hitachi seiki 10M, 16M, 18M Operating Manual

Edition 1.02 NO-0000-1-0221-E-1-02
Hitachi Seiki Deutschland Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
1. OUTLINE .......................................................................................... 1 -1
2. SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................... 2 - 1
3. OPERATION......................................................................................... 3 -2
I. Basic Machine Operation ................................................................... 3 -2
1. Manual Operation.................................................................................................................3 -3
1-1 Jog Feed ....................................................................................................................... 3 -3
1-2 Manual Reference Point Return.................................................................................... 3 -4
1-3 Rapid T raverse .............................................................................................................3 -5
1-4 Manual Handle Feed ..................................................................................................... 3 -5
1-5 Manual Handle Interrupt (Optional)................................................................................3 -6
2. Automatic Operation ............................................................................................................ 3 -7
2-1 Automatic Operation ..................................................................................................... 3 -7
2-2 Selecting the Run Program .......................................................................................... 3 -8
2-3 Stopping the Automatic Operation................................................................................. 3 -8
2-4 Dry Run ........................................................................................................................ 3 -9
2-5 Single Block .................................................................................................................. 3 -9
2-6 Override ...................................................................................................................... 3 -10
2-7 Pre-Program Machining T ime display Function (Optional) ......................................... 3 -10
2-8 Tape Operation (Simple DNC Operation) ................................................................... 3 -11
2-9 DNC Operation (Optional) .......................................................................................... 3 -11
2.10 Submemory .............................................................................................................. 3 -15
3. Operation Related to Safety............................................................................................... 3 -20
3-1 Emergency Stop ......................................................................................................... 3 -20
3-2 Overtravel ................................................................................................................... 3 -20
4. NC Operation Keys............................................................................................................3 -21
5. Operation Related to W Setter .......................................................................................... 3 -23
5-1 Outline ........................................................................................................................ 3 -23
5-2 Input Signals and V arious Operations......................................................................... 3 -23
5-3 Setting the Work Setter Datum Level ......................................................................... 3 -24
5-4 Setting the Work Setter Master Hole........................................................................... 3 -25
5-5 Setting the Work Setter Coordinate Modification ........................................................ 3 -26
5-6 Rewriting the Work Zero Point Offset Amount Manually ............................................. 3 -27
5-7 Setting the Tool Setter................................................................................................. 3 -28
5-8 Parameters................................................................................................................. 3 -31
5-9 Others......................................................................................................................... 3 -32
5-10 5-Face Working Machine’s W Setter ........................................................................ 3 -33
5-1 1 Appendix.................................................................................................................... 3 -34
II. Screen Operation ............................................................................. 3 -38
1. Screen Layout and Basic Operation..................................................................................3 -39
1-1 Main Display Area ....................................................................................................... 3 -40
1-2 Alarm Display Area...................................................................................................... 3 -40
1-3 Program Number Display Area................................................................................... 3 -41
1-4 Key Input Area............................................................................................................. 3 -41
1-5 Error Message ............................................................................................................ 3 -41
1-6 Function Menu ............................................................................................................ 3 -41
1-7 Tree Chart................................................................................................................... 3 -42
2. Operation of Overall Screen ..............................................................................................3 -44
2-1 Program...................................................................................................................... 3 -45
2-2 Tool Path Plot.............................................................................................................. 3 -45
2-3 Tool Data..................................................................................................................... 3 -45
2-4 S, S % and F, F %.......................................................................................................3 -45
2-5 Dwell........................................................................................................................... 3 -45
2-6 Load Meter .................................................................................................................. 3 -46
2-7 Position Data .............................................................................................................. 3 -46
2-8 G code and M code..................................................................................................... 3 -46
2-9 T ime Measurement..................................................................................................... 3 -46
2-10 Date and Time .......................................................................................................... 3 -48
3. Position..............................................................................................................................3 -49
3-1 Rewriting the Relative Coordinate System ................................................................. 3 -50
3-2 Setup Work................................................................................................................. 3 -50
3-3 Command Value Display ............................................................................................ 3 -50
3-4 Restart (Option) .......................................................................................................... 3 -50
3-5 Floating Reference ..................................................................................................... 3 -50
4. Work Coordinate (Offset) ..................................................................................................3 -53
4-1 Data Display and Setting ............................................................................................ 3 -54
4-2 Function Menu ............................................................................................................ 3 -55
4-3 Work Setter................................................................................................................. 3 -55
4-4 Number Search .......................................................................................................... 3 -55
4-5 Work Coordinates Setting Function............................................................................ 3 -55
4-6 Setting the External Work Zero Point Offset ............................................................... 3 -56
