Hitachi VM-E530A Owner’s Manual

"\. /
Fd 770-Z1%5600
Q_,_1726] _7}[i d i, i.( i'797 I 'i_s_e 1i_ Jap K,-C{N)
6740Cay>pob I< P, ;_d
PIissis n!,,i:_, 0 a'io 1]>>4 _1_
"le, 905-82i-4545
:mpo ant Safety information
For Yew" Safety
e CAfV;iOFFItqD<O s_,:#ch J_m'_ the cGmcorde_ on o,*c' o_, Jeo ,_ g tie do sl/me fee, Pc e .poffcc
_ _" .4 _I',17 : !Off *i' *CIN@Y}<JG>O *3; © _Oi !_ p@[i ; J 0 _!/'_@, U_f 7 ;_f C _fr co/(_e o!_ of]¢_ C]OS@ ,
7h@ CCH/3 ?Of{; e! O_3F_'ih'? o_d ]©f@F/ctiG.u';ysf t,ove;
silted ,,'o t_;,_e vdthin tL nit -:t:),'
o s to n:ke an] ki-/ {if(:}ntact w:h
an) frisk}:}?artof t]:iunk
pot anl lhora ure <or etm:n8 th: oper
{__ t__2_
WARNING: Many television pr >g ares and fires :_re copyri8 _ted. !n certain circumstances, copy
ri:4ht !aw ma appy to private fd:ov/e vfdec,- t_pinb* of <.opy:fS_ t_ d rr@te "fals,
T]:s(h':p Bdi41a] ,op:rlt s me:ts allre]u:r<- mr-hi <,{ the Ca:indian [nt:r:eenceCa:::nk:
I qu:pmen: Re:f::]ations.
at:on and mainten:qtce of his t::::f hss :xe::included. ]herefere, itsho t]dbe
r_ad carefiJ:y to a:o:d an}' probbrns
"t":e liquid crystal display ( C)} par: li_ mac by _"i?h]y precis techno:o_>y More than 9999% of its pic :re eleme4s (pixels) ; e elf} c iw,, bt_[ soze
(tess ha 0.0it:>) lr % _ppear as cok ed :>l%;_t dots. Ibis does o irdicate a fat t as th:t [,(_!)
p,meI st:et:hes he :irhits of ct Ker t ech-_ok)sV
Warning: 7hi:_ c_evice compl es with R_,rt 15 of t?e FCC Rubs Operation is subject to _he foHowin£
two e< nd tions: (!) 7his devie iua} not cause harmful interference, and (2) thi_, device ms_st aecep
an}, interior _ we received, h_e]udir 8 inte,_'[e_'-nc t] at _m)' cause undo ired o_)eration.
_Jo_e: N_[s equipment has been tested and found to _.o Y/ply _ith the iimit_ [or a (!ass }3 digital
device, p_ rsua_ _<)Par _5 of the FCC Rules. TLese ]ira( s a!'e desi ned to provk_e reaso_ able p_o _ tection a_tafn.2 ham f@ interRu'ence i_ a reside -_tial i mta]latbn. ['his eq_dpment _.'_e_'er'a e5, uses, and can radia e radio fH quenqi er_er£7 and, it _of fnst_d!ed ad used ir_ aecorda we with the insiructions,
may cal_s_ ham fu]i _ter-e_er_c _to r;dio co_umt nice ions. However. thee is no iF_mrm,,tee []a iner- i_r_ ncc _iil ,-_) o<:ct] h, apa d<.ia_' installatX) 2. if this equ [en do_.,_ e_!use hamhfl hter[erence to radio or elevisio_receptb_ w:ihcanbedeterm£edb) tuuis 8 heeq_.Npneztoffandor,the
use:' i5 encou:'af[ed to tr} to corec by one or ru< r;. of th, {oi!o_ h:$_ _,'_easures:
[_eoriet<- or relo:a e the r,_ceivh_l% a "_t@;na.
]ncR,ase dt_ sepa 'atio;z bet,. een the equipn'_enf and _x,ceive . (k)nnect ?/e e<_uipnten an }l]_t on a circuit <! ff_' ent fro[r_ that to whch the R<eive is co:e
ieced [ Co_tsul tedea]e _o_a_ expeder edradioiFVtechnfianff_ he] R I
void h_ se's_,u _oityt:_ _p rat< the equip _ent
............................................. ]
"Nee to CA_g syste_ i_sf@He_: 7_s re_i _der is provkk:d to ca] Re CATV system ] it.taller'l atenlio_toAtRe820.40of_._eN Ct_£provides 8tid_,i_ s for proper ;%t_oun_ins and. in mr- ict l_r., [ u<ifies that h( cable ;£ro_ r d sh4!l be corlnc ted to the 8rotmdi/ 5 s).ste_:t of the bu Idin£, as
c!ost to the point of cab] enr,, as [:_-ad[c _F.
