Backup Sensors User’s Information Manual

A Few Words About Safety
Your safety, and the safety of
others, is very important.
Operating the BACKUP
SENSORS safely is an important
To help you make informed
decisions about safety, we have
provided operating procedures
and other information on labels in
the vehicle owner’s manual, and
in this manual. This information
alerts you to potential hazards
that could hurt you or others.
Of course, it is not practical or
possible to warn you about all the
hazards associated with operating
or maintaining your vehicle. You
must use your own good
You will find this important safety information in a variety of forms,
• Safety Labels - on the vehicle.
• Safety Messages - preceded by safety alert symbol and one of
three signal words: DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION.
These singal words mean:
HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
HURT if you don’t follow instructions.
You CAN be HURT if you don’t follow
As you read this manual, you will find information that is preceded by
a symbol. This information is intended to help you avoid
damage to your vehicle, other property, or the environment.
• Instructions - how to use this vehicle correctly and safely.
This book contains important safety information - please read it
2 © 2008 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

A Few Words About Safety .................................................................................. 2
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4
Important Information .......................................................................................... 5
How the Backup Sensors Work ........................................................................... 6
Limitations ............................................................................................................ 9
Operation ........................................................................................................... 11
Care of the Backup Sensors ............................................................................. 13
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................. 14
© 2008 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved. 3

Thank you for purchasing this Honda accessory.
Please read this User’s Information Manual carefully before using the backup sensors. Keep
this manual in the glove box for future reference.
This User’s Information Manual should be considered a permanent part of the vehicle. It should
remain with the vehicle at all times and stay with the vehicle when sold.
This User’s Information Manual contains important information about the safe operation of the
backup sensors. We urge you to read this manual carefully, become familiar with the controls it
describes, and follow its recommendations to help make your driving trouble-free and enjoyable.
4 © 2008 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

Important Information
Before using the backup sensors, make sure you read and understand the operation and limitations
of the system as discussed throughout this manual.
• The backup sensors are designed to provide an audible sound when they detect large
stationary objects while the vehicle is moving in reverse at low speed. However, all obstacles
may not always be sensed.
• Even with backup sensors, the driver should always look for obstacles near the vehicle to
make sure the path is clear when driving in reverse and it is safe to park.
Severe injury or death can occur to persons or objects not detected by the sensors.
Never rely solely on the backup sensors and always look behind you before backing up.
© 2008 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved. 5