5. Set (Data) ..........................................................................................................................3 -57
5-1 Display and Setting ..................................................................................................... 3 -57
5-2 Number Search .......................................................................................................... 3 -57
5-3 Automatic Override ..................................................................................................... 3 -62
5-4 Eco¥eco ..................................................................................................................... 3 -64
6. Macro V ariable ................................................................................................................... 3 -65
6-1 Macro V ariable and Dat a Display ................................................................................ 3 -65
6-2 Number Search .......................................................................................................... 3 -65
7.Plot ...................................................................................................................................... 3 -67
8. Plotting Parameters........................................................................................................... 3 -69
9. Tool (Offset).......................................................................................................................3 -72
9-1 Compensation V alue Setting....................................................................................... 3 -73
9-2 Name Setting .............................................................................................................. 3 -73
9-3 Data Delete................................................................................................................. 3 -73
9-4 Sensor setting............................................................................................................. 3 -74
9-5 Reference Gauge ....................................................................................................... 3 -74
9-6 Tool Change................................................................................................................ 3 -74
9-7 Tool Setter................................................................................................................... 3 -74
9-8 Number Search .......................................................................................................... 3 -74
9-9 Safety Guard............................................................................................................... 3 -74
10. Alarm/Diagnosis............................................................................................................... 3 -76
10-1 Alarm History............................................................................................................. 3 -77
11. System.............................................................................................................................3 -78
11-1 Parameter Setting ..................................................................................................... 3 -78
11-2 Diagnosis.................................................................................................................. 3 -80
11-3 Mechanical Compensation........................................................................................ 3 -82
11-4 Position Region ......................................................................................................... 3 -83
11-5 Software Version....................................................................................................... 3 -84
11-6 Date and Time........................................................................................................... 3 -85
11-7 SLBUS ...................................................................................................................... 3 -86
11-8 System Table ............................................................................................................ 3 -87
1 1-9 F Menu ...................................................................................................................... 3 -87
12. Program........................................................................................................................... 3 -92
12-1 Operating Key Input Area On Screen........................................................................ 3 -93
12-2 Displaying Program .................................................................................................. 3 -93
12-3 Creating New Program ............................................................................................. 3 -93
12-4 Deleting Program...................................................................................................... 3 -93
12-5 Initialization Of Program Memory.............................................................................. 3 -94
12-6 Program Search ....................................................................................................... 3 -94
12-7 Program Copy .......................................................................................................... 3 -94
12-8 Changing Program Number...................................................................................... 3 -94
12-9 Program Editing (Edit Mode or Background Editing)................................................. 3 -95
12-10 Word Search .......................................................................................................... 3 -95
12-11 Background Edit (Program Screen Only) ............................................................... 3 -97
12-12 Range Assignment Edit Operation (Program Screen Only) ................................... 3 -99
12-13 Word Convert (Program Screen Only) ................................................................. 3 -100
12-14 Macro Variables .................................................................................................... 3 -102
13. Program List .................................................................................................................. 3 -103
13-1 Program List ........................................................................................................... 3 -103
13-2 Program Search ..................................................................................................... 3 -105
13-3 Program Delete ...................................................................................................... 3 -105
13-4 Program Arrangement ............................................................................................ 3 -106
13-5 Program Merging .................................................................................................... 3 -106
13-6 Initialization Of Program Memory............................................................................ 3 -106
14. Input / Output .................................................................................................................3 -107
14-1 Program List ........................................................................................................... 3 -108
14-2 Data Setting Table ................................................................................................... 3 -108
14-3 Check .....................................................................................................................3 -110
14-4 Details Of Setting Data ........................................................................................... 3 -110
14-5 Call Select (Option)................................................................................................. 3 -113
14-6 Don-Don FD I/O Screen ......................................................................................... 3 -113
15. Input / Output (With PC Card Used) .............................................................................. 3 -115
15-1 Available PC Cards................................................................................................. 3 -1 15
15-2 Initial Formatting of PC Card................................................................................... 3 -1 1 5
15-3 Starting PC Card Operation .................................................................................... 3 -11 5
15-4 Ending PC Card Operation ..................................................................................... 3 -117
15-5 PC Card Input/Output ............................................................................................. 3 -118
15-6 Operating the PC Card Directory............................................................................ 3 -120
15-7 Error Messages ...................................................................................................... 3 -125
4. INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS ................................................................... 4 -4
I. Tool Life Management........................................................................ 4 -4
