Installation instructions for CP 657
1. Clean opening 2. a) Build up blocks 2. b) Cut blocks to
size for penetrations
in place
1. Clean the opening. Penetration and penetration supporting
structures must be installed in compliance with local building
and electrical standards.
Application of FIRE BLOCKS
2a. If no penetrations are located (temporary firestop), build up
FS 657 FIRE BLOCK firmly seated, within opening.
2b. If penetrations are located (permanent firestop), build up
FS 657 FIRE BLOCK firmly seated, while cutting blocks with
a knife to suit the placed penetrations.
3. Finish building up FIRE BLOCKS until entire opening is filled.
4. Completely fill cable spaces, gaps between blocks and pipes,
and joints with FS-ONE Firestop Sealant.
5. For maintenance reasons, a penetration seal could be perma-
nently marked with an identification plate. In such a case, mark
the identification plate and fasten it in a visible position next to
the seal.
Re-installing cables or other penetrations
• Remove or cut the block from the seal.
• Install the penetrant and re-lay the block in compliance with
the approval. Fill gaps and spaces with FS-ONE.
Single cables can be run through joints between blocks or
a hole can be drilled through a block using a sharpened
piece of metal pipe or tubing.
3. Build up blocks
4. Fill gaps with
5. Fasten installation
plate in place
(If required)
Notice about approvals
• When making a cable seal using Hilti FS 657 Intumescent FIREBLOCK, national approvals must be observed. Please refer to the
UL Directory or the Hilti Firestop Manual for restrictions as to
opening size, type and thickness of wall or floor, maximum cable
diameter, etc.
Not to be used...
• In wet rooms, outdoors or exposed to the weather or UV radiation
(can be done only after applying an additional silicone coating,
i.e. CP 601s).
Safety precautions
• Keep out of the reach of children.
• Read the material safety data sheet.
• Store only in the original packaging in a location protected from
moisture and direct sunlight.