Honeywell RM640 Handbook

Non-Contact Radar Level Meter - 24 GHz Radar (FMCW) Level Transmitter for solids from granulates to rocks
Notices and Trademarks
Copyright 2019 by Honeywell
Honeywell Process Solutions 1250 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX 77042
2 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
This document provides descriptions and procedures for the Installation, Configuration, Operation, and Troubleshooting of your device.
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4 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
1 Safety instructions 9
1.1 Software history ............................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Intended use ................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Certification .................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Radio approvals .............................................................................................................. 11
1.4.1 European Union (EU)............................................................................................................. 11
1.4.2 U.S.A. and Canada................................................................................................................. 14
1.5 Safety instructions from the manufacturer................................................................... 17
1.5.1 Copyright and data protection .............................................................................................. 17
1.5.2 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 17
1.5.3 Product liability and warranty .............................................................................................. 18
1.5.4 Information concerning the documentation......................................................................... 18
1.5.5 Warnings and symbols used................................................................................................. 19
1.6 Safety instructions for the operator............................................................................... 19
2 Device description 21
2.1 Scope of delivery............................................................................................................. 21
2.2 Device description .......................................................................................................... 22
2.3 Visual Check ................................................................................................................... 23
2.4 Nameplates .................................................................................................................... 24
2.4.1 Nameplate (examples).......................................................................................................... 24
3 Installation 25
3.1 General notes on installation ......................................................................................... 25
3.2 Storage ........................................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Transport ........................................................................................................................ 26
3.4 Pre-installation requirements ....................................................................................... 26
3.5 Pressure and temperature ranges ................................................................................ 27
3.6 Recommended mounting position ................................................................................. 27
3.6.1 General notes........................................................................................................................ 28
3.6.2 Tanks with dish-shaped and conical bottoms ...................................................................... 29
3.7 Mounting restrictions ..................................................................................................... 29
3.7.1 General notes........................................................................................................................ 30
3.7.2 Process connections............................................................................................................. 32
3.8 How to attach antenna extensions ................................................................................. 36
3.9 Orientation system (accessory)...................................................................................... 39
3.9.1 How to attach the orientation system to the device ............................................................. 39
3.9.2 How to tilt the device............................................................................................................. 42
3.10 How to turn or remove the display module (option) .................................................... 43
3.11 Weather protection....................................................................................................... 44
3.11.1 How to attach the weather protection to the device........................................................... 44
3.11.2 How to open the weather protection .................................................................................. 46
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4 Electrical connections 47
4.1 Safety instructions.......................................................................................................... 47
4.2 General notes ................................................................................................................. 47
4.3 Electrical installation: output options with cable gland ................................................ 48
4.4 Electrical installation: output options with an M12 male connector............................. 52
4.5 Electrical connection for current output ....................................................................... 52
4.5.1 Non-Ex devices ..................................................................................................................... 52
4.5.2 Devices for hazardous locations........................................................................................... 53
4.6 Ingress protection .......................................................................................................... 53
4.7 Networks ........................................................................................................................ 54
4.7.1 General information.............................................................................................................. 54
4.7.2 Point-to-point connection..................................................................................................... 54
4.7.3 Multi-drop networks ............................................................................................................. 55
5 Start-up 57
5.1 Start-up checklist........................................................................................................... 57
5.2 How to start the device................................................................................................... 57
5.3 Operating concept ..........................................................................................................57
5.4 Digital display screen .....................................................................................................58
5.4.1 Display screen layout............................................................................................................ 58
5.4.2 Keypad buttons ..................................................................................................................... 59
5.5 Remote communication with PACTware™ .................................................................... 61
5.6 Remote communication with the AMS™ Device Manager............................................. 62
6 Operation 63
6.1 User modes .................................................................................................................... 63
6.2 Normal mode.................................................................................................................. 63
6.3 Program mode................................................................................................................ 67
6.3.1 General notes........................................................................................................................ 67
6.3.2 Protection of the device settings (access levels) ................................................................. 68
