hitachi seiki 10L, 21L Operating Manual

46 Edition 1.01 11-2000
Hitachi Seiki Deutschland Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
Thank you for your having purchased the machine, favoring our product lines for your use. This manual contains fundamental information on the machine operation. Please read and fully understand the contents for your safe machine operation. In particular , the contents of the items concerning safety in this manual and the descriptions on the “caution plates” attached to the machine are important. Please follow the instructions contained and keep them always in mind to ensure safe operation. The reference record papers on adjusting setting values such as a parameter list are attached to the machine unit and enclosed in the packing. These are necessary for maintenance and adjustment of the machine later on. Please keep them safely not to be mislaid. The design and specifications of this machine may be changed to meet any future improvement. As the result, there may arise some cases where explanations in this manual could become partly inconsistent with the actual machine. Please note this point in advance. In this manual, items on the standard and optional specifications are handled indiscriminately. Please refer to the “delivery note” for the detailed specification of your machine confirmation.
1 OPERATION OF MACHINE................................................................. 1 - 1
1 Daily Maintenance.................................................................................................................1 - 1
2 Explanation of Outline of Main and NC Operation Panel....................................................... 1 - 2
2.1 Main Operation Panel.................................................................................................... 1 - 2
2.2 NC Operation Panel .................................................................................................... 1 - 11
2.3 Chip Conveyor Operation Panel.................................................................................. 1 - 13
3 Procedure of Machine Operation ........................................................................................1 - 14
3.1 At the Time of St art...................................................................................................... 1 - 14
3.2 Warming-up Operation of Spindle ............................................................................... 1 - 15
3.3 Procedure of Zero Return ........................................................................................... 1 - 16
3.4 At the End of Operation...............................................................................................1 - 17
4 Manual Operation................................................................................................................1 - 18
4.1 Feed of Each Axis ....................................................................................................... 1 - 18
4.2 Operating Method of Q-setter ..................................................................................... 1 - 20
4.3 Q-setter Repeat Function ........................................................................................... 1 - 28
4.3.1 Procedures ............................................................................................................ 1 - 28
4.3.2 Movement............................................................................................................... 1 - 29
4.3.3 Relevant Alarm....................................................................................................... 1 - 32
4.4 How to Shape Soft Jaw............................................................................................... 1 - 33
4.4.1 Shaping by utilizing Simple Soft Jaw Forming Function......................................... 1 - 33
4.4.2. Soft jaw forming by manual operation ................................................................... 1 - 38
5 Operation by Manual Data Input (MDI) ................................................................................ 1 - 41
5.1 Program input by MDI.................................................................................................. 1 - 41
5.2 Edition of MDI program................................................................................................ 1 - 43
5.3 Operation of MDI program........................................................................................... 1 - 44
6 Registration of Program ..................................................................................................... 1 - 45
6.1 Registration from an external device........................................................................... 1 - 45
6.2 Manual registration by the address/numeral keys ....................................................... 1 - 46
7 Program No. Search...........................................................................................................1 - 48
7.1 Search by key in a program No................................................................................... 1 - 48
7.2 Search to utilize the program list................................................................................. 1 - 49
8 Edition of Program.............................................................................................................. 1 - 50
8.1 Preparation in Advance at the Time of the Edition of Program. ................................... 1 - 50
8.2 Search of Word........................................................................................................... 1 - 51
8.3 Edition of Program ...................................................................................................... 1 - 52
8.4 Back Ground Editing ................................................................................................... 1 - 58
8.5 Copy of Program......................................................................................................... 1 - 60
8.6 Editing Procedure of Range Designation (Expanded Tape Editing/Option)................1 - 61
8.7 Alteration of W ord (Exp anded Tape Editing)................................................................ 1 - 62
8.8 Deletion of Program .................................................................................................... 1 - 64
8.9 Arrangement of Program.............................................................................................1 - 65
8.10 Process After Edition................................................................................................. 1 - 66
9 Output of Program.............................................................................................................. 1 - 67
