The Models P531and P532 feature a new design
in flame monitoring technology. The dual processor
system is capable of monitoring three viewing heads
simultaneously. It can also monitor both UV and IR
separately from one S55xx viewing head. In addition,
three marginal alarm relays can be configured to provide a secondary indication if the flame count falls below set point or if a viewing head temperature reaches
70° C (158° F).
The P532 and P532UI makes use of three scrolling
dot matrix displays capable of displaying alphanumeric
characters in three different colors as follows:
Red indication for IR
Green indications for UV
Orange indication for mixture of UV and IR
The P531 Signal Processor uses seven discrete
LED’s for display. These include:
Tricolor flame strength flashing indicators for each
Relay and status indicators.
In addition to automatic viewing head detection, each
channel and viewing head can be associated with two
sets of configuration data as follows:
1. Primary: This is the normal viewing head con-
2. Alternate: This is a set of alternate settings that
can be activated by applying a voltage across
the alternate select pins for each specific channel or writing configuration to Modbus register.
Automatic set up functionality is a feature whereby
each channel can be configured automatically in one
of three ways:
1. Auto Fit: The flame is monitored and the gain is
adjusted to produce an optimal count of between
1100 and 1300. The flame on will then be set at
800 and flame off will be set to 600.
2. Auto Sequence: The gain will first be adjusted
as in the Auto Fit routine and then the flame on
and flame off settings will be adjusted. (This
requires turning off the flame).
3. Auto Filter: Used for definitive infrared calibra-
tion. The sequence procedure (above) is performed on each of the 8 filter settings. The bestdifferentiated filter is chosen and configured for
gain, flame on and flame off settings.
The P532 provides the use of a lockable front panel
for restricting unauthorized access. The P531 uses the
removable P532UI to achieve this feature.
Both Signal Processors have viewing head error detection with viewing head lockout capabilities. (this
requires user intervention)
A P522 operation mode can be achieved by installing
a jumper between the two P522 pins.
Changing viewing head types (while the system is
operational) will cause the processor to go into lockout
mode. (This is a safety feature).
The P531 and P532 are compatible with RS-422 and
Modbus protocol, and are field upgradeable with firmware download capabilities.
Viewing Head Selection.
Models S702 / S802 IR and the S706 / S806 UV
viewing heads can be connected to Viewing Head #3.
Viewing head #3 will default to be assigned to channel “A”.
Models S552 IR and S556 UV together with the
S550 that utilizes both UV and IR sensors can be connected to Viewing Head #1 and #2.
Viewing Head #1 will default to be assigned to
channel ‘B”.
Viewing Head #2 will default to be assigned to
channel “C”.
Note: Alternate channels default to NONE
The P532 front panel and the P532UI (User Interface)
makes use of nine push buttons for operation. Each
of these buttons has at least one specific purpose.
All access to the front panel operation is initiated by
pressing and holding a button for two seconds (this
eliminates the possibility of inadvertent access).
In all cases, only the available options will be displayed.
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There are three menu branches:
1. Channel menu has all configuration items asso-
ciated with the channel.
2. Viewing head menu has all configuration items
associated with the Viewing head.
3. Options menu has global and system configu-
ration items and information.
Note: The RESET button will return you to the default display from any place in the menu structure.
If left for a period of time without intervention, the
display will revert back to the default display.
(Except during auto calibration modes)
A channel (Primary and or Alternate) can be assigned
to a viewing head (or viewing head sensor in the case
of advanced S550x viewing heads).
Default Settings
Default choices are available in two menus.
1. Channel (Primary and or Alternate) defaults all
parameters under the channel menu except for
the viewing head association. The viewing head
(or the viewing head sensor) assigned to the
defaulted channel will also be defaulted.
Alternate – Primary (during configuration)
The top line will display ALT or PRIM, followed by :
Channel letter (A, B, or C)
Viewing Head number (1, 2, or 3)
The color of this line (top)
Red indicates that this configuration is active at
Green indicates a non active configuration.
The CHANNEL button will toggle between these two
Alternate configurations can be activated by applying
a voltage across the select terminals.
