HERMOS LFP User Manual

LFP Handhe ld Rev1.0
Product Manual
Product Manual Customer Documentation Version 1.0
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0. Table of Contents

0. Table of Contents 2
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Using the Device 5
2. Version History 6
3. Abbreviations and Designations Used 6
4. General Instructions 7
4.1 Objective of th e Produ ct Manu al 7
4.2 Warranty and Liabi lity 7
5. Safety Instructions and Warnings 8
5.1 Scope and Symbols 8
5.2 Safety S ymb ols - According to DIN 4844-2 8
5.2.1 Mandatory Signs 9
5.2.2 Warning Signs 9
5.2.3 Prohibition Signs 9
5.2.4 Other S igns 10
5.3 Obligations 10
5.3.1 Operator´s Obligations 10
5.3.2 Responsibilities of Operating Personnel 11
5.3.3 ESD Ins truc tion s 11
5.3.4 Residual Risks 12
5.3.5 Supplemental Instructions 13
5.3.6 Regulations and Certifications 14
6. Functional Descri p tion 14
6.1 Functionality 14
6.1.1 General Inf orm at io n 14
6.1.2 Normal Operation 14
6.1.3 Polling Mode 14
6.2 Illustration 15
6.2.1 Membrane Keypad 15
6.2.2 Rear View 15
Description of the Comp onen ts 16
6.3 Technical Data 17
6.3.1 Device Label 17
6.3.2 Device Label FCC ID 2AP5OLFP 18
7. Installation 19
7.1 Safety I nstructions 19
7.2 Qualif ied I nst al lat io n Per so nn el 20
7.3 Unpacking 20
7.4 Power Supply 20
7.5 Dimensions 21
7.6 Connecting the LFP Reader 21
7.6.1 LFP Reader Operating Mode Keyboard Emulation 21
7.6.2 LFP Reader Operating Mode ASCII Protocol 21
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8. Operation 23
8.1 Operating Personnel 23
8.2 Setting the Operating Mode 23
8.3 Operating Mode K eyboard Emu lation 23
8.3.1 Setup Mode 23
8.3.2 Parameters 24
8.3.3 State Diagram Operating Modes 31
8.3.4 Proces s Dia gram 32
8.3.5 ASCII - Table 33
8.3.6 Control and Function Symbols 36
8.4 ASCII Protocol Op erating M ode 37
8.4.1 Struct ure of the C omm un icat ion Pr ot oco l 37
8.4.2 Packet Content 37
8.4.3 Data Elements 39
8.4.4 Protoc ol Com man ds 42
8.4.5 Parameters 61
8.4.6 Message Examples 68
8.4.7 Error Codes 70
9. Service and Troubleshooting 72
9.1 General Infor mation 72
9.2 Troubleshooting Personne l 72
9.3 Safety I nst ruct ion s 73
9.4 Software Releases 74
9.5 Customer Service 74
10. Disassembly and Storage 75
10.1 Disassembly 75
10.2 Storage 75
11. Transport and Disposal 75
11.1 Transport 75
11.2 Disposal 75
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1. Introduction

The device complies with the guideline "R adio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (RED)" of
the European Parliament and the Council on rad io equip m ent and te le com munications terminal
These operating instructions are addr e sse d to the opera tor , who m ust pass them over to the
personnel responsible for installation, c onnection, use and repairs of the device.
The operator has to ensure that the information given in the instr uc tion manuals and in the
The instruction manuals have to be held in a known and easily accessible place and must be
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damage to persons, animals, property or the
device itself caused by improper use, non-compliance with or insufficient observance of the
safety criteria contained in these ins truction manual or by modification of the device or the use
equipment and the mutual recognition of co nform ity .
enclosed documents have been read and understoo d .
consulted even in the slightest doubt.
of unsuitable spare parts.
The copyright for the instruction manual lies solely with
Reproduction or circulation of this do c ument to third par tie s only by expre s s writte n p er mission
HERMOS AG Gartenstra s se 19 Tel. +49(9279) 991-0 D-95490 M istelgau Fax. +49(9279) 991-100
of copyright holder. This also applies if only ex cerp ts of the doc ument ar e cop ied or circulated.
These same conditions apply to the disclosur e of the doc ument in digital format.
Track & Trace - RFID Division
95490 Mistelgau
or its legal successor.
As of: September – 2017
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1.1 Using the Device