6.3.3 How to get access to the Quick Setup menu ........................................................................ 70
6.3.4 Keypad functions................................................................................................................... 71
6.3.5 How to save settings changed in Program mode................................................................. 74
6.3.6 Menu overview ...................................................................................................................... 75
6.3.7 Function description ............................................................................................................. 80
6.4 Further information on device configuration in Program mode ................................... 99
6.4.1 Standard setup...................................................................................................................... 99
6.4.2 Empty spectrum recording................................................................................................. 102
6.4.3 HART® network configuration ........................................................................................... 104
6.4.4 Distance measurement ...................................................................................................... 105
6.4.5 Level measurement ............................................................................................................ 107
6.4.6 How to configure the device to measure volume or mass................................................. 109
6.4.7 How to measure correctly in silos with curved or conical bottoms................................... 111
6.4.8 How to make a filter to remove radar signal interference ................................................ 111
6.5 Status messages and diagnostic data.......................................................................... 112
6 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
7 Service 121
7.1 Periodic maintenance................................................................................................... 121
7.1.1 General notes...................................................................................................................... 121
7.1.2 Maintenance of the O-rings for the housing covers........................................................... 121
7.1.3 How to clean the top surface of the device......................................................................... 122
7.1.4 How to clean horn antennas under process conditions..................................................... 122
7.2 Service warranty...........................................................................................................123
7.3 Replacement of the SmartLine® RM60 signal converter with the RM640 signal convert-
er.......................................................................................................................................... 124
7.4 Spare parts availability................................................................................................. 127
7.5 Availability of services .................................................................................................. 127
7.6 Returning the device to the manufacturer................................................................... 127
7.6.1 General information............................................................................................................ 127
7.6.2 Form (for copying) to accompany a returned device.......................................................... 128
7.7 Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 128
8 Technical data 129
8.1 Measuring principle...................................................................................................... 129
8.2 Technical data............................................................................................................... 131
8.3 Measuring accuracy ..................................................................................................... 137
8.4 Minimum power supply voltage ................................................................................... 138
8.5 Guidelines for maximum operating pressure.............................................................. 139
8.6 Dimensions and weights .............................................................................................. 141
9 Description of HART interface 151
9.1 General description ...................................................................................................... 151
9.2 Software history ...........................................................................................................152
9.3 Connection variants...................................................................................................... 152
9.3.1 Point-to-Point connection – analogue / digital mode ........................................................ 152
9.3.2 Multi-Drop connection (2-wire connection) ....................................................................... 153
9.4 HART® device variables............................................................................................... 153
9.5 Field Communicator 475 (FC 475)................................................................................ 153
9.5.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................... 153
9.5.2 Operation............................................................................................................................. 154
9.6 Asset Management Solutions (AMS®) ......................................................................... 154
9.6.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................... 154
9.6.2 Operation............................................................................................................................. 154
9.6.3 Parameter for the basic configuration ............................................................................... 154
9.7 Field Device Tool / Device Type Manager (FDT / DTM)................................................ 155
9.7.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................... 155
9.7.2 Operation............................................................................................................................. 155
9.8 Process Device Manager (PDM)................................................................................... 155
9.8.1 Installation .......................................................................................................................... 155
9.8.2 Operation............................................................................................................................. 155
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9.9 HART® menu tree for AMS.......................................................................................... 156
9.9.1 Overview AMS menu tree (positions in menu tree)............................................................ 156
9.9.2 AMS menu tree (details for settings).................................................................................. 156
9.10 HART® menu tree for PDM........................................................................................ 159
9.10.1 Overview PDM menu tree (positions in menu tree).......................................................... 160
9.10.2 PDM menu tree (details for settings) ............................................................................... 161
10 Appendix 165
10.1 Order code .................................................................................................................. 165
10.2 Spare parts ................................................................................................................. 170
10.3 Accessories: general items........................................................................................ 176
10.4 Accessories: process connection kits........................................................................ 177
10.5 Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 179
8 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
1.1 Software history
"Firmware revision" agrees with NAMUR NE 53. It is a series of numbers used to record the revision status of embedded software (firmware) in electronic equipment assemblies. It gives data on the type of changes made and the effect that changes have on compatibility.