10 Setting of Tool Compensating Amount.............................................................................. 1 - 69
10.1 Setting of Tool Compensating Amount ...................................................................... 1 - 69
10.2 Deletion of Tool Compensating (Setting Amount)...................................................... 1 - 71
11 Setting of Work Coordinate System Shift Valve ................................................................1 - 72
1 1.1 Tool T ip Position Setting of Standard Tool at Machine Zero Point. ............................. 1 - 72
1 1.2 Setting of 2nd Origin Point......................................................................................... 1 - 74
12 Automatic Operation ......................................................................................................... 1 - 75
12.1 In Case of Machining of the First Workpiece with Confirmation of Newly Produced Pro-
gram ........................................................................................................................ 1 - 75
12.2 St art from Middle of a Program ................................................................................. 1 - 77
12.3 Continuous Machining Operation .............................................................................. 1 - 78
12.4 In Case of Insertion of Manual Operation During Automatic Operation ..................... 1 - 79
12.5 In Case of MDI Operation in Middle of Automatic Operation...................................... 1 - 80
13 Setting (Data) ...................................................................................................................1 - 82
13.1 Outline....................................................................................................................... 1 - 82
15 Animated Drawing............................................................................................................. 1 - 84
15.1 Outline....................................................................................................................... 1 - 84
15.2 Drawing Parameter................................................................................................... 1 - 85
16 Parameter Setting.............................................................................................................1 - 88
17 Tool Life Management .......................................................................................................1 - 92
17.1 Outline of Tool Life Management ............................................................................... 1 - 92
17.2 Action of Tool Life Management.................................................................................1 - 92
17.3 Screen Display.......................................................................................................... 1 - 92
17.4 Registration and Deletion of St andard or Spare T ool................................................. 1 - 95
17.5 Clear the Condition.................................................................................................... 1 - 96
17.6 Procedure Af ter Setting ............................................................................................. 1 - 96
17.7 Procedures to Deal with Tool Life Over.....................................................................1 - 96
18 Return to Machining Interrupted Point (Restart of Block).................................................. 1 - 98
18.1 Outline....................................................................................................................... 1 - 98
18.2 Operation .................................................................................................................. 1 - 98
2 AUTOMATIC OPERATION.................................................................. 2 - 1
1 Operating Panel and Screen, Outline of Feeder................................................................... 2 - 1
1.1 Operating Panel Reversing Unit.................................................................................. 2 - 1
1.1.1 Operating Panel for Automatic Operation................................................................. 2 - 1
1.1.2 Outline of Reversing Unit.......................................................................................... 2 - 2
1.1.3 Reversing Unit, Setting Procedure ...................................................................... 2 - 3
1.2 Screen Call-up ..............................................................................................................2 - 4
1.3 Feeder Control Screen.................................................................................................. 2 - 5
1.4 Dialogue Screen (Variable Data)................................................................................... 2 - 6
1.5 Dialogue Screen (Machine Data) .................................................................................. 2 - 9
1.6 Setting Method to Dialogue Screen............................................................................. 2 - 15
2 Program Form ....................................................................................................................2 - 16
2.1 In Case of One Working Process Only....................................................................... 2 - 16
2.2 In Case of Continuous 1 - 2 Processes Using T urnover Table.................................... 2 - 16
2.3 Calling up Form........................................................................................................... 2 - 17
3 Confirmation of Action......................................................................................................... 2 - 19
3.1 Preparations................................................................................................................ 2 - 19
3.2 Confirmation of Action................................................................................................. 2 - 20
3.3 Checking Actions of Turnover Table ............................................................................ 2 - 23
3.4 Method for recovery from the reversing operation is interrupted ................................. 2 - 26
4 Automatic Operation ...........................................................................................................2 - 29
5 Alarm Relevant Matters....................................................................................................... 2 - 30
5.1 Alarm Screen .............................................................................................................. 2 - 30
5.2 Alarm List .................................................................................................................... 2 - 31
