Bidirectional I/O lines with a selection of 18,
22, 32 and 56 lines
One interrupt input
Programmable timer/event counters with
overflow interrupts and a selection of one
8-bit counter, one 8-bit and one 16-bit counters, or two 16-bit counters
On-chip crystal and RC oscillator
Watchdog timer
Program ROM with size selection of
×14, 2K×14, 4K × 15 and 8K×16 bits
General Description
The HT48C10/48C30/48C50/48C70 are 8-bit
high performance RISC-like microcontrollers,
specifically designed for multiple I/O product
applications. These devices are su itable for use
in products such as remote controllers, fan/light
controllers, washing machine controllers,
scales, toys, and various subsystem controllers.
They all contain a halt feature to reduce power
consumption. The major differences between
Data RAM with size selection of 64×8, 96×8,
×8 and 224×8 bits
Halt function and wake-up feature to reduce
power consumption
63 powerful instructions
Up to 0.5µs instruction cycle with 8MHz
system clock at V
All instructions in 1 or 2 machine cycles
14-bit/15-bit/16-bit table read instructions
2-level/4-level/8-level subroutine nesting
Bit manipulation instructions
these microcontrollers are attributed to variations in sizes of the ROM and RAM, as well as
bit number, counter number, I/O line number,
and different level subroutine nesting. Roughly
speaking, the HT48C10 is a microcontroller
with most economic features and the HT48C70
is one with the most features of the four micro controllers.
Note: For the dice form, the TMR0 and TMR1 pads have to be bonded to VDD or VSS if t he TMR0
and/or TMR1 pad are not used.
The (TMR0)
The PC5 (TMR1) indicates that the TMR1 pad should be bonded to the PC5 pin.
INT indicates that the TMR0 pad should be bonded to the INT pin.
525th May ’99
Pin Description of HT48C10
Pin NameI/O
VSS——Negative power supply, GND
TMRI—Schmitt trigger input for timer/event counter
RESI—Schmitt trigger reset input, active low
VDD——Positive power supply
or None
or None
or None
Crystal or
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Each bit can be configured as a wake-up input by mask option.
Software instructions determi ne the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without pull high resistor ( by mask option) .
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without pull high resistor (by mask
External interrupt schmitt trigger in put with pull hig h resist or
Edge trigger is activated dur ing hig h to low transition.
Bidirectional 2-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without pull high resistor (by mask option) .
OSC1 and OSC2 are con nected to an R C network or a crystal
(by mask option) for the internal system clock. In the case of RC
operation, OSC2 is the output terminal for 1/4 system clock.
625th May ’99
Pin Description of HT48C30
Pin NameI/O
VSS——Negative power supply, GND
TMRI—Schmitt trigger input for timer/event counter
RESI—Schmitt trigger reset input, active low
VDD——Positive power supply
or None
or None
or None
Crystal or
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Each bit can be configured as a wake-up input by mask option.
Software instructions determi ne the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without a pull high resistor ( by mask option).
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without a pull high resistor (by mask
External interrupt schmitt trigger input with a pull high
resistor. Edge triggered is activated on a high to low transition.
Bidirectional 6-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without a pull high resistor (by mask
OSC1 and OSC2 are con nected to an R C network or a crystal
(by mask option) for the internal system clock. In the case of RC
operation, OSC2 is the output terminal for 1/4 system clock.
725th May ’99
Pin Description of HT48C50
Pin NameI/O
VSS——Negative power supply, GND
TMR0I—Schmitt trigger input for timer/event counter 0
TMR1I—Schmitt trigger input for timer/event counter 1
RESI—Schmitt trigger reset input, active low
VDD——Positive power supply
or None
or None
or None
Crystal or
or None
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Each bit can be configured as a wake-up input by mask option.
Software instructions determi ne the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without a pull high resistor ( by mask option).
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without a pull high resistor (by mask
External interrupt schmitt trigger input with a pull high
resistor. Edge triggered is activated on a high to low transition.
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without a pull high resistor (by mask
OSC1 and OSC2 are con nected to an R C network or a crystal
(by mask option) for the internal system clock. In the case of RC
operation, OSC2 is the output terminal for 1/4 system clock.
Bidirectional 8-bit Input/Output port. Software instructions
determine the CMOS output or schm itt trigger input with or
without a pull high resistor (by mask option).