1. Tool Life Management..........................................................................................................4 -4
2. S pare Tool Management ...................................................................................................... 4 -6
3. Premachining Tool check.....................................................................................................4 -7
4. Tool Skip And Tool Reset (Option) ....................................................................................... 4 -7
5. Tool Life Management Program...........................................................................................4 -7
6. Tool Life Management Operation ....................................................................................... 4 -11
7. Tool Life Screen .................................................................................................................4 -12
8. Spare Tool Screen .............................................................................................................4 -16
9. Tool Status List Screen...................................................................................................... 4 -19
10. Tool Life Management Parameters And Their Setting ...................................................... 4 -21
11. Alarms..............................................................................................................................4 -21
II. Cutting Monitoring Unit ................................................................... 4 - 22
1. Outline ...............................................................................................................................4 -22
2. Monitoring Method..............................................................................................................4 -22
3. Monitoring Functions..........................................................................................................4 -23
4. Cutting Monitoring Program ...............................................................................................4 -26
5. Data Setting....................................................................................................................... 4 -29
6. Cutting Monitoring Operation .............................................................................................4 -31
7. Set Load Screen................................................................................................................4 -34
8. Load Graph Screen ........................................................................................................... 4 -37
9. Life Graph Screen.............................................................................................................. 4 -38
10. Display And Setting Of Parameters.................................................................................4 -39
11. Alarms..............................................................................................................................4 -43
III. Tool Peculiar Number Function .................................................... 4 -44
1. Function.............................................................................................................................4 -44
2. Tool Peculiar Number Method (Parameter 8004 #7 = 0)....................................................4 -44
3. Number Method By Functions (Parameter No. 8004 #7 = 1).............................................4 -47
IV. Staf ........................................................................................ 4 -50
1. Periodic Check ..................................................................................................................4 -50
2. Status Display/OK Monitor................................................................................................. 4 -52
3. Instruction Manual Information ........................................................................................... 4 -53
4. LSSOL Diagram (Switch Status) ....................................................................................... 4 -54
V. SHG ........................................................................................ 4 -56
1. Outline ............................................................................................................................... 4 -56
2. SHG Cutting Mode ............................................................................................................. 4 -56
VI. Thermal Displacement Offset Function....................................... 4 -59
1. Thermal Displacement Offset Function (Main)..................................................................4 -62
2. Thermal Displacement Offset Function (Maintenance) .....................................................4 -64
3. Thermal Displacement Offset Function (Maintenance 2) ..................................................4 -64
VII. UUP Function.................................................................................. 4 - 6 5
1. General Description........................................................................................................... 4 -65
2. Connection Of UUP ........................................................................................................... 4 -65
The SEIKI-SEICOS Σ 10M/16M/18M has realized a miniaturized high-reliability system by integrating up-to-date device technology. TheΣ10M/16M can perform high-speed, high­accuracy machining, using 64-bit RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer). The operation system as a human interface is designed very user-friendly from a perspective of the user. For example, a canned cycle editing function is provided as an option in order to facilitate editing of canned cycles. This manual describes how to operate the following models. See SEIKI-SEICOS Σ10M/16M/18M-PROGRAMMING for programming, and SEIKI-SEICOS Σ10/16/18/21” for alarms and maintenance.
1-1 Precautions for Reading This Manual
(1) This manual and SEIKI-SEICOS SΣ10M/16M/18M-PROGRAMMING describe the entire
functions of this NC unit, including the optional functions. The selected functions vary from one machine to another. As some of the functions described in the manual are not
available, check the specifications of the machine beforehand. (2) When there is any function not described possible in the manual, take it impossible. (3) The information herein is subject to change without prior notice.
CAUTION The programs, parameters, macro variables, and tool offset amounts have been stored in the
internal memory of the NC unit. Generally, they are not lost by turning on/off the power. They may be erased by mistake or you are forced to erase the precious data saved in the memory in order to recover from a failure. Make back-up copies of various data in advance so that you can quickly recover from such an unexpected incident.
CAUTION Before starting machining, be sure to fully confirm proper operation of Machine by performing a
trial run. Before using work coordinate data and tool offset data, be sure to confirm that the data have been properly input.
1 - 1
1 - 2
1-1 Controlled Axes
The 3 axes, X, Y and Z, are controllable. Furthermore, up to 8 axes can be controlled by adding the optional 5 axex; 4th through 8th axes.
1-2 Simultaneous Controllable Axes
The 3 axes, X, Y and Z, can be controlled simultaneously regardless of rapid traverse or cutting feed. Furthermore, up to 8 axes can be controlled simultaneously (option). Table 1.2 shows the configuration of the controlled axes.
Table 1-2
No. of Axes Axis Name Remarks
Standard 3 axes X, Y, Z controlled axes
Additional axes 5 axes Select of of U, V, W, A, control B and C
Simultaneous Standard 3 axes + All the axes specified by controllable axes additional axes the system
(up to 8 axes)
(Note 1) The number of controlled axes, and relations between the axis names and axes can be
selected with prameters.
1-3 Increment System
There are two types of increment systems; IS-B and IS-C. You can select either of them by a parameter. (Is-A is not available for the moment.) Millimeter/inch switching is set with a parameter. For detailed description of parameter, refer to Parameters.
1-4 Maximum Commandable Value
Table 1.4 shows the increment systems and commandable values.
1-5 10-Time Input
The input increment can be made 10 times larger by parameter setting. Table 1.5 shows the commandable values.
2 - 1
Table 1-4
Linear Axis
Unit Type
Input increment IS-A 0.01 0.001 0.01
IS-B 0.001 0.0001 0.001 IS-C 0.0001 0.00001 0.0001
Least command increment IS-A 0.01 0.001 0.01
IS-B 0.001 0.0001 0.001 IS-C 0.0001 0.00001 0.0001
Maximum stroke IS-A ±999999.99 ±99999.999 ±999999.99
IS-B ±99999.999 ±9999.9999 ±99999.999 IS-C ±9999.9999 ±999.99999 ±9999.9999
Maximum commandable IS-A ±999999.99 ±99999.999 ±999999.99 value IS-B ±99999.999 ±9999.9999 ±99999.999
IS-C ±9999.9999 ±999.99999 ±9999.9999
[10-Time Input Increment]
For the Types IS-B and IS-C, the input increment can be made 10 times larger by parameter setting.
