hitachi seiki 10, 18T, 21L Operating Manual

40 Edition 1.01 02-2001
Hitachi Seiki Deutschland Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
1. OUTLINE ......................................................................................... 1 - 1
1-1 Items requiring attention when reading this manual. .........................................................1 - 1
2. SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................. 2 - 1
3. OPERATION......................................................................................... 3 - 2
I. Basic Machine Operation......................................................................................................3 - 2
1. Manual Operation ..............................................................................................................3 - 3
1-1 Jog Feed.................................................................................................................... 3 - 3
1-2 Manual Reference Point Return................................................................................. 3 - 3
1-3 Rapid traverse ........................................................................................................... 3 - 4
1-4 Manual Handle Feed .................................................................................................. 3 - 5
2. Automatic Operation .........................................................................................................3 - 6
2-1 Automatic Mode......................................................................................................... 3 - 6
2-2 Selecting the Run Program ....................................................................................... 3 - 6
2-3 Stopping the Automatic Operation ............................................................................. 3 - 7
2-4 Dry Run ..................................................................................................................... 3 - 8
2-5 Single Block............................................................................................................... 3 - 8
2-6 Override.....................................................................................................................3 - 8
2-7 Per-program Machining T ime Display Function (Option)........................................... 3 - 9
2-8 Tape Operation (Simple DNC Operation) ................................................................ 3 - 10
2-9 DNC Operation (Optional) ....................................................................................... 3 - 10
2.10 Submemory ............................................................................................................. 3 - 14
3. Operation Related to Safety ............................................................................................3 - 19
3-1 Emergency stop ...................................................................................................... 3 - 19
3-2 Overtravel ................................................................................................................ 3 - 19
4. NC Operation keys.......................................................................................................... 3 - 20
5. Quick Tool Setter (Q Setter) ............................................................................................ 3 - 22
5-1 Outline ..................................................................................................................... 3 - 22
5-2 Operation Method .................................................................................................... 3 - 22
5-3 Tool Nose Point Interlock ......................................................................................... 3 - 25
5-4 Related Parameters ................................................................................................ 3 - 25
5-5 Related Alarms ........................................................................................................ 3 - 26
5-6 Compensation Input Checking................................................................................. 3 - 26
6. Q setter barrier................................................................................................................ 3 - 27
6-1 Outline ..................................................................................................................... 3 - 27
6-2 Description of the function ....................................................................................... 3 - 27
6-3 Precautions ............................................................................................................. 3 - 28
6-4 Related parameters ................................................................................................. 3 - 28
7. Q Setter Repeat Function ............................................................................................... 3 - 29
7-1 Outline ..................................................................................................................... 3 - 29
7-2 Operation................................................................................................................. 3 - 29
7-3 Working ................................................................................................................... 3 - 30
7-4 Precaution .............................................................................................................. 3 - 33
7-5 Relevant Parameters............................................................................................... 3 - 33
7-6 Relevant Alarms....................................................................................................... 3 - 34
8. Simple Jaw Edge Forming Function ............................................................................... 3 - 34
8-1 Outline ..................................................................................................................... 3 - 34
8-2 Operation................................................................................................................. 3 - 34
8-3 Function Keys.......................................................................................................... 3 - 36
8-4 Jaw Configuration And Machining Conditions .......................................................... 3 - 36
8-5 Precaution ............................................................................................................... 3 - 37
8-6 Relevant Parameters............................................................................................... 3 - 37
8-7 Relevant Alarms....................................................................................................... 3 - 37
8-8 Set V alues for Standard Soft Jaws .......................................................................... 3 - 39
8-9 Operation Of Simple Soft Jaw Forming Function .................................................... 3 - 45
II. Screen Operation............................................................................................................ 3 - 49
1. Screen Layout and Basic Operation ............................................................................... 3 - 50
1-1 Main Display Area .................................................................................................... 3 - 50
1-2 Alarm Display Area .................................................................................................. 3 - 51
1-3 Program Number Display Area................................................................................ 3 - 51
1-4 Key Input Area.......................................................................................................... 3 - 52
1-5 Error Message ......................................................................................................... 3 - 52
1-6 Function Menu ......................................................................................................... 3 - 52
1-7 Tree Chart................................................................................................................ 3 - 53
2. Operation of Overall Screen............................................................................................3 - 55
2-1 Program................................................................................................................... 3 - 56
2-2 Tool Path Plot........................................................................................................... 3 - 57
2-3 Tool Data.................................................................................................................. 3 - 57
2-4 Spindle Dat a ............................................................................................................ 3 - 57
2-5 Feed Speed ............................................................................................................. 3 - 57
2-6 Rotary Tool Speed.................................................................................................... 3 - 57
2-7 Spindle Clamp Speed .............................................................................................. 3 - 57
2-8 Dwell........................................................................................................................ 3 - 57
2-9 Load Meter ............................................................................................................... 3 - 57
2-10 Positional Data ........................................................................................................ 3 - 57
2-11 G Codes .................................................................................................................. 3 - 58
2-12 M codes ................................................................................................................... 3 - 58