The device is used exclusively to read passive LF transponders. Any other use of the device or any use beyond its intended purpose is considered non-intended and
thus improper. In this case, the device safety and the device protection provided may be compromised. HERMOS AG
is not liable for damages resulting from such use. The device has been developed for use in an industrial environment as a built-in device for other
systems. It has not been developed as a stand-alone or mobile device in a non-industrial environment, such as domestic, vehicle or open air use.
Intended use also includes the following:
Following all the oper ating instructions
Following all the saf ety instruc tions
Improper use which can endanger the operator, third parties or the device include:
The use of the device contrary to its intended purpose
Modificatio ns to the dev ice as well as attachments and conversions
Operating th e device when there are obviou s pr oblems
Risk of injury due to unauthorized modifications Dangers exist due to unauthorised modifications to the device. Only original spare parts from the manufacturer may be used. No modifications,
attachments or conversions may be made to the device without the permission of HERMOS AG.
Risk of injury and malfunction due to improper use Dangers exist due to improper use of the device. The device must only be used in accordance with its intended purpose.
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Product Manual
Initial vers i on of customer documentation
Radio Frequeny Identification
Low Frequency 134,2 kHz
Universal serial bus, bus syst em f or computers
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2. Version History

Version Date Author Amendments
1.0 07.06.2018

3. Abbreviations and Designations Used

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4. General Instructions

All previous editions of this document are no longer valid with the issue of this version.
The information in this document is compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. HERMOS AG does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in this document and is also not liable for consequential damages due to incorrect or incomplete information.

4.1 Objective of the Product Manual

The product manual serves as support and contains all necessary information which must be observed for general safety, transport, installation and operation.
The product manual with all safety instructions (as well as all additional documents) has to be:
Followed, read and understood by all persons working with the device (in particular, knowledge of the safety instructions)
Open to the public
Consulted in the slightest doubt (secur i t y)
Prevent accidents
Increase service life and reliability of the device
Reduce the costs of production downtime

4.2 Warranty and Liability

The "General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery" of HERMOS AG apply. The warranty period is 12 months beginning with the delivery of the device, which is verified by the
invoice or other documents. The warranty includes repairs of all damage to the device that occurs during the warranty period
and is clearly caused by m ater ial or manufacturing defects. Warranty and liability claims in the event of personal injury or property damage are excluded if they
are attributable to one or more of the following causes:
Improper use of the device
Non-observance of the information in the operating instructions
Unauthorised structural modifications to the device
Inadequate repair and maintenance measures
Disaster events due to impact with foreign objects or force majeure
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5. Safety Instructions and Warnings

5.1 Scope and Symbols

Follow the general safety instructions as well as the speci al saf et y instr uct ions inc lude d in the chapters. The device is built according to the latest state of the art technology and recognized safety regulations.
To avoid danger to life and limb of the operator, third parties or the device when using it, use the device exclusively for its intended purpose and in perfect condition with regard to safety.
Bodily injuries and/or property damages resulting from non-compliance with the instructions provided in the operating instructions are the responsibility of the company operating the device or the assigned personnel. Faults that may compromise safety must be eliminated immediately.
Risk of death, injury and property damage There is a risk of danger due to disregard of the product manual and the safety information contained therein. Read the product manual carefully before initial operation. Fulfil all required safety conditions.

5.2 Safety Symbols - According to DIN 4844-2

The following special safety symbols in accordance with DIN 4844-2 are used at the corresponding passages in the text of this product manual and require special attention depending on the combination of the signal word and symbol.
Risk of injury due to disregarding the safety symbols. Risks exist when disregarding warnings in the operating instructions.
Follow all warnings.
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5.2.1 Mandatory Signs

5.2.2 Warning Signs

5.2.3 Prohibition Signs

Observe addi tio nal in fo rmati on
Wear ear pr otec tion
Important note
Warning of a hazardou s area
Warning of electromagnetic radiation
Warning of explosive substances
Use safety goggles
Wear safet y shoes
Warning of hazardous electrical voltage
Warning of flammable substances
Warning of electrost at ic ally sensitive components
Unauthorised acc e ss is prohibited
Switching prohibited
Fire, open flame and smoking prohibited
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5.2.4 Other Signs