Release date
Data about software revisions is shown in menu 1.1.0 IDENT. For more data, refer to
on page 80. If it is not possible to refer to the device menu, record the serial number
of the device (given on the device nameplate) and speak to the supplier.
Changes and effect on compatibility
1 Downwards compatible changes and fault repair with no effect on operation (e.g. spelling
mistakes on display)
2-_ Downwards compatible hardware and/or software change of interfaces:
P Profibus
3-_ Downwards compatible hardware and/or software change of inputs and outputs:
CO Current output
FO, POFrequency output / pulse output
SO Status output
LS Limit switch
CI Current input
D Display
Printed circuit assembly
Firmware revision
Electronic revision
Hardware revision
Changes and compatibility
2018-12-21 HMI (LCD display
Main and Support 4002815701f
Sensor 4002859301a
1 If the device does not have the display module option, the module reference number is 4002905802a
BL1.31.05 ER2.0.0_ 4002905801b
Iss.1 GLO December 2018 US
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1.2 Intended use
Responsibility for the use of the measuring devices with regard to suitability, intended use and corrosion resistance of the used materials against the measured fluid lies solely with the operator.
The manufacturer is not liable for any damage resulting from improper use or use for other than the intended purpose.
This radar level transmitter measures distance, level, mass, volume and reflectivity of granulates and powders.
It can be installed on silos, hoppers and bunkers.
1.3 Certification
For devices used in hazardous areas, additional safety notes apply; please refer to the Ex documentation.
CE marking
The device meets the essential requirements of the EU Directives:
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive
The safety part of the Low-Voltage directive
For devices used in hazardous locations: ATEX directive
The manufacturer certifies successful testing of the product by applying the CE marking. For more data about the EU Directives and European Standards related to this device, refer to the EU Declaration of Conformity. You can download this document free of charge from the website.
All devices are based on the CE marking and meet the requirements of NAMUR Recommendations NE 21, NE 43, NE 53 and NE 107.
10 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
1.4 Radio approvals
1.4.1 European Union (EU)
LPR (Level Probing Radar)
LPR (Level Probing Radar) devices measure level in the open air or in a closed space (a metallic
LPR (Level Probing Radar)LPR (Level Probing Radar) tank etc.). TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar) can use LPR devices for TLPR applications. The LPR and TLPR devices meet the requirements of the RED (Radio Equipment Directive) for use in the member countries of the EU.
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar) devices measure level in a closed space only. You
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar)TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar)
For more data about the order code, refer to Order code on page 165
This level transmitter is approved to be used outside metallic tanks. If you use the device in the open air, read the device nameplate to make sure that the device can be used for your application. Only the antennas that follow are permitted for open-air applications:
Antenna type Order code
316L / DN80 (3¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx4xxx...
316L / DN100 (4¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx5xxx...
316L / DN150 (6¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx6xxx...
316L / DN200 (8¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx7xxx...
PP / DN80 (3¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxAxxx...
PP / DN100 (4¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxBxxx...
PP / DN150 (6¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxCxxx...
PTFE / DN80 (3¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxExxx...
PTFE / DN100 (4¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxFxxx...
PTFE / DN150 (6¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxGxxx...
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S/N: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Manufacturing date: YYYY-MM-DD Tag No:
Figure 1-1: European Union: radio approval information on the nameplate
1 Type code (defined in order). For more data, refer to 2 HVIN (Hardware Version Identification Number). This number gives the radar signal frequency (24GHZ = 24 GHz), the
location of the device (T=TLPR or L=LPR) and the type of signal converter (compact (C)) TLPR device: HVIN: 24GHZ-T-C LPR device: HVIN: 24GHZ-L-C
3 CE sign
Order code
on page 165.