2-13 Time Measurement.................................................................................................. 3 - 58
2-14 Date And Time ......................................................................................................... 3 - 59
3. Position ...........................................................................................................................3 - 60
3-1 Reloading of Relative Coordinate System ............................................................... 3 - 61
3-2 Command Value Display ......................................................................................... 3 - 61
3-3 Restart (Option)....................................................................................................... 3 - 61
3-4 Floating reference.................................................................................................... 3 - 61
3-5 Set up ...................................................................................................................... 3 - 61
4. Work Coordinates (Offset).............................................................................................. 3 - 64
4-1 Removal Amount ..................................................................................................... 3 - 65
4-2 Machining Reference Point Shift.............................................................................. 3 - 65
4-3 Work Length ............................................................................................................ 3 - 65
4-4 External Work Zero Point Offset .............................................................................. 3 - 65
4-5 Setting of 2nd Reference Point................................................................................ 3 - 66
5. Set (Data)........................................................................................................................3 - 67
5-1 Display and Setting.................................................................................................. 3 - 67
5-2 Number Search ....................................................................................................... 3 - 68
5-3 Eco-eco ................................................................................................................... 3 - 71
6. Macro V ariable.................................................................................................................3 - 72
6-1 Macro V ariable and Dat a Display............................................................................. 3 - 72
6-2 Number Search ....................................................................................................... 3 - 72
7. Plot.................................................................................................................................. 3 - 74
8. Plotting Parameters ........................................................................................................3 - 76
9. Tool (offset) ..................................................................................................................... 3 - 80
9-1 Setting of Offset Value ............................................................................................. 3 - 81
9-2 Tool list..................................................................................................................... 3 - 81
9-3 Setting of T ype......................................................................................................... 3 - 82
9-4 Setting of Name ....................................................................................................... 3 - 83
9-5 Data Clear ............................................................................................................... 3 - 83
9-6 Tool life Management ............................................................................................... 3 - 84
9-7 Number Search ....................................................................................................... 3 - 84
9-8 Double Cutting (Option) ........................................................................................... 3 - 84
10. Alarm Diagnosis.............................................................................................................. 3 - 85
10-1 Alarm History ........................................................................................................... 3 - 86
11. System............................................................................................................................ 3 - 87
11-1 Parameter Setting.................................................................................................... 3 - 87
11-2 Diagnosis................................................................................................................. 3 - 89
11-3 Mechanical Compensation ...................................................................................... 3 - 91
11-4 Position Region ....................................................................................................... 3 - 92
11-5 Software V ersion......................................................................................................3 - 93
11-6 Date and Time ......................................................................................................... 3 - 94
11-7 SLBUS..................................................................................................................... 3 - 95
11-8 System Table........................................................................................................... 3 - 96
1 1-9 F Menu..................................................................................................................... 3 - 96
12. Program .........................................................................................................................3 -101
12-1 Operating Key Input Area On Screen...................................................................... 3 -102
12-2 Displaying Program ................................................................................................ 3 -102
12-3 Creating New Program ........................................................................................... 3 -102
12-4 Deleting Program.................................................................................................... 3 -103
12-5 Initialization Of Program Memory............................................................................ 3 -103
12-6 PROGRAM SEARCH ............................................................................................. 3 -103
12-7 Program Copy ........................................................................................................ 3 -104
12-8 Changing Program Number.................................................................................... 3 -104
12-9 Program Editing (Edit Mode or Background Editing) .............................................. 3 -104
12-10Word Search .......................................................................................................... 3 -105
12-11Background Edit (Program Screen Only) ............................................................... 3 -106
12-12Range Assignment Edit Operation (Program Screen Only) ................................... 3 -108
12-13Word Convert (Program Screen Only) ................................................................... 3 -110
12-14Macro Variables .......................................................................................................3 -111
13. Program List .................................................................................................................. 3 -1 1 2
13-1 Program List........................................................................................................... 3 -112
13-2 Program Search ..................................................................................................... 3 -114
13-3 Program Delete ...................................................................................................... 3 -114
13-4 Program Arrangement ............................................................................................ 3 -1 15
13-5 Program Merging .................................................................................................... 3 -115
13-6 Initialization Of Program Memory............................................................................ 3 -115
14. Input / Output.................................................................................................................. 3 -1 16
14-1 Program List........................................................................................................... 3 -117
14-2 Data Setting Table................................................................................................... 3 -118
14-3 Check ..................................................................................................................... 3 -120
14-4 Details Of Setting Data ........................................................................................... 3 -120
14-5 Call Select (Optional).............................................................................................. 3 -122
14-6 Don-Don FD I/O Screen ......................................................................................... 3 -123
15. Input/Output (With PC Card Used) ................................................................................3 -125
15-1 Available PC Cards................................................................................................. 3 -125
15-2 Initial Formatting of PC Card................................................................................... 3 -125
