Hitachi RAS-4FSVN2E, RAS-6FSVN2E, RAS-4FSNY2E, RAS-5FSVN2E, RAS-5FSNY2E Technical Catalogue

Technical Catalogue
I n d e x
General information
Features and benets
General data
Capacities and selection data
Acoustic characteristic curves
Working range
General dimensions
Refrigerant cycle
Piping work and refrigerant charge
Electrical wiring
Optional functions
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
General Index
1. General information ...................................................................................................1
1.1. General information .................................................................................................................................2
1.1.1. General notes .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.2. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.3. Environment-friendly units ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Applied symbols ......................................................................................................................................3
1.3. Product guide ..........................................................................................................................................4
1.3.1. Classication of outdoor unit models ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2. Classication of indoor unit models ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3.3. Product guide: Outdoor units ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.4. Product guide: Indoor units .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.5. Accessory code list .................................................................................................................................... 10
2. General data ............................................................................................................. 11
2.1. General data..........................................................................................................................................12
2.1.1. General conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.2. RAS-4FS(V)N(Y)2E ................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.3. RAS-5FS(V)N(Y)2E ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.4. RAS-6FS(V)N(Y)2E ................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2. Component data ....................................................................................................................................16
2.2.1. RAS-(4-6)FSVN2E .................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2. RAS-(4-6)FSNY2E .................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3. Compressors ............................................................................................................................................. 17
2.3. Electrical data .......................................................................................................................................18
2.3.1. Considerations ........................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.2. RAS-(4-6)FS(V)N(Y)2E ........................................................................................................................... 18
3. Features and benefits ..............................................................................................19
3.1. Selection benets .................................................................................................................................. 20
3.1.1. Wide range of units, accessories and remote controls .............................................................................. 20
3.1.2. High number of connectable indoor units .................................................................................................. 22
3.1.3. Individual operation ................................................................................................................................... 23
3.1.4. Assisted air conditioning installation design by Hi-Tool kit selection software ........................................... 23
3.2. Installation benets................................................................................................................................24
3.2.1. Easy and exible unit installation ............................................................................................................... 24
3.2.2. Easy and exible electrical installation ...................................................................................................... 24
3.2.3. Easy and exible control connection (Central Station, BMS Interface, CS-NET WEB) ............................. 26
3.3. Start-up benets .................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1. Automatic start-up test ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.2. Service verication .................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4. Functionality benets.............................................................................................................................29
3.4.1. Expanded temperature range .................................................................................................................... 29
3.4.2. Wide capacity range .................................................................................................................................. 30
3.4.3. Increased maximum piping length ............................................................................................................. 30
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
General Index
3.4.4. Advanced technology ................................................................................................................................ 31
3.5. Maintenance benets ............................................................................................................................40
3.5.1. Minimum maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 40
3.5.2. Easy accessibility ...................................................................................................................................... 40
3.5.3. Alarm codes ............................................................................................................................................... 40
3.5.4. SMS alarm ................................................................................................................................................. 40
3.5.5. Availability of maintenance tools ............................................................................................................... 40
4. Capacities and selection data ................................................................................. 41
4.1. System selection procedure .................................................................................................................. 42
4.1.1. SET FREE MINI system posibilities .......................................................................................................... 42
4.1.2. Selection parameters ................................................................................................................................. 45
4.1.3. Selection procedure ................................................................................................................................... 45
4.2. Cooling capacity tables .........................................................................................................................51
4.2.1. Cooling capacity curve .............................................................................................................................. 51
4.2.2. Nominal cooling capacity tables ................................................................................................................ 52
4.2.3. Cooling capacity tables according to total power of combined indoor units .............................................. 53
4.3. Heating capacity tables .........................................................................................................................68
4.3.1. Heating capacity curve .............................................................................................................................. 68
4.3.2. Nominal heating capacity tables ................................................................................................................ 69
4.3.3. Heating capacity tables according to total power of combined indoor units .............................................. 70
4.4. Correction factors .................................................................................................................................. 86
4.4.1. Piping length correction factor ................................................................................................................... 86
4.4.2. Defrost correction factor ............................................................................................................................ 89
4.4.3. Correction ratio due to humidity (CR) ........................................................................................................ 89
5. Acoustic characteristic curves ............................................................................... 91
5.1. Overall sound level ................................................................................................................................92
