Hitachi CML170SXW User Manual

For future reference, record the serial number of your colour monitor.
The serial number is located on the rear of the monitor.
This monitor is ENERGY S TAR® compliant when used with a computer equipped with VESA DPMS.
The ENERGY S TAR® emblem does not represent EPA endorsement of any product or service.
As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, Hitachi,Ltd. has determined that this product meets the ENERGY S TAR® guidelines for energy efficiency.
You have just purchased a TCO'99 approved and labelled product! Your choice has provided you with a product developed for professional use. Your purchase has also contributed to reducing the burden on the environment and also to th e further development of environmentally adapted electronics products.
This product meets the requirements for the TCO'99 scheme which provides for an international environmental and quality labelling of personal computers. The labelling scheme was developed as a joint effort by the TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), Svenska Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation), Statens Energimyndighet (The Swedish National Energy Administration) and SEMKO AB.
The requirements cover a wide range of issues: environment, ergonomics, usability, reduction of electric and magnetic fields, energy consumption and electrical safety.
Why do we have environmentally labelled computers?
In many countries, environmental labelling has become an established method for encouraging the adaptation of goods and services to the environment. The main problem, as far as computers and other electronics equipment are concerned, is that environmentally harmful substances are used both in the products and during their manufacture. Since it is not so far possible to satisfactorily recycle the majority of electronics equipment, most of these potentially damaging substances sooner or later enter nature.
There are also other characteristics of a computer, such as energy consumption levels, that are important from the viewpoints of both the work (internal) and natural (external) environments. Since all methods of electricity generat ion have a negative effect on the environment (e.g. acidic and climate -influencing emissions, radioactive waste), it is vital to save energy. Electronics equipment in offices is often left running continuously and thereby consumes a lot of energy.
What does the environmental labelling involve?
The environmental demands has been developed by Svenska Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation). These demands impose restrictions on the presence and use of heavy metals, brominated and ch lorinated flame retardants, CFCs (freons) and chlorinated solvents, among other things. The product must be prepared for recycling and the manufacturer is obliged to have an environmental policy which must be adhered to in each country where the company implements its operational policy.
The energy requirements include a demand that the computer and/or display, after a certain period of inactivity, shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level in one or more stages. The length of time to reactivate the computer shall be reasonable for the user.
Below you will find a brief summary of the environmental requirements met by this product. The complete environmental criteria document may be ordered from:
TCO Development
SE- 114 94 Stockholm, Sweden
Fax: +46 8 782 92 07 Email (Internet): Current information regarding TCO'99 approved and labelled products may also be obtained via the Internet, using the address:
Environmental requirements
Flame retardants
Flame retardants are present in printed circuit boards, cables, wires, casings and housings. Their purpose is to prevent, or at least to delay the spread of fire. Up to 30% of the plastic in a computer casing can consist of flame retardant substances. Most flame retardants contain bromine or chloride, and those flame retardants are chemically related to another group of environmental toxins, PCBs. Both the flame retardants containing bromine or chloride and the PCBs are suspected of giving r ise to severe health effects, including reproductive damage in fish -eating birds and mammals, due to the bio-accumulative* processes. Flame retardants have been found in human blood and researchers fear that disturbances in foetus development may occur.
The relevant TCO'99 demand requires that plastic components weighing more than 25 grams must not contain flame retardants with organically bound bromine or chlorine. Flame retardants are allowed in the printed circuit boards since no substitutes are availabl e.
Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in the colour-generating layers of certain computer displays. Cadmium damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses. The relevant TCO'99 requirement states that batteries, the colour -generating layers of display screens and the electrical or electronics components must not contain any cadmium.
Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays and switches. It damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses. The relevant TCO'99 requirement states that batteries may not contain any mercury. It also demands that mercury is not present in any of the electrical or electronics components associated with the labelled unit. There is however one exception. Mercury is, for the time being, permitted in the back light system of flat panel monitors as there today is no commercially available alternative. TCO aims on removing this exception when a mercury free alternative is available.
CFCs (freons)
The relevant TCO'99 requirement states that neither CFCs nor HCFCs may be used during the manufacture and assembly of the product. CFCs (freons) are sometimes used for washing printed circuit boards. CFCs break down ozone and thereby damage the ozone layer in the stratosphere, causing increased reception on earth of ultraviolet light with e.g. increased risks of skin cancer (malignant melanoma) as a consequence.
Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens, solders and capacitors. Lead damages the nervous system and in higher doses, causes lead poisoning. The relevant TCO´99 requirement permits the inclusion of lead since no replacement has yet been developed.
Bio-accumulative is defined as substances which accumulate wit hin living organisms
Lead, Cadmium and Mercury are heavy metals which are Bio-accumulative.
Hitachi America, Ltd. Limited Warranty
Three-year limited warranty covers all parts (including LCD) and labor. Warranty statement below.
Limited Warranty For USA Customers only
Hitachi America, Ltd.(HAL) warrants our Hitachi color monitor or be free from defects in material and workmanship for 36-month from the date you purchased it from your authorized HAL dealer. In the event of a defect during this 36-month period, HAL will, at its option, repair or replace the moni tor at no charge except as set forth below. This warranty extends to the original purchaser only and cannot be transferred to another indi vidual or company. HAL’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy for valid warranty claims shall be that HAL will repair your monitor with new or reconditioned parts or replace it with a comparable new or reconditioned monitor, and any replaced monitors or parts become HAL property. This limited warranty does not cover damage occurring after you purchase the monitor in shipping or in storage, or that caused by abuse, accident, disaster, misuse, mishandling, mispacking or shipping, improper instal lation, unauthorized repair or modification, or failure to follow the m anufacturer’s instructions with respect to the proper handling, operation, installation, service and maintenance of the monitor. To obtain warranty service, call 1-800-536-6721 for a return authorization number and the location of your nearest HAL service center, or return the monitor to the dealer from whom you bought it. If you choose to ship the monitor to us rather than delivering it in person, you must assume the risk of damage or loss in transit. You must also use the original shipping container (or equivalent packaging), pay shipping charges, and enclose a copy to the proof of purchase date with the monitor. For additional information, please write to:
Hitachi America, Ltd. 2000 Sierra Point Parkway, MS:710 Brisbane, CA 94005-1835
NEVER open the monitor cabinet. If the monitor is not operating properly, contact the HAL service center (Call 1-800-536-6721). Do not open the monitor housing under any circumstances. By opening the monitor housing you will expose yourself to high voltage and possible severe electrical shocks and void all warranties. Hal makes no other warranties regarding these products. No person, agent, distributor, dealer, service facility or company is authorized to change, modify or amend the terms of this limited warranty in any way. Any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose on this monitor is limited to the 36-month duration of this written warranty. All warranties set forth in this warranty are limited to 36 -months from the date of purchase. No warranties whatsoever will cover this monitor beyond 36 -month. However, some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. If this monitor is defective, your only remedy is repair or replacement, as described above. Under no circumstances will HAL be liable for incidental or consequential damages, including any lost savings, lost profits, or any other damages caused by the use of this montior or inability to use it, even if the dealer or HAL has been advised of such liability or other claims. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.
For Canadian Customers only Warranty Policy
Hitachi Industrial Products are guaranteed to be free from defects in workmanship and material. If any failure, resulting from either workmanship or
material defects should occur under normal and proper usage within the period stated hereunder from the original provable date of purchase, such failure should be repaired at no cost to the buyer for labor and parts if the defective product is brought to an AUTHORIZED HITACHI SERVICE CENTRE in Canada.
1. Products received for repair without sales or delivery receipt showing date of purchase by original customer.
2. Damages caused by incorrect use, carelessness, unauthorized alteration, improper storage or unauthorized service or repairs.
3. Damages caused by fire, flood, lightning, vandalism, collision, acts of God, or other events beyond the control of Hitachi.
4. External parts such as cabinet.
5. Products purchased outside Canada.
6. Products used outside Canada.
7. In transit damage claims, improper handling by carrier or post offices.
8. Products or parts there of which have serial numbers removed, altered or defaced.
9. Damage defect or failure caused by, or resulting from, the operation of the unit by incorrect voltages.
10. The use of components that do not meet Hitachi specifications.
11. Products sold in Canada by another organization which is not authorized by HITACHI CANADA LTD
12. Picture tube damages resulting from extended exposure of the video characters.
: This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, guarantees or agreements whether expressed or implied and no person, dealer, or Company is authorized to change, modify, or extend its terms in any manner whatsoever.