15-3 Starting PC Card Operation.................................................................................... 3 -125
15-4 Ending PC Card Operation..................................................................................... 3 -127
15-5 PC Card Input/Output ............................................................................................. 3 -128
15-6 Operating the PC Card Directory ........................................................................... 3 -131
15-7 Error Messages ...................................................................................................... 3 -136
4. INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS .................................................................. 4 - 2
I . Tool Life Management .......................................................................................................4 - 2
1. Outline of tool life management ................................................................................. 4 - 2
2. Operation of tool life management function ............................................................... 4 - 2
3. Screen explanations .................................................................................................. 4 - 2
4. Alarm .........................................................................................................................4 - 3
5. Spare tool................................................................................................................... 4 - 3
6. Registering and deleting the spare tool...................................................................... 4 - 3
7. Selection order of spare tools .................................................................................... 4 - 4
8. Sample Program ....................................................................................................... 4 - 4
8-1 Details of Tool Life by Times ...................................................................................... 4 - 5
I I . Cutting Monitor ..................................................................................................................4 - 6
1. Outline of Cutting Monitor .......................................................................................... 4 - 6
2. Monitoring Function.................................................................................................... 4 - 6
3. Description of Monitoring Function ............................................................................ 4 - 6
4. Load Settings............................................................................................................. 4 - 8
5. Monitoring Operation.................................................................................................. 4 - 9
6. Load Graph.............................................................................................................. 4 - 10
7. Life Graph ................................................................................................................ 4 - 11
8. Alarms ..................................................................................................................... 4 - 11
9. Sample Program ..................................................................................................... 4 - 12
10. Parameters.............................................................................................................. 4 - 12
10-1 Selection of Monitored Data System (Parameter 8000) .......................................... 4 - 12
10-2 Selection of Initial Setting (Parameter 8001)............................................................ 4 - 12
10-3 Automatic Calculation Parameters (Parameters 8010-8029).................................. 4 - 13
10-4 Timer Parameters (8030-8044) ............................................................................... 4 - 13
10-5 Adaptive Parameters ............................................................................................... 4 - 14
III. Staf ..................................................................................................................................4 - 15
1. Periodic Check ........................................................................................................ 4 - 15
1-1 Periodic Check - Main Screen ................................................................................. 4 - 15
2. Status Display/OK Monitor....................................................................................... 4 - 17
3. Instruction Manual Information ................................................................................. 4 - 18
4. LSSOL diagram (Switch Status).............................................................................. 4 - 19
4-1 Layout Drawing........................................................................................................ 4 - 19
4-2 List........................................................................................................................... 4 - 20
IV. UUP Function.................................................................................................................. 4 - 21
1. General Description ................................................................................................. 4 - 21
1-1 Applicable CNC Models ........................................................................................... 4 - 21
2. Connection of UUP .................................................................................................. 4 - 21
2-1 UUP Specifications.................................................................................................. 4 - 21
2-2 Connecting between the PC and CNC Unit ............................................................. 4 - 21
2-3 Setting the TCP/IP addresses ................................................................................. 4 - 23
2-4 Setting/Referring to the IP Address on the CNC Side .............................................. 4 - 24
2-5 Connecting Materials ............................................................................................... 4 - 28
V. External Measuring Function........................................................................................... 4 - 29
1. Outline........................................................................................................................... 4 - 29
2. Tool Data....................................................................................................................... 4 - 30
3. External Measurement .................................................................................................. 4 - 31
4. Qualitative Compensation............................................................................................. 4 - 32
5. Wear Management ....................................................................................................... 4 - 33
SEICOS-10L, 16T, 18T and 21L are products that have integrated the latest device technology and realized down-sizing with high reliability . The machine is designed by giving consideration to users standpoint in the operating system as the man-machine interface, thus offers a most easy-to-operate machine. This manual contains explanation on the operating method of the following models. As for the subject of programming, refer to “SEIKI-SEICOS subjects on alarms and maintenance to “SEIKI-SEICOS respectively.
1-1 Items requiring attention when reading this manual.
10L/16T/18T/21L program part” and for
10/16/18/21 maintenance part”
(1) In this manual and the reference manual “program part”, explanations are made on all the
functions that are applicable to these NC machines, including optional functions. The option function selected for adoption are different for each machine. Please confirm the specification of the machine beforehand, as there may be some functions referred to in the manual are not usable depending on the machine.
(2) In this manual, those functions not specifically remarked “able” should be understood as
(3) The contents of this manual may be changed without notice to meet a future machine
Note) Programs, parameters, macro variables and tool compensation amounts, etc. are stored in
the memory of NC unit. Generally, these dat a are not lost by switching the power ON/ OFF. Nevertheless, data could be lost inadvertently or by erroneous operation. Also a case may occur when you are compelled to have valuable date in the memory cleared for restoring the system from a trouble. To cope with such an unexpected situation, we suggest that you take note of the important data and keep them separately . It facilit ates quick restoration of working condition of the machine by re-entering the data.
Note) When processing a work, do not start the operation suddenly . Make a trial warm-up run
first for fully confirming that the machine acts correctly , then proceed with subsequent operating procedures.
1 - 1
1 - 2
1-1 Controlled Axes
The 2 axes, X and Z, are controllable. Optionally , additional axes can be appended. The 10L can control up to 6 axex, including 4 additonal axes, the 3rd through 6the axes. The control up to 4 axes, including 2 additional axes, the 3rd and 4th axes.
1-2 Simultaneous Controllable Axes
The 2 axes, X and Z, can be controlled simultaneously regardless of rapid traverse or cutting feed. Table 1-2 shows the configuration of the controlled axes.
Table 1-2
No. of Axes Axis Name Remarks
Standard 2 axes X, Z controlled axes
Additional axes 10L: 4 axes Select out of Y, control
21L: 2 axes A, B and C
21L can
Simultaneous Standard 2 axes + All the axes specified by controllable axes additional axes the system
(up to 4 axes)
Note 1) The number of controlled axes, and relations between the axis name and axes can be
selected with parameters.
