Honeywell FALCON MJ Pulse/M-Bus Operating Instructions Manual

Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
FALCON MJ Pulse/M-Bus operating instructions
M-Bus module for
Honeywell / Elster M100i and M120i waters meters
1 Description of functions ....................................................................................................... 2
2 Installation and commissioning ........................................................................................... 3
2.1 Installing Falcon MJ M-Bus ........................................................................................... 3
2.2 Connection .................................................................................................................... 3
3 Configuration with MBCONF ............................................................................................... 3
3.1 Installation ..................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Info tab card .................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Falcon MJ tab card ....................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Extended configuration / alarms tab ............................................................................ 10
3.4.1 Alarm (Activation) ................................................................................................. 11
3.4.2 Occurred alarms ................................................................................................... 11
3.4.3 Pulse settings ....................................................................................................... 12
3.4.4 Manufacturer / generation .................................................................................... 13
3.4.5 Other .................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.6 Security ................................................................................................................ 13
4 M-Bus telegrams ............................................................................................................... 15
4.1 SND_UD: Send User data; telegram selection ........................................................... 15
4.1.1 Select Normal readout (Short telegram) ............................................................... 15
4.1.2 Select Enhanced readout (Long telegram) ........................................................... 16
4.2 RSP_UD: data transfer on request ............................................................................. 17
4.2.1 Short – telegram (for Modules with Firmware 1.0.3 or older)................................ 17
4.2.2 Long – telegram (for Modules with Firmware 1.0.3 or older) ................................ 19
4.2.3 Short – telegram (for Modules with Firmware 1.0.5 or newer) .............................. 28
4.2.4 Long – telegram (for Modules with Firmware 1.0.5 or newer) .............................. 30
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
1 Description of functions
The Falcon MJ makes it possible to read out Honeywell / Elster water meters M100i and M120i in a M-Bus system or via a digital pulse output.
FALCON MJ Pulse/M-Bus communications module
Once the meter index is configured via the M-Bus, the Falcon MJ will transfer the exact meter index shown on the water meter's register. The free of charge software MBCONF can be used for parameterization. Because of its intuitive user interface, MBCONF is very simple to use.
Another feature of the Falcon MJ is its due date function. The user can program an annual due date. In conjunction with the unit's real-time clock with calendar function, the meter's current index will be specially stored on the configured date at 00:00 (change of day to the reporting date). A write-protect function prevents pre-set values from being modified. This write protection can be improved by using a password (optional). Warning: If this password get lost, the write protection cannot be disabled anymore!
When the module is connected to a M-Bus network, the device gets its power from the M-Bus. The internal battery backs up operation even when the M-Bus has an failure. The battery is already activated when the unit is delivered.
The Falcon MJ stores the meter index on the first day of every month at 00:00. The Falcon MJ offers two different telegram types which are selectable by the user: The long telegram contains all values, including monthly values. The short telegram does not contain any monthly values. Even though the short telegram type may be selected, monthly values are stored internally and are available later on for read out if the telegram type is changed.
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
2 Installation and commissioning
2.1 Installing Falcon MJ M-Bus
Refer to the separate installation instructions inside the package.
2.2 Connection
The Falcon MJ will be delivered with a permanently attached 5 wires cable, 3m length. The yellow and green M-Bus wires can be connected with e.g. suitable distribution terminal strips. The polarity of the M-Bus wires is irrelevant.
3 Configuration with MBCONF
This device's configuration must be adapted by the customer to the given meter. This can be done, for example, with the program MBCONF, version 3.6 and higher, which will be described below.
3.1 Installation
The MBCONF parameterization software for the Falcon MJ is a 32-bit application that can be executed on an IBM compatible PC running a Windows 95 / 98 / XP / 7 / 10 operating system. The desktop or laptop PC to be used must have a free USB interface connection. This interface connection must be connected to an M-Bus level converter (MR003 USB / MikroMaster). The Falcon MJ device which I configured must have a 1:1 connection (i.e. be the only M-Bus device attached) to the M-Bus output of the level converter.
In order to install the software onto the PC, please execute the file "MBCONF_SETUP.EXE" by selecting it from the Windows Explorer or via "Start – Run". The setup program allows selection of a language during installation. If desired, a program group and a desktop link can be created. Both language variations, German and English, can thereafter be selected for execution from the Start menu or directly from the desktop link.