5.2. Sound data ............................................................................................................................................ 93
6. Working range ..........................................................................................................95
6.1. Working range ....................................................................................................................................... 96
6.1.1. Power supply ............................................................................................................................................. 96
6.1.2. Temperature range .................................................................................................................................... 96
7. General dimensions ................................................................................................. 97
7.1. Dimensions............................................................................................................................................98
7.2. Service space ........................................................................................................................................99
8. Refrigerant cycle ....................................................................................................101
8.1. RAS-(4-6)FS(V)N(Y)2E ....................................................................................................................... 102
9. Piping work and refrigerant charge .....................................................................103
9.1. Refrigerant piping selection .................................................................................................................104
9.1.1. Piping size selection ................................................................................................................................ 104
9.1.2. Multi-kit or distributor selection ................................................................................................................ 104
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
General Index
9.2. Refrigerant piping range ......................................................................................................................104
9.2.1. Refrigerant piping length ......................................................................................................................... 104
9.2.2. Refrigerant piping size ............................................................................................................................. 107
9.3. Distribution method .............................................................................................................................108
9.3.1. Header branch piping system .................................................................................................................. 108
9.3.2. Line branch piping system ....................................................................................................................... 109
9.3.3. Combination branch piping system ..........................................................................................................111
9.4. Piping materials and connection ......................................................................................................... 112
9.4.1. Copper pipes and sizes ............................................................................................................................112
9.4.2. Pipe connection ........................................................................................................................................113
9.4.3. Insulation ..................................................................................................................................................113
9.5. Refrigerant charge amount.................................................................................................................. 114
9.5.1. Refrigerant charge before shipment (W0 (kg)) ..........................................................................................114
9.5.2. Additional refrigerant charge calculation method .....................................................................................114
9.5.3. Additional refrigerant charge calculation example ...................................................................................115
9.6. Caution in case of refrigerant leakage................................................................................................. 116
9.6.1. Maximum permitted concentration of hydrouorocarbon (HFC) ...............................................................116
9.6.2. Calculation of refrigerant concentration ....................................................................................................116
9.6.3. Countermeasure for refrigerant leakage ...................................................................................................116
10. Electrical wiring ..................................................................................................... 119
10.1. General information ............................................................................................................................. 120
10.1.1. General notes ..........................................................................................................................................120
10.1.2. General verications ................................................................................................................................ 120
10.2. Setting of DIP switches and RSW switches ........................................................................................ 122
10.3. Common wiring ...................................................................................................................................124
10.3.1. Electrical wiring between outdoor and indoor unit ................................................................................... 124
10.3.2. Wiring size ...............................................................................................................................................125
10.4. H-LINK II system .................................................................................................................................126
10.4.1. Application ...............................................................................................................................................126
10.4.2. Features .................................................................................................................................................. 126
10.4.3. Specications .......................................................................................................................................... 126
10.4.4. DIP switch setting for multiple H-LINK system ........................................................................................ 127
10.4.5. Examples of the system of connection between H-LINK and H-LINK II units ......................................... 128
10.4.6. Examples of H-LINK II system ................................................................................................................. 129
11. Optional functions ................................................................................................. 131
11.1. RAS-(4-6)FS(V)N(Y)2E ....................................................................................................................... 132
11.2. For operation with CS-NET WEB ........................................................................................................ 133
12. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 135
12.1. On-screen displays during abnormal operation .................................................................................. 136
12.2. Alarm codes ........................................................................................................................................137
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information

G e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n

1.1. General information .................................................................................................................................2
1.1.1. General notes .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.2. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.3. Environment-friendly units ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Applied symbols ......................................................................................................................................3
1.3. Product guide ..........................................................................................................................................4
1.3.1. Classication of outdoor unit models ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2. Classication of indoor unit models ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3.3. Product guide: Outdoor units ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.4. Product guide: Indoor units .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.5. Accessory code list ...................................................................................................................................... 9
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
1.1 General information
1.1.1 General notes
No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, led or transmitted in any shape or form without the permission of HITACHI Air Conditioning Products Europe, S.A.
