up for receipt of old batteries.
Honeywell batteries should not be used by children.
Honeywell shall not be held responsible for any damages caused by equipment malfunction when used with non-Honeywell batteries.
Honeywell shall not be held responsible for any damages caused by equipment malfunction when using a non-Honeywell charger.
When a battery is expected not to be used for a long period of time, take it out the equipment or device and store at room temperature with normal humidity.
Do not leave a battery connected to the charger for long periods of time. It may cause degradation of battery performance, such as a shortening of battery life. It should be removed from the charger and stored as recommended above.
Power off your equipment when not in use.
Handling Used Batteries
When shipping batteries, place tape or insulating material securely over the battery contacts to avoid accidental contact in transit. Honeywell batteries can be shipped under Special Provision 188 of 49 CFR 172.102 or IATA exception A45.
Never disassemble a battery.
Do not leave a battery under strong sunshine, or expose a battery to rain or water.
Store batteries in a rugged receptacle and cover with a lid.
Wearing, Securing, and Mounting Honeywell Mobile Industrial Devices
Honeywell mobile industrial devices are powered by batteries that store and release energy in a controlled manner. The devices are designed to assure customer safety in the most demanding environments when proper use instructions are followed.
All powered equipment must be worn, mounted or secured using Honeywell tested devices and recommended methods as described in the following table.
Devices Worn On the Body Secured When Idle Mounted On a Vehicle
Talkman Devices With approved belt
and clip in the manner recommended. See the following topics for more information:
Using the A730 Scanning Device Holster on page 76
Using the Device Holster on page 77
Putting a Device on a T5/A500 Shoulder Harness on page 102
Using the A500/T­Series Belts and Clips
on page 103
Using the T1 Holster on
page 147
Secured in a charger or another method that is not subject to accidental crushing.
Mounted on a vehicle using recommended products and procedures. See the following topic for more information:
Install the Mounting Brackets on page
Devices Worn On the Body Secured When Idle Mounted On a Vehicle
| Introduction | 16
Headsets Fully on the head in the
manner recommended. See the following topics for more information:
Wearing Headsets: General Procedures on
page 163
Wearing the SL-14 or SL-4 Behind-the-Head Headset on page 153
Wearing the SR-15 Behind-the-Head Headset on page 156
Wearing an SRX Wireless Headset on
page 172
Wearing an SRX2 Wireless Headset on
page 182
Warning: Failure to follow approved instructions for wearing, securing, and mounting devices could result in damage to the units capable of causing a catastrophic release of energy harming workers and property. Honeywell is not responsibile for any damage caused by equipment not being worn, secured, or mounted in an approved manner.
Secured in a charger or another method that is not subject to accidental crushing.
Not applicable
Lithium Ion Battery Safety Procedures in Industrial Environments
A dent or mechanical crush of the outer plastic shell of the device or battery could compromise the device creating an internal short circuit.
If a device experiences a mechanical crushing event or is suspected or appears to have experienced a mechanical crushing event, do the following:
The device is in a flammable area or next to flammable materials
Warning: DO NOT PICK UP THE DEVICE OR PUT IT ON YOUR BODY. Lithium Ion cells that have been crushed can experience an internal short, causing the cells to overheat. It can take several minutes for the cells to reach temperatures high enough to overheat. An overheating lithium ion cell can often be detected by a hissing sound or the bulging of the cell(s).
Put on safety glasses.
Slide the device away from flammable materials using a long stick or broom handle. Stay at least 6 feet away from the device.
If step 2 isn’t possible, dump a bucket of sand on the damaged device.
Wait a minimum of 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, dispose of the device and the battery in accordance with your local codes for disposal of hazardous goods.
CAUTION: Do NOT attempt to charge a battery that appears damaged in any way. Use a replacement battery instead.
Warning: If a lithium ion device is on fire, you must only use a Class D fire extinguisher. DO NOT USE WATER as water can react with the lithium and release highly flammable hydrogen gas.
The device is in a non-flammable area and away from flammable materials
Warning: DO NOT PICK UP THE DEVICE OR PUT IT ON YOUR BODY. Lithium Ion cells that have been crushed can experience an internal short, causing the cells to overheat. It can take several minutes for the
cells to reach temperatures high enough to overheat. An overheating lithium ion cell can often be detected by a hissing sound or the bulging of the cell(s).
Put on safety glasses.
Stay away from the device for at least 30 minutes. Keep others away from the device as well.
After 30 minutes, dispose of the device and battery in accordance with your local codes for disposal of hazardous goods.
CAUTION: Do NOT attempt to charge a battery that appears damaged in any way. Use a replacement battery instead.