825th May ’99
Pin Description of HT48C70
Pin NameI/O
VSS——Negative power supply, GND
TMR0I—Schmitt trigger input for timer/event counter 0
TMR1I—Schmitt trigger input for timer/event counter 1
RESI—Schmitt trigger reset input, active low
VDD——Positive power supply
or None
or None
or None
Crystal or
or None
or None
or None
or None
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Each bit can be configured as a wake-up input by mask option.
Software instructions determi ne the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input with or without pull high resistor ( by mask option) .
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input (pull-high depends on mask option).
External interrupt schmitt trigger with pull high resistor
Edge trigger is activated during high to low transition.
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input (pull-high depends on mask option).
OSC1 and OSC2 are con nected to an R C network or a crystal
(by mask option) for the internal system clock. In the case of RC
operation, OSC2 is the output terminal for 1/4 system clock.
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input (pull-high depends on mask option).
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input (pull-high depends on mask option).
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input (pull-high depends on mask option).
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports
Software instructions determine the CMOS output or schmitt
trigger input (pull-high depends on mask option).
925th May ’99
Absolu te Maxim um Ratings
Supply Voltage .......................VDD–0.3V to 5.5VStorage Temperature.................–50°C to 125°C
Input Voltag e .... ........ .....V
Note: These are stress ratings only. Stresses exceeding the range spe cified under “Absolute Maxi -
mum Ratings” may cause substantial damage to the device. Functional operation of this device
at other conditions beyond those listed in the specification is not implied and prolonged
exposure to extreme condition s may affect device reliability.
D.C. CharacteristicsTa=25°C
–0.3V to VDD+0.3VOperating Temperature ..............–25°C to 70°C
The four microcontrollers of the HT48C10/
HT48C30/HT48C50/HT48C70 are constructed
using basically the same principles. Their differences lie in variati ons in sizes su ch as ROM
and RAM as wel l as bit num ber, counter number , I/O line number , and different level subroutine nesting bit number. The following is a more
detailed description of the system architectures
of the four microcontrollers. Unless specified,
the architecture stated below exists in these
four microcontrollers.
Execution flow
The system clock is derived from either a crystal
or an RC oscillator. It is internally divided into
four non-overlapping clocks. Each instruction
cycle consists of four system clock cycles.
Instruction fetching and execution are pipelined in such a way that a fetch takes one i nstruction cycle while decoding and execution
takes the next instruction cycle. The pipelining
scheme causes each instruction to effectively
execute in a cycle. If an instruction changes the
program counter, two cycles are required to
complete the instruction.
Program counter – PC
The program counter (PC) is of different sizes
ranging from 10 b its to 1 3 b its acco rdin g to the
microcontroller selected (10 bits for the
HT48C10; 11 bits for the HT 48C30; 12 bits for
the HT48C50; 13 bits for the HT48C70). It con-
trols a sequence in which the instructions
stored in the program ROM are executed . The
contents of the PC can specify 1024, 2048, 4096,
or 8192 addresses at maximum, according to
the microcontroller (HT48C10/HT48C30/
HT48C50/HT48C70) chosen.
After accessing a program memory word i n order to fetch an instruction code, the contents of
the PC is incremented by one. The PC then
points to the memory word consisting of the
next instruction code.
When executing a jump instruction, conditional
skip execution, loa ding a PCL register, a subroutine call, an initia l reset, an internal interrupt, an external interrupt, or returning from a
subroutine, the PC manipulates a program
transfer by loading the addres s corresponding
to each instruction.
The conditional skip is activated by inst ructions.
Once the condition is met, the next instruction,
fetched during the current instruction execution,
is discarded and a dummy cycle replaces it to get
a proper instruction; otherwise it proceeds to the
next instruction.
The lower byte of the PC (PCL) is a readable
and writeable register (06H). Moving data into
the PCL performs a short jump. The destination
is within 256 locations.
For a control transfer to take place, an additional dummy cycle is required.
Execution flow
1325th May ’99
Progr a m me mory – ROM
The program memory (ROM) is used to store the
program instructions that are to be executed. It
contains data, table, and interrupt entries, and
is organized into 1024
×15 bits, or 8192×16 bits according to the mi-
×14 bits, 2048×14 bits,
crocontroller (HT48C10/ HT48C30/HT48C50/
HT48C70) selected. These bits are all addressed by the
PC and table pointer .