(mm) (inch)
Table 1-5
Rotary Axis (deg.)
Linear Axis
Unit Type
Input increment IS-B 0.01 0.001 0.01
IS-C 0.001 0.0001 0.001
Least command increment IS-B 0.01 0.001 0.01
IS-C 0.0001 0.00001 0.0001
Maximum stroke IS-B ±99999.999 ±9999.9999 ±99999.999
IS-C ±9999.9999 ±999.99999 ±9999.9999
Maximum commandable IS-B ±999999.99 ±99999.999 ±999999.99 value IS-C ±99999.999 ±9999.9999 ±99999.999
(Note 1) For the Type IS-A, nothing is changed even if you set the parameter for 10-time input
(mm) (inch)
Rotary Axis (deg.)
2 - 2
1-6 Position Detector
The pulse encoder is provided as a standard position detector. Optionally, the pulse scale or the Inductosyn detecting function can be selected. When the Inductosyn detecting function is selected, however, you need a converter which serves as an interface equivalent to the pulse scaler. When adding an option for detecting an absolute position, an absolute encoder will be attached.
2 - 3
2-1 Positioning (G00)
Each axis can be fed at a rapid traverse rate independently by specifying G00.
2-2 Linear Interpolation (G01)
Linear interpolation is performed at the feed rate specified by an F-code in a G01 command.
2-3 Single Direction Positioning (G60)
Since this function allows precise positioning with backlash excluded, positioning can be performed from only one direction.
2-4 Circular Interpolation (G02, G03)
Circular interpolation can be performed arbitrarily at 0 to 3600 at the feed rate specified by an F-code in a G02 or G03 command.
2-5 Radius Designation on Arc (G02, G03)
R can be directly specified as a circular arc radius value, assuming I, J, and K to be a vector amount from a start point to the center in circular interpolation.
2-6 Sine Curvilinear Interpolation <Virtual Axis Interpolation> (G07)
By performing interpolation without moving one axis within a circular arc plane (hypothetical axis) in a helical cutting command, sine curvilinear interpolation is performed between the remaining two axes.
2-7 Helical Cutting (G02,G03)
Another axis is linearly interpolated synchronously with circular interpolation.
2-8 Polar Coordinate Interpolation (G120,G121)
A command programmed in the orthogonal coordinate system is converted into a linear axis move (tool) and rotary axis move (work rotation) to control a profile.
2-9 Cylindrical Interpolation (G271)
If a linear axis stroke and rotary axis angle are specified by a program command, the rotary axis stroke internally specified in terms of angle is converted into a distance on the circumference. As the distance on the circumference can be regarded a linear axis stroke on the circumference, linear interpolation and cirfular interpolation can be performed in combination with other linear axis.
2 - 4
4-1 Rapid traverse Rate and Rapid Traverse Override
The speed in the axial direction is allowed up to 240,000 mm/min (IS-B). An override can be applied to a rapid traverse rate by rapid traverse override.
4-2 Cutting Feed Rate and Feed Rate Override
A feed rate is allowed from 6 to 240,000 mm/min (IS-B). Feed rate override allows you to apply an override in an increment of 10% from 0% to 200%. Table 4-2 shows the feed rate command value range.
Table 4-2
Type F-command Range
Feed per minute(G94)
Feed per revolution (G95)
Threading (G33)
(Note 1) The type can be selected with a parameter. (Note 2) The cutting feed rate is a command given relative to the reference axis. (Note 3) The maximum cutting feed rate is limited by the cutting feed clamp rate set with a
(Note 4) When an F1-digit feed option is added, F1-F9 have special meanings.
Metric input F60 F1~F999999 mm/min
F61 F0.1~3F999999.9 mm/minmin F62 F0.01~F999999.99 mm/min/min
Inch input F51 F0.1~F99999.9 inch/minn
F52 F0.01~F99999.99 inch/min
Metric input F32 F0.01~F999.99 mm/rev
F33 F0.001~F999.999 mm/rev
Inch input F23 F0.001~F99.999 inch/rev
F24 F0.0001~F99.9999 inch/rev
Metric input F35 F0.00001~F999.99999 mm/rev
F26 F0.000001~F99.999999 mm/rev
Inch input F26 F0.000001~F99.999999 inch/rev
F17 F0.0000001~F9.9999999 inch/rev
2 - 5
[Related Parameters]
No. 1003, #0 Sets the type IS-A, IS-B or IS-C.
#1 #2 = 0 Disables the input increment 10.
Enables the input increment 10.
No. 3401, #0 = 0 Specifies F23 for feed per revolution in inches.
1 Specifies F24 for feed per revolution in inches.
#1 = 0 Specifies F32 for feed per revolution in millimeters.
1 Specifies F33 for feed per revolution in millimeters.
#2 = 0 Specifies F51 for feed per minute in inches.
1 Specifies F52 for feed per minute in inches.
#3 = 0 Specifies F60 for feed per minute in millimeters.
1 Specifies F61 for feed per minute in millimeters.
#4 = 0 Specifies F26 for threading lead in inches.
