Powerful solutions and innovations in desktop
storage for the workplace and home
IBM Deskstar 37GP and Deskstar 34GXP
hard disk drives
The award-winning IBM
Deskstar* family provides
industry-leading capacities and
performance of up to 37 GB at
5400 RPM and 34 GB at 7200 RPM.
Average seek times of 9.0 milliseconds, with sustained data rates of
up to 19.9 MB/sec (Deskstar 37GP)
and 22.9 MB/sec (Deskstar 34GXP),
a 2.0 MB cache, and high internal
data rates enable benchmarkwinning performance.
Giant magnetoresistive (GMR)
head technology enables the
industry’s highest areal densities
and 7.5 GB of capacity per disk on
the IBM Deskstar 37GP.
An Ultra ATA/66 interface supports
transfer rates of up to 66.7 MB/sec
in Ultra DMA Mode-4. All models
are designed to ensure data reliability across the interface with
cyclic redundancy checking (CRC).
Leading drive technology
With the IBM Deskstar 37GP and
Deskstar 34GXP, IBM provides the
capacity and performance to handle a
wide range of advanced desktop applications. The IBM Deskstar 37GP offers the
industry’s largest capacity in an ATA interface drive at 37.5 GB. The IBM Deskstar
34GXP couples high capacity (34.2 GB)
with high performance (7200 RPM) to
provide the ideal solution for today’s
application needs.
IBM Deskstar hard drives make use of the
latest IBM technologies, like IBM giant
magnetoresistive (GMR) head technology,
TrueTrack* servo, and No-ID* sector
formatting. These technologies, along with
an Ultra ATA/66 interface, deliver a highperformance, high-capacity hard drive
with unsurpassed quality and reliability.
IBM Drive Fitness Technologies, which is a
set of diagnostic tools, includes the awardwinning Drive Fitness Test* (DFT),
S.M.A.R.T. Self Test, and error logging.
Advanced desktop systems
As the company that pioneered disk
drive technology, IBM once again is
setting new standards for today’s data
storage technology by designing
innovative high-capacity hard disk drives
that help meet the evolving requirements
of high-performance desktop users. The
fast speeds and high capacities of IBM
Deskstar drives translate directly into
higher quality digital audio and video,
superior digital content creation capabilities, and significantly faster processing for
the emerging wave of data-intensive
multimedia and Internet applications.
IBM quality and service
IBM drives are backed by an array of
technical support and services, which
may include customer and integration
IBM Deskstar 37GP 3.5-inch 5400 RPM
37.5, 30.0, 22.5, and 15.0 GB low-profile
ATA disk drive
IBM Deskstar 34GXP 3.5-inch 7200 RPM
34.2, 27.3, 20.5, and 13.6 GB low-profile
ATA disk drive

IBM Deskstar 37GP and Deskstar 34GXP at a glance
Model Deskstar 37GP Deskstar 34GXP
DPTA-353750/353000/ DPTA-373420/372730/
352250/351500 372050/371360
For more information
Internet and e-mail:
• www.ibm.com/harddrive
• drive@us.ibm.com
Inter face ATA-4 ATA-4
Capacity (GB) 37.5/30.0/22.5/15.0 34.2/27.3/20.5/13.6
Sector size (bytes) 512 512
Recording zon e 12 12
User cylinders (physical) 17,688 17,494
Data heads (physical) 10/8/6/4 10/8/6/4
Data disks 5/4/3/2 5/4/3/2
Max. areal density (Mbits/sq. inch) 5306 5154
Max. recording density (BPI) 287 k 282 k
Track density (TPI) 18,500 18,300
Data buffer 2 MB
512 KB
/2 MB1/512 KB1/2 MB
Rotational speed (RPM) 5400 7200
Latency (average ms) 5.56 4.17
Media transfer rate (max Mbits/sec) 248 284
Interface transfer rate (max MB/sec) 66.7 66.7
Sustained data rate (MB/sec) 19.9 to 10.7 22.9 to 13.8
Seek time (read typical)
Average (ms) 9.0 9.0
Track-to-track (ms) 2.2 2.2
Full-track (ms) 15.5 15.5
Error rate (nonrecoverable) 1 in 10E13 1 in 10E13
Contact start stop (at 40° C) 40,000 40,000
Requirement +5 VDC (± 5 %), +12 VDC (+10 %/-8%)
Dissipation (typical)
Startup current (max A) 1.0(5V), 2.0(12V) 1.0(5V), 2.0(12V)
Idle (W) 4.9/4.9/3.7/3.7 6.9/6.9/5.2/5.2
Power consumption efficiency (watts/MB) 0.0001/0.0002/ 0.0002/0.0003
0.0002/0.0002 0.0003/0.0004
Physical size
He ight ( mm) 25.4 2 5.4
Width (mm) 101.6 101.6
Depth (mm) 146 146
Weight (max g) 630/630/580/580 630/630/580/580
Environmental characteristics Operating Nonoperating
Ambient temperature 5 to 55° C -40 to 65° C
Relative humidity (noncondensing) 8% to 90% 5% to 95%
Maximum wet bulb (noncondensing) 29.4° C 35° C
Shock (half sine wave) 10 G/11 ms or 65 G/2 ms 75 G/11 ms or 200 G/2 ms
Vibration (random [RMS]) 0.67 for horizontal, 1.04
0.56 for vertical
Upper 87 KB used for firmware.
IBM TECHFAX document server:
• 408-256-5418 (requires touch-tone phone)
• International callers must call from a fax
IBM hard disk drive product information:
• 1 888-IBM-5214 (United States)
• 507-253-4110 (outside of the United States)
© International Business Machines Corporation 1999
IBM Storage Systems Division
5600 Cottle Road
San Jose, CA 95193
Produced in the United States
All rights reserved
* IBM is a registered trademark and Deskstar, Drive
Fitness Test, TrueTrack, and No-ID are trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation. Other
names are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.
Product description data represents design
objectives and is provided for comparative purposes;
actual results may vary depending on a variety of
factors. Product claims are true as of the date of the
first printing. This product data does not constitute a
warranty. Questions regarding IBM warranty terms or
the methodology used to derive this data should be
referred to an IBM representative.
Data subject to change without notice. IBM
development plans are subject to change at any time
without prior notice.
References in this publication to IBM products, programs,
or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them
available in all countries in which IBM operates.