6 Others................................................................................................................................. 2 - 32
6.1 Data on Loading Position ............................................................................................ 2 - 32
6.1.1 Package B.............................................................................................................. 2 - 32
6.1.2 Package C ............................................................................................................. 2 - 34
6.1.3 Package B (In case there is a pusher between pallets (material work and finished
product))............................................................................................................ 2 - 37
6.2 Signal Output .............................................................................................................. 2 - 40
6.3 IN/OUT Signal ............................................................................................................. 2 - 41
6.4 Axis Movement by Manual Operation .......................................................................... 2 - 43
6.5 Door on Feeder Side................................................................................................... 2 - 43
7 Program.............................................................................................................................. 2 - 44
7.1 Package B................................................................................................................... 2 - 44
7.2 Package B (Top push up type) .................................................................................... 2 - 53
7.3 Package B (including spindle positioning)................................................................... 2 - 62
7.4 Package A................................................................................................................... 2 - 71
7.5 Package A (including spindle positioning).................................................................... 2 - 77
7.6 Package C .................................................................................................................. 2 - 83
7.7 Package C (including spindle positioning)................................................................... 2 - 89
7.8 Package B (including spindle positioning & Feeder horizontal pusher)....................... 2 - 95
3 FEEDER RELEVANT OPERATION .................................................... 3 - 1
1 Explanation of Feeder Outline............................................................................................... 3 - 1
1.1 Package B..................................................................................................................... 3 - 1
1.1.1 Operating Panel (HRL100/HRL150 T ype) ................................................................ 3 - 1
1.1.2 Ascent Detecting Sensor.......................................................................................... 3 - 3
1.1.3 Material on Pallet ...................................................................................................... 3 - 4
1.1.4 Relational Position of Photoelectric Switch .............................................................. 3 - 5
1.1.5 Adjustment of Photoelectric Switch.......................................................................... 3 - 6
1.1.6 How to Adjust Pallet Jig (3 Guide Bars).................................................................... 3 - 7
1.1.7 Pallet Ascent Sensor................................................................................................ 3 - 8
1 Daily Maintenance
To keep the machine in the good condition any time, taking precautions against the machine troubles, it is the most important to maintain and check the machine periodically as well as to check daily.
Checking servicing should be done based on the chapter 2 Daily checking Items List of Maintenance Manual
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2 Explanation of Outline of Main and NC Operation Panel
2.1 Main Operation Panel
Statement in ( ) is for option.
No. Name Function Remarks
[1] POWER ON The power of NC unit is ON. The power ON lamp lights. [2] STANDBY Make the machine condition ready to The sheet key lamp lights.
[3] EMERGENCY Make the machine condition impossible to Emergency stop is displayed on
STOP BUTTON operate. the upper left of the screen.
(However, the hydraulic pump does not stopped.)
Stop a section under operation. (Clear or discontinue the contents.)
[4] POWER OFF The power of NC unit is OFF.
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No. Name Function Remarks
[1] LOAD METEROF A load condition of the main motor is
SPINDLE displayed.
[2] Tachometer of To indicate RPM of spindle
[3] WORK GRIP Select the clamping direction of the Pull out the key selection as a rule.
(INT, EXT) KEY spindle for a workpiece to be cut.
[4] MEMORY Select the effective or ineffective of Set to the lock and pullout the key
(LOCK, WRITE) editing operation of program and after edition. KEY parametor.
[5] ALARM LAMP It is lit when occurring abnormality on the
NC alarm, motor, lubrication or machine etc.
[6] PROGRAM STOP It is lit when executing the M00, M01 or
LAMP M30 by MDI or automatic operation.
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No. Name Function Remarks
[1] ZERO RETURN Return to the reference point in the order At the time of power on, each axis
KEY of X and Z axes. zero returns automatically after
moves minus side.
[2] CENTER Advance the tailstock continuously. Option
FORWARD KEY [3] CENTER JOG KEY Advance the tailstock while pressing. [4] CENTER Retract the tailstock while pressing.
RETRACT KEY [5] SPINDLE SELECT Press this key simultaneously when
KEY forward or reverse the spindle. [6] SPINDLE FWD The spindle rotates forward by pressing There are interlocks of the door
START KEY with the effective key simultaneously and chuck for the condition of
when manual mode. spindle rotation. The lamp is lit
when the spindle rotates forward.
[7] SPINDLE JOG ON The spindle rotates while pressing.
KEY [8] SPINDLE REV The spindle rotates reverse by pressing There are interlocks of the door
START KEY with the effective key simultaneously and chuck for the condition of
when manual mode. spindle rotation. The lamp is lit
when the spindle rotates reverse.
[9] SPINDLE STOP The spindle stops when manual mode
[10] DOOR OPEN KEY Door open command by manual at the This lamp is lit when the door is
time of the auto door specification. opened. This specification is an
[11] DOOR CLOSE Door close command by manual at the This lamp is lit when the door is
KEY time of the auto door specification. closed. This specification is an
[12] CALL LIGHT OFF Turn off the call light. The call light lights when program
KEY stop or alarm condition.