1 Specifies F17 for threading lead in inches.
#5 = 0 Specifies F35 for threading lead in millimeters.
1 Specifies F26 for threading lead in millimeters.
#6 = 0 Feed per minute of 0mm abides by #3.
1 Feed per minute of 1mm for F62.
4-3 Override Cancel
A cutting feed override rate can be fixed at 100% by a signal from the machine.
4-4 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration
Linear acceleration/deceleration is performed in case of rapid traverse, and exponential function type acceleration/deceleration is performed in case of cutting feed or jog feed.
4-5 Dwell (G04)
Migration to operation in the next program block can be delayed by a specified time by a G04 command. Use P, X, or U for an address.
4-6 Exact Stop Check (G09)
In the block where G09 is specified, an imposition check is made at the end of block execution.
4-7 Exact Stop Check Mode (G61)/Cutting Mode (G64)
Normally, the G64 mode is effected and the program proceeds to the next block immediately after interpolation is completed. If G61 is specified, the program will proceed to the next block after entering imposition at the end point of each block, in the subsequent move commands. The G61 mode is cancelled by specifying G64.
2 - 6
4-8 Automatic Corner Override (G62)
An override is applied automatically to a cutting feed rate at a corner during tool diameter compensation.
5-1 Reference Point Return A (G27 to G29)
Reference point return a includes the following: (1) Manual reference point return (2) Reference point return check (G27) (3) Automatic reference point return (G28) (4) Return from the reference point (G29)
5-2 Reference Point Return B (G30)
Second reference point return (G30) returns the axes to the position set in a parameter.
5-3 Third/Fourth Reference Point Return (G30)
The axes can be returned to the 3rd/4th reference point preset by a G30 command (P3, P4).
5-4 Floating Reference Point Return (G301)
The axes can be returned to the preset optional point of the machine.
6-1 Coordinate System Setting (G92)
An axis command following G92 sets the coordinate system where a current tool coordinate value will be a specified value.
6-2 Machine Coordinate System Selection (G53)
A tool moves to a position in the machine coordinate system by a G53 command.
6-3 Plane Designation (G17, G18, G19)
A G-code is used to specify the plane where you want to perform circular interpolation, tool diameter compensation, and so on. G17: X-Y plane, G18: Z-X plane, G19: Y-Z plane
6-4 Local Coordinate System Selection (G52)
With a G52 command, you can set a child coordinate system, that is, local coordinate system in all the work coordinate systems (G54 to G59).
6-5 Work Coordinate System setting (G54 to G59)
One of the preset coordinate systems is selected by a G-code, G54 through G59. The subsequent program is executed in that selected coordinate system. The number of additional pairs is 60.
2 - 7
7-1 Absolute/Incremental Programming
Absolute/incremental programming is switched by a G-code.
G90 : Absolute programming G91 : Incremental programming
7-2 Decimal Point Input
A decimal point can be input to the command data associated with a distance (angle), speed, and dwell. A decimal point position is after the millimetric or inch units digit. Decimal point usable addresses include X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, W, I, J, K, R, P, and F. When P is a subprogram number, however, the decimal point is not available.
7-3 Inch/Metric Conversion (G20, G21)
You can select the inch system/metric system as units of input by specifying G20/G21.
8-1 Spindle Function (8-digit S-code)
By specifying an address S following by up to 8-digit numerical command, you can send out an analog signal and gear signal corresponding to a binary code signal and spindle motor rpm.
8-2 Spindle Override
An override can be applied from 50 to 150% in an increment of 10% by an external signal.
9-1 Tool Function (8-digit T-code)
An 8-digit BCD code signal is sent out by specifying an address T followed by up to 8-digit numerical command.
9-2 Addition of Tool Offsets
The number of tool offset or tool diameter compensation pairs can be expanded up to 400.
9-3 Tool Life Management Function
The tools are sorted into several groups and when the cutting time or integrated cutting times of a tool in each group reaches the specified life time or cutting times, this function selects the next tool in the preset order.
9-4 Programmable Data Input (G10)
With a G10 command, you can choose to set or change a tool offset amount and change the work coordinate system (G54 to G59).
2 - 8
10-1 Miscellaneous Function 8-digit M-code)
The machine can be turned on/off by specifying an address M followed by up to 8-digit numerical value.
10-2 Second Miscellaneous Function (B-function)
An 8-digit BCD code signal is sent out by an address A, B, or C followed by up to 8-digit numerical command, based on parameter setting.
10-3 Miscellaneous Function Lock
The M, S, T, and B-function commands are disabled. No signal is sent out to the machine.
11-1 Command Tape
8-unit black paper tape (EIA RS-227, ISO 1154, JIS C6246)
11-2 Tape Format
EIA/ISO (At input: Automatic recognition, At output: Selected by a parameter)
1 1-3 Input Format
A variable-block, word-address format with decimal point (EIA RS-274C, ISO R1056/R1058) is used.