Cleaning Procedures for Honeywell Equipment

Honeywell Solutions products have a long service life if they are maintained properly. Follow recommended cleaning practices.
While Honeywell equipment is manufactured and tested to be resistant to normal dirt and deposits from the workplace environment, the build-up of residue can damage the equipment and degrade performance over time.
Dirt or corrosion can prevent the proper seating of terminals in chargers and may cause intermittent charging.
Talkman® Connector (TCO) contacts that build up dirt, chemicals, and corrosion may cause intermittent contact, static, and recognition problems.
Excessive dirt on a keypad membrane can cause the membrane to weaken and tear.
| Introduction | 17
CAUTION: Use only a solution of 70% isopropyl alcohol and water to clean equipment. Other products have not been tested and may degrade the equipment.

Cleaning Plastics

Cleaning Hard Plastics
Clean the hard plastics on headsets, devices, chargers, and batteries with a soft cloth that is wet with a solution of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water.
Use a soft brush to keep the pocket areas of chargers free of dust and debris that may interfere with the seating of equipment or electrical contact.
Cleaning Foam and Pliable Plastics
Clean headset foam parts (ear pads and headband pads) as well as flexible bands and non-foam padding with a mild soap and water. Wash pads carefully so as not to tear or detach them.
Air dry the parts. Use of a concentrated heat source such as a hairdryer or clothes dryer is not recommended.
Replace pads that are excessively dirty, such as headset windscreens.
Related tasks
Cleaning Headsets on page 165

Cleaning Contacts

Clean flat contacts on the device, such as the Talkman Connector (TCO), or flat contacts on the battery and charger with a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution.
Use a soft, lint-free cloth or premoistened alcohol wipe. Avoid using a cloth with long or thick fibers as the fibers can attach to the connectors and cause intermittent contact.
Remove corrosion with a soft eraser (for example, a pencil eraser). The eraser must be in good condition (soft, pliable, and not worn down to the mounting). A good test is to rub the eraser against your skin. If it feels abrasive, do not use it, because it will damage the surface of the connectors.
You can also use a three-row cleaning brush with natural hog hair bristles to gently brush away dirt on the contacts. A final alcohol wipe after this should ensure a clean contact.
Never bend or manipulate battery contacts.
Contact an authorized Honeywell Service Center to repair or replace contacts that are extremely corroded, bent, or missing.