1 - 4
No. Name Function Remarks
[1] TOOL INDEX START In the manual mode:
KEY By pressing this key and the effective key
simultaneously, the tool rest starts
rotation. [2] SELECT KEY [3] SPINDLE SPEED
[4] SPINDLE SPEED Spindle middle speed side range.
[5] SPINDLE SPEED Spindle high speed side range.
CHANGE HIGH KEY [6] AIR KEY (CHUCK) To direct air supply manually (Chuck) [7] AIR KEY (IN SPINDLE) To direct air supply manually (In Spindle) [8] COOLANT MANUAL To direct coolant supply manually (Chip
KEY sink) [9] COOLANT MANUAL To direct coolant supply manually (Tool
KEY rest)
1 - 5
No. Name Function Remarks
[1] JOG KEY Select when executing the operation of Under manual mode.
the manual continuous feed.
[2] +X, -X KEY The manual continuous feed is available Set the feedrate by the feedrate
at the mode key is feed. switch. Move continuous in the selected direction When the +X key is kept pressing, by pressing any one of +X or -X key. it is stopped at the machine reference point.
[3] +Z, -Z KEY The manual continuous feed is available Set the feedrate by the feedrate
at the mode key is feed. switch.
When the +Z key is kept pressing, it is stopped at the machine reference point.
[4] C+AXIS KEY Select this when execution of the C-axis
continuous feed.
[5] +C,-C KEY The manual continuous feed is available
at the mode key is feed.
[6] +B,-B KEY The manual continuous feed is available
at the mode key is food.
[7] RAPID KEY Move by the rapid traverse with setting %
value of override while pressing under the manual continuous feed.
1 - 6
No. Name Function Remarks
[1] FEDERATE Select the feedrate when 0~5000mm/min
SWITCH execution of the manual 21 steps
continuous feed or program check operation (dry run).
[2] HANDLE Execute the handle feed (a fine 100div./ rev.
feed of the machine), when one of A feed amount per division is the X, Z, B or C axes under feed according to the setting of mode. magnification [3].
[3] FEED AXIS KEY Select one of the X, Z, B or C Automatic mode
when moving by the handle.
[4] HANDLE FEED Select an amount per division of
Feed magnification Axis Indication Axis Indication
key amount µ amount 1/1 X 1 B 1µ
Z 1 C 0.001°
10/1 X 10 B 10µ
Z 10 C 0.01°
100/1 X 100 B 100µ
Z 100 C 0.1°
1 - 7
No. Name Function Remarks
[1] AUTO POWER Power is cut automatically, when request
OFF KEY of power cut off by an alarm or the robot
[2] MDI Select when MDI input by the CRC Automatic mode
operation panel of NC unit.
[3] EDIT Select when editing program stored. Automatic mode
Select when storing or punching out the
program tape. [4] MEMORY Select when execution of program stored. Automatic mode [5] TAPE Select when execution of operation by the Automatic mode
program tape.
1 - 8
No. Name Function Remarks
[1] MACHINE Each axis is fixed at the current position
LOCK and does not move.
[2] PROGRAM Make the stop condition of spindle and
CHECK coolant besides the dry run function.
[3] SELECT KEY Press this simultaneously when selecting
one of the dry run, program check or machine lock.
[4] DRY RUN Ignore the rapid traverse or cutting
federate of program and it moves by the setting value of federate switch.
[5] SINGLE Stop after execution of one block and
BLOCK move to the execution of next block by the
start key.
[6] OPTIONAL Program stops by the M01 on the
STOP program.
Press the program start key when start again.
[7] BLOCK SKIP Skip a block with slash (/) code in the
program. [8] PROGRAM Restart the program. [9] BLOCK Restart the BLOCK.
1 - 9
No. Name Function Remarks
[1] PROGRAM START Start automatic operation.
KEY (MDI, Memory, Tape)
[2] PROGRAM FEED Halts automatic operation. Dowel does not halt.
HOLD KEY Feeding only decelerates and MST function is kept on while
stops. the work continues, and halts
when completed.
[3] FEDERATE Feed rate can be changed in the
OVERRIDE range of 0 to 200% under MDI or SWITCH automatic operation.