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar) devices only
Use approved personnel to install the device. The device and the tank agree with the RED (Radio Equipment Directive) if you obey the instructions that follow:
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar) are required to be installed at a permanent fixed position at a closed (not open) metallic tank or reinforced concrete tank, or similar enclosure structure made of comparable attenuating material;
flanges and attachments of the TLPR equipment shall provide the necessary microwave sealing by design;
sight glasses shall be coated with a microwave-proof coating when necessary (i.e. electrically conductive coating);
manholes or connection flanges at the tank shall be closed to ensure a low-level leakage of the signal into the air outside the tank;
whenever possible, mounting of the TLPR equipment shall be on top of the tank structure with the orientation of the antenna to point in a downward direction;
installation and maintenance of the TLPR equipment shall be performed by professionally trained individuals only.
For data about how to install EMI/RFI shielding gaskets, refer to the instructions supplied with this accessory.
12 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
LPR (Level Probing Radar) devices only
Use approved personnel to install the device. If the device is operated in the open air (outdoors), it agrees with the RED (Radio Equipment Directive) if you obey these instructions:
The antenna must always point downwards. The boresight direction of the antenna must be
vertical. No other angles are permitted.
Install the device more than 4 km / 2.485 mi away from radio astronomy sites.
If the device is 4...40 km / 2.485...24.855 mi away from radio astronomy sites, do not install the
device more than 15 m / 49.21 ft above the ground.
If it is necessary to install the device less than 4 km / 2.485 mi from radio astronomy sites, you must get the approval of the national regulatory authority before installation (e.g. ANFR (France), Bundesnetzagentur (Germany), Ofcom (United Kingdom) etc.).
Radio quiet zones: locations of radio astronomy sites (stations) in Europe and northern Eurasia
Country Name of the station Location
Latitude, ϕ Longitude, λ
Finland Metsähovi 60°13'04" N 24°23'37" E
Tuorla 60°24'56" N 22°26'31" E
France Plateau de Bure 44°38'01" N 05°54'26" E
Germany Effelsberg 50°31'32" N 06°53'00" E
Hungary Penc 47°47'22" N 19°16'53" E
Italy Medicina 44°31'14" N 11°38'49" E
Noto 36°52'34" N 14°59'21" E
Sardinia 39°29'50" N 09°14'40" E
Latvia Ventspils 57°33'12" N 21°51'17" E
Poland Kraków – Fort Skala 50°03'18" N 19°49'36" E
Russia Dmitrov 56°26'00" N 37°27'00" E
Kalyazin 57°13'22" N 37°54'01" E
Pushchino 54°49'00" N 37°40'00" E
Zelenchukskaya 43°49'53" N 41°35'32" E
Spain Yebes 40°31'27" N 03°05'22" W
Robledo 40°25'38" N 04°14'57" W
Switzerland Bleien 47°2026" N 08°0644" E
Sweden Onsala 57°2345" N 11°5535" E
UK Cambridge 52°09'59" N 00°02'20" E
Darnhall 53°09'22" N 02°32'03" W
Jodrell Bank 53°14'10" N 02°18'26" W
Knockin 52°47'24" N 02°59'45" W
Pickmere 53°17'18" N 02°26'38" W
www.honeywellprocess.com34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
1.4.2 U.S.A. and Canada
LPR (Level Probing Radar)
LPR (Level Probing Radar) devices measure level in the open air or in a closed space (a metallic
LPR (Level Probing Radar)LPR (Level Probing Radar) tank etc.). TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar)
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar) devices measure level in a closed space only.
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar)TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar)
For more data about the order code, refer to Order code on page 165
This level transmitter is approved to be used outside metallic tanks. If you use the device in the open air, read the device nameplate to make sure that the device can be used for your application. Only the antennas that follow are permitted for open-air applications:
Antenna type Order code
316L / DN80 (3¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx4xxx...
316L / DN100 (4¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx5xxx...
