Honeywell 800-08340V1 User Manual

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800-08340V1 3/11 Rev. A
Honeywell is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
Windows, Windows XP, and Windows Vista are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, and related trademarks, names, and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used as trademarks in the U.S., Canada, and countries around the world.
Java is a trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
QuickTime® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
Total Connect Online Help Guide
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Obtaining a Total Connect account .......................................................................................................... 2
Setting up your PC for Total Connect....................................................................................................... 3
Settings for Security........................................................................................................................... 3
Settings for QuickTime Player ............................................................................................................. 5
Settings for use with Optiflex.............................................................................................................. 6
Accessing Total Connect ......................................................................................................................... 6
Using Total Connect ............................................................................................................................... 7
My Profile .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Manage Users.................................................................................................................................... 9
Editing a User ..............................................................................................................................10
Deleting a User ............................................................................................................................11
Edit Device Names ............................................................................................................................11
Remote Access .................................................................................................................................12
System ........................................................................................................................................13
Zone Status .................................................................................................................................13
Device Control..............................................................................................................................14
Event History ...............................................................................................................................14
Keypad ........................................................................................................................................17
Video ...............................................................................................................................................19
Configure Email Notification...............................................................................................................20
Configure Mobile...............................................................................................................................21
Event History....................................................................................................................................23
Logout .............................................................................................................................................23
Controlling your system using a Mobile Phone.........................................................................................24
Controlling your system using Text Messages..........................................................................................24
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The Total Connect website enables users to remotely access their security system via an internet web browser, or mobile phone (that support GSM/GPRS and SMS Text Messaging with short codes). Please check with your wireless carrier to be certain your pnone supports these protocols. Additionally you can access more advanced features and video by using the “Total Connect” app for your mobile phone.
As a Total Connect user, you can manage and run your security system from almost anywhere in the world, check its status, and receive event notifications. These event names can be customized to your preference.
You can also enable other people to receive event notifications, and can enable additional mobile phones to be notified of system events by email or text messaging.
Depending on the specific security system tasks to be accomplished, different communication methods are used. The table below summarizes the communication method used for typical tasks.
End User Tasks Communication Method
Editing user profile
Viewing security system status Viewing video system status
Controlling the security system remotely
Controlling the security system video remotely
Configuring Email and Text message notifications
Viewing the security system, and video system event history
Receiving security and video Event Notifications
Note: You can access your security system via Honeywell’s Total Connect website, once the dealer has enabled you.
This guide provides a tour of the Total Connect website, explaining each function, then focuses on how you can remotely control your security system using your PC or mobile phone.
Total Connect Online Help Guide
computer's web browser
text message via a mobile phone, an emulated keypad using a computer's
web browser, or the “Total Connect” app for your mobile phone
text message via a mobile phone, an emulated keypad using a computer's
web browser, or the “Total Connect” app for your mobile phone
computer's web browser
computer's web browser
computer's web browser, or the “Total Connect” app for your mobile phone
email text messages to a mobile phone

Obtaining a Total Connect account

The dealer/installer will set up your account and define the events you want to be notified of. These events correspond to the output relay triggering events that were programmed in the security system’s control panel.
Note: The Dealer/Installer should refer to the " and creating a Total Connect
Once the dealer assigns you a login name and password, you will receive a “Welcome” email message with your login name along with some helpful information. You will receive another email message with your password. You will then be able to receive notifications, and access your system via the Total Connect website or a mobile phone that supports GSM/GPRS and Text Messaging (SMS).
web account for you.
AlarmNet Direct User Guide
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" for information on configuring the hardware
Total Connect Online Help Guide

Setting up your PC for Total Connect

Settings for Security

It is recommended that you first set the "Display Mixed Content" internet setting. Then add the AlarmNet website to your browser's Trusted Sites list. This is especially important if you are also accessing Optiflex video.
1. Ensure you have Administrator privileges for the PC. With Internet Explorer open, navigate Tools > Internet Options. Then select the Security tab.
2. In the upper pane, select Internet, then click Custom level.
Note: Depending on what version of
Windows you are using, screen appearance will vary and certain buttons may have different labels.
For example; Windows XP will often use the term OK on a button that saves the data and closes the active window, whereas Windows Vista will often use the term CLOSE as an equivalent.
3. The following window appears.
4. Scroll to Miscellaneous > Display mixed content. Choose Enable, then click OK.
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Total Connect Online Help Guide
5. In the upper pane, select Trusted sites. To ensure the security level for the Trusted sites is set correctly, click
Default Level. Then click Sites.
6. The following window appears.
7. In the Add this Website to the zone verification . . . box.
8. Click Add, then click Close. Click OK to close out the window.
field, enter, then check the Require server
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Settings for QuickTime Player

If you do not already have QuickTime Player installed please download and install it.
After the installation is completed and the PC has been rebooted, configure the player as follows:
1. Open the player. Typically navigate Start > Programs > QuickTime > QuickTime Player.
2. From the Edit pull-down menu, navigate Preferences > QuickTime Preferences. The Preferences window appears.
Total Connect Online Help Guide
3. Select the Advanced tab. Then using the Transport Setup
4. Ensure the Transport Protocol
is set to HTTP, and the Port ID is set to 80.
5. Click OK, then click Apply. Click OK to close.
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drop-down box, select Custom.

Settings for use with Optiflex

If your security system utilizes Optiflex, ensure the following settings.
Note: Total Connect Video operates with the Optiflex Video Controller hardware and ActiveX-based "Optiflex Connect" viewing software that is currently supported by Internet Explorer 6 (and later) in Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
1. Log into Total Connect. (Refer to the next topic if necessary.)
2. At the left navigation bar, click Video. Then from the drop-down menu, select your Optiflex system. Click Launch Video System.
3. A separate window opens, then depending on your browser settings you may be prompted to "display nonsecure items?", please answer Yes to this prompt.
Note: The first time you access your video service, or any time that an update is needed you will be prompted to install the necessary software, or update.
Next your network authorization will be checked, then if you need Java system (or an update to an existing version), a prompt will appear. Please install when prompted. For example, an ActiveX prompt is shown below.
Total Connect Online Help Guide
, ActiveX, or QuickTime player installed on your
4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation/upgrade of Java, Active X, or QuickTime components.

Accessing Total Connect

To access Total Connect, just type into your browser's address field. You will be redirected to the website. Alternately, you can use the following link and setup a desktop shortcut.
After the page loads, create a desktop shortcut by positioning the cursor over the address icon, left click the mouse and drag it onto the desktop.
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Using Total Connect

Navigate to the Total Connect home page using either the desktop shortcut (created in the last paragraph) or by typing into the browser's address field. The Total Connect Login page appears.
Total Connect Online Help Guide
Enter your User Name and Password, then press Enter. The "Welcome" window appears.
Total Connect is easy to navigate. The layout consists of a navigation bar on the left, and an information window on the right.
By clicking on a category in the Navigation bar, the associated information window is displayed. (Note, the selected category icon in the Navigation bar will change color.) From the information window you can view, edit, add, or delete information.
The following paragraphs explore the various Total Connect categories.
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+ 21 hidden pages