i h } At/if 8 IY/% ,]_o io_;_a !as _!s
if r cords _'_< Rla}'s i h_. 8P in_e (!3 r;'r_!se. _) /t cn tot £'8<oy a_d p]a) ba:k i_ th_ I R nusd {72 , 1/'-e )
Av<id eperatin , yo, r c/r_m_.u'de i mediate y ate movin_t i [r<Kn a enid ])lice < a _/ar!<, uniJ p! ce ([vet?/eca-sco<j_, 2to3heir ioal_NJz_.itlleambiantc}_,l:ionsofthesurr<u_dinss bern [_e@£acassette, W]enmoved@or_ :co Jpb<e >;_,¢,a{'_%_idpiace, nois_r_ma}
condense }rt th_ head <:b' Kt h_side tie uac _i_ e ]hi-, rAoi_ turn cotld caus', tbe tap_ to stick to t}e healt_._e and darrag, e t[,e _eadwh_el/tape Whe_ a sinai a _ou_ o[ _noist _,t'eis i.,_ s d. "IAI }[" f]as] es k :h_ viewfk/der ICeroy- }e <:_seRe an_! set t}e CAM/Oi, /VN):=O fitch to O}'g, tip _ ai[ for abort {n_ h<xr.
i f t_ _e: or < d / o vcr ;o] ;_ Bcc lltl
0 8d_r't i!i ifltr @ _!tJt £ , I ?'OU e i)orsi J ,f O,
_>1 t i [<r ;f; i "1i1 _,i p oass your tic ._ i: _ ;! C; iv ](;ocs-_lCOdr/r -i 0]@SSO }, (]j
P(B_/ "_ :iF@ i, @ors op i g y Jr vl _ [ ;;L: r_ i@llr' r@ fr f ¢_-e
II'_$TALLA"T_O_4 "7 ;;_ower_Oord P_"otectlo_ Io,.,e s4:,H, ;_is
,_ } J i d 80 r i, 1:] b( ,skr / r )
r4)t c 15_8 )1i_ SOL be r@sc '3.o8 t deD
C(J(T 0 '/'8J op@; ; 3 ( _rrrt i> ] IC ?Or S 0 _ _- _ _ " _
c' _; b ¸ "_Ld ^t_ _ _ - _:'
.' _ lu: ¸ _. :, u _ i_g
o _rn _ ..... r¸¸ ,
vvi r> e B;, orr, ie B;_ r ce
V@_"_ _,ti@_g qi r'd sr gs _ ¢ or!i} el re i / v(Ig f_ ue I_; r, > (:, sx_ >o, (
r:;r ; ;; rl t? ;}r I ¢ i it)ur_ i< ] e o3gnPgs n b rocked or co,re ] op rvi _ Si) ] v{' ( i /
b 3ici ] v)(5 rSl s k_ r: IJ(g oF %( i $[
r ( ieoT e]s s, de s }uc s o < r, t r)u d if ; u ] I 5 J I / b C f }k S( {f (]k _ieS8 iO 8 v@i
1 ]:) ;osiF or Pe vde3 ]3;od ii,.r f c _ _rlT; > { h>_6 Jeer f i snix
_ _4 v. ¸ "_. ' ,"
.] zu_ .), ,u_u _.,;.,_' a
_. - .... ?=,\o n ..
20t_tdOO!" A_te_tfla _fOL_R_# _",g if n o tside 8 tear }
Or CSbie systgr_ is CONl_eCt÷_ to tho video D¢Oducl,
be st_ the 8n_er_n8 of Csbie Syst_rT_ is _ro_ir/ded so 8s _o piovide so_÷ Diot_!c_ion 8g_i_/st voitag_ S/_rgss and ouiil UD St_tiO C!_8¢_@S
Sei:iio_i 8i 0 of the Na_io_aJ _iectrical Code¸ ANSIiNFPA No 70 p_
vi%es iNtor_8[ion w[_i_ [_9DeCt to _ope_ gfoundi_ig Of the _sst 8_Q s_ipDo!ti_/g 5tti_ciiJ[e grou;_ding oi {h6 isad-]n wi!@ to _ir/8:_i@nf_a di9
C[_St!_e t/n![ size Of gro_n_];i/g co;iduciofs ioc_tion Of nntei"i_@-dis- cha_98 _iII_ C{)l_¢18cti_)r_ [(:; _i)uridin 9 _iectfodss 8i_d Feq_ilf_rY1_r/ts
_or _i_4__fotinding eiect!od_ S_@ eXa_l_ple beiow
I(} Ligittni_ig F)r :,doe' cro ec io" for ds video :/rod ct
Gdfi_g 8 ii_ht_i_g Sto[_ O_¸ when it }e_t uTstteq883 8P_d uniJsed _oY long DeiiOdS of thT18 U_]Lig it fron_ tile v¢_]l[Si a_ci disconnect ih_ _iF_tei_ria or CSbi8 sys!e_ ]his '/'i!i pfevs_i _s/_age
_o {k_ vi_eo p_odlic_ c_Lie IO iig_nir/g 8n_ pOW_i hn® StJ[geS
-.......... }
u o,1:: . .... c,s ,.s :F_ ,
9ave t_ese b st Jo_s -- Tis pct_,e co_ aJ_-, [ -
port_il_t ,sa,_e'y and !)?e_atiii_ ir_trt_ctior_s for AC Ad_pter/C] !:g _ \Sode] VM ACE3A
2 eore usfn/{ AC Adapter/Char_er, _ead at h'st :sc
tf:_'_s ,_ni cat t onal, rtmrkin s on {!) AC Adapter/
C[" ai_-e< {2) bat a ,_ and (3} pooh t usiEg b h-y
3 AIs< _ d a] b sin <t or!s o!_ [)aZs 4 ,, 5
4 Cauien - [o rednc_ risk of [i_r, ch,_ihe o-dy
ec_rEeibb artery VM I*Ii_ s-V[,4 1iL27
()that :)pes [ b;t e!ies rrw} btrs[ caush-_t_ p rso_at
ir,, ury nd dal_;!}_e