316L / DN150 (6¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx6xxx...
316L / DN200 (8¨) Metallic Horn RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxx7xxx...
PP / DN80 (3¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxAxxx...
PP / DN100 (4¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxBxxx...
PP / DN150 (6¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxCxxx...
PTFE / DN80 (3¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxExxx...
PTFE / DN100 (4¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxFxxx...
PTFE / DN150 (6¨) Drop RM640xxxxxxxxxxxxxGxxx...
FCCFCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference which may cause un-
desired operation.
Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the FCC authorizations to operate this equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
ICIC This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause un-
desired operation.
This device and the handbook complies with the requirements of RSS-Gen. Operation is subject to the conditions that follow:
1. The installation of the LPR/TLPR device shall be done by trained installers, in strict compliance
with the manufacturer
s instructions.
2. The use of this device is on a "no-interference, no-protection" basis. That is, the user shall ac-
cept operations of high-powered radar in the same frequency band which may interfere with or damage this device. However, devices found to interfere with primary licensing operations will be required to be removed at the user
s expense.
3. The TLPR device shall be installed and operated in a completely enclosed container to prevent
RF emissions, which can otherwise interfere with aeronautical navigation.
4. LPR devices: Ensure a vertically downward orientation of the transmit antenna and an instal-
lation only at fixed locations.
5. The installer / user of this device shall ensure that it is at least 10 km from the Dominion Radio
Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) near Penticton, British Columbia. The coordinates of the DRAO are latitude 49
19'15" N and longitude 119°37'12" W. For devices not meeting this 10 km separation (e.g. those in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia) the installer / user must coor­dinate with, and obtain the written concurrence of, the Director of the DRAO before the equip­ment can be installed or operated. The Director of the DRAO may be contacted at 250-497-2300 (tel.) or 250-497-2355 (fax). Alternatively, the Manager, Regulatory Standards, Industry Canada, may be contacted.
The Product Marketing Name (PMN) of this device is "RMx40 Non-Contact Radar Level Meter series".
www.honeywellprocess.com34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
S/N: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Manufacturing date: YYYY-MM-DD Tag No:
Figure 1-2: U.S.A. and Canada: radio approval information on the nameplate
1 Type code (defined in order). For more data, refer to 2 HVIN (Hardware Version Identification Number). This number gives the radar signal frequency (24GHZ = 24 GHz), the
location of the device (T=TLPR or L=LPR) and the type of signal converter (compact (C)) TLPR device: HVIN: 24GHZ-T-C LPR device: HVIN: 24GHZ-L-C
3 FCC ID and IC number
TLPR device: FCC-ID:Q6BFMCW24G74T, IC number: 1991D-FMCW24GX4T LPR device: FCC-ID: Q6BFMCW24G74L, IC number: 1991D-FMCW24GX4L
Order code
on page 165.
16 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
1.5 Safety instructions from the manufacturer
1.5.1 Copyright and data protection
The contents of this document have been created with great care. Nevertheless, we provide no guarantee that the contents are correct, complete or up-to-date.
The contents and works in this document are subject to copyright. Contributions from third parties are identified as such. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of use beyond what is permitted under copyright requires written authorisation from the respective author and/or the manufacturer.
The manufacturer tries always to observe the copyrights of others, and to draw on works created in-house or works in the public domain.
The collection of personal data (such as names, street addresses or e-mail addresses) in the manufacturer's documents is always on a voluntary basis whenever possible. Whenever feasible, it is always possible to make use of the offerings and services without providing any personal data.
We draw your attention to the fact that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) may involve gaps in security. It is not possible to protect such data completely against access by third parties.
We hereby expressly prohibit the use of the contact data published as part of our duty to publish an imprint for the purpose of sending us any advertising or informational materials that we have not expressly requested.
1.5.2 Disclaimer
The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage of any kind by using its product, including, but not limited to direct, indirect or incidental and consequential damages.