Dispose of packaging material according to regulations

5.3 Obligations

5.3.1 Operator´s Obligations

A safety-related condition and use of the device is a requirement for safe operation of the device. Theref ore, the o per ator has the obligation to ensure that the following points are observed:
The device may only be operated by trained and authorised
personnel! Have personnel who must be trained, instructed or within
the scope of general training work only on the device under the supervision of an experienced person!
Have the personnel confirm by their signature that the
operating instructions have been understood! Precisely establish responsibilities according to the various
task areas (operation, installation)!
Operating personnel must be required to immediately
report any occuring and identifiable safety deficiencies to their superior!
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5.3.2 Responsibilities of Operating Personnel

The operating personnel is obligated to contribute to the prevention of work accidents and their consequences by their personal conduct.

5.3.3 ESD Instructions

Risk of injury due to in sufficient pe rsonnel qualificati ons
There are dangers to personnel and the proper operation due to inadequately qualified personnel. Only trained personnel may operate the unit. New operating personnel must be instructed by the existing operating personnel. The operator must regulate the personnel’s areas of responsibility, competence, and monitoring precisely. The personnel for the areas of responsibility mentioned above must have the corresponding qualification for this work (training, instruction). If necessary, this can be done by the manufacturer on behalf of the operator. In case of disregard, all warranty claims are void.
Static electricity can damage electronic components in the device. All persons who install or maintain the device must be trained in ESD protection.
ESD pro t ect iv e m eas ur es m u st b e taken when opening the unit.
Disconnect the power supply before removing or adding components!
Observe the basic principles of ESD protection
Take the appropriate ESD precautionary measures
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Regularly check the electrical equipment of the unit. Regularly check all
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5.3.4 Residual Risks

Despite all precautionary measures taken, there may still be residual risks that are not apparent. Adhering to the safety instructions, the intended use, and the product manual as a whole can reduce residual risks.
Danger Caused by Electrical Current
Electrical residual energy remains in lines, equipment and devices after shuttingdown the device.
Only qualified electricians may perform work on the electrical supply system.
Disconnect the unit from the power supply system if active parts of the unit can be accessed using tools. Access is only permitted by authorised personnel.
moving cables for damage within the scope of maintenance and repair work.
Dangers of F ire a nd Explos ion There is a risk of fire and explosions in the vicinity of the device.
Smoking, exposed flames and fire are strictly prohibited in the vicinity of the unit. Do not store any flammable liquids within the hazardous area of the device.
A fire extinguisher must be kept in the vicinity of the device.
Warning of Electrom agneti c Radiation
Electromagnetic radiation is generated when data is transmitted and received. Position the antenna so that it is not in the vicinity of the human body or
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touches it during transmission.
The device complies with EN50364:2010 (Human Exposure).
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5.3.5 Supplemental Instructions

Read and understand all safety and operating instruc tions b efore
installing and operating the device. This documentation was written for specifically trained personnel. The
installation, operation and error handling may only be carried out by specifically trained personnel.
Keep these instructions. Keep this documentation in a location that is
accessible to all personnel involved into the installation, use and error handling of the device.
Follow all warnings. Follow all warnings given on and in the device as
well as in the docume ntation. Install the device only in accordance with the manufacturer´s
instructions. Use only the accessories and cables from the manufacturer.
Troubleshooting that is not described in this docume ntation may only be
performed by the manufacturer. When plugging cable connections, only pull on the plug and not on the
cable. Never overbend antenna cables or subject them to mechanical forces.
Only use spare parts specified by the manufacturer.
The provisions of the accident-prevention regulations of the government safety organisations always apply to all work on the device.
Applicable, legally binding accident prevention regulations
Applicable binding regulations at the place of use
Technical standards for safety and professional work
Existing environmental protection regulat ion s
Other applicable regulations
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5.3.6 Regulations and Certifications

The electrical design and documentation comply with the DIN / VDE, EN / IEC regulations.
Functional Description

5.4 Functionality

5.4.1 General Information

The LFP Handheld Reader USB is a radio frequency identification system that uses radio transmission to read or write data from LF transponders (134.2 kHz). The core piece is an LF transponder (134.2 kHz) which operates as a forgery-proof electronic tag.
The reading unit of the system transmits an energy pulse via the antenna. The transponder is supplied with energy by this pulse. The transponder then sends the stored data back to the device.
The reading process takes approx. 100ms (communication between transponder and device). Since a line of sight between the device and transponder is not absolutely necessary, the transponder
can also be identified through non-metallic material. The LF Handheld Reader USB reads all 134.2kHz transponders according to ISO18000-2 (and
ISO11785) common on the market.