Contact Information

Documentation Feedback
Your feedback is vital to our documentation efforts. If you have difficulty with any of the procedures described in this document, contact Honeywell Vocollect Technical Support.
Find most technical documentation on VoiceWorld,
Honeywell Vocollect Reseller Services
If you purchased equipment or services through a Honeywell Vocollect reseller, please contact that reseller first for support or purchase questions.
| Introduction | 18
Honeywell Vocollect Technical Support
Submit incidents or questions to or contact Honeywell Vocollect Technical Support:
United States
Phone: +1 866-862-7877 Email:
Americas (outside U.S.), Australia, New Zealand
Phone: +1 412-829-8145, option 3, option 1 Email:
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Phone: +44 (0) 1628 55 2902 Email:
Japan and Korea
Phone: +813 6730 7234 Email:
Honeywell Vocollect Customer Service
Contact Honeywell Vocollect Customer Service for order placement, order status, returns, Return Material Authorization (RMA) status, or other customer service issues:
United States
Phone: +1 866-862-6553, option 3, option 2 Email:
Americas (outside U.S.), Australia, New Zealand
Phone: +1 412-829-8145, option 3, option 2 Email:
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Phone: +44 (0) 1628 55 2903 Email:
Japan and Korea
Phone: +813 6730 7234 Email:
Honeywell Vocollect RMA
To return equipment for repair, contact Honeywell Vocollect RMA to request an RMA number: Email:
Sales and General Inquiries
| Introduction | 19
Honeywell Vocollect Solutions
703 Rodi Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235-4558 Phone: +1 412-829-8145 Fax: +1 412-829-0972
Honeywell Vocollect Solutions Latin America
North: +52 55 5241 4800 x4915 South: +1 412 349 2477
Honeywell Vocollect Solutions Asia-Pacific
21/F Honeywell Tower Olympia Plaza 255 King's Road North Point, Hong Kong Phone (Hong Kong): + 852 2331 9133 Phone (China): + 86 186 1698 7028 Phone (Australia): + 61 409 527 201
Honeywell Vocollect Solutions Europe
Honeywell House Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1EB United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 1628.55.2900
Honeywell Vocollect Solutions Japan
New Pier Takeshiba South Tower 20F 1-16-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0022 Japan Phone: +813 6730 7234
Honeywell Vocollect Solutions Singapore
151 Lorong Chuan #05-02A/03 New Tech Park, Lobby C Singapore 556741 Phone (Singapore): +65 6305 2369

Patents and Intellectual Property

For patent information, see

Talkman Devices and Headsets

Turning a Talkman Device On
Turning a Talkman Device Off
Loading an Operator's
Adjusting the Voice
Understanding Talkman
Options for Hearing Impaired
Part Numbers: Vocollect
Talkman Devices
Part Numbers: Talkman
Part Numbers: Talkman MP
Choosing the Right Headset
Part Numbers: Wired Headsets
Part Numbers: Wired Headset
Part Numbers: Wireless
Part Numbers: Wireless
Headset Accessories
Part Numbers: Chargers
Vocollect Talkman™ devices are wearable terminals used with Vocollect headsets to enable voice-directed work. Operators listen to instructions from these devices to perform tasks such as warehouse order picking and factory floor inspection, and then speak simple phrases to enter data.
All Talkman devices leave the operator's hands free to inspect items, pick products, drive vehicles, or repair defects.
Talkman A700 Product Family, A500, T5-series, and T2-series devices
These device models are rugged terminals designed for industrial use. These devices attach to a customized belt or shoulder harness, depending on device type, equipped with a specially designed clip.
The Talkman A500 VMT (Vehicle Mounted Talkman) and T5 VMT are A500 and T5 devices with battery adapters mounted to a warehouse vehicle, such as a forklift. After the device is mounted, the battery adapter is placed in the battery area of the device and connected to the vehicle's power source.
Talkman T1
The Talkman T1 has been specifically designed for light-duty, light-industrial environments. Talkman T1 device is a lighter, lower-cost alternative to the T2-series, T5-series, A500, and A700-series devices. It is intended for work in areas where you don't require an extremely rugged device. Talkman T1 devices fit into a customized holster with belt clip.
Speech Recognition Headsets
A Vocollect speech recognition headset with an attached microphone allows the operator to hear the device's instructions or questions. The operator talks to the device to request information and enters data by responding to the device's prompts.
Using Vocollect Adaptive Speech Recognition™, the headsets account for changes in speaking patterns over time and in different environments in order to improve voice recognition and system performance.
Product Use and Care
Talkman devices are assembled under strict Honeywell manufacturing guidelines. Tampering with a device in any manner will void published operating specifications and may void the product warranty.
When the Talkman is not in use, it should be placed properly into a charger.
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 22
Never remove the battery from a Talkman device unless it has been properly powered off.
Talkman devices are designed to be worn on the right side of the body with the device's buttons on the top (T5-series, T2-series, A500, A700­series) or facing front (T1) and its connectors toward the operator’s back (A500, T5-series, T2-series, A700-series) or pointed up (T1).
The Talkman T1 must be holstered with the holster opening facing up. Holstering with the opening facing down or to the side places the unit at risk for dropping.
Always use pads and windscreens with Honeywell headsets to protect the equipment and ensure optimum speech recognition performance.
Honeywell recommends changing headset windscreens every 90 days to ensure the best performance.
CAUTION: Use only a solution of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water to clean the hard plastics on equipment. Other products have not been tested and may degrade the equipment.