This disclaimer does not apply in case the manufacturer has acted on purpose or with gross negligence. In the event any applicable law does not allow such limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion of limitation of certain damages, you may, if such law applies to you, not be subject to some or all of the above disclaimer, exclusions or limitations.
Any product purchased from the manufacturer is warranted in accordance with the relevant product documentation and our Terms and Conditions of Sale.
The manufacturer reserves the right to alter the content of its documents, including this disclaimer in any way, at any time, for any reason, without prior notification, and will not be liable in any way for possible consequences of such changes.
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1.5.3 Product liability and warranty
The operator shall bear responsibility for the suitability of the device for the specific purpose. The manufacturer accepts no liability for the consequences of misuse by the operator. Improper installation or operation of the devices (systems) will cause the warranty to be void. The respective "Standard Terms and Conditions" which form the basis for the sales contract shall also apply.
1.5.4 Information concerning the documentation
To prevent any injury to the user or damage to the device it is essential that you read the information in this document and observe applicable national standards, safety requirements and accident prevention regulations.
If this document is not in your native language and if you have any problems understanding the text, we advise you to contact your local office for assistance. The manufacturer can not accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused by misunderstanding of the information in this document.
This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe and efficient use of this device. Special considerations and precautions are also described in the document, which appear in the form of icons as shown below.
18 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
1.5.5 Warnings and symbols used
Safety warnings are indicated by the following symbols.
This warning refers to the immediate danger when working with electricity.
This warning refers to the immediate danger of burns caused by heat or hot surfaces.
This warning refers to the immediate danger when using this device in a hazardous atmosphere.
These warnings must be observed without fail. Even partial disregard of this warning can lead to serious health problems and even death. There is also the risk of seriously damaging the device or parts of the operator's plant.
Disregarding this safety warning, even if only in part, poses the risk of serious health problems. There is also the risk of damaging the device or parts of the operator's plant.
Disregarding these instructions can result in damage to the device or to parts of the operator's plant.
These instructions contain important information for the handling of the device.
This note contains information on statutory directives and standards.
This symbol designates all instructions for actions to be carried out by the operator in the specified sequence.
RESULTRESULT This symbol refers to all important consequences of the previous actions.
1.6 Safety instructions for the operator
In general, devices from the manufacturer may only be installed, commissioned, operated and maintained by properly trained and authorized personnel. This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe and efficient use of this device.
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20 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
2.1 Scope of delivery
Do a check of the packing list to make sure that you have all the elements given in the order.
Figure 2-1: Scope of delivery
1 Signal converter, process connection and antenna in the ordered version 2 Antenna extensions (option). These are supplied attached to the device. If the antenna extensions are too long, the de-
vice will be supplied in two parts.
3 Quick Start and supplementary instructions (if the device has the appropriate options) 4 Bar magnet 5 Display extractor (for removal of the optional display module) 6 Cover wrench (for removal of the device covers)
Antenna extensions are available for this device. These are supplied attached to the device. If the antenna extensions are too long, the device will be supplied in two parts. For more data about the assembly procedure, refer to How to attach antenna extensions on page 36
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2.2 Device description
This device is a 24 GHz FMCW-radar level transmitter. It is a non-contact technology and is 2­wire loop-powered. It is designed to measure the distance, level, mass, volume and reflectivity of granulates and powders. For more data about the measuring principle, refer to
Radar level transmitters use an antenna to emit a signal to the surface of the measured product. The device has many antennas available. Thus, it can measure most products even in difficult conditions. Also refer to
If the device is ordered with the applicable options, it can be certified for use in hazardous areas.
The signal converter is attached directly to the process connection and the antenna. The illustration that follows shows the types of antenna.
on page 129.
Technical data
on page 129.
Figure 2-2: Types of antenna
1 Metallic Horn antennas (available antenna sizes: DN80 (3¨), DN100 (4¨), DN150 (6¨) and DN200 (8¨)) made of 316L stain-
less steel. Antenna extensions are available for high nozzles.
