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HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
Figure 32 Device address map before and after Set Feature .................................................................... 82
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
1.0 General
1.1 Introduction
This document describes the specifications of the Deskstar P7K500 and Cinemastar P7K500, an Hitachi Global
Storage Technologies 3 .5-inch 7200-rpm ATA interface hard disk drive with the following model num bers:
Part 1 defines th e f un c t i o na l s pe c i f i cation.
1.2 Glossary
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
Kbpi 1,000 bits per inch
Ktpi 1,000 tracks per inch
Mbps 1,000,000 bits per second
GB 1,000,000,000 bytes
MB 1,000,000 bytes
KB 1,000 bytes unless otherwise specified
32KB 32 x 1024 bytes
64KB 64 x 1024 bytes
S.M.A.R.T. Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
DFT Drive Fitness Test
ADM Automatic Drive Maintenance
1.3 Caution
The drive can be damaged by shock or ESD (Electrostatic Discharge). Any damage sustained by the drive after
removal from the shipping package and opening the ESD protective bag are the responsibility of the user.
1.4 References
・ Information Techno lo gy-AT Attachment with Packet Interface-8
・ Serial ATA II: Extensions to Serial ATA 1.0
・ Serial ATA International Organization: Serial ATA Revision 2.60
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
2.0 General features
• Data capacities of 160B - 500GB
• Spindle speeds of 7200 RPM
• Fluid Dynamic Bearing motor
• Enhanced IDE interface / Serial ATA interface
• Sector format of 512 bytes/sector
• Closed-loop actuator servo
• Load/Unload mechanism, non head disk contact start/stop
• Automatic Actuator lock
• Interleave factor 1:1
• S eek time of 14 ms(1D/2D) typical without Command Overhead
• Sector Buffer size of 8192 KB(1D/2D) / 16384 KB(2D) ( Upper 1000 KB / 1248.KB is u sed for firmwa re)
• Ring buffer implementation
• Write Cache
• Native command queuing support (SATA model)
• Advanced ECC On The Fly (EOF)
• Automatic Error Recovery procedures for read and write commands
• Self Diagnostics on Power on and resident diagnostics
• Parallel ATA PIO Register/Data Transfer Mode 4 (16.6 MB/sec)
• Parallel ATA DMA Data Transfer
- Multiword mode Mode 2 (16.6 MB/sec)
- Ultra DMA Mode 6 (133 MB/sec)
• Serial ATA Data Transfer 3Gbps/1.5Gbps
• CH S an d LB A m ode
• Power saving modes/Low RPM idle mode (APM)
• S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring and Analysis Reporting Technology)
• Support security feature
• Quiet Seek mode (AAM)
• 48 bit addressing feature
• ATA-8 compliant
• UDMA133 support
• Streaming feature set support
• World Wide Name
• Write Uncorrectable
• SATA 2.6 compliant
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
Part 1. Functional specification
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
3.0 Fixed disk subsystem description
3.1 Control Electronics
The drive is electronically controlled by a microprocessor, several logic modules, digital/analog modules, and
various drivers and receivers. The control electronics performs the following major functions:
• Controls and interprets all interface signals between the host controller and the drive.
• Controls read write accessing of the disk media, including defect management and error recovery.
• Controls starting, stopping, and monitoring of the spindle.
• Conducts a power-up sequence and calibrates the servo.
• Analyzes servo signals to provide closed loop control. These include position error signal and estimated
• Monitors the actuator position and determines the target track for a seek operation.
• Controls the voice coi l motor driver to align the actuator in a desired position.
• Constantly monitors error conditions of the servo and takes corresponding action if an error occurs.
• Monitors various timers such as head settle and servo failure.
• Performs self-checkout (diagnostics).
3.2 Head disk assembly
The head disk assembly (HDA) is assembled in a clean room environment and contains the disks and actuator
assembly. Air is constantly circulated and filtered when the drive is operat ional. Venting of the HDA is
accomplished via a breather filter.
The spindle is driven directly by an in-hub, brushless, sensorless DC drive motor. Dynamic braking is used to
quickly stop the spindle.