(_ t. se of aK Rt{ad t£_l_F_[ K[O te om_-_e ]ded or sod _, tie
[atfe y cht _]_ 1!_! i[a it[ I _ay Y[Sli[t [I a [[ik Of
fie, _]e<:tric si ock, o in r'_ tO pc;sons
7 To rduce [hk )1 dafl%,>e to _]e tr[c phil a{ <)rd,
pu b jig r ther tar cord ,,, e_ disconr, eclin S
_.4 ke st_e co:d is bcatcd so t at f _iil not be st_,l>ped o!:, tipped ovc_, o othe _n se st_[) cte_ to t a_ i/,_[
st} _ss
9 L)O not opetat cha_'ge_ wit]-, damaged c_ _c_or ph,t --
_epbr/ t]le_t in medi,_ e_
Before You Begin
An Finobie_atlm occm,_sa_esaltofalyoft_e
fo cw_ing, c_nd!io_s wi!_ _qo/ b_ cove;ed by xn
w n' <'(¢,£ N !]e carc, fui ttat no v, ate< dust or stud enurs the
ca_r corder and a!l accessories,
N When )on shoot at a scene whic*_ contains art
extremel) bAs_t object such as the sm_ or a ii_,fht sour:e _ britJ_t e't c_ bar hi%, _!ppea'in t!e
_ictu_e, Yo[_ camcorder is functionini_ proped) but i_e
sold-state picktp device (CC.D) usuaIv causes this as a_ fnheren charac erfsdc, Jr) to
avoid sho_ti_g a;t excessive b_4ght obiec di rectly,
]0 _i[_ ex[ensio cod sh<'uJd 0 _e t,e:l t es ab-
sob/t_]_ hece_ry
_se o_ i_'@roper exte_siol_ cord couid result i_ a risk o[ _i_e and eiectr[c _;hock _f exte_isio/t <x_r<] _lt_!_t be
A _'[_e i;_[li!_ (i_ j)iti_ <_{ extti!!t!_[/_ c©td _e the !i_/_l_
B ['hat extensior/cord is _ro]:_eriy wired and fn _ood
e]ectricai cor_dition; _nd
C That whe size should be met below:
AWG size _en_th of ext_nsio_ cord (feet)
]_ Eq_n] to or _ess than i50
i I Do rio oper_¢te @arg _i it has lece vd sarp toy,,
beer, dropped, o it_ ! 4su amassed h, mY wa I take [ o a _ ua flied ser,,'k:e_',an
2. Do not disass_ n',hie chard;e;< take it to a qt alified set
V[ [[_ _111 _ _k'f] i"V _ (]l , }_&r if ! :1[11112 ]r/COyH [
l'_a_selnbfy i-_y resuit Jr/a ',k,)f e}ectri : s<ck or file
3 [o _educe isk of elec _'c s_ ock, t ;I]J', _2 _I',a!_,el f(_n
oute befo_e atter_p hi. _ _my rn4 nteuance >r c ea_ _g,
Be sire not to leave the car_ corder in a pao.
,_ ere _he te]r pe_a n'e exceed; ia)F {_0 ( }, <,r the pickup device may be damaged. Danger_ us intlud !s:
%st&, a car wit_ the windo_x s closed and ir_
direc sunshine.
Near heati _g at ?lia_ o. s
N Do _ot !ca', e t]'_e ivy, fi_nder e_'ls fneip8 <t r_li_ah_
f_r a _:1_ io-_7'd period, of the hquid cvsta (is- pIa) (LCD) pani n!ay be dam%;ed
Read This Fkst
io gu!O'e ),o£ _,ce %,_ _nO'UdP, o'
An":rnpo<_:: %_{v[y n[oKm_ i )n" becdon COA-
tainini,f mpo bw:t autions [o: }our :ca::li]}'s sa£'ty as wei! as instrt',_.donfor getting your
video ::am,xx'dur ['eady to use. {qease n:acJ and :: :detstand this sect_o _ thoro: 8hi Ybefo:'e mov-
ir:_ on
A "Cctt n8 S arted" ec io:! to larui]iar ze your- se!f wih thv controls and prvpa:'e you or
record:ng_ A '%}4si_ _echr:k_u_s se<ti)r: to alow you to
use your vido came<taler quicklyand confi-
d(n]y be[o::_ 4dva::cin_ to _he l:ore sophisti-
caed Matures of t],e Mi ach: VME53OA. AdvaHu.'d echn ques" to neli? yo: ,a, th son:u,
of the exe l: s, sophisdcate4 features of tie I 1 _a<i'l_VM-Lg30A 1,6%],:,,,>Reyo:: w: t::kethe
ti:=e[o Je_: tabou[ these i:uRetoi:s since fhev l'aveben desisned {oi yot,,.You can use the
vdeo e:_mco:'de_ wi hour ru;: .ih 8 tiffs sector, A "CcuerA Ha ntena <e" _ection to _:eli? kt'ep
},our }u _ebase ir 8ood repair
:,?'e want this mcnua to be as helptut as possible,
so it k_ciudes tv/o ecsy svGis to fk'_cf me into,'.