2 Drop antennas (available antenna sizes: DN80 (3¨) DN100 (4¨) and DN150 (6¨)) made of PTFE or PP. Antenna extensions
are available for high nozzles.
Accessories: Accessories: For more data about general items, refer to Accessories: general items on page 176
data about process connections, refer to
Accessories: process connection kits on page 177 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
. For more
2.3 Visual Check
If the display screen glass is broken, do not touch.
Inspect the packaging carefully for damages or signs of rough handling. Report damage to the carrier and to the local office of the manufacturer.
Figure 2-3: Visual check
1 Device nameplate (for more data refer to 2 Process connection data (size and pressure rating, material reference and heat number) 3 Gasket material data – refer to the illustration that follows
Figure 2-4: Symbols for the supplied gasket material (on the side of the process connection)
1 EPDM 2 Kalrez® 6375
Nameplate (examples)
on page 24)
If the device is supplied with an FKM/FPM gasket, there is no symbol on the side of the process connection.
Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.
Compare the material references on the side of the process connection with the order.
www.honeywellprocess.com34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
2.4 Nameplates
Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.
2.4.1 Nameplate (examples)
Figure 2-5: Non-Ex nameplate attached to the housing
1 Cable entry size 2 Electronic revision (according to NAMUR NE 53) 3 Signal output (analog, HART®, fieldbus, etc.), input voltage and maximum current (fieldbus options: basic current) 4 Degree of ingress protection (according to EN 60529 / IEC 60529) 5 Customer tag number 6 Date of manufacture 7 Serial number 8 Type code (defined in order). For more data, refer to 9 Model name and number. C = compact version. 10 Company logo, name and postal address
Country of manufacture / Company web address
11 cQPSus electrical safety certification for the USA and Canada. Agrees with NEC and CEC requirements for installa-
tion in ordinary locations.
12 WARNING! Hot surface. If the device is connected to tank that operates at high temperature, there is a risk of injury.
Order code
on page 165.
24 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
3.1 General notes on installation
Inspect the packaging carefully for damages or signs of rough handling. Report damage to the carrier and to the local office of the manufacturer.
Do a check of the packing list to make sure that you have all the elements given in the order.
Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.
3.2 Storage
Do not keep the device in a vertical position. This will damage the antenna and the device will not measure correctly.
Figure 3-1: Storage conditions
1 When you put the device into storage, do not keep it in a vertical position. 2 Put the device on its side. We recommend that you use the packaging in which it was delivered. 3 Storage temperature range: -40...+85°C / -40...+185°F
Store the device in a dry and dust-free location.
Keep the converter out of the sunlight.
Store the device in its original packing.
www.honeywellprocess.com34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
3.3 Transport
Figure 3-2: How to lift the device
Lift the device carefully to prevent damage to the antenna. If you remove the signal converter to lift the device, do not interchange this part with a different signal converter. This can have an effect on the performance of the device.
3.4 Pre-installation requirements
Obey the precautions that follow to make sure that the device is correctly installed.
Make sure that there is sufficient space on all sides.
Protect the signal converter from direct sunlight. If necessary, install the weather protection
Do not subject the signal converter to heavy vibrations. The devices are tested for vibration and agree with EN 50178 and IEC 60068-2-6.
26 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
3.5 Pressure and temperature ranges
The process connection temperature range must agree with the temperature limits of the gasket material. The operating pressure range is subject to the process connection used and the flange temperature.
Figure 3-3: Pressure and temperature ranges
1 Temperature at the process connection
Non-Ex devices: The temperature range depends on the type of antenna, process connection and the seal material. Refer to the table that follows. Devices with Hazardous Location approvals: see supplementary instructions
2 Ambient temperature for operation of the display
-20...+70°C / -4...+158°F If the ambient temperature is not between these limits, then it is possible that the display screen will not operate tem­porarily. The device continues to measure level and send an output signal.
3 Ambient temperature
Non-Ex devices: -40...+80°C / -40...+176°F Devices with Hazardous Location approvals: see supplementary instructions
4 Process pressure
Depends on the type of antenna and process connection. Refer to the table that follows.