The default display will appear most of the time. Each
line on the display will always be associated with the
same channel. The default display will show the flame
count for all 3 channels.
IR saturation is indicated by flame counts of 9999
Flame count
Options defaults all channels and viewing heads
as well as resetting the system wide parameters
and viewing head to channel association.
Note: The response to YES is always the STORE
Numerical configuration.
Green is the current set point stored in memory.
Orange indicates that the setting has been changed
but not saved yet.
The speed of changing numerical values is accelerated as the key is held down.
The UP and DOWN buttons are used to change numerical values or to jump between configuration parameters.
The SELECT button is used to jump to the next item in
all 3 of the menu structures, or to select intermediate
parameters that will not be stored.
Normal Flame counts are in the range of 0 to 3500 for
the S55x viewing heads and 0 to 3000 for S70x / S80x
viewing heads (viewing head #3)
A red display will indicate that channel is associated
with the IR only portion of a viewing head’s output.
(Saturation is indicated for advanced viewing heads
A green display will indicate that channel is associated with the UV only portion of a viewing head’s output.
An orange display will indicate that channel is associated with a mixture of both IR and UV from a S550
viewing head.
A Blank Line indicates that no viewing head is associ-
ated with the channel.
This could also indicate that the gain of an associated
sensor is zero.
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A Bar Graph will be displayed in the last digit of the
default display.
The graph is proportional to the analog output (20ma)
and is affected by the flame count and the analog gain
for the channel.
LKOUT will be displayed on the panel if a viewing
head error has occurred. (Flame relays will trip and
the channels will remain locked out until any button is
pressed on the front panel). Lockout will also occur
when an unexpected viewing head is detected. This
will occur when changing head types or attaching new
viewing heads to a system that has been defaulted.
LKOUT Cannot be cleared by a power reset (to clear
push any button)
Verification of all viewing head and channel parameters is required after a lockout has occurred.
Alternate Indicator
The middle pixel of the rightmost column will be illuminated if the Alternate configuration for that channel is
currently in operation.
Hot Viewing Head Indication
The configuration is written to Modbus register
The Primary configuration will be used for operation if:
No voltage is present and Modbus is configured for
Primary (default)
To reset Modbus Prim/Alt register
Use the serial RS-422 communications port (see Modbus register map)
Doing a system default (Options / Default) will set this
register to Primary for all channels.
Non-Advanced viewing heads
(S550 models with no following letter designation)
The processor treats non-advanced viewing heads as
a single sensor. The UV and IR cannot be separated
as with the advanced viewing heads.
To configure for UV only the IR gain should be set to
zero, conversely the IR only can be seen if the UV
gain is set to zero (note the appropriate color change
of flame count display).
These two configurations can be saved in primary and
alternate for a single channel and switched when
A warning will be displayed for 1 second in each 4
seconds if a viewing head attached to Viewing Head
#1 or Viewing Head #2 terminals exceeds a temperature of 70° C (158° F).
Seeing that the viewing head may not be associated
with any particular channel the number of the offending viewing head will be displayed.
Except for this notification, no other action is taken
when a viewing head is hot.
Primary / Alternate selection
Two sets of configuration data can be stored and used
for each of the 3 channels.
Both the alternate and primary configurations can
be viewed and adjusted from the panel.
Using the Prim/Alt switch.
The Alternate configuration is used for operation if:
A voltage is applied across the associated alternate
select pins, OR
Individual sensors of advanced viewing heads (and
non-advanced viewing heads) can be assigned to
channel configurations Primary and Alternate.
A sensor CANNOT be assigned to more than one
channel and a primary and an alternate configuration all at the same time.
A sensor can be assigned to both Primary and Alternate configurations of the same channel (but not to
another channel)
A sensor can be assigned to more than one channel
(all either primary or alternate).
All channel parameters settings can be configured for
both Primary and Alternate usage.
The color of the words PRIM or ALT in the display
indicates if it is the current configuration in use.
RED selected.
Green not selected.