1-3 Increment System
There are two types of increment systems; IS-B and IS-C. You can select either of them by a parameter. (IS-A is not available for the moment.) Millimeter/inch switching is set with a parameter. For detailed description of parameters, refer to “Parameters”.
1-4 Maximum Commandable Value
Table 1-4 (next page) shows the increment systems and commandable values.
1-5 10-Time Minimum Setting Unit
The input increment can be made 10 times larger by parameter setting. Table 1-5 (next page) shows the commandable values.
2 - 1
Table 1-4
Linear Axis
Unit Type
Minimum setting unit IS-A 0.01 0.001 0.01
IS-B 0.001 0.0001 0.001 IS-C 0.0001 0.00001 0.0001
Least command increment IS-A 0.01 0.001 0.01
IS-B 0.001 0.0001 0.001 IS-C 0.0001 0.00001 0.0001
Maximum stroke IS-A ±999999.99 ±99999.999 ±999999.99
IS-B ±99999.999 ±9999.9999 ±99999.999 IS-C ±9999.9999 ±999.99999 ±9999.9999
Maximum commandable IS-A ±999999.99 ±99999.999 ±999999.99 value IS-B ±99999.999 ±9999.9999 ±99999.999
IS-C ±9999.9999 ±999.99999 ±9999.9999
[10-Time Minimum setting unit]
For the Types IS-B and IS-C, the minimum setting unit can be made 10 times lartger by parameter setting.
(mm) (inch)
Table 1-5
Rotary Axis (deg.)
Linear Axis
Unit Type
Minimum setting unit IS-B 0.01 0.001 0.01
IS-C 0.001 0.0001 0.001
Least command increment IS-B 0.001 0.001 0.001
IS-C 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Maximum stroke IS-B ±99999.999 ±99999.999 ±99999.999
IS-C ±9999.9999 ±9999.9999 ±9999.9999
Maximum commandable IS- B ±999999.99 ±99999.999 ±999999.99 value IS-C ±99999.999 ±9999.9999 ±99999.999
Note 1) For the Type IS-A, nothing is changed even if you set the parameter for 10-time minimum
setting unit.
(mm) (inch)
Rotary Axis (deg.)
1-6 Position Detector
The pulse encoder is provided as a standard position detector . Optionally, the pulse scale or the Inductosyn detecting function can be selected. When the Inductosyn detecting function is selected, however , you need a converter which serves as an interface equivalent to the pulse scale. Absolute encoder will be installed for adding the optional absolute position detection function.
2 - 2
2-1 Positioning (G00)
Each axis can be fed at a rapid traverse rate independently by specifying G00.
2-2 Linear Interpolation (G01)
Linear interpolation is performed at the feed rate specified by an F-code in a G01 command.
With G01, an angle from Z axis is specified where linear interpolation is commanded.
2-4 Circular Interpolation (G02, G03)
Circular interpolation can be performed arbitrarily at 0 to 360° at the feed rate specified by an F­code in a G02 or G03 command.
2-5 Radius Designation on Arc (G02, G03)
R can be directly specified as a circular arc radius value, assuming, I, J, and K to be a vector amount from a start point to the center in circular interpolation.
2-6 Sine Curvilinear Interpolation <Virtual Axis Interpolation> (G07)
Not available with
By performing interpolation without moving one axis within a circular arc plane (hypothetical axis) in a helical cutting command, sine curvilinear interpolation is performed between the remaining two axes.
2-7 Helical Cutting......Not available with
Another axis is linearly interpolated synchronously with circular interpolation.
2-8 Polar Coordinate Interpolation
A command programmed in the orthogonal coordinate system is converted into a linear axis move (tool) and rotary axis move (work rotation) to control a profile.
2-9 Cylindrical Interpolation
If a linear axis stroke and rotary axis angle are specified by a program command, the rotary axis stroke internally specified in terms of angle is converted into a distance on the circumference. As the distance on the circumference can be regarded a linear axis stroke on the circumference, linear interpolation and circular interpolation can be performed in combination with other linear axis.
2 - 3
With F or E code, a thread lead is directly commanded. With E code, you can assign the number of thread ridges per inch can be assigned by a parameter .
Use this to perform multiple thread cutting which has two or more thread ridges in a lead. With Address Q, command a threading start shift angle. be performed.
By commanding the increase or decrease amount in lead per one screw thread turning, you can perform variable lead threading. With Address K, command a lead changing amount.
The maximum speed available in the axial direction is 240,000mm/min (IS-B). Further, override can be applied to rapid traverse by rapid override.
The maximum feed rate range available for setting is 6~240,000mm/min (IS-B). Override can be applied, by feed rate override, within a range of 0~200% by every 10%.
Table 4-2 shows the ranges of feed rate command values:
Feed per minute
Feed per revolution
F60 F1~F999999 (mm/min) F61 F0.1~F999999.9 (mm/min) F51 F0.1~F99999.9 (inch/min) F52 F0.01~F99999.99 (inch/min) F32 F0.01~F999.99 (mm/rev) F33 F0.001~F999.999 (mm/rev) F23 F0.0001~F99.999 (inch/rev) F24 F0.001~F99.9999 (inch/rev) F35 F0.00001~F999.99999 (mm/rev) F26 F0.000001~F99.999999 (mm/rev) F26 F0.000001~F99.999999 (inch/rev) F17 F0.0000001~F9.9999999 (inch/rev)
Note 1) The above types are selected with parameters. (Parameter no. 3401) Note 2) The maximum cutting feed rate is limited by the cutting feed clamp rate set with a parameter . Note 3) Address E may be used as the feed rate, where the command value ranges for E and F
are the same.