Hitachi Canada Inc. shall not be responsible for any damages or loss of any kind attributed to the product rendered defective during usage, or attributed to incompatibility problems of any linked equipment including software.
NEVER open the monitor cabinet. If the monitor is not operating properly, contact Hitachi Service Center. DO NOT open the monitor housing under any circumstances. by opening the monitor housing you will expose yourself to high voltage and possible severe electri cal shocks, and void all warranties.
For service, please call your Dealer or 1-800-HITACHI 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ont. L5N 2L8 Tel.: (905) 821-4545 Fax No.: (905) 821-1101
Colour Monitor
Congratulations on your selection of the HITACHI Colour Monitor. Read the instructions inside carefully, and keep this user manual for future
* The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. The
manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.
* The reproduction, transmission or use of this documents or contents is not
permitted without express written authority.
VGA is a regi stered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. VESA is a trademark of a nonprofit organisation, Video Electronics Standard Association.
is a trademark of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
USING THIS DISPLAY SAFELY ......................................................................................................8
W ARNING............................................................................................................................ 9
FCC STATEMENT WARNING....................................................................................................... 15
FOR THE CUSTOMERS IN CANADA..........................................................................................16
............................................................................................................................ 12
FOR THE CUSTOMERS IN THE UK..............................................................................................16
CHAPTER 1 INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................... 19
VIEWING ANGLE ADJUSTMENT ...................................................................................................19
CABLE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 20
CONNECTING THE DISPLAY TO YOUR COMPUTER.....................................................................22
CONNECTING THE AC POWER ..................................................................................................23
CONNECTING THE AUDIO CABLE ...............................................................................................24
SETTING UP THE LCD M ONITOR...............................................................................................24
POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................................................................................24
CHAPTER 2 DISPLAY CONTROLS...........................................................................................25
USER CONTROLS.......................................................................................................................25
ADJUSTING THE MONITOR'S DISPLAY ........................................................................................27
FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS.........................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 3 TECHNICAL INFORMATION.................................................................................35
STANDARD TIMING TABLE ..........................................................................................................38
Using this Display Safely
Common Safety Precautions
Please read carefully and make sure you fully understand the following safety precautions:
- Operations should be done according to instructions and procedures described in
this manual.
- Make sure to heed all warnings displayed on the device and manual. Neglecting to
do so may result in fire or damage the device.
Safety notifications are presented as shown below. These are indicated b y “Warning” and “Caution” in combination with a caution symbol (graphic symbol). Additionally, details are depicted within the graphic symbols.
This symbol is used to indicate a hazard that may result in death or grave injury.
his symbol is used to indicate a hazard that may result in minor injury or significant damage to the product
[ Notice example 1] Shock Caution
This (ê) symbol indicates that caution should be taken and within the triangle (ê) is a picture depicting “Shock caution”.
[Notice Example 2] Disassembly Prohibited
In the ( x ) barred circle is an action that must not be done and the picture in this ( x ) one depicts “Disassembly Prohibited”.
[Notice Example 3] Unplug power Cord from Socket
In the (l) symbol is an action that should be taken. This (l) one is a picture depicting “ Unplug Power Cord from Socket’ and other mandatory actions.
Handling and Operation
Do not handle or operate in ways other than what is depicted in the manual. If there are any problems with the device, turn OFF the power, unplug the cord then notify the dealer where the product was purchased or call a service person.
Taking ample care
The cautions noted on the device and manual have been carefully considered. Even so, unforeseen incidents may happen. When operating the device, in addition to following instructions, takes ample care during handling and operation.
Abnormal heat, smoke, sounds or smells.
If anything abnormal should happen, turn OFF the power and unplug the power cord. Continued use in this condition may lea
d to electrical shock or fire.The area
around the cord should be clear to allow the cord to be easily unplugged.
Repair, Modification, Disassembly
Do not attempt to repair, modify or disassemble the product. This may result in fire or electrical shock.
Air vents
- The air vents are to prevent the internal temperature from rising. To not place items
on or so that they block the air vents. Also do not place in racks where the air vents will be blocked. This will cause the internal temperature to rise and result in fire or malfunction.