5.4.2 Normal Operation

During normal operation, the LFP handheld reader is immediately ready for operation after a reset. It does not perform any independent actions in this mode. Pressing the read button triggers an automatic reading and, if the reading is successful, the data of the LF
tag are output.

5.4.3 Polling Mode

The reader can be set to a state of continuous reading, the so-called polling mode. The device then performs a readout at regular intervals and outputs the data of the read LF transponder.
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5.5 Illustration

5.5.1 Membrane Keypad

1. Power LED
2. Antenna LED
3. Status LED
4. Menu Button
5. Set Button
6. Read Button (1)

5.5.2 Rear View

1. Read Button (2)
2. USB Connection Cable
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The status LED indicates a successful reading process. In ASCII
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Description of the Components

Component Description
Power LED
Antenna LED
Status LED
Menu Button
Set Button
Read Button (1)
The power LED illuminates when the reader is plugged into a USB port and indicates operation readiness.
The antenna LED indicates the execution of an RF ID r ead o r wri te process.
protocol mode, this behaviour can be activated or deactivated via parameters.
Use the menu button to switch the LFP handheld reader to a setup mode to configure the settings.
The set button is used to select parameters in the menu and to transfer parameter settings.
The read button triggers an automatic reading. The execution of the reading is indicated by the antenna LED, the result of the reading is indicated by the status LED. In setup mode, the read button (1) is used to configure the parameters. The function is identical to read button (2).
USB Connection Cable
Read Button (2)
The USB connection cable is fixed to the LFP handheld reader. The length of the connection cable is adjustable.
The function is identical to read button (1).
With the integrated antenna, ranges of up to 100mm are possible, depending on the transponder type.
An internal signal buzzer is provided for acoustic indication of
Signal Buzzer
readings. In both operating modes the buzzer can be activated or deactivated via parameters.
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Permissible humidity at 50°C
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5.6 Technical Data

Technical Data
Connection USB, variable cable length (max. 3m) Operat in g T em per a tur e -25 °C bis 50 °C Storage Temperature -40 °C bis 85 °C
25 – 80 % Transmission Frequency 134,2 kHz , ISO18000-2 Reading Range Type 100mm, with 32mm glass transponder Protection IP 40 Housing Material ABS Dimensions approx. 185 x 90 x 60 mm Voltage 5 V (+/ - 5%) Power Consumption Type 80mA / 300mA ( pass ive / active ) Protocol ASCII, Hex, Keyboard Emulation

5.6.1 Device Label

The device label is located on the LFP reading device housing. It contains a CE mark as well as an article and serial number.
1. Designation
2. Articel Number (Variants)
3. Serial Number (Example)
4. MAC address
5. Manufacturer
LFP USB Handheld Reader CE P/N: HRF.R.LFP.0I.YU.10.30A
S/N: 1701HAG00123
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This device complies with Part 15 of the
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5.6.2 Device Label FCC ID 2AP5OLFP

- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warns the users that changes or modifications to the unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
RF exposure statement portable devices)
This device complies with the RF exposure SAR test exclusion requirements for portable devices, if a minimum separation distance 50mm is kept. However, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
- FCC §15.105 (b): NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
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Product Manual
The device is exclusively designed for indoor use in an industrial
dity level within the range of the specified technical module parameters.
Never use the unit near or in water.
Do not install the device near heat sources such as radiators, heat
Do not install the device in a flammable environment.
The device (especially the antenna) should not be installed in the
This could result in reduced read and write ranges.
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6. Installation

Follow the basic safety instructions in the chapter safety instructions.

6.1 Safety Instructions

environment. The device may only be installed indoors with a temperat ure a nd hum i-
Never pour liquids of any type over the unit. However, if the unit should still come in contact with liquid, disconnect it and have it checked by a
registers, stoves or ot her devices (including amplifiers) that generate heat.
Never expose the device to extreme temperature fluctuations, since otherwise condensation develops inside the device and causes damages.
Do not install the device in the vicinity of voltage lines or other power lines with which they could collide (for example, drilling), which could result in serious inj uries or e ven d eath .
immediate vicinity of electrical equipment such as medical devices, monitors, telephones, TV sets and magnetic disks, and metal objects.
Never use the unit in explosive areas (such as paint warehouses).
Do not use the device in areas where it is exposed to vibrations or shocks.
The installation location must be adequately illuminated during the installation.
Never install the unit during a lightning storm.
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Ensure that the installation meets FCC (country specific) requirements for human exposure to radio frequencies.