Within the policy of continuous improvement of its products, HITACHI Air Conditioning Products Europe, S.A. reserves the right to make changes at any time without prior notication and without being compelled to introducing them into products subsequently sold. This document may therefore have been subject to amendments during the life of the product.
HITACHI makes every effort to offer correct, up-to-date documentation. Despite this, printing errors cannot be controlled by HITACHI and are not its responsibility.
As a result, some of the images or data used to illustrate this document may not refer to specic models. No claims will be accepted based on the data, illustrations and descriptions included in this manual.
No type of modication must be made to the equipment without prior, written authorisation from the manufacturer.
1.1.2 Introduction
Hitachi presents the inverter-driven home central air-conditioning SET FREE mini series product, which is characterized by energy-saving, high efciency, comfort, environmental protection, stability and reliability. In order to meet the require­ment of increasing the control intelligence of equipment and of comfort, the intelligent control, energy-saving operation and comfortableness are more important. Especially the business building, building ofce, villa, apartment and residential area etc, need an intelligent and confortable environment through all year. The better air conditioning solution can be provided for these buildings by inverter- driven and scroll compressor that the structure can been improved.
1.1.3 Environment-friendly units
This range of HITACHI outdoor units uses environmentally-friendly R410A gas refrigerant, and the RoHS and Green Dot regulations are applied throughout the manufacturing and installation process to reect HITACHI’s awareness of environmental respect and commitment.
R410A is totally environmentally-friendly since it does not contain any substances that damage the ozone layer: ODP (ozone deplet­ing product) =0.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
1.2 Applied symbols
During normal air conditioning system design work or unit installation, greater attention must be paid in certain situations requiring particular care in order to avoid damage to the unit, the installation or the building or property.
Situations that jeopardise the safety of those in the surrounding area or that put the unit itself at risk will be clearly indicated in this manual.
To indicate these situations, a series of special symbols will be used to clearly identify these situations.
Pay close attention to these symbols and to the messages following them, as your safety and that of others depends on it.
The text following this symbol contains information and instructions relating directly to your safety and physi­cal wellbeing.
Not taking these instructions into account could lead to serious, very serious or even fatal injuries to you and others in the proximities of the unit.
In the texts following the danger symbol you can also nd information on safe procedures during unit installation.
The text following this symbol contains information and instructions relating directly to your safety and physi­cal wellbeing.
Not taking these instructions into account could lead to minor injuries to you and others in the proximities of the unit.
Not taking these instructions into account could lead to unit damage.
In the texts following the caution symbol you can also nd information on safe procedures during unit installation.
The text following this symbol contains information or instructions that may be of use or that require a more thorough explanation.
Instructions regarding inspections to be made on unit parts or systems may also be included.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
1.3 Product guide
1.3.1 Classication of outdoor unit models
Unit type (Outdoor unit):
Position-separating hyphen (xed)
Compressor power (HP): 4, 5, 6
FS = SET-FREE system
V = Single phase unit (1~ 230V 50Hz)
N = R410A refrigerant
Y = Three phase unit (3N~ 400V 50Hz)
RAS X FS (V) N (Y) 2 E
1.3.2 Classication of indoor unit models
E = Made in Europe
Unit type (indoor unit): RCI, RCIM, RCD, RPC, RPI, RPIM, RPK, RPF, RPFI
Position-separating hyphen (xed)
Capacity (HP): 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6
N = R410A refrigerant
H = Hotel (RPK-(1.0/1.5) only)
2/3/4 = series
E = Made in Europe
M = Made in Malaysia
– = Made in Japan
i = Version up (RCI only)
DU = Drain Up (RPIM only)
XXX X.X FS N (H) X (X) i (-DU)
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
1.3.3 Product guide: Outdoor units
1~ 3N~
Unit Code Unit Code
Outdoor units
Check the exact classication for each unit (model, type, power and series) in Classication of outdoor unit mo-
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
1.3.4 Product guide: Indoor units
• The indoor unit models and codes are the last updated at time of publication; other previous models and co­ming developments could be available for combination with this outdoor unit series.