2 - 4
4-3 Override Cancel
A cutting feed override rate can be fixed at 100 % by a signal from the machine.
4-4 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration
Linear acceleration/deceleration is performed in case of rapid traverse, and exponential function type acceleration/deceleration is performed in case of cutting feed or jog feed.
4-5 Dwell (G04)
Migration to operation in the next program block can be delayed by a specified time by a G04 command. Use P, X, or U for an address.
4-6 Exact Stop Check (G09)
In the block where G09 is specified, an imposition check is made at the end of block execution.
4-7 Exact Stop Check Mode (G61)/Cutting Mode (G64)
Normally, the G64 mode is effected and the program proceeds to the next block immediately after interpolation is completed. If G61 is specified, the program will proceed to the next block after entering imposition at the end point of each block, in the subsequent move command. The G61 mode is cancelled by specifying G64.
4-8 Automatic Corner Override (G62)...... Not available with
An override is applied automatically to a cutting feed rate at a corner during tool diameter compensation.
5-1 Reference Point Return A (G27 to G29)
Reference point return A includes the following: (1) Manual reference point return. (2) Reference point return check (G27) (3) Automatic reference point return (G28) (4) Return from the reference point (G29)
5-2 Reference Point Return B (G30)
Second reference point return (G30) returns the axes to the position set in a parameter .
5-3 Third/Fourth Reference Point Return (G30)
The axes can be returned to the 3rd/4th reference point preset by a G30 command (P3, P4).
5-4 Floating Reference Point Return (G301) …… Not available with
The axes can be returned to the preset optional point of the machine.
2 - 5
6-1 Tool Nose Coordinate System
At the time of turret indexing or manual zero point return, the tool nose position assuming the machining reference point to be zero (0) is automatically set in the coordinate system.
6-2 Coordinate System Setting (G50)
An axis command following G50 sets the coordinate system where a current tool coordinate value will be a specified value.
6-3 Machine Coordinate System Selection (G53)
A tool moves to a position in the machine coordinate system by a G53 command.
6-4 Plane Designation (G17, G18, G19)
A G-code is used to specify the plane where you want to perform circular interpolation, tool diameter compensation, and so on.
G17: X-Y plane, G18: Z-X plane, G19: Y-Z plane
7-1 Absolute/Incremental Programming
Absolute/incremental programming is switched by a G-code.
Absolute : X Y Z B C Incremental : U V W D H
7-2 Decimal Point Input
A decimal point can be input to the command data associated with a distance (angle), speed, and dwell. A decimal point position is after the millimetric or inch units digit. The addresses which can use decimal points are X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, H, U, V, W, I, J, K, R, P, Q, E, and F. Depending on conditions applies, however, a decimal point may not be usable.
7-3 Inch/Metric Conversion (G20, G21)
You can select the inch system/metric system as units of input by specifying G20/G21.
G20: Inch input
G21: Metric input
2 - 6
8-1 Spindle Function (8-digit S-code)
By specifying an address S following by up to 8-digit numerical command, you can send out an analog signal and gear signal corresponding to a binary code signal and spindle motor rpm.
8-2 Spindle Override
An override can be applied from 50 to 150 % in an increment of 10 % by an external signal.
8-3 Constant Surface Speed Control (G96, G97)
With a surface speed directly assigned with S code, this function serves to continuously control the spindle motor rpm so that the circumferential speed is held constant to changes in tool position. Command to make this function valid or invalid is performed with G code.
G96: Constant surface speed control is performed. G97: Constant surface speed control is not performed.
9-1 Tool Function (8-digit T-code)
An 8-digit BCD code signal is sent out by specifying an address T followed by up to 8-digit numerical command. When ATC is mounted, use T6 digits. When not, use T4 digits. Use T code to perform A TC operation, tool rest indexing, setting of a work coordinate system (tip coordinate system), combined compensation, etc..
9-2 Tool Life Management Function
The tools are sorted into several groups and when the cutting time or integrated cutting times of a tool in each group reaches the specified life time or cutting times, this function selects the next tool in the preset order . Note) For the
21L, only a life count by M12 is allowed.
10-1 Miscellaneous Function (8-digit M-code)
The machine can be turned on/off by specifying an address M followed by up to 8-digit numerical value.
10-2 Second Miscellaneous Function (B-function)
An 8-digit BCD code signal is sent out by an address A, B, or C followed by up to 8-digit numerical command, based on parameter setting.
10-3 Miscellaneous Function Lock
The M, S, T, and B-function commands are disabled. No signal is sent out to the machine.
2 - 7
11-1 Command Tape
8-unit black paper tape (EIA RS-227, ISO 1 154, JIS C6246)
11-2 Tape Format
EIA/ISO (At input: Automatic recognition, At output: Selected by a parameter)
11-3 Input Format
A variable-block, word-address format with decimal point (EIA RS-274C, ISO R1056/R1058) is used.