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
3.2 Info tab card
The lower third of this card is also visible in every other card. This makes the following entry fields and control buttons continuously available:
specifies the serial interface of the PC to which the M-Bus level converter is connected. This port setting will be stored in the program's INI file so that when the program is restarted it will not be necessary to make this setting again.
specifies the PC's interface speed. It can be set to 300, 2400 and 9600 baud and corresponds to the currently used M-Bus baudrate. The Falcon MJ module supports the baud-rates 300, 2400 and 9600 WITH automatic detection, that means the baud rate do not need to be configured and adopts automatically to the baud rate of the M-Bus network.
New M-Bus baud-rate
permits a baud-rate changeover for the M-Bus device. To this end the corresponding selection field is used to set a new baud-rate. Afterwards, the module will be notified of the new baud-rate via the M-Bus.
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
As the FALCON MJ module supports Auto-bauding a change of the M-Bus speed is not required. The module will automatically detect the selected baudrate of the M-Bus system
M-Bus address
is the primary M-Bus address for the attached M-Bus device. In a 1:1 connection (1 adapter on the M-Bus), the broadcast address 254 can be used. Every M-Bus terminal device must respond to the address 254. The default setting for this address in the program is 254.
Connect to meter
is a control button which requests data from the M-Bus terminal device in conjunction with automatic device type recognition. The fields "Manufacturer", "Generation", "Type" and "M-Bus status byte" will be updated with the device's responses. Depending on the manufacturer and type of M-Bus device, new tab cards will then be created.
Manufacturer is a field that, following a successful read ("Meter connection"), will display a 3 character M-Bus manufacturer code (upper-case ASCII letters).
Generation displays the version of the connected M-Bus module's firmware.
Type displays the device type of the connected device (here: Honeywell / Elster Falcon MJ). This field cannot be edited (read only).
displays the M-Bus status of the connected device.
ZVEI-Opto Mode
if this check-box is activated, devices with an optical interface which use the EN1434-3 communications protocol can be read out and parameterized with the help of an optical head (e.g. the PadPuls M4).
MDK (Sensus)
this check-box activates the read out of Sensus meters with the Mini-Bus interface and special inductive heads (MDK).
Autom. readout
if this check-box is activated, the program will automatically re-read the device's values after every write operation.
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
Log window
The so-called "Log window" is always visible. All M-Bus communication telegrams will be recorded in this window. Data will be displayed in hexadecimal representation. Output in the log window can be marked and then stored in the Windows clipboard with the "CTRL+C" key combination. From the clipboard it is easy to paste the data into a text processing program for documenting purposes. As soon as this window has reached its storage capacity, no more data will be entered. The displayed data must be deleted in order to allow recording to continue.
The following control buttons are also always visible:
Erase log deletes all output in the log window.
Exit terminates the program and writes the current setting for serial in-
terface selection into the INI file.
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
3.3 Falcon MJ tab card
This tab card shows the current settings and values for the Falcon MJ M-Bus. The entry fields and control buttons, described below, permit device parameters to be changed:
Primary address
is the M-Bus address of the Falcon MJ. A value between 0 and 250 can be entered into this field if the primary address needs to be changed. Click on "Write" control button will transfer the primary address and other alterable settings on this tab card to the Falcon MJ module. The addresses 253, 254 and 255 are broadcast addresses.
253 -> deselect all slaves
254 -> select all slaves
255 -> select all slaves without confirmation (0xE5).
ID (sec.adr.)
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
is an 8-character M-Bus ID used for secondary addressing on the Falcon MJ. We recommend that the serial number of the connected water meter is programmed here. Default: Secondary address is set as the last 8 digits of the module´s SN
Medium describes the medium to be measured on the selected Falcon MJ. Selection: water, hot water, cold water, hot/cold water
Current time is the current date and time inside the module This field can only be edited, and changed in the module if the check-box "Edit Time" is activated. The "Read clock of PC" control button will make a onetime transfer of the PC's current time into this window. A click on the control arrow at the right of the date field will open a calendar for convenient selection of the date.
Edit Time
activation of this control check-box permits editing and programming of the current date and time. This checkbox will automatically deactivate again after parameterization has been done successfully.
is the current meter index in liters. By checking the box “Change volume” the meter index can be updated.
Only possible if write protection is OFF and the “change volume” box is
Volume (backward)
is the meter count in litres for the amount of backflow
Change volume
activation of this check-box permits editing the "Volume" and "Volume (backwards)" fields. This check-box will automatically deactivate again after parameterization was done successfully.
Instantaneous Flow rate
displays the current flow in [l/h].
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
Maximum Flow rate
displays the max flow rate registered by the module with the according date.