2 - 9
11-4 Command Tape Codes
Address Description
A Additional axis coordinate value B Additional axis coordinate value, 2nd miscellaneous function C Additional axis coordinate value D Tool offset number selection E F Feed functions G Preparatory functions H Tool offset number selection I X-axis component of the circular arc center J Y-axis component of the circular arc center K Z-axis component of the circular arc center L Canned cycle times designation, Repeat times in a subprogram call M Miscellaneous function N Sequence number O Program number P Dwell, Program number in a subprogram call Q Canned cycle R Radius command value for circular interpolation, True circular cutting,
Canned cycle S Spindle functions T Tool functions U Additional axis coordinate value V Additional axis coordinate value W Additional axis coordinate value X X-axis coordinate value, Dwell Y Y-axis coordinate value Z Z-axis coordinate value
2 - 10
11-5 Command Words and Command Value Ranges
Function Address Metric Input. Inch Input.
Program number # O 1~99999999 1~99999999 Sequence number # N 1~99999999 1~99999999 Preparatory function G 0~999 0~999 Coordinate value X, Y, Z, ±99999.999mm ±99999.999mm
U, V, W, I, J, K, L Q, R,
A, B, C, ±99999.999deg ±99999.999deg Feed per minute F 1~999999mm/min 0.1~99999.9inch/min Spindle function S Tool function T Miscellaneous function M Dwell P, X 0~99999.999sec 0~99999.999sec Call program number # P 1~99999999 1~99999999 Repeat times L 1~99999999 1~99999999 Offset number # D, H 0~400 0~400
11-6 Subprogram (M98, M99)
A subprogram can be called in the MEMORY mode. A called subprogram can further call another subprogram. The subprogram can be called eightfold at maximum.
11-7 Programmable Mirror Image (G501, G511)
A mirror image can be applied to each axis by a program command.
11-8 Direct Tap (G741, G841)
In the G741/G841 tap cycle, high-speed, high-precision tapping can be performed by completely synchronizing spindle rotation with Z-axis feed.
11-9 Optional Block Skip
A program block containing a slash code, “/”, in its beginning is ignored by turning on the OPTIONAL BLOCK SKIP switch provided on the part of the machine. You can add “/2” through /9 (optional block skip 2 through 9) as an option.
1 1-10 Control-in/-out
“(“: Control-out “)”: Control-in
This function is used when giving a program name to a program number or giving a comment halfway a program. All the information between control-out and control-in is ignored within a significant information section.
2 - 11
1 1-11 Command Data Input Methods
(1) MDI (manual data input) through the keyboard (2) Inputting from an external input/output device via an RS-232C interface (Reading the NC
1 1-12 Internal Data Output Methods
(1) Displaying on the CRT (2) Outputting to an external input/output device via an RS-232C interface (Punching out the
NC tape)
12-1 Canned Cycle for Drilling (G73, G74, G76, G80 to G89)
Drilling, tapping, and boring cycles can be specified in one program block.
12-2 Drilling Pattern Cycle (G70, G71, G72, G77)
By specifying a radius and angle, a drilling position is calculated into the orthogonal coordinates to perform positioning. A canned cycle is used in combination.
12-3 ATC Canned Cycle (M06)
If M06 is specified upon completion of machining by the spindle tool, the machine operates as follows. This simplifies the program, ignoring a warming-up period for the ATC. <Example of Cycle>
) M15...................................................Spindle stop (M05) and coolant stop (M09)
* Z-axis to the ATC position.................1st or 2nd reference point
+ X-and Y-axis to the ATC position 1st or 2nd reference point and spindle positioning
, ATC activated (M06)
12-4 Optional Angle Chamfering Corner R (, C/, R)
Optional angle chamfering or corner R can be inserted automatically by adding C or R to the end of the program block where linear or circular interpolation is specified.
12-5 Screen-driven Special Canned Cycle
Machining profile patterns such as drilling, circle machining, square plane machining, square side machining, track machining, and pocket machining can be easily programmed through the screen, and complicated machinings can be performed in one program block.
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13-1 Tool diameter Compensation (G40 to G42)
A tool diameter can be compensated by specifying a G-code command, G40 through G42. An offset number can be set by a D-code, set by the lower 4 digits of a T-code, or selected, depending on parameter setting.
13-2 Tool Length Compensation (G43, G44, G49)
A tool position can be offset (tool length compensation) by a G43/G44 command. An offset number can be set by an H-code, set by the lower 4 digits of a T-code, or selected, depending on parameter setting.
13-3 Tool Offset (G45 to G48)
A tool position can be offset by specifying a G-code command, G45 through G48. The tool position is extended or contracted to a move command in the axial direction by the offset amount specified by a D-code or H-code.
13-4 Three Dimensional Tool Offset (G40, G41)
When machining a three dimensional curved surface, the offset amount set in the tool offset memory is offset three dimensionally by specifying an offset component in the three dimensional direction.
14-1 Backlash Compensation
This function is to compensate the lost motions which the mechanical system has. A compensation amount can be set as a parameter in the least command increment for each axis within a range of up to 9,999 pulses.
14-2 Stored Pitch Error Compensation
This function is to compensate a pitch error for feed screws. Compensation data is set as a parameter. The number of compensation positions is 128 for each axis.