Maximum process connection temperature and operating pressure
Antenna type Maximum process connection
[°C] [°F] [barg] [psig]
PP Drop +100 +212 16 232
PTFE Drop +130 +266 16 232
Metallic Horn +130
1 The maximum process connection temperature must agree with the temperature limits of the gasket material
For more data on pressure ratings, refer to
3.6 Recommended mounting position
Follow these recommendations to make sure that the device measures correctly. They have an effect on the performance of the device.
We recommend that you prepare the installation when the tank is empty.
Maximum operating pressure
16 232
Guidelines for maximum operating pressure
on page
www.honeywellprocess.com34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
3.6.1 General notes
Recommended nozzle position for solids
Figure 3-4: Recommended nozzle position for solids
1 Position of the process fitting from the silo wall, r/2 (for DN80, DN100, DN150 or DN200 horn antennas, and DN80,
DN100 or DN150 Drop antennas)
2 Radius of the silo, r 3 The minimum measured level for a device without a 2° slanted PP flange option or orientation system (max. 30°) 4 The minimum measured level for a device with a 2° slanted PP flange option or orientation system (max. 30°)
If there is a nozzle on the tank before installation, the nozzle must be a minimum of 200 mm /
from the tank wall. The tank wall must be flat and there must not be obstacles adjacent to
the nozzle or on the tank wall.
Point the device in the correct direction to get the best performance
Figure 3-5: Point the device in the correct direction to get the best performance
1 Cable entry 2 Nearest tank wall 3 Tank centerline
Point the cable entries on the housing in the direction of the tank centerline. 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
Number of devices that can be operated in a silo
Figure 3-6: There is no maximum limit to the number of devices that can be operated in the same silo
There is no maximum limit to the number of devices that can be operated in the same silo. They can be installed adjacent to other radar level transmitters.
3.6.2 Tanks with dish-shaped and conical bottoms
Dish-shaped or conical bottoms have an effect on the measuring range. The device cannot measure to the bottom of the tank. If possible, install the device as shown in the illustration that follows:
Figure 3-7: Tanks with dish-shaped or conical bottoms
1 Axis of radar beam 2 Minimum level reading
3.7 Mounting restrictions
Follow these recommendations to make sure that the device measures correctly. They have an effect on the performance of the device.
We recommend that you prepare the installation when the tank is empty.
www.honeywellprocess.com34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
3.7.1 General notes
LPR and TLPR devices
LPR (Level Probing Radar)
LPR (Level Probing Radar) devices measure level in the open air or in a closed space (a metallic
LPR (Level Probing Radar)LPR (Level Probing Radar) tank etc.). TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar) can use LPR devices for TLPR applications. For more data, refer to Radio approvals on page 11
Causes of interference signals
Objects in the tank or silo.
Sharp corners that are perpendicular to the path of the radar beam.
Sudden changes in tank diameter in the path of the radar beam.
Do not install the device above objects in the silo (ladder, supports etc.) or pit. Objects in the silo or pit can cause interference signals. If there are interference signals, the device will not measure correctly. If it is not possible to install the device on another part of the silo or pit, do an empty spectrum scan.
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar) devices measure level in a closed space only. You
TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar)TLPR (Tank Level Probing Radar)
Equipment and obstacles: how to prevent measurement of interference signals
Do not put the device immediately above equipment and obstacles in a silo or pit. This can have an effect on the performance of the device.
If possible, do not install a nozzle on the silo centerline.
Figure 3-8: Equipment and obstacles: how to prevent measurement of interference signals
1 We recommend that you do an empty spectrum recording if there are too many obstacles in the radar beam (for more
data, refer to
2 Beam radius of the antenna: refer to the table below. The beam radius increases by increments of "x" mm for each
metre of distance from the antenna.
Empty spectrum recording
on page 102). 34-VF-25-131 iss.1 GLO Feb 2019 US
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