• Check the exact classication for each unit (model, type, power and series) in Classication of indoor unit
mo dels.
4-way cassette 4-way cassette (compact)
Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code
RCIM-0.8FSN2 60278010
RCI-1.0FSN3Ei 7E403014 RCI-1.0FSN3 (*) 60278119 RCIM-1.0FSN2 60278011
RCI-1.5FSN3Ei 7E403015 RCI-1.5FSN3 (*) 60278120 RCIM-1.5FSN2 60278013
RCI-2.0FSN3Ei 7E403016 RCI-2.0FSN3 (*) 60278121 RCIM-2.0FSN2 60278014
RCI-2.5FSN3Ei 7E403017 RCI-2.5FSN3 (*) 60278122
RCI-3.0FSN3Ei 7E403018 RCI-3.0FSN3 (*) 60278123
RCI-4.0FSN3Ei 7E403020 RCI-4.0FSN3 (*) 60278124
RCI-5.0FSN3Ei 7E403021 RCI-5.0FSN3 (*) 60278125
RCI-6.0FSN3Ei 7E403022 RCI-6.0FSN3 (*) 60278126
P-N23NA 70531000 P-AP160NA1 60297215 P-N23WAM 60197160
(With motion sensor)
• The RCI and RCIM models must be used in combination with the panels indicated above.
• (*): Series available from October 2012.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
2-way cassette Ceiling type
Unit Code Unit Code
RCD-1.0FSN2 60278029
RCD-1.5FSN2 60278030
RCD-2.0FSN2 60278031 RPC-2.0FSN2E 7E440003
RCD-2.5FSN2 60278032 RPC-2.5FSN2E 7E440004
RCD-3.0FSN2 60278033 RPC-3.0FSN2E 7E440005
RCD-4.0FSN2 60278034 RPC-4.0FSN2E 7E440007
RCD-5.0FSN2 60278035 RPC-5.0FSN2E 7E440008
RPC-6.0FSN2E 7E440009
P-N23DNA 60297211 P-N46DNA 60297212
RCD models must be used in combination with the panels indicated above.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
Indoor ducted unit
Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code
RPI-0.8FSN4E 7E424013
RPI-1.0FSN4E 7E424014
RPI-1.5FSN4E 7E424015
RPI-8.0FSN3E 7E424010
RPI-10.0FSN3E 7E424011
RPIM-0.8FSN4E 7E430013
RPIM-0.8FSN4E-DU 7E431013
RPIM-1.0FSN4E 7E430014
RPIM-1.0FSN4E-DU 7E431014
RPIM-1.5FSN4E 7E430015
RPIM-1.5FSN4E-DU 7E431015
(*): Series available from October 2012. Before this date indoor units FSN3E series are available
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
Wall type Floor type Floor concealed type
Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code
RPK-0.8FSN3M (*) 60278146
RPK-0.8FSNH3M (*) 60278154
RPK-1.0FSN3M (*) 60278147
RPK-1.0FSNH3M (*) 60278155
RPK-1.5FSN3M (*) 60278148
RPK-1.5FSNH3M (*) 60278156
RPK-2.0FSN3M (*) 60278149 RPF-2.0FSN2E 7E450003 RPFI-2.0FSN2E 7E460003
RPK-2.5FSN3M (*) 60278150 RPF-2.5FSN2E 7E450004 RPFI-2.5FSN2E 7E460004
RPK-3.0FSN3M (*) 60278151
RPK-4.0FSN3M (*) 60278152
EV-1.5N (**) 60291612
RPF-1.0FSN2E 7E450001 RPFI-1.0FSN2E 7E460001
RPF-1.5FSN2E 7E450002 RPFI-1.5FSN2E 7E460002
• (*): Series available from October 2012. Before this date indoor units FSN(H)2M series are available.