15-1 Axis Switching
According to a selection of the machining plane, this function changes the program addresses, X, Y, and Z, specified in the program into the machine axis addresses, and changes the signs of the machine axes. This enables the program to use the right-handed orthogonal coordinate system for each machining surface.
15-2 Scaling (G50, G51)
The profile specified in the machining program can be expanded or contracted at your desired scale factor.
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15-3 Coordinate Rotation (G68, G69)
The profile specified in the machining program can be rotated as mentioned in (A) or (B) below. (A) When assuming the rotation center to the origin of the work coordinate system (B) When specifying the rotation center in the program
16-1 Skip Function
If a skip signal is input from an external device in the midst of an X-, Y-, or Z-command following G31, the next block will be executed, cancelling the rest of this command.
16-2 Work Setter (Datum Level, Master Hole)
This function is to write a work coordinate system shift amount automatically by simple manual operation, using a touch sensor.
16-3 Tool Setter (Tool Length, Tool Diameter)
This function is to write a tool offset amount automatically by simple manual operation, using the touch sensor.
16-4 Safety Guard
A machining tool length is measured by starting the program for the first time. When it is started for the second time, a workpiece at an actual machining position is measured by the measuring device attached to the spindle. Putting these two information and the offset amount used together, a workpiece-tool interference is checked for by an approach command (G00).
17-1 Custom Macro
A function peculiar to the user can be created. There are 100 common variables, but their number can be optionally extended up to 600.
18-1 Follow-up Function
In case of emergency stop or servo alarm, a machine travel amount is reflected on an NC unit internal position. For this reason, automatic operation is enabled after resetting the emergency stop or servo alarm, even if you do not have to perform zero point return. In case of speed feedback or position feedback alarm, however, an actual machine position and the NC unit internal position do not match, because the follow-up function does not work properly.
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18-2 Mirror Image
This function can reverse the sign of the travel direction specified by a program command or MDI command for the X-, Y-, Z-axis, or an additional axis. Make this setting in the setting screen.
18-3 Oscillation Function
This function is to reciprocate a positioning axis, which is not used for cutting a machining profile, over a width asynchronous with a cutting plane axis.
19-1 Manual Continuous Feed
) Jog feed
A jog feed rate is the speed set in a parameter applied an override of 0 to 655.34% in an increment of 0.01%.
* Manual rapid traverse
Manual rapid traverse is also allowed. An override is applied to the rapid traverse rate set as a parameter.
19-2 Manual Pulse Generator
The machine is capable of fine feed by means of the pulse generator on the machine operation panel. One rotation of the pulse generator generates 100 pulses. You can select a scale factor of x1, x10, or xM (M=1 to 1,000 set in a parameter) by a signal from the machine.
20-1 DNC Operation
DNC operation can be performed from the host CPU equipped with an RS-232C interface.
20-2 Program Number Search
An 8-digit program number following 0 can be searched for from the data in the program screen.
20-3 Sequence Number Search
A sequence number can be searched for in the program currently selected from the data in the program screen.
20-4 Restart of Program
To restart a program, there are three ways; program restart, block restart, and machining break point return.
) Program restart is a function to restart from the block of a specified sequence number. * Block restart is a function to restart from the beginning of or halfway the block. + Machining break point return is a function to position a tool to a break point by jog feed.
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20-5 Sequence Number Comparison and Stop
If you encounter the block of a preset sequence number during program execution, the machine stops after executing that block.
20-6 Preread Buffer
In order to avoid discontinuation of the program blocks at the time of cutting due to the processing time of the NC unit, the preread buffer generally prereads one program block in case of automatic operation. (1) The preread buffer prereads the different number of program blocks, depending on the
Function No. of Preread Blocks
Multibuffer 14 blocks High-accuracy profile control Up to G05 P0 block Tool diameter compensation 2 to 4 blocks Others 0 or 1 block
(Note 1) In the tool diameter compensation mode, the preread buffer prereads up to 4 blocks
if they contain the blocks free from an axis move command.
(Note 2) The following commands suppress the preread buffer.
Example: G28, G30, G31, G53, G05, G10, G20, G21, G22, G23, M00, M01
(2) When the SINGLE BLOCK switch is turned on
When the SINGLE BLOCK switch is turned on and the program blocks are executed sequentially by pressing the CYCLE START switch, the preread buffer does not exist. Because, when the CYCLE START switch is pressed, one program block is taken into the preread buffer and executed immediately. Therefore, the preread buffer does not exist during and after execution.
(Note 1) The preread buffer prereads the program blocks in the following modes.
(1) Tool diameter compensation mode (G41, G42) (2) When optional angle chamfering corner R is specified (, C, R) (3) Thread cutting (G33) (4) Tapping mode (G63) (5) High-accuracy profile control (G05 P10000)
(Note 2) When the SINGLE BLOCK switch is turned from OFF to ON during automatic
operation to stop it, the preread buffer exists.
20-7 Feedhold
All axes can be stopped temporarily. Pressing the CYCLE START button restarts feeding the axes. Prior to restarting axis feed, you can allow intervention by manual operation in the manual mode.