3.3 Actuator
The read/write heads are mounted in the actuator. The actuator is a swing-arm assembly driven by a voice coil
motor. A closed-loop positioning servo controls the movement of the actuator. An embedded servo pattern
supplies feedback to the positioning servo to keep the read/write heads cent ered over the d esired track.
The actuator assembly is balanced to allow vertical or horizontal mounting without adjustment.
When the drive is powered off, the actuator automatically moves the head to the actuator ramp outside of the
disk where it parks.
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
4.0 Drive characteristics
This section describes the characteristics of the drive.
4.1 Default logical drive parameters
The default of the logical drive parameters in Identify Device data is as shown below.
Description HDP725016GLxxxx
Physical Layout
Label capacity (GB) 160 250
Bytes per Sector 512 512
Number of Heads
Number of Disks 1 1
Logical LayoutP
2 2
Number of Heads 16 16
Number of Sectors/ Track 63 63
Number of CylindersP
16,383 16,383
Number of Sectors 312,581,808 488,397,168
Total Logical Data Bytes 160,041,885,696 250,059,350,016
Description HDP725032GLxxxxP
Physical Layout
Label capacity (GB) 320
Bytes per Sector 512
Number of Heads
Number of Disks 2
Logical LayoutP
Number of Heads 16
Number of Sectors/ Track 63
Number of CylindersP
Number of Sectors 625,142,448
Total Logical Data Bytes 320,072,933,376
Description HDP725040GLxxxxP
Physical Layout
Label capacity (GB) 400 500
Bytes per Sector 512 512
Number of Heads
Number of Disks 2 2
Logical LayoutP
4 4
Number of Heads 16 16
Number of Sectors/ Track 63 63
Number of CylindersP
16,383 16,383
Number of Sectors 781,422,768 976,773,168
Total Logical Data Bytes 400,088,457,216 500,107,862,016
Table 1 Formatted capacity
Notes: P
Number of cylinders: For drives with capacities greater an 8.45 GB the IDENTIFY DEVICE infor ma tion
word 01 limits the number of cylinders to 16,383 per the ATA specification.
Logical layout: Logical layout is an imaginary drive parameter (that is, the number of heads) which is used to acce ss
the drive from the system interface. The L ogical layout to Physical layout (that is, the actual Head and Sectors)
translation is done automatically in the drive. The default setting can b e obtained by issuing an IDENTIFY DE VICE
HDP7250xxVLA381/361 is iVDR model.
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
4.2PPData sheet
Data transfer rate (Mbps)
Interface transfer rate (MB/s)
Data buffer sizeP
1075 1138
Rotational speed (RPM)
Number of buffer segments (read)
Number of buffer segments (write)
Recording density- max (Kbpi) 970
Track density (Ktpi) 160
Areal density - max (Gbits/inP
) 155
Number of data bands
Upper 1000 KB / 1248 KB is used for firmware
1075 1075 1138
133(PATA) / 300(SATA)
up to 128
up to 63
989 970 1097
164 160 168
162 155 185
Table 2 Mechanical positioning performance
4.3World Wide Name Assignment
Description of
Organization Hitachi GST
Manufacturing Site HGST China Plant, China(GSP)
Upon shipment from Hitachi Global Storage Technologies manufacturing the drive satisfies the sector
continuity in the physical format by means of the defect flagging strategy described in Section 5.0 on page
14 in order to provide the maximum performance to users.
4.4.2 Cylinder allocation
Physical cyl inder is calculated from the starting data track of 0. It is not relevant to logical CHS. Depending
on the capacity some of the inner zone cylinders are not allocated.
Data cylinder
This cylinder contains the user data which can be sent and retrieved via read/write commands and a spare
area for reassigned data.
Spare cylinder
The spare cylinder is used by Hitachi Global Storage Technologies manufacturing and includes data sent
from a defect location.
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
4.5 Performance characteristics
Drive performance is characterized by the following parameters:
Command overhead
Mechanical positioning
- Seek time
- Latency
Data transfer speed
Buffering operation (Look ahead/Write cache)
All the above parameters contribute to drive performance. There are other parameters that contribute to the
performance of the actual system. This specification defines the characteristics of the drive, not the
characteristics of the system throughput which depends on the system and the application.