- Do place on racks that fix the display in leaning position. This will change the flow
of air through the air vents and cause the internal temperature to rise resulting in fire or malfunction.
Placing Objects in Device
DO not put paper clips, pins, metallic objects or combustible items in the ventilation holes. Using the device in this condition may result in electrical shock or fire.
Removing the Case Cover
DO not remove the case cover. There are many high voltage parts inside and are very dangerous.
Placing Objects on the Device
Don not put flower vases, planters, vessels containing water, pins and paper clips or other metal items on the device. If anything should fall in, using the product in this condition may result in electrical shock.
Handling of the power cord
Use the power cord supplied with the product and be careful of the following during use. If handled improperly, the cord may be damaged resulting in electrical shock or fire.
Never place objects on it.
DO not pull
- DO not apply pressure
- DO not fold
- DO not wrap
DO not use next to heating device
Plugging and Unpluggin g
- When plugging or unplugging the power cord in the socket, make sure to hold the
plug. Pulling on the power cord may cause a partial breakage resulting in fire.
- When taking a holiday or vacation and leaving the device unused for prolonged
periods, unplug the power cord. Leaving it plugged in may result in fire.
- When unplugging or plugging in the power cord, insure that your hands are dry.
Handling with wet hands may result in electrical shock.
Poor Electrical Contact in Electric Plug, etc.
The following must be done to prevent bad contact in the electrical plug that may result in fire.
- Insure that electric plug is inserted in fully.
- Check to see if there is no dust accumulated on the plug before plugging in.
- Do not use a socket that is loose or wobbles.
Impact from Dropping
To not drop, bang or subject to physical shock. Using after such incidents may result in electrical shock or fire.
Power Usage
The usable voltage is 100-120V / 200-240VAC. DO not use any other voltage. This may result in electrical shock or fire.
Handling the AC adapter
- DO not wet or handle with wet hands. This may result in electrical shock.
- DO not use with devices other than this display. This may result in shock, fire, or
damage to the device.
- DO not use place in areas where heat accumulates. This may result in fire.
Multi-Tap Usage
TO not attach multiple extension plugs into one outlet. This may result in fire and overloading lines will activate the circuit breakers causing data loss or damage to th e product.
Usage in Humid or Dusty Areas
DO not use or store in areas that are humid, dusty or have abundant moisture such as a bathroom. This may cause fire or electrical shock.
Moving to Areas of Different Temperature
Moving the device to areas that are very different in temperature may cause condensation on the outside and internally. Using the device in this condition may result in fire or electrical shock. Leave the device at the location for a few hours before using.
Aluminum Electrolysis Condenser
The electrolyte condenser used in the AC adapter has a limited life. If used past the life span (approximately 5 years), replace the AC adapter. Leakage or drying up of the electrolyte liquid may result in fire, electrical shock. This may also cause the device itself to malfunction.
Damage to the Display Unit
- Liquid may leak out of the display when damaged. DO not touch the liquid. If you
should touch the liquid, wash your hands thoroughly with water. If the liquid should get into your mouth or eyes, gargle or rinse your eyes and promptly see a doctor for treamenp.
- The display unit is made of glass. If the display unit should break, avoid handling
the glass fragments. The fragments are dangerous and can cause injury.
Contact with Metal and Other Edges
When moving the computer be careful when coming in contact with the plastic and metal edges. It is possible to be injured.
Use in Unstable Places
DO not place on slopi ng or narrow areas that are unstable. The device may drop or fall and cause injury.
Display Cable
- Arrange the cables so that they are out of the way. If a cable is tripped on, it may
cause injury and damage to the connected devices.
- DO not place heavy objects on the cable. Additionally, do not place objects that
generate heat near the cables. The cable casing may break and cause damage to the devices that are connected.
- When adjusting the angle, hold the top left and right edges with both hands and
move slowly. Using only one hand may cause it to fall.
- DO not place your hand near the stand when adjusting the LCD forward or back.
Your fingers may get caught and cause injury.
When continuously looking at the display while working, keep the work area lighted at 300 – 1000 Luxas. Additionally, for every hour of work, rest 10 to 15 minutes. Continuously looking at the display for prolonged periods will cause accumulated eye fatigue.
Disposal of this Product
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