The date will only be shown if the module is connected to the M-Bus permanent. For quick read out via MBConf, use the
“Historical values” button to see the last monthly values and also
the last monthly max. flow values.
Erase hist. values
deletes all monthly values in the Falcon MJ module. I.e. historic monthly meter index and historic max. flow rate values.
Historical values
displays all Falcon MJ stored monthly values in a pop-up window. This control button is only active when the "Long telegram" radio button is active. This control will also store values for maximum throughput of the day and the month.
Read clock of PC
reads the PC system's current date and time and enters this data into the "Current time" field.
Due-date cnt.
is the stored meter counter index for the Due date. This field cannot be edited (read only).
is the last reporting date (i.e. date when the meter index was stored the last time) in the format DD.MM.YY. This field cannot be edited (read only).
Next due-date
is the next due date (i.e. date for the next storage of meter index) in the format DD.MM.YY. Storing will take place at 00:00 on the due date, e.g. if next reporting day is 01.01. then following a change from 31.12. 23:59 to 01.01. at 00:00. The field can only be edited when the check-box "Edit time" is activated.
ExtendedSettings / Warnings
opens a new tab card responsible for the configuration of alarms, pulse outputs settings and other information (see section 3.4).
M-Bus telegram settings
displays the setting for telegram type effective for the Falcon MJ.
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
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Activate short tel.
switches the mode for the M-Bus protocol on the Falcon MJ to short-form telegram (without monthly values)
Activate long tel.
switches the mode for M-Bus protocol on the Falcon MJ to long telegram (with monthly values).
updates M-Bus data on the selected tab card.
sends the current settings to the device where they will be stored.
Notice: If a new device is connected, the control button "Connect to meter" must first be pressed.
Afterwards the tab card of the Falcon MJ will be shown.
3.4 Extended configuration / alarms tab
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This tab card shows the currently set configuration for the Falcon MJ module. Functions can be activated by marking respective check-boxes.
3.4.1 Alarm (Activation)
The alarm activation settings enables or disables the corresponding alarms via the Tamper signal (red wire). The activation or deactivation of any alarm here does not influence the alarm management via the M-Bus wire. It is also possible to activate multiple alarms, shown on the tamper wire.
Attention: There is no differentiator via the tamper wire which alarm just occurs!
Backward flow alarm
is activated when more than 3 litres continuous backflow are measured.
Magn. Manipulation alarm
is activated when a manipulation attempt with an external magnet is detected.
Removal alarm
Is activated when the module is removed from the meter
Battery alarm
Is activated when the remaining lifetime of the battery is lower than app. 13 months.
3.4.2 Occurred alarms
The occurred alarms are shown on the M-Bus when one of those alarms were detected earlier.
Alarm (removal)
Is activated when the module is removed from the meter. In addition to the check box there is the date and time of the first appearance of the alarm and also a counter how often the module was removed. The removal alarm automatically sets a manipulation alarm as well.
Falcon MJ M-Bus Operating instructions
05/18 Generation 1.2
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Manipulation alarm
Is activated when a magnetic manipulation attempt was detected. It is also activated in combination with the removal alarm. A date and time is stored for the first occurred alarm event.
Backward flow alarm
is activated when more than 3 litres continuous backflow are measured. The date and time is stored for the first backflow event.
Low battery alarm
Is activated when the remaining lifetime of the battery is lower than app. 13 months.
3.4.3 Pulse settings
Those two values reconfigure the compensated pulse output signal (wires White and brown) White wire Pulse (+) Brown wire Ground (-) Max contact load: 30 V DC / 30mA Default setting for pulse output: 1 litre per pulse; 100ms pulse width
For the pulse output an open drain is used. The polarity must be observed. The pulse output is compatible to the most systems that were used with a Reed-switch before
Pulse incr. Specifies the pulse output resolution in litres per pulses. All full values between 1 and 1000 liters are possible. Dosing applications: For special dosing applications, you can enter the value 9999. This value will give a pulse output of 2,5 litres per pulse!
Pulse width The pulse width can be set between 50 and 500 ms. The setting of pulse incr. and pulse width must be plausible, depending on the meter size and max flow rate values. Example: For a Q3 10; DN25 meter with a Q4 value of 12,5 m³/h
12,5m³/h app. 3,5 l/s Pulse output 1 litre max. possible pulse width 140 ms (smaller values are possible)
If a pulse overcount would happen, the pulser stores the pulses and sends them to the output when the flow rate decreases again. The internal storage for this pulse counter is 65.535 pulses.
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