4.5.1 Command overhead
Command overhead is defined as the time required
from the time the command is written into the command register by a host to the assertion of DRQ for the first data byte of a READ command when the requested data is no t
in the buffer
excluding Physic al seek time and Latency
The table below gives average command overhead.
Command type (Drive is in quiescent state)
Read (Cache not hit) (from Command Write to Seek Start) 0.5 0.5
Read (Cache hit) (from Command Write to DRQ) 0.1 0.2
Write (from Command Write to DRQ) 0.015 0.2
Seek (from Command Write to Seek Start) 0.5 not applicable
Time (Typical)
Time (Typical)
for NCQ
command (ms)*
* SATA only
Table 4 Command overhead
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
4.5.2 Mechanical positioning
Average seek time (without command overhead, including settling)
1D/2D Command Type
Typical (ms) Max (ms)
Read 14.0 14.7
Write 15.0 15.7
Table 5 Mechanical positioning performance
The terms “Typical” and “Max” are used throughout this specification with the following meanings:
Typical. The average of the drive population tested at nominal environmental and voltage
Max. The maximum value measured on any one drive over the full range of the environmental and
voltage conditions. (See Section 6.4, “Environment” on page 41 and Section 6.5, “DC Power
Requirements” on page 43.
Seek time is measured from the start of the motion of the actuator to the start of a reliable read or write operation. "Reliable read or write" implies that error correction/recovery is not used to correct
arrival problems. The average seek time is measured as the weighted average of all possible seek
where: max = maximum seek length
n = seek length (1 to max)
B= inward measured seek time for an n-track seek
B= outward measured seek time for an n-track seek
out Full stroke seek(without command overhead, including settling)
Read 27.0 30.0
Write 28.0 31.0
Table 6 Full stroke seek time
Full stroke seek is measured as the average of 1000 full stroke seeks with a random head switch from both
directions (inward and outward). Single track seek time (without command overhead, including settling)
Common to all models and all seek modes
Function Typical (ms) Max (ms)
Read 0.8 1.5
Write 1.3 2.0
Table 7 Single Track Seek Time
Single track seek is measured as the average of one (1) single track seek from every track with a random
head switch in both directions (inward and outward).
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
1D/2D Command Type
Typical (ms) Max (ms)
11 latency
Rotational speed
7200 RPM 8.3 4.17
Time for a revolution
Average lat ency
Table 8 Latency Time
4.5.3 Drive ready time
Power on to ready Typical (sec)Maximum (sec)
1D model 8 20
2D model 10 20
Table 9 Drive ready time
ReadyThe condition in which the drive is able to perform a media access command
(such as read, write) immediately.
Power on This includes the time required for the internal self diagnostics.
Note: Max Power On to ready time is the maximum time period that Device 0 waits for Device 1 to assert
4.5.4 Operating modes
Operating mode Description
Spin-up Start up time period from spindle stop or power down
Seek Seek operation mode
Write Wri t e operation mode
Read Read operation mode
Unload Idle Spindle rotation at 7200 RPM with heads unloaded
Idle Spindle moto r an d s er v o s ystem are working nor mally. Comman d s ca n be
Standby Actuator is unloaded and spindle motor is stopped. Commands can be received
Sleep Actuator is unloaded and spindle motor is stopped. Only soft reset or hard reset
Note: Upon power down or spindle stop a head locking mechanism will secure the heads in the OD parking
Operating mode desc riptions
received and processed immediately
can change the mode to standby
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
Note: The com mand is processe d immediately but there will be an actual spin down time reflecting the seconds
passed until the spindle motor stops.
(typical )
Table 10 Mode transition times
Transition time
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
5.0 Defect flagging strategy
Media defects are remapped to the next available sector during the Format Process in manufacturing. The
mapping from LBA to the physical locations is calculated by an internally maintained table.
Shipped format
• Data areas are optimally used.
• No extra sector is wasted as a spare throughout user data areas.
• All pushes generated by defects are absorbed by the spare tracks of the inner zone.
Figure 1 PList physical format
Defects are skipped without any constraint, such as track or cylinder boundary. The calculation
from LBA to physical is done automatically by internal table. Specification
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
5.1 Electrical interface
5.1.1 Connector location
Refer to the following illustration to see the location of the connectors.