[4] SPINDLE The spindle speed can be Ignores while thread cutting
OVERRIDE changed in the range of 50 to (G32, G92, G76) SWITCH 150%
[5] RAPID OVERRIDE The rapid speed can be changed
in the range of 0 to 100%
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2.2 NC Operation Panel
1 - 11
No. Name Use [1] RESET KEY Press this when the CNC is wanted to reset, to release an alarm etc. [2] FUNCTION KEY When function keys are displayed at the bottom of CRT, it becomes
the selection key of the menu. When menu is not displayed, it becomes the selection key of screen as the position, program, tool, work coordinate, setting, drawing or in/output. Press the selection/function key when the function menu is displayed at the bottom of CRT.
[3] OPER/MAINTE KEY In case of the screen of PC, alarm or maintenance etc. is displayed,
press this key. The function menu is displayed at the bottom of the bottom of CRT
when pressing the key once and disappears it by pressing again. [4] RETURN KEY Press this key when the screen returns General screen”. [5] AUX KEY Use this to display the special screen (for maintenance) [6] HELP KEY [7] ADDRESS/ Use this key to input alphabets or numerals.
[8] SHIFT KEY Some of address key has two letters in one key. Upper left letter is
inputted when address key is pressed with shift key. [9] INPUT KEY When the address or numeral key is pressed, input it in the buffer
storage once and displays on the CRT.
Press the input key when this data input inputted in the buffer
storage want to set actually .
[10] CANCEL KEY Press this when the letter or symbol inputted in the buffer storage. [11] ORIGIN KEY Use this to clear the coordinate value or drawing screen etc. [12] DELETE, ALTER, Use this to delete, alter or insert the editing operation of program.
[13] CURSOR KEY There are four cursor moving keys.
Use this to move the cursor up and down or left and right.
[14] PAGE KEY There are two page turn over keys.
Use this to turn over the page advance or reverse direction.
[15] OPERATION Use this key to get operation guide information on the screen
GUIDE display.
1 - 12
2.3 Chip Conveyor Operation Panel
1) Chip Conveyor Operation Panel
Chip Conveyor Operation Panel Diagram
2) Function
No. Name Type Function
[1] Forward Push Button Forward switch is valid in manual mode only.
The action is kept on.
[2] Reverse Push Button Reverse switch is valid in manual mode only.
Inching operation. [3] Stop Push Button Stop switch is valid regardless of the mode. [4] Emergency Stop Mushroom Type Emergency stop switch is valid for stopping
both chip conveyor/main machine, regardless
of the mode. [5] Man/Auto Switching In manual mode: Buttons [1] [2] are valid.
In auto mode: By command from the main
machine, forward operation is stopped.
Buttons [1] [2] are invalid. Do not switch
man/auto during operation. [6] Running Lamp Lamp lights while the chip conveyor is is in
1 - 13
3 Procedure of Machine Operation
3.1 At the Time of Start
1) Turn on the power source switch.
2) Turn on the power switch of the power control cabinet.
3) Press the push button for NC unit power [ON] on the main control panel.
Main panel and NC unit is sealed type construction and avoid a mixture of outer air directly. Therefore, don’t keep open the door long time of period during power on.
Check a display of CRT and running of cooling fan motor at in/ out side of box.
4) Turn right the emergency stop button.
5) Press the [STANDBY] button on the right corner of the main operation panel.
(Green lamp lights.) Check a setting pressure of hydraulic
unit is 3.5Mpa{35kgf/cm
6) Move X and Z axes several times to lubricate each slide way before starting operation.
(Pay attention to avoid over travel.)
7) Press the [ZERO RETURN] key. (Refer to Procedure of zero return”) Basic machine coordinate system is set
and stored stroke limit becomes effective by executing of zero return.
8) Turn on the switch for chip conveyor.
}as fixed value.
1 - 14
Do not operate the machine with plenty of chip in the trough of chip conveyor.
3.2 Warming-up Operation of Spindle
It is important to keep status of bearing in good condition by lubrication, etc., to make the spindle rotate normally. Sudden rotation of the spindle may cause sticking of the bearings because of shortage of lubricating oil at the bearing section. To get the best performance of the spindle function by correct operation, warming-up operation as below-mentioned is necessary.
Warming-up operation for every starting (30 minutes)
[1] 10 minutes at 30% of the maximum spindle rotation [2] 10 minutes at 50% of the maximum spindle rotation [3] 10 minutes at 80% of the maximum spindle rotation
Conduct warming-up operation in the above order, [1], [2], [3]
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3.3 Procedure of Zero Return
Manual zero return must be done after power turned on, to initiate the basic machine coordinate system.
Method 1 of zero return
1) Make a mode push button switch to Feed.