• (**): For RPK-(0.8-1.5)FSNH(2/3)M models only.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
1 General information
1.3.5 Accessory code list
Name Description Code Figure
DBS-26 Drain discharge connection 60299192
E-102SN2 Branch pipe kit (multikit) 70524001
MH-84AN Header branch (Distributor) 70522007
MH-108AN Header branch (Distributor) 70522008
AG-335A Air ow guide 60291431
WSP-335A Wind guard 60291432
ASG-NP335F Snow protection hood; air outlet (Zinc plate) 60291433
ASG-NP335FS2 Snow protection hood; air outlet (Stainless plate) -
ASG-NP280B Snow protection hood; air inlet of rear side (Zinc plate) -
ASG-NP280BS2 Snow protection hood; air inlet of rear side (Stainless plate) -
ASG-NP280L Snow protection hood; air inlet of left side (Zinc plate) -
ASG-NP280LS2 Snow protection hood; air inlet of left side (Stainless plate) -
• HITACHI has a range of accessories and remote control systems that can be used with the SET-FREE mini outdoor units. Please, refer to the Controls Technical Catalogue.
• HITACHI has also a range of accessories that can be used with the indoor units. Please, refer to the Indoor
Units Technical Catalogue.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
2 Features and benets

F e a t u r e s a n d b e n e f i t s

2.1. Selection benets .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1.1. Wide range of units, accessories and remote controls .............................................................................. 12
2.1.2. High number of connectable indoor units .................................................................................................. 14
2.1.3. Individual operation ................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.4. Assisted air conditioning installation design by Hi-Tool kit selection software ........................................... 15
2.2. Installation benets................................................................................................................................16
2.2.1. Easy and exible unit installation ............................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2. Easy and exible electrical installation ...................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3. Easy and exible control connection (Central Station, BMS Interface, CS-NET WEB) ............................. 18
2.3. Start-up benets .................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1. Automatic start-up test ............................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.2. Service verication .................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4. Functionality benets.............................................................................................................................21
2.4.1. Expanded temperature range .................................................................................................................... 21
2.4.2. Wide capacity range .................................................................................................................................. 22
2.4.3. Increased maximum piping length ............................................................................................................. 22
2.4.4. Advanced technology ................................................................................................................................ 23
2.5. Maintenance benets ............................................................................................................................32
2.5.1. Minimum maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 32
2.5.2. Easy accessibility ...................................................................................................................................... 32
2.5.3. Alarm codes ............................................................................................................................................... 32
2.5.4. SMS alarm ................................................................................................................................................. 32
2.5.5. Availability of maintenance tools ............................................................................................................... 32
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
2 Features and benets
2.1 Selection benets
2.1.1 Wide range of units, accessories and remote controls
Outdoor unit
The SET-FREE mini series from HITACHI offers (3-6)HP range of outdoor units for being selected in single or three phase combinations.
Capacity (HP)
4 5 6
Indoor unit
The HITACHI indoor units to connect with this SET-FREE mini series have a wide range of capacities: from 0.8 to 6.0 HP.
The capacity of each indoor unit is exible: they are supplied set to the maximum capacity possible and can be easily ad­justed to precise lower values in line with installation requirements.
Capacity (HP)
RCI 4-way cassette
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
RCIM 4-way cassette
RCD 2-way cassette
RPC ceiling type
RPI Indoor ducted unit
(low prole)
RPI Indoor ducted unit
RPIM Indoor ducted
RPK wall type
RPF oor type
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
2 Features and benets
RPFI oor concealed
Constant capacity unit.