Turning a Talkman Device On

Before you turn on a device, make sure a headset and charged battery are properly connected to it.
Press the Play/Pause button on the device. The LED indicator differs depending on the device being used.
Device Type Indicator
A700 series The ring is yellow and rotates, then the ring segment
turns solid green.
T2 series, T5 series and A500 First turns solid red while the processor reboots. It then
flashes red and green, turns solid, blinks red, then turns solid green.
T1 Turns solid green
The device says, "Current operator is operator name. Please keep quiet for a few seconds." The device then starts a noise sample.
After a brief pause, it says, "Please wait." After another pause, the device begins asking questions or providing instructions.
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 23

Turning a Talkman Device Off

Use a button control to properly power off the Talkman device. In some cases, the device turns off automatically. In rare cases, a forced reset may be necessary. After the device is fully turned off, you can reboot it.
Powering Off by Using the Play/Pause Button
Press and hold the Play/Pause button until the LED indicator turns red. The device will store any data that has not been transmitted. After a few seconds, the device says, "Powering off." The device turns off, and the LED indicator light goes out.
Do not remove the battery until the LED indicator is off. If you remove the battery when the device is on or sleeping, any data collected could be lost.
You should not turn off the device if the LED indicator is blinking red (A500, T5-series and T2-series) or has a rotating red ring (A700), unless it has been blinking red or rotating red for several minutes. If a device is turned off in this state, it may not be ready to use when it is turned back on.
Powering Off Due to Inactivity
If the device's software detects no device activity for a specified length of time, it powers off automatically.
Powering Off Due to Low Battery Levels
If the device's software detects that the current battery level is critically low, it powers off automatically.
Booting a Device After Powering Off
If a device was properly powered off, it does the following operations after a battery is placed into the device and the Play/Pause button is pressed:
Performs a background noise sample
Continues operation at the place in the task where you left off
Transfers any templates to the host that had not been sent prior to powering off
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 24
Transfers any output data records to the host that had not been sent prior to powering off
Transfers any lookup tables to the device that had not been received from the host prior to powering off
Forced Reset
This type of reset is invoked by removing the battery from the device without properly powering it off first.
CAUTION: Perform a forced reset only as a last resort. If you reboot a device in this manner:
the contents of its memory, including any data collected, will be lost
the device starts over at the beginning of the task
if you are in the process of retraining vocabulary, the device will send all vocabulary word templates to the host computer when the device is turned back on. Do not do anything until the templates have been sent to the host.
When the battery is replaced and the device is turned back on, it boots and attempts to load the current task and operator. Once the task and operator have successfully loaded, the device behaves identically to a one that has just had a new task or operator loaded.