Certain locations in the ROM s tated belo w are
reserved for special usage in the four microcontrollers except loca tion 00C H which is used for
the HT48C50/HT48C70 exclusively.
Location 000H
Location 000H is reserved for program in-
itialization. After chip reset, the progra m always begins execution at this area.
Location 004H
Location 004H is reserved for external inter-
rupt service program. If the
INT input pin is
activated, the interrupt is enabled, and the
stack is not full, the program begins execution
at location 004H.
Location 008H
Location 008H is reserved for the timer/event
counter interrupt service program of the
HT48C10/HT48C30 and for the timer/event
counter 0 interrupt service program of the
Program memory
HT48C50/HT48C70. If the timer interrupt results from a timer/even t counter overflow of
the HT48C10/HT48C30 or a timer/event
counter 0 overflow of the HT48C50/HT48C70,
and the interrupt is enabled, and the stack is
not full, the program begins execution at location 008H.
m=11 for the HT48C30
m=12 for the HT48C50
m=13 for the HT48C70
1425th May ’99
Location 00CH
Location 00CH is reserved for the timer/ event
counter 1 interrupt service program of the
HT48C50/HT48C70 only. If the timer interrupt results from a timer/event counter 1
overflow, the interrupt is enabled, and the
stack is not full, the program begins execution
at location 00CH.
Table locati on
Any location in the ROM can be used as a
look–up table. The instructio ns TABRDC [m]
(the current page, 1 page=256 words) and
TABRDL [m] (the last page) transfer the contents of the lower-order byte to the sp ecified
data memory, and the higher-order byte to
TBLH (08H). Only the destination of the
lower-order byte in the table is well-defin ed,
and the higher-order byte of the table word is
transferred to the Table Higher-order byte
register (TBLH). Th e TB LH i s read only. The
Table Pointer (TBLP), on the other hand, is a
read/write register (07H) used to indi cate the
table location. B efore a ccessing th e tab le, the
location should be placed in the TBLP. The
TBLH is read only and canno t be restore d. If
the main routine and the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) both employ the table read instruction, the contents of the TBLH in the
main routine is likely to be changed by the
table read instruction used in the ISR. Errors
will then occur. Hence, simultaneously using
the table read instruction in the main routine
and the ISR should be avoided. Nonetheless,
if the application of the table read instruction
to both the main routin e and the ISR cannot
be avoided, interrupts should be disabled
prior to the table read instruction, and they
should not be enabled until the TBLH is
backed-up. All the table related instructions
require 2 cycles to complete an operation.
These areas may function as a normal program memory depend ing upon the user ’s requirements.
Stack register – STACK
The stack register is a special memory port used
to save the contents of the PC. The stack can be
organized into 2, 4, o r 8 levels according to the
microcontroller selected (2 levels for the
HT48C10/HT48C30, 4 levels for the HT48C50,
8 levels for the HT 48C70). The registe r is neither part of the da ta nor part of the program,
and is neither readable nor writeable. Any activated level is indexed by a stack pointer (SP)
and is neither readable nor writeable. At a subroutine call or inte rrupt acknowledgment , the
contents of the PC is pushe d o nto the sta ck. At
the end of a subroutine or an interrupt routine,
signaled by a return instruction (RET or RETI),
the contents of the PC is restored to its previous
value from the stack. After chip reset, the SP
will point to the top of the stack.
If the stack is full and a non-masked interrupt
takes place, the interrupt request fl ag is record ed
but the acknowledgment is still inhibited. After
the stack pointer is decremented (by RET or
RETI), the interrupt will be serviced. This feature
prevents the occurrence of stack overflow, allow-
@7~@0: Bits of table pointer
Pm~P8: Bits of current
Program Counter
1525th May ’99
m=9 for the HT48C10
m=10 for the HT48C30
m=11 for the HT48C50
m=12 for the HT48C70
ing the programmer to use the structure easily.
Likewise, if the stack is full and a CALL is
subsequently executed, a stack overflow will
occur and the first entry will be lost (only the
most recent four return addresses will be
Data memory – RAM
The data memory (RAM) is composed of bits
ranging from 8 1
pending on the microcontroller chosen
(HT48C10/ HT48C30/HT48C50/HT48C70). It is
divided into two function al groups, i.e., special
function registers and general purpose data
memory (of 64
depending on the microcontroller selected
(HT48C10/ HT48C30/HT48C50/HT48C70).