r,?o;iop you r?eed:
*, A quick index for the i :[ormatior you use most
o_:en ([his page), A detailed table of contents d recdng you to
speeific in{:,;'m ion quiekb (page 8),
Get to knoll your video CrSr;ooo_der by using thS
EOCIPJol,Ond {_efto know ,_:teoh/ 11/@<_t)prec£]te
you _ b6's/nes:<
Quick Index
C loggia g the Batiery ................................. 4
Seliir:g the Date and Tree ................. 20
Mc:k nga Bc_s:c [_ecoRs;ng .......................... 22
Zoomr g ........................................................ 24
Pl(Jyb:_ck ........................................................ 26
Usng the W !eiess Rer_':ote Cont_o ............... 38
Dubb _g f'om Camcorder to VCq .................. 4i
._ !:asv [o tap
32X zoo:]: ratio ::) sJta'J effe<t
Liiectr u:i [sase Stabilizatie_t (ti[[
ade h!fadeou, _
R:_cord:!ddale s('arch
Auto:ha{ctltb _ecordirb:
VM-_53OA £7
TabEe of Contents
Fo_ Your Safety ..................................... 2
Moisture 3
[mpOr_ar_t Safeguards ...................................4
Inst4l!atfo .................................... 4
Usa .....................................................5
lmportartt SafeW Instructions for'
AC AdapterlCharger ............................... 6
Before 7Do begin ......................................... 6
Read This First ............................................ 7
Quck Tidex ...................
Features ..................................................... 7
Corr_ponents and Accessories ..................... 9
tdentifvhsg Controls K) Load[n# clock and Remote Cont_oI
Batteries .................................................. :_ _
Charging t_e Sorter7 4
Cbarging _[ r _............................i4
()p_ r £k'_$ ime .......................................... t4
bqot _ o_ ibe 3a_tery ............................... t4
Camcorder Bailer es ............................ :i5
} e no_k_g t}-_eSatfe G Iack .............................. ,-a
Ch_.'cl<in_; t!_(Ba_:!er) % Cf_aqz¢ .. 15
Dsin 9 Alternative Paws< Sourcea ...............] 6
[ [s_sg tbe AC Adapt_ _,.( ha £,er ..... t 6
L.., ga a B,A _.................................!6
tnse_[ng and Removin 9 Casa_ttes .............17
I serl:iz_._,a CasseU( .............................. }7
Remov ng, a Cassette .....................................17
P!'otectk_g Recotded Materb_l ...................... _7
Ad_osting the Electronic Yiew¢ieder ........ 1!8
Eyepiece Ad_stmer, t ................................... 18
Adjusting the Hand Strop ......................... I8
Lens Door Opener ...................................I8
AtSaehing the Sbou[de_ Strap ....................... 19
Usin 9 the Unear Time Counter ............... 1:i
Reraainin ! Tape ...............................................19
Se_ing the Date and Time ............................ 20
(]nrre;lin R I}KIDate nd Thr4" .......................... 2()
MaMng a Basic Secordin9 ........ 22
/sin ! Instant Review ......................................22
Usir_£ Auto Foa Js ....................... 23
Using Man[_al Focus ...................................2_
Usin I the Powe_ Zoom .................................... 2,;
Usin I the Digital Zoom .................................. 24
Using the ff_ST.ZOOM (Inslant Zoom}
Button ..................................................25
Using Macro _ Playback 26
S_rnp _ on_I...................................2b
[,< r'_" q_ %
................................................ _j
Using Forward and Reverse SearcL .................26
Playing Sack Your Recording
o[_ Your tV .............................................. 27
Q oPHecl_n_, 10 a T0k:visR)n 4, ith
a VCi'R Attached ...................................... 27
Com_ecti _$ to a Tu!e'_ iNon witb
Audio ani Video !n !asks .................... 25
Corm:tinK[t aTeIevisio_witho_:
Audio In and Video b_,lacks .................. 29
Date Resordh_9 ..........................................3I
DigiIalEffeet Resording ....................................32
15 x 9 Mode Recording .................................32
Xega.t _,.,iFosi ire Racordi_% .........................33
x:30 [)fgi _! Zoom Rec >rdir_ ..........................143
Half - md'oz !:;[ecordi:n$ ................................ 33
M e._a_cHecording ...................................33
Usb;g Fade ......................................................34
}?adMg M ..............................................................35
Fadir_g O_t ........................................................... 35
Using the Electronic Image Stab/ize_ ......... 35
IJsing Quick Ed;t ....................................... 36
Usb_ t tie Display S_tton ................................36
Bate Search .............................................. 37
Using Memory ...........................................37
Using tbe Wireless Remote Control ........... 8
A_aebing tba Optional W}de or Tele
Conve_er Lees ................................. 38
Creating aed Recording a Title ..................... 39
Crcati -_ga Title .......................................... 39
Cba a,rteLs/\vailab e forYour 'I le, ................39
Co_I:cctmg Errors ......................................... 40
R_cordfn 8 Title or_e Tape ir the
Camcorde ................................................ 4
l;:ecordin£ a C'reated Tifk.' wble
TransfeKk% a Tape ..........................................40
Dubbing f_om the Camco_der
to a VCR 41
Simple Programmable Edit .......................42
Usng AudielVldeo Dubbing ........................ 46
@eaning the Carncorder Heads ............... 47
Cleaning the Lens and LCD Panel of the
Electronic Vie_fllnde_ ................................ 47
Periodic Mah_tenan_e ..................................... 4S
Troubleshooting ...............................................48
Specifications ....................................................:-0
Ger_era! Sped ficatio,,_s ................................ 50
Vdeo £ecorder t4peciiicat arts ...................... 50
Came'to Spc,Nfi,';_ t n_,_¢......................................... 50
Accessories Add Excitement ........................52
Getting Started
,q_ssechon guk.Tes you £ve _gh the iniff,J prepGio£on of _'te co_T -
Co;der, tvigne of these p_ocessos o_e cempex, Set os£3e some
,'i"ne, re!c,x, a :d tsrnJ&_.n_ze yeurself _<d_<<ths quo]/ty sns_,rsment Ebjsy get,L" g to kpow off obout yot r Hif¢_ch', 8ram ca,mco.,der 77:e
more cemto-roble end P,_-p,h_or you ore, t//P the mochine end it_ f_ofcsles, ,?_e i'r,ore you con make it do for you Let "sOet startedf
it %:CroCf<Tfft_'ot _,OUread and under¢;_nd off <t)e sofe</ ;ngtrucho!]s befere you segLo if you hover}'_ resd t_e _a#.)fy instrt_c#o ;s yet,
p!eose Ioke 2]e :w_e te de so now
Optional RFAdapter
l_ }/ot_ ,_, _ [_ {xrn 'ct :his c _.,_w'o_der t_ s _se-
viio t d _s _thwe _ _ '( inp ti_cks
b'k'I>]]oIi_] t_[J.)e_!_(1OW !Or ?'Ollr t-OIV ri{'_ICe Vis, b Mastec C_rd, a3d Arn Ntan Express c3edk
cards are :c epees "Ihe RF _,d _)k_r ,dso be gl,rd,asedbymailbyse_din£et!e-m r!e)'<rde-
(!).'<t credit,'aK/ igo/:-._do to @,e f)Howb$
dL: r_ss:
675, O]< [_eac _[ree R). Su ,.anee (,A 30 74
Tel: ] 8(}0 99%4500
For m 7e in[) t3a io_ c< _ce _in_ t}_ putt _a_e o[ cameo'<e_" aeeessoNe , p!e;;se see tlnr, <kio[al
aeces :o%, [_i] tT((<n _a_de 55.
VM-E530A £9
Identifying ConffoB
1 2, 4 5
i '
}, Lens Ooo_
,%k( t_ h>: door op<;<r o o:_q a 8 <:}}e the
1_1< c< ;o pl" ;_6 '_ tse }e_s, <ees tSe bns doer
:£,4 28 (%6 nix i 16£ 9o',_(r zoom ie_s _slis
_iL_k) focus &]%i _1',O = r l; ......
Is /
3o Lens Doo_ Opener
%ik;_e t_t )perker o oI:_tn 4_.! cose tJ:_eb!ls _!'. Alg_ wth 0i>_1% to _pen the _sdoo" oc ;cc( d
L8. A 8 with ( ll)Sl to c',se £.
}o}_ d(w t%{ s _aE bt,ttOf ht t}:(' ope r 45 yo_ shde t [ CLOS£{ Mowc,,er yo_ wei rot o c,]d
it d wn t( side he opeser to OREM
4 Ele¢ffoisic Viewfnde_
5 Diopter Conffot
To se the dectror/c v e>_/;der, ttr-_ ths eor_tr:]
x>o_opti _ _ /" c:s ad}ushlie !
Suns tire to s<'.,c!nas co/ -dn8 ;/sos the cli_ee i(n in
whd thec.uTu. R_isp ;ted
7. Rec@'d l_dic@or
"[sis i!lcaor _,',,t _[!e c,/lnc) de is record.
& Inffa_'ed Receive_
}"re _zr !:_uv}_erP inf>_rei s L:r_a s ro_7 the >, re ss uP}O? _"t :e:ei' ': & p tie _:t_'c( It (i to IP'_
o best i'es it,,
9, C®sseffe Holde;
/_* !)0'_[" S(/}R ! YLIS i'K < C" r_ttP( (¢';H') _'-
+,( (:{ ] H:OF_ 2 C3SSt4e es] bP hl:_(rt : (_
} O C:®ss@!!÷ Ho!de_ C!os,® _uf!on
CAU7" ON:B ::_._r t_ _/rst [ : b_tto, tc c!._s h_
?- Lit } (!](_([, C}!: ;e_,, 2ff_ {]'I) { _) 1"Nfy bl](?)L
s!_ck, ardc-<_.'b_ ,r,m£ <.
'f"t IHS]:ZOOM (m_,_{ia_ Zoom,
.,I<<_,this bt{:<n to "_a£-d", ]{ i'P,, N( :}:_;8" [
<P<l.5 lkn S
}2, EIS (£_e_ffon_c lm®ge St®biliz®0
_lt,. r,e.,>sl> shakn£ Cfmir-,_ _ 'Final: _
ri _ 'i Y "_afe < ,711- _ '" _1}:
L. ,.,., <. '''<c ....
!3, D £Yg{,',,CTguHo_
]se l_i b t sl 0 a;ic s)ec;J fb. ct! { }.Ot_r
rTco di!f_ %'(_ ca _,e!_ct 171t'¢s_ o:1',.::_ ;its; i<_x 9 mode ]ev:_t{ e,'>< ,t} "r_d X]3( d] it I zorn
]lo<e, la _ NX>" rrm£e !:_d nosak: so<:e (:_eu
'{3i;:i _ ] <c I£eccrdi _: o-'_v_g< 325
14 FADE Buffo[_
i 3e r_b'}4_, _ {b,t r. _.,1 .,_= : *_<.. (:e
ss_: i:_ % z< ::/r_ id(c 4 ........ ,- ,J,
' s ou} <: ,' ;3,;)
15 [{ehind [he cover
21 22 23
f i
Wl_en :_e CAM/Of /VIDEO sv_Jtcb is s_'t tc_ (]AM, thisbq cn a.ubetsed s L)AT_button:
s_t the date and time, and ,e]ecL _,/_e date dJsp!a), ss !v. an k r!cotd("S_.tti%ythel)ates_d ]'frm", g20 and "©a_e Recording", <31) IrA p V{D O r'_ode, the DAFEiDISP. b tton is
_sed ,_s ,q/e DISPLAY L u_[o/_ ('L; ; ng te Dis?lay
5u[kx_'. p3)
Nee: ute b inse¢ tze co k bcAte y be_3[e seRng the c,:e or Jlye o c;eo'ing @!e.
16, FOCUS Cont;ol BuHons
ik5,> d _>e )b (HS ,) <ee_t '.rdl!-
)da_t I x_s% p 4,p_ess _e_ V )_to sis bAnglv. _,bje_hto{oc s Whe:_ .sin s_/r[,sd
{oc_s."FOCU£' ps avsir d-_evb,,vf w!e
17. DO IH g®ck
1%_he _ u,;i! Z th AC t {,:ite / :hirg r. connect o>e
dot beD(. :o_d(pr 'k! 0t _-Qs a:k _d e
)tber e_d c tie DC OIJ'] 1_,ck 0[ he A(
a :!ap eli :[,'r?;er W!en u-is the c,_r battery "J {cp:iol b. ctrxeef!'4sja<-k ,d heOCOL. It'[
jack_ftic a. batteve id
"18 AU_ O/¢ ©EO Ou pu gucks
@®bid fh® _a#k coveO
.s_' t) is ack to co,nsecl se :asssc,)x er o a VC@ ",r teevsbs ( _'_a}.i 8 Ba )# Y(,:_ R(e<,din M' /77
p28, ' Xs>LLn$ i'<s e eaTteoc, el Io a VC!<' p41)
eab/_ th }eilo < ,'ck(V[)E()OU])andthe
w}ii. p!i;lZ R>tbe_.,<hitea:k {A{ DOO{'_)
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
9, Powe_ Supply Affachment
A',:_ach l]e batter), bee {"{_as c<)y(]er '_ @es', pK>).
20. Shoulde_ Sffap Slots
!>47ac tI-e s! :_id,: srap ]ere
2}, BA]TERY [J[C_ leve_'
Rd_,a,,e,. the i after} _ tI/ach_:d to ,'a ncoKJu_'
22. E.I[CTSwlch
Slidu th_ swlcl-.. Io oi:;e_ e ;'ss,*[e ox. /',
owe/souv<_ r+; st be col neeted beFore asse fe5
can be i!ser_e:] *..w _,enov_d :/ouf.'b t_e CAMiO FiVt{DE() s_.ti] u%v b_ se } OF _'
(" e.eltJ?>a_d/£tr ! vb $ Cassette".? 7)
23, Pow@_ Zoom Co_t[ol
Lse _is to z<<_ at t(>mafea y (".dss_ he 2<)_,e
Zo(m, {>24}
24, PLaY Button
{.se !:o piauba_ k r ,corded tape
25. STOP Buffoo
9A' ¢I;_F [;JtI) f( 9!'}p )]} isa k. :/_ < Wtrd, )_
ce_.e e As,,} use tJ,J5 bs[t<) _ to 5e da!e aRd Hme
26, Audio/Video Output Jack
@ehk'}d the lack cove0
;s jack b cot' ct he ca _ cot ert," _ VCR _
_eJevlsR<q ("<on_,ecti_ 8 o a i'e/evi,( ,-it;_o_t ,% di [s Vfdeolil at] /',p29)
/ i
32 33
_5 .........
37 .....
27 REW/REV_EW Buffon
I-so tis ?:n.!ttor[> l:as["ev_il'_da]_e5 o!"{or ,,iul] sea ch. DLI:nz \is_aI sea'ch t_e <:a£corder
re_ inds a[ approxi >a e!y 7 ir ,,-- nor r 81playback sp_'ed Aso use hh- bqkton io set dat( and lime
Nut };eTH)K _se }is b _t[o_ [o rev[ev, _'_p hs few seconcb, or the tape }'<u a:e l:ecord.'inr;
28 F.FWD Buffon
[set_sbuttort ofcstior',,u-:;:ap(,so for is _tl seazch. ©'.}ing'.isua seatc_thecH>cord r .s
forwards at ap >/ox m, [e y 9 ti£es normal pla}'
back speed Also use t_is butbn t> se date and
29 Start!Stop Buflon
Wh(n the CAMiO}TiV DEO sv,'itc:h s _ <:/_h pK'sa Lhis b_fon to st_t ;uccr,:]i i8 VdRlen pressed
a second th2se[be camera _:_aL}ses, D_ing pJa),back use l/is >.ltt}r o s:-op _he tape
[en_poraril}. Pressing a second ime res m_es nor ma playback
']_biS9Vx"[ch ikKr_S }It Cgr_C rder on ad o!:£ S_,tlhe stsit(:h tc (AM _or camera eeo_dh%, and to
V[I)EO for playback. {old down the stall r_d
>utonas}ous!ideth s_s t{b oCAMorVIDEO.