Unit with a capacity that can be set to a lower margin using the DIP switch 3 setting for combinations with all Set Free Series.
Unit of 0.8HP capacity that can be set to 0.6HP using specic DIP switch setting only for combinations with Set Free Mini Series 2.
Capacity available with the DIP switch conguration.
All the outdoor units have a range of accessories that facilitate installation, operation and maintenance.
These accessories are designed to adapt the unit to the type of installation that the air conditioning system requires and improve its performance, always bearing in mind the quality parameters required.
The range of accessories includes:
• Remote controls, for handling and managing the operation of the installation.
• Multikits and distributors for pipe branches connection of indoor units.
• Drain discharge connection, to collect the draining.
• Air ow guide, wind guard and snow protection hood, to protect the outdoor unit fans and the air inlet/outlet.
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Capacity (HP)
Remote controls
HITACHI has a range of remote control systems that are classied according to the type of management and the number of units they manage:
• Individual remote control systems.
• Centralised remote control systems.
• Building air conditioning systems (CS-NET WEB).
• BMS (Building Management Systems).
Individual remote control systems
The individual remote control systems, whether they are wireless or connected directly by cable, have a wide range of functions for easier unit management, the programming of specic settings or the identication of incidents. Recommended for managing a small number of units.
Centralised remote control systems
The centralised remote control systems combine the functions of the remote controls and extend the management and setting pos­sibilities for several air conditioning systems distributed around the entire oor of a building.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
2 Features and benets
Computerised control systems
Computerised control systems increase management and setting possibilities and allow this to be carried out from any point of the local communication network, by means of a two-core non-polarity cable or even using the Internet.
Recommended when you wish to independently manage more than two plants in one building.
BMS (Building Management System)
Integration into installations with intelligent management. Gateway interface with Lonworks, KNX, MODBUS and BACnet BMS sys­tems.
2.1.2 High number of connectable indoor units
With SET-FREE FS(V)N(Y)2E system it is possible to connect one outdoor unit with up to 12 indoor units. Utilizing an inverter control, a wide range of operation capacity control is also availabale. A maximum total combination horsepower of 130% and a minimum total combination horsepower of 50% can be chosen by combination of the indoor units when compared with the nominal outdoor unit capacity. Therefore, the system can meet individual air conditioning requirements in most ofce buildings.
Indoor unit
Outdoor unit
RAS-4FS(V)N(Y)2E 2.0 4.0 5.2 1 8 0.6 (*)
RAS-5FS(V)N(Y)2E 2.5 5.0 6.5 1 10 0.6 (*)
RAS-6FS(V)N(Y)2E 3.0 6.0 7.8 1 12 0.6 (*)
Minimum nomi-
nal combination
capacity (HP)
capacity (HP)
Maximum nomi­nal combination
capacity (HP)
Minimum combi-
nation quantity
of indoor units
Maximum com-
bination quantity
of indoor units
Minimum sin­gle operation capacity (HP)
• (*): Indoor unit of 0.8HP set as 0.6HP by specic DSW setting only for combinations with Set Free Mini Series 2.
• Please, refer to the chapter Piping work and refrigerant charge for the specic considerations.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
2 Features and benets
2.1.3 Individual operation
SET-FREE mini series individual operation function allows to control the connected indoor units separately.
• In case of installing the indoors units in the same room, one unit could continue operating -A- although the other one -B­stops by thermo-off, which means an energy saving and great comfort.
2.1.4 Assisted air conditioning installation design by Hi-Tool kit selection software
The Hi-Tool Kit selection software is a tool for designing HVAC installations and automatically generating all necessary related in­formation to complete the planned installation.
The necessary related information includes:
• Product selection table.
• Cooling and wiring diagram according to the installation de­sign.
• Full list of necessary products to complete the installation.
