4074EQZ (With Plug)
4074ERR (No Plug)
Replacement F90A Power cord
The power cord assembly is intended to replace the
power cord, connector, and strain relief associated with
the power cord for the FYOA Electronic Air Cleaner.
Trim off air cleaner, and unplug existing elec-
trical cord to avoid electrical shock.
MPORTANT: Do nor insert the terminals on the
power cord into rhe connector until rhey have been
routed into the junction box.
A. Remove the old power cord.
1. Cutoff Ihe white, black and green wires of thecord
exactly above the connector.
2. Pull the power cord and strain relief out of the top
of the unit.
3. Discard old cord, connector, and strain relief.
B. Feed the end of the cord with the terminals through the
hole in the top of the unit above the junction box.
C. Insert the wire terminals into the elechical connector as
Wire Number
D. Connect the connector to the mating connector on the
paver box.
E. Using a large pliers, squeeze the strain relief around the
power cord, and push into the hole from the top.
F. On the4074ERR. mount a wall plug (obtain locally) on
the other end of the power cord.
G. Plugthecordintowalloudetandtumontheaircleaner.
on Co”“ector
Residential and
Building Controls Division
Honeywell Inc.
1985 Douglas Drive North
Golden Valley. Minnesota 55422
Residential and
Building Conhvls Division
Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limit&
740 Ellesmere Road
Scarborough. Ontaria
MlP 2V9
J.H. - 8-91 - 0 Hone.yweil Inc. 1991 - Printed in U.S.A. - Form Number 69-0678