Most components of the two functional groups
are readable/writable, but some are read-only.
Of the two functional groups , the special function registers of the four mi crocontrollers consist of a program counter lower-order byte
register (PCL;06H), an accumulator (ACC;
05H), a table pointer (TBLP;07H), a table
higher-order byte register (TBLH;08H), a
status register (STATUS;0AH), an interrupt
control register (INT C;0BH), a wa tchdo g timer
option setting register (WDTS;09H), an indirect
addressing register (00H), a memory pointer
register (MP;01H), a timer/event counter
(TMR;0DH), a timer/event counter control register (TMRC;0EH), I/O registers
(P A;12H,PB;14H, PC;16H), and I/O control registers (PAC;13H,PBC;15H,PCC;17H). But of
the HT48C50/HT48C70, the following components are further divided into two or several
sub-components. First, the indirect addressing
register is divided into two registe rs involving
indirect addressing register 0 (00H) and ind irect addressing register 1 (02H). Second, the
memory pointer register is also comprised by
two registers involving memory pointer register
0 (MP0;01H) and memory pointer register 1
(MP1;03H). Third, the timer/event counter register is organized by two registe rs according to
different orders of byte, namely timer/event
higher-order byte register and timer/event
lower-order byte register, both of which are further divided into timer/event counter 0 higher-
×8, 113×8, 184×8, or 255×8, de-
×8, 96×8, 160×8, or 224×8 bits,
RAM mapping
order byte register (TMR0H; 0CH), timer/ event
counter 1 higher-order byte register
(TMR1H;0FH), timer/event counter 0 lowe r-order byte register (TMR0L;0DH), and
timer/event counter 1 lowe r-order byte regi ste r
(TMR1L;10H). Fourth, the timer/eve nt counte r
control register is divided into two registers
involving timer/event counter 0 control register
1625th May ’99
(TMR0C;0EH) and timer/event counter 1 control register (TMR1C;11H). Fifth, the entire
number of I/O registers is expanded from 3 to 6
PF;1CH,PG; 1EH). Finally, the number of I/O
control registers is also doubled (PAC;13H,
PFC;1DH,PGC;1FH). The remaining space before the 20H of the four microcontrollers are all
reserved for future expansion usage. Reading
these remaining locations will return the result
to 00H. The general purpose data memory, addressed from 40H~7FH of the HT48C10,
20H~7FH of the HT48C30, 60H~FFH of the
HT48C50, or 20H~FFH of the HT48C70 according to the microcon troller selected, is used for
data and control information under instruction
All the RAM areas can directly execute arithmetic, logic, increment, decrem ent, and rotate operations. Except some dedicated bits, each bit in
the RAM can be set and reset by the SET [m].i
and CLR [m].i instructi ons, res pectivel y. These
RAM areas are indirectly accessible through the
memory pointer register(s) MP (01H) of the
HT48C10/HT48C30 or MP0 (01H) and MP1
(03H) of the HT48C50/HT48C70.
Indirect addressing register
Of the four microcontrollers, the HT48C10/
HT48C30 make use of location 00H whereas the
HT48C50/HT48C70 of locations 00H and 02H
as indirect addressing registers that are not
physically imple mente d. An y rea d/write ope ration of [00H] or of [00H] and [02H] accesses the
RAM pointed to by MP (01H) or by MP0 (01H)
and MP1 (03H) respectively according to the
microcontroller chosen. Reading location 00H or
02H indirectly will return the result 00H. Writing it indirectly will, result to no operation.
The function of data movement between two
indirect addre ssing registers is not suppo rted.
The memory pointer register MP of the
HT48C10/HT48C30 or MP0 and MP1 of the
HT48C50/HT48C70 are of 7 bits or 8 bits wide
respectively , and can be used to access the RAM
by combining the corresponding indirect addressing registers. The bit 7 of MP
(HT48C10/HT48C30) is undefined and reading
will return the result “1”. Any writing operation to
MP will only transfer the lower 7-bit data to MP.