11-4 Command Tape Codes
Table 11-4
Address Description
A Additional axis coordinate value B Additional axis coordinate value, 2nd miscellaneous function C Additional axis coordinate value D Incremental coordinate value of B axis E Feed function (threading) F Feed functions G Preparatory functions H Incremental coordinate value of C axis I X-axis component of the circular arc center J Y-axis component of the circular arc center K Z-axis component of the circular arc center L Canned cycle times designation, Repeat times in a subprogram call M Miscellaneous function N Sequence number O Program number P Dwell, Program number in a subprogram call Q Fixed cycle, Multiple threading starting angle R Radius command value for circular interpolation, Canned cycle S Spindle functions T T ool functions U Incremental coordinate value of X axis, Dwell V Incremental coordinate value of Y axis W Incremental coordinate value of Z axis X X-axis coordinate value, Dwell Y Y-axis coordinate value Z Z-axis coordinate value
2 - 8
11-5 Command Words and Command Value Ranges
Table 11-5
Function Address Metric input. Inch Input. Program number # O 1~99999999 1~99999999 Sequence number # N 1~99999999 1~99999999 Preparatory function G 0~999 0~999 Coordinate value X, Y, Z,
U, V, W, ±99999.999(mm) ±9999.9999(inch) I, J, K, Q, R , ±99999.999(deg) ±9999.9999(deg)
A, B, C, Feed function F See the table 4-2. See the table 4-2. Spindle function S 0~32767 0~32767 Tool function T Miscellaneous function M 0~99999999 0~99999999 Dwell P, X, U 0~99999.999(sec) 0~99999.999(sec) Call program number P 1~99999999 1~99999999 Repeat times L 1~99999999 1~99999999
11-6 Subprogram (M98, M99)
A subprogram can be called in the MEMORY mode. A called subprogram can further call another subprogram. The subprogram can be called eightfold at maximum.
11-7 Programmable Mirror Image (G501, G511)
A mirror image can be applied to each axis by a program command.
11-8 DIRECT TAP (G842, G843)
You can perform highly accurate tapping at high speed in G842/G843 tap cycles, by fully synchronizing a rotary tool rotation with the feed of X or Z axis.
11-9 Optional Block Skip
A program block containing a slash code, “/”, in its beginning is ignored by turning on the OPTIONAL BLOCK SKIP switch provided on the p art of the machine. You can add “/2” through /9 (optional block skip 2 through 9) as an option.
11-10 Control-in/-out
“(”: Control-out “)”: Control-in
This function is used when giving a program name to a program number or giving a comment halfway a program. All the information between control-out and control-in is ignored within a significant information section.
2 - 9
1 1-11 Command Data Input Methods
(1) MDI (manual data input ) through the keyboard (2) Inputting from an external input/output device via an RS-232C interface (Reading the NC
11-12 Internal Data Output Methods
(1) Displaying on the CRT (2) Outputting to an external input/output device via an RS-232C interface (Punching out the NC
12-1 Canned Cycle for Drilling (G80~G89, G831, G841, G861)
Drilling, tapping, and boring cycles can be specified in one program block.
12-2 Fixed Cycle (G90, G92, G94)
The following 3 kinds of fixed cycles can be commanded: (1) Cutting cycle A (G90) outside/inside diameter cutting (2) Threading cycle (G92) (3) Cutting cycle B (G94) end face cutting
12-3 Maltipul Fixed Cycle
Several kinds of fixed cycles are prepared beforehand to facilitate a program. With information of the finished configuration alone being given, the tool passage for rough cutting to the end is automatically fixed. A fixed cycle for threading is also available. They are divided roughly into the following three:
Maltipul type fixed cycle A : G70, [(G71, G72) T ype 1], G76 Maltipul type fixed cycle B : A + G73, G74, G75 Maltipul type fixed cycle C : B + [(G71, G72) T ype 2]
12-4 Optional Angle Chamfering Corner R (, C/, R)
Optional angle chamfering or corner R can be inserted automatically by adding [,C] or [,R] to the end of the program block where linear or circular interpolation is specified.
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13-1 Automatic Tip R Compensation and Cutter Compensation
(1) Automatic Nose R Compensation (G143)
It is normally held at G143 (Automatic Nose R Compensation Valid Mode). Therefore, without G code not being commanded, tip R compensation is automatically executed. Nose R is set to tool compensation R and virtual nose points (1~8) to T.
(2) Cutter Compensation (G145 : G40~G42)
With G145 command, Cutter Compensation mode is created. With G40~G42 commands while in this mode, cutter compensation can be carried out. A tool diameter is set to tool compensation R and a virtual nose point (9) to T.
13-2 Groove Width Compensation (G150 to G152)
When a grooving tool is used, one virtual tool nose (for example, 3) is used to run the program to apply compensation. It is also necessary to compensate the other virtual tool nose (for example, 4) side. When this is done, this function compensates the groove width by specifying a G-code.
13-3 Addition of T ool Offset s
The number of tool offset pairs can be expanded up to 200. Expansion of tool offset pairs: 64/99/200 (Up to 99 pairs for the Note) The number of tool offset pairs, 200, is only allowed when the ATC is attached.
14-1 Backlash Compensation
This function is to compensate the lost motions which the mechanical system has. A compensation amount can be set as a parameter in the least command increment for each axis within a range of up to 9999 pulses.
14-2 Stored Pitch Error Compensation
This function is to compensate a pitch error for feed screws. Compensation data is set as a parameter. The number of compensation positions is 128 for each axis.