Loading an Operator's Templates

You need a device with a charged battery, headset, and any other equipment (belt, bar code reader) you are going to use. You must be within radio range. Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5-series and T2-series), solid green (T1), or have a solid green ring segment or a rotating green ring (A700).
Press the Operator button. The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."
Press the + button or — button until the device says, "Change operator."
Press the Operator button.
The device says, "Please wait" and retrieves a list of operators and teams. Wait for the device to say, "Select team".
If the device says "Current operator is (operator name). Change operator", skip to step 8.
Press the + button or — button to scroll through the list of operator teams until you hear the name of a team to which you belong.
Press the operator button. The device says, "Please wait" and retrieves a list of all operators who belong to the team that was selected. The device then says, "Current operator is (operator name). Select new operator."
Press the + button or — button to scroll through the list of available operator names until you hear your name.
If you do not hear your name, press the yellow play/pause button to cancel this operation and start over from step 2.
When selecting a team in step 5, choose the "All Operators" team.
Consult with your supervisor if you are not listed in the "All Operators" team.
Press the operator button. The device says, "Loading operator" and loads your templates. Once it has loaded your templates, the device says, "Current operator is (your operator name). Good night." The device then goes to sleep. The next time you turn the device on, it will be ready to use.

Adjusting the Voice

Each Vocollect Talkman device uses Vocollect Voice software to provide instructions to the operator and prompt him or her for responses.
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 25
The actual voice that speaks to the operator can be adjusted in several ways so that the operator can hear and understand the information clearly.
Adjust the pitch of the voice lower or higher
Adjust the volume of the voice louder or softer
Adjust the speed of the voice slower or faster
Change the gender of the voice to male or female
Before making any changes to the voice:
Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5­series and T2-series), solid green (T1), or have a solid green ring segment or a rotating green ring (A700).

Adjusting the Pitch

Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5­series and T2-series), solid green (T1), or have a solid green ring segment or a rotating green ring (A700).
Note: You can only adjust the pitch for certain languages and certain Voices.
Press the Operator button. The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."
Press the + or — button until the device says "Change pitch."
Press the Operator button. If you use the + button to scroll through the options, Change Pitch is the fifth menu item in the list.
Press the + button to make the voice higher or the — button to make the voice lower. The device says "higher" each time you press the + button and "lower" each time you press the — button. If the pitch of the voice is at the highest possible setting, it says "This is highest." If the pitch of the voice is at the lowest possible setting, it says "This is lowest."
Note: You can exit this menu without changing the settings by pressing the Play/Pause button before you press the Operator button.
When the pitch reaches the level you want, press the Operator button to save the new pitch setting.

Adjusting the Volume Using Voice

Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5­series and T2-series), solid green (T1), or have a solid green ring segment or a rotating green ring (A700).
Say "Talkman, louder" to increase the volume or "Talkman, softer" to decrease the volume. If the device says "This is softest" or "This is loudest", you cannot make the volume any louder or softer.
When the voice is as loud or as soft as you want it, say "Talkman continue" to return to work.

Adjusting the Volume Using Device Buttons

Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5­series and T2-series), solid green (T1), or have a solid green ring segment or a rotating green ring (A700).
Press the + button to make the voice louder or the — button to make the voice softer. The device says "louder" when the + button is pressed and "softer" when the — button is pressed. If the volume of the voice is at the loudest possible setting, it says, "This is loudest." If the volume of the voice is at the softest possible setting, it says, "This is softest."

Adjusting the Speed

Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5­series and T2-series), solid green (T1), or have a solid green ring segment or a rotating green ring (A700).
Press the Operator button.
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 26
The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."
Press the + or — button until the device says "Change speed."
Press the Operator button. If you use the + button to scroll through the options, Change Speed is the fourth menu item in the list.
Press the + button to make the voice faster or the — button to make the voice slower. The device says "faster" each time you press the + button and "slower" each time you press the — button. If the speed of the voice is at the fastest possible setting, the device says "This is fastest." If the speed of the voice is at the slowest possible setting, it says "This is slowest."
Note: You can exit this menu without changing the settings by pressing the Play/Pause button before you press the Operator button.
When the voice is speaking as quickly or as slowly as you want, press the Operator button to save the new speed setting.

Changing the Speaker's Gender

Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5­series and T2-series), solid green (T1), or have a solid green ring segment or a rotating green ring (A700).
Press the Operator button. The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."
Press the + or — button until it says, "Change speaker."
Press the Operator button. If you use the + button to scroll through the options, Change Speaker is the sixth menu item in the list.
Press the + or — button to hear the next speaker. The device says, "This is female" when it toggles to the female voice, or "This is male" to indicate the male voice.
Note: You can exit this menu without changing the settings by pressing the Play/Pause button before you press the Operator button.
When you hear the speaker you want to use, press the Operator button to select that speaker.