You do no need to hoId do:vn the red bu[[o:: to
slide the, vitch to O;F
Refe: to page 18
32. CIock Baffery Comp®rtment
Pt]] tse ba te:v holder ard £ns_a the clock ba_ ei_ ,c" _s ded} (See 'Loadn 8 C )c _nd R(mot<
Control Ba cries' on ].'age 3,)
33, Tripod Mounting Threaded
INs Lbfs threaJed socket [o merci the cameoMer
I) ,_ bipod
34, Recorder's Rer_ote Contro_
T_eshadedb tto}sonthe rer: >1 cozt_o]h_:w' he
5ar/;e [[f_]c[[og%s 85 tr,e COrreS_)Ol/;.r[r/{_ b IoNs of}
t]e eamcorde ,
35° A/V DUB Buflon (orW on the
_emote cor_trol)
IJse this bL_tto_ o record wry ;:tdo a d vduo
o'er ex[stin}_ a_do ard video,
36° D_SPLAY Buffon
iA, e this buton t( seie<:t th vi_ ,<', i_ der _s>d FV dis-
piav('UsingtheDis@a) Buttot",p%_ Thistut [(n can be usd fnstead of the DATEiDI<P. buto!'l
on the ean<o_der in th_ VIDEO mode.
37, TITLEON/OFF Buffon (only on the
_emo_e conffo!)
L'etbsb_no: tocrea{,a_dr,cort ih, sfo vo
tapes ('(" ea in 8 _]{ b_eeordh,g ,: i'i{: e", p 39)
38. COUNTER RESETBuffo_ (only on the _emote control)
U'c this b3._tt<;4 t> reset the lP, ear tin_,e cou!_ e to
Loading Clock and Remote Control BaffeHes
C_ock B®ftery Remote Controt Bafferies
ir staii the battery to prevent msp/acfng it £he _emote conrroi requires f>/o "&A" bo_eries [, RvH out ti_e bat_>eO_ _oidt _. 1, S£de thu o: ;,er in rite dil"ectk_n ef tb,e army [o
i I
2. Instal} ba reties,
Be careful to ins_ail wife. ceq ect pol w %.
............................... t -==:= !
i i i _ ._ >.,2>-c_-;5_2g 'ii-] i I i {i
{l'/-t = -- ........ "-_
I 1-_' IF N'r-.Y El-,_--- i
i ! t H-; I_7
!F-'' i II
÷, lli
WARNING° KEEP THE BATTERY AWA 1 ;_.............................. __-:_fl# ....................................i
=Rely! CHILDREN AND PE _S, 3. I_,_'-:,lt;::ch tte o,,er f >lh, rt, rv:>te con "r 4
Note: ?epk/ce he bat ,q,ry _i_h IV p°cro JUrTCelS S,_Ch CS Mqxe C,_2025 o its equv
oen t Note: _;s©(se o[ bci_r_fy scfey h ,qocorclGr4.'e
wtl ]ooo laws Do _ot d sK,ose of fe Note: Do _ot shot circ'JlT t e betted/
Note: Do x)i tcie o/;(_ Tie bottery Note; Do not ted he batfe_/wt" ne rneta
ic iweezers tqo_e: Do not ec_arge he bat'ery
Note: Keep the oatler¢ n ,] dGrk, 0oo1 db' ©/oce
VM-E530A _13
Ca@ions or) the bafferies:
£)o not use ti_e o!d qnd new ba_er es ot he s(] qe ?_°';e
©o no r". x batteries of <_i[_0rer i N:>es r)o no s_oA, Idke, odor, _o dBpose of ba_fferes bv
tt owk g le s fre W fetid eqks, wpe I o/"* comt)etely end ten
iNSOd "G',4! bqi¢eries
Charging the Battery
7he _s4_.step _%to s;ef tr_e L.',offe;y to C.h4,Fge 7;5,Ch'.';FGe the s_£Oly, use !n_ p<;v/e, ec_ AC odopte;/
Nora: Eis ca' eo,:ef ope ales ,,vt_ t!,e Lifi kir_ or batee y sac os VR4 L'FL $iVk_ BRL27
Lhe ca:nc}.der >_e_atr; 8 tim_ d, per@;('s how olin7 tir] pov, er o'_/off a d se sbr/sop
]_d £oezn
\V{-BPI] }\v!-gP!27
Charging Time
70'i charse 70sin, i i40rnin
No_e; C;b,or{_ the oa <s!, ©T ieriDerotules 32_16.£F (0_4O'C) /'.t te_',peatures ousde
this rat ge, Charging v,l feke !o;_ger
Note: Yhe batery ca,ot be charged o,
exffemey hgn or ow 'e,mperc:fures, l'_e
C_-Ai,_GE i<:::rupwl{ fas _ a 2 second ,: erva!s
io pew ta_ charg ng isnot tokr 9 pace
.................................... i
; Co! n e rec)rii-[ Zd i ';0 !n/h
..................................... r..............................................
p,ca ec rdh£ ' /'}rr 1. | A) mm,
: . r .......................