Page 3
A letter or a number will be displayed after the selection indicating the Channel of Viewing head that is
being configured or viewed.
Letters (A, B, C) indicate Channels
Numbers (1, 2, 3) indicate viewing head numbers
Note: Invalid configurations will not be allowed and
an “IN USE” warning will be displayed if the sensor
is already in use by conflicting configuration. The
offending configuration that is using the sensor
must be configured to either use a different sensor
or use no sensor at all (NONE).
Replacing viewing heads
If a viewing head is replaced with a different type
(model), all channels using the head will lockout.
Only one button press is required to clear all lockouts.
If more than one channel or Alternate/Primary configuration was using the head then the channel assignments will be set to none.
Toggle primary and alternate viewing head parameters using the CHANNEL button.
The appropriate configuration can be selected with the
SELECT button.
Display of (PRIM/ALT) in Red indicates that the
displayed parameter is being used by the channel
selection (for the control of the channel relays).
Viewing head parameters (gains and filters)
The valid parameters for the viewing head can be
scrolled through using the SELECT button. The current stored setting will be displayed in green.
To adjust the gains and filters the UP and Down buttons will be used.
The STORE button must be pressed to store the appropriate setting.
Channel Set
Channel selection: (See Flow Chart 2)
Advanced viewing heads will be assigned to Primary
for one of the previously used channels only.
All viewing head gains and filters will be set to default
Both Primary and Alternate settings will be defaulted.
Note: Changing viewing heads (to that of the same
Model) while the unit is operating may cause a lockout. (Cleared with a press of a button).
Three menus are accessible from the front panel.
Pressing and holding the appropriate button for 2 seconds will open the menu.
Viewing Head Set
Viewing head selection : (See Flow Chart 1)
All attached viewing heads can be scrolled through
using the UP and DOWN or the VIEWING HEAD SET
Scroll between channels “A”, “B”, and “C”, using the
UP, DOWN, or CHANNEL SET buttons.
Select the Channel to view or configure with the SELECT button. The viewing head associated with the
channel will now be displayed.
The top line of the display will indicate either PRIM or
ALT along with the channel letter. Toggle between
these using the CHANNEL button.
Scroll through the channel menu items using the SELECT button.
Associate Viewing head with channel
Associating a viewing head with the channel can be
done by scrolling through the viewing heads using the
UP and DOWN buttons. Then select the viewing head
with the STORE button.
If an advanced viewing head is selected with the
STORE button from the channel Viewing head selection menu, then another menu choice will appear
The viewing head to be accessed can be selected with
the SELECT button.
The top line of the display will indicate either PRIM or
ALT along with the viewing head number.
Using the UP or DOWN buttons scroll among
1. Both IR and UV will be mixed for this channel
2. IR? - Only IR will be used for this channel
Page 4
3. UV - Only UV will be used for this channel
Temperature Alarm (Viewing Head)
The appropriate choice must be stored with the
STORE button.
If association is invalid (the sensor is associated with
another channel and Alt) “IN USE” will be displayed.
The channel that is using the sensor must be disassociated, either by selecting another sensor for that
channel or setting it’s sensor association to NONE.
Using the UP and DOWN buttons then STORE the
Flame Failure Response time.
FFRT Nominal Opening Maximum FFRT
1 1 sec 2 sec
2 2 sec 3 sec
3 3 sec 4 sec
Delay On
Using UP and DOWN button and STORE the Delay
relay on time.
The Alarm relays can be configured to energize if a
viewing head with a temperature sensor gets hot (70°
C (158° F) or above).
Set both Primary and Alternate Alarm set points to
Channel A alarm is for Viewing head #1
Channel B alarm is for Viewing head #2
Viewing head #3 has no temperature feature.
To set both Alarm set points for one channel first set
one of the set points to zero then press CHANNEL
button to access the other. (note the change in the top
line of the display).
Default (Channel)
To reset the channel to default values:
Scroll to YES using the UP or DOWN buttons and
then press the STORE button. The STORE button
must be pressed again to answer the “are you sure?”