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20-8 External Reset and Reset Signal
The NC unit can be reset from the outside. A reset cancels all the commands and decelerates the machine to a stop. A reset signal is output to the machine while the RESET button of the MDI & CRT panel is being pressed, the machine is being reset by an external reset signal, or the EMERGENCY STOP button is being pressed.
20-9 Override Memory and Automatic Override
When performing trial cutting, an overrides (feed override/spindle override) according to the machining conditions is memorized for each tool. At the time of machining, the above­mentioned memorized override is reflected automatically, not the override rate selected at the operation panel.
20-10 Data Server
A large-capacity program can be processed at a high speed by means of the Ethernet controller and the hard disk of the auxiliary storage unit. (For details, see SEIKI-SEICOS Σ DATA SERVER INSTRUCTION MANUAL, FTP TYPE)
21-1 Machine Lock
In the machine lock mode, the machine does not move, but the position display is updated as if the machine were moving. Z-axis command cancel becomes equivalent to when a machine lock is applied only to the Z-axis. This is effective when checking the contents of the machining data by pen-writing. When the machine lock is turned ONOFF in auto operation, Machine is shifted by the amount moved by the machine lock.
21-2 Dry Run
If the DRY RUN switch is turned on, the machine operates at a jog feed rate instead of a programmed cutting feed rate. This function can be also enabled in case of rapid traverse by parameter setting.
21-3 Single Block
Program commands can be executed block by block.
21-4 Pre-Machining Plotting
In pre-machining plotting, as machine performs synchronous plotting while in auto running in machine lock and dry run state, format failures and erroneous coordinate commands, if any, in a program can be easily detected. When, on start of pre-machining plotting, an interlock signal, etc. to stop interpolation has been made effective, pre-machining plotting is stopped with the corresponding command.
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22-1 Machining End Notice
Input a scheduled program end time. When the machining time reaches the scheduled end time, a signal is output to an external device.
22-2 Run Hour Display
Machine run hours are displayed in the format of hours:minutes:seconds. They are displayed for each of the functions such as scheduled end time, machining time, lap T, date and time.
23-1 Part Program Storage & Editing
The contents of the NC tape can be stored and edited. They can be deleted, altered, and inserted, and an editing range can be set by expanded part program editing. Use of backgrounding allows you to edit another program during automatic operation. Tape storage length: 80, 160, 320, 500, 1,000, 2,000, or 4,000m Registered programs: 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1,000 programs
23-2 Part Program Comparison
The program registered in the memory is compared with the one in the tape.
24-1 Self Diagnostic Function
This function makes various checks.
Automatic operation starting conditionManual operation starting conditionManual pulse generator starting conditionSpeed setting status
24-2 Cutting Monitoring Function
This function monitors the cutting load of the spindle and feed axes to prevent abnormal cutting or defective cutting.
25-1 Input/Output Interface (RS-232C)
This function allows you to output the programs, tool offset amounts, parameters, etc. memorized in the memory to an external device, and input the data from the external device. A device equipped with the RS-232C interface is available as an external device.
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26-1 Emergency Stop
An emergency stop cancels all the commands and stops the machine instantaneously.
26-2 Overtravel
When the machine reaches a stroke end, a relevant signal is received, the axes are stopped instantaneously, and an overtravel alarm is indicated.
26-3 Interlock
When an interlock is applied to any one of the operating axes, all the axes are decelerated to a stop. When an interlock signal is reset, they are accelerated to restart operation.
26-4 Stored Stroke Limit 1
Stored stroke limit 1 assumes the outside of the area set by a parameter to be a prohibited area.
26-5 Stored Stroke Limit 2 and 3 (G22, G23)
Use this function when you want to ensure that a tool will not enter a non-cutting area. Both stored stroke limit 2 and 3 assumes either inside or outside of the set area to be a prohibited area, based on parameter setting. This function is enabled or disabled by a G-code command.
G22 : Enabled G23 : Disabled
26-6 Stroke Check Before Move
This function checks whether or not specified end point coordinates enter a stored stroke limit area before a move command in the program block.
27-1 NC Ready Signal
When the NC unit is turned on and becomes ready to control, this signal is output to the machine, and when the NC unit is turned off, a signal output to the machine is called off.
27-2 Automatic Operation Running Signal
This is a signal to be output while automatic operation is under way.
27-3 Automatic Operation Stopping Signal
This is a signal to be output while the program is stopping due to feedhold.
27-4 Distribution Complete Signal
This is a signal to be output upon completion of distribution so that the M-, S-, T-, or B-function can be executed after completing a move command in the block where there were specified.
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28-1 External Data Input
The data are sent from a machines external device to the NC unit to carry out required operation.
) External O- or N-number search * External tool offset data read
29-1 High-accuracy Profile Control
Machining errors due to the CNC includes the one resulting from acceleration/deceleration after interpolation. In order to eliminate this error, the following functions are realized at a high speed by the RISC processor. (1) Acceleration/deceleration function before multiblock preread interpolation which does not
cause any machining errors due to acceleration/deceleration.
(2) Automatic speed control function which can realize smooth acceleration/deceleration
considering a change of profile and speed, and allowable acceleration of the machine by prereading multiple blocks.
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