• Installation start-up management.
TCGB0068 rev.1 - 08/2012
2 Features and benets
2.2 Installation benets
2.2.1 Easy and exible unit installation
Reduced installation space by individual operation
• For Indoor units installed in different rooms, the benets are:
- Outdoor installation space reduced to half.
- Decrease piping installation work and cost.
- Decrease wiring and power equipment.
A. Model without individual operation function.
B. FS(V)N(Y)2E model.
Different mounting accessories available
HITACHI provides all of the accessories required to connect the pipes (distributors and multikits). These accessories make the installation process more exible and straightforward.
E-SN2 multikit MH-AN distributors
2.2.2 Easy and exible electrical installation
Interconnection of units via H-LINK II
The units interconnect via a bus called H-LINK II, consisting of 2 non-polarity cables wich accept lengths of up to 1,000m.
Accessories are available if required to increase this length up to 5,000m (PSC-5HR).
The control system, the indoor units and the remote control must be compatible with the H-LINK II bus.
Up to 160 units connected in a single H-LINK II bus line
It is possible to connect up to 160 indoor units from the SYSTEM FREE range in a single H-LINK II bus line. To expand the insta­llation or increase the bus lines available, simply add a new line.
All of the units are managed as one through the control systems installed.
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2 Features and benets
Transmission cable: 2-core
Transmission cable polarity: No polarity
Maximum number of outdoor units connected: 64 units per H-LINK II system
Maximum number of indoor units connected: 160 units per H-LINK II system
Maximum number of units: 200
Maximum wiring length: Total 1,000 m (including CSNET-WEB)
Recommended cable:
Voltage: 5 V DC
Shielded twisted pair cable or shielded pair cable over 0.75 mm valent to KPEV-S)
The DIP switches must be adjusted when the H-LINK II bus is used. If they are set incorrectly, a transmission
error may occur.
The H-Link II system offers a high level of exibility for the design of air conditioning systems, due to its sim­ple installation and the low total cost. Furthermore, centralised management is possible by connecting the CSNET-WEB control system to the H-LINK II network cables.
Additionally, using CSNET-WEB, it is possible to manage the installation over the internet.
No operating cable for the remote control
In the case of multiple systems the indoor units can be controlled using a single remote control switch without having to join them with an operating cable for the remote control.
A. Operation wiring.
B. An operating cable is not required for using the remote control switch.
When using the H-LINK II system, DIP switches have to be adjusted. If the DIP switches are not set or set inco­rrectly, an alarm may occur due to transmission failure. Total wiring length for the remote control switch can be extended to up to 5,000 m. If total wiring length is less than 30 m, it is possible to use the normal wiring (0.3 mm²).
The H-LINK II system provides maximum exibility for system design; installation is easy, and total costs are reduced. Furthermore, it can be controlled centrally by connecting CS-NET WEB to H-LINK II wiring.
You can also control the installation by Internet via CS-NET WEB.
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2 Features and benets
2.2.3 Easy and exible control connection (Central Station, BMS Interface, CS-NET WEB)
Fast connection of new units
Extending the air conditioning system is now even easier. To add new units to the communication bus, it is only necessary to connect the two bus cables to the communication terminals.
The new units that are added to the bus line are recognised by the control system and are congured automatically.
Auto-conguration of system units
The control systems for the air conditioning system are auto-congurable. In other words, they recognise the type of unit to which they are connected, and the type of indoor unit and its capacity. The installation is started up more quickly and efciently.
You can also congure all the units manually, so as to adjust the installation following customised parameters.
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2 Features and benets
2.3 Start-up benets
2.3.1 Automatic start-up test
The installation is started up automatically, therefore considerably reducing the time required for the process.
There are the following types of start-up:
• Test run and identication of the units forming the system.
• Test run from the remote control.
• Test run from the outdoor unit.
Test run and identication of the system units
The automatic test run can be activated through outdoor unit DIP switch or indoor unit remote control switch. The outdoor unit 7-segment display gives all the information needed to check the system is operating correctly.