Accumulator ACC
The accumulator (AC C) relate s to the ALU o perations. It is also mapped to location 05H of the
RAM and is capable of operating with immedi ate data. The data movement between two data
memories will pass through the ACC.
Arithmetic and logic unit – ALU
This circuit performs 8-bit ari thm eti c and lo gic
operations. It provides the following functions:
Arithmetic operations (ADD, ADC, SUB,
Logic operations (AND, OR, XOR, CPL)
Rotation (RL, RR, RLC, RRC)
Increment and Decrement (INC, DEC)
Branch decision (SZ, SNZ, SIZ, SDZ, etc.)
The ALU saves the results of the data operation
and change the status register as well.
Status register – STATUS
The status registe r (0AH) i s of 8 bits wi de and
consists of a zero flag (Z), a carry flag (C), an
auxiliary carry flag (AC), an overflow flag (OV),
a power down flag (PD) , and a watchdog ti meout flag (TO). The register also records the status
information and controls the operation sequence.
Except the TO and PD flags, bits in the status
register can all be altered by instructions, similar to the case with other registers. A ny data
written into the status regi ste r wil l n ot ch ange
the TO or PD flags. But the opera tions related
to the status register m ay lead to different results from t hose int ended. The TO an d PD flag s
can be changed by system power up, Watchdog
Timer overflow, executing the HALT instruction, or clearing the W atchdog Timer . The Z, OV ,
AC, and C flags all reflect the status of the
latest operations.
1725th May ’99
On entering the interrupt sequence or executing the subroutine call, the sta tus registe r will
not be automati cally pu shed o nto the sta ck . If
the contents of the statu s is impo rtant an d the
subroutine can corrup t the status register, the
programmer should take preca ution s to save it
Inte r r upt
The four microcon trollers all provide a n external interrupt and internal time r/event counte r
interrupts. The interrupt control register
(INTC;0BH) contains interrupt control bits for
setting the enable/disable mode and the interrupt
request flags.
Once an interrupt subroutine is serviced, the
remaining interrupts will all be blocked (by
clearing the EMI bit). This scheme may prevent
any further interrupt nesting. Other interrupt
requests may happen during this interval but
only the interrupt request flag will be recorded.
If a certain interrupt requires servicing within
the service routine, the progr ammer may set the
EMI bit and the corresponding bit of INTC so as
to allow interrupt nesting. If the st ack is full, the
interrupt request will not be acknowledged, even
if the related interrupt is enabled, until the SP
is decremented. If immediate servicing is desired, the stack should be prevented from becoming full.
All these interrupts have a wake-up cap abilit y.
As an interrupt is serviced, a control transfe r
occurs by pushing the PC on to the stack and
then by branching it to subroutines at the specified location(s) in the ROM. Only the contents of
the PC can be pushed onto the stack. If the
contents of the register an d of the statu s register (STATUS) are altered by the interrupt service program which corrupts the desire d control
sequence, the programmer should save these
contents first.
The external interrupt is triggered by a high to
low transition of the
rupt request flag ( EIF; bit 4 of INTC) is then set.
When the interrup t is e nabled , the stack is not
full, and the external interrupt is active, a subroutine call to location 04H will occur. The interrupt request flag (EIF) and EMI bits will also be
cleared to disable other interrupts.
Of the four microcontrollers, the internal
timer/event counter interrupt of the HT48C1 0/
HT48C30 is initialized by setting the timer/
C is set if the o peration res ults in a carry during an addition opera tion or if a
—6Undefined, read as 0
—7Undefined, read as 0
borrow does not take place during a subtraction operation; otherwise C is
cleared. Also it is affected by a rotate through carry instruction.
AC is set if the operation results in a carry out of the low nibbles in addition or
no borrow from the high nibble into the low nibble in subtraction; otherwise AC
is cleared.
Z is set if the result of a n arithmetic or logic operati on is zero; otherwise Z is
OV is set if the opera tion res ults in a carry into the highe st-order bit but not a
carry out of the highest-order bit, or vice versa; otherwise OV is cleared.
PD is cleared by either a system power-up or executing the CLR WDT
instruction. PD is set by executing the HALT instruction.
TO is cleared by a system power-up or executing the CLR WDT or HALT
instruction. TO is set by a WDT time-out.
INT, and the related inter-
Status register
1825th May ’99
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