HITACHI P42H401, H4011, T501, P50H401, P50H401A Training Manual

DW3 Models 2007 PDP
P42H401, P40H4011, P40T501, A and Non A 50" 55" and 60" DW3 Chassis P50H401, P50H4011, P50T501, A and Non A P55H401, P55H4011, P55T551 P60X901
Any time you are dealing with a Dead Unit or- a unit that will not power up, or, that it will come on but the TV will protect itself and kill the Va and Vs. Check/confirm the SDR PWBs do not have any shorted Ics on them.
Small caps that will show shorted IF a buffer IC is shorted, regardless of having a blown up marking or not.
Each IC will have two of these small SMD caps on its Vcc line to ground.
Sometimes there will be some blown up holes or markings, however this may not be evident every time.
It is always recommended that you TEST with an ohmeter all IC Vcc small SMD caps for shorts, if you find any of them shorted-then SDR PWB is defective, replace it.
Each buffer IC has a set of two of these SMD capacitors, from Ics Vcc to ground.
Model Upper SDR PWB Lower SDR PWB
P42H401, H4011, T501, A and Non A P50H401, H4011, T501 P50H401
, H4011A, T501
FPF39R-SDR57141 FPF39R-SDR57142
FPF46R-SDR61221 FPF46R-SDR61231 P55H401, H4011, T551 FPF47R-SDR60796 FPF47R-SDR60806 P60X901
Note: Mixing P50H401 and P50H401
SDRs will cause an unusual (distorted) picture.
FPF35R-SDR54912 FPF35R-SDR54922