6.2 Qualified Installation Personnel

The unit must only be installed by specially trained personnel. If you have any doubts about the qualifications, please contact the manufacturer.
If the unit is operated by untrained personnel, the reading device and/ or connected devices may be damaged.

6.3 Unpacking

The LFP reading device and the accessories can be packed customer-dependent under clean room conditions. In order to maintain this condition, the devices must be unpacked under clean room conditions.

6.4 Power Supply

The packaging material consists of cardboard and foil. Dispose of these materials separately under the respective regulations of your country.
Danger exists if the device is supplied with the wrong voltage. Only use cables, plugs and adapters from the manufacturer. Observe the connection values of the technical data.
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6.5 Dimensions

6.6 Connecting the LFP Reader

6.6.1 LFP Reader Operating Mode Keyboard Emulation

The LFP reader with set keyboard emulation can be connected to any USB port of a running PC. The driver is automatically detected and installed. After a few seconds the operating system of your computer reports the successful installation and the reader is ready for operation.
The LFP reader with keyboard emulation works like a connected keyboard. It is displayed as an additional HID keyboard in the device manager of your system.

6.6.2 LFP Reader Operating Mode ASCII Protocol

The LFP reader with set ASCII protocol can be connected to any USB port of a running PC. Before connecting the reader, however, the driver for the virtual COM port must be successfully installed so that the connected device can be addressed via the virtual COM port. The driver is available in the download area of the RFID products on the HERMOS homepage.
Homepage: www.hermos.com User Name: Customer_LF Password: 781692 After downloading and unpacking the driver, the installation is started by running the application
CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe or CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe.
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When using a single USB reader, select the "SingleReader" driver. The reader can be operated on any USB port of the PC.
When using several USB readers simultaneously, select the "MultiReader" driver. A virtual serial port is assigned to each USB port. A reader can be installed on each USB port of the PC.
The USB reader is now connected to a USB interface of the PC, the computer recognizes the device and automatically starts the driver installation.
Follow the further installation instructions and install the software via "Install the software automatically". If the automatic installation fails, start the manual installation.
If the driver is successfully installed and the USB reader is plugged in, it can be accessed via the virtual COM port. In the Device Manager of the Control Panel, the corresponding virtual COM port is displayed as "Silicon Labs USB to UART Bridge. Parameters of the Serial Interface
Serial communication takes place via a virtual COM port, which has the following unchangeable communication parameters.
Baudrate 19200 Data bits
Stop bits
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The device should only be operated by specially trained personnel. If
damage to the device or connected devices.
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7. Operation

7.1 Operating Personnel

you are in doubt about the required qualification, please contact the

7.2 Setting the Operating Mode

The LFP reader has 2 different operating modes:
- Keyboard emulation analog keypad
- ASCII protocol communication via virtual COM port
Switch between the two operating modes via the connected membrane keypad:
Press and hold the "Read" key on the membrane keypad Press the "Menu" key on the membrane keypad and hold it together with the "Read" key for about 10
seconds until all LEDs and the buzzer light up When the two keys are released, the operating mode is changed and the device is restarted
manufacturer. Operation of the device without the specific expertise can lead to

7.3 Operating Mode Keyboard Emulation

If the device is plugged in or restarted, the Keyboard Emulation operating mode is indicated by the following combination of LEDs and signal buzzer:
- The antenna LED, the status LED and the buzzer are briefly switched on and off again (test of the membrane keypad)
- Short waiting time
- The antenna LED, the status LED and the buzzer are briefly switched on and off twice in succession
The LFP reader USB works like a connected keyboard. To read a transponder, place the cursor in a text document or in a text input field of the active application. Hold the device near a transponder and press the read button.
An active reading is indicated by the antenna LED lighting up. The LFP reader reads the transponder and writes the read data via the USB interface into the text
document or input field. The data format (ASCII or HEX) can be adjusted in the setup mode.

7.3.1 Setup Mode

A setup mode is only available in Keyboard Emulation mode.
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