Figure 2 Connector location (PATA)
Figure 3 Connector location (SATA)
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
15 4pin DC power connector (only for PATA)
The DC power connector is designed to mate with AMP part number 1-480424-0 using AMP pins part
number 350078-4 (strip), part number 61173-4 (loose piece), or their equivalents. Pin assignments are
shown in the figure below.
4 3 2 1
Figure 4 Power connectorpin assignments
1+12 V
The AT signal connector is a 40-pin connector.
The SATA signal connector is a 8-pin connector. Power connector is a 15-pin connector. (SATA Model)
signal connector
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
5.1.2 Signal definition(PATA model)
The pin assignments of interface signals are listed in the figure below:
21 DMARQ O 3-state 22 GND
23 DIOW-(*) I TTL 24 GND
25 DIOR-(*) I TTL 26 GND
27 IORDY(*) O 3-state 28 CSEL I TTL
31 INTRQ O 3-state 32 I
35 DA0 I TTL 36 DA2 I TTL
37 CSO- I TTL 38 CS1- I TTL
39 DASP- I/O OC 40 GND
(20) key
Table 11 Table of signals
1. "O" designat e s an ou t p u t f rom t h e dri ve.
2. "I" designates an input to the drive.
3. "I/O" designates an input/output common.
4. "OC" designates open-collector or open-drain output.
5. The signal lines marked with (*) are redefined during the Ultra DMA protocol to provide special
functions. These lines change from the conventional to special definitions at the moment the Host
decides to allow a DMA burst if the Ultra DMA transfer mode was previously chosen via SetFeatures.
The Drive becomes aware of this change upon assertion of the DMACK- line. These lines revert back
to their original definitions upon the deassertion of DMACK- at the termination of the DMA burst.
Write Operation
Read Operation
Special Definition
(for Ultra DMA)
Conventional Definit i on
Table 12 Signal special definitions for Ultra DMA
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
DD0-DD15 16-bit bi-directional data bus between the host and the drive. The lower 8 lines, DD00-07,
are used for Register and ECC access. All 16 lines, DD00-15, are used for data transfer.
These are 3-State lines with 24 mA current sink capability.
DA0-DA2 Address used to select the individu al register in the drive.
CS0- Chip select signal generated from the Host address bus. When active, one of the Command
Block Registers (Data, Error {Features when written}, Sector Count, Sector Number,
Cylinder Low, Cylinder High, Drive/Head and Status {Command when written} register) can
be selected. (See Table 26: "I/O address map" on page 34)
CS1- Chip select signal generated from the Host address bus. When active one of the Control
Block Registers (Alternate Status {Device Control when written}) can be selected. (See
Table 26: "I/O address map" on page 34)
RESET- This line is used to reset the drive. It shall be kept in Low logic state during power up and in
High thereafter.
DIOW- Its rising edge holds data from the host data bus to a register or data register of the drive.
DIOR- When low, this signal enables data from a register or data register of the drive o nto data bus.
The data on the bus shall be latched on the rising edge of DIOR-.
INTRQ Interrupt is enabled only when the drive is selected and the host activates the nIEN bit in the
Device Control Reg. Otherwise, this signal is in high impedance state regardless of the state
of the IRQ bit. The interrupt is set when the IRQ bit is set by the drive CPU. IRQ is reset to
zero by a host read of the status register or a write to the Command Reg. This signal is a
3-State line with 24 mA sink capability.
DASP- This is a time-multiplexed signal which indicates that a drive is active, or that device 1 is
present. This signal is driven by Open-Drain driver and internally pulled up to 5 volts through
a 10kΩ resistor.
During Power-On initialization or after RESET- is negated, DASP- shall be asserted by
Device 1 within 400 ms to indicate that device 1 is present. Device 0 shall allow up to 450
ms for device 1 to assert DASP-. If device 1 is not present, device 0 may assert DASP- to
drive a LED indica t or.
DASP- shall be negated following acceptance of the first valid command by device 1. At
anytime after negation of DASP-, eithe r drive may assert DASP- to in dicate that a drive is
PDIAG- PDIAG- shall be asserted by device 1 to indicate to device 0 that it has completed
diagnostics. This line is pulled-up to 5 vo lts in the dri ve through a 10k Ω resistor.