The units forming part of the system are identied separately for the outdoor and indoor units:
• Outdoor units: Using the remote control, the series to which each of the operational outdoor unit belongs (for example, sim­ple or multiple series) can be assigned.
• Indoor units: Using the rotary and DIP switch on each unit.
Test run from the remote control
The remote control can run 3 operations.
• Auto-diagnostic: quick check of the operating conditions of the indoor units and the outdoor unit.
• Data memory query: if an abnormality occurs, the LCD remote control switch shows an alarm code and saves all the opera­tion settings of the unit at the time the fault occurs, so that a quick diagnosis can be made of the installation.
• Optional function setting: the remote control switch allows can­cellation of the 4-degree offset in the heating mode and an increase in the fan speed setting, among 29 possible options.
This way, multiple indoor units can be set at the same time. Also, the conguration can easily be changed, even after the installation has been completed.
Test run from the outdoor unit
The outdoor unit PCB is equipped with a 7-segment display, which depending on the position of the PSWs shows the following parameters in sequence.
• Outdoor temperature.
• Discharge gas temperature.
• Evaporation temperature in heating mode.
• Condensing temperature.
• Discharge pressure.
• Compressor run time.
This allows quick and accurate diagnosis of the installation during normal operation or test run.
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2 Features and benets
2.3.2 Service verication
System operation control
 
The working order of the system is continuously monitored through the control system. All operating parameters that the system uses to manage the outdoor and indoor units are continuously supervised.
Assisted-management air conditioning system
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The air conditioning system can be managed conveniently using the assisted management software HITACHI Service Tools.
This software enables, for example, a laptop computer to be con­nected to the air conditioning system by means of an interface connected to the H-LINK II bus. Using different menus, the soft­ware allows you to manage all the systems connected effectively and obtain data to optimise system performance.
Compilation of operating data
 
All the data obtained using HITACHI Service Tools is compiled in different formats and monitored in various ways. The user of the software can congure the data handling to monitor those parameters that are the most important in each installation.
The data reports allow you to verify the system operation continuously. Any deviation in the stipulated ranges of values are detected immediately.
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2 Features and benets
2.4 Functionality benets
2.4.1 Expanded temperature range
FS(V)N(Y)2E series are able to work in a wide working range (from -5 to 46 ºC (DB) in cooling mode and from -20 to 15ºC WB in heating mode).
The cooling working range has been increased up to 46ºC in outdoor ambient temperature respect previous model (43ºC).
Cooling (DB)
Heating (WB)
Fan regulation at low ambient temperature
• Wide working range thanks to fan control regulation, in cooling mode, for operating at low ambient temperature (down to -5ºC DB).
• Fan control regulation enables working at low ambient temperature (down to -20ºC WB), in heating mode, reducing “Defrost operations” or unit “stoppages” compared with conventional units.
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2 Features and benets
2.4.2 Wide capacity range
The control frequency system allows a wide capacity application range as shown below:
• Cooling capacity range at conditions: Indoor air inlet: 27/19 ºC (DB/WB); Outdoor air inlet: 35 ºC DB
4 kW
6 kW 8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW
18 kW
4 kW
4 kW
6 kW 8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW
6 kW 8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW
• Heating capacity range at conditions: Indoor air inlet: 20 ºC DB; Outdoor air inlet: 7/6 ºC (DB/WB)
4 kW
4 kW
4 kW
6 kW 8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW
6 kW 8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW
6 kW 8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW
2.4.3 Increased maximum piping length
The maximum total piping length is 125m for 4HP and
135m for 5~6HP;
18 kW
18 kW
18 kW
18 kW
18 kW
20 kW
20 kW
20 kW
Actual Maximum piping length is 75m.
Height difference between indoor and outdoor units is
Height difference between indoor units is 15m.
Piping length from the first multi-kit to the farthest
indoor unit is 40m.
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