Hotes o_ the Baffe_y
!i is race _sr_ enoed the', he c,:;!(r, xwGys ee iefl
r _he d[scbcs%,ed st_e Y,'e'" "o_ [-t tse e'-d
c ;q £_ed before you use t
Avod s_ong O ely c 7atgea be Je_y, aw_ ao 'oi sore _ :n a Dace #_:ere _Te iempe_(_ _e s flgb
Ins w deKGge the bo ey
÷ ixo ' <ff a[_e/ote ne _:_,eiiery aie pe oiu e be ow
41: (10C) o above ] 3s (<50 Aiex! ell}ely
ow le_ cera urns ope C on rise dec,teases w ",,iie
at hi©!- _em_c,e_o :e fie bate@ _f/i_y be darn
Ifthe >OWEi:_[<rsO hag ns fo flesh c{_ri ":(_cho sing.
rerr eve the bafey ")nd lie; red_c:ch f i<) If-e AC
.adopter/chef©e[ f t;e F>OWEr_[Gnp CO[ fi¢,ues _O
lash offer severe {',_empfs io OHOCn [I, line parle*s/
s t r',ob:.e to foke o c<erge and nust be :ep aced Do not :_lfaeh @ he1 baHery to the AC
adop er/chorger Alow itto cool AffacNr g a [el botiew _o The AC adapted/charge[ causes "[he
R©WER amp to fibs.
(ABOVE }40°F (60°C))
Camco der Baffedes
Using Balte_ Pack
Before ycu /,wA.;i,the botTeqV re: the i/:sfin?÷ it must be tu//y c%orged See "C':_G:g:,:_gthe Boffe:y" on page !,£ 5o: o:;7%ff%
Checking the Batte_y's Cha_'ge
A ba_ery chcrge /,'2duCcts::slocated on :'he
upper r:ght comer of the vJe_:,¢Ynde: One of s/x sy:T_£_os C@p!a}/:_ s:/t}@n ti- e bo;d_:y _: used,
VB_LE530A E!5
Using A#emative Power Sources
Using the AC Adapter/Charger
P/eose entre ;'?iotthe CAMiOFFIWLDEO. ....s>.itc:fg n t.h_O;F >_c_sq-..,............1>/-_,v_r_,v.-,:c,f_ ;-,_'_or o'eto...........U-,k_..
onvpower&;©piy bG, <%y.¢,,..J,_,__._,/.... ;_., ec}
[n[o "_e wide slotif it d/_'m" tty reversks S R. ! k'oL_ s[i]} <,ln'_{ i n'uske fi_ tM bh!de_- hi]y <!lo
t}_ o:._t et _-the_"cen>_ct a_ ,,dectdc{;z<, to ;'eplace y}m- obsolete outlet or use ,s p t;N:J ed co:d o'
o tkt accessoo_
2. (owaect o>_ e_s_ o he DC <:esd ,'prov ded) !o the l}( % jack of thu can,cord@. (h h,_ect [he
other e_d of kie DC cell to the DC ()!..'I {,_8; AC adapt{r/charger
No)e; [Pie AC o<JGD1er/oh'.'sge' cot be Used
Ground the wOdd A' AC ©d@ odoc;tel
requied p soo<e fo[ei[dr OoJ[_t[eS [ yOU eed one pure[ cse ir of yen i?QOh ds_r)©u[or,
AC PI_j A{ aph r
Ir_o{ suppled ..........
/Ji] _
bsing a Car Baffery
?De c¢;mco_¢Ye_ ,_on be powered _,¢/_ho cot S,.'._,e;} , by u's;r g an oph'o_a c<:z k>otfery com_ (Hi;'och_ U,M CCSF)A) to piug %'_e c,'_;pco;o'er inlo the co/s clgo_,effe i;FFf-st@ ockei P_eose ensure thcl .%e
O%_d_OFiTV;DEO sv;i_ch is il'_tte off pos tion wheneve_ 0'tbchlqg or _e!'ooNr g 0_ %/power suppiy (;e botte_y, xs,<i r;_c.opte<, c;horger, eft),
], Hug the car b_;,tter 7"cord nto t_e car's dgaretie other end uf ti-_ DC ce_'d e the DC Ot] ?PUT of
Si'de£ socket the ca:" batt'ry cord.
2. C )n_'.ed o_-e e_d the DC cod (i_ro%ded) to Note: Ony us@the co; bcJ cry cod wth cos tl-te [-)C IN jack of the cameos'Set Com_ec_ tle ho'v' sg 12/% vot r,egot ve g o _',d s;.s e"
Inserting and Removing Casseffes
/4 p<mi/@: ,_ouAce Fn{Is be co_snec}_eo ' Lee!ere ,r)se/? !g e :emev?g Cosse;;_.)& O/qce CORf_ec_ed, C(% se_es con be _nse_'ed or removed ,wrsefhe: !he CAM/OF£/V:DEO sw/teh i,s on ot eft,
Inserting a Cassette
1, S de the EyEC'{' s_v oh, "[_5jEyECT" w I
ay_ear in the vie_,,finder and the cassette doe::' ;viii open automa ica]_y_
Caution Be calef _Rot to catch yott fingers between The cosset¢e doe and 1he acre-
co(de r as t cacti CU} you,
Not@: If "TAPE" fi¢;shes n the viewfndef, _emove the casseffe and check that the tape s not damaged, is not slack oF no dust adhe,_s
lo 1, eta Afte_ making sure that the_e is no
abno_malty, re _ser¢ the casseffe f "TAPE" reappeas, see '[_oubieshoot rig" oP page 49.
Removing a Casseffe
Side the E]ECF svvitch " _J_ EJECT" wll appear
in heviewf]nder and theca ettedoor_/open
automatically, I[ern )re the cassette,
VM-E530A E17
+ 39 hidden pages