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15-1 Skip Function
If a skip signal is input from an external device in the midst of an X-, Y-, or Z-command following G31, the next block will be executed, canceling the rest of this command. A skip signal input position can be read with a system macro variable.
Through simple manual operation with the touch sensor, tool offset volume is automatically written.
15-3 Q-setter Repeat Function
By measuring the tool with the Q-setter once, automatic measurement with the Q-setter is activated by simple operation when changing tips.
16-1 Custom Macro
A function peculiar to the user can be created. There are 100 common variables, but their number can be optionally extended up to 600.
17-1 Follow-up Function
In case of emergency stop or servo alarm, a machine travel amount is reflected on an NC unit internal position. For this reason, automatic operation is enabled after resetting the emergency stop or servo alarm, even if you do not have to perform zero point return. In case of speed feedback or position feedback alarm, however, an actual machine position and the NC unit internal position do not match, because the follow-up function does not work properly .
17-2 Mirror Image
This function can reverse the sign of the travel direction specified by a program command or MDI command for the X-, Y-, Z-axis, or an additional axis. Make this setting in the Setting screen.
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18-1 Manual Continuous Feed
With the axial feed switch being pressed in Jog mode, manual continuous feed is performed. Feed rates are as follows: 1 Jog feed
Jog feed rate can be changed over into 24 stages through use of the switch. Speed in 24 stages is set with parameters.
2 Manual rapid
When jog feed is executed as the rapid traverse button being pushed, manual rapid traverse is available.
18-2 Manual Pulse Generator
The machine is capable of fine feed by means of the pulse generator on the machine operation panel. One rotation of the pulse generator generates 100 pulses. You can select a scale factor of x 1, x 10, or x M (M=1 to 100 set in a parameter) by a signal from the machine.
19-1 DNC Operation
With the optional board being added, DNC operation from the host CPU is made available.
19-2 Program Number Search
An 8-digit program number following O can be searched for from the data in the Program screen.
19-3 Sequence Number Search
A sequence number can e searched for in the program currently selected from the data in the Program screen.
19-4 Restart of Program
To restart a program, there are three ways; program restart, block restart, and machining break point return. 1 Program restart is a function to restart from the block of a specified sequence number. 2 Machining break point return is a function to position a tool to a break point by jog feed.
19-5 Sequence Number Comparison and Stop
If you encounter the block of a preset sequence number during program execution, the machine stops after executing that block.
19-6 Preread Buffer
In order to avoid discontinuation of the program blocks at the time of cutting due to the processing time of the NC unit, the preread buffer generally prereads one program block in case of automatic operation.
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(1) The preread buffer prereads the different number of program blocks, depending on the
Function No. of pre-reading blocks Automatic tip R compensation 4 blocks Multi buffer 12 blocks Tool diameter compensation 2 to 4 blocks Others 0 or 1 block
Note 1) In the tool diameter compensation mode, the preread buffer prereads up to 4 blocks if
they contain the blocks free from an axis move command.
Note 2) The following commands suppress the preread buffer.
Example: G28, G30, G31, G53,
G10, G20, G21, M00, M01, M02, M30 T Command
Note 3) As the automatic tip R compensation is normally held valid (G143 mode), pre-reading of
4 blocks is carried out.
(2) When the SINGLE BLOCK switch is turned on
(State in which automatic tip R compensation is held invalid : G140, G145 mode) When the SINGLE BLOCK switch is turned on and the program blocks are executed sequentially by pressing the CYCLE START switch, the preread buffer does not exist. Because, when the CYCLE START switch is pressed, one program block is taken into the preread buffer and executed immediately. Therefore, the preread buffer does not exist during and after execution.
Note 1) Pre-reading is performed when any of the following applies:
(a) In Multi Buffer mode (G251) (b) Tool radius compensation mode (G41, G42) (c) When optional angle chamfering corner R is specified (, C/, R) (d) Thread cutting (G32) (e) T apping mode (G63)
Note 2) When the SINGLE BLOCK switch is turned from OFF to ON during automatic operation
to stop it, the preread buffer exists.
19-7 Feedhold
All axes can be stopped temporarily. Pressing the CYCLE START button restarts feeding the axes. Prior to restarting axis feed, you can allow intervention by manual operation in the manual mode.
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19-8 External Reset and Reset Signal
The NC unit can be reset from the outside. A reset cancels all the commands and decelerates the machine to a stop. A reset signal is output to the machine while the RESET button of the MDI & CRT panel is being pressed, the machine is being reset by an external reset signal, or the EMERGENCY STOP button is being pressed.
19-9 Data Server
A large-capacity program can be processed at a high speed by means of the Ethernet controller and the hard disk of the auxiliary storage unit. (For details, see SEIKI-SEICOS INSTRUCTION MANUAL, NT DOMAIN TYPE)
19-10 Scheduler
The program number per work and the number of machining works are managed to operate different types of works continuously, using the robot or the bar feeder. (For details, see SCHEDULER AJC FUNCTION INSTRUCTION MANUAL (SEIKI-SEICOS))
20-1 Machine Lock
In the machine lock mode, the machine does not move, but the position display is updated as if the machine were moving. When the machine lock is turned ONOFF in auto operation, Machine is shifted by the amount moved by the machine lock.