2) Press the [ZERO RETURN] key.
3) Move a tool head to zero point by rapid traverse (25% override). The tool head stops at zero point and a confirmation lamp of zero point of the axis turns on.
Method 2 of zero return
1) Make a mode to “Feed”.
2) If the X and Z axes locate near the zero point, move it opposite direction (Minus) from zero point about 100mm.
3) Press in the order of X + and Z + and the lamps of zero point turn on.
4) Release a finger from the switch after the lamp turned on.
Execute zero point return of each axis by the operations above.
1. Execute zero return of axis one by one for safety.
(At first, do it from X-axis.)
2. Pay attention of interference with the tailstock at the time of zero return.
3. 100% of rapid traverse override is effective after zero return is performed.
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3.4 At the End of Operation
1) Clean up the machine. Stop the chip conveyor after all chips
carried out from the conveyor.
2) Confirm the machine stopped completely.
Spindle rotation
X and Z axes
Chip conveyor
3) Press the [EMERGENCY STOP] button on the main operation panel.
4) Press power [OFF] button at the main operation panel and control power off.
5) Turn off the power switch of the power control cabinet.
6) Set the main power switch [OFF].
1 - 17
4 Manual Operation
4.1 Feed of Each Axis
In case of manual feed
Press the FEED for mode select push button switch.
You may select the Handle either.
2) Set the manual federate rotary switch to suitable speed.
Move the machine to desired direction by the manual feed direction push button switch.
Take a finger off from the switch when reach to the fixed position.
(The machine moves only when pressing the switch.)
In case of a feed by the handle, it can be operated the same about it.
(Example of use)
Warm up running
In case of approach near the zero position.
In case of cutting manually
Setting work
1 - 18
In case of the handle feed
1) Select the axis by the axis push button switch.
2) Fine feed can be done by the manual handle.
When select 1/1: One division is
When select 10/1: One division is
When select 100/1: One division is
In case of the spindle indexing C axis, the unit becomes a degree.
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4.2 Operating Method of Q-setter
A tool position compensating value can be get easily, since a tool position compensation is inputted automatically by touching a tool tip to the Q-setter.
In case of the turret rotates, a cursor changes automatically due to a tool face number correspond an offset number.
1) Confirm the zero return condition of the X and Z axes.
If confirmation lamp is not lit, execute manual zero return.
2) Make a mode to manual mode (Handle or feed).
3) Pull out the Q setter A screen changes to the offset screen
automatically and display the “Q-setter” and inform a ready of complete condition of preparation.
4) Call a tool compensation required. Make a mode to Feed”.
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5) Confirm a tool face on the turret and offset number.
A tool face selected at this moment is recognized by a cursor position.
Note) Set a wear compensating amount
zero, if it is not zero.
6) Approach a tool tip to the tool setter (Q setter) Procedure (1) Handle magnification key
Tool (Compensation)
Sharp Wears 01 X 1.000 U 0.000 Z 3.000 W 0.000 R 0.000 Q 0.000 T3 H 0.000 J 0.000
(2) Rotate a handle to minus
7) Position a tool tip to the center of the sensor by handle feed.
8) When a tool tip touches the sensor by feed mode, a compensating value is inputted automatically.
Do not operate at 100/1. It is dangerous as the move amount is too big.
When a tool tip touch to the sensor, sound beep and stop the tool head and input a compensation value.
Tool (Compensation)
Sharp Wears 01 X 35.000 U 0.000 Z 0.125 W 0.000 R 0.000 Q 0.000 T3 H 0.000 J 0.000
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9) Execute a tool tip measurement by touching a tool tip to the sensor twice or so.
Confirm a tool compensation amount on the screen.
10) Retract a tool tip from the sensor to safety zone by handle feed. A safety zone is a position which is not interfered a tool and sensor even if the turret rotates.
11) Get a compensation amount for the other tool in turn as the same method.
OTHERS Reference In case of thread cutting tool
In case of thread cutting tool, a tool compensation value of Z value is obtained by the side of insert as described by Fig. 1 and 2, effective length of thread becomes short by “Width T due to position of cutting edge is different. Therefore, get a tool compensation amount by the Q setter as Fig. 1 then execute incremental compensation input to minus side (In case of Fig. 2, plus side), so correct effective length of thread can be get as Fig. 3.
Fig.1(Right hand thread) Fig.2(Left hand thread) Fig.3
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