Option Menu
Analog out gain
Selecting this parameter (with either the UP or DOWN
button) will cause the display to change.
The Gain (0 – 100) will be displayed on the line associated with the channel being adjusted in the color
associated with the flame count. There will be a bar
graph that is proportional to the analog (20ma) output
for that channel. (Selected channel only.)
Adjusting the gain using the UP and DOWN buttons
will (in real time) produce outputs on the analog output
pins and on the bar graph proportional to the current
flame count.
Real time bar graph display of the analog gain setting will be calculated from the fame count of the
channel selection
Alarm Set point
Using the UP and DOWN buttons then STORE the
Alarm set point.
The alarm relay can be disabled by setting this parameter to zero.
System wide configuration parameters
(See Flowchart 3)
Using the UP and DOWN buttons, enter the value for
the RS-422 node address. (Default is zero)
The P532 will not respond to the Zero “Broadcast”
Using the UP and DOWN buttons, toggle between
baud rates for the RS-422 press then STORE to accept. (Default is 9600)
Power Reset
To reset the power:
Scroll to YES using the UP or DOWN buttons and
then press the STORE button. The STORE button
must be pressed again to answer the “are you sure?”
question. This cycles power to all the viewing heads
and restarts both processors.
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The front panel can be disabled for configuration
changes by entering a LOCK CODE. The lock code is
available SRVIUYIWX.
If panel is locked: All parameters are viewable but
none can be changed.
Using the UP and DOWN buttons, toggle between
parities for the RS-422 press then STORE to accept.
(Default is none)
20ma output
Using the UP and DOWN buttons, toggle between the
0 to 20 ma output or the 4 to 20 ma output then
STORE to accept. (Default is 4 to 20).
Default (global default)
To reset the system to default values:
Scroll to YES using the UP or DOWN buttons and
then press the STORE button. The STORE button
must be pressed again to answer the “are you sure?”
All channels will be associated with the default viewing
heads, all channel set points will be defaulted, and all
viewing head parameters will be set to default values
(both Primary and Alternate). Channels will be set to 4
– 20 ma output mode.
The main flame relays are controlled by the Flame On
and Flame Off settings. The relays are energized
once the flame count has exceeded the Flame On
setting for Delay ON consecutive seconds. Conversely the relays are de-energized once the flame
count has been less than Flame Off setting for FFRT
consecutive seconds. (See flowchart 4)
Flame On, Flame OFF
Hold either of these buttons for 2 seconds to enter the
relay menu.
Push the SELECT button at any time to change to the
next available channel.
Pushing the CHANNEL button will toggle between ALT
and PRIM settings (red display of Prim/Alt will indicate
parameter is currently active)
Pushing either the FLAME ON or FLAME OFF will
display the current set value in green.
Use the UP and DOWN buttons to change the settings
of these parameters and STORE to save the values.
Temperature display
See Configuration control charts 1 and 2
The temperature of a supported viewing head will be
displayed when the TEMP button is held for 2 seconds. This display will also show the model of the
viewing head.
Certain versions of the S550 were produced without a
temperature sensor. These will display zero for temperature.
The flame monitor can be configured automatically in
two different ways. Seeing that this configuration is for
a specific channel it therefore falls under the channel
Only a currently selected channel can be set up
automatically, as indicated by a red Prim/Alt display
The auto fit menu is entered by selecting AUTOMATIC
from the channel menu.
The auto fit configuration only affects the gain of the
specific sensor selected and Flame On and Flame Off
set points).
A channel utilizing 2 simultaneous sensors (S550)
cannot be calibrated with this procedure.
It is necessary to have a flame present to use auto
The gain will be set so that the flame count for the
specific sensor is between 1100 and 1300. The Flame
On will be set to 800 and Flame Off to 600.
If this is unobtainable, a message will be displayed
indicating the flame is too high or too low. (High flame
requires the installation of an orifice).
Note: If a channel is using two sensors a choice will
be given to turn one or the other of these sensors
off. The corresponding gain will be set to Zero for
S550 viewing heads or the sensor will be selected
for the specific channel for advanced viewing heads
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