20-2 Dry Run
If the DRY RUN switch is turned on, the machine operates at a jog feed rate instead of a programmed cutting feed rate. This function can be also enabled in case of rapid traverse by parameter setting.
20-3 Single Block
Program commands can be executed block by block.
20-4 Pre-Machining Plotting
In pre-machining plotting, as Machine performs synchronous plotting while in auto running in machine lock and dry run state, format failures and erroneous coordinate commands, if any, in a program can be easily detected. When, on start of pre-machining plotting, an interlock signal, etc. to stop interpolation has been made effective, pre-machining plotting is stopped with the corresponding command.
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21-1 Machining End Notice
Input a scheduled program end time. When the machining time reaches the scheduled end time, a signal is output to an external device.
21-2 Run Hour Display
Machine run hours are displayed in the format of hours:minutes:seconds. Display is made by each of the functions including the expected ending, working time, cutting time, lap T, and date/ time.
21-3 Work Count Function
The number of machined workpieces can be counted by the M12 command. By setting the number of workpieces beforehand, a signal is output to the machine when reaching the prescribed number of workpieces.
22-1 Part Program Storage & Editing
The contents of the NC tape can be stored and edited. Relevant operations include deletion, alteration, and insertion. Range editing is allowed by expanded part program editing. Use of backgrounding allows you to edit another program during automatic operation.
Tape storage length : 80, 160, 320, 500 or 1,000 m Registered programs : 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1,000 programs
Note) For the
320 m and 400 programs, respectively.
21L, the maximum part program storage length and registered programs are
22-2 Part Program Comparison
The program registered in the memory is compared with the one in the tape.
23-1 Self Diagnostic Function
This function makes various checks. The signals exchanged between the machine and NC unit can be confirmed on the screen.
G contact : From PMC to CNC
RG contact: From PMC to CNC
F contact : From CNC to PMC
RF contact : From CNC to PMC
X contact : From machine to PMC
Y contact : From PMC to machine
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23-2 Alarm Diagnosis
If the CNC has any error, it displays its corresponding alarm number and message.
23-3 Cutting Monitoring Function
This function monitors the cutting load of the spindle and feed axes to prevent abnormal cutting or defective cutting.
24-1 Input/Output Interface (RS-232C)
This function allows you to output the programs, tool offset amounts, parameters, etc. memorized in the memory to an external device, and input the data from the external device. A device equipped with the RS-232C interface is available as an external device.
25-1 Emergency Stop
An emergency stop cancels all the commands and stops the machine instantaneously.
25-2 Overtravel
When the machine reaches a stroke end, a relevant signal is received, the axies are stopped instantaneously, and an overtravel alarm is indicated.
25-3 Interlock
There are three kinds of axis interlocks; all axes interlock, individual axis interlock, and axis directional interlock. If the interlock is applied while moving the axis, the machine will be decelerated to stop. If an interlock signal is canceled, the machine will be accelerated to resume operation.
25-4 Stored Stroke Limit 1
Stored stroke limit 1 assumes the out side of the area set by a prameter to be a prohibited area.
25-5 Stored Stroke Limit 2 and 3 (G22, G23)
Use this function when you want to ensure that a tool will not enter a non-cutting area. Set stored stroke limit-2 with a parameter whether the inside or outside of the set area should be prohibited. Stored stroke limit-3 assumes the inside of the set area to be a prohibited area. Use a G-code to enable/disable stored stroke limit-2.
· G22: Enable
· G23: Disable
(Stored stroke limit-3 is enabled regardless of the G-code)
25-6 Stroke Check Before Move …… Not available with
This function checks whether or not specified end point coordinates enter a stored stroke limit area before a move command in the program block.
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26-1 NC Ready Signal
When the NC unit is turned on and becomes ready to control, this signal is output to the machine, and when the NC unit is turned off, a signal output to the machine is called off.
26-2 Automatic Operation Running Signal
This is a signal to be output while automatic operation is under way.
26-3 Automatic Operation Stopping Signal
This is a signal to be output while the program is stopping due to feedhold.
26-4 Distribution Complete Signal
This is a signal to be output upon completion of distribution so that the M-, S-, T-, or B-function can be executed after completing a move command in the block where there were specified.
27-1 External Data Input
The data are sent from a machines external device to the NC unit to carry out required operation. 1 External O- or N-number search 2 External tool offset data read
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I. Basic Machine Operation II. Screen Operation
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I. Basic Machine Operation
1. Manual Operation
2. Automatic Operation
3. Operation Related to Safety
4. NC Operation keys
5. Quick Tool Setter (Q Setter)
6. Q Setter Barrier
7. Q Setter Repeat Function
8. Simple Jaw Edge Forming Function
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1. Manual Operation
The machine can be manually operated by using the switches on the machine operation panel.
1-1 Jog Feed
The machine can be operated continuously by manual operation.
(1) Select the mode selector switch “JOG”.
(2) Select the jog feed rate.
(3) Select the axis you want to move.
The machine moves in the direction of the selected axis. Note 1) When multiple axes are selected, those axes move all simult aneously. Note 2) When the axis has been selected before selecting the JOG mode, the machine does not
move even if the mode is changed to JOG. Select the axis newly.
1-2 Manual Reference Point Return
The machine can be returned to the reference point by manual operation.
(1) Select the mode selector switch “JOG”.
(2) Select the rapid traverse rate.
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