SmartLine Manifolds Specification
SmartLine Pressure Specifications
34-ST-03-XX, 34-ST-03-XXX
Three or Five Valve manifolds for use with Differential Pressure Transmitters.
Quick Start Instal lation Guide
34-ST-25-64_Revision 1, January 2020
This document provides descriptions and
procedures for the quick installation of
Honeywell SmartLine Manifolds.
Reference Documents
This document 34-ST-25-64, Revision 1 – January 2020
Copyright © 2020 - Honeywell
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The SmartLine manifold range includes:
• Block and Bleed manifolds for use with In-Line Gauge or Absolute Pressure Transmitter
• Two Valve Compact manifold for use with Dual Head Gauge or Absolute Pressure
• Two Valve Wide Body manifold for use with Dual Head Gauge or Dual Head Absolute
Pressure Transmitter and Two
January 2020 Quick Start Guide 1

SmartLine Manifolds
Table of Contents
Section 1: ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Block and Bleed Manifolds for use with In-Line Gauge or Absolute Pressure Transmitter ..................... 3
Section 2: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Two Valve Compact Manifold for use with Dual Head Gauge or Absolute Pressure Transmitter........... 4
Section 3: ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Two Valve Wide Body Manifold for use with Dual Head Gauge or Dual Head Absolute Pressure
Transmitter. .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Section 4: ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Two, Three or Five Valve Manifolds for use with Differential Pressure Transmitters. ............................. 7
Section 5: ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Installation Drawings .............................................................................................................................. 10
Section 6: ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Spare Parts and Accessories ................................................................................................................. 11
Table 1: Installation Drawings ................................................................................................................... 10
Table 2: Spare Parts and Accessories ...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 1: Block and Bleed Manifold Model ST MSB-A ................................................................................. 3
Figure 2: Two Valve Compact Manifold STMD2-E ...................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Two Valve Wafer Manifold STMD2-G _ _ .................................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Two Valve Compact Manifold (x Flange) STMD2-H _ _ .............................................................. 5
Figure 5: Two Valve Wide Body* Manifold STMD2-F _ _ ........................................................................... 6
Figure 6: Two Valve Wide Body* Manifold (x Flange) STMD2-J _ _ .......................................................... 6
Figure 7: Two Valve Liquid Level Manifold ST MD2-D _ _........................................................................... 7
Figure 8: Three Valve Manifold STMD3-K _ _ ............................................................................................ 7
Figure 9: Three Valve Manifold STMD3-O _ _ ............................................................................................ 8
Figure 10: Five Valve Manifold STMD5-Q _ _ ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 11: Five Valve Manifold STMD5-T _ _ ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 12: Five Valve Manifold STMD5-S _ _ ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 13: Bolt Tightening sequence ........................................................................................................... 9
January 2020 Quick Start Guide 2

SmartLine Manifolds
Section 1:
Block and Bleed Manifolds for use with In-Line Gauge or Absolute Pressure
• 2 valve single block and bleed / Inline – M od el ST MSB-A_ _
• 2 valve single block and bleed / Inline – Model STMSB-B_ _
• 2 valve single block and bleed / Inline – M od el ST MSB-C_ _
• 2 valve double block and bleed / Inline – Model STMDB-A_ _
• 2 valve double block and bleed / Inline – Model STMDB-B_ _
• 2 valve double block and bleed / Inline – Model STMDB-C_ _
Honeywell SmartLine Two Valve Single Block and Bleed or Two Valve Double Block and Bleed
manifolds are typically connected to Honeywell Gauge or Absolute InLine pressure transmitters. The
function of the Block and Bleed manifold is to allow the user to remove the transmitter from the process
via an isolation valve and a vent valve to de-pressurize the transmitter prior to removal. A Honeywell
Single Block and Bleed SmartLine Manifold is shown in Figure 1. The manifold shown has a 1/2” Male
NPT process connection to fit Honeywell Gauge and Absolute Inline Pressure transmitters with ½”
Female NPT ports. It is also available with ½” Female NPT process connection to fit Inline transmitters
with ½” Male NPT ports.
1. Wrap the ½” Male NPT connector threads with two layers of PTFE tape or substitute liquid
sealant as required by the process medium.
2. Thread the Block and Bleed Manifold into the Honeywell transmitter process connection bonnet
and rotate to hand tightness.
3. Hold the transmitter by the bonnet flats and continue to rotate the Block and Bleed Manifold a
minimum of two more rotations. This will uniformly tighten the manifold to the transmitter.
4. The isolation valve on the manifold should be facing forward. If it is not, continue to tighten the
manifold until the valve is aligned.
Note: The same procedure applies to all the manifolds stated in this section
Figure 1: Block and Bleed Manifold Model STMSB-A
January 2020 Quick Start Guide 3

SmartLine Manifolds
Section 2:
Two Valve Compact Manifold for use with Dual Head Gauge or Absolute Pressure
• 2 Valve Compact Body – Model STMD2-E_ _
• 2 Valve Wafer Body – Model STMD2-G _ _
• 2 Valve Compact Body (x Flange) – Model ST MD2-H _ _
Honeywell SmartLine Two Valve Compact manifolds are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. These
manifolds are paired to a Honeywell Dual Head Gauge or Absolute pressure transmitter and attached
using two bolts. PTFE or optional graphite gaskets supplied with the manifold are used to prevent
leakage between the transmitter meter body and the manifold.
Figure 2: Two Valve Compact Manifold STMD2-E
Figure 3: Two Valve Wafer Manifold STMD2-G _ _
January 2020 Quick Start Guide 4