Understanding Talkman Commands

The Talkman device prompts the operator for responses that are specific to the voice-directed work he or she is performing. Several basic Talkman commands, however, can be spoken by the operator at almost any time while using the device.
You want to... Spoken Command
hear the current prompt again "Say again"
put the device in sleep mode "Talkman sleep"
wake up the device "Talkman wake up"
erase the previous response so you can respond to the same prompt again (VoiceClient only)
check the remaining charge on a Talkman A700 battery (VoiceCatalyst 2.0 and newer only)
hear instructions for your response to the current prompt "Talkman help"
"Talkman backup"
"Talkman battery status"
hear a list of vocabulary words that you can say at the current prompt
"Talkman help"
You want to... Spoken Command
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 27
indicate a problem and send a snapshot of the log file to VoiceConsole (VoiceCatalyst 1.2 and newer only)
"Talkman report problem"

Options for Hearing Impaired Users

Honeywell products are designed for persons with average levels of hearing. Operators who use assistive hearing devices may need to consider some adjustments when using Honeywell headsets in a production warehouse environment.
Honeywell recommends experimenting with combinations of several basic changes to Talkman device operation to improve audibility:
Change language voices using VoiceConsole (see VoiceConsole Online Help)
Adjust the pitch of the voice lower or higher
Adjust the volume of the voice louder or softer
Adjust the speed of the voice slower or faster
Change the gender of the voice to male or female
Users may find that their assistive devices are passing through additional background noise that makes it difficult to hear the Talkman device prompts. In this case, Honeywell recommends using a cupped headset to help eliminate distracting input from the assistive devices.
If a user continues to have problems hearing the Talkman device after trying these options, Honeywell strongly recommends consulting a medical professional. Hearing loss is a medical condition that requires the attention of a qualified audiologist. The audiologist should be made aware of the options that Honeywell products offer with pitch, volume, and sidetone so that he or she can make appropriate recommendations that may benefit the user without possible side effects. Honeywell Technical Support can talk with the user's audiologist to explain these options and make changes in the Talkman device configuration based on the specific recommendations of the audiologist.
CAUTION: There are a variety of parameters that can further increase output levels of the Talkman device. Honeywell does not recommend changing any of these settings in a way that increases sound output levels without consulting a qualified audiologist. Changing these settings without qualified medical supervision could result in additional hearding damage.
Honeywell products, and their default options, have been measured and qualified to ensure audio safety for common work flows and for the general population. The default audio parameters should not be changed without explicit direction from a qualified audio professional.
The Honeywell publication, Evaluating Audio Safety in Your Distribution Center, explains the importance of maintaining audio safety in the work environment. This publication is available to Honeywell partners on https://

Part Numbers: Vocollect Talkman Devices

Device Honeywell Part
Talkman A700 Base Unit TT-900
Talkman A710 (for Bluetooth Headsets and Peripherals) TT-910
Talkman A720 (with two Talkman Connectors) TT-920
Talkman A730 (with Integrated Scanner) TT-930
Talkman A500 (a/b/g) TT-800
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 28
Device Honeywell Part
Talkman A500 (b/g) TT-801
Talkman A500 (a/b/g/n) TT-802
Talkman T5m
Talkman T5 TT-700
Talkman T2x
Talkman T1 TT-100

Part Numbers: Talkman Accessories

Accessory Honeywell Part
A700 Device Belt BL-801-X
A700 Device Standard Holster (for A710 and A720) BL-901
A700 Device Scanner Holster (for A730) BL-902
T5/A500 Cover EO-700-1
T2 Series Device Cover TC-601-1
T5/A500 Shoulder Harness Hl-700-1
T5/A500 Belt with Clip BL-700-1 - BL-700-7
T5/A500 Clip BL-700-101B
(For use with BL-700-1
- BL-700-7 and HL-700-1)
T2 Belt with Clip Belts: BL-601-101-7
T2 Clip BL-602-101
T1 Holster BL-100-101
A700 High Capacity Battery BT-902
A700 High Capacity Battery, Box of 24 BT-902-100B
A700 Standard Battery BT-901
A700 Standard Battery, Box of 24 BT-901-100B
A700 Maintenance Cable, USB micro-B to Type A RS-900-1
A500 High-Performance Battery BT-700-2
A500 High-Performance Battery, Box of 50 BT-700-2-101B
T2 Series Standard Battery BT-601
T2 Series High-Capacity Battery BT-602
T2 Series High-Capacity Battery, Box of 25 BT-602-101B
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 29
Accessory Honeywell Part
T1 Standard Battery BT-101
A700 Unpowered Vehicle Dock BL-903
Vehicle Mount, Holder, Talkman A500 Series BL-710-1
Vehicle Mount, Holder/Base Screw On Attachment, Talkman A700 and A500 Series BL-710-101
Vehicle Mount, Arm, Talkman A700 and A500 Series BL-710-102
Vehicle Mount, Clamp, Talkman A700 and A500 Series BL-710-103
Vehicle Mount, Clamp, RAM Tough-Claw, Talkman A700 and A500 Series BL-710-104
Battery Adapter, DC-DC, Talkman A500 Series BT-710
Cable, Battery Adapter, Push On, Talkman A500 Series CM-710-102
Power Supply, 9-36 VDC Input CM-710-110
Power Supply, 18-60 VDC Input CM-710-111

Part Numbers: Talkman MP Solutions

Device Honeywell Part
Talkman MP
(Includes: 1 Intermec CN70-CN70AN3KN00W1100, 1 Vocollect SRX2 Wireless Bluetooth Headset and Battery, 1 Vocollect VoiceClient MP license, 1 Vocollect VoiceConsole license)
Available in EMEA countries only.
Note: CN70 and SRX2 battery chargers are sold separately.

Choosing the Right Headset

In deciding which headset to purchase, it may be beneficial for workers to try several different models to find the best fit for their jobs and environments.
Note: SRX is not supported with WT41N0 Wearable Terminal
Customer Use
SR-15 SR-20 SR-30 SR-35 SR-40 SRX SRX2 SRX2
Hard Hat
SRX2 High Noise
General use headset
Light industrial/ customer facing
| Talkman Devices and Headsets | 30
Customer Use
Freezer use
Behind the head
High noise areas
Use with hard hat
Wireless X X X X
Extreme (large/ small) head size
Extreme (large/ small) ear size
SR-15 SR-20 SR-30 SR-35 SR-40 SRX SRX2 SRX2
Hard Hat
SRX2 High Noise

Part Numbers: Wired Headsets

Part Part Number
SR-40 Vocollect Dual-Cup Headset HD-705-1
SR-35 Vocollect Hard-Hat Headset
Note: The SR-35 Headset can only be used with a hard hat that has a slot on the side that accepts a Peltor clip. This clip is sold separately by Honeywell(part number HD-704-101) and is required with each SR-35 headset.
SR-31 Vocollect Universal High-Noise Headset HD-703-1
SR-30 Vocollect High-Noise Headset HD-702-1
SR-21 Vocollect Universal Headset HD-701-1(right-angle
SR-20 Vocollect Lightweight Headset HD-700-1
SR-15 Behind-the Head Headset HD-708-1
SL-14 Vocollect Light Industrial Behind-the-Head Headset HS-708-14-R (right ear)
HD-704-2 (coiled cord)
HD-700-2 (coiled cord)
HS-708-14-L (left ear)
SL-4 Vocollect Light Industrial Behind-the Head Headset, Right Ear, Straight Cord, for Talkman T1
HS-708-4-R (right ear)
+ 286 hidden pages