Following a Power On Reset, software reset, or RESET-, drive 1 shall negate PDIAG- within
1 ms (to indicate to device 0 that it is busy). Drive 1 shall then assert PDIAG- within 30
seconds to indicate that it is no longer busy and is able to provide stat us.
Following the receipt of a valid Execute Drive Diagnostics command, device 1 shall negate
PDIAG- within 1 ms to indicate to device 0 that it is busy and has not yet passed its drive
diagnostics. If device 1 is present, device 0 shall wait up to 6 seconds from the receipt of a
valid Execute Drive Diagnostics command for drive 1 to assert PDIAG-. Device 1 should
clear BSY before asserting PDIAG-, as PDIAG- is used to indicate tha t device 1 has pa ssed
its diagnos tics and is ready to post status.
If device 1 did not assert DASP- during reset initialization, device 0 shall post its own status
immediatel y after it completes dia gnostics an d clear the device 1 Stat us register to 00h.
Device 0 may be unable to accept commands until it has finished its reset procedure and is
ready (DRDY=1).
Device 1 shall release PDIAG-/CBLID- no later than after the first command following a
power on or hardware reset se q ue nce so th at th e ho st ma y sa mple PDI AG-/CBLID- in order
to detect the presence or absence of an 80-conductor cable assembly.
HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar P7K500 Hard Disk Drive specification (Rev 1.1)
CSEL (Cable Select) (Optional)
The drive is configured as either Device 0 or 1 depending upon the value of CSEL.
• If CSEL is grounded, the device address is 0.
• If CSEL is open , the device address is 1.
KEY Pin position 20 has no connection pin. It is recommended to close the respective position of
the cable connector in order to avoid incorrect insertion by mistake.
IORDY This signal is negated to extend the host transfer cycle when a drive is not ready to respond
to a data transfer request and may be negated when the host transfer cycle is less than 240
ns for PIO data transfer. This signal is an open-drain output with 24 mA sink capability and
an external resistor is needed to pull up this line to 5 volts.
DMACK- This signal shall be used by the host in response to DMARQ to either acknowledge that data
has been accepted or that data is available.
This signal is internally pulled up to 3.3 V through a 15 KΩ resistor. The t ole r a n ce of the
resistor value is –50% to +100%.
DMARQ This signal, used for DMA data transfers between host and drive, shall be asserted by the
drive when it is ready to transfer data to or from the host. The direction of data transfer is
controlled by DIOR- and DIOW-. This signal is used on a handshake manner with DMACK-.
This signal is a 3-state line with 24mA sink capability and internally pulled down to GND
through 10 KΩ resistor.
This signal is used only for Ultra DMA data transfers between the host and the device.
HDMARDY- is a flow control signal for Ultra DMA data in bursts. This signal is held asserted
by the host to indicate to the device that the host is ready to receive Ultra DMA data in
transfers. The host may negate HDMARDY- to pause an Ultra DMA data in transfer.
This signal is used only for Ultra DMA data transfers between the host and the device.
HSTROBE is the data out strobe signal from the host for an Ultra DMA data out transfer.
Both the rising and falling edge of HSTROBE latch the data from DD(15:0) into the device.
The host may stop toggling HSTROBE to pause an Ultra DMA data out transfer.
STOP (Ultra DMA)
This signal is used only for Ultra DMA data transfers between the host and the device.
STOP shall be asserted by the host prior to initiati on of an Ultra DMA burst. STOP shall be
negated by the host before data is transferred in an Ultra DMA burst. Assertion of STOP by
the host during or after data transfer in an Ultra DMA mode signals the termination of the
This signal is used only for Ultra DMA data transfers between the host and the device.
DDMARDY- is a flow control signal for Ultra DMA data out bursts. This signal is held
asserted by the device to indicate to the host that the device is ready to receive Ultra DMA
data out transfers. The device may negate DDMARDY- to pause an Ultra DMA data out
This signal is used only for Ultra DMA data transfers between the host and the device.
DSTROBE is the data in strobe signal from the device for an Ultra DMA data in transfer.
Both the rising and falling edge of DSTROBE latch the data from DD(15:0) into the host. The
device may stop toggling DSTROBE to pause an Ultra DMA data in transfer.
Device Termination
The termination resistors on